here are home remedies for sunburn treatment


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Post on 26-May-2015




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The sun may have been worshipped around the world for millennia but the joys of basking in it are irresistible. In fact, it is possible you have been in the sun for too long that you ended up with some intensive tan that in most cases is a mask for a really ugly burn. In case you have overexposed the skin extremely to the rays of the sun and the result is sunburn, there are home remedies you can make the most of to make the burn a little comfortable, healing it the Mother Nature way. However, home remedies might not reverse the intense UV rays damage through unprotected exposure. Read More on how to get rid of sunburn here -


Page 1: Here are Home Remedies for Sunburn Treatment

Here are Home Remedies for Sunburn Treatment

The sun may have been worshipped around the world for millennia but the joys of basking in

it are irresistible. In fact, it is possible you have been in the sun for too long that you ended up

with some intensive tan that in most cases is a mask for a really ugly burn. In case you have

overexposed the skin extremely to the rays of the sun and the result is sunburn, there are

home remedies you can make the most of to make the burn a little comfortable, healing it the

Mother Nature way. However, home remedies might not reverse the intense UV rays damage

through unprotected exposure.

A bath could work

A cool bath at home with a couple of baking soda heaped into a tablespoon can sooth your

sunburn. The only thing you need to remember is soaking for 15 minutes or twenty at most.

Soaking much longer could dry out the skin more than you would like to. After emerging

from a bath, do not use a towel but air-dry while avoiding the lure of wiping off the baking


You can also add some oatmeal into your cool bathwater for unforgettable relief on a

sunburned skin. The bathtub can be filled with some cool water but not cold water due to the

fact that your body could be sent into some shock. It is also important to avoid the use of

bubble baths, bath oils and salts. A cup or half a cup of oatmeal can do, which is a very good

skin soother.

Aloe vera always works

The aloe vera plant produces a gel-like thick juice that could take redness and sting from the

sunburn. As you use aloe vera, blood vessels will be constricted. Once you get the broad aloe

vera leaves, slit them open and apply the thick gel on the area affected 5-6 times everyday for

a couple of days.

Cool compress when you need it

Soaking some washcloth in water that is cool and applying it right on to the areas sunburned

for a couple of minutes give some much needed relief. Of importance is avoiding the

application of ice packs or ice on the skin that has been sunburned. The compress can be

applied a number of times across the day for discomfort relief as required. Oatmeal and

baking soda are soothing ingredients that can also be added to the water for the compress.

Add some baking soda into the cool water prior to having the cloth soaked in it.

Take some clean water

One thing a sunburned skin goes through is dehydration. Before you even seek any treatment

or another home remedy, you might want to ensure liquids have been replenished through an

intake of clean drinking water as you recover from the sunburn. In case you are hydrated

well, the burn will be healed efficiently. To know if you are well hydrated, check your urine,

which should be very clear.

Page 2: Here are Home Remedies for Sunburn Treatment

You can cool a sunburn well by immersing yourself in some chilly water in a tub-ensures the

sting has been eased.

Read More on how to get rid of sunburn here -