herald (los angeles, calif. : 1893 : daily) (los angeles...

IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SANTA MONICA. The Hotel Areadla to "Open Today?Per- sonal Notes. r Ba*t> Monica, June 30?Today the Hotel Arose) a opens Its doors, and from now on the sea/on will be a merry one. Simon Relnhart, the genial proprietor, assisted by Mr. J. W. Scott and an able corps of decorators and work- men of every description, have thoroughly ren- ovated the bouse from roof to cellar. He has secured good assist tuts in Wm H. Meaney as Chief clerk, Courtland Scott as cashier, Mr. Yrubor as ohef, aud Mr. Halmer as steward Tonight tbe first ball of the season will be given, aud the spacious ball room will be the scene of a large gathering of the 400 of South- ern California. At the bath house where Mr. J. W. Scott pre- sides and is proprietor, every room bas been overhauled. New and attractive features have been added and everything possible done to make the patrons of the establishment feel at home. , North Beach bath bouse, which has held its own ever since the town was started, has been completely transformed. Paint hat been put on with a lavish hand. The tubs, wberelu luxurious hot ocean water baths aae given, have all been overhauled, making this the greatest bathing luxury known. The tank wherein the ocean water Is warmed has had its capacity doubled. In front of tbe bath house has been placed a number of settees where those who wish to simply look on at the crowd can sit. The improvements about the establish snout ?rill great y conduce to the comfort of bathers \u25a0nd make life at the seashore especially at- Ifaetlve this season. Judge Otis of Riverside will spend the sum- mer at the Evan cottage on Fourth stteet Mrs. Rosenberg and family of Silver City, N. M.. are at the Norwood. Threshing has commenced on the Jones A Baker ranch, the grain being heavier than for many years. Mrs. Robert Bettner and family of Riverside will pass the summer here. The race track will be put in thorough con- dition and kept that way from now on; work oommenoed yesterday. Mr.F. B. Hughes and family of Riverside will spend the season at the Arcadia, bringing wl.h him a string of polo ponies. Mrs. A. R. Stevens and family of Albuquer- que, N. M., are domiciled In one of the Derioot cottages on Oregon avenue. Archie Johnson hat sold lot W, blook 131, to George Wallace. Among yesterday's arrivals at Hotel Jackson were: J. F. Reitz, P. B. Corant, Mr and Mrs. J. C. Smith. J. B. Cook. Miss M Morrison, J. Mills Davles, J. F. Blanohard. J. C. Campbell, B. W. Gelss. K. M. Friday, Charles C. Wheeier, Los Angeles; H. Rich, J. D. Redding, San Fran otsoo; 0. A. Cos, Boston; S. W. Henderson, Chi- cago; H. H. Pence, Marvsvllle; Harry H. Cold well, Phceulx: Oscar Koberaon, Redlands; Chaa. W. Whitehead, Pasadena. Items of Interest, ,u\H "RB.O ENJOY good Frenon cooking go sante M»-- ?eeid- brate* chef, presides over oolsine. Private xooo* " dtsiied. VISITORS TO BANTA MONICA will find at tbe remodeled Rid store, Third street, the larg- est and best selected stock of dry goods, fur- nishing t and high class groceries In tbe town. PASADENA. The Recorder Complication?Local New* Note*. Pasadena, June 30.?At last there seems a prospect of a solution of the much discussed question, have we a oity recorder : Attorney-General Hsrt, as was agreed upon wXen tbe Marthen case was postponed, ha* be- gun proceedings to bring the matter before the supeaior court, and get a decision from that tribunal. Tbe result of thi* test case will be looked for with much Interest by the legal talent, *>well as citizens generally. As will be r*member«d, the beginning of tbe present d . .P "* 8 when Justice Merriam was ap- pointed reooder by the council and retused to ?erve wlthoir. a salary. This the oouuoil re- fused to grant and appointed H H. Roae, who wassucceeded lyMr. Rosslter, the present ln- icumbent, holdlu, that the only available por- f the Stat* law had refused to act and ? were coapelled to appoint some one PBBSBYTXRIAN social, t social of theseasou was given by the copies' Society »f christian Endeavor esbyterlanchurOAlast evening, in tbe f the ohureh. A large crowd was prea- i very pleasant evetjnr scent An «V nasical and literary progrS m *e was , couslstlngof: »>?«mmn7e was iolo?Miss Vlra Barker, solo?C. Engl*. iolo?Miss Catharine Sculder solo-Mr. Hutchtn*. Life at Roble Hall-Miss Win- olo? Ml** Bertha Raymond, g -Mis* York, solo? Miss Thompson. A MUSICAL EVBNIHB. oal was given at tho borne of Ltsut Chase, on North Marlngo avenu* laii a large number of friends being pre*. ' event was in honor of Mr. E H lolinist. who was heard for the first Pasadena audit nee last evening. His was well received, and Indeed it de- al**, tbe touah and execution being Ice Coleman acted a* aocompanist. In 1 perfect manner. Professor Kyle, to have sung, was unable to be pre* NOTES. >er of Pasadenians attended the olos. ises of the Marlborough school at Los oday. rlstlan Endeavor societies of Lo* An- Joln with tbe Pasadena societies in ion to Rubio canon July *th. the business house* will close July adena bra*, band Will play in the p.- iii? < 2? m V I °' th% Btar back from a illlardoaflontoSwitzer'scam*. tnß . monntain railway is thrown £.t« P H bllc . ftnd f J""* 6 orow<l will T I Th e Best of Reasons. are moua? Jl^f/-^ oclt ' s p °»°°" Plastics Sure. T 'By m * y be reUed on t0 B ° U ""' " Mffne " °' twltou,,l « mLa h o"olrm U p b t. c o B n' aCh " pleUrUy ' V? l!omp l^.in?" 0n ? d »»W*«. biliou.nes., kidney genulne\u25a0e^^^h! 6 Tfl^? . wIU d9P end "Ponthe aT, 0?' c ?P u«t«r used. The popu- » 00K 1 f. 0I «>cs Plasters has beeu »o great th t multitude* of imitations have t! m £? 2 P t ° a 6Tery nand - The only'sure cure BRANDRgTay Pill* Improve the digestion. .., P . 01,0n <U-Hall'. Oream Salve will give immediate relief and cure in 2A 34 »"4>oc. Off & Vaughan'g drug itore, Fourth am Spring st*. ** ,w *"" u,, ? Wall Paper at Oast. Wall Mner, white back, 4 cents a roll, at Chi- »ago Wal Paper House, 387 South Bpring. j SANTA ANA. The Inquest on the Death of J. *>. Faulkner -News Matters. Santa Ana, June 80,?John W. Faulkner 41* not commit suiolde. At least the coroner's Jury brought in a verdict of death from natural causes, unknown, and this settles the matter. The verdict was no doubt largely dne to the evidence of the doctors, who made an autopsy, which disclosed the fact that the deceated gen- tleman's heart was badly affected, and that no traoe of the deadly drug he was supposed to have taken could be foupd. This much is certain, and as long as the ex- amination ceased where It did, the verdlt t was perfeotly justifiable. But the stomach of Mr. Faulkner should have been analyzed, for this Is the only way the pretence of strychnine can be found, and tho mere fact that this would be an expense of $25 or $30 connected with hav- ing this work done, should have out no figure in the esse. Tbe remains were laid to rest in the Santa Ana cemetery this afternoon, and a .arge nnm- ber of sorrowing friends saw the remains of a good man consigned to Mother Earth, NOTES. H. A. Peabody and son, George, leave in the morning for Northern California on a short visit The election of school teachers for the ensu- ing term took place in the city hall tonight T. D. Barnett leaves in the morning for Ban Francisco, where he will spend a couple of That the financial panic had a bad effect on real estste transfers is proven by tbe tact that last w. ex but $17,000 worth of property changed hands lv this county. The engagementof Miss Blauche Goldstein of this oity to M. L. Solomon, a prominent busi- ness man of Fresno, is announced. Miss Gold- stein is one of Santa Ana's handsome and popu- lar young ladies. The moonlight dance at Newport beach to- nt«ht was largely attended, and a pleasant af- fair. The Orange bank opens sgaln tomorrow. Work In tne city well was resumed today. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Harris spent yesterday in Han Bernardino Miss Maggie Hill left on tbe steamer Corona last night for San Francisco. Next Monday the supervisors will probably solect a court-house site. W. Sohewtert, aged 24, and a resident ot Los Angeles,was today licensed to wed Louise Weh- meyer, aged 22, a reddent of Anaheim. Mrs. H. Reed returned to her home la San Francisco last night, after a pleasant visit with friends here. LONG BEACH. A I'asadena Picnic?The Industrial Con- ference. Long Bbacb, Jane 30.?Tbe La* Angele* Terminal road brought down ? train of 10 car;, carrying the Pasadena Kunday school picnick- ers, yeaierday. Fully 750 people attended and a (rand, good time was had. Baskets were oponed and lunch served on the beach in tbe shade of th* wharf. When the loug train pulled out, many sunburned but happy little faces looked out of the windows to get a fare- well view of the place where such a happy day bsd been spent. Mr. Pickles caugbt a 21-pound Jew nth from the new wharf yesterday. C. a. French and daughter, Miss Gertie, of Santa Ana are here for a lew days. Mrs. General Fremont and family, who bare been here for the past few weeks, leave for the north today. Mr*. Borchers, wife of the popular pitcher of th*Lo* Angele* Baseball cluu, will spend the \u25a0urnmer here. B. P. Stewart of the Short-Order kitchen bought the 21-pound Jew fish caugbt by Mr. Pickles. He doubtless thought as it was caught by Pickles it oould be served without pickles. The industrial oamp meeting opened bare to- day, with about 500 people in attendance. More are expected today, as a great many will come by wagon. Two sessions were held, dur- ing the day and in the evening. _ j _,? De'rs of tB"« city council, which were responded to by W. C. Bowman aud other members of the conference. Vocal music and recitations formed a part of the programme. Addresses will be made on the live questions of the day, which are of in- terest to all classes. For the past two weeks over 200 pounds of fish have been caught dally from the new wharf, principally mackerel, pampauos and blue lisn. bong Beach Notes. FOR GOODS at Los Angeles prices go to Wm. Schilling's corner of Pine and Second street! Clean, fresh stock of groceries, dry goods, boots aud shoes, etc. FOR FISH DINNBBS and short order lunches at city prices, prepared and served by skilled white labor, go to R. P. Stewarts' pavilion, on the beach, between the wharves. Private rooms for families. IT WOULD BE TO THE INTEREST of par- ties visiting Long Beach to call at Fetterman & Bon's livery and feed stables on First (treet, where first-class turnouts can be had at reason- able rates. The F.itturman House on Pine aye only one blook from the new wharf, furnish their patrons with good accommodation* at popular prices. Bate far season moderate. WHITTIER. Local Matter* from the Thriving Quaker Colony. Whittieb, June 30.?Mr. J. W. Estes will soon open up a shoe laetory in the Bicker block. It will be a permanent thing, and give employment to a number of hands. Fred Charles bat proipectsof going to Chlno to work in the sugar factory in tbe near fu- ture. Mr. Richard Gregory has been adding to hi* cottage on Com stock avenue. Mr*. Mary Brown and Miss Lyde Williamson left for Chicago last wees. Maggie Hunter and Fred Stewart were the sole graduates from the pab.lo schools this year. There were no graduate* from the academy this year. However, the class of 'ii* gave a most commendable exhibition, consisting of orations and music. Tho new building will bj ready for use in the fall. There is to be a wedding In the Friends' churob tomorrow night, Rev. Thos. Armstrong officiating. There was a large representation from Whit- Jler at tho Friends' conference at Long Beaoh last week. Rev. o. C. Reynold', the Pasadeua evangelist «o successfully conducted a series of meet- iWl'\H 1 " Place during tbe holidays, preached at the Friend* church last Suuday. n' n.nr Tln l*.V >, i u '? be our next postmaster. Burnsy and Hnlen Newiln are having a visit Sr. S' an^' BCO - ToeT ATS accompanied by Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Monroe ot lais Angeles. Hazzard, who ha* been assisting 5?. w- B i£, t . D .P w,,e " ,or «everal weeks past, Monrovia. \* to eh " K ° ot a « vS'&JS! SH M rn 01 \u25a0»'">«"\u25a0 college, Indi- "Pfi »?!\u25a0? s?* 'ecture on solence took so well at the Friends touferenoo at Long Beach, lec- tures here tonight on education. He wlil speak especially in regard toour prospective colleges. Dr. Walter Llnoiey has issued a notloe forbid- ding visitors ou tie grounds of the state school on Suudsys. Whlttior now has four periodicals, the la'mt being a handsome jxirnal entitled The A then ssum, which repiestnt* the interests of tlia acaaemy aud oomlng col lego It Is edited by the Athensßum society, Anna Hunnlcutt terv- lng as editor in chief. Seventy-Five Cs UTn ialon(. A Thrilling Hxi>eriencv? There is no one but at some period in life baa an experience that stands out prominently beyond all others Such Is tbe case of John B. Csllins of Romeo Mich., who says: "From September to Jsn- usry, before using Nervine, I aad at least 7S convulsions. After three months' use I have no more attack*. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine also cures nervous prostration, hoarinche, poor memory, dizziness, sleeplessness, neuralgia, etc , and builds up the body. Mrs. J. R. Miller of Valparaiso, md., aud J. it. Taylor of Logans- port, Ind., ecoh gained 20 pounds of fieah by taking It. Sold bj C. H. Hanoe, 177 North Spring, on a guarantee. Get the doctor's book, freo. Itching, Aching Piles?Hall's Cream Salve will give Immediate relief and is a positive cure. 28 and 50c. Ofl'dt Vaughn's drug store, Fourth and Spring st*. Wall paper at cost;.must sell; white back, 4 cents a roll Chloago Wall Paper House, 237 South South Spring. Pennsylvania and Champion lawn mower* very low. J. w. Baker * Boo*, 113 ». Kiln it. SAN BERNARDINO. A Great Celebration of the Fourth. Local stvents. Ban Birnabdino, June 30.?The glorious Fourth will be celebrated in a fitting manner thin year?in fact it will be one ot the finest celebrations ever held in Southern California. The Ninth regiment of seven companies will parade and give several military manenvers Just west of the city perk. The following is the official programme announced: 4:30 a. ra.?Reveille. 10 a. m.?Grand military, civlo and trades s">rade. Platoon of police. Grand Marshal James P. Booth. Chiefs ot starr?Cant. Frank P. Singer, O. A. X.; D. H. Wixom, 8. B. F.D.: Benjamin Cowan, K. O. T. M.; T. H. Qoff. DIVISION I. Ninth Infantry regiment, N. 0.0., B. B. Spile- maa, commanding. Staff?Lieut -Col. John K. Berry, KeJ. C. 8 McKelvey, Mai, F. O. Presoott, Ma) Tbomas L. Magee. Capt. P. C. Brown, Lieut. J. B. Mack, Lieut. C. T. Rice, Lieut. George H. Bowers. Lieut. Charles D. Belli, Lieut. C. I. Lorbeer, Lieut. W. H. Slnolalr. Ninth Infantry regiment band: Company A, Capt. £. JE. Spileman, San Diego: Company B, Capt. R. V. Dodge, Han Diego: Comoanr 0, Capt. James N. Keith, Riverside: Company D, Capt W. 0. Welch, Pomona; Company F.Capt. Park 8. Roper, Santa Ans: company G, Capt. J. W. F. Diss, Kedlands; Company X, Capt A. B. Frye, San Bernardino. Company A, naval reserve. San Diego, Lieut. W. D. Blondgood commanding. Artillerysquad, Q. M. Serai. James D. Farls commanding. DIVISION 11. Chief of division, D. H. Wlxom: aids, G.A.8., Fred Singer; H.8.C., Henry Keller. T. R. Gable brass band of Needles. San Bernardino fire department. Redlands fire department Grand Army of the Republic. Hign school cadets. Arroyhead Bicyole club. Division in. Chief of division, Benjamin Cowan. K.O.T. M.; aids, K. B. Tyler, N.8.G.W.; George Miller, Pioneers; R. F. earner, Jeseph Lord. San Bernardino Band. Arrowhead Tent, Knights of Maccabees, Arrowhead Parlor, Native Sons, Knights of Pythias. Pioneers. Carriages, containing the orator of the day, board of city trustees, board of county super- visors, invited guests, display of representative houses. Line of march?Parade will form at Santa Fe depot; down Third lo D, to Fourth, to C,to Third, to B, to tho city park. Basset picnic at city park from 11 until 1, EXBBCISBS AT PAVILION?I F. St. Musle by band. ReUtMiou?Mrs. Kendall Holt. Solo?Miss Margaret McGeo. Oration?Hon. W. A. Harris. Duet-Miss Tidy Buford and Mrs, K. M De- pew Music by band.. MI llTi BY EXERCISES. 2 30 p m -Battalion and skirmish drill on the grounds between Fifth and Sixth, and U and I streets. 4:15 p,m.-Exhibition drill in oity park by Company A of the Naval Reserve of San Diego. S p.m.?Dress parade of Ninth Regiment, N, G. C. 8 p.m ?Open air concert by visiting bands. Electrical illumination of the city park. 9.30 r».m.?Grand Columbian bah given by Company E. BREVITIES. John Brown, jr., paid Banning a visit yes- terday. Mrs. Kate Hinds left today for her home iv Napa. Miss Lena Hall of Znanah, Mo . sister of Mrs. H. Brown, is visiting her sister for lour or rive months. A motor engine was shipped from Oakland yesterday, to he used on the Redlands motor line. Tbe funeral ef the late Edgar Hadden was held this afternoon at the residence on Seventh "The supervisors yesterday railed the rates ou the city creek toll road. Joe Broglle. foreman of tbe Center mine, in Uorongo dlttrlot. owned by C. W. Allen of this city, was in town ye.terdav and reports having struck a vein all the way from 8 to 18 inches, which assays from $50 to $800 per ton. The opera house was packed last evening by an enthusiastic crowd who had assembled to hear the school question discussed, several citizens addressed the audience, after which Prof. A. X. Frye took the floor and proceeded to score certain persons who had been talking against him. He was stopped by one of the members of the school board, who said he (Frye) was mistaken. Mr. Frye proved his as- sertion by two members of the board who were preseut, and proceeded with his address, which completely carried the audience away. Cheer after cheer greeted his closing remarks, and all left the house in a splendid humor. Another public meeting will be held tonight - \u2666 REDONDO. Shipping; Arrival* and Departures. News Matters. Redondo Beach, June 30.?The steamer Bonlts, Captain Green, is due to arrive this afternoon horn Sau Francisco, with merchan- dise destined for I.os Angele* and Interior points. Th* steamship Banta Bosa will arrive at 7 o'clock sunday morning, her'manifest* from Han Francisco show 207 tons of merchandise for this port, Mr. George W. Heso of Pasadena, formerly with Photographer 11111 of that city, has pur- chased Mr. Archer's gallery, located adjacent to the Hedondo hotel, and Is fitting it up in good style and with facilities for producing ele Kant photographs, Wn-lypea and views ot the bench snd its environs. The Bedondo minstrels are fully organized under the leadership of Mr. 1. J Chase. A grind concert is promised by this new musical combination early tv July. Miss Clara M. -owell, one of the young lady graudaies yesterday fiom the Los Angeles Normal school, is the acconi pliahed daughter of Prof. Rowell, principal of the Bedondo gram- mar school. The infant son of Mr. G. Wilson, who is con- nected with the Bedondo wharf, was burled from Mr. Wilson's residence yesterday. The funeral services took place at 3 o'clock p m the Bey. B. G. Blanchaid r.iliciati»g. Dr. Dei Amo with Mme. Del Amo, after an absence of nearly eight mouths in Europe, re- turned ? home to their villa In Bedondo last evening The doctor and wife spent most of their time In Madrid, Bpaln, where many of their friends and ro.ati yes reside. The doctor says be la glad to be one.- more at home lv he- dondo. Wootley &Edwards made a fine haul by seine this morniug of 200 pounds of pompano be- sides lauding 720 pounds of barracuda, bass aud halibut from outjide. The bulk of tbls catch was expressed to Los Angeles this morn- ing. The merchants and notion dealers of this burg are wall prepared In the way of fireworks, flags and other implements of war for tho com- ing hol day Tuesd.y. This morning* arrivals at Hotel Bedondo were: Mrs. C. B. Baker, U.S.A.; Mrs. Hugh Vail, C. K. Appoyl, J. M. Metbvio, Alfred Solauo, Los Angeles; Mrs. W. A Bissell and family, Ala- in iua; Geo. Pendergnut, R chard Watsou, Bt. Lou<<; Dr. H. McKlnuell, Miss M. B. Hawhlus Portland, POMONA. The Packard Lawn Social?Tug of War. Note*. Pomona. June so.?The lawn sooial at the res- idence ot Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Packard, on Holt avenue, last evening, was well attended and proved to be a very pleasant affair. Tbe duties of host and hostess were well understood and executed by Mr and Mrs. Packard, aided by their guest, Miss Marulo Allen, a bright' young lady of Oakland Cal. The evening was just Bnch as only California, at this season of the Astonishing Fact. Suspected by Comparatively Few.?Things that embody the most truth are frequently among tue last to be realised. Incredible as it may seem one in four have a weak or diseased heart, tbe early symptoms of which are, short breath, oppression, faint and hunrry spells, fluttering, uatu in left side, smothering, swol- len ankles, dropsy, wind in stomach, etc. Levi Logau, Buchanan, Mich., suffered from hoart disease 80 years. Two bottles of Dr. Miles' Heart cute oured him. "The effects of your New Heart Cure it wonderful."-Mrs. Eva P rel f? r i Is - Thl» favorite remedy is solr, by C. H. Hance, 177 North Spring, on I ESSSgwwSFtE? hoou>t,a *><><*? »? «* year, at fnll moon, on a lovely lawn dotted here and there with all kinds of ornamental trees, graceful vines and fragrant flowers, can furnish; the refreshments suitable for the event, and a general feeling of good humor pervading all. Among those present were; Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Adams and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Mcl Campbell, Mr and Mrs. Charles T. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Frank White, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. John- ion, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Dean, Mrs. R. A. Hamilton and daughters. Miss lay lor, Mrs, Kate 0. Moore, Mrs. P. 8. Ruth and daughters Mines Anna and Constance, Mrs. Theo. Ruth and daughter Miss Lizzie, Mr. Savage and daughter. Judge Oliver Yonngs and daughters Misses Edith and Annie and son Matter Oliver, Miss Winnie Smith, the thorough musician and skilled organist of tbe Episcopal choir, and Messrs. Roth Drum on, Will Strong, Moore and Hamner. Muslo, croquet, games, promenades, occa- sional sly glanoes and soft talk were among some of tbe many pleasant features of the evening. The Good Templars bad an ice cream festival in their hall last night Sunday will be children's day at the First Unitarian church Special services of muslo, recitations ahd an address by the psstor are an nounoed. At 8t Paul's on Sunday Rev. F. W. Adams, the rector, will preach. The morning subjeot Is The Hallowed name of God; evening, a ser- mon to the young men of St. Andrew's brother- hood, Fidelity to duty. ? In the tug of war contest yesterday afternoon at the grounds of the union Sunday school ex- ercises, the Baptists say tbat tbe Methodists took too many on probation, thereby coming out victors. The Methodists say that tbe "douche font" ef the Christians was too heavi ly laden for their spring; hence their victory of the latter. In the contest between the Presbyterians and Congregational lets tbe old-time blue stocking of the former was too fast a color for the more recent balf-bose of the latter. It being so ate and tbe contestants so worn out the contest be- tween the viciors did not come off. At tbe residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lor- beer, near tbe corner of Center and Palomares strcetr, last evening, there was a very pleasant social gathering. Nice refreshments were served, and all had a good time. The following were present: Fannie Lorbeer, Sarah Dowling, Bertha Hunt, Ida Shutt, Inez Ralph, aditn Parker, Hattie Manchester, Cornelia Bowen; Martha Horton, Miss Lorbeer, Master Valentine, I.ordsbnrg; Messrs. Walter aud Ed Parker, Alba Hunt, Bert Sbutt, Cart Ralvh, Will Hamlin, Harry Lorbeer, Marvin Lorbeer. LOS ANGELES HERALD SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1893. A.Noted Divine Says: ?'I have been nslntt Taf t'e Liver Pills for Dyspepala, Weak Stomach and Voettveneaa, with wblett 1 bare lone; been mtt UtM Tutfs Pills ARE A SPECIAL BLESSING. I never bad any thin* to done M morh Sood. Ireevosnmena them to all aa lie heat medicine In existence." . \u25a0< Ber. F. R. OSGOOD, New York. 1 1 SOLD EVERYWHERE. ?> Office, 140 to 144 Washington St., N. T. Notice of Street Work. NOTICE IS HERBHYGIVBNThATON MON- day, the sth day of June, A. D. 1893, the council ol the oity ot Los angeles did, at its meeting on said day, adopt an ordinance of intention, No. 1719 (New Series), to have the following work done, to wit; First?That said ALISO STREET In said city from the east line of Alameda htrett to the east line of Keller street, includ- ing all intersections of streets (excepting such portions of said street and Intersections as are required by law to be kept in order or repair by ant person or company hiving railroad tracks thereon, and also excepting such portions as have already been paved and accepted), be psvrd with bituminous rock sarface with con- crete base, and granite gutters, four feet wide, in accordance with the plana aud profile on file in the office of the city engineer and spec- ifications on lite in the office of the city oierk of the city of Lcs Angeles for paving streets, said spcciilcations being numbered A. Second?That a cement euro be constructed along each line ot the roadway of said Aliso stree from the east line of Alameda street to the east line of Keller street, (excepting along such portions of the line of said roadway upon which a cement or granite cuib has already been constructed and accepted,) In accord aDce with "peclflcatlons In the office of the city clerk of s«id city for constructing cement cuibs, 6aid specifications being numbered twelve. Third?That a cement slde*a<k eight feet in width be constructed along each side of said Aliso street from the east line of Alameda street to the east line ol Keller street (except- ing such portions of said street between said points along which a cemeut or asphalt sidewalk has been constructed and aec pted), said sidewalk to be constructed in accordance with specifications on file in the office of tbe city clerk, said sDecifl cations being numbered twelve. Fourth. That a public sewer be constructed along said Aliso street from a point opposite the centre line of lot 4, block H, of the Aliso tract, to the sewer manhole constructed in tbe intersection of Aliso and Alameda streets and across all lnleirectiona of streets (excepting along such portions upon which a public eewer bas been constructed and ac- cepted) together with manholes, lampboles and Hush tanks. The slzeof ssld sewer shall be: Eight (8) inches in internal diameter, from a point opposite the centre line of lot 4, block H, Ali'O tract, to a point in the produced cen- trollneof Ltons street, and ten tlO) inches in Internal diameter .rom said point m the pro- Ouced cmtre line of Lyons street to the sewer manhole constructed ia tbe interstetlon of Aliso and Alameda streets, and be constructed of salt glazed vitrified pipe, brick, iron aud cement. All of which shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and profile on file in the office of the city engineer and specifica- tions on 11 le In the office of the oity clerk, said specifications being numbered fourteen. rEC. 2. The city engineer having estimated that the total cost of said Improvement will be greater than one dollar per front foot along each line of said street, lnclu ling the cost of lnteisectlons, It is hereby determined In pur- suance of an act of the legislature of tbe state of Califoruia, approved February 27, 1893 that bonds shall bs Issued to represent tbe cost of said improvement. Said bonds shall be se- rial, extending over a period ot ten years, an even proportion of which shall b > payable an- nuallyon the second day of January of each year, after their dste until the whole are paid, and to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on tbe second days of January and July of each and every year. Bsc 3. Ordinance No. 1703, N. 8., is hereby repealed. Reference Is hereby made to the said ordi- nance of lntentiou for further particulars. 1). A. WATSON, Street Superintendent. By A I. Stewart, Deputy. 6-29-61 A New Shortening If you have a sewing machine, a clothes wringer or a carpet sweeper (all new inventions of modern times), it's proof that you can see the usefulness of new things. Gottolene Is a new shortening, and every housekeeper who is interested in the health and comfort of her family should give it a trial. It's a vegetable product and far superior to anything else for shortening and fry- ing purposes. Physicians and Cooking Experts say it is destined to be adopted in every kitchen in the land. This is to suggest that you put it in yours now. It's both new and good. Sold by leading grocers everywhere. Made only by U. K. FAIRBANKS. CO., . ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. ARE YOU SICK? If so remember that delay in obtaining compe- tent medical and snrglcat treatment is danger- ous The physicians of the LOS ANQELE9 Medical Surgical lostitnte ARE EXPERTS, REGULAR GRADUATES and LEGaLLY REGISTERED. They give the BEST MKDICAL AND SURGICAL SKILL FOR REA- SONABLE PRICES. They treat all diseases of the human system, and particularly inylte cases of CATARRH, Notice of Street Work. NOTICE IS HEREBY: GIVEN THAT ON Monday, the sth day of Juue, A. D. 1593, tho council of the oity of Los Angeles did, at its uit-ttttug on said day. adopt an ordi- nance ol intention, numbar 1721 (now series), to have the following work done, to-wit: First- Thai said HANCOCK STREET In said cityfrom the southerly curb line of Dow- ney avenue to the northerly line of Alhambra avenue, including all intersections of streets (excepting such portions of said street and in- terse jtioui as ere required by law to be kept in order or repair by any person or company hav- ing railroau tracks thereon, and alßo excepting such portions ashave already been graded, grav- eled and accepted), be graded and graveled In accordance with tne planß and profile on file in the office of the city engineer and specifications on flic in the office of the city clerk of the city of Los Angeles for (raveled streets, said specifica- tions being numbered five. Second. That a cement ourb be constructed alougeach Hue ot the roadway of raid Hancock street, from the southerly curb line of Downey avenue to the northerly line of Albambra ave- nue (excepting along such portions of the line of said roadway upon which a cement or granite curb has already tr-en constructed and accepted), In accordance with specifications in the office of the city clerk of said city for constructing cement curbs, said specifications being numered twelve. Third. That a cement sidewalk four feet in width be constructed aloug each side of said Hancock street, from the southerly ourb line of Downey avenue to the northerly line of Al- bambra avenue (excepting such portions of said street between said points along which a cement or asphalt sidewalk has been construct- ed and accepted), said sidewalk to be construct- ed in accordance with sneclflcations on file in the office of the city clerk, said specifications being numbered twelve. Sic. 2. The city engineer having estimated that tbe total cost of said improvement will be greater thau one dollar per front foot along each lino ot said street, Including the cost of int -rs'-ctions, it la hereby determined, in pur- suance of an act of the legislature of the slate of California, approved February 27th. 1893, ihft t bonds shall be Issued toreoresent the cost of said improvement. Said bonds shall be serial, extending over a period of ten years, an even proportion of whloh shal Ib i payable annually on tbe second day of January of each year, afier their date until the whole are paid, and to bear interest at the ra'e of 7 per oent per an- num, payable semi annually on the second days of January and July of each and every year. Reference is hereby made to the said or- dinance ol intention for further particulars. D. A. WATSON, Street Superintendent. By A. I. Stewart, Deputy. 8 29-0t Notice of Street Work. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON Monday, theStU day of June, A.D.1893, the council of the city of Los Angeles did, at its mcetn g on said day. adopt an ordluauce of lutenttou, number 1722 (New Sorlee,) to have the following work done, towlt: First?That Bald HOOVER STREET in said city from the sou'h curb Hue of Six- teenth street to the nor h curb line of Washing- ton street, includlug all intersections of streets (excepting such portions of said street aud intersections as are required by law to be kept In order or repair by any per- son or company having railroad tracks there- ou, end a.so excepting mob portiom as have already bieu graded, graveled and accepted), be graded and graveltd in accordance with the plans aud profile on file In the office ol the city engineer and sneclflcations oi file in the office ol the city of the city of L « Angeles for gnveled streets, said specification i belug num- bered five. Swond?That a redwood cuvb bn constructed along fach line of the roadway of said Hoover street from the south curb line of Sixteenth sir -«t ti the north curb line of Washington street (excepting aloug such portions of the line of said roadway v on which a redwood, cement orgranite curb has already been con- structed audaccepted). In ccordance with spec- ifications in the office of the city clerk of said city for constructing redwood curbs. Reference is hereby made to ibe said ordi- nance of intention for further particulars. D. a. WATSON, Street Superintendent By A. I. Stewart, Deputy. 6-29 6t Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT A meeting of the stocibolders of the Main street and Agricultural Park Railroad company will be held at its office, fo. 234 North Main street, in the city of Los Aneeles, ou Monday, the 3d day of July, A. V 1893, for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year. The polls will be opened at 12 o'clock: m. and closed at 3 o'clcck p. m. A. C, TAYLOR, 6 9 24t Secretary. BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM, DIBEABE3 OF TBI SKIN, BOWELS, LIVER, HEART, BLOOD, KIDNEYS, BLADDER, And All URINARY TROUBLES. Private, Nervous and Chronic Troables TREATED BY A SPECIALIST. WfiAf17XT WHO °E LIVES *ra made TV \J JljTiiN miserable by any of the Diseases peculiar to tbeir sex can receive im- mediate relief. _ Consultation in office or by letter free. Medicines compounded in our own labor- atory. We are here to stay. Call or address i.os asbklks h:;i>i. CAIj AND -CIKJIOAt INSTITUTK, Rooms 3 and 3, No. 211 Simh Main street, op poslte Haminarn liaths, Los Angeles, Cal. 0-14 ly *COCA* TAATIP CALISAYA lUlvllj .Combined wltb Sulphate of Hydraetia. Nervousuess, Dyspepsia, Loss of appetite, Da blltyaud a low condition of tbe system will be promptly relieved and cured by lis u-e. In valuable for overworked business men and wetk, nervous womeu. Pleasant, prompt and tfflclont. XX) doses *1. Got th« genuine, manufactured only by Taylor & My era Phar maey Co., St. Paul. Miun. LosAnreles agents, H. M. SALS it SON, 220 8 Spring st. 4 1 ly pHIOAGO AND THE WORLD'S \J FAIR. Send ten cents (silver) or twelve cents in stamps for a Handy Fo iket Guide to the great exposition; gives information of value to every visitor. Street Guide. Hotel Prices, Cab Fares, Restaurant Rates, etc. De- scribes the hidden pitfalls for the unwary, and hints how to keep out of them. This indls- pensible companion to every visitor to tbe windy city will be sent by mail, poet paid, on receipt of ten cents silver, or twelve cents in Itamps. Address H. STAFFORD, Puulishse, P. 0. Box 2264, New York, N. Y. 6-30 dB3t w9t Notice of Dividend. ' THE TJSDAL 3 PER CENT SEMI-ANNUAL July dividend of the Security Loan and Trust Company has been deourtd by tho board of directors. Dividend cheeks will be duly for- warded to stockholders. M. W. STIMBON, 7-1 lOt President. BANKING HOUSES. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF TBE FARMERS AND MERCHANTB BANK OF LOS Angeles, at the close of business June iiO, 1893. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cash on hand $708,029.39 Capital (paid up) $ 500,000 00 Cash with cone- -urplos 600,000 00 spondents, San Undivided profits 217,162 13 Francisco, New Dm depositors 3,164,574.86 York and Chi- cago, etc 353,835.04 Cash on null 204,363.70 Total available «ash $1,200,218.1. TJ. B. and other bonds, stocks and wanants 310,812 7' Loans and discounts 1,804,483.12 Real estate ? 29,972.49 Vaults and fixture* 5,250.001 $3.481,736 48 1 $3,482,736.4$ We do solemnly swear that we have (and that each of us hss) a personal knowledge of tbe matters contained In the loretoiug report, and that every allegation, statement, matter, and thing therein contained, is true to the best of our knowledge and belief. 11-KMA.N' W. HELLMAN, Vice-President. JOHN MILNBK,Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30th day of June, 1593. Tseali RICHARD D. LIBT, 71 lot Notary Public in and for 'heCounty of Los Angeles, State of California. SEMI-ANNUAL HEPOET OF THE Security Savings Bank and Trust Co., Snowing: Its Financial Condition on the morning; of Jnly Ist, 1893. XXSOU RUES: LIABILITIES: 0. 8. and other bonds $ 64,117 SO Capital stock (paid in) $100,006 00 Loans 838,039 60 Reserve fund 14,000 00 Real estate 5,060 00 Netuudivided profits (expenses, Furniture, fixtures and vault 5,250 00 taxes and all interest to depos- t'ASH $72,263 19 itors for past six months hay- Dos from Banks 93,864 49 ing been charged oil') 9,93173 Total 166,127 69 DEPOSITS 955,063 05 Total resources $1,078,594 78 Total liabilities $1,073,594 78 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County or Los Angeles, I We uo solemnly swear thai, we have, and each of us bas, a personal knowledge of tbe matter* contained in the forfcgolag report and that every statement, matter and thing therein contained is true to the best of our knowledge and belief. T. L. DUQUE, President, J. F. SARrOKI, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of June, 1893. CHARLES UDELL, [seal ] Notary publlo in and for tbe county of Los Angeles, state of California, Tiiß Security Loan ai Trust Company WILL REMOVE from 123 W. Second street to ELEQANT NEW QUARTERS 223 SOUTH SPRING STREET First door north L. A. Theater Building, on or about JULY 1, 1893. With an absolutely fire and burglar proof plant and other new facilities in every depart- ment of our business, we will be in a position to offer great advantages to our customers, and to serve them to their entire satisfaction. Trusts of every nature ad ministered. Bonds of suretyship furnished for executors, admin- istrators, guardians and others. The new UNION BANK OF SWINGS has been organized under our au«piees, and will open up for business in the above mentioned room about July 1. 5-21-eod-tf STATEMENT OF THE CONDIUON OF THE Main Street Savings Bank and Trust Com- pany, at the close of business, June 30th, 1893. ASSETS. Cash on hand and due from banks. $ 60,57!) 42 Bonds 53,650 00 Heal estate 17,407 26 Loans 351,453 45 Furniture and fixtures 1,550 15 Other assets 556 95 $485,197 23 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 50,000 00 Reserve fund «,500 00 Undivided profit* 2 442 80 Due depositors 426.254 43 $485,197 23 State of California, County of Los Anieles?sa. J. B. Lankershlm and J. V. Waohtel. being each separately duly sworn, each for himself, says: That J, B. Lankershlm is president and J. V. Wacbtel is cashier of the Main Street Savings Bank and Trust Company, the corporation above mentioned, and that the foregoing state- ment is true to tb* beit of bis knowledge and belief, (Signed) J. B, LANKERSHIM, President. (Signed) J. V, WACHTEL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of June, 1893. Inotarial ska Li (Signed) J. M. WORRALL, Notary public in and for the county of Los Angeles, state ot California. 7-1 lot TATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Los Angeles Savings bank, at the close of business June 30tb, 1893. resources. cash on hand $32,006 25 Cash due from bank*. 60,517 95 Total available cash $ 92,524 20 U, B. and other bonds 250,578 27 Loans on real estate £77,103 69 Peal estate 45,815 80 Furniture and fixtures . 3,000 00 Total resources $1,369,021 90 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid up $ 25,0!)0 00 Undivided profits 3ft,544 53 Due depositors 1,308 477 43 Total liabilities $1,389,021 9(1 We do solemnly swear that we have (and each of us has) a personal knowledge of the matters contained In the foregoing report, and that every allegation, statement matter aud thing therein contained, i* tiue to the beat of our knowledge aud belief. HERMAN W. HEI.LMAN, President, W. M. CASWELL. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of June, 1893. [Seal ] ERNEST G. TAYLOR, Notary public lv and for the county of Los An- geles, state of California. 7-1 8t STAT¥MENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Los Anteles National Bank of Los Ange les. Cal., at the close ot business ou May 4, 1893: resources: Loans and discount* $ 909 231 42 Banking bouse aid fixtures 173.954 64 Expenses *nd taxes paid 11,758 17 Government bonds, 4 ocr cent $395,400 00 Cash on hand 202,768 25 Cash in banks 290,337 51 888 505 76 Total .. .$1,983,449 99 LIABILITIES' Capital $ 500,000 00 Surplus 52,500 00 Undivided profits 31,97 ii 43 National bank notes outstanding Hs,int) no Deposits..... 1,263,970 56 Total $1,983,449 99 Sta'eof California, County of Los Angeles, s.s. I. F, C. Howes. Cashier of tbe above named bank, do solemnly swear thst the above state- ment Is true to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. F. C. HOWES, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to baiore me this 16th day of May, 1893. E. W. COB, Notary Public Correct?Atte*t: CHAS. A. atARRINKR, WARREN OILLELEN, P. M. GBEEN, Directors. Q ALIFORNIA BANK. Cor. Broadway and Second st.. Lo* Angele*. fubscribed capital $500,000 Paid up capital 300,000 Surplus 20,000 J. Frankenfield Presi 'ent Pam Lewis Vice President J. W. Winner C: shier John G. Mussin Assistant Cashier dibectobs. . Frankenfield, O. W. Hughes, Sam Lewis, J. 0 Kays, E. W. Jones. L. B. Newton, Hervey LtncUey, R. F. Lotsueioh. im.f> H ie- General banking and exchange bu<dnes* transacted. m 4 4m \u25a0JSHE NATIONAL BANK OF CALIFORNIA, Corner of Spring and ftecond streets, LOS ANGKLIiS, CAL, Capital paid up $259,000 J. M. C. Marble President O. H. Churchill Vice President A. Hadley Asst. Cashier BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. Dr. W. L Graves, St. F. C K.okke. O. T John- son, W. Hadlei, K. N. McDonald, M. H. cher- man, Fred Eaton, John Wolfskin, Tlios R. Bard. To 31 1 STATEMENT 830 WING THE CONDITION OF THE EAST SIDE BANK, On tbe morning of July 1, 1893. BALANCE SHEET. BESOUBCE3. Loans and discount*.. $33,949 14 stocks, bonds and war- runts 6,902 29 Overdrafts 26 20 Real estate 2,209 30 Furniture &fixtures... 2,000 ou Cashed sight exchange.sl6,3l2 44 Due from other banks. 1,973 09 18,286 13 Expenses 1,200 56 $63,169 62 LIABILITIES. Capital 825,000 00 Front and toss 2,722 V Due depositors onde- manu 822,748 65 Duedepuiiturson time certificates 9,294 35 32,043 00 Due banks aud bank- ers 3,400 00 $63,165 62 DETAILS SHOWINfI LOCATION AND VALUE OF RAUOOBCEB, Loans and discounts- Loans on real estate, value $12,077 00 Loans on slocks, bonds and warrants,value.. 5,063 07 Loans on personal se- curity, value 14,942.87 I Loans on other securi- ties, value 1,462 20 $33,545 14 Overdrafts, value 26 20 Btoeks, bonds aud war- rants, vattle. !v? 5,903 28 Casta & sightexchange value 16,312 44 Ail of said promissory notes, securi- ties and cash (except four $1000 school bonds deposited witn the State 1.0 ii and 'trust Co ) are in the vaults of this corporation. Due from Chase National ax, N.Y., value 1,675 84 Dae from Seabo.ird National bank, New York, value 13 £7 Due fiom Crocker- A'oolworth Na- tional bank, riau Frauclsco, value. 281 18 Real estate in Los Angeles county, value 2,205 3) Furnliuro ana fixtures in banking room, value 2,000 00 State of Californli, County of Los Angeles?ss. William J. Washburn aud 11. D. clumber- Uu, being c i c i separate y duly sworn, each for himself, says: Jhat said v -ni. J. Washburn Is president aud said W. D. Chemberlin is cashier of the East Hid . bank of Los Angeles, the c r- f oration above mentioned, and that the forego- ng statement Is true, to Ibe best of our kuotvl edge and bali?f. WM. J. WASHBURN, M. D. CHEMBERLIN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of June, 1893. [49*1 ] A. W. KWINO Notary Public in aud for said County. ftatement of the paid up capital of the East Bide bank of Los Augoles, Cal., July Ist, 1893: Amount of capital paid up in gold coin of tho United States $21,009.00 State of California, Ccuuty of Los Angeles?ss. Wm. J. Washburn and at, D, Chemberlin, be- ing each separately and duly sworn, each for himself, says: That said Wm. J. Washburn If president and s"id M.D. Chemberlin ii cashier of the East Side bank of Los Aage es, the cor- poration above mentioned, and that tno torero- ing statement is true, to the h .st ot our i nowl- edge and belief. WM. J. WA.HHBURN, M D. CHEMBERLIN. Subscribed n-d sworn to before me this 80th dsy of June, 1893. tital.) A. W. EWNC, Notary Public In and for said County. BANKOF^I^RICAr roBMEBLy. LOS ANGELES COUNTY BANK, Temple Block. T>pHal stock paid up $ ,00,000. OFF! 3*B. JOHN E. PLtTER President ROBi'. 3. BAKER Vice-President GEO, H STEWART Cashtet DIRECTORS. Jotham Blxby, Chas. Forman, L. T. tiarn»ey, L"wellyn Blxby, ii. S. Baker, John E. Plater. Geo. H. Stewart. LOS AN vT-ES SAFE DErOSiiT AND TEX), COMPANY, with CITIZKNi' BANK, 313 South Spring street, Los Angeles, Cal, Will remove to their new and elegant rooms Ist ntlmann Block when completed. Branch office, Grand Opera House Block, Pasidena. Cal. T. 8. 0. LOWE President T. W. BR HHERTON Vloe-Presldeet A. P. WltsT Csahies Buy and soli all first-class securities. STOCKS WANTED in the Los Angeles, Psem- . ii* and other gas companies. First-class, well secured Gas, Water and Kail* way bonds fp* sale. £JS-Tlme 'oans n best of ?eoorttj given and liberal Interest paid. 13-3»lMi FOSMIR IRON WORKS MACHINERY Architectural Iroa and Brass Work ''^|L 4i6 and 430 ALPINE STREET LOS ANQKLKa 3-: 26a tpausr throwing Soil (row lh« Cast**,

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The Hotel Areadla to "Open Today?Per-

sonal Notes.r Ba*t> Monica, June 30?Today the HotelArose) a opens Its doors, and from now on the

sea/on willbe a merry one. Simon Relnhart,

the genial proprietor, assisted by Mr. J. W.

Scott and an able corps ofdecorators and work-men of every description, have thoroughly ren-ovated the bouse from roof to cellar. He hassecured good assist tuts in Wm H. Meaney asChief clerk, Courtland Scott as cashier, Mr.Yrubor as ohef, aud Mr. Halmer as steward

Tonight tbe first ball of the season will begiven, aud the spacious ball room willbe thescene ofa large gathering of the 400 of South-ern California.

At the bath house where Mr. J. W. Scott pre-sides and is proprietor, every room bas beenoverhauled. New and attractive features havebeen added and everything possible done tomake the patrons of the establishment feel athome. ,

North Beach bath bouse, which has held itsown ever since the town was started, has beencompletely transformed. Paint hat been puton with a lavish hand.

The tubs, wberelu luxurious hot ocean waterbaths aae given, have all been overhauled,making this the greatest bathing luxuryknown.

The tank wherein the ocean water Is warmedhas had its capacity doubled. In front of tbebath house has been placed a number ofsetteeswhere those who wish to simply look on at thecrowd can sit.

The improvements about the establish snout?rill great y conduce to the comfort of bathers

\u25a0nd make life at the seashore especially at-Ifaetlve this season.

Judge Otis of Riverside will spend the sum-mer at the Evan cottage on Fourth stteet

Mrs. Rosenberg and familyof Silver City, N.M.. are at the Norwood.

Threshing has commenced on the Jones ABaker ranch, the grain being heavier than formany years.

Mrs. Robert Bettner and family of Riversidewillpass the summer here.

The race track will be put in thorough con-dition and kept that way from now on; workoommenoed yesterday.

Mr.F. B. Hughes and familyof Riverside willspend the season at the Arcadia, bringing wl.hhim a string of polo ponies.

Mrs. A. R. Stevens and family of Albuquer-que, N. M., are domiciled In one ofthe Deriootcottages on Oregon avenue.

Archie Johnson hat sold lot W, blook 131, toGeorge Wallace.

Among yesterday's arrivals at Hotel Jacksonwere: J. F. Reitz, P. B. Corant, Mr and Mrs. J.C. Smith. J. B. Cook. Miss M Morrison, J. MillsDavles, J. F. Blanohard. J. C. Campbell, B. W.Gelss. K. M. Friday, Charles C. Wheeier, LosAngeles; H. Rich, J. D. Redding, San Franotsoo; 0. A. Cos, Boston; S. W. Henderson, Chi-cago; H. H. Pence, Marvsvllle; Harry H. Coldwell, Phceulx: Oscar Koberaon, Redlands; Chaa.W. Whitehead, Pasadena.

Items of Interest,,u\H "RB.O ENJOY good Frenon cooking gosante M»-- ?eeid-brate* chef, presides over oolsine. Privatexooo* "dtsiied.

VISITORS TO BANTA MONICA willfind attbe remodeled Rid store, Third street, the larg-est and best selected stock of dry goods, fur-nishing t and high class groceries Intbe town.

PASADENA.The Recorder Complication?Local New*

Note*.Pasadena, June 30.?At last there seems a

prospect of a solution of the much discussedquestion, have we a oity recorder :

Attorney-General Hsrt, as was agreed uponwXen tbe Marthen case was postponed, ha* be-gun proceedings to bring the matter before thesupeaior court, and get a decision from thattribunal. Tbe result of thi* test case will belooked for with much Interest by the legaltalent, *>wellas citizens generally. As willber*member«d, the beginning of tbe presentd . .P "*8 when Justice Merriam was ap-pointed reooder by the council and retused to?erve wlthoir. a salary. This the oouuoil re-fused to grant and appointed H H. Roae, whowassucceeded lyMr. Rosslter, the present ln-

icumbent,holdlu, that the only available por-

fthe Stat* law had refused to act and? were coapelled to appoint some one

PBBSBYTXRIAN social,t social oftheseasou was given by thecopies' Society »f christian EndeavoresbyterlanchurOAlast evening, in tbef the ohureh. A large crowd was prea-ivery pleasant evetjnr scent An «Vnasical and literary progrS m*e was,couslstlngof: »>?«mmn7e was

iolo?Miss Vlra Barker,solo?C. Engl*.iolo?Miss Catharine Sculdersolo-Mr. Hutchtn*.

Life at Roble Hall-Miss Win-olo? Ml**Bertha Raymond,g -Mis* York,solo? Miss Thompson.

A MUSICALEVBNIHB.oal was given at tho borne of LtsutChase, on North Marlngo avenu* laiia large number of friends being pre*.

' event was in honor of Mr. E Hlolinist. who was heard for the firstPasadena audit nee last evening. Hiswas well received, and Indeed it de-al**, tbe touah and execution being

Ice Coleman acted a* aocompanist. In1 perfect manner. Professor Kyle,to have sung, was unable to be pre*

NOTES.>er ofPasadenians attended the olos.ises of the Marlborough school at Losoday.rlstlan Endeavor societies of Lo* An-Joln with tbe Pasadena societies inion to Rubio canon July *th.the business house* will close July

adena bra*, band Will play in the p.-

iii?<2? m VI °' th% Btar '« back from ailllardoaflontoSwitzer'scam*.tnß. monntain railway is thrown

£.t«PHbllc .ftnd f J""*6 orow<l will

TITh e Best of Reasons.

are moua? Jl^f/- oclt 'sp

°»°°" PlasticsSure. T 'By m*y be reUed on t0

B°U""'"Mffne" °'twltou,,l «mLaho"olrmUpbt.

coBn'aCh " pleUrUy

' V?

l!ompl^.in?"0n ? d »»W*«. biliou.nes., kidney

genulne\u25a0e^^^h! 6Tfl^? .wIU d9P end "PontheaT, 0?' c ?P u«t«r used. The popu-

» 00K 1f.0I «>cs Plasters has beeu»o great th t multitude* of imitations havet!m£? 2P

t°a6Tery nand - The only'sure cure

BRANDRgTay Pill*Improve the digestion.

.., P.01,0n <U-Hall'. Oream Salvewill give immediate relief and cure in 2A34 »"4>oc. Off & Vaughan'g drugitore, Fourth am Spring st*. **,w*""u,,?

Wall Paper at Oast.

Wall Mner, white back, 4 cents a roll, at Chi-»ago Wal Paper House, 387 South Bpring. j


The Inquest on the Death of J. *>.Faulkner -News Matters.

Santa Ana, June 80,?John W. Faulkner 41*not commit suiolde. Atleast the coroner's Jurybrought in a verdict of death from naturalcauses, unknown, and this settles the matter.The verdict was no doubt largely dne to theevidence of the doctors, who made an autopsy,

which disclosed the fact that the deceated gen-tleman's heart was badly affected, and that notraoe of the deadly drug he was supposed to

have taken could be foupd.

This much is certain, and as long as the ex-amination ceased where It did, the verdlt t wasperfeotly justifiable. But the stomach of Mr.Faulkner should have been analyzed, for thisIs the only way the pretence of strychnine canbe found, and tho mere fact that this would bean expense of $25 or $30 connected with hav-ing this work done, should have out no figurein the esse.

Tbe remains were laid to rest in the SantaAna cemetery this afternoon, and a .arge nnm-ber of sorrowing friends saw the remains of agood man consigned to Mother Earth,

NOTES.H. A. Peabody and son, George, leave in the

morning for Northern California on a shortvisit

The election of school teachers for the ensu-ing term took place in the cityhall tonight

T. D. Barnett leaves in the morning for BanFrancisco, where he will spend a couple of

That the financial panic had a bad effect onreal estste transfers is proven by tbe tact thatlast w. ex but $17,000 worth of propertychanged hands lv this county.

The engagementof Miss Blauche Goldstein ofthis oity to M. L. Solomon, a prominent busi-ness man of Fresno, is announced. Miss Gold-stein is one ofSanta Ana's handsome and popu-lar young ladies.

The moonlight dance at Newport beach to-nt«ht was largely attended, and a pleasant af-fair.

The Orange bank opens sgaln tomorrow.Work In tne city well was resumed today.Mr. and Mrs. Philip Harris spent yesterday in

Han BernardinoMiss Maggie Hill left on tbe steamer Corona

last night for San Francisco.Next Monday the supervisors will probably

solect a court-house site.W. Sohewtert, aged 24, and a resident ot Los

Angeles,was today licensed to wed Louise Weh-meyer, aged 22, a reddent of Anaheim.

Mrs. H. Reed returned to her home la SanFrancisco last night,after a pleasant visit withfriends here.

LONG BEACH.A I'asadena Picnic?The Industrial Con-

ference.Long Bbacb, Jane 30.?Tbe La* Angele*

Terminal road brought down ? train of 10 car;,carrying the Pasadena Kunday school picnick-

ers, yeaierday. Fully750 people attended anda (rand, good time was had. Baskets wereoponed and lunch served on the beach in tbeshade of th* wharf. When the loug trainpulled out, many sunburned but happy littlefaces looked out of the windows to get a fare-well view of the place where such a happy daybsd been spent.

Mr. Pickles caugbt a 21-pound Jew nth fromthe new wharf yesterday.

C. a. French and daughter, Miss Gertie, ofSanta Ana are here for a lew days.

Mrs. General Fremont and family, who barebeen here for the past few weeks, leave for thenorth today.

Mr*.Borchers, wife of the popular pitcher ofth*Lo* Angele* Baseball cluu, will spend the\u25a0urnmer here.

B. P. Stewart of the Short-Order kitchenbought the 21-pound Jew fish caugbt by Mr.Pickles. He doubtless thought as it was caughtby Pickles it oould be served without pickles.

The industrial oamp meeting opened bare to-day, with about 500 people in attendance.More are expected today, as a great many willcome by wagon. Two sessions were held, dur-ing the day and in the evening. _

j _,?De'rs of tB"« city council, which were respondedto by W. C. Bowman aud other members of theconference.

Vocal music and recitations formed a part ofthe programme. Addresses will be made onthe live questions of the day, which are of in-terest to all classes.

For the past two weeks over 200 pounds offish have been caught dally from the newwharf, principally mackerel, pampauos andblue lisn.

bong Beach Notes.FOR GOODS at Los Angeles prices go to Wm.

Schilling's corner of Pine and Second street!Clean, fresh stock of groceries, dry goods, bootsaud shoes, etc.

FOR FISH DINNBBS and short order lunchesat city prices, prepared and served by skilledwhite labor, go to R. P. Stewarts' pavilion, onthe beach, between the wharves. Private roomsfor families.

IT WOULD BE TO THE INTEREST of par-ties visiting Long Beach to call at Fetterman &Bon's livery and feed stables on First (treet,where first-class turnouts can be had at reason-able rates. The F.itturman House on Pine ayeonly one blook from the new wharf, furnishtheir patrons with good accommodation* atpopular prices. Bate far season moderate.

WHITTIER.Local Matter* from the Thriving Quaker

Colony.Whittieb, June 30.?Mr. J. W. Estes will

soon open up a shoe laetory in the Bickerblock. Itwill be a permanent thing, and giveemployment to a number of hands.

Fred Charles bat proipectsof going to Chlnoto work in the sugar factory in tbe near fu-ture.

Mr. Richard Gregory has been adding to hi*cottage on Com stock avenue.Mr*. Mary Brown and Miss Lyde Williamson

left forChicago last wees.Maggie Hunter and Fred Stewart were the

sole graduates from the pab.lo schools thisyear.There were no graduate* from the academy

this year. However, the class of 'ii* gave amost commendable exhibition, consisting oforations and music. Tho new building will bjready for use in the fall.

There is to be a wedding Inthe Friends'churob tomorrow night, Rev. Thos. Armstrongofficiating.

There was a large representation from Whit-Jler at tho Friends' conference at Long Beaohlast week.Rev. o. C. Reynold', the Pasadeua evangelist

«o successfully conducted a series of meet-iWl'\H1"Place during tbe holidays, preachedat the Friend* church last Suuday.

n'n.nr Tlnl*.V>,i u '? be our next postmaster.Burnsy and Hnlen Newiln are having a visitSr. S' an^' BCO- ToeT ATS accompanied byMr. aud Mrs. Charles Monroe ot lais Angeles.Hazzard, who ha* been assisting5?. w-Bi£,t.D.Pw,,e " ,or «everal weeks past,

Monrovia. \*to eh "K°ot a «vS'&JS! SHMP°rn 01 \u25a0»'">«"\u25a0 college, Indi-"Pfi »?!\u25a0? s?* 'ecture on solence took so wellat the Friends touferenoo at Long Beach, lec-tures here tonight on education. He wlil speakespecially in regard toour prospective colleges.Dr. Walter Llnoiey has issued a notloe forbid-ding visitors ou tie grounds of the state schoolon Suudsys.

Whlttior now has four periodicals, the la'mtbeing a handsome jxirnal entitled The A thenssum, which repiestnt* the interests of tliaacaaemy aud oomlng col lego It Is edited bythe Athensßum society, Anna Hunnlcutt terv-lng as editor in chief.Seventy-Five Cs UTnialon(.

A Thrilling Hxi>eriencv? There is no onebut at some period in life baa an experiencethat stands out prominently beyond all othersSuch Is tbe case of John B. Csllins ofRomeoMich., who says: "From September to Jsn-usry, before using Nervine, I aad at least 7Sconvulsions. After three months' use Ihave nomore attack*. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervinealso cures nervous prostration, hoarinche, poormemory, dizziness, sleeplessness, neuralgia,etc , and builds up the body. Mrs. J. R. MillerofValparaiso, md., aud J. it. Taylor of Logans-port, Ind., ecoh gained 20 pounds of fieah bytaking It. Sold bj C. H. Hanoe, 177 NorthSpring, on a guarantee. Get the doctor's book,freo.

Itching, Aching Piles?Hall's Cream Salvewillgive Immediate relief and is a positivecure. 28 and 50c. Ofl'dt Vaughn's drug store,Fourth and Spring st*.

Wall paper at cost;.must sell; white back, 4cents a roll Chloago Wall Paper House, 237South South Spring.

Pennsylvania and Champion lawn mower*very low. J. w. Baker *Boo*, 113 ». Kiln it.

SAN BERNARDINO.A Great Celebration of the Fourth.

Local stvents.Ban Birnabdino, June 30.?The glorious

Fourth will be celebrated in a fitting mannerthin year?in fact it will be one ot the finestcelebrations ever held in Southern California.The Ninth regiment of seven companies willparade and give several military manenversJust west of the city perk. The following is theofficialprogramme announced:

4:30 a. ra.?Reveille.10 a. m.?Grand military, civlo and trades

s">rade.Platoon of police.Grand Marshal James P. Booth.Chiefs ot starr?Cant. Frank P. Singer, O. A.

X.; D. H. Wixom, 8. B. F.D.: Benjamin Cowan,K. O. T. M.; T. H. Qoff.

DIVISION I.Ninth Infantry regiment, N. 0.0., B. B. Spile-

maa, commanding.Staff?Lieut -Col. John K. Berry, KeJ. C. 8

McKelvey, Mai, F. O. Presoott, Ma) Tbomas L.Magee. Capt. P. C. Brown, Lieut. J. B. Mack,Lieut. C. T. Rice, Lieut. George H. Bowers.Lieut. Charles D. Belli, Lieut. C. I.Lorbeer,Lieut. W. H. Slnolalr.

Ninth Infantry regiment band: Company A,Capt. £. JE. Spileman, San Diego: Company B,Capt. R. V. Dodge, Han Diego: Comoanr 0,Capt. James N. Keith, Riverside: Company D,Capt W. 0. Welch, Pomona; Company F.Capt.Park 8. Roper, Santa Ans: company G, Capt. J.W. F. Diss, Kedlands; Company X,Capt A. B.Frye, San Bernardino.

Company A, naval reserve. San Diego, Lieut.W. D. Blondgood commanding.

Artillerysquad, Q. M. Serai. James D. Farlscommanding.


Chief of division, D. H. Wlxom: aids, G.A.8.,Fred Singer; H.8.C., Henry Keller.

T. R. Gable brass band of Needles.San Bernardino firedepartment.Redlands fire departmentGrand Army of the Republic.Hign school cadets.Arroyhead Bicyole club.

Division in.Chief of division, Benjamin Cowan. K.O.T.

M.; aids, K. B. Tyler, N.8.G.W.; George Miller,Pioneers; R. F. earner, Jeseph Lord.

San Bernardino Band.Arrowhead Tent, Knights of Maccabees,Arrowhead Parlor, Native Sons,Knights of Pythias.Pioneers.Carriages, containing the orator of the day,

board of city trustees, board ofcounty super-visors, invited guests, display of representativehouses.

Line of march?Parade will form at Santa Fedepot; down Third lo D, to Fourth, to C,toThird, to B, to tho city park.

Basset picnic at city park from 11 until 1,EXBBCISBS AT PAVILION?I F. St.

Musle by band.ReUtMiou?Mrs. Kendall Holt.Solo?Miss Margaret McGeo.Oration?Hon. W. A. Harris.Duet-Miss Tidy Buford and Mrs, K. M De-

pewMusic byband..

MI llTiBY EXERCISES.2 30 p m -Battalion and skirmish drill on

the grounds between Fifth and Sixth, and Uand Istreets.

4:15 p,m.-Exhibition drill in oity park byCompany A of the Naval Reserve of San Diego.

S p.m.?Dress parade of Ninth Regiment, N,G. C.

8 p.m ?Open air concert by visiting bands.Electrical illumination ofthe city park.9.30 r».m.?Grand Columbian bah given by


John Brown, jr., paid Banning a visit yes-terday.

Mrs. Kate Hinds left today for her home ivNapa.

Miss Lena Hall of Znanah, Mo . sister of Mrs.H. Brown, is visiting her sister for lour or rivemonths.

A motor engine was shipped from Oaklandyesterday, to he used on the Redlands motorline.

Tbe funeral ef the late Edgar Hadden washeld this afternoon at the residence on Seventh

"The supervisors yesterday railed the rates outhe city creek toll road.

Joe Broglle. foreman of tbe Center mine, inUorongo dlttrlot. owned by C. W. Allen of thiscity, was in town ye.terdav and reports havingstruck a vein all the way from 8 to 18 inches,which assays from $50 to $800 per ton.

The opera house was packed last evening byan enthusiastic crowd who had assembled tohear the school question discussed, severalcitizens addressed the audience, after whichProf. A. X. Frye took the floorand proceeded toscore certain persons who had been talkingagainst him. He was stopped by one of themembers of the school board, who said he(Frye) was mistaken. Mr. Frye proved his as-sertion by two members of the board who werepreseut, and proceeded with his address, whichcompletely carried the audience away. Cheerafter cheer greeted his closing remarks, and allleft the house in a splendid humor. Anotherpublic meeting will be held tonight- \u2666

REDONDO.Shipping; Arrival* and Departures.

News Matters.Redondo Beach, June 30.?The steamer

Bonlts, Captain Green, is due to arrive thisafternoon horn Sau Francisco, with merchan-dise destined for I.os Angele* and Interiorpoints.

Th* steamship Banta Bosa will arrive at 7o'clock sunday morning, her'manifest* fromHan Francisco show 207 tons of merchandisefor this port,

Mr. George W. Heso of Pasadena, formerlywith Photographer 11111 of that city, has pur-chased Mr. Archer's gallery, located adjacentto the Hedondo hotel, and Is fitting it up ingood style and with facilities for producing eleKant photographs, Wn-lypea and views ot thebench snd its environs.

The Bedondo minstrels are fully organizedunder the leadership of Mr. 1. J Chase. Agrind concert is promised by this new musicalcombination early tv July.

Miss Clara M. -owell, one of the young ladygraudaies yesterday fiom the Los AngelesNormal school, is the acconi pliahed daughter ofProf. Rowell, principal of the Bedondo gram-mar school.

The infant son of Mr. G. Wilson, who is con-nected with the Bedondo wharf, was burledfrom Mr. Wilson's residence yesterday. Thefuneral services took place at 3 o'clock p mthe Bey. B. G. Blanchaid r.iliciati»g.

Dr. Dei Amo with Mme. Del Amo, after anabsence of nearly eight mouths in Europe, re-turned ? home to their villa In Bedondo lastevening The doctor and wife spent most oftheir time In Madrid, Bpaln, where many oftheir friends and ro.ati yes reside. The doctorsays be la glad to be one.- more at home lvhe-dondo.

Wootley &Edwards made a fine haul by seinethis morniug of 200 pounds of pompano be-sides lauding 720 pounds of barracuda, bassaud halibut from outjide. The bulk of tblscatch was expressed to Los Angeles this morn-ing.

The merchants and notion dealers of thisburg are wall prepared In the way of fireworks,flags and other implements of war for tho com-ing hol day Tuesd.y.This morning* arrivals at Hotel Bedondowere: Mrs. C. B. Baker, U.S.A.; Mrs. Hugh Vail,

C. K. Appoyl, J. M. Metbvio, AlfredSolauo, LosAngeles; Mrs. W. A Bissell and family, Ala-iniua; Geo. Pendergnut, R chard Watsou, Bt.Lou<<; Dr. H. McKlnuell, Miss M. B. HawhlusPortland,

POMONA.The Packard Lawn Social?Tug of War.

Note*.Pomona. June so.?The lawn sooial at the res-

idence ot Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Packard, on Holtavenue, last evening, was well attended andproved to be a very pleasant affair. Tbe dutiesof host and hostess were well understood andexecuted by Mr and Mrs. Packard, aided bytheir guest, Miss Marulo Allen, a bright' younglady of Oakland Cal. The evening was justBnch as only California, at this season of the

Astonishing Fact.Suspected by Comparatively Few.?Thingsthat embody the most truth are frequently

among tue last to be realised. Incredible as itmay seem one in four have a weak or diseasedheart, tbe early symptoms of which are, shortbreath, oppression, faint and hunrry spells,fluttering, uatu in left side, smothering, swol-len ankles, dropsy, wind in stomach, etc. LeviLogau, Buchanan, Mich., suffered from hoartdisease 80 years. Two bottles of Dr. Miles'Heart cute oured him. "The effects of yourNew Heart Cure it wonderful."-Mrs. EvaPrelf?ri Is- Thl» favorite remedyis solr, by C. H. Hance, 177 North Spring, on IESSSgwwSFtE? hoou>t,a *><><*? »? «*

year, at fnllmoon, on a lovely lawn dottedhere and there with all kinds of ornamentaltrees, graceful vines and fragrant flowers, canfurnish; the refreshments suitable for theevent, and a general feeling of good humorpervading all.

Among those present were; Rev. and Mrs. F.W. Adams and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, MclCampbell, Mr and Mrs. Charles T. Clark. Mr.and Mrs. Frank White, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. John-ion, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Clark. Mr. and Mrs.Dean, Mrs. R. A. Hamilton and daughters. Misslay lor, Mrs, Kate 0. Moore, Mrs. P. 8. Ruthand daughters Mines Anna and Constance,Mrs. Theo. Ruth and daughter Miss Lizzie, Mr.Savage and daughter. Judge Oliver Yonngsand daughters Misses Edith and Annie and sonMatter Oliver, Miss Winnie Smith, the thoroughmusician and skilled organist of tbe Episcopalchoir, and Messrs. Roth Drum on, Will Strong,Moore and Hamner.

Muslo, croquet, games, promenades, occa-sional sly glanoes and soft talk were amongsome of tbe many pleasant features of theevening.

The Good Templars bad an ice cream festivalin their hall last night

Sunday will be children's day at the FirstUnitarian church Special services of muslo,recitations ahd an address by the psstor are announoed.

At 8t Paul's on Sunday Rev. F. W. Adams,the rector, willpreach. The morning subjeotIs The Hallowed name of God; evening, a ser-mon to the young men of St. Andrew's brother-hood, Fidelity to duty.? In the tug of war contest yesterday afternoonat the grounds of the union Sunday school ex-ercises, the Baptists say tbat tbe Methodiststook too many on probation, thereby comingout victors. The Methodists say that tbe"douche font" ef the Christians was too heavily laden for their spring; hence their victory ofthe latter.

In the contest between the Presbyterians andCongregational lets tbe old-time blue stockingof the former was too fast a color for the morerecent balf-bose of the latter. It being so ateand tbe contestants so worn out the contest be-tween the viciors did not come off.

At tbe residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lor-beer, near tbe corner of Center and Palomaresstrcetr, last evening, there was a very pleasantsocial gathering. Nice refreshments wereserved, and all had a good time. The followingwere present: Fannie Lorbeer, Sarah Dowling,Bertha Hunt, Ida Shutt, Inez Ralph, aditnParker, Hattie Manchester, Cornelia Bowen;Martha Horton, Miss Lorbeer, Master Valentine,I.ordsbnrg; Messrs. Walter aud Ed Parker, AlbaHunt, Bert Sbutt, Cart Ralvh, Will Hamlin,Harry Lorbeer, Marvin Lorbeer.


A.Noted Divine Says:?'I have been nslntt Taft'e LiverPills

for Dyspepala, Weak Stomach andVoettveneaa, with wblett 1 bare lone;been mttUtM

Tutfs PillsARE A SPECIAL BLESSING.Inever bad any thin*to done Mmorh

Sood. Ireevosnmena them to all aalie heat medicine In existence.". \u25a0< Ber. F. R. OSGOOD, New York.1 1 SOLD EVERYWHERE. ?>

Office, 140 to 144 Washington St., N. T.

Notice of Street Work.

NOTICE IS HERBHYGIVBNThATON MON-day, the sth day of June, A. D. 1893,

the council ol the oity ot Los angeles did, atits meeting on said day, adopt an ordinance ofintention, No. 1719 (New Series), to have thefollowing work done, to wit;

First?That saidALISO STREET

In said city from the east line of Alamedahtrett to the east line of Keller street, includ-ingall intersections of streets (excepting suchportions of said street and Intersections as arerequired by law to be kept in order or repair byant person or company hiving railroad tracksthereon, and also excepting such portions ashave already been paved and accepted), bepsvrd with bituminous rock sarface with con-crete base, and granite gutters, four feet wide,in accordance with the plana aud profile onfile in the office of the cityengineer and spec-ifications on lite in the office of the city oierkof the city of Lcs Angeles for paving streets,said spcciilcations being numbered A.

Second?That a cement euro be constructedalong each line ot the roadway of said Alisostree from the east line of Alameda street tothe east line of Keller street, (excepting alongsuch portions of the line of said roadway uponwhich a cement or granite cuib has alreadybeen constructed and accepted,) In accordaDce with "peclflcatlons In the officeof the cityclerk of s«id city for constructing cement cuibs,6aid specifications being numbered twelve.

Third?That a cement slde*a<k eight feet inwidth be constructed along each side of saidAliso street from the east line of Alamedastreet to the east line ol Keller street (except-ing such portions of said street betweensaid points along which a cemeut or asphaltsidewalk has been constructed and aec pted),said sidewalk to be constructed in accordancewith specifications on filein the office of tbecity clerk, said sDecifl cations being numberedtwelve.

Fourth. That a publicsewer be constructedalong said Aliso street from a point oppositethe centre line of lot 4, block H, of the Alisotract, to the sewer manhole constructed in tbeintersection of Aliso and Alameda streets andacross all lnleirectiona of streets (exceptingalong such portions upon which a publiceewer bas been constructed and ac-cepted) together with manholes, lampbolesand Hush tanks. The slzeof ssld sewer shall be:Eight (8) inches in internal diameter, from apoint opposite the centre line of lot 4, blockH, Ali'O tract, to a point in the produced cen-trollneof Ltons street, and ten tlO) inches inInternal diameter .rom said point m the pro-Ouced cmtre line of Lyons street to the sewermanhole constructed ia tbe interstetlon ofAliso and Alameda streets, and be constructedof salt glazed vitrified pipe, brick, ironaud cement. Allof which shall be constructedin accordance with the plans and profile on filein the office of the city engineer and specifica-tions on 11le In the office of the oityclerk, saidspecifications being numbered fourteen.

rEC. 2. The city engineer having estimatedthat the total cost of said Improvement will begreater than one dollar per front foot alongeach line of said street, lnclu ling the cost oflnteisectlons, It is hereby determined In pur-suance of an act of the legislature of tbe stateof Califoruia, approved February 27, 1893that bonds shall bs Issued to represent tbe costof said improvement. Said bonds shall be se-rial, extending over a period ot ten years, aneven proportion of which shall b > payable an-nuallyon the second day of January of eachyear, after their dste until the whole are paid,and to bear interest at the rate of six percent per annum, payable semi-annually ontbe second days of January and July of eachand every year.

Bsc 3. Ordinance No. 1703, N. 8., is herebyrepealed.

Reference Is hereby made to the said ordi-nance of lntentiou for further particulars.

1). A. WATSON,Street Superintendent.

By A I. Stewart, Deputy. 6-29-61


If you have a sewingmachine, a clothes wringeror a carpet sweeper (allnew inventions of moderntimes), it's proof that youcan see the usefulness ofnew things.

GottoleneIs a new shortening, andevery housekeeper who isinterested in the health andcomfort of her familyshould give it a trial. It'sa vegetable product and farsuperior to anything elsefor shortening and fry-ing purposes. Physiciansand Cooking Experts sayit is destined to be adoptedin every kitchen in theland. This is to suggestthat you put it in yoursnow. It's both new andgood. Sold by leadinggrocers everywhere.

Made onlyby


ARE YOU SICK?Ifso remember that delay in obtaining compe-tent medical and snrglcat treatment is danger-ous The physicians of the


Medical t£ Surgical lostitnteARE EXPERTS, REGULAR GRADUATES andLEGaLLY REGISTERED. They give the BESTMKDICALAND SURGICAL SKILL FOR REA-SONABLE PRICES. They treat all diseases ofthe human system, and particularly inyltecases ofCATARRH,

Notice of Street Work.

NOTICE IS HEREBY: GIVEN THAT ONMonday, the sth day of Juue, A. D.

1593, tho council of the oity of Los Angelesdid, at its uit-ttttug on said day. adopt an ordi-nance ol intention, numbar 1721 (now series),to have the following work done, to-wit:First- Thai said

HANCOCK STREETInsaid cityfrom the southerly curb line of Dow-ney avenue to the northerly line of Alhambraavenue, including all intersections of streets(excepting such portions of said street and in-terse jtioui as ere required by law to be kept inorder or repair by any person or company hav-ingrailroau tracks thereon, and alßo exceptingsuch portions ashave already been graded, grav-eled and accepted), be graded and graveled Inaccordance with tne planß and profile on fileinthe officeof the city engineer and specificationson flic in the officeofthe city clerk of the city ofLos Angeles for(raveled streets, said specifica-tions being numbered five.

Second. That a cement ourb be constructedalougeach Hue ot the roadway of raid Hancockstreet, from the southerly curb line of Downeyavenue to the northerly line ofAlbambra ave-nue (excepting along such portions of theline of said roadway upon which a cement orgranite curb has already tr-en constructed andaccepted), In accordance with specifications inthe office of the city clerk of said city forconstructing cement curbs, said specificationsbeing numered twelve.

Third. That a cement sidewalk four feet inwidth be constructed aloug each side of saidHancock street, from the southerly ourb lineof Downey avenue to the northerly line ofAl-bambra avenue (excepting such portions ofsaid street between said points along which acement or asphalt sidewalk has been construct-ed and accepted), said sidewalk to be construct-ed in accordance with sneclflcations on file inthe office of the city clerk, said specificationsbeing numbered twelve.

Sic. 2. The city engineer having estimatedthat tbe total cost of said improvement will begreater thau one dollar per front foot alongeach lino ot said street, Including the cost ofint -rs'-ctions, it la hereby determined, in pur-suance ofan act of the legislature of the slateof California, approved February 27th. 1893,ihftt bonds shall be Issued toreoresent the cost ofsaid improvement. Said bonds shall be serial,extending over a period of ten years, an evenproportion of whloh shal Ibi payable annuallyon tbe second day of January of each year,afier their date until the whole are paid, and tobear interest at the ra'e of 7 per oent per an-num, payable semi annually on the seconddays of January and July of each and everyyear.

Reference is hereby made to the said or-dinance ol intention for further particulars.

D. A. WATSON,Street Superintendent.

By A. I. Stewart, Deputy. 8 29-0t

Notice of Street Work.

NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ONMonday, theStU day of June, A.D.1893, the

council of the city of Los Angeles did, at itsmcetn g on said day. adopt an ordluauce oflutenttou, number 1722 (New Sorlee,) to havethe following work done, towlt:


in said city from the sou'h curb Hue of Six-teenth street to the nor h curb line of Washing-ton street, includlug all intersections ofstreets (excepting such portions ofsaid street aud intersections as are requiredby law to be kept In order or repair by any per-son or company having railroad tracks there-ou, end a.so excepting mob portiom as havealready bieu graded, graveled and accepted),be graded and graveltd in accordance withthe plans aud profile on file Inthe office ol the city engineer andsneclflcations oi file in the office ol the city

of the city of L « Angeles forgnveled streets, said specification i belug num-bered five.

Swond?That a redwood cuvb bn constructedalong fach line of the roadway of said Hooverstreet from the south curb line of Sixteenthsir -«t ti the north curb line of Washingtonstreet (excepting aloug such portions of theline of said roadway v on which a redwood,cement orgranite curb has already been con-structed audaccepted). In ccordance with spec-ifications in the office of the city clerk of saidcity for constructing redwood curbs.

Reference is hereby made to ibe said ordi-nance of intention for further particulars.

D. a. WATSON,Street Superintendent

By A. I. Stewart, Deputy. 6-29 6t

Stockholders' Meeting.

NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT Ameeting of the stocibolders of the Main

street and Agricultural Park Railroad companywill be held at its office, fo. 234 North Mainstreet, in the city of Los Aneeles, ou Monday,the 3d day of July, A. V 1893, for the purposeof electing a board of directors for the ensuingyear.

The polls will be opened at 12 o'clock: m. andclosed at 3 o'clcck p. m. A. C, TAYLOR,

6 9 24t Secretary.





Private, Nervous and Chronic TroablesTREATED BY A SPECIALIST.

WfiAf17XT WHO °E LIVES *ra madeTV \J JljTiiN miserable by any of the

Diseases peculiar to tbeir sex can receive im-mediate relief. _

Consultation inofficeor by letter free.Medicines compounded in our own labor-

atory.We are here to stay.Call or address i.os asbklks h:;i>i.

CAIj AND -CIKJIOAt INSTITUTK,Rooms 3 and 3, No. 211 Simh Main street, opposlte Haminarn liaths, Los Angeles, Cal.

0-14 ly


.Combined wltb Sulphate of Hydraetia.

Nervousuess, Dyspepsia, Loss of appetite, Dablltyaud a low condition of tbe system willbe promptlyrelieved and cured by lis u-e. Invaluable for overworked business men andwetk, nervous womeu. Pleasant, prompt andtfflclont. XX) doses *1. Got th« genuine,manufactured only by Taylor & Myera Pharmaey Co., St. Paul. Miun.

LosAnreles agents, H. M. SALS it SON, 2208 Spring st. 4 1 ly

pHIOAGO AND THE WORLD'S\J FAIR. Send ten cents (silver) or twelvecents in stamps for a Handy Fo iket Guide tothe great exposition; gives information ofvalue to every visitor. Street Guide. HotelPrices, Cab Fares, Restaurant Rates, etc. De-scribes the hidden pitfallsfor the unwary, andhints how to keep out of them. This indls-pensible companion to every visitor to tbewindy city will be sent by mail, poet paid, onreceipt of ten cents silver, or twelve cents inItamps. Address

H. STAFFORD, Puulishse,P. 0. Box 2264, New York, N. Y.

6-30 dB3t w9t

Notice of Dividend. 'THE TJSDAL 3 PER CENT SEMI-ANNUALJuly dividend of the Security Loan and Trust

Company has been deourtd by tho board ofdirectors. Dividend cheeks will be dulyfor-warded to stockholders. M. W. STIMBON,

7-1 lOt President.



Cash on hand $708,029.39 Capital (paid up) $ 500,000 00Cash with cone- -urplos 600,000 00spondents, San Undivided profits 217,162 13Francisco, New Dm depositors 3,164,574.86York and Chi-cago, etc 353,835.04

Cash on null 204,363.70Total available

«ash $1,200,218.1.TJ. B. and other bonds, stocks

and wanants 310,812 7'Loans and discounts 1,804,483.12Real estate ? 29,972.49Vaults and fixture* 5,250.001

$3.481,736 48 1 $3,482,736.4$

We do solemnly swear that we have (and that each of us hss) a personal knowledge of tbematters contained In the loretoiug report, and that every allegation, statement, matter, andthing therein contained, is true to the best of our knowledge and belief.

11-KMA.N' W. HELLMAN, Vice-President.JOHN MILNBK,Cashier.

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30th day of June, 1593.Tseali RICHARD D. LIBT,

71 lot Notary Public in and for 'heCounty of Los Angeles, State of California.


Security Savings Bank and Trust Co.,Snowing: Its Financial Condition on the morning; of Jnly Ist, 1893.

XXSOU RUES: LIABILITIES:0. 8. and other bonds $ 64,117 SO Capital stock (paid in) $100,006 00Loans 838,039 60 Reserve fund 14,000 00Real estate 5,060 00 Netuudivided profits (expenses,Furniture, fixtures and vault 5,250 00 taxes and all interest to depos-

t'ASH $72,263 19 itors for past six months hay-Dos from Banks 93,864 49 ing been charged oil') 9,93173

Total 166,127 69 DEPOSITS 955,063 05

Total resources $1,078,594 78 Total liabilities $1,073,594 78STATE OF CALIFORNIA, )

County or Los Angeles, IWe uo solemnly swear thai, we have, and each of us bas, a personal knowledge of tbe matter*

contained in the forfcgolag report and that every statement, matter and thing therein containedis true to the best of our knowledge and belief. T. L. DUQUE, President,

J. F. SARrOKI, Cashier.Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of June, 1893. CHARLES UDELL,[seal ] Notary publlo in and for tbe county of Los Angeles, state ofCalifornia,

Tiiß Security Loan ai Trust CompanyWILL REMOVE from 123 W. Second street to ELEQANT NEW QUARTERS

223 SOUTH SPRING STREETFirst door north L. A. Theater Building, on or about JULY 1, 1893.

With an absolutely fire and burglar proof plant and other new facilities in every depart-ment ofour business, we will be in a position to offer great advantages to our customers, and toserve them to their entire satisfaction.

Trusts of every nature ad ministered. Bonds of suretyship furnished for executors, admin-istrators, guardians and others.

The new UNION BANK OF SWINGS has been organized under our au«piees, and will openup for business in the above mentioned room about July 1. 5-21-eod-tf

STATEMENT OF THE CONDIUON OF THEMain Street Savings Bank and Trust Com-

pany, at the close ofbusiness, June 30th, 1893.ASSETS.

Cash on hand and due from banks. $ 60,57!) 42Bonds 53,650 00Heal estate 17,407 26Loans 351,453 45Furniture and fixtures 1,550 15Other assets 556 95

$485,197 23LIABILITIES.

Capital stock $ 50,000 00Reserve fund «,500 00Undivided profit* 2 442 80Due depositors 426.254 43

$485,197 23State ofCalifornia, County of Los Anieles?sa.

J. B. Lankershlm and J. V. Waohtel. beingeach separately duly sworn, each for himself,says:

That J, B. Lankershlm is president and J. V.Wacbtel is cashier of the Main Street SavingsBank and Trust Company, the corporationabove mentioned, and that the foregoing state-ment is true to tb* beit of bis knowledge andbelief,

(Signed) J. B, LANKERSHIM,President.(Signed) J. V, WACHTEL, Cashier.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30thday of June, 1893.Inotarial ska Li (Signed) J. M. WORRALL,

Notary public in and for the county of LosAngeles, state ot California. 7-1 lot

TATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THELos Angeles Savings bank, at the close of

business June 30tb, 1893.resources.

cash on hand $32,006 25Cash due from bank*. 60,517 95

Total available cash $ 92,524 20U, B. and other bonds 250,578 27Loans on real estate £77,103 69Peal estate 45,815 80Furniture and fixtures . 3,000 00

Total resources $1,369,021 90LIABILITIES.

Capital stock paid up $ 25,0!)0 00Undivided profits 3ft,544 53Due depositors 1,308 477 43

Total liabilities $1,389,021 9(1

We do solemnly swear that we have (and eachof us has) a personal knowledge of the matterscontained In the foregoing report, and thatevery allegation, statement matter aud thingtherein contained, i* tiue to the beat of ourknowledge aud belief.

HERMAN W. HEI.LMAN,President,W. M. CASWELL. Cashier.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30thday of June, 1893.

[Seal ] ERNEST G. TAYLOR,Notary publiclvand for the county of Los An-

geles, state of California. 7-1 8t

STAT¥MENT OF THE CONDITION OF THELos Anteles National Bank of Los Ange

les. Cal., at the close ot business ou May 4,1893:

resources:Loans and discount* $ 909 231 42Banking bouse aid fixtures 173.954 64Expenses *nd taxes paid 11,758 17Government bonds,

4 ocr cent $395,400 00Cash on hand 202,768 25Cash in banks 290,337 51

888 505 76

Total . . .$1,983,449 99LIABILITIES'

Capital $ 500,000 00Surplus 52,500 00Undivided profits 31,97ii43National bank notes outstanding Hs,int) noDeposits..... 1,263,970 56

Total $1,983,449 99Sta'eof California, County of Los Angeles, s.s.

I. F, C. Howes. Cashier of tbe above namedbank, do solemnly swear thst the above state-ment Is true to tbe best of my knowledge andbelief. F. C. HOWES, Cashier.

Subscribed and sworn to baiore me this 16thday of May, 1893.E. W. COB, Notary Public



Q ALIFORNIA BANK.Cor. Broadway and Second st.. Lo* Angele*.

fubscribed capital $500,000Paid up capital 300,000Surplus 20,000

J. Frankenfield Presi 'entPam Lewis Vice PresidentJ. W. Winner C: shierJohn G. Mussin Assistant Cashier

dibectobs.. Frankenfield, O. W. Hughes, Sam Lewis,J. 0 Kays, E. W. Jones. L.B. Newton,

Hervey LtncUey, R. F. Lotsueioh.im.f> H ie-

General banking and exchange bu<dnes*transacted. m 4 4m

\u25a0JSHE NATIONAL BANK OF CALIFORNIA,Corner of Spring and ftecond streets,


Capital paid up $259,000

J. M. C. Marble PresidentO. H. Churchill Vice PresidentA. Hadley Asst. Cashier

BOARD 0F DIRECTORS.Dr. W. L Graves, St. F. C K.okke. O. T John-

son, W. Hadlei, K. N. McDonald, M. H. cher-man, Fred Eaton, John Wolfskin, Tlios R.Bard. To 31 1



EAST SIDE BANK,On tbe morning of July 1, 1893.


Loans and discount*.. $33,949 14stocks, bonds and war-

runts 6,902 29Overdrafts 26 20Real estate 2,209 30Furniture &fixtures... 2,000 ouCashed sight exchange.sl6,3l2 44Due from other banks. 1,973 09 18,286 13Expenses 1,200 56

$63,169 62LIABILITIES.

Capital 825,000 00Front and toss 2,722 VDue depositors onde-

manu 822,748 65Duedepuiiturson time

certificates 9,294 35 32,043 00Due banks aud bank-

ers 3,400 00$63,165 62


Loans and discounts-Loans on real estate,

value $12,077 00Loans on slocks, bonds

and warrants,value.. 5,063 07Loans on personal se-

curity, value 14,942.87ILoans on other securi-

ties, value 1,462 20 $33,545 14Overdrafts, value 26 20Btoeks, bonds aud war-

rants, vattle. !v? 5,903 28Casta & sightexchange

value 16,312 44Ail of said promissory notes, securi-

ties and cash (except four $1000school bonds deposited witn theState 1.0 ii and 'trust Co ) are inthe vaults of this corporation.

Due from Chase National ax, N.Y.,value 1,675 84

Dae from Seabo.ird National bank,New York, value 13 £7

Due fiom Crocker- A'oolworth Na-tional bank, riau Frauclsco, value. 281 18

Real estate in Los Angeles county,value 2,205 3)

Furnliuro ana fixtures in bankingroom, value 2,000 00

State ofCalifornli, County of Los Angeles?ss.William J. Washburn aud 11. D. clumber-

Uu, being ci c i separate y duly sworn, each forhimself, says: Jhat said v-ni. J. Washburn Ispresident aud said W. D. Chemberlin is cashierof the East Hid . bank of Los Angeles, the c r-

foration above mentioned, and that the forego-ng statement Is true, to Ibe best of our kuotvl

edge and bali?f.WM. J. WASHBURN,M. D. CHEMBERLIN.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30thday of June, 1893.

[49*1 ] A. W. KWINONotary Public in aud for said County.

ftatement of the paid up capital of theEast Bide bank of Los Augoles, Cal., July Ist,1893:Amount ofcapital paid up in gold

coin of tho United States $21,009.00State of California, Ccuuty of Los Angeles?ss.

Wm. J. Washburn and at, D, Chemberlin, be-ing each separately and duly sworn, each forhimself, says: That said Wm. J. Washburn Ifpresident and s"id M.D. Chemberlin ii cashierof the East Side bank of Los Aage es, the cor-poration above mentioned, and that tno torero-ing statement is true, to the h .st ot our inowl-edge and belief.


Subscribed n-d sworn to before me this 80thdsy of June, 1893.

tital.) A. W. EWNC,Notary Public In and for said County.



T>pHal stock paid up $ ,00,000.

OFF! 3*B.JOHN E. PLtTER PresidentROBi'. 3. BAKER Vice-PresidentGEO, H STEWART Cashtet

DIRECTORS.Jotham Blxby, Chas. Forman,L. T. tiarn»ey, L"wellynBlxby,ii. S. Baker, John E. Plater.

Geo. H. Stewart.


CITIZKNi'BANK, 313 South Spring street,Los Angeles, Cal,

Will remove to their new and elegant rooms Istntlmann Block when completed.

Branch office, Grand Opera House Block,Pasidena. Cal.

T. 8. 0. LOWE PresidentT. W. BR HHERTON Vloe-PresldeetA. P. WltsT Csahies

Buy and soli all first-class securities.STOCKS WANTED in the Los Angeles, Psem-. ii*and other gas companies.First-class, well secured Gas, Water and Kail*

way bonds fp*sale.£JS-Tlme 'oans n best of ?eoorttj

given and liberal Interest paid. 13-3»lMi


MACHINERYArchitectural Iroa and Brass Work ''^|L

4i6 and 430 ALPINE STREETLOS ANQKLKa 3-: 26a tpausr throwing Soil (row lh« Cast**,