herald (1888-present...this issue one...

This ISsue One Section .. 12 Poges THE WAYNE StcoacI CI ... Post. If' P .. id .1 Wayot' HERA" LD published EIIl'r)' Monday ,ind Thursday at IH Main Wayne- Neb,..k.8I711 WAYNE, NEBRASKA 611'7. MONDAY, APRIL 2J, 1'7' ONE·HUNDRED THIRD YEAR NUMBER SEVENTY-ONE Helps Feed Groin Program Sign up Wet Weather Slows Oats Plant!ng April !.howers may bring May only one that Is being hindered IImd an"" to halle their herbicide lind soybet'ln l'Icres over the past accouni!. lor many farmers flQ'tNttr, but they aren't doing the by 'he wet conditions. "There Is custom appll«!od by.'l professional two ye.'lrs turning 10 professional appllca OolItS planting any good. stili of lime to get ground applicator II was pointed out that cus fors 10 s .. we lime and s.,ve Oon Spltze, Wayne county work done tor the corn lind bean According 10 II market re 10m l'Ipplled soybean acreage mooey ext.oslon agent, .... Id the wet he explained se.'lrch conducted for a local lias Incre.,sed trom 1.5 to 19 Research lidS e:itabll:ihed th.,t weath.r Is delaying oat:i plant The unpredictable weather IIpplicator by an agriculture percent, repre!.enllng a two-year more growers are choosing 10 1119 "Id.aily, should be condltlonS.'lnd Increasingly hec ml'lnuf.'lcturlng com rise of 27 percent cuslom.apply bec.'luse they planted as soon as poulble .,fter lie work schedules I!. forcing a pany, there h.'ls been a seven s.,sed on current costs, a underslMd that putting down AprIl 1..' Spllze growing number 01 corn and percent Increase In the totftl planting time Is worth chemicals Is an applicator's He !.ald the oeh crop I!. Ihe s.oybean tarmers In the Wayne number of custom applied corn up to $.0100 an hour which speciality It wu further Vakoc Names Former Resident NEBR. STATE HiSTORICAL 1500 R STREET LINCOLN, NEBR. 68508 Laurel-Concord School Accredited V.koc Conslru(llon company. Wayne, FrIday announced thaI Gtot'ald C Schafer ... 10rmer Wayne (.sldent ..... ho now IIVfl In Minneapolis. Mlnn has be1tn Ihe firm's operations co crdlroator John V&koc of Vakoc Construction, s..,ld $cha It"( w!ll 1111 a rw!W po1lllon nectt5\!faled by the firm', 9ro.....l1'1 and dlvrr,U!cl'ltlon Info vl'Jrle-d faclI!h 01 the "tl'lbll,hed Ih.'lt by utilizing the 'IItest cuslom application meth· och <"1nd the most accur.'lte tqUlpment .,valilible. pro fessional appllc.,tor's generally QIIn gel the job done quickly l'Ind "'tlclently In another area, participatIon In the len percent set·aslde prooram has reached about 21 percent in Wayne counly, _cording to officials In the Wayne County Agrlcullurl'l\ St.,blIlilolItion and Conserv.'ltlon S.rllice office They s<'lld the sign up lIa, been flowed because farmers !vJve been tllklng l'Id'o'anlage of good _ther during the flrsl part of I ... t we-ek to ge-l some field work r:rlmpieted However. they said the wet weather Thursday and Friday prompted an Influx 01 farmers to sign up In the 1979 feed grain program BEING CONGRATULATED by Kenneth A Berg (leftL president of the*'orth Central A')soci"llon 01 Colleges dnd Schools I') Dave Rokusek, (right), principal of the L,lUrt'l Concord elementary 5c1l001. dS the Laurel·Concord elementary School Is accrediled by Ille dssoclatlon The school became an NCA member at the association's annUdl meeting held In Chicago The school was one of four In the state to receive ,lCcred!tdilon A loldl ot nine SChools In the stale have been accepted to the association's ,Hu<,dllation '>lnce becoming dvallable to Nebraska In 1975. The accreditation means the school has met regorous st,mddrds sel lor membership by the NCA 0" hand for the ,HlI10l!n( ement was Sup! Jdmes Lolqulst (center) Industry Senaler. .. 1959 grllduaht of Jamestown College. Jamestown. NO, .pl.!n, to <'Is!>ume his new dulles about Ihe se<ond week 01 M.ay He will lolned by his wite, Judy, and their son and Mughler, Bruce and Beth, lot ICMlng the clOie 01 school lived In Irom 1%6 to 1910 while !.erv II'\Q lUI mar'l4l0er 01 the St.,ndard Oil FMm lind Home c"nter which ""<'IS by the Tt!n<'l 'NMlern (orpor<'llion Survey Seeks local In-Put A surv.y I() d.t.rmlne wheth.r or not a eare crnlN I!. nH<Ied In Wayne \s bl!!11'\Q corxhx:tL'd by the welfare ctilce According to the survey, the ,-ef1ter IS detlned <'lS a licensed Ii'lcilily serving a boll I 10 child ren, pro'o'Idln9 a envirOfl tT'IeI1t lind <'ldequ.,le slaltlng wilh educational acttvilies bei"9 a p.!rl of the care The cef1ler would be open Ih050e hours needed 10 cover fT'I('I!,t work schedules and would lull and part time ctlenls at all Income le'o'els The sur'o'ey tS beir.g conducted 10 obtain InformatIon lor some Interested groups In the com munlty. The center is only In Ihe "Idea !.tage" and there are no definite plans al this lime by anyone, .'Iccordlng to men A torm Is Included In today's Het-.'Ild tor person!. Interested In a day care center to 1111 out for Inform.'ltlonat purp05e only Area Counties Receive Funds Three counties In Wayneland received $.5-4,902.33 In tive per cent gross revenue tax pay. ments 'rom the Nebruk.'l Public Power district (NPPD). The tot.'ll distributed by NPPD amounted to more than $2 million. 'In addition, some $4,110.39 was distributed to the three counties In·lieu·o'·tax payments. Wayne county received SJ,354.32 In gross revenue tax and $29.90 In second half In·lleu· of-tax. Dixon county received $22,29.01.95 In grOss revenue tax and $1,265.9>4 In·lleu·of·tax pay. ments. Cedar county received $29,333.06 In gross revenue and 12,814.61 In-lIeu-of-tax payment •. Money from the payment is distributed by county treasurers to the county, cities and villages and school dlltrlcts according to a preicrlbed formula relating to mill levies. Short Agenda For Council The Wayne City Council Tues· dey night wJil have short agenda. to work their way through, according 10 City Ad- ministrator Darr.1I Brewington. Council business Includes ., ordinance amending dellquent eJectrlc paymen", approval at of bonct sale, ule of the 6t1(V line, pool marnager and fMI ,nO ,.. annual _volt Banquet May 7 Kiwanis Club to Recognize PMflclPllrllng In the proqram makes a praduc!!!r eligible for possible deflclMCy payments tor corn, disaster pdymenh II crops can'l be repl.,nted or .,re damdged by nalural dhl'lsters, price supports. loans and the three year grain It the government open' 1I up 10 1919 corn Scholars in Wayne Schools Togetherness' SHARING STRAWS a S. ... t'lUl Irom "AmcrlLan Grtllilll" Me Bob Lhk.l and Tamil! Mu. ray durin.g '.'I(I',Ot'ly· ,ltthf' Middle Sd1001. f-rlrJ<lY Mo" 01 the students dnd M'III'rdl Idcully nlembe-rs dressed In 50's atllt'e lor Ille day II a producer l'Ilso lakes Mlolher len percent of his corn ground out 01 production. for e.t'lmple, he will receive l'I direct diversion pdymenh and ,,1'0 qtMHfy for the benefits under '''e ten percent option OHdllne 'or !.Ignup In the program Is April 30 ---- Public Forum On Abortion, Cloning And More Wednesday The feed grain slgnup W.'lS the priority Item of a regul.,r meoeting 01 the M<1dlson County ASCS committee which W.'lS dHended by Carl Stratton, ASCS district dIrector from Wayne All those present se&med to be In .'Igreement that 'allorable growing conditions during the past couple of years has been a l<'Ictor In the !.Iow slgnup. Humdns are liVing In a S-Clef1IUlc <"1ge wh('n dnd practices such as cloning, gt'fle11C en.glneering. .'Iborlion, artllidal Insemlnallon and olher technologies are becoming In creaslngly common In \t,eir use A conference designed to pro IIlde a public lorum lor dis cu!.slng these mailers IS scheduled lor Wednesd.,y In Ro'tmsey Thelltre 01 the Fine Arts Building ..,1 Wcwne State College. The conterence, beginning al I pm, entllied "Science, Ethic!. and • Social Change," tlnd I, spon!.ored by the WSC Public News in Brief Open House at Schools Open house ,It the Wayne and Middle School Will bt' held Thursd,ly. April 16. according to it spoke!>rmm for tile two scllools The publIC IS e(1couraged to attend between the hours ot 7 and 9 p m Teachers will be available during those hours to 'o'lsi! parenh and Iriends, and collee and cuokles Will be Approve Preliminary Plans Prellmlnary plans lor a combination greenhouse and botony laboratory at Wayne State College approved Friday by the Nebraska Slate Cot leges' Board of Trustees at d meetlng held at Kearney Stdte College The board authorized the development of further speCifications for the greenhouse struclure, which Is ten !allvely scheduled to be compleled before the start of the 1979 fall semester Affairs Institute and funded In part by the Nebraska Com mlttee tor the Humanltle!!. Recent Supreme Court de cl!.lons ha\le changed 200 years of Amerlclln tradition In 115 They sdld farmers could beat the program the last three year" but they ... concern thai 1919 might be a "bad year" judgmenls reli\'ltlng toJ <'Ibortlofl We just hope there's PM iVledlCllt science can now IIc!pation In case we have a determine the sex of an unborn disaster' Stratton said child, or whether or not the child Another record crop (this Is deformed, shortlv "fler " ye.,r) could bring another de· woman realizes s,he Is pregnant pressed market Everyone will The first lest tube babies are fertilize tor a ISO· bushel yield now re.'liities. A panel of experts and hope that moisture con from the field's of medicine, law dilions llre favOr.'lble" science, philosophy .'Ind theology Specul.'ltlng IIbout what the will discus, these topiCS In the prices will be this fall, they Mid oonference, which Is open tree 10_ -1t'e deficiency payments will be the publiC. ,the. seiling factor of Ihls year's Participating will be Dr program [).oInlel Callahan, founder and Deficiency Pdyments will be current dlreclor of the Hastings the difference between the U.S Center: Institute of SOCiety, Ethics and Ufe Science, located In New York He Is author ot over 200 medlcal·science articles and 16 books, Including "The Tyranny of Survlv.'l!, a Study 01 TechnoloQy" and "Abortion Law, Choice and Morality" Also participating will be Or Susan A. Salladay, profe"or of biomedical ethic, and associate See FORUM, Page 12 aver.'lge farm price tor corn through October, 1979, through February, 1980 and the $220 target price or 10 cent!. per bushel. whichever Is smaller Transportatlon, namely boxc.'lr shortage, Is also causing concern. the marn said. With the surplus of grain in storage, they said the producers "were al· ready In a bind" for the 1979 crop. Member of WayneJ::ligh"Class of '69 J The Wayne Kiwanis Club will re<:oqnlle top aCddeml( students 01 the Wayne City Schools during the 1.4lh annudl scholastJc achlevemenl banquet slated next month Fortyelglll Wdyne s(hool stu dent'! Irl qr.}des sellen through 11, and their parents, are expected to a"end the Kiwanis spon'!ored event OIl Mooday. !+/lay 7, al 6:30 p.rn at the Wayne Stdte College Student Center Pins will be presented to the top 10 sludenls In grades nine through 12, and certlfJcate!. will be ... warded to the top four students In grade!. se'o'en and elghl Dean Craun, owne-r of Wayne Radio KTCH, will .'Iddress the group Awards will be presented by Curtis Frye, high !.choal gUidance coon$elor The banquet Is open to the public. Parenh and tamlly ot students are a$kad to make their reservations through Bonnie Stanley .'It the high school, 375·3150 Others may coniact Bill Dickey at the First National Sinfonia Concert Tuesday AAGE PETERSEN, 62, Battle Creek, Is 1 of 36 Northeast Nebraska citizens who ha'o'e participated In the Wayne State College -- Northeast Nebraska Sintonla. The group will perform In a free spring concert Tuesday at 8 p.m. In the loyer of the Fine Arts building at Wayne State College. Petersen Is general manager of the Batlle Creek F.'Irmers Cooperative and has participated In the Sinfonia for nearly ten years / Lad from "Down Under" Tells1ilfs Philosophy of Life A ten.year reunion I, being planned by lets, teach Lincoln tQ enjoy Japanese and could the next morning. Now we I used to see parents screaming aT a committee made up of members of the French cuisine, and probably take him to stay out lat and Insist It's the other's their children In the stores and feel sorry Wayne High class of 1969. The reunion Europe before he was three. Now we turn to get up nd feed Linc. for them. Now I feel sorry for will be held Saturday, July 14; at ROfil's smile gratefully at our friends who don't We gave dl ner partIes and Invited parents, too. Steak house and Lounge, remind us of what we used to say. clever, sophisticated" people who talked I wouldn't have believed It possible for An Invitation was sent to all etass- We always travelled light _ grab our brilliantly and drank too much. Now we two Intelligent businessmen to spend an members. One was received by Stephen swimmers and sunglasses a bottle at give barbeques and Invite people who evening discussing the excretory habits A. DeKaib who Is assistant to the Group wine, hop on the and shoot still drink too much but leave earlier. of sma Ii children. Now It's still hard tc!. General Manager of Sydney and Mel- through for a picnic In the bush. Now we We used to chuckle when people had to belle\le - but It's true. bourne's Health Services Group, Toon- frighten our friends by .arrjvlng with a leave a I?arty early because of the baby I used to look at kids like they were a gabble, AUltralle. portable cot, diapers, tins, lan, bottles, sitter. Now we ask for her name and part of the scenery. Now Iogjr; a lot OeKatb has been In Australia since great bundles of clothes and a .(.foot telephone number. like people. 1911. He was home for Christmas In 197>4. teddy bear named George. We had to remind ourselves to visit Denise and' used to be a.most perfect. He married a "Jov.'y Australian blond" We went to the beach to body sur·' the relatives. Now they have to remind us to We had the right Ideas on the export of . nemed Denise. They have an eight. big breakers and lie 'or hours In the hot leave and take Line with us, Australian uranium, drugs, violence on month·old aM, Lincoln Anthony. South Pacific sun. Now we paddle.ln the We used to go to the lust released the telley arid pornography. Now we both Since OeKalb will be unable to attend rock pools and build sand castles so LIne films, plays and rock concerts. ND'N we know we're only human. the r'unlon. he sent the following which can smash tnem to smithereens. read the reviews over breakfast and We had an organized home with gives Insight .nto h" philosophy of life as We used to sleep late, eat mangoes and congratulate ourselves on the money we care'ully arl'lInged pinewOod 'urnlture, It Is lived In Australia. cream In bed and read the Sunday saved. magazines and books on reincarnation. Den's •• nd J said a lot of thlngJ when papers. Now we go to bed early, eat toast philosophy and earth sciences. We had a ...... were be(omlng serious, about nGt In the bathroom _and can name at least I alwoys wanted a MGB. Now I cannot docile dog, loads of friends who like to letting kid' change our IIv .. , We would five of the Muppet,. decide how a baby car seat Is going to See PHILOSOPHY. Page 12 tlll drink' champagne from III\ler gob. We stayed out late because we knew we look In a red sports coup. Bank, Qt- Sob Jordan at the State N<'Iilonat Bank Students to be honored Include: Senlon: Bob Bornhoft, Brad Emry, Garth Hagerman, Lori Les!.mann, Rick Lutt. Kenley Mann, Lori McClain, Anita Sandahl. Lori Sherlock, Chrl!. Vakoc. Junior': J.'Inice Butt'S, Randall Fleer, William HIM$, Mar\lln Hansen, DIane Lindsay, Dougals Marr, Terri Melena, Kurt Powers, Douglas Rose, Sus.'ln Wiener. Sophomores: Julie Ellis, Bret Frevert. Tod Heier, Debbie GIlliland, Deb Miller, Nancy Nuss, Kelly O'Donnell, Rhonda C&tendorf, lisa Remer, Marcia Rethwlsch. Fr.shm.n: Kelll Baler, Mark 6ofenkamp, Patty Franzen, Dallas Hansen, KMla Otle, Frances Prather, Tommy Ul· rich, Sandy Utecht, David Wiener, Steven Zahniser EI9hth Gr.den: Dawn [)roe· scher, Glenn Elliott, Shelley Emry, Julie Wiener. Seventh Gr.<Mrs: Blaine Johs, Sharon Mclain, Rodney Porter, Andrea Tooker. Receive Grant For Festival The Spring Arts Festival on Saturday being sponsored by the Wayne RegIonal Arts Council Is being supported by .'I $2S6 grant from the Nebraska Arts council. according to Roberl C. Plerle, Arts Council executive director. The Arts Festival, according to Jane O'Leary, chairman, and Pearl Hansen, festival director, will be held In downtown Wayne. Featured <'It the festival will be exhibits and demonstrations of poltery, painting, drawing, prIntmaking, photo· graphy,' crafts, and school dis- plays. Visitors to the festl\lal will also be to see poetry readings, theatre performances, music groups, and dance concerts. Board Accepts Resignations The Wayne-Carroll board of education at Its regular first-at- the·month meeting, accepted staff appointments as recom· mended by the superintendent and four reslgnaflons. Each teacher who was re· electec:J to a teaching position has been, notified by Sup!. Or. Francis Haun, requesting a personal conference. One of "the resignations WI. from Beulah, Bornhoft, who 'I retiring from her high school math position. after 31 yeara of teaching In Wayne and," )'Mrs , total teachlng experience. others. whose reslgnl.'oft. were Iccepted Included Marl. Reldelbach, high school libra· rlan; Janna Rutledge, vocal music and Mary Edmonda, SChool nur,.

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Page 1: Herald (1888-Present...This ISsue One Section .. 12 Poges THE WAYNE StcoacI CI ... Post. If' P .. id .1 Wayot' .'Ij~hr.JI~ka

This ISsue One Section .. 12 Poges

THE WAYNE StcoacI CI ... Post. If' P .. id .1 Wayot' .'Ij~hr.JI~ka HERA" LD published EIIl'r)' Monday ,ind Thursday at

IH Main Wayne- Neb,..k.8I711


Helps Feed Groin Program Sign up

Wet Weather Slows Oats Plant!ng April !.howers may bring May only one that Is being hindered IImd an"" to halle their herbicide lind soybet'ln l'Icres over the past accouni!. lor many farmers

flQ'tNttr, but they aren't doing the by 'he wet conditions. "There Is custom appll«!od by.'l professional two ye.'lrs turning 10 professional appllca OolItS planting any good. stili p~nty of lime to get ground applicator II was pointed out that cus fors 10 s .. we lime and s.,ve

Oon Spltze, Wayne county work done tor the corn lind bean According 10 II market re 10m l'Ipplled soybean acreage mooey ext.oslon agent, .... Id the wet ~antlng" he explained se.'lrch conducted for a local lias Incre.,sed trom 1.5 to 19 Research lidS e:itabll:ihed th.,t weath.r Is delaying oat:i plant The unpredictable weather IIpplicator by an agriculture percent, repre!.enllng a two-year more growers are choosing 10

1119 "Id.aily, oa~ should be condltlonS.'lnd Increasingly hec producl~ ml'lnuf.'lcturlng com rise of 27 percent cuslom.apply bec.'luse they planted as soon as poulble .,fter lie work schedules I!. forcing a pany, there h.'ls been a seven s.,sed on current costs, a underslMd that putting down AprIl 1..' ~Id Spllze growing number 01 corn and percent Increase In the totftl farmer'~ planting time Is worth chemicals Is an applicator's

He !.ald the oeh crop I!. Ihe s.oybean tarmers In the Wayne number of custom applied corn up to $.0100 an hour which speciality It wu further

Vakoc Names

Former Resident


Laurel-Concord School Accredited

V.koc Conslru(llon company. Wayne, FrIday announced thaI Gtot'ald C Schafer ... 10rmer Wayne (.sldent ..... ho now IIVfl In Minneapolis. Mlnn has be1tn Ihe firm's operations co crdlroator

John V&koc "lc~ prMjd~1 of Vakoc Construction, s..,ld $cha It"( w!ll 1111 a rw!W po1lllon nectt5\!faled by the firm', 9ro.....l1'1 and dlvrr,U!cl'ltlon Info vl'Jrle-d faclI!h 01 the h~lng

"tl'lbll,hed Ih.'lt by utilizing the 'IItest cuslom application meth· och <"1nd the most accur.'lte tqUlpment .,valilible. pro fessional appllc.,tor's generally QIIn gel the job done quickly l'Ind "'tlclently

In another area, participatIon In the len percent set·aslde prooram has reached about 21 percent in Wayne counly, _cording to officials In the Wayne County Agrlcullurl'l\ St.,blIlilolItion and Conserv.'ltlon S.rllice office

They s<'lld the sign up lIa, been flowed because farmers !vJve been tllklng l'Id'o'anlage of good _ther during the flrsl part of I ... t we-ek to ge-l some field work r:rlmpieted However. they said the wet weather Thursday and Friday prompted an Influx 01 farmers to sign up In the 1979 feed grain program

BEING CONGRATULATED by Kenneth A Berg (leftL president of the*'orth Central A')soci"llon 01 Colleges dnd Schools I') Dave Rokusek, (right), principal of the L,lUrt'l Concord elementary 5c1l001. dS the Laurel·Concord elementary School Is accrediled by Ille dssoclatlon The school became an NCA member at the association's annUdl meeting held In Chicago The school was one of four In the state to receive ,lCcred!tdilon A loldl ot nine SChools In the stale have been accepted to the association's ,Hu<,dllation '>lnce becoming dvallable to Nebraska In 1975. The accreditation means the school has met regorous st,mddrds sel lor membership by the NCA 0" hand for the ,HlI10l!n( ement was Sup! Jdmes Lolqulst (center)

Industry Senaler. .. 1959 grllduaht of

Jamestown College. Jamestown. NO, .pl.!n, to <'Is!>ume his new dulles about Ihe se<ond week 01 M.ay He will ~ lolned by his wite, Judy, and their son and Mughler, Bruce and Beth, lot ICMlng the clOie 01 school x~!er lived In Wayn~ Irom

1%6 to 1910 while !.erv II'\Q lUI

mar'l4l0er 01 the St.,ndard Oil FMm lind Home c"nter which ""<'IS pUr(M~ed by the Tt!n<'l 'NMlern (orpor<'llion

Survey Seeks

local In-Put A surv.y I() d.t.rmlne

wheth.r or not a ~y eare crnlN I!. nH<Ied In Wayne \s bl!!11'\Q corxhx:tL'd by the welfare ctilce

According to the survey, the ,-ef1ter IS detlned <'lS a licensed Ii'lcilily serving a boll I 10 child ren, pro'o'Idln9 a ~fe envirOfl tT'IeI1t lind <'ldequ.,le slaltlng wilh educational acttvilies bei"9 a p.!rl of the care

The cef1ler would be open Ih050e hours needed 10 cover fT'I('I!,t work schedules and would ~r'o'e lull and part time ctlenls at all Income le'o'els

The sur'o'ey tS beir.g conducted 10 obtain InformatIon lor some Interested groups In the com munlty. The center is only In Ihe "Idea !.tage" and there are no definite plans al this lime by anyone, .'Iccordlng to spoke~

men A torm Is Included In today's

Het-.'Ild tor person!. Interested In a day care center to 1111 out for Inform.'ltlonat purp05e only

Area Counties

Receive Funds Three counties In Wayneland

received $.5-4,902.33 In tive per cent gross revenue tax pay. ments 'rom the Nebruk.'l Public Power district (NPPD).

The tot.'ll distributed by NPPD amounted to more than $2 million.

'In addition, some $4,110.39 was distributed to the three counties In·lieu·o'·tax payments.

Wayne county received SJ,354.32 In gross revenue tax and $29.90 In second half In·lleu· of-tax.

Dixon county received $22,29.01.95 In grOss revenue tax and $1,265.9>4 In·lleu·of·tax pay. ments.

Cedar county received $29,333.06 In gross revenue and 12,814.61 In-lIeu-of-tax payment •.

Money from the payment is distributed by county treasurers to the county, cities and villages and school dlltrlcts according to a preicrlbed formula relating to mill levies.

Short Agenda

For Council The Wayne City Council Tues·

dey night wJil have • short agenda. to work their way through, according 10 City Ad­ministrator Darr.1I Brewington.

Council business Includes ., ordinance amending dellquent eJectrlc paymen", approval at nott~ of bonct sale, ule of the 6t1(V line, pool marnager and fMI ,nO ,.. annual _volt

Banquet May 7

Kiwanis Club to Recognize PMflclPllrllng In the proqram

makes a praduc!!!r eligible for possible deflclMCy payments tor corn, disaster pdymenh II crops can'l be repl.,nted or .,re ~verely damdged by nalural dhl'lsters, price supports. loans and the three year grain re~er'o'e It the government open' 1I up 10 1919 corn

Scholars in Wayne Schools

Togetherness' SHARING STRAWS II~~ a S. ... t'lUl Irom "AmcrlLan Grtllilll" Me Bob Lhk.l and Tamil! Mu. ray durin.g '.'I(I',Ot'ly· ,ltthf' W~lynl.l Middle Sd1001. f-rlrJ<lY Mo" 01 the students dnd M'III'rdl Idcully nlembe-rs dressed In 50's atllt'e lor Ille day

II a producer l'Ilso lakes Mlolher len percent of his corn ground out 01 production. for e.t'lmple, he will receive l'I direct diversion pdymenh and ,,1'0 qtMHfy for the benefits under '''e ten percent option

OHdllne 'or !.Ignup In the program Is April 30

-~~~~-. ----

Public Forum On Abortion, Cloning And More Wednesday

The feed grain slgnup W.'lS the priority Item of a regul.,r meoeting 01 the M<1dlson County ASCS committee which W.'lS dHended by Carl Stratton, ASCS district dIrector from Wayne All those present se&med to be In .'Igreement that 'allorable growing conditions during the past couple of years has been a l<'Ictor In the !.Iow slgnup. Humdns are liVing In a

S-Clef1IUlc <"1ge wh('n lerm~ dnd practices such as cloning, gt'fle11C en.glneering. .'Iborlion, artllidal Insemlnallon and olher technologies are becoming In creaslngly common In \t,eir use A conference designed to pro IIlde a public lorum lor dis

cu!.slng these mailers IS scheduled lor Wednesd.,y In Ro'tmsey Thelltre 01 the Fine Arts Building ..,1 Wcwne State College.

The conterence, beginning al I pm, entllied "Science, Ethic!. and • Social Change," tlnd I, spon!.ored by the WSC Public

News in Brief Open House at Schools

Open house ,It the Wayne Elem~ntary and Middle School Will bt' held Thursd,ly. April 16. according to it spoke!>rmm for tile two scllools

The publIC IS e(1couraged to attend between the hours ot 7 and 9 p m Teachers will be available during those hours to 'o'lsi! parenh and Iriends, and collee and cuokles Will be ~rlled

Approve Preliminary Plans Prellmlnary plans lor a combination greenhouse and

botony laboratory at Wayne State College wer~ approved Friday by the Nebraska Slate Cot leges' Board of Trustees at d meetlng held at Kearney Stdte College

The board authorized the development of further speCifications for the greenhouse struclure, which Is ten !allvely scheduled to be compleled before the start of the 1979 fall semester

Affairs Institute and funded In part by the Nebraska Com mlttee tor the Humanltle!!.

Recent Supreme Court de cl!.lons ha\le changed 200 years of Amerlclln tradition In 115

They sdld farmers could beat the program the last three year" but they ... olc~ concern thai 1919 might be a "bad year"

judgmenls reli\'ltlng toJ <'Ibortlofl We just hope there's PM iVledlCllt science can now IIc!pation In case we have a determine the sex of an unborn disaster' Stratton said child, or whether or not the child Another record crop (this Is deformed, shortlv "fler " ye.,r) could bring another de· woman realizes s,he Is pregnant pressed market Everyone will The first lest tube babies are fertilize tor a ISO· bushel yield now re.'liities. A panel of experts and hope that moisture con from the field's of medicine, law dilions llre favOr.'lble" science, philosophy .'Ind theology Specul.'ltlng IIbout what the will discus, these topiCS In the prices will be this fall, they Mid oonference, which Is open tree 10_ -1t'e deficiency payments will be the publiC. ,the. seiling factor of Ihls year's

Participating will be Dr program [).oInlel Callahan, founder and Deficiency Pdyments will be current dlreclor of the Hastings the difference between the U.S Center: Institute of SOCiety, Ethics and Ufe Science, located In New York He Is author ot over 200 medlcal·science articles and 16 books, Including "The Tyranny of Survlv.'l!, a Study 01 TechnoloQy" and "Abortion Law, Choice and Morality"

Also participating will be Or Susan A. Salladay, profe"or of biomedical ethic, and associate See FORUM, Page 12

aver.'lge farm price tor corn through October, 1979, through February, 1980 and the $220 target price or 10 cent!. per bushel. whichever Is smaller

Transportatlon, namely th~ boxc.'lr shortage, Is also causing concern. the marn said. With the surplus of grain in storage, they said the producers "were al· ready In a bind" for the 1979 crop.

Member of WayneJ::ligh"Class of '69 J

The Wayne Kiwanis Club will re<:oqnlle top aCddeml( students 01 the Wayne City Schools during the 1.4lh annudl scholastJc achlevemenl banquet slated next month

Fortyelglll Wdyne s(hool stu dent'! Irl qr.}des sellen through 11, and their parents, are expected to a"end the Kiwanis spon'!ored event OIl Mooday. !+/lay 7, al 6:30 p.rn at the Wayne Stdte College Student Center

Pins will be presented to the top 10 sludenls In grades nine

through 12, and certlfJcate!. will be ... warded to the top four students In grade!. se'o'en and elghl

Dean Craun, owne-r of Wayne Radio KTCH, will .'Iddress the group Awards will be presented by Curtis Frye, high !.choal gUidance coon$elor

The banquet Is open to the public. Parenh and tamlly ot students are a$kad to make their reservations through Bonnie Stanley .'It the high school, 375·3150 Others may coniact Bill Dickey at the First National

Sinfonia Concert Tuesday

AAGE PETERSEN, 62, Battle Creek, Is 1 of 36 Northeast Nebraska citizens who ha'o'e participated In the Wayne State College -- Northeast Nebraska Sintonla. The group will perform In a free spring concert Tuesday at 8 p.m. In the loyer of the Fine Arts building at Wayne State College. Petersen Is general manager of the Batlle Creek F.'Irmers Cooperative and has participated In the Sinfonia for nearly ten years

/ ~

Lad from "Down Under" Tells1ilfs Philosophy of Life A ten.year reunion I, being planned by lets, teach Lincoln tQ enjoy Japanese and could Sleep~n the next morning. Now we I used to see parents screaming aT

a committee made up of members of the French cuisine, and probably take him to stay out lat and Insist It's the other's their children In the stores and feel sorry Wayne High class of 1969. The reunion Europe before he was three. Now we turn to get up nd feed Linc. for them. Now I feel sorry for ~he will be held Saturday, July 14; at ROfil's smile gratefully at our friends who don't We gave dl ner partIes and Invited parents, too. Steak house and Lounge, Carroll~ remind us of what we used to say. clever, sophisticated" people who talked I wouldn't have believed It possible for

An Invitation was sent to all etass- We always travelled light _ grab our brilliantly and drank too much. Now we two Intelligent businessmen to spend an members. One was received by Stephen swimmers and sunglasses a bottle at give barbeques and Invite people who evening discussing the excretory habits A. DeKaib who Is assistant to the Group wine, hop on the Hond~ and shoot still drink too much but leave earlier. of sma Ii children. Now It's still hard tc!. General Manager of Sydney and Mel- through for a picnic In the bush. Now we We used to chuckle when people had to belle\le - but It's true. bourne's Health Services Group, Toon- frighten our friends by .arrjvlng with a leave a I?arty early because of the baby I used to look at kids like they were a gabble, AUltralle. portable cot, diapers, tins, lan, bottles, sitter. Now we ask for her name and part of the scenery. Now t~y Iogjr; a lot

OeKatb has been In Australia since great bundles of clothes and a .(.foot telephone number. like people. 1911. He was home for Christmas In 197>4. teddy bear named George. We had to remind ourselves to visit Denise and' used to be a.most perfect. He married a "Jov.'y Australian blond" We went to the beach to body sur·' the relatives. Now they have to remind us to We had the right Ideas on the export of . nemed Denise. They have an eight. big breakers and lie 'or hours In the hot leave and take Line with us, Australian uranium, drugs, violence on month·old aM, Lincoln Anthony. ~ South Pacific sun. Now we paddle.ln the We used to go to the lust released the telley arid pornography. Now we both

Since OeKalb will be unable to attend rock pools and build sand castles so LIne films, plays and rock concerts. ND'N we know we're only human. the r'unlon. he sent the following which can smash tnem to smithereens. read the reviews over breakfast and We had an organized home with gives Insight .nto h" philosophy of life as We used to sleep late, eat mangoes and congratulate ourselves on the money we care'ully arl'lInged pinewOod 'urnlture, It Is lived In Australia. ~ cream In bed and read the Sunday saved. magazines and books on reincarnation.

Den's •• nd J said a lot of thlngJ when papers. Now we go to bed early, eat toast philosophy and earth sciences. We had a ...... were be(omlng serious, about nGt In the bathroom _and can name at least I alwoys wanted a MGB. Now I cannot docile dog, loads of friends who like to letting kid' change our IIv .. , We would five of the Muppet,. decide how a baby car seat Is going to See PHILOSOPHY. Page 12 • tlll drink' champagne from III\ler gob. We stayed out late because we knew we look In a ca~y-apple red sports coup.

Bank, Qt- Sob Jordan at the State N<'Iilonat Bank

Students to be honored Include:

Senlon: Bob Bornhoft, Brad Emry, Garth Hagerman, Lori Les!.mann, Rick Lutt. Kenley Mann, Lori McClain, Anita Sandahl. Lori Sherlock, Chrl!. Vakoc.

Junior': J.'Inice Butt'S, Randall Fleer, William HIM$, Mar\lln Hansen, DIane Lindsay, Dougals Marr, Terri Melena, Kurt Powers, Douglas Rose, Sus.'ln Wiener.

Sophomores: Julie Ellis, Bret Frevert. Tod Heier, Debbie GIlliland, Deb Miller, Nancy Nuss, Kelly O'Donnell, Rhonda C&tendorf, lisa Remer, Marcia Rethwlsch.

Fr.shm.n: Kelll Baler, Mark 6ofenkamp, Patty Franzen, Dallas Hansen, KMla Otle, Frances Prather, Tommy Ul· rich, Sandy Utecht, David Wiener, Steven Zahniser

EI9hth Gr.den: Dawn [)roe·

scher, Glenn Elliott, Shelley Emry, Julie Wiener.

Seventh Gr.<Mrs: Blaine Johs, Sharon Mclain, Rodney Porter, Andrea Tooker.

Receive Grant

For Festival The Spring Arts Festival on

Saturday being sponsored by the Wayne RegIonal Arts Council Is being supported by .'I $2S6 grant from the Nebraska Arts council. according to Roberl C. Plerle, Arts Council executive director.

The Arts Festival, according to Jane O'Leary, chairman, and Pearl Hansen, festival director, will be held In downtown Wayne.

Featured <'It the festival will be exhibits and demonstrations of poltery, painting, drawing, scul~re, prIntmaking, photo· graphy,' crafts, and school dis­plays.

Visitors to the festl\lal will also be a~le to see poetry readings, theatre performances, music groups, and dance concerts.

Board Accepts

Resignations The Wayne-Carroll board of

education at Its regular first-at­the·month meeting, accepted staff appointments as recom· mended by the superintendent and four reslgnaflons.

Each teacher who was re· electec:J to a teaching position has been, notified by Sup!. Or. Francis Haun, requesting a personal conference.

One of "the resignations WI. from Beulah, Bornhoft, who 'I retiring from her high school math position. after 31 yeara of teaching In Wayne and," )'Mrs , total teachlng experience.

others. whose reslgnl.'oft. were Iccepted Included Marl. Reldelbach, high school libra· rlan; Janna Rutledge, vocal music and Mary Edmonda, SChool nur,. •

Page 2: Herald (1888-Present...This ISsue One Section .. 12 Poges THE WAYNE StcoacI CI ... Post. If' P .. id .1 Wayot' .'Ij~hr.JI~ka


, . ~ "l1¢fS f£A/)lt{(; TillS TJa)K ON IkM 10 /JEAT ~ 711APS!//

~ '11

The other side Wayne

you' .... n.ard the story. In the April 19 ""ald. from ~ who h.!Is gradua tid. Now hear It from someont" who has ..en It. first hand

I am II student at Wayne High and I twve both 01 the hNicher's in question for my ctu,Sft

You've hurd ~ IhHl9 that convicted the voc.l '-cher Now hHr .orne good tNngs fhat she has tned to get' ~, but ,.". 5O!TIe reason It was spollf!d by ... c:ertaln penon

1'lw vocal <Mportment has made a grut ... , 01 ImpnwlI!ment. FOI" 'he past ttw-. v .. " the school has had to hire .. NW VOCIII te.acher. Why? The- answer Is bkause of the studenb

They finally find .. good Instructor and now they let some lPOl~ kid c.tUM II "'*101' camoflon. Thls It. the flut teacMr "'-, has made any Pl"09re-ss with Wayne HIgh's music departmfltt She trll'ld to "" the vocal departm~t to preform a grNt, difficult, musical, but the students didn't teeJ they were responsible for the musical, even though t~ wanted to perform It, so our yearly musical was chipped. Swing choir ~ the students ~ It because it made them f~1

Important, but they feU they were too good to pradice. 'T'he best ftIing me did was, for the flnt time In ten or twelve yean the Girls Glee has gone to contest, Md Ws about time. It's he!'" first yeer, she's made ter"rlflc progress and with a little encouragement fmm the students ..t parents they would have all bI!en successful.

Why do "hot shots" try to spoil it. for everyone else?

The "hot shot" is al:s.o a student at wayne High. She thinks she's the best person to ever walk the face of the eerth. WeU I got news for her. She's no bette-( thiln anyone else, "In the beginning, God O'Nted us all equal, men as well 0111 women."

She thinks that because she is in sports, hn a IMlrent on the faculty, and Is the molt "bNutlful" girl In school, she Is top "dog."

The other teacher has a special , with the student, they are refated. The tMcher has taught In Wayne

tot- scmfl' tjm~ The flnt day I attefld~ his class I noticed this cholee of profanity I never heard the other teacher swear to her slude-nts but to h~r self unlike thiS teacheL I'M!' swears at the class and In his lectvres. Nobody pays any attention to the complaints about him because til! Is ., m .....

The thrNt w.,s m3de- and carrll!d out 'M"\y do they .,'w.,ys make It Mrd on women? In other schools they don't Mve """Ie teachers I'd like to H(\' a male Home Economics tNcher

I've heard another faculty member swear 001 you can'l complain bKause there 15 nowhere 10 I\Jrn

" Is not to not the vocal It'achen contract, bu' 15 II fair to rl!llf!w the other leachers UJI'Itrac1 This Is some thing for the school board to think aboul

The WBy Ihal most teachers conduct their class Is by disc/pllOf! The vocal Instructor conducts her class by using phsycology Maybl! that's why the studenh try to get away with "murder"

I wonder if tne "big shots" are going to make 3 big deal out of thl5 like they did the sex thIng

It this teacher doesn·t get her contract renewed, I know a lot of people who are going to be upset, more then they are right now, not so much with her but with the ~ honchoes on the faculty.

Its only fair that both teachers and the othet' administrator should all get fired.

Make something better 01, our lOCal school. now and for the future. Be f.ld Think of all tt"Ie future children and what

, they w!" 00 through. Let's stralgh"" out our school system. - A very· concerned student ( wfthMId by request).


•• IIAPPY '-' OIlY


114 Mlln S_.~_W;.;.;;Y~",;;'..;_;,;;;;.:.;;;""~_~_~_S75-"" established In 1875; a newspaper pubtlshedttml-weekly. NaMl8y _ TIIU.-y (.,.copt holidoyll. by Woyne _.Id Publllhing Compainy, Inc .• J. Alan Cr.mer. Presklent; enfwf;ed 'n the post CIfflct .t Wayne, NebrHke 617.,. 2nd c .... polIt. Plkf .t w.,no. _m. _7. .

NATIONAL NEWSPAPER .,.,. filii Ii[ , .. "'.Iii! NIlASUSlAINI!M;·, L~ MUIIU-It1S .,.

Chuck 80 .... Editor

JlmMlnll ---. ___ oI"Cllyol""",","'~ 01""' ___ 01_

We had 10m. busineas IMt week In our hOmetown In the Stat. of Kanl" and we Nlven't r.vlsed our opinion of the "Sun· ftower Sta"."

-CHB-Try as we can. we can't eop. with the

weather 0' Kanul. And right out In front, we want to make It clear that It Is the weather rnd climate of Kansal which WtI dislike .. '\'~~ people.

-CHB-The whMt seems to be coming along,

the pastures are g,....,lng up and the "horse· type" 011 pumps contlnue to Mlp fhe energy crl,I,. It would Hem every Ihlnq Is hunk v dorev In the ,tate. But not 10

-CH&-A strOO9 southern wind kicked up

clouds of dus.t In 8O·pius degree tempera tvres. The wind silently movlkt lOme

BarneStorming MRth Chuck Barnes

douds from the south to the north ana before we knew It, we In a "tornado V4mlng" Situation.

-CHII-We are most happy the 'unn.1 fluted

out, but then cam. the hall, rein and cold ..... , .. , A drop 01 "..rly -40 d1greel. Typical. Our opinion was reinforced.

-CHB-But to ofhet the WN"'" Mr. the

J*)pl.. It'l difficult to tlnd people who exprell luch g.nulne car. about otherl. They ar. far enough louth where they Mnd to IIv. life a. It cornn and don't romment too much about the wuther. It's an ea.y.golng atmosphere. The life. .tyle Is that of co"cern and not comple)(lty

-CHB-We rerwwed acquaintances and laugh. ~ alOng a. our childhood "hell·ralslng"

wal reviewed. After a long couple of hours we were able to change 1M topic, one of which concerned our present off·hours occupation ... Iogglng.

-CHII-Eddie Mil •• , one of fht; .tallwarts Clf

our homet(Ml'n community, II Tnto lohtr heat and logging, He cov.,.. about Ilx miles a day and when the weather (another Instance of our dl.llke) Is bad, he has an Indoor treadmill to keep hla logging bfood flOWing:

. -CHII-He looked great and wid he felt the

same. He attributes 'It all to logging. W. felt he summed It up when he st.ted: "'I'll probably live to be 95 years oJd and then be run over by a truck. .whlle logging."

-CHII-And fhaf, he said as he plugged In hll

~ther"warnlng device, Is 'hatl

Who's going to regulate the regulators? RICHARD l. LESHER.. PRESIDENT


WASHINGTON - Havl! you evltr stopped 10 consider 'hat rUn..'lway regula. lions threaten much mor-~ than your pocketbocNc. ~. that they could also wipe out America's te<:hnologlcal leadenhlp, 10000r your st .. ndard of IIvino and actual Iy lead to a loss ot life? Sound· gentled? Believe- me. it's not. it's al r('My happt'ning

To qet a clearer picture of lust why Ihls I'> true, consider how exce5slv(" regula tlons have restrictE'd our ability te rompet(" m Internatlon<'ll Irad('l. las'


Our liberty dep('nds on the freedom of the preu, and that CoJnr'lot be Itmlled wlthouf be· 1n9 lost - Thorn.1S Jeffenon, letter, 1186.

Who's who, what's what?

I. WHO wai named Girl'S Sfafe- dele­gate 'rom Winside?

2. WHAT council has been awarded ~~~ grant from the Nebraska Art JCoun-

3. WHO is the new Laurel writer for lbe Wayne Herald?

4', WHAT group participated In. the 1()..mUe Walk·A. Thon held laat Thursday?

S. WHO were the four who received one )lNr scholarships to the University of Nebraska?

y('lar, the UnHl!d States _. the country we like to belil!ve I' the IMder of the tree world e)(pe1"lenced The lowest rate of produCllvlty mcreaSf' in the industrialized wt!51. Ihe ~cond 10\lWesl rate 01 Invest menl (through 'ne 5e'Cond quarter). the lowest number ot patenls Issued In any yt" .. U Since 196A, II currency whose value was rapidly ~dlnlng, and a rate of IIltlalion which was rapidly climbing And all that, i might vHlture, was more than a cOlnCldl!nce

Whl'lt we've ~n wltne5slng Is no less thl'ln an attack on Ihe very I!S!of!nCI! at progr('lS5 A.. the m&gallne. Natlon's Busmes5. rt'cenlly noted "11 Innovallon h"d 5topped 10 years <'lqo, we'd be Without smell I computen, home smoke dfolector5, wldebody leIs. "nd synthetIC h(>",rt v"lvt"s

'Even WIth Ihose developments and oll1(>r" more eo;olerlc. U S innovation during Ihe pd~t deCl'lde ht'ls la99ed" In~lInas

rhe sad. bul undenlabl('l Io'JCl Is thl5 Edlh year. we are translerrlng more and rnore 01 our naliondl wealth and bI!" Intf'lIeclual t"'l~t Irom Ihe pursuit 01 prOQre~ .. 10 the "clItlsldel/on 01 regult'llory reqUIrements .Y.oney being 'Spent on re-.eMch ..,nd developml!nt today is lower In real dollars tnan It wa~ 10 years t'lQO And now. Ihls sustained smothering of Inv~l!on 15 bearing.., bitter fruit

L!5ten 10 Ihe words of Or Ivar Gh"~ver. d Nobel lauredte In physics, who SJlys "Thl! SST IS French and British, the td51 breeder reactOf" Is French and RU$Sldn clnd the casseite5 we listen to are Japaneo;,e Ifs. no wonder we'rl! all worried ,.

UnfOf"tunafely, thaI's lust the begin nln9 Amenca's technological leadership has clther beer, already overtaken, or is being !iever~ly challenged in many other arEas In optics, I!leclion mlcrosc~s

and stalnles5 steel by the Japanese, in man made flber5 by Korea and Taiwan, and in the development 01 nuclear energy by Sweden, France and West Germany.

And consider what's happening In two . areas traditionally considered our

'strongest - broadcasting and chemical Syndicated writer Allen 8rownfeld re cenlly reporl~ Ihat while the sail! of video lape recorders In the Unlted Stales doubled and approached 51 billIon In 1978

"Not one 01 the 12 machines sold In the U.S wa$; made In the U.S. eVI!n though the American broadcast Industry pioneered the device They are produc~ in Japan, even those trademarked RCA,

~!in~e~~~, ~:~i~:~x ~~?d,SYlt~:nl~hree laroe.t chemiCal companies In We,t Germany last year Introduced more new produds than the five larges' chemical companies In the U.S This Is the first time that ha5 f'lappened since World War II."

Nation's BUSiness recently featured a special rltPO'"t analyzing the dilemma In

,'. WHAt organ'atlon wlll.glve .1.000 ~ .. ~~.

:'~I~ ::r:.';:lr:lt ~l~tlons In . ~(/ Mfiit-::.iJ'..... _ ANSWERS, I. Deb Broc;krrili~-__ =.c· ~ '.. lIZ"· '}'I-=

.... of ·Mr. and Mrs, Jack Brockman of ~. ~ I 2 • .,,, - .. Winside. will repreHtrf Wins'" at G'rl'. ~"f~~.::lll::-State' l The Wayne ~Ional Community pr,,-ru.ce "..~ AIC1 """~-m:1 Arts '~ncll has been awarded a '151 ~:.~~~ =!r~rt~:Ube~ eou;'~! ~= IN ~~Itr$Tr.~-;Wi Herold's __ carr_11M the (e;~~r C=',E Laur.1 .rea . .t. MambiA of the Wayne ~ . .. \ _ _ Chopfer' of tile' __ Chi Alpha 'I _"illy of God portldpmd In the WaIk·A-TlIon. $. __ • W.yne. Jo L, W.keflekl, Kr1Itl L. Dulrlng. _. "'"' Latrine E. Gorvln, 01",,", htw been .11 .w.rdld Regent 5chot.r· ..... to tho Unlvwslty of __ • 6. lht Fadw .... W","*,'I Club wlft gIve $1;.- Mdt·to tfnIt ,...·p.-at,t ~. floris In tt. ¢11y. .

which the chemical Industry finds IIMlf. On the one hanct we want the Induatry

to develop new products like: chemical peSllcldeS to control weeds and InMCts fhat de,troy food crops; synthetic fibers specially designed to k~ us warm; pharmaceuticals to Improve and prolong tile, and pla,tlcs fOf" example, In auto grilles. dashboardsand body parts to reduce weight and increase gasoline mllt"<t9~

On the other hand. thl! Congress has pas5ed so many Il'Iw5 limIting chemica' e-xposure in th~ environment, workplace dnd marketplaCI! -- the Federal Insec. Heide. Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, the Clean Air Act, the Ftderal Water Pollution Control Act and the Toxic Substances Control Act _. and the indus. try mus, spend so much lTIOfMty comply tng with regulations from the Environ. ment..,1 Protedlon Aoency, the Occ~ ILonal Satety and Hullh Administration, and the Consumer Prod\lcl Sall!ty Com

mission, thai It finds Its ability to compete In world markets has been 5everely eroded

The same I!!. trUl! tor pharmaceutlc.1 companies. Galnln9 FDA approval tor a drup product that has already been exhauStively tested for safety Is now so difficult, so co!!."'!', that many firms !!.Imply give up and establish manulac. tur/no units abroad. That way t .... y don't lose their foreign sales But what about the health of the American clfllen who might be gravely III, but who doe!!. not havl! the money to Iravel overseas to be­treated? Many doctors genuinely doubt that if submiHed today, penicillin, dlgi. talis, and Insulin could be approved by the FDA and sold to the Arnerlct'ln public

Thl! problem of runaway regulations nqw affects our lives In almost every imc'l9lnable way It Is rnuch too serious a problem fo be left to1he regulator!!. alone In fact, the real question now is, who Is going to regulate the regulators?

Legislative look SENATOR J.R. MURPHY

A recent .morlal In lhe Llnc"'n P .. per contained the 'ollowlno statement:

"Nebraskans don't know how lucky they are to have In their Stale le9ls/a, tvre, a person like Senator J R Murphy of South Sioux City Murphy Is not alone In paying attention to and askln-g ques tlons about the fine print In 10 c.Had non· controversial bUls, a practice particular Iy difficult for him becavse 04 his greatly Impelred vision But. no one now on the scene Is superior In dloglng out the In· conslslftncles. finding trap doors, and pointing out pot8rJtlal lonQ term conse quencH "

That Is a handsome compliment, and I woukj not be human If I dkj not take a <tIflSlderable amount of pride In It. However, lers give credit where credit Is due. Without my wife, It WOUld be totally Impossible Bess not only makes my day begin, she m.k~ the ,un continue to shine In what might otherwise be a dreary 1If.

For example, her week btglns Sunday .'.noon when, of OKehlty, she chaut f.kln me to Lincoln. Sunciay night ,he will read and re read bills to be c:onsldered during the upcoming HUlon. Each day of the week lhe sill with me at my legislative desk' reading from the legislative Journal and reading written amendments placed upon the desk by

Senators who wish to amend the bill being conslde-rftd. Each time she mu.t rNd them Into ttw context of the bUt ~ vot" a"e taken and the red and' Green Indicator Jights appear on the board. I musl Inquire at her as to how the vote I, 99lng, and how thoM Senators who .. r. knowledgeable about the particular Issue are voting

At about '(:30 p.m., sne will leave and do her shopping and return to our one room apartment and prepare din"..., lust as she did at lunch. Then she rNods t~ evening paper to me and then It Is bad( to the office at about 7:30 p.m. to prepare tor tomorrow's bills. As she reads, she raises questions and makes 'Uggestlonl. By 9::W or 10:00 p.m. we have both just aboot had It and it's back to the a~,.t monl

Late Friday afternoon, we will ciON up shop In lincoln and head for home and trice more, ,he II my pilot. We will Mrlve sometime between a and 9 In the evening. All day Saturday lhe has to her· self. She can do anything lhe WilMs, Ilk. the laundry, clMn' houM, haul me 10 vt'lrlOUl appointments, etc. Lucky girl! For the PIlit seven YUrt, she had dldlc.ted a great portion of her II,. to the legislature .

lf accolades are to be given for our \NOI'"k In the Le1Jlslature, then let them be hen along with alt 01 my love.

Weekly gleanings. N~" of Note around Northeas. Nebra.lro

THE Woman's Study Club, IUpported by the Coleridge Commercial Club, will be distributing free rose bush.. to the Coleridge city and rural residents In recognition of Arbor Day week. Olstrl· butlon of the bushes, whl.:h are mostly tea roses In varied colorl, will be from the Jim Gray Jr. realdence on the mornings of Monday and Tueaday. April 23 and 24.

JCONC-ERNEO Voters of Cumlng County have turned In petitions ~rlng tM names of 1,268 perionl to County Oerk LucUfe Toe"e alklng for • rfQ11f efectlon of County Attorney John Thor. The petlflont a'so name John FeUer, an attorney with offIces 'n Beemer and Dodge. as thre4r .Itemaf. candidate.

NEIUtASKA _ of tho yoor. Wis· ner. own Bly McGill. r~v" special recognition at the Stilt. capltel In Llntoln laf week durin, Recognition DIy c:»r.· """" .. lor NoIIr ...... -. of 'I'" V .. r. -

A flv.·y .. , effort to allow women Into the Bancroft Volunttlr Fir. De~rtmtrif dlmoxod April 9. when 10 ___ • ellowtd to be m.m ..... and • NconcI11re doportmont campony w .. farmod. Tho Ion. Mrs. J... B,lng. Mrs. Corolyn Bonnuu, Mrs. CGnnI. 8or_, Cybll KAI. Ann KAI. Mrs. Lor,.I .. SIehl, Mrs • Pool. ·F ... _. Mrs. Lydi. __

=~~ .. ~.";:~

fighters tlrst aid course.

OODGE native Ton, Schulte. 32, began his dutl .. as admlnlltrator of Colonial Haven Nurllng Home In Beemer April ". He was hired recently by the Beemer Village Board, governing body of the Beemer nursing home feclllty. Presently working on hll Bachelor of Arta degr .. In bull""" Schulte II a IfcenHd nurs'ng home admlnlstretor and aervtd In tMt capaCity nearly four yean at Perkvl .. Home In Dodge prior to returning to school. .

MAYOR Martin A. Otto announced le.t week that Pierce pOlice officer Tom' Shambo hal 'UbmHted hi' r .. lgn.tfori~ effective May 1. The mlYor sald.the city -

_ will boglo..Jool<lnD 1a<-IL-IUCCOSSO<..In...Iboc. vwy nter futu ....

TIiE. Thurston ~nty Old SoHI .... · Reul)lon hal bien Hf for July 13 Ind 14 In Roll"., In addition to all . tM USut" actlvltl .. plenn" for the eel.: braHon, this y."'. reunIOn will offer: ludo _nd wolghlIlHI",,_trol_. A buff.lo blrl:tecue will.,. .mono .ctlvltIH~' July 13. .

LEE J.y. Klarn .. Qf Winnebago, dIorgad with ...... ,"""_ In tho _. Ing deeth at Mlr .... 11 a. .. neer WInne- .' bogo III' July. cI1Ingod hi' p/M from not guiltY to 110. _I during I.ury 1IOItc;ItoI\' .. _r.'ln ThunIon County dll1rjcf .....-tlnlT_r __ •.. ,~

Page 3: Herald (1888-Present...This ISsue One Section .. 12 Poges THE WAYNE StcoacI CI ... Post. If' P .. id .1 Wayot' .'Ij~hr.JI~ka

C8eveftQy uUunteft

8ngaged to

uUaft~ CRubec~

Mr. lind Mrs. Dick Munter of Winside and Nr. and Mrs. Merle Rubeck of Soulh Sioux City ennounce the engegll!mflnt of Ih!!!lr children, Beverly Munter and Mlirk Rubeck

Thfl weddIng will take pl.,ce May 19 at SI John's Luth!!!ran Church at Randolph

Winside library Gets $745 State Aid Grant

The Wlnsldlt Public library hM bftn notified thai It kas recelvtd a state aid grant of SJ045 from the Nft)rask .. library Commission to be u$f!d for books and mat.rl.,s

As part ~ /I stalll!! prooram be9un In 1975 tor assistance to public Ilbrarlfl, Winside Is one at ove.,. ISO public libraries In Nebr"a~lo:,a to fKeivII!! a granf this ,...,

Slate funch lotaling S?OO,OOO are distributed by the Nebrask" library Commission 10 help ~lIc libraries Impro .... thler se-rvICiU 1o Nebraska communi hes

I See By Ihe Herald

!IN and Mrs Arthur Hage rT\l'Inn 01 Wayne, Mrs Delmer Paulson of Oakland and De wayne Loooe- of Fremont alfl!'nd ed tuneral Mf"vlcl!'s al Porlland. Q-e. April 17 for Obert apd Ann Echtenkamp

Echtenkamp dl~ April 13 <'II the ag. 0' 69. and his wife, Ann, ~ed April 11 ... t f~ "ge a. OJ

To receive a grant libraries musl mHt minimum r~ulre

~h established under Sfan dards for Public lIbrllrht!l In Nltbraska The Sl,otndards list rl!!qulrftmenh Include recom mendt'ltion" IOf number and kinds of books and materials In the IlbrlHY collection, hours ~n 10 'hI! public. and means of Ilnancl.,1 support.

New Member

Joins Club 15 Mrs D",n Sukup became <'I

new member 01 Club 1~, which met with 10 m('m~r5 Wednes \."tar in Ihe homt' 01 Mr5 GII~rl

Baler Due'> were p~ld lor the up

coming yCtH Silndra Lull WM In ChM9C of Ihe ~nterlalnmenl

French bridge W/U pL!'Iyed with prltes going to Mn. LMry Nichols. Mrs Morrl'! Backstrom <"Ind Mro., l.ouls lult Jr

The May 16 mHlllng wI!! be with Mrs larry NI<"hols <'II :2 pm Mr5 Gilbert S",ler will M\fC Iht' enlerlalnmenl




ROBBERY [ffi -·::11 L;. ..... _ .... _ ...... ~~~~~~--..s uoc,. ,,~,

New Arrivals

MI" ,""1 Mf~ Nne""!)" ..

I\nl,y f 1",,'wH' l(lll" it '"

I' (",\I"lp,""rll~ "''' Mr ,1'''' J"r", tln"I"",nrr n',,,,,'rrri

'",,,",,'" N,,!',1. C,~I,t \CHELLENi\ERG

~ " 1 ~,t'I'IIo''','''' '). ""l>pr',11. " ~()n P."",'" '"v'ph. II It'~, i 01 I\prol " (,r''''''I',lf,'nIS,I'''Mr ,,,,<1M,,, I',ll',,~ ~(I,('II,'n/Jpr,l H,'\krti\, ,,,,,,

\\, ... 'd \-\,:, il.IlH" I I ,H~""

l \ "" l"""'qrAn,1p,ui'nl·.,HO'M,

"", \\", ''.IF''')c'' H,'''lf'' Will

Mr ,Ind M" I"ny

"'1"" 1."",'1 "

1\"' .... ,, W"yn,' ,'rId M, ,,,,,,

'"1\,,,'1,,., '.oup,'1

Guest Night Set Tht' Evt'nlng Circle of GrllC{!

lutheran Churth h.,s "nnounced th.,1 II will hold a Qvest nluht I'1'1N"ling May 8 "t the church .,1 8 P rn Tllere will be (I 9llellt spellker

The Circle met April 10 with 10 membt'rs ,1' the church ClIral Rethwlsch sang "Go to Gelh semc'lne," and F lor" B~r91 and Leol., Larsen hlld the le'lson, entitled "A Living Faith 01 Hope Renflw"

Beverly Everett, Virginia Smith

To Headline AAUW Confab Becky Wilson and Kav Cattle

have been selected by the Wayne branch of the American Association of University Wo· men (AAUW) to attend the 49th annuli I convention of the Nc brr!lska State Division AAUW Iq

!:r h~~n~:n~l~gNe~~a:::tl~~nt~J Uncoln.

"Horizons ~nllmlted" Is the theme of the 'C(,Jnventlon. whlch will be held S!lturdllY lind Sunday, April 28 ... nd 29

Beverly Everett, consultant to the N",tlont!ll Science Faun d",tlon .... nd National Com missioner for UNESCO. and Virginia Smith, Nebraska Rep· resentlltlve In the U S Congn~n will be the featured spe.,kers

Mrs Everetl. " lecturer <'Ind writer. Is the Immedillte Past Siale Presldenl 01 the Iowa AAUW and serves on the Slat. Division Board Her wide and Vllrled bdckground Includes e)( perlence in a remarkably wide range 01 polillclli. ~ocl"l "'od religious org.,nll.,tlons

Mr'l Everett Will be a mem ber of the ~nel on SlIlurdny .1lternoon .,nd will addre'l'l the convention at Ihe SlIIurdlly eve nlng b.,nquel

Virgin III Smith IS .... membc!'r of Unlfed Stlltes Congress. Third District, Nebrd'\ka A Qraduatc of the Univer<;lty 01 Nebrt!lskll and rc<;ldenl 01 Ch.,ppell, Mrs Smith Is a second term member of Congress

.o\Alklng pl<1ns for a M ... y 19 wedding al Bell ShMls BlIplisi Church In Brlln don. FI",. are Mark. AldM Johnson and KMen Lori Crftbtree. bolh 01 3is marck. NO

Parf'nts of the couple lin' Mr, Roberl Johnson and Ihe late Roberl John son ot ClIrrolL and Mr imd Mrs William Cr"b tree of Br"ndon. FI ...

e. _ _______ ') laPorte Meets

C.,rds furnished enterti'llnmenf <1t the Tuesday allernoon rllt'Ot

Ing of LaPorte Club, held In the Harry Beckner home

Mn Carl Sundell will be hostess for fhe Mlty 15 meeting 0'112 p.m

'She currently serves on the powerlul Appropriations Com mlttee, and Is one of only 12 Representatives selected to serve on the Task Force on Reorganization 01 Government

Mrs .Smllh will address the convention .,t the Saturday noon luncheon on "The International Ye<lr 01 Ihe Child" and AAUW's Rl'sulutlons In Our Politics 01 hlOd TopIc"

Following greetings by Lin (oln Ml\yor Helen Boosalls. SUI<lfllH~ Volin, rC9lonal vice prt'sldent, Norlhwest Centro'll RI~lon. w~~:~ I~e convenllon's. opening S ... _~~Iurday morn


Ing preceding the business ses· slon.

A Women's Form Saturday afternoon will Include Dr. Wilma Crumley. vice director, School of Journalism, UN-L; Dr. June Levine, associate professor of English, UN·l; Donna Polk, CETA. Equal Employment Cpportunlly Officer; and Bev erly Everett

Senator Shirley Marsh of lincoln will speak at the Sunday brunch on "Women as Agents of Change." .

Each of Nebrask ... 's 27 AAUW branches will be sending dele· 0II1es.


Open House Scheduled For Edward Niemanns

Mr Clnd I'T~r~ Edward W NI('n1<1nn .... ' of W'lyne Will be )"lnured rur OWlr 60th wf-dd1nq ,HH1,v~'rS.lry dur Inq an open /I"use """ptlon on <'und'"ly April 29

All fr,ends ,'rid reli'!tlvc~ <Ire :ny,jed 10 help them observ~ Ihe occation from :1 to 4 p m cit the

RedeeHHH Lulheran Church Wayne There will be a shari pr-oqr<lm al :1)0 The couple requests no gills

Hosting the event are the couple's children. EdwlHd Niemann Jr 01 Wayne, Mr and MTs Frederick Niemann of Amt"$, 1<1. and Mr and Mrs Herbert Niemann of Carroll.

IINow no other bank or Savings & Loan can beat our

current rate on Money Market (D's."

looking for high interest on 182·day

Money Market CD's? Come to State

National Bank & Trust Company. Interest rate rules have changed on 6-month, Money Market CD's. 50 if .you're In the market for an outstanding short·tarm invastment (SI0,000 minimum) with a guaranteed rale, lalk to us. You won't find a be.ttar Interest rata at any olher bank or savings and loan. And your Investment Is Insured up to $40,000 by the F.D.I.C. Fedaral regulations raqulra a substantial penally for early withdrawal and prohibit compounding of interest during the term of depOSit.


~~~u. '\ ~~ ANNUAl RATE

.-MolteYMart!~ertificates-Stop in Today at the

The State National Bank and Trust Company

Wayne. NB 68787 - 402/375-1130 - Member FDIC Main Bank 122 Main - Drive-In Bank 10th & Main

The Wayne (Nebr.) Herald. Monday. Aprll2Jr 1m

MONDAY, APRIL 23' Minerva Club. Edythe Dale Senior Citizens Center bingo, 1:30 p.m. Acme Club, Mrs. Martha Biermann, 2 p.m, SenIOr CItizens Center Bible study. 2:30 p.m.

TUESDAY, APRIL 2,. Senior Citizens Cenler bowling, Melodee Lanes, 1;30


Senior Citizens Center current event session, 2 p,m. JE Club. Rose Schull, 2 p.m. Vllti'! Wayne Tenants Club weekly meeting, 2 p,m. Wayne County Historical Society. counly museum, 7:30

pm St Mary'S GUild. 8 p.m

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25 Viii,) Wayne Bible study, 10 a.m . SI Paul's Lutheran Churchwomen, 2 p.m. Top~ Club, West Elementary School, 7 p,m

THURSDAY, APRil 26 Senior ClIll('ns Center knitting, crochellng and tatting

d<1ss~>s. 1 pm Slo'nlor CltlH'ns Center beginners and advanced bridge

cldsses, ) p rn

t-\usIf1('ss and Profc5Slonal Womens Crub, Stro'ltton House, 6 JO P m

SUNDAY, APRIL 29 S! Paul's Luthertlrl mother daughter banquet

Senior Citizens Sample

Area Cheese Products A student In the home m.'!ln

agement class at Wayne State Colleqe VISited the Wayne Senior Citizens Center April 13 and explaoned how to read dairy product labels

About 10 persons attended the program, which was given by Wayne State student Judy Temme

Miss Temme brought samples oj various types oj cheese. Including hot pepper, caraway. s."laml. chedder and monterey. which IS processed In northeast Nebraska using milk from area ddlry farmers

A cheese 'astlng party follow­ed the program,

On Thursday afternoon, April 12, Mrs. Judy Blenderman ot the Wayne Public Library told Wayne Senior Citizens about the history of the city library.

MTs. Blenderman also review­ed several books, Including "His Eye Is on the Sparrow." "Link­letter Down Under," "Born Free," Message to My Daugh­ter," and "Only They Could Talk." Marge Ibach, <II practl­cum student at Wayne State, showed .a-film, entitled "Otto: Zoo Gorlilll."

Officers Nominated NomondllOfls lor new officers

of the Wayne Auxtliary 3757 Fraternal Order of Eagles were given at d mee"ng Monday evening

M.embers 01 the nomindtlng committee were Ruth Korth. Florence Koplin and Babs Mid· dleton Election or officers will be held May 7

It was announced that dues for charter members dre due on April )0 dnd should be paid to DeAnn Hellmers

The AUXiliary IS planning a Noother's Day tea at the Eagles Club room on May 6 at 2 pm The committee for the lea is Jan Gamble, Fern Tesl and Sheryl Oo(lng

Gals Meet In

Spahr Home Ten members of the Just Us

Gals Club met with Mrs Doug las Spahr Wednesday allernoon Willard Hammer was a guest

Roll call was "A Use lor Sprlflg Clothespins,"

Pitch furnished entertainment Prizes went to Mrs Herb Echlenkamp, high. and Mrs Curl Brudlgam, low

Mrs LeRoy Spatlr WIll be hostess for the next meeting. set for May 16 at 2 p.m.

Hostesses Monday eVM1lng were Shirley Brockman and Dagmar Jensen.

Next meeting will be May 1.

Children Are

Baptized Easter Jeffrey Scott and Maggie MH

Gallop, children of Mr. and MrS. Warren Gallop of Winside, were baptized at the Trinity Lutheran Church, Winside, on Easter Sunday during the morning worship service

Sponsors were John Gallop, Beverly Gallop of Kansas City, fWJ. and PlItty Fulton and Tony Michael'S of Wayne

Gallops entertained at a din· ner afterward In the church basement to honor the event. Guests Include Mrs. Bernice Fulton, Patti Fulton and Tony Michaels of Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. John Gallop Sr. and lorI, fIN. and Mrs. John Gallop Jr. and son, Mrs. Dean Junck and children of Carroll, Beverly Gallop of Kansas City, Mo" Robert Neal of Maysville, Mo" Nancy Gallop of Fremont, Mrs. Laura Muhs of West Point, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Weise of W"t Point, C ... rollne Weise of Fre· mont, and the Rev. and Mrs. Lon DuBois, Letha end Laurel.


SEZ! For Their Graduation


35% OFF

... Buy now for graduatlo". Save on the most famous name In I·uggagel

Page 4: Herald (1888-Present...This ISsue One Section .. 12 Poges THE WAYNE StcoacI CI ... Post. If' P .. id .1 Wayot' .'Ij~hr.JI~ka

~BlueDevils Take Conference Lead f \ . .

!:With 4 - 3 Win Over Troians In _ biittte tor the INd 'n the

'-'Y _ ._, No. br__ High School BaMbaIl

Conterence, the Wayne Blue Otvlts remained undet_htd al they "-nded the Wakefield Tro· jans H*r flrsr lou of the season, 4-3 In Wayne.

Wayne pitcher Dennis ~rroll n Wakefield pitcher Rick GUY ~ the game In the fashion

they hav. 1111 HalOn by ,etlrlng tM first th,... oppw,lng biltten. wakefield thrHt.Md In the top aI the second Inning when Guy cIoubIed. Scoff Hallstrom Me­,"Iced him to third and Barry .Jones walked and .tole second but no runs scond.

In the bottom of the second, deSignated hitter Tom Ginn opened by drawing a base on

bills. He stcle skOnd base and AI Nissen drove him home on a solid single. Tim Pfemer was hit by a pitch and Mark Gansebom moved him to MCond with a sacrifice. Dave Schwartz brought home Nissen and Pfelf· fer with a single, making the score 3·0 at the end of the IMlng.

Wakefield put a run on the scoreboard In tM fourth Innl~

os they put together II .trong threet.

Doug Stllrt.i singled to open the Inning, followed by II hit by Guy lind a bunt slnglll by Scott

:~r7~W':':-;' w~J score tI'M IIrst Trolan run.

With no oull. Curoll got

himself out .' the '11m by striking out Mai'lt- St.n:1 lind forcing Jody Sherer to hit In10 II fielder'. chc:Mc •. Guy Will forced out .t hom. pl ... for the MCOnd ovt. Another .trlkeouf ended the thr.t with the score 3·1.

Th .. Trojanl wer. roiling ageln on 1M fifth IMlng .. Tom Praton rNChed first biI .. on lin .rror lind Larry Soderberg ,Ingled_ Oouo Stud grounded Into II flelde,'s chole. forcing Soderberg out .t second. S .. rzl stole second ba.. to get Into scoring position lust before Guy IIMd aut tor the MCOnd out.

Preston KOf"td on II wild pUett to put Wakefield within ont run HilII,from wlllkf'd lind ,tole ..cond to double the ttw-Mt

~;I;':." ~= ;t:~':f." ~t,~ ,trom 'rl«l to .tor. from Mcond bUe, but .. plrfkt throw from ouHletct.r wry c.o.ct.n allow.d c.-tctwr o.n Mitchell to make the tao for the third out. Goeden made anothet' fine defensive pay .. he UUOht • tty ball lutt • hit tumb~ over the tett fletd snow tene..

TAGGED OUT while attempflnQ to steal third Is Wayne's Tom Ginn as Wakefield', third bewman Doug Stan I lakes the thrO\N from catcher Todd SwIgart In the Wayne. Wakefield game Wednesday

With ,he game It III tied .. J.J In the bottom of the I'Xth, Ginn c:trww • Goeden ucrlflc«t him with II bunt .nd AI NbHn moved to II ..... ' baM when he was hit by a p4tch. PMI"'" drove ,. ....... d line shot to left field for the second out but Gansebom col *:ted ,hit game winning slnole to lCOf"e Ginn for a .... 3 l-.ct. .

CarroU retlr'ed the next thr .. Wak.tleld batters to collect his MCond win of the Mason In two declslon'l

w ...... 1eN W.lytK

W.yM lei",

Mltch.ll K NI ......

GI~ Good~

Swl9.rl Prnlon Soderberg o $f .. rl' 0., kIIlfsffom

""'"' '''om


-n. . " ..... H , , , , 0 0 0 0 I , 1 0 1 I 1 , 1 0 , ) 0 ,

..... H 100 ,

o . , 0'

10' 10 10 10 " ,

SAFELY BACK to first base Is L.!:urej's Shannon Hopkins as Barry Jones takes the pickoff throw from pltctaer Doug Stan!. Wakefield won the conferelnce game 8- L Thursday. A story will ~ loclu8ed In Thursday'S edition of The Wayne Herald

[~~~~?~:?l Some hne I •• d "abng nanl" makH one lively.


"~!tl""D .~/ ''''>'"

• I!.O : '"








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/j Quality Screwdrivers Including Phillips-Type. in Handy Storage Pouch. Great Set for Car or Home

Patented Cushion 'Grip Screwdriver Set. Patented Cushion Grip Handle gives- greater­~urning power .FINEST Quality Starter Set.

OrilY $10.29

ONLY $699


Special Olympics Scheduled Saturday In Columbus

Columbus city schools will host a S~lal Olympics track meet on Saturday, April 28. Following the 9:00 a.m. registration 01 contHtants, opening ceremonl.ts will be.held at 9:"5. and the meet will get started by 10:15. 1Ir\eet: dlrectOf'. Steve Klutman, hilS announced that nearly 100 compet~tor', from Northeast Nebraska are expected to elntet' \.../'

(ontels'lInts will be flighted according '0 age and ability. In addition 10 awards for Individual winners, te"m scorn will be computed and trophies 101" team winners will be pn·s.nted. •

Enlrlel5 tor thel meet have been received tram South Sioux Ci'.". Fremont WayJH!l. Wakelleld, West Point. Hartington. Emerson·Hubbard, and Creighton. Additional entries are ex~tl!'d before the closing date on April 20.

SID-Pitch Tourney Planned A 510 pitch soffb.lll tournament Is SCheduled tor May It,

11 <'Ind lJ In Crete Any feams Interested Should contact Bob Waltman al ]759911 Rm. 255 or write Lou Waltman, I l~ Juniper Street, (reII', NlPftraska, 68JJJ He may also be conlacte-d b." phone <'II 826·]011

Home Of

Fr;g;do;;e &

Moytog Appliances


Shrader -Allen


GOOCH fEED Phone 375,1420

'Good E"s To Know'

H'tI&MI'M' - ..... K..I .... ro.avghTrucklng .. I, Mtloclftllnn .to H EIIII'lQWf'I Moton «I H sr.ra<Mr Allen"..r" 31 2-6 C"""I~h,m>N.1I 31 26 Knl9fl' ))'I'J JII',.. Wilton S .. d '1 II MIoSOIi 17'-1 U'" P.ts' a •• ..,I" s.alon 15)t 1cte.1 Hom. l"'Iul.llon '" oil) «tt Jug lJ ., Silt. Nltlon.' Firm Mgm' 1. ..

HI", ker ... : c.rot 211. 01,,... Wurdl,.r SSO. ""rid« "'1«1 Haleh ... .,. "5, K ..... nall'lill'l Trucking

"" SltvrUyN.,.C_,... _La.

11'>'11,,,,, W.ltton B.I ... Brenden 10" Granqul" 10 II JIn .... J.COOHn· Olnob«'9 It " SodIn "ru-ver H n eDeU.r M4I11..... 11 I; u',.. OII\"'~·H.''*"t • ,. Chon·'" Meoyer I'" Jaeoer Hoffmann Jaeogw IIV, 2fV2 ..IotIflt,on Mill ... FrlYM 16','lo ]1'1)

HI", kWH: LineN Janka 1", .,.,.nlc. WI" 1", K ... I Robl,.", '" and ~n, DuI~nI J.cobMn 21] and HO, Jank. Jacob .. " "2, Olao" Lackn 116]

W ... LAtf Kfilp', T" 110 70 LOg.n V.fI~ 101..., 711; Arn~', Ford and M ... cur" 101'1) 7 ....... st.'eN.llon11I8.1nk f1 13 IIInwr', L.wn Cen'''' .... 1----------1 = ~~~ InlUr.nce :~ ~


Dining En;o yment


Hoon or Hight


:r;.'d ~~T~UI-PlIN"MG MEEDS

Wayne RlINferlng 10 ............ Tom', Dod" Shop 1S 105 Ghost S5VtI2"YI'

HI'" LII'OY Berner 261, " .. I Kien .. " ..... Rv,l" N •• I 690, Arnie" Ford "12.

.......... yNlt.Owh _La' CMnlelson'. Dry Wall U'."'l It'n COmmet'cllll Stll" Bank .u zo ""K Sal" 62 22 MekIcIML.,.... :It 2S GrHJlVlew F.rm :M 21 «h Jug 29.,., 30411) Sherry 8ros. 2f )S

FHdIf. EllVelor 27 )7 Trl COunty Co-op 2S J9 Golden Harvn' 23 041 LII DuHer n 041 Ra.,.. Loc ... .,. ,:n 12

HI", kor .. : RIc e.rner * and 701, MelodH L.nn 1055 lnet 2fOO.

Rob«'i. Feed & Snet Bull .. Ott. Conlfr. BIn Fr.nklrn W.ynl Cold Stor.g. W'YM Or"n" Fnet Auto Waynf Auto Pert. ShrNfr·Alltn HllftMr'y GNEP '1aUty Squlr. hr Ron's"r .~tkINl 8entt-­

_ ..... S1 t1 .. lO. U 2A lIYJ2tl,? " ,. 33.,.,,...,., :Il " ,. .. ,. .. 11 50

HI", Se.,.": LM'rv .£cMenkamp Wand 414, Wayn. Grllln .. Feed '" 1nd2511. '

SALLY SWEDE of Wayne Stat. kept busy In the WSC Invitational, running Individual raen and relays.

< State

r-i !

""-Uy NItti LH~ National Banlc W ... Lost

EIlI, 8.lrb-tn " " Her".I .. F .. n·n, W.~He ... 1d n';,""/, £1 Toro .. " Slrattotl HOUM " " c.reld·, o.contlng 6l'IJS6';' GI-..wI ..... F.,m. .. II Am«ICaft Flmlly In •. " .. Or""'''' 1.. vmboW " " Trvbt5'.~d " " OII\Ie+tcn Oryw.U " " eoc·, C>ef'by " " H .... kw .. : CI«) EIII, no. a .... ~I 521, W."ne H .... ld teN .nd ",.

HII & Mol" .. w ... Lott

K.a ... _~Trvckl"" " " Elilrocpon Motor, " " CunnII'l9h.m W.II " " w.+odM Llr.n ,. " 5hrolde'r"'II"," " " )(I )(I

"~KnIOf'lI 29",)0',.. MIoSOII 26'/Jll'''J P.t', ' .. utv Salon " " IdoNI Home l",vl.lIlOt'! " " '"' JvO "

,. SlI'e ",.UOI\I' Firm Mgml 15 ..

H .... kw .. : Ollnt Wurdingef' 207 InCI u.., Shrader ",1If1\ H.,chaf'y .. 6 ond , ...

City W_LH'

W''(I'Ie DodV Shop 57 II SKIl Kn'9h' Lounp 047 21 RIICI Col" .a.6 21 Glmbln «I 11 St,,, N.ltIonI18.nk "']1 W."ne OrMnhOu'. 31 12 EUlnl;Jton' 31 l6 V ... a.klfy 2f )t Wayne Jaycees 25 ..u FredrlcklOf'l 22Y1 .(511'J aoe:. o.r~ 2O'h 0411;; CArhlr110 It ...

H .... lcer": Erni. Swift 2.04S Ind 6J), W.yne J.yu .. "2, Wlyne·8ody Shop 71".

Won Loll Pin PI" tl 17 Ro.d Runners 76 44 LvclttV Str.k.,.. 69 SI Pin Spllnten ., SS Up It Downs ~Ih SS'h RoIling Pins '2 54 Whirl AwaY' 60 60 Drot:lOVtI Sllh "I;; Hitl .. Mi..... 52Y:t671;; NotI. or Leues .6 7S LMt RnorfI, ..u'h 72'h Grann." GAl. 042 71

HI111 ScIr4I.: Jo.nn. al'" 202, Judi Topp 536, R~ run,..,.. '20, Roiling PIns 1755.

& Trust Co. 122 Main

Phone 375·1130

For After

Bowling league



The EI lorD Loun,_ & p'ochge

Wayne Grain &

Feed 200 10go11

PhOll1 375·1322 "



·C. HOME J~. !CE] .. . ORANGE. , JUICE . PIIONE 375,30'5

Page 5: Herald (1888-Present...This ISsue One Section .. 12 Poges THE WAYNE StcoacI CI ... Post. If' P .. id .1 Wayot' .'Ij~hr.JI~ka

UP AND OVER the b~r Is Wayn~ SI"le polE! vl'lulfer Oave .v..:NuI In the Wayne Stale Invltallo/VII Thursd<'lY

Huskers-laurel Game Cancelled

Be·c:"use ot s,·hpdut .. ((1n IIlcts the Unlverslt~ 01 Neb rl\ska foolb<'lll seniors will nol be able 10 pl"y the b<>nefll Nskelb.:'lll gl!mi' dgdlnsl <'I Laurel HIQh School le"Im dS sch('dul~ S<'Iturdi'Y April 18

More Sports

Page 8

Tennis Team

Loses Match

Kearney, Midltma-Win

WSC Invit(jtiona/ 'Track Men's Scoring: Kearney St.

146, Midland 109, H~stlngs 76, USD·South. 451;'~, Wayne St. 43, Doane 39 1/2, Southeast CC 19, Plaffe CC lA, Dana 10, Peru 51 10. Morningside 8, BueniJ Vista •.

Women's Scoring: Mldlnnd 109, Southeast CC 81. Concordia tIIl/~, Hastlng$ 65, Wayne SI 010. Doane 331,~. Dana 14, Peru Sf 16, Buena Vista 7. Chadron St 6

Kearney Slate men and Mid land College women won thf'ir respective divisions <'II Ihe Jrd lInnual Welyne Stale Collf'qe Track & Field Invll<'liional Thur'5dl'lY In Wayne.

Kearney Siafe scorf'd 146 points to easily outdistance second place Mldlo!lnd Colleqf' with 109 lalll'8s. Mldlllnd women WQ/1 their tllle by ou/scorlng Southeast Community Colleqe of Fairbury 109 82

Men's Results 10,000 M.ter run: 1 Bob

Volkmer. KSC 33:217 '2 Jerry Sanders, USD S )]:51 g, :I D,H win Bockl'lmiln. USO S J~ ,j.\ 1

Shot put: \ ("lIln. KS( .u 11 1. RlggMI, H,n! .If 10 1 Krut'gcr, K'.( 4i 0

H10h Jump. 1 MI Kim, Pt'ru 66 2 L,1nql' KSC fJ ') .1

Schutl(' Mldlnnd 6 2 Pole v .. ut,· I Kurt f rld",'I.

KSC ,., 0 2 John Frick. Wayne SI 1.I 6 .I Russ K<'I<;ten, Mid I~nd 13 6

400 mfl'ter d.nh: 1 S Byrn:-.. Ha",1 49 \ 2 Ke<;\N, DOM1£'

4'9 S, J l)<;h()rrlt', KSC .-19 !I 1500 meter run: \ Shatlf'

f·rlllL KS( ,I OJ ~ 7 Dale I'v\I.Jdder, USO S .1 O~ J. J O,we H<1USN, Wilyn .. 51 4049

400 Meter rel.1y: 1 K("1rn~y

~I,ltC. .\.l 1 2 Morninq'lidl.' .IJ] J MldlMId Collf'ge. :4J 5~

DISCUS I Bf'rglTlE'IN, KSC 1':>~ l 1 Enllti,lhl, Mldl"'lld 14S" J CNh Mldlilnd 14J .I

Long lump I Tl~Jd I yOrlll Mlol"nd 11' 1 Ronhovdt' MI(jI,lfld 11 10'.' I 11111(', KSC

100 m(!ter da'>h 1 Todd I yonn Mi(jiill1l/ 110 ] KI'vtn Wilj."IJ1'ion H'l~1 11 I J SI('II.' Hlr1t'~ PI,lllp I I 1

lOO meter d.1Sh fodd l \«)II11 Mldl,md n'-} ] Wilkin

167·7; 2. Ekeren, USD·$ 165·11; 3. Coleman, Wayne St. 160·6.

800 meter run: I. Tyler IIMrtln, KSC 1 :56.6: 2. Joe Hunatsch, Hast 1:56.9; J. Arid JohnsQn. Wayne SI. 1 :57.5.

Triple lump: 1 Lemon, Dana 4663·4; 2. LIttle. KSC 45.'11/ .. ; J. Presler, Hast. 45 10 )." \

5,000 meter run: 1. Shant Fruit, KSC 15:36.7; 2. Bart flr'lears, Helst 15:392; ] Dale Mudder, USD S 15:48 B

1600 meter rela¥: \, K".,rney Sillfe. 3:20 2, i USD-Sprlngfleld, 3:210: 3 Midland. ]:21 1

Women's Resulh long Jump; 1 Kendall, South

easl 17 9' J. '2 Gle<:k, Concord. 166. J Walsh, Olln .. 15·11 ]"

Discus: 1 Hallermlm, South &151 135 1, '2 Witman. Hast 128' 1, J Roll. Peru 51 1:21.J 3-4

400 meter duh: 1 Althea !)evrle~ Soulh(>ast :59.0, '2 Edle HaSsmMl. Midland :59.9; J SioIliy Schwede, Wl'Iyne SI :62.0

BOO meter run: I Althea Oevr\p,,>. Souillea'i\ 2:2),0; 1 Fdic H,lssm,ln, Mldl<'lnd 1'1].6 1 ShlHon H(l!lh~I~. Concord 1100

Shot pul Cdlklt. Mld/.,na ] Frlck(' W"'yn(> 51

(~ch(){)1 rI'<ord). J Wit

100 meier hurdles: 1 MlIry Jo ctlf,sllan W.lynl' SI 166, '2 (llrolyl1 Klock Doan£' '166, ] Julie A~Jtd('mberge Corlcord.

10' 1500 meier run: I Sh,"Iron

Hollhl'5. Concord 4 579 '2 K,'lhy Duffer. Hast 4.562. J B..lrb FUQale O().;lne 5:02 6

400 meier rel .. y: 1 Mld!rlnd, 507. 2 Soulhe<l'>i. '51], )

(oncordl<l '512 Javelin: 1 Rolf. Peru SI

1111 'Z Cohrs. MldlMd 10! \0, j ,\Ibr'qhl. 50utheltst 1043

High jump I Glet'son, Helst ~.I 1 W<'II<;h, D<tJl.'t 5.. ) Wt'hl1l1q H'1S1 5.\

100 meter dlll'h: 1 Lori Kuhlm,lnn. Midland 1) 0, 2 ~)lw(l W,trd, MIdland 13 I, )

NIMy Bennell Soulheilsl 1J I 200 meter dlilsh I Lori

Kuhlrll(lnfl. Midl<'Jnd '26.4. 2 Jenny MO(lH'r, Concord 166, J "hen WMd Mldlltnd 267

400 infermedlate hurdle,: """":"=:':~~"'l

~ I 11'1(' OO<'lne Coll('g~ 1ll(,r1 ~ SOil tiM;! 17 '; J Mo(row K~( l'l'rlfll~ h'.lm bllllt'd by the (ltfo. '}7 I . , -

K,I! t'l1 KulWicki Ooltne 68 4

.' I I I , " h(ll1l W"ylH' SIll It' COIIt'9t' ~ 0 110 HH I (;),In(!I''' We .. 1

t lllltoll )now, Mldl"nd 70 J. ) lullt' Autdelliberge, Concord, Itl!!

" . 1f1 ,1\-llon Thuf5d.'lY in (.ele MldlIHH/ l~ 0 ) Lewis Wilrren

l~ne 5Wt'C"p Ihe "Ilr1gl~5 ""'111'1 '><.\lrllw.lSl 1\), I Fd 111,11k 1000 meter 'ltn: 1 KII Sund IlI1q CO!1ulrd 11 050, 1 K,1lhy DulIN H.l~1 I I 06 I, J Deb II.lYt'~ Mldl,Hld II 173 WAY", I'

oul loslno II .. el ltlld thl'n tl\..,lll Wnyllt~ $1 I~ 1

MUNI(tPAl AtRPORl re~l'('dled Ine I"ill In doubl('~ 400 meter Infttrmodl ... te compellllNI hurdles' I Wj'~I, MIdland ;4!l

A.ll E N ROBINSON WSC WltS scheduled 1o pld\< .' Kirby AndN .. on. Hllst ;.'i' 1600 meter r.l .. v· 1 SotJlhell!t1 Hwy H Ph 175"'~ MldJo'Ind College <'JI nome SltIUf I 5u)1I NI,>('ly. D.I<lnt. ;59 .1(6) ) Mldlnnd, 4:0}] J

............ 1111 My J .. v .. lln: I 51 Or'9c. Oo..lne, H.HllnQ5, 4'194

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THE WEATHER HAS finally c1&'1red up (It seems) l'Ind spring sports shou,ld no 1000ger be dampered by low tempera lures RaIn did. however. cause postpone. ment of the Wayne-Laurel basebat! game ~cheduted Frlddy

Wdyne dnd WaKeIJeld are doing well In D.uebillt as predlcled The Blue Devils hold a 60 record while the Trolans are !> 1, losing a dose gl'lme 10 Wayne. On FriddY, both teams tr"vel to lincoln to play lough Qlncoln Ellsi and lincoln Hlqh

W<tyne 15 sc eduled to play EI!1sf ",t 1 pin whil(' Wakefield Is p!aylng lincoln HIgh Then, the two tflllms will exchange oppon('nl~ for 3 pm games. Wayne also gel'" ,1 ~hot <'II anolher soothern lellm lod,ly. when Ih~ Blue Oevll~ host Bovs Town Whl'n Wayne dnd Wakefle!d p!ey 10 Ihelr polenti<'ll, fhey can play with .wynne in the ~'ale

WAYNE COACH MIKE MALLETTE h,l~ batting averages lind pitching st,'II"'tlr~ figured for his team after '501)( q,\!1\{'~ The Blue DevIls lire battlnQ 190

WHS Jr. High

Beats Laurel MISSy Stolh'nberq ,lnd Tim

H,'IN ""'ere both tnple wlnncn ,l~ the W.,yne luntor hiqh lrack t('dm d('h,.,led Ldurel In Dual .1(Ilon ThIJr\d~y ,11 W<'Jync The 001''; won '0 ' ) 10 J .. , ) and Ihe Qlrl,; won 71 .,4

MISSY StoJt{"nbt.'rg won Ihe 100 yell d d<'tih ,n 12 16, Ihe no In · ... 96 <'Ind Ihe HO yard dash In I II) 9 Other winners from Wnyrle werC' Jo Carlson In Ihe ~hot Deb Drenger In Ihe

IIHnp Jill Mosley In the klf19 lump C11hy WleselN In the II() yard hurdle, P<'Im Maler In ttl!' 1,.110 y,lrd run Julie Wiener ,n the S80 <1Ild the 860 yard rel'lY II'<Hn

ldurl'l ~ wins came In the dls,-u~ wllh Slltge WinnIng dnd In the 440 yard re!,1y

Heier won the shol put wllh a dlslance 01 31 10' l. Ihe discus In 92 5 dnd the .440 yard dash In 1 055 Oiher Wayne wInners In the bon diviSIOn were Bob li'!oka In the high lump, Jon Jacobmcl!:or 1'1 the 1.)20 yard run, Scotl Bowers III the 220 yard da'lh Mike Aguirre In Ihe 680 The 800 re!elY team 01

Continued on Pao-'

as 1I team and have outscored opponents 46·5. Jerry Goeden Is the !&'Im's leading batter with a .429 average. r1esplte an early season slump, Tom Ginn has come on for it .385 itverl'lge·second best

Dan Mitchel! Is hilling .)6.4, Jeff Zeiss 357 and AI Nissen and lv\ark Gansebom

at .333, On the pitching charts, Dennis Carroll pltc~d 15 Innings, allowing eight hits and three ru,!, for a 2-0 record. Tim Pfeiffer was on the mound tor 9 2.3 Innings, allowIng four hits and one run for it 3·0 record

J~ft Zeiss pitched 4 1 3 InnIngs, giving up one hit and no runs and Jerry Goeden pitched six Innln9'5. allOWing one hlf and one run for a 1·0 record

THE NEBRASKA CORNHUSKERS will not be playing benefit b.'Isketball In laurel after.,,, The beneftt game origInally scheduled for s..,turdlly has bee1l called 0" because of schedule conflicts 01 the football seniors

JUST A REMINDER THAT Wake field's athletic banquet Is scheoduled lor tomorrow (Tuesday) night UNl CO/tch John Melton Is the scheduleod speaker

Weekly.Schedule TRACK

Mond.y, April 23 Wakefield Inv. lit WSC Tueld.y, April 24 AIAW Small College Wome(l's Meet at

WSC WSC Men at USDS Wayne vs. HMttngton ce, home Thursdly, April 2' lewis and Clark Conference Me6t at WSC

GOLF Monday, April 23 Wayne at Albion IIw, Thur~y, April 16 wse Triangular lit Concordia

BASEBALL Mond.y, April 23 WSC Men at Peru Stale Wakefield at Dec.,tur, 4 p.m. Boystown at Wayne, 1:30, 4 p.m. Tuesd .. y, April 24 WSC Softball vs South Dakota. home,

3:30,5 p.m, April 25 Bancroft lit Wlikefleid. 4 p.m mc vs Briar Cliff at Wakefield, 6 p.m wse Softball vs. ConcordIa. home, 3

p.m., 5 pm. TENNIS

Monday, Aprlf 2J Buenel Vista at W"yne State Tu.sday, April:!" Wayne State elf Yanklon

RETURNING THE ball I, Wayne Stafe tennis player Craig Buford liS doubles partner Ntano Mahadevd stand5 by at Ihe net. WSC defeated Morningside 9·0 Wednesday


Top FIve GAB R H 2b Jb HR B8 RBI AVG. PO A FA MI"t' Meyer 15 51 8 20 5 0 3 7 13 392 III II 1000 Hdl <;( I1wdrll 25 70 16 27 6 2 I 10 1.1 361 99 I I 948 nl'rnte Mlnarlk]9 '0 19 }.1 J 0 3 11 )4 J19 l3 J2 B09

PI~{ lola ;''> 50 7 14 I 0 12 7 260 29 30 937 TI'~t I:J.l1 1 I 10 0 I ·1 JOJ 2J 18 '774

PITCHING Top Five N"II (jlohTll


-lil-nny KI,w('r dic> .... -,.y bdg<lf

Mdrk Wcsterq<'lard Mark Lar'>on

1 1 \ 6


0 11}3 ) 1.12) 5 " J JI ) 1513

11 1 6

11 D , " 11 " 11 21

10 19 IJ 15 ]5 1J 16 10



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17.96 New

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SALE 1.19 40 lb •.

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Prices Effective Sun., Apri' 22 Thru Sun., Apri' 29.

Page 8: Herald (1888-Present...This ISsue One Section .. 12 Poges THE WAYNE StcoacI CI ... Post. If' P .. id .1 Wayot' .'Ij~hr.JI~ka

Jr. Hlgh-Continued from P-v- 5

..IKobmeler. Jorgensen. Sowen

... GUIiIanct .Iso won. Laurel wi".,.,.. were ..... ghton

In tIIo ""'" lum", Shone Ho)odon In ... lCJO..yard ~sh and. the -.yard relay 'earn.

SIMi, put: 1. Tim Heier, Weyne. 31-10\'.2; 2. Don Robert­ten W .. yne, )0..4; J. John ur­Nrt. Wayne, 29-i'ih; ... AJbr,. Launl. 21-51h. ~

Otscvs: 1. Heier, Wayn., 92-5; 2. Dietrich, laurel, 13·4: 3. Scott ESrown. Wayne. n·9: •. Albie, LAurel,7'O-11.

H .... Jump: 1. liska, Wayne, U; 2. Rob$on, Laurel, ",·8.

L.OftI Jump: Heighton. Laurel. 15-4: Jim Poehlman. Wayne, 15-11.-'1; 3. KardoU, Laurel, 13·9; ... Blalne Johs, Wayne, 13-6.

10' Y.rd 1. Shane Haydon, laural, 12.5; 2. MIke AQulr .... Wayne, 12.52; 3. ""rk Kubik. Wayne, 13.0; ... o.nrtll f<Alrtlnson, Laurel, 13.01.

l,nt Yard Run: 1. Jon Jacob mei.,., Wayne. 4:04.8; 2 Terry ~1I11.1'Id, Wayne 4:2UL 3. Mark tttrrman, Laurel. 4:JI.J; 4. R.J. Mette.r. Wayne, 4:37.55.

+40 V_rd R ... y; J lauril!'L :5-413: 2. W.yne, :55 J

4"0 V.rd OMsh, 1 Heier, Wayne, 1.055. 2 Jim ~I. man. Wayne. 1 06 02. J TtN"ry Gilliland, Wayne. 1 105_ .. ~f"'-)o Kat!.trap. Laurel. 1'105

120 Yard Dash, 1 Scot! Bowen, Wayne. ·18:la. 2 Jim Poehlman, Wayflf!, 1:06 02, J

no Yard 1 Scott BOwe-r,. Wayne. :2838, 2 Klllly

Robson, Laurel, :21.39; 3. Scott kJirdtll. Laurel. :21.1; 4. Jon Jaeobm.Ier, Wayne, :29.65.

II. 'Yard Rup: 1. Mike Aguirre, Wayne, 2:32.1; 2. Bfalne Johs, Wayne, 2:46.'1; 3. G.,n Elliott, Wayne. 3:13.59.

110 Yent .... y: 1. Wayne. 2:03.'; 2. LAurel, 2:10,63.

SlMt ,ut: L Jo Carlson, Wayne, 29- TO; 2. St.t\1e, laurel, -26-2; 3. cathy WI~er, Wayne. 2+7; 4. Sarah Bliven, Waynt: 23·'/:;1. ~KU': 1. Siage. L.urel, 71·5;

2. Gaderan. Laurel, 69.10"'; 3.

!lib Prenger, Wayne. 6<f.Yl; 4. ThompSOfl, uurel, 62·2.

HJtIt Jump: Pntnge-r. Wayne. .0; 2. GadeUn. Laurel, 3·11; 3. Thompson. Laurel, 1.6

Long Jump: l. JlII !v\osley, Wayne, 1.4·6' J; 2. Chris P Laurel, 122; 3. Johnson. Laurel, 11 11. 4 Cunningham. Laurel, 11·9'.'1.

10 Yard Hurd".: 1. Cathy ~eseler, Wayne. : 14 6; 1. Kim Sherry, laurel, : U 03; 3. Rolane Bowman. Laurel. : 15.1; .. Tamle Murray. Wayne. : 15.6

100 Yard 1. Mluy Stoltenburg, Wayne, : 12.18, 2. Fran Gross, Wayne, '1) 1t9, ) Jana Cunnlngnam, Laurel. '14,]; 4. Rolane Bowman, leurel, :1432

1.310 Yard Run: 1 Pam .Maler, Wayne, 5:06.U. 2 Chrl!. ~rbaumer. Wayne, 5:169

440 Yard Relay: 1 Laurel '5916. 1 Wayne, 60 3

440 Yard Ouh: 1. Missy Ston.nOOrg, Wayne. 1:10.9; 2 . Fran Gross. Wayne, 1:15.92; 3. Jackie Crisp. Laurel, 1: 10.4; 4. Kalil Johnson. Laurel. 1: 18.63.

220 Yard o..h: L Missy Stottenburg. Wayne, :29.8; 2. Jill Mosl.y, Wayne. : 31.03; 3. Brenda Rees, Laurel, :33.4; 4. Beth Skovba, Laurel, :34.13.

110 Yard Run: 1. Julie Wiener. W.yn., 2:52; 2. ShelleY' Emry, Wayne, 3:22.68; 3. Beth Skubo, laur.l. 4:04.43.

NO Vard Relay:. 1 Wayne 2:12.55.

Laurel Bears Trimmed In Extra Inning Game

The Laurel baseball tNm lost Dalton both scored. a marathon conference baSeball Russ Gade tied the game up In game, 0·4 to B.ncroft, w.dnts- tho. third Inning alter It solid day at home . .The Beers went 11 bale hit and some .mart base­Innings before' failing to the running. The gam. remaln.-d Bulldogs aft..- nNrly four hours deadlocked at 3·3 after MV~

r::A pl.y. Inning, and wen' Into extra Bancroft took a 3·0 lead 'n the " Inning!;. .

top ot the second inning byt! The Bulldogs br,*e the tie In laurel came back In the bottom the lOth with one run on one hit, of the Innl~ with two runs 10 a walk and two errorl. uurel

~=edt~~d9~ ~onS:I=: ~te;~~~~':"~~ ~t!:en.,;~~: to lead the attllck. Behind a of the Inning He doubled. Sitnc,.oft "rror, Swanson and .K!v""ce-d 10 third on an error

Wayne Golfers Tie Dual, Place Eighth At O'Neill

and scored att.r a sacrifice by Gade a.ncrmt won the ~m. wllt11w-o rv~n the 11th.

o.,lton sta ltd he gem. on thoe mound and ent two Inning.

:o~:s::~n~h~~e7:'1::S ~,::;~ The Wayne Hign golf leam

competed In dU~11 and tourna· ment action this week, lying M.adlson in the dual and placing elghth In a 12 team field at the O'Neill 'nvltatloMI

The varslfy team tied Madison Tuesday by totaling a tNm score of 165. Bob Borohott Jed the- tHm .. nd tied for medalist honors with Ron Dlelz of Madl 500 with a nine hole sco,.e 01 38 en the Madison cou,.se

Jay Stollen~rO flr~ ., 40,

[\)ug Rose ,not ... 42 and Chip c..rr carded a 4S lor the top four v"'Slty scor~s John Klug~'s :!'oj wasn't counted in the team total

Wayne's 8 learn won Its malch by 19 "'fr" ...... "~nh Ml

anced scoring Duane Smlfh.nd Royce Ander!.on shot SO's to lead the way John Mele-na and Jeff NIoore both shot 51 and Tom Fre<trlckson followed at 52.

In., strong wind al the O'Neill Invitational. the Wayne golfer, 'Ini'J~ eighth In a 12 fMm tl",ld Barnhart again led trw w.ety wllh a "147 19. Srolhtnbet'g shot .0 50 93. Rose SCO,.ed " ,($,51. ~ and Melena carded .III ,S-4.'SO 10 .. tor the Blue Devils

O'N~1I1 won the meet with ., .m and Albion finished a.econd .,t 34 F-rank Svoboda 01 Albion was medalist with a 77 while Steve Schmltdt of O·N.1lI finIsh lid wcond with a 79

G4de came In and flnlsh.d tho 9<1me lor 1hem

Laurel dropptHt to 0-2 tor the 5&\500. n01 Indudlno the Wake· field Laurel game Thursday niQhL • ''-nuot1 OM ott ...

UI.1t ..



11-'" 1t-4",

.... lit H , , 11 o , , o o o ,

, 0

o o o

17 , ,

BV Home Runs Dump Wayne State Bob Mlch.el.on·, three-run

homer In the bottom of the fifth Inning broke an ... tie to pace BuenII VI •• II College over W.yne Sta .. Coli. , .... WednH<Uiy In Storm Lake, 1.111.

Butna Vist. scored one more run In tM IIfth and added two more runs In the sixth to end the scoring In the first geme.

The bulk of WSC's runs came In the third Inning when Jeff Williams of Btue Hili and Brian Blatchford of Ponca bluted

home runs to br'nv WSC within' striking distance after thr.e Inning., "'3.

The Wildcats scored two runs In the fourth and thrH runs In the fifth sending the Cats Into the sixth, trailing Bue". Vista 12-'. TIM< Cats f.11«I to score In the seventh.

The- lOSing pitcher for Wayne ~s Brad Jones, dropping hi. ntcord to 0..1 for the season.

A Mven run outburst In the fourth Inning of the second game out Buena Vista In the driving

Bowling Highlights l'IIen's 20(). Randy Hallstrom.

234; Ric Barner. 244. 201; Keith OoHcher. 100; Mike Jacobten, 200,715; Mike Loote, 2(19, 214; S. Soden, 200, 210; J. Ladd. 210; C. Luedders, 225; E. Peters, 221; M OKk. 223. 201; L. Echten kemp. 236; S. Halley. 21 .. ; V Marotz, 104; Olck Mays, 235. 204; Paul Telgren, m. Craig ladwIg, 221; Kim Baket'. 213. Gary Kay, 212; Scott Drum· moneL lO9; John Rltdensdorf, 206: Eldin Roberts. 70S; Dan ROM, 204; Rod Coo." 101; Larry Echtenkamp. 201. Ke ... ln Mark'. 209. Dane Rose, 111, Val Klttn ast. 118. 200: Ric Barner. 213. 102; Leroy earner. m: Chris lueders, 102; Myron SctlUeU, 200. John 0.11, 209. 201, larry Echhmkamp, m, Loren Jam mer. 212: Kef'! SpllHgerber. 202.

209; Don Sund, 222; Marv Brummond, 202; John RebilIns· dort 221; Ken Whorlow. 226; Lee Tletoen, 213; Br.n Stock· dale. 102; Arvid Mark., 209; Val Kienast, 105; Loyal LAck as, 21S; Swede Halfey, 211; Jim Gran· qlJfst, 102: Dualne Jacobsen, 200; WllrTlff D«k, 111; larry Dahlkoe-tter. 20.4; Les Luff, 201.

Women'S 110· Plttl Trub. I"; Jo Ostrander 194; Kathy ;.nHn, 11K!. Bev Holdorf. 192; Gert Marks, HI1, 158; Bonnie Nohlferd, 182, DH Schulz, 194; lone Roeber. 187. 184: Deb ~s-on. 110; Sally Watson, la2: Nan.y SMr.r, Itt, 181; Lori Slewrs. 181; Shalla Dohlkoetter • 216. JudI Tapp, 191,111; Donna Fr ..... rt. 116; Dotll. Wacker, III. linda Gamble, 180. linda

. Seat a.: they completeet their lweep over WSC, 1·2. .

The fourth Inning proved dll: astrOUI 'or WSC pltcher 04\1 Voigt ot Pocahonta., la., a. hit .lIowed thr.. solo home run ... VOigt's record dropped to '·2 on the season." .

Bill Schwertz of Wayne and Jeff WIlliams paced the hitting attack for WSC In the second gam.. Both Schwartz- and Will. lams connected 'or doubles off winning pitcher Taylor 01 Buen.a Vista.

Janke, 188; Sally Watson, 110, Clndl Jorgensen, 1&4; Jo 0.­tranchtr, 203; Kathv JenMn, 'M.

Men', 570 Serl": Vat Klena,t, 600; Ric Barn .... 592; Leroy Barner, Sn; Ken Spllttgerber. 590; John Oall, SUi Grant Elllng.on. 569; Ernie SWift. 568; Ric B_rner, 622; Olc:~ Mays, 622; sw~ HaJley, 600.

Women's .c8O Serl .. : Linda Janke, SO.,,- Sally Watson, .1; lone Roeber. 541; Jo o.trander. 503; Sheila Oahlkoetter. 502; Bev Holdorf, 539; Adelyn Mag. nuson. 521; G.rl Marks, 538,­Bonnie Mohlreld, S' 7; D .. Schull, S20; Frances l."""rd, 501; Sally W.tson. 411; Nancy Sherer, 5)9; Judi Topp, 529; Dottle Wacker. 508; Jo del'. S02.

A .... - 354:',_ i· '~\' .~~.: ..

'" '

~ '.' , .. ! •

! 'o' •

l' __ ,~ .. -...., ... •... H . .... ~ .. -..

_____ 15-20' ~


Thornless Honeylocust Flowering Crab VASE

American Linden Eastern Redbud Purple Leaf Plum


Hackberry .1lVAl

European Mountain Ash

Thinking about planting a tree?

Green As~

Silver Maple

This May Help By DOH SPITIE

W .. y .... County Extension Aoent

Editors Note Tr~ have long b.."'ftl a

part 01 the ~uty of Wayne The down town Improvement project has Included the planting of Iri!'e'S in the Wl!Jyne bus, nMS district BKause at thl." renewed interMt In trlfol."S, D:;,n $pitle, rounty

~~~I~J~;r,I."f1.'~t~~:-i:l~eth:i~dl~O~1 trees adaptable to the Wayne County arN! and !.teps In plan1!ng and care for trees

American elm w~s one of the most popular shade trees In Wayne County until Dutch elm disease came along and began killing the trees off. leaVing groves ruined, 5.helfe,.belts thinned and 11Iwns naked.

Now we musl replace all these dead or dying eHms with trees Ihat can live in our type of climate

The shade trees that are pictured and described in this feature are well adapfed to this arN of the state .nd will provide comfortlno shade If pfanted and cared for properly

There are ~veral POU'lts which you should consider In selecting shade Irees to plar.t. They include:

-Mature height and wklttt: Trees that ere Ideal for the first few years after planting may grow Into large trees that

blo('" drl'.'"w.lYs hide thl' house, grow Into utll!fy Imes and be too clO$«! loothe, e5t<tbl!~ed Ir~s and Shrub!;. AV/lliab! .. at my ofll(.f' IS /I fret> le,,'let titled "s.,SI<.. Ldndscapm9" which provides Ideas on where to planl trees for the most plellslng ,-'lppearan(e

-Growth r.te .nd life expe<tancy. Somt' pt'Opfe hd ..... e d need for quick mdde SO they wdnl cl qUick maturing Ire(' other people (Ire willing to plan' a Ire(' Ihat gro~ slower- and take-!; lon9~ to m3ture Lite expectancy in trl!<eS IS r.eferred to <15 short (less Ihan JO years or lile) medium (30 to 80 years) and loog (more than 80 yC!'ars)

ef;;~deSre:~~ f:as:e~s E;;:,n~~o~s o~'~~I~ tpillage, desirability at having llowen or frUII~, and the $hape of tne IlNIves

Addttonal information available trom the Wayne County Extension Office mcludes

Golde to Clarke·McNary Trees Coni fer ... G75 175

Guide 10 Clarke.III\cNary Trees Bro~d leah G.,S·256 • Guide 10 Clarke.N\cNary Shrubs GiS

316 BaSic Landscaping GU-135 How to Plant landscape Trees Gn

3<1 Broadleaf Trees for Nebraska EC74

1737 Pruning shade trees ECn 1224.

Steps In Tree Planting &Ire Root Trees

1. Unpack tree Immediately. 00 not allow roots to dry out. Immerse roots In water or thin mud for several hours before planting.

2. Have hole deep and wide enough to accomoctate roots In a natural position.

3. Plant tree one to two Inches deeper than it stood In nursery. Untangle and spread roots before covering. Fill hole fwo.third. full with loose soli and water.

A. Fill remaining hole with soli and water two or three times and let settle.

5. Mulch with One or t'NO IndtH of dry hole, Leave basin to aid In watering.

o. Prune top to compensate for Ion of roots In digging (Me illustration). Short en all branches (A)' .nd fnen thin and 5horten branches (8).

7. Stake: the tree If over five feet tall.

~=:ei:'~=ed~or first ~ar until

a.lled, Burlap Trees T. Dig hole two feet wider lind silo:

inche's deeper then the root ball. Always lIfl tne tree by the ball, never by the stem.

1. FW hole until top of root ball Is one to two Inches betow 5011 ·surface.

3_ Fill hoi. haM full with loose soiL Wafer and'let ""'e. ,-

Norwa,yMap/e How to 'Prune Trees =:~r,:"~~:;~!~:UI~\:~:


5 . .FiII hole wiffi soil and water two or ft:i,V tJrrfas end let settle.

__ _ .• :'-'ufc:h with one or two inChes of dry / . soil.

Cofttatner·Grown TrMS Remove container before planting.

Other steps. in ptantlng contal~.g:rown trees are tn. same '" fot' balled and burtap_frees,

For common error. in tree planting Sft Errors In Tree Planting, upper right hand corn .... '.

Errors in Tree Planting 1, ~ ~Nh

!, J.L ~~. C"~"7f' ~ ), 3. Too shJllow rJ 1 T.mgled roots A 2. Too dt't'p

What tree to plant? Here's some tips Redmond Unden E.sfltrn Redbud Green Ash

DUcrlphon - ~Ium to last growth raf .... med,um Jile expe-ctancy and dense pyramidal shape. leaves roughly heart shaped and turn yellow.brown in , .. 11 Flowers produced In July are small. yellow, Ir .. granl

Good POints - Not subject to wind, snow or Ice damaoe, no s.erlou!. Insed or dlsea\-e problems

&..d Poinb - Leaf !;corch and leaf feeding insects can gl\'e un!;lghtly ,um mer appearance

Norway Maple Oe$crtpfion - This tre-e ha'J a round to

ov<ll ero .... 1\. dense 'bllege, a long life, and ~ m~HJm rllte of growth. Some of th !!lore common named varieties at Nor way maple are' Cleveland Columnar, Crimson King, Greenlace, Schwedle-r, Surnmenhade and Varl&gated.

Good Points - The Norway maple I, hardier MId lasler grOWing than the olher hard maples It hat. desirable shape, strong 11mb structure. a bright yellow to orange faU color. and Is Iree of serious Ins,e.d and dIsease. problems.

801d Points - The dense shade produc­~ and the !;hallow rooting habit of this trro mily make It difficult to grow grass and other plants beneath It. Leaf scorch Is a problem in late summer, especially on \Orne of the varieties, and the green stl'iped maple 'NOrm will cause some defoll.tlon. ,Young~r are ,usceptlble to winter svoKald an Should be wrap­ped tor several yeart These mapl .. will grow <uLl..tt_ ~ell er they Qve been I!5tabllSh~ tor-several years: They need extra pro(ledlon In their first lthree years of growtt¥

(~ Silver MIIple Descrip ion - La.rge, fast.growlng

medium to long-lived trH haVIng broa:d, round to I regular crown. Leaves pal. Shiny green .bo ..... slivery beneath, and turn yellow In the autumn.

Good PoInt. - Widely pllI1led bocau .. of rapid growth rate. Easily transplanted and does well under molt '1011 and moisture condltlons _

Bed PoInt. - Wood 'i';~bllml" and large; we1I!k .Ide branches make It 5U~ible to wind, snow, ice damage. Proper pruninG early will help reduce dornase, Bark on young Ir ... Ihould bo wrapped to prevent IUnscald. Shallow roots tend to erupt abov_ the ground with • ' maktng It ~Ifflcult to maintain good 'awn_ Cottony scale InMet" Ir.., striped maple worml Mel maple bladder gall mJt .. ere problems. I<IOI'do .. d 1001 '_no IIIIOCtI con give untlgtttly ~8fl,ce In tumrn«'.

DHcrlphon - Small. pt'ollfic !lowering Iree l<eav~ ht""rt shaped and turn ye( low In fall. Round 10 v",.e shape, medIum rale of 9rowth, medium length 01 Ille Blossom!; emerge earl 'I In sprlng but last lor short lime BIO~$Oms are pea like and deep pink

Good Points - o,e 01 the mosl desirable flowering lrtes GIves a vivid spla$h of early color. de~irab'e torm and resistant to snow and Ice damag'"

Bad Points - Lea' hoppers, bore,.!;, lIphlds and stem cankers are problems. but nol 5-erlous 4!t"ough to prohibit use

Purple Leaf Plum Description - Pink blos.lOms appear In

lale April or early M"ay, and 'SOme small. purple fnJlt appears In late summer. Has medium to shorlille expectancy, medium rate of growth and round 10 vase shape.

Good Points - Adds s.plash of color In the spring; tollage develops more vivid purplll hue II planted in full sun

Bad Points - Borers can be serious problem It not controlled

HackMr'ry Description - light grem, tapering

leav.s turn yellow In fall. Bark Is IIght­color~, rldge$ oJOd otten described as warty. Slow starter, but wltn extra watering medium rate of growth ~n be expected. shape and medium to long life expectancy.

Good Points - Oroutn resistant. toler· at. adv ..... wHtlwr.

a.d Point. - Dense clusters of defor· med twigs sometimes form In crown. Leaves often have small nipple-galls on lower l~rf.Cfl. Susceptlbee to defollla· flon by cankerworms.

European Mountain Ash DnertptlOn - When young, ~as erect

form. but oval, spreading crown devel· ops. Ha. medium rete of growth and medium to short length of 'lfe. Leev. turn bronze to red In fall. Will do best wn., planted on cool, moist sites, but· sunlight Is required for latl,factorv growth.

tn~ ":';~;f=:::~ ~-:'J:ui'~i fruit. Many smaU, whfte ftowers form on branch ends~ and In September red· orange dusters 0' berrln appear whir" ftower. bloomed. Frutt, although abun· dant~ II not overly. mHly and II a favorlt. of birds • .... PoInt. - Fire blight; canker.s,

sunscatd and borer, can C8UM cSar:nage, but should not dllCburoge Ute Mtere ... _ 01! accont _red, V~

,,,, __ 1<1 bo ~ I".. ...... al

'I<'IJ'S to ~I .. protoctlon,

Description - Favorite hdbrfaf 10

mOI!.f bottomland!.. bul doM weO In drier slfuta'ions. Nledlum sized. hits round to Irregular dense crown, medium rate of growth and medium IIIe span.

Good PoInts - Adapts to almosl all soli lind moisture condlllon~ In Nebrllska has "Uractlve. dens~, summer foliage and provides early bursl 01 yellow In lall

B_d Poinh - Sublect to attllck by several Inseds and dl$ltdSfl. but none serious enoogn to limit use, PoS\I~e problems to expect: "~h borers. Sltwllles, oysl..-shell Kale. ash rust, leaf scorch and canker

Thornless HontykKu,t Oeicrlptlon - I::loes not produce thorn'J,

and non·frultlng selections are l'lvallable Very hardy, and tolerates wide ranoe of 'SOli and moisture conditions. Medium to Ipng length ot life. medium to fast rMe of growth and round form. Many selections offer variety ot shapes and leat colors.

Good ·Points - Foliage fine·textured, casts light shade and turn!> yellow In fall. Wltnslands city conditions Md does well In most situations. easily transplanted anq relatively dIMtase-free.

&.d Points webworm offen defollatM tree, and webs glv. unsightly appearance In lale summer. Borers, leafhoppers, plant bOO" and pod gall midges cau,e minor damage. Insect problems should not discourage use.

Flowering Cra'" Description - Fruits are tess Ih.n two

Inches In diameter, height les5 than 20 feet, growth rate medium and faU color y.llow-brown.

eoOcI Points - Flower color ranges from pure white to purpllsh-red. Size ranan from dwart trees to trees 40 feet tall. Shape v.rles from columnar to weeping to round. ~_ '.

e.d Polnfli '- Susceptible to various troubles of common apple. Problems to elCpeCt: fire blight, apple scab, ceder·

-"pple rust, $CiIle Insects, borers and ~ wo.:ms.

Am.rlc.en Linden Deserlptlon - Deep, moist soli preferr·

ed1.but per'orms well on most sites. Medium to 'ast rate of grQwth. medium to long ,life e)(pectanc:;y and oval Ihape. Leaves rOfJVhlY hurt·shaped and tum yellow·brown In fall. Sma", yenowlsh. fragrant flowen produCl'd In Juty.

Good Polnfli - No aerloUl Insect or . disease problems;' requireS little car.

on:,.. ftf:.r,:~· Leav. "arger and Q)8rMr th.., the other Un"". Not ... lIy IrMsPionted and hird'l. titobU"'.

Page 9: Herald (1888-Present...This ISsue One Section .. 12 Poges THE WAYNE StcoacI CI ... Post. If' P .. id .1 Wayot' .'Ij~hr.JI~ka

:':'. P{'BI,I(' :\(rl'l('FS . _ I '. f',1 ( /,1 1'..,1 flH .If ()I't I I\1tJc;l KNOW • • r '.' ...... (

DI.dll~ for ,.fl nollcn to be pubUshed by The Warne .... r.1d is as follows: 5 p.m. Monday for Thursday's news­pApeor for S p.m. ThursdAy for Monday's newsp.per.



COL·"I) COIle! <'I Wilvn(' Co..JI,ly. NeO',Hk,) , E~I •• It" ot Lon,p M Lobt'ro;!


~ No"Cot ," hcreby <l" ... ('n ttl ... , Ihe P<-'h,,, ... 1 R('pr('~ .... "r.",,, .. h/l~ Idr'd It

"n,,' .H,o"nr .,nd ,eporl 01 hl~

,'d"""'~'r/l',on lind <'I /{lrrnal elosino p"I,I M1 lor co,npll'lp ~('llI{'onent

... "cr"lh ... v{'t)('t"n\('lf{'rh ..... rcnO'n

'1'1<" W,''''l' ((1»1'\, (l'urlon M,ly II

(,) Luvo!'rn. Hillon CI~r" 01 Ih(' Counlv Court

ChHle~ E MtONmoH Ano.n('v lor P<",IIl,nl'r

(f'"hl AI"'!




In thc COl,m1y Court 01 Wo'Iyne County. N('brllsk,l

In It,e ml'lller 01 Ih~ .. ~r.,r(' 01 Henry J "'arme, .. , D",""~t"CI

Stall' 01 Nl'brlt~"-,l

To All Pt'rson~ Inlprt'~!pd In S<'I'd

t>iol,Cl' ,~ I1l'r"by <I,v"n !1111! II

P(>lil,On lor Ad,ud'catlon 01 Inle~

I",y, Ol'l(>f1nln,ll,on Of He"", h/l~

~t'n loI('d '",r(,ln ,In(l I~ ,,,, lor' 'wM,no 10 Ihe Wilyn", Counlv COl!rt on MIIY~, 1'11'1 ,,, II 00 0(.",<1< II III

D,ll .... d 111, .. IJII1 ,1,1Y 01 Apr.1 1'119 (\) Luvt'rnll Hilian

Cle!rk of 11'1(' Count.,. Courl




NOTICE OF MIiIiTING City of Wllyne, Nebratka Notice II H,reby Glv.n That a

",..,Ing 0' Il'Ie Meyor end Council 0' th" City of Wllyne. Nebr.,ka will be I'!elc:t lit 7:JOo'c!ock p.m. on April 24, 1919 III Ihe rll!<jjuler m..tlng piliU 01 11'1. Council, which me.tlng will be open 10 the public An aQtflda tor ,uth mnling. kept contlnuoUlly wrrenl Is av.Uabhl for publiC ,In· $pIIctlon al Ih. attlce of the City Clerk al Ihe Cily Hall, but Ihe agtflda may be mO(llfleci al ,"uch mHllng

.ru~e Mordho,." City Clerk (Publ. Aprll21J


COUltHy CLERK 1911 79 bllHll\JlII' f.e'S lor nonprofit

corporallons are due PINto forward your reporls and ten 10 Ihe Offlca 01 S.crorlary ot SllIle III Clulckly III. poulbl!!

(Publ. April 11)



First National Agency

301 Phone J7S·2.52S Dick Oltman, MlrYger

INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE lIf •. HospllaUlaUon . ~ubHlty Homeowners and F.rmowners

property cov.ra~1

KEITH JECH, C.L.U. J7S.14n 401 Lot." WaYfM

Indep.ndenl Aoent



Dean C. Pierson Agency / 111 West 3rd Wayne

Office Supplies


CREIGHTON Plumbing - Heo"ng

& Electric Sewer Cleaning

I 24 HOUR SERVICE I call 375·3041

If no answer all ]75-)713

Real Estate

LIND SPECIALIm • w. S.II Fums • We Man.lve Farms • W. Are EJipern In Thil F~kf

MIDWEST LAND CO. Phone 315·J315

10. Main - Wayne, Nebr.


Farm Sales Reslden'ial Sales

Farm Management Phone 585-4476


COUNn Ass,aslOf': Dorl~ Stipp 375 1979

Clerk: OrOretta Morris 3751288

Alsoc. JudO.: luverna Hllion 3751622



Municipal All1'Ort Wayne PhoM J7J...w64


Jerry Zimmer 375-11" 4110 Dodge

Omaha, Nebr, Professional Farm MlilYgement

s."s . loan Apprald b Phone SSl-1lOS

Tiled 01 O;llrb.lll}!! eluller ~ror'n Overlurn,," G~IIJ~!'I. C.tru?

w. Provide AI_Your_Ooor

S.rvlc. At No EKtr. Charge



Church Loungll, Wayne hI & lrd Thursday ot e<iCh Monlh

,,0011 m -10 00 Noon I lGpm.-.:OOpm

Donlver & Art.n Peterlon

F(H AppOlnlm~nl Home l1S lUG" OU/(tl - us·un



A meeting of the Chairman and BOard of Truste" of the Village of Wlnslc:te, NeIlral"'. wal held at Ihe Cler""1 ofllce In 1.ld Village on Ihe 2nd dav of April, 1979 at 1: 30 o'clock p.m. Present were: Chairman Char: '" JacklO1l; Tnllle .. : Dallal PUll, Mlk. Thompson, and Floyc:t Burt. AbIent: ~IIY Juob .. n.

Notice 0' th. mHllng Wal given '1'1 advance by potling, the dellgnated method of giving notice. NoIlce ot thll mHflng wa. Ilmul. taneouI'y glv.n to 11'1. Chairman and all m.mber. of the fJoard of Tru.le.1 1Inc:t a copy of ock.nowledgmenl of rK.lpt of nollce Is attached to theM minutes. Availability of 11'1. agenda wal communlcol.d In 11'1. ~vanc. notlc. and In Ihe nollte 10 Ihe Chairman· anc:t Board 01 Ihl. meetIng AU proc.edlngl h.r .. n.r Ihowo laken while Ihe con _ned maetlng wa! open 10 Iha "lIendanee of the publiC

Fir. ChI'" Run." Prlnca wa. prll$ent A discuilion wal h.'d with regard 10 purchasing a wal.r t.nk, pump, and runnlno Ollar for the purPG'e of hauling wel.r MotIon was mac:t. by Burl and I.conded by Thomplon 'Ihal a commltl.~ b~

appoInted 10 Qathe'" all perllMnl Informal Ion Inc:t .rrano. purch ... ot I3ld .Qulpment Roll cat! y&ll PUll, Thompson, Sun, Jacklon Nay

none Motion carried Th. Chair rmln Ihen apPOlnled Burl, chairman, enc:t Thompson a' Ihe commlll .. 10 MnOle Ihl' prolect Re<gulatlonl anti CTlargfll on fh!! U'S. 01 IhlleQulpmenl wHl b. I"ued 10 Ihe vttry near future

Motion was m"c:tl" by Surl and SlKonded by Thomp~ 10 r.palr the door on th. (old w.lll pumphoul. In back and 10 IMla1l a coin operaled waler dl~pen'lnO mel., on II ROll c.lI yea Pul" Ttlomplon, Surl. Jacklon Nay carried

M,ary'n (h,rry Of Wln,lde D.hy, Inc allended 'h. mH'lIng and PHI wnlC'd I~as.'l r • ."lIrdlng 'h. fIIml.1 01

lhedum~1I11 by Ihe Vllla."e and Ih. blnille locallon by 'he O .. hy It was 10 have allorney Jol'1n Adc:tl !lOll gly .. leoal OpiniOn b<rlor .. final approval and e"l'(vl,O" 01 laid I",,,,, Motion made by Pul. aM Sll<ondt«f by Burl Iha' Ih. rlll1'a' '"S on bin. b. adlu,'ed anc:t nt al k1110~ Lor."e bin '100.00 per Y"l'ar, Small bin SSOOO pat" Roll cally.. Pu", Thompt(>ll, Surf, Jack,on Nay none Mollon carried II we, agrtted Ihal le".1 lhOuld be P,!I Inlo !!lIed wllh all oln

owner •. Electric meters will be Inslalled on all bins ond eleclrlclty used charged to each Owner.

The March Ir.,osurer'5 ... eport was presentec:t and 1t)(omlned. Mollon was mac:te by Burt enc:t seconc:ted by Thomp,"on to IICC.,pt and approve salc:t reporl. Roll call: yea - Puis, Thompson, Surl, Jackson. Nay -none Mollancarrled

GOrc:t·Oh BO/Jlman of Kansas NMlraska Nolural Gas pr"l'flted a rille IncraaUl and discussed the com pan.,. sately progrom

Clolms In Ihe following omounls were r,,<'Ic:t and ~)(amlnotd NMlreska Oepl of Ravenue,

soluta)( Ill.08 Weltern Ar_'Powl'r, power 1,IS7311 Ittu" CroS'S Blu!! Shlllld,

Jnsuron(e Blul!'(ron Blue Shll'ld,

Insurance 1'8.&.4 N&M O,I($.uppIIO!!'S 140ll Ent~rpr!se El"clrlc

5uppllfl 4160 1S M(Shane,supplln />JJ1 The W"yn~ H<trald. pUDllsh 1760 Wllynl!' Co Public Powl'r, cllrrl<lr,rl!nlal.~"t 1,09191

Ulltiliu Fund, ~te! ·"iclly ~11 '11 Roollld Hans.n, 1/1 r 9(1111 N~br<'l.ka U C tund

un"'"ploy,",",,' Norlolk Ollic.,

'Uppllt'5 (52l N&bnnka Dfpl of R~vlM\ut',

SllIle In, la1( Wllhhl!ld Wlnsldl! S'lI'" Bank, led Inc

'''~ withheld SOCIIlI Se(urlty Bureau,

s<xIIII'f'curlly SIf'YO!!n Thlfl, laoor 160 o~ Marill" HIli, laoor 548 91 o l Slheer (0 supplies 1019 C/lU'l(O EII,I. equlp,"","1 2.71151 Kelly Supply Co suptJllH Col .. rodg. W!!ldlng, 11'1.""

plpf"l \ll~ Norlhwnlt'rn Bell. phon., tQ H K N Nlllural GIIS, 9111 ~1~ 5.1 Nebrllska Trllctor r"pal" 11157 i,l County Coop, ,uppllH 110'11 W& r Mllchlnf Workl,


SItch, I.lIwlo', 'upplle~ 1~ 30 WlnslCll!' O .. hy. 1t'Q"le)(poI"n,,, 1000 (11M I", Or", d"PO'\lt

r .. lun(1 (r<!!'Scenl F"ltn.,( 'uppl,.." UII6J

MoI'<ln "",,"" ,." ... dr by flurl IInCl M'COIItl .. d by rhompwn to a(("pl th!! cllIl"'5 /lnCl warr/lnh w"r .. ord~rl!'(l

drl'lwn Roll (/III y,," Pul~

fhomp,on Burl )ltCkwn N/ly ~ MOlton r"rr'~

A r"QU"SI Ily (harl!!s f. W",ble db" (h"" •• ~ R", 11) oper"'." be!!r ~nl ... \ Jun .. 911, "nd 101~ lor Old


AI ~revlcted by 13·1.10

SUMMARY OF TRE ... 'Uft .. ft'S C ... SH ACCOUNT .... ,LITY

Special R ..... nue Enl!!rprlle Tru,llnd "'gency

..-OR Pl!ftlOD ENDINO JUNE 10, lfTl

••• innl.,. Ollbru ••. 1!n6ln9 CI.n lalloc. ft........ Trao,'... m.ol. (I.h 811

116,449 6V 4~~ 319 .... ..o1,01~ 44 1(1.4,103 19 974,H~ 14 \.031,01641 1.01O,lll 30 997.19~]1

6,90l.sJ 7O.06~91 16 IS"" 6] \0,1114 81 161,0.SI8 l,161,18S70 1.~5,9H 11 998,91611

1,"4,"'.$4 ',JJt.~~:.!O. 191! ~!·I:~O::·'l1·M 1,111,1" 14

18'M1l) ~'irorl~ ~60,IJOI6



Cjtunty II'lHtdl 0«1.1'111 SpecIal Re .... nuo t;:nterprlse

f'I1CAl .UDOI!T Y .... R eNDINO JUNE JO, In.


."d .. , e.p.nd .ud •• t,l1'OO 429,0<1/> . ..10 29,23160

unS,Jl:i100 'lM,6OdIO 639,71190 nnooo 1~,O6O 12 S,8V918


Otuu Counly Clerk Ct~ ... k '" DIstr1cl Cour' County Sheriff Noxious Weed Olllrl(l

FOR PERIOD ENDING JUNI! )(I, Ina on Hand S'.I. and •• llnn Prlo!" County On H.oc:t Ali/dlt Elf 0" Jhmlnll. 6-'0,7' ),s:n1O n,,.198$ 11,6134S 3,67860

UH50 UteSO S9000 S67SO 11 . .so

)'619S J,8S7S4 61JSO

Th. Slaiulory reporl herein Is complied tram Ihe bOOks and records 01 Wayne Counfy, Nebrasko The (')(<'Imlnallon was made II my dlrecllon and under my tUpIII"vl'ion, as provldl'd b~ law (SI'Olon 11 1608, R R S IUJl The IIbove reporl II .. lummory oflhe reporl on file in my office COPIES OF


The Wayne (Nebr_, Herald. Monday, April 23, 1m.·

CONCORD NEWS/ Mr;8:;~~~hnson District VI Meeting Scheduled

The District VI spring meeting of the Womens Christian Tern· perance Union will be held today (Monday) at the W"strldge Methodist Church, Norfolk. Mrs Hl!trold Olson of Wakefield Is president.

RegistratIon will be at 9:30 a.m., lind the meeting wlll adlourn at 3 p,m.

Churcl\men MMt Concordia Lutheran Church

men met Wednnday with Win ton Wallin giving the devotional program, "Thl. I. My Father's World."

During the business meeting, plans were made for the Sunday worship service In the pl'Istor's absence

R",ndllil Carlson served freshmen!!.

Concord Fire The ConcOf'd Volunteer Fire

Department was callftd to the Leon Weddlnghtld Farm Wed

Se"I('r'~ u!l!!brallon and p"rml~5'0I1 '0 b~opell Sunday mornlnQ Junl' 10lh wll5 r",ad lind d"CUSSM Mollon w/l5 mild .. by aur! lind ~&ond!!d by Puis to lIpprov!! Ih" b!!er gllrd!!n and 10 'Plomm",nd IIpprov<'ll by Ille LIquor (omm15110n Roll cali yea Pul~

Ttlomp-.on. Rur! Jocks.on N"y None Mollon carrlfi1 Motion Wa' maol' by Burl and secondotd by T~omplon 10 deny Ihe Sundoy mornln'J opl'nitlg Roll c<'I1I yell Pul,. Thompson, Burl, Jflck,Ofl Nay

M05QU.lo cOOlrOI WOS (jl'CU$Se<I ~llon WI" madl' b, Burl lInd ">I!"<"onded by Pul' 10 .. ""cule 111e!

ItQr!!lImenl w,th Skywllys AQ Spray 10' rllOSQu,lo {llIrvllel conlrol Roll (,,11 Y"I'I Puis, n,omp50/1, Burl, JIIC"-'Ofl N"y cl'lrrle(l

A l .. nOlhy dl~CU5Slon was n .. lc:t r<'<;lllrd,no Ihr. l1,rmo 01 I1I'!p All IIppllcllnh w<'re uHelully c0f'I5'derffl It w,,5 IIQrt'"f'd 10 hlr" )osO!ph Mundll lind Denn" VlIn Houlen III SJ 90 per hour lor J monlhs, \",,00 pN l10ur lor 1 monll1\. lind S~ 10 per hour Mler Ih .. 6 monlh, prOblll,on perJ{l{1. ",,111

I', overT,,,,!! lind lull tllmlly In5V r"nc .. ~OVl!'ra<;le

A rr-nlOxlelon~1 pl'rnlil Irom M,lIer', IINJrl<el wl'I\ pre''''''l''<1 an(1 rt'"d IVlOI,on WIIS mlld~' by PuiS <'Jnd .... condl'd by Thomp~on 10 ,.pprov~

!t,.- Pt'"r,n II Roll ~IIII yt'a T/1<)mpson Rurl, ),'J<"k50n Nlly 'lOne Mol,onc"rrled

J.(r-v W"'\\II,I<r-d lor PO!!rmls5,on 10 pl/lce /I I",rot' ~'un eln Ille r<)Ol 01 111~

",Vdl!Oflum II Wa~ IIlI' deco\,Of' 01 Ille Bo",rd 111,,1 "0 "on \hould b<! pl,Ht'd onlheroolor In Ironlol !he"ud, lor,um

Memt)t'rs at II1l!' Commun,ly nub olll'r<"d 10 p"ml The 01(1 f-'r~~dll

{\~Opl "'\" commun..ty ,mp'ov",.,.,t'"t prOII'(.1 II The Vdl"Ol!' would buy trw .,..,Inl Moloon wa, m",de by Thomp son "nd ,,,condO!d by Burt 10 buy ""ml for IIl'~ budd,ng ROil Call yt''''

PuiS. Thompson, Burt, Jack50n Nlly none Mol,on c",rr,e-d

Thl!' Boy ",nd Girl Scout5 l'xprt'5st'd Ihedes,r .. 10 pl",nl tr~~ ,n Ihe P</Irk Ch/lrl.S)/lcksonvOlunl"l'redlo,"eel wltl1 Ille leOd(>rslo df'Clde on vllrof'ly "ndlocllllonOllrees

MoI,on WII~ mild.. by S,-', "nd

wcond .. d b~ Puis to "d,ou,n '" 1055 P rn Roll Cilil yea Pul~. fhomp 'IOn, Burl. Ja[k,ol1 Nay

nesday evenIng to RUt out a field fire.

East.,. Guelts Sylvia Evert, Fremont and

fINs. Evan Clark were Easter dinner guests In the Jim Clark son home.

Easter dinner guests In the Jack Erwin home were the Gene Casey fnmlly and Clayton Erwin. The Max Holdorfs lolned them In the afternoon.

Dick Jorgenson, Omaha, a :former Concord reslden!, vIsited

In the Ivan (lark home April 14, and called on other friends.

The W.E. Hansons spent the Easter weekend with their daughter, Paulette Hnnson, Tecumseh, returning home April 16

The Dick Hansons entertained foc supper April 14 for the Tom Barlows and Megan, Omaha and the Roy Hanson family

Easter dinner guests In the Qulnten Erwin home to help celebrate Ihe hostess' birthday _re the ~Ich Erwin family, Sh.'tne Giese, Wayne tlnd Sue Retl50r, Omaha EVl!mlng guests were Ih., Glen Mlignusons, the Verdel Erwlns and Brad, and the Alv In Rastedes

The Neal Kluver family, Mrs E.ther Borg and Mrs. Cedi Clark visited Cecil Clark at the Wakefield Care Center, Easter. They were supper guests In the Cecil Clark home In honor of the hostess' birthday

Guests In the Arden Olson home Tuesdtly honoring Mark's birthday were Mrs John Westerholm, Matthew and Joshua Kenneth Olson called In the afternoon

renee Pearson home April 16 were the Alvin Ruted... the Jack Parks. the GI.n Rices. the Roy Pearsons and the George Anderlons.

A birthday party was held Wednesday afternoon In the Glen Magnuson hom. honoring the hostess, and MI"$. Clarence Pearson and Mrs. George Anderson. Twenty women of the welfare club, neighbors and friends helped them celebrate, Each bIrthday honor.. was presented a birthday cake from her dub secret sister, which was served with a cooperative lunch.

Trailer Travel

Is Program at

PEO Tuesday The April PEO mlllttting was

held In the home of Mrs. John Swanson of Carroll Tuesday.

The progrl'lm was given by Mrs Ray Schreiner, who told lIbout group~ who travel In tralters, usually by caravan, to a warmer climate In the winter. They live tn their trailers In permanent Cl!Impsrtes.

Mrs. Philip Griess will speak at the next meeting, on May 1 at 7;30 p.m. In the home of Mrs. Robert Haas. Mrs. Grlesl' topic will be "Today's Family." Co­hostesses for the M.ay meeting tire Mrs. Robert Ens! and Mrs. Rowan Wiltse.

Birthday Guests Some Indians had different Birfhday gues.ts In the CIa· name. in different seasons.


TwoSetsof I


~:r2., .. ~ ... ~~B~r 'I r·'· ,:' , .... _.~,I " . I

iJiI;..... . , for the --- -----'

Price of One! "LlddC0lur Offer Expires



StMrlH: Don Weible 375·1911 Deputy:

S.C. Thompson 375·13!9 Body and Fend,r Repair. ~i~~~ ~~NN;;~~~ :~;LI:~~~:~~~~~':'~N~AT;N Ar:.,.~N'!.~~~~~T

The BOllrd ot TrvSIl'e5 01 Ihe V,lIage 01 Wons'de. N.brasl</t ",III meel m r<'<;lular \('s\,on.,.' 7 30 pm 0',10'''- on M"'~ 711'1 \919 "I Ihl' Vlli1lge clerk's all Ice. whoch meelmo, will be open 10 Ih!! publ,c An IIO!!ndll lor SUCh meelon9, kept continuously currenl, IS IIvlliloble lor publ', In'Specllon at II.,,, Ollltl' 01 Ihe Village clerk 01 50ld Villoge

\ HollsOnly . . . . :J---APrii 28 '----~~t -,.,~ .. " .. , ---.-SAY-MOR-DRUG

• Furnltur. • M.chl~. • and morll

W AYNEIOOKSTORE .. Office Supply

J1S·319S 21'Mlln



OoMld Koeber, 0, D,

Supt.: Lot"en Park 375·1777 TrNlurer:

Leon Meyer 375·3885

C"rk of District Court: Joann Ostrander 375-2260

Alilrlcultural Agent: Don Spitze 375-3310

Aulltanee Director: Miss Thelma Moeller 375·2115

Attorney: Budd ~rnhoft 37S·2311-

V.terans SIIrvlat Officer: Wayne Oenklau . 375-2764


Olst. 1 Merlin Bltlermann OIst, 2 K,nneth Eddie Olst. -2 .• " •.. Jerry Posplshll

District Probation Offlatrs: Herbert Hansen ...... 375-3433 Merlin Wright. 375-2516

3J' Mlln St. 'Phone 375.2020 cln


Wayne, Nebr.


Dlc~ Keidel, R.P. 375-2241

Cheryl Hall, R,P. 37$·3610

Kevin Irish, R.P. 315.1'",

SAV·MOI DRUG Phone 275.1444



215 W. Jhd St,..., phononS·2500 Wayne, Nebr.

MAYOR -Wayne Marsh, , . ,. 375·2797

CITY ADMINISTRATOR, Darrel Brewington ... 375-1733

City Clerk-TrH,urer -Bruce Mordhont

Cltv Attorney -OIds, Swam & Ensz . 375-3585

Councilmen-Leon Hansen .. , .. ",.375-1242 Carolyn Filter .,' '" 315-1510 Larry Johnson .,', •.. 375-2864 Clifton Ginn. . ... , 375·1"2. Darrell Fuelberlh ... , 315-3lO5 keith Mosley '".,... 375-1735 Sam Hepburn ' .. " ... 375·4759 Darrell He'er' .. , .. , .. 375·1538

Wayne Munlel,., Airport -Allen Robinson, Mgr,. 375-.w..


POLICE " .,.,' 375·2626

FIRE, " .. ,',. CALL:l7S-n22

HOSPITAL , ...... ,," 315._

WAYNE CARE CENTRE ~.,. Carl.., M .... tit. DiH.r •• ce

911MAIN . PHONE375·1922

All MAKES and MODELS Painting - Glass Installation

12J s. MAIN PH, 315·1'"

WOOD Plumbing, Healing

& Air Conditioning

110 S. Pearl BUI'ne" - :l7J..1OOl

Home - 315·2001



419 Main 4Ihon. 375·2811





Daled al Uncoln, ·Nebraska, tl'll~ 14lh day 01 Decembe-r, 11178 ttly .... JohnlOh

Audlt« CIt PUblic "'cco"nll (Publ. Aprll13l

Ch..,'u E JiHluOn, c".lrman Attesl, MlnlO HilI, vlllag. clark

{Publ Aprd 13)


1022 Main 375·1444



The 5-Y~,r/50,OOO Mile Protection Plan Is Available At "No Charge" Thru May lOOn Aspens, Diplomats, Vans, and 2-Wheel Drive Pickups


C~hR&Y:'~ER CENTER 375·3270


.. iii1i

Page 10: Herald (1888-Present...This ISsue One Section .. 12 Poges THE WAYNE StcoacI CI ... Post. If' P .. id .1 Wayot' .'Ij~hr.JI~ka

s. Dallman,

S. Anderson

Are Wed f<t\aklng their ~ at RI. 2. Bo)( 156, Franklin, Nebr., are Mr. an.:! Mrs. Steen [email protected], who were married March l) In evening rites at the AAacon Methodl!.' OlUrch, .\\aeon. Mn. Anderson, nee Sheryl [)allman, Is the daughter 0' Mr. and Mrs Randy OIIllman of Franktln and is the owner and operator of His 'N Hef- HaIr Affair. The bt"1de9room. who 15 ~ Son of Dr and 1Vr!.. Morris l A.nde>rson of Wayne. i!o IMming near


Workshop Set April 28

On Crisis Intervention T,he State Department of Pub­

lic Welfare's Domestic Abuse Program Is spon!Ol"lng a one day Crisis Intervention Work· shop In Norloik on April 28.

The workshop will b& held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Northeast TlKhnlcal Communlt']) College, 801 E Benjamin Ave ( Room 131

The workshop wilt focus on theory "nd techniques of crisis Intervention. It I, directed to wards persons who offer or plan to offer services to victims of domestic ,dolenee

Favorite Trees

Club Roll Call "My FavOI'"lte Treoe" was the

roll call at the Wednesday afternoon mHting of the PINS ant Valley Club

Sixteen members attended the rT'IHtlno In the home ot Mrs. Ed Frevert Co.hO!otess was Mrs Ervin Haoemann

Mrs Ivan Fr~e and Mrs Raymond Larsen Md charge 01 the f!nterfalnment Cards '<'Ifef"e played, wllh prllfl"S Q01nO to Mrs Nyron Woodward, Mrs. Earl 6e'nnell, Mrs. Paul Baler and Mae Young Mrs Mtorlln Pres ton received the door prize

The next meeting will be May 16 a' 2 p m The location will be announced

The morning sessions will be of particular Interl!'5t to law enforcement personnel, attor· neys. doctors. nu,.-,es, and other professIonals the victim comes mto contad wllh

The work~hop will be cooduct· ed by 'Gina Washburn. Ms. Wa!!ohburn Is the former director of the Family Services Rape Crisis Center in Uncoln

H(tf'. experience in training Qrt1ups In crisis Intervention te-chnlques include the Uncoln F\llIce Dep.olrtme'!nt, Nebraska Sl"te Patrol, lincoln Gen~al

Hospital "dfl, Unlvenlty 0' NOOraska S't;ck>nl H.alth Center 1l./1tf. lInco~ l,I(ncaster Com munlly "htnl"'( Hellith Cente'!r $tall. dnd O«!parlment 01 Cor recllonal ServlCM stall

~q.<Q"...q...g,'.Q>'Q>'.Q>~,.q,<Q>..q..~~,--"", .... ,:",---'''''''''''''''--.o:J

I J." 'UleddJ.g 90.

~ gQenhlS v4ndenson.

~ CDoug 8"neptow ~.' Glennls Ande'!rson of Grand Island and I 'jI Doug Treptow of KNrney are making plans

§ !.:tt!r;~~~u~c;~~rd~t the Concordia

~ The bride-elect. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ~ Normlln Anderson of Concord, Is graduatIng

~ :;°r;,~::~t~y ~:~~~~Oll;:~;:n~ '7:'t~'r!:: t Island. Her fiance, who Is the son of Dr. and ~ /lin Kenneth Treptow of Aurora, alsQ will ~ gradullte trom Kearney State nellt month ~ , ~ ~/7 -<7'<0 ... /."",/~/? 4'-0' .... / <7 ""/"<?' //' ij.q /r /,r><0«? .<?-,.q-...Q'><Q><.q.<Q~-<7.q.<Q...g. 0'<?,>.q-..q,~

Shower Given Fifteen guests attended a

mIscellaneous bridal show.r April 13 In the WIllis Nelson homf!-, Wakefield. honOring Krista Marks.

HostessM were Terri Thomas. Sherry li'lwrence and Sarrle Nelson

Miss Marks, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Arvid Marks of WlIyne, and Las Thom,en, son Of * and Mrs Robert ThomMn of Wakefield. wilt ",",rry Nwy 5 at Grace Lutheran Church, Wayne.

Meeting at Museum

The Wayne County Historical Socl~ty will m~1 at the county muse-urn ,n Wayne Tuesday IW;lht, I\pnl 2.(, at 7')0

Spotlight on Table Fashions Guests Attend Ladies Aid AGENDA


7:30 Call To Order

All member! and olher inler estf'd persons are urged to altf'Od

Need a Car right ,


NOW? lOIi _.eM I .. ' Chrysler Center

7th & Main 375-327,0


!\'\embers of Ext~slon Clubs, women's or9anizatlons, and olh~r Inf~re!.11I!d Indlvl duals in the Wayn~ are-.! are! !}IItherlng together their flnesl ./!Ind most unusual ptece~ of tableware for the second annu./!ll Tabl~ Flishions on Parade show

The dIsplay, sponsor~ by the Wayne County HistorIcal SOCI~ty, wril br held at the city auditorium In W"',.{lf! this Thursdlly (lifernoon tlnd evenIng, April 16. from 2 JO to

'p m Accordln9 to the chairmen lor this y~ar's

show, parllclp.tllnls Will furnish tables depicting somt> e ... ("nf Inclvdlng a lunchf'{)(! In the tield tor larm hands, formal Christmas fl!'5tlvals and ~I .. anniversaries, chlldren's parlle:'\ and a luncheon lor Qrandp.dre,lts

Many 01 the lables wli! display various dishes and family heirlooms, including silverware, giassw .... re, Cllndles and lIor .... 1 arrangements

Menu Ideas will range trom .... soup course luncheon to the most el..,borale full course dinner TlIbles at variOus slles and sh,,~s will be sr.t for eight or 10 9ul!'5ts in soft colors Intersperse-d WIth brHllant spillsht's 01 color

Thf' public h Invlled 10 attend the show PCkfOh lire $1 al Ihe door 'nfants, who must bt' carried by .,n ~ull will be .,dmlllOO I,ee

Mn Clifford Johnson, Mrs AI'en Shute It Mrs William Hagerman and LucHe Larson are on the (ommltfll"t'

Mr"l Ste,,~ Gld"lsmeyer. Mrs Ron PenlfOrrck, Mrs Belly LI!'SS mann and Mrs Don Sh~rb.:lhn

were 9u~h III Immdnu~1 Luth t"fl,n l4diM Aid ",hlch met Thursday "lternoon Twenty lour memb«!rs "'"ended

The hymn Chrrsl the lord ,s RI~en Today" was sung tor the op("nlnQ devotlor.~ The Rev Ronald Holtmg presentfOd Iht' ! ...... on from thl!'! QUdrler Iy en 11!lt'd 'Chrlst For U$

Mrs Gd~! R,w,>s pr~ldt"d

O\I~~ tho!" bU"llne~S me-ellng The v,~llal,,-'f1 r<'"PO" Wo'l5 given by Nil ~ Ben Hollman dnd Mrs

The Idd'f!'1 "",('re re'm,ndt"d 01 tht· l WMl ~prln9 "",hlLh "".II be held 'h,\ Tuesday

Meet For Final Week Of Bowling

Hoi/! (olmo/lO

ROUNI Odley, Prine .. 01

!o;,jw"n1 l:::lliCh"r) ,"'hu ,-,,-, •• ~ T IWI ,,7 M M" hiH'I E .~t'F\ {','rll UI,t'r~ j [) f<1(ll', A ~l,~

'"r~ 01 Alrl'd' AnIon,,, ""'I<.-nnll)n j r.)5(·r 'The Wold 1~ldnlr JOhn C­

luller Tn .. A""H'n Who WO,,'ll Nol I:-mdy H,jJ\!l'n "IT'~ Too 1,,,!1'

Five ~rsons bowled Tuesday <'Ifternoon lit Melodee lanes 11'1 Wayne, Including earl M,elll(!."

Receives Grant The Wayne Regional Arts

Council h.8S been awarded a Sl51 grant Irom the Nebraska Arfs Council, II was announced by Art Council Executive Dlredor Robert C Pier Ie

Accordln9 to Jane O'Leary. ('halrman, and EtlIe McBride.

Floyd Sulllvdn, Perry Johnson. Clarence May and Otto Baler

Rowt.n; dvt'inQ Ihe wlnler months wa!. spon!.Of'~ by the Waynl" S~nlor Clllzens Center for reslcfe.nts 01 fhe area who lire S5 yfO{1 r~ of dge or older

Mr.y and Mellick. both begin ne-r bowl~r1._ li~ for Ihe high !Jo!me (98) Mellick roll~ the

-hIgh z~ri~

Get crabgrass and other ~lies out

of your

for ~orry" Leonard H,U"5. "Uon'l coordinatoL the grant ass!s Be No Hero", J~l'ph Hl'ller "Good III hel I

~~<.~o~~U!d JTIl~:~~~ ~~;':t:,.".~,',t, .?ln~: ~n~7v: palntfn~PO::~s~;r ~~ R"pjOr~" H R F K .. "t""l "I"~~c , Laurel. Carlos Frey, natIOnally Tor (\1'010' Oraw~ d L'ne" ll'n,!,' known artist, will conduct thr. Kennffiv "Maqg,e". l.OIJ'~ l'Amovr WOf'k~hops which begin the third

Bl'nd'go ~haHt'r" (hiHloll~ MM week in April at the laurel

~:~~~; ;;'~:£;:;~~~:~"~~':e~;;=:.y ;:~~~ ~U~\~'c~.h:1 't~,ml~:. MiHqMct Ma~hew, "Ttl.' R.lllway composition, color and 110hting

Jotmson. an advanced bowler. roH~ 123 for Ihe high game The second high game (185), was rolled by Baler. Johnson rolled 562 for the high serl~.

Mrs. Joclell Bull. director of the Senior Cltllens CfOnter, said lxIwllng will resume In $eptem be.-

Son Baptized at

Hoskins Church


Golf"" Brand Crabgrass Killer nnt only kill~ crab~ gras.~, that notorious nemesis of beautiFul lawns. but it takes care of other ugIies, too.

And, i~hat same applica­tion, Gol feeds your lawn with our mOQs "Nature's Ratio"~ fertilizer. This gives your grass something most qther fertilizers don't ... spe~ cia! nutrients for the rOOls. It's timed release. which means it works right away and keeps on working longer.

You get a one-time treat­ment of the ugJies ..• and a powerful, long-lasting feed· ing for bea~tjfuI. healthy grass. Then you sit back and

enjoy life. It's what we m:;;e;a:n_:;;;;;;;;;;;~~J by a TAKE-IT-EASY ~WD'

Better ways to beautiful

lawns •••

~~I ALLIED_"_ ' ·LUM.I.SUPPLY __ M· • .,..,.

~,'~: 'W,~'l~~~~;IC~~~~" '~~~pl~':t Altona Hosting Baptismal services were'! held v.ile, W,l',,' M", .. {on ••

Wdl,e Mo'I~(on, on Pocket B,'I, 'Molor Auto Rep",lr M>;ln Jean N'detch, . W<!"QI"

W"tcht"r~ Nc ..... Progr./iM Cquh,book··. Dond OrgeL "The Devil In V,enna". JoHn R<lV Skale'>. "Mi~~15')"ppi",

Wallace SIf'gner, "R"c"pllu1alloo", T,m~ L,I~ Book,>, "Cabins <wd Col !dges", T,me Lilt: BWl<s, "Quld=r Siruclures", Irv,ng Wall.,ce, "The P,geon PrOI~(:I". G (lilian Wt5ter. "Mv Brolher. Ihe Wind"

k hat the Peace United Church of

LWML Wor s op _Clt"" o' HOSkin, Moundy TWuJ'$day evening lor Adam

Of Wayne Zone ;!':r~h~:. ~~:::on 01 Mr

CHILDREN'\ BOOKS EI'lab~th eridgm,fn, "New DOQ

Next Door", Olive WOOley Burl, "SItGI!dWea", 1,!Obert Fro~l. "Stop. p,ng by Wooos on " Snowy Even 'ng", Carrie Lou Godd"r!. "Jesu~". She,11t Gordon, "A Monsler if> Ih.o: MClJlbo)(" Slcv~n Ke!t.ogg, "The Mystery of fhe Magic Green Balt", Frank Modetl, "Tooley! Tooley!", Robert Quackenbush, "The MQ._ Welcome Villtor"; M"rjorie Weln. man Sh"rmal, "ThoFn 10 !tie Wor. rier"; M"rk Taylor, "The 'Case of the Missing Killens'" Nanine Eliza befh Va'en, "The Devil's Tail "

The First Trinity lutheran Church of Altona will be host this Tue$day to lIbovt 100 women from the Wayne Zone ot the lutheran Women's Mlnlonary League fOf' a Christian growth workshop.

Wornen from Laurel, Wake fk!ld, Ml!Irtinsburg, South Sioux Oty, Winside, Carroll, Concord and Wayne· are ,xpected to regllter for . the workshop at 9 a.m.

The morning session will get under way at 10 a.m., followed with lunch served by tn, Altona ladles, The workshop Is slated to dJsmlss at 3 p.m.

Spon$Or$ were Mr, and Mrs. Scott Oede The Rev Galen E Hahn offlcated. at the service.

Goests afterward In the Scott Deck home were Mr. and Mra. l.e$t"r De<k and Mr. and M(i, Steve'! Deck and Nlchole of WInsIde, IN and Mrs', Henry Deck "l:Id Mrs. Sandy Ouerlng, Shawn lind Stephle of NQrlolk, .nd Mr. and Mrs, Richard Behmer and family, Vernon Blhmer, MareJa Jacobs and the Rev. and Mr •. Galen Hahn and Whitney of Hotklns.


WA,",\-AQ~ ___ /



YOU Art 1.,.i,.4 t. D •• t,., ".d ... Weed • • 11 .!2!!!.'lo,er,yl NaIic:e it Mreby ...,... tNJ u .v of April, tm, PUnwtnf to ... Nrtbr.tka Noxlou.

~Low,_UH._(I)C.t,.to~_ ..... _ ... _ .. Ionet In . We"" c.uwty, ........ , tIIIt noxious .... ttI""'lII, "na, or .rowing on sUch .. lid ......... ~ Iff .... cttveAII .... , CfOIIJPInt, pasturing, or 'rNfing wt1h dleml~11 or ____ ~"""'-"1IIN'OVOd "' .... Co4mIy Wood COntrol ~.-.t wdt.........,. •• wttl ,...., ... tIM! ."... III no ...... WHd.p"nfl or ......... ..... ' ..... _ ........ b .........

............. to ......... IIIIJ iIotIce, ... _nty _ -.1 _rl_ I • ......... __ otto, ............... "'"-" ..... ,.yMby __ .. .. .... ,MCIIIIaf'Y, 1M .......... dk:h ...... anitttWt __ Heft _net be ............. til. ........ __ .. _ ...... _ ,,",_It .... __ .. ", ...... ___ "'IIIoIow. .

By Order Of 1M Wayae c-ty ~ Control AuIIIority RUSS LINDSAY, SUPT.

,11 the First Trmity Lutheran Church. Alton;) The church 1JXing cle.,nlng day Is schedul~ lor the afte-rnoon 01 M.!y 1

The pr~ldenl fhanke'!d mem hers who brought food tal' tile b.lke ~ale held several w~s "90

A mollon w,on approvt"d 10

prOVide <1 box 01 wal~r, lor the Communion Service .11 Ihe lWML International ConvenllOn 10 be held In Omaha on July 1/1

Committ~$ tor Mcly Me Mrs Mdrvln Nelson and Mrs Elmer

Alber! Echfenkamp. Mr'i Dale ll!'Ssmann, Mrs. Gary Hank and Mrs Mark Meyer, sweepIng,

The April birthdays of Mrs Ernt'" Echtenkamp and Mrs\lln Nelson were ooSftrvea wlih sooo Mrs Echtenkamp was pnn.nted a gift In obser vanel! of her 80th birthday

Co hostll'!ues lor the'! April meeting were Mn Gilbert RauH and Mrs Elmer SchrlfOber

Nel(f mH!flng witt ~ May 17 .... .th hosfll!S~ Mr!'o lloyd Roe bt'r and Mrs Gary Nelson

Approval of Minutes Considl!f'ation of Claims Petitions (2) & Communications

':.0 Visitors 1: so Ordinance No. 938 -

Amend Delinquent Electric Payments

8:00 Approval of Notice of Bond Sale - Admlnistra· lor

.: TO Sale of 69KV line -AtJmlnlstrator

1:10 Pool IY.anaoer and Fees - Administrator

':10 Audll - Administrator 1:4S Adleurn

money money money WATCH IT GROW


WA 't~~.~~~1RAL lit 111 M.I" If ... ' ,. ••• US.J", LENDER


Invest In a sure thIng .lIke one of our

certificate accounts. 90 Days Minimum Deposll $500.00

53/,% 1 Yoor Minimum DepoSIt $1.000.00

6'12% 30 Month Minimum Deposll $1 ,000.00

6'/,% 4 Year Minimum DepoSIt $1 ,000.00

7'12%' . 6 Yeor Minimum DepoSIt $1 ,000.00

7'/,% 1 8 Yeor Minimum Deposll $1,000.00

6% 26 Week Minimum Deposll $10,000.00

Ask About Current Role

Sound too good to pass up? Get all, the ,facts soon 1 .



Page 11: Herald (1888-Present...This ISsue One Section .. 12 Poges THE WAYNE StcoacI CI ... Post. If' P .. id .1 Wayot' .'Ij~hr.JI~ka

WILL DO interior or exterior painting Call 375·2094 or

The Wayne (Nebr.) Herald. Monday, Apri~ 23, 1919

LOOKJNG FOR a part time summer lob? UI Duffer needs J or <I high school studenh to work about 15 hours per week. If Intert!sted apply at the lit Duffer m151f

375·20111 a12t6

BLUE GRASS sodding, seeding and grading. complete land Sc',lping Phone 6872418 Larry Olson Sodding. Lyons, Ne m12ff

HOSKINS NEWS I Mrs':i~I~~%5Tt;mos

Missionary Soci,etyPlanning

HELP WANTED: Responsible live-In supervisor for develop. mentally disabled adults. Apply a' Region IV Services, 206 togan. Phon. 375·48.. Equal Cf)portunlty employer. al9t3


for Sale To Observe 45th Anniversary,

HELP WANTED: Residential manager position. R~qulr~s

skills I" combination of develop­",.,t dfMbllltlH, human H". ....tea or ~afltd fletd. RHpons). bUllies Include household rnan. ao-menf and training Mvelop. .,...,fally disabled adult men. R:8Qlon IV Is an equal oportun. I,.,., afflrmatlye action employer. Apply .t Region IV S«ylces, 2'06 Logan, Wayne Phone 37S·~ by April 25. a1~l


Wayne Care Centre or Phone 375-1922

WANTED: Art instrucior, half time, mornings or afternoons Apply to' Robert Heckathorn. Supt AII!!!n Consolld ... ted Schools Allen, NebrllSt.." 68710 ,,\9t2


/ . }:)

Challenging poSition allailable for RN, Full time director of nurses, Salary $12,000 and up, Fringe' benefits, Apply at the Wayne Care Centre, 918 Main, Phone 375-1922,




For Mig Operlltlon Open To Trainees or

ElI.perltnced Penonnel SJ.JO S4.00 per hr

Apply AI: Job Ser-vice, Wayne

375-1945 or, EMCO, Wayne


HELP WANTED: T"lllporary Iwlp 101 l(>rlrliz;'1 ';.1',l<,on Apply ,11 Tt I County Coop f"lllIllt;'1 I ,1l!r{'\ (.111 J'>6 lN~ m2911

HELP WANTED P,ul Ilrn(l pr'1 <,OilS to do lawn work Phone ,Iftl"r 6 p III J7S 1466 .... 23

HELP WANTED: Mu<;t b(' HI 01 ol(l.'r (,lH'Y Roofing. Co Ll(lf"i <1211

HELP WANTED. M!'<.h,U1ic. ex

HELP WA.NTED: Cle"nlflQ per

FOR SALE· 1978 Atl,lrltl( Mul"h' 1-10111<' 1.1 x ~r l"wo b{'drll(lill" w,md .''<It'rlol. tUI

IWll ,II! ~Ol1dlliont'I~,

'tll1dLtllll1 o;W'iO(l (,111 <1l'}ti

USED IRRIGATION EQUIP MENT· v.I!!".y 1 J Tow('r W,lter OIl\(' I'.yot (A'~O(;'IlO Rdllll,)t 14 T,m,'r rlf'C~PIV(1j 100000, Hf'IIt,'IlI,In 1110 lravelf'r '<Ii .1';'

H,>',,' (N\, .. ~i ';:{It) no T J'j W,lter Will. 1\ ".J Illr"~' W9~ 00. IH 550 D ....... ,·I 1',l'~'-'f Un,! lilllerhaulpd) ~,\I~O(l III }Il} PI<lp,lll(' Power LJI)II (>'1\ (ll.l 1 LUl(j<,oIY ,~ Mil,' 10,~IIrl'" 'N~ \10 ",I HU5kER I f.( I< I l. ,\ 1 I l) N NOR F 0 l K )ll 01\' N! 1I(,f/ tlllT ~\JI ,1'61~

NEW AND USED ell,,1 ,md W\~'(I fi",I!t'1 ~ C(M~t to ClM<;! Wly.", ~" dill!

SEAMLESS <'~'r<ly (Ill r(lolrnq for tl,11 or (/("'10' 1(\(11... 'ip,ll .. ,~I1(1

IJl~()l.l I,"', ,', ,'0 I ,r,l(~ or Irf'{./t' ".~"·,Iii" ll(',)utdw\

"1\"1,11<...... llUlldlllq<, ,'\1\<) (hl"" h"I,- r"p,Hr IlI,HI.; top dl1d ·.",II.'r (,111 .l(lJolH.'SOll 'll})tl

I.p,'.'d 1,,',",,-

The Immanuel Missionary Soclely 01 Hoskins Is making plans 10 observe lis 45th annl versary during the next meet mq. set lor May I' .11 the Peace United Church of Omst

Gladys Relcherl was hoste.,., when th.· Society met Wt-dne~ day ,ltl('rnoon with one guest Mrs Anna Fillk

Mr<; Erwin Ulrich op('ned the 1l1l'!'tinQ with ,In article. entitled Wlwrt' j., (hn .. t Today?" The

group s,lng "Christ Arose" Pn,.,ldpnt Mr<; Bill Fenske

conduded the busrness IlH'elinQ Roll c,ll1 w,'<; ,1 sc-nptur{~ verse A ,ht'('r (,ud WdS sent 10 Mr~

WllliafT' W(lhlft'd. ,md a sym fl<llhy ~"rd Wil'> ~iqnE'd lor Ih .. I ,1W' E'JlC\' Hillen f,Hnily

1 ht' pn'sldenl ilnnounced Ihd! conlerence of Iht'

of Christ will b,' Iwld 111 April 2l1~

Mr" f'e{t Johnson Ihld d1drQt' of Itw pr,lY('1 l,llend,l( on "Qulh ,,,,<;ll'fn Indl,l Tht' I(>$<'on, t'n 1111t'd '51'1( (hrl<,II<,n Womell VVtlo :'~""~'d Our Llvl's qlv"rl by Mr<; W,li1l'r Fen~kt'

(hrt ... ttrw Llieke, lold ,lboul G.'lll· B'.llh ,11 Ih(' M.lrlln L\JItH'r Honw ""ho r"Ct',vl'd Ih.' Flkrn5 Y"dr !\''',l,d

BrOWnies Meet :'IX 011"IIIDL'[ S ()f Brown'!'

1. To Weed & Feed Your Pasture With Nitrogen and 2·4·0.

'-.on for Ih" Elm Mol!'1 ("II FOR SAL!::. ,\I,l,<h

T! (lOP '20 I and It'aoer Mr<, f.(ld1(lrd 5ehrnl'r rl1('1 ,1t Ihe fir.' ,,,III Tlw~d,lY ,1f"'r school

WANTED. Pf',,,,on 10 b~bysl! in the !'" f'nlrKJ\ "P rn to 10 p III ,\ f.,w IlIqhh pt'l wf'et.. C\il "~ 1111 . ,)1911

.1',)1'70 ,ll'lll I").',',) tn.!<h"W .'/lth: I- ollowlnq the Girl Sroul Pro

WANTED. ~l)llle(ln(' to wort.. III Ih(> ff'rll(f,er pioHII ,1nd to dr1vi' truck 4{) hr work weet.. Sherry

dl .l'.', ,,, ,1~' !'.>! f.i ".lc,,'n(lblp (,,111:,: ,119

'. Automobiles 2. Apply Fertilizer For A

Bountiful Hay Crop!

HELP WANTED' Wt' ,111' I'll 1"'<lIIlG <,l\J! It'.lll' ,lill! IWt'd ,111 " ... j ..... 'rtt'l1( l'd me~I1,lnl<. t X(t'l I"nl 1'.1',. ,lIai [WI",!I'" A tlll'ndly l'l,lt" 1" '~UI" Apply in J}('I<;on

WANTED fknl.ll ch,llr\lde FOR SALE· 19M GMl ,ls.slsl'lnl. ~'''Pt·, lenCt' pr<'t('rr('d ll"11 111'

.11 I M .. ,I", ~ In, W,lylH~ hut n,)1 11<"(!;'<'\,lry C111 )7) '114 11,1'

Nt" m19IJ ant} (.--111 P" !O(>O


~ FARM' HOME CENTER Phone 375-2082

HELP WANTED: Rl'spon~lblt'

d"p,'fl(j,lhlt' PI'I ~(lrl who enjoy", (hildrPIl lot" Il'sld('ntl,li ,ls!>i-; at RI'QI()!l IV (hlldr{'n',> ['),;'vt'lnpnll'nl (entt'r Hlqh ,>dlool dlplom,l r('q\ll((~d £:q\JtlI OPPllf tunlty employer C1!i .l7~ JJ1J Mond"y Ihru Frld<lY i:lt'lwt'en tl ,\ til <11,d ~ P In ,1231 J

Wanted WORK WANTED: W,'yne St,ltt' lollegl" "itudenl de ... lre .. tr,1ctor work thiS <,prlnq Ex~rlenced

lVI IH ,1nd JO C,ltl 375 990S lind ,1;510. tor Dille ilt Room 11') dl9f'l

"Front Wheel Drive is a must for me!" - said Cliff Peters

V / ,_ "lhloiJ¥,'!~


Cliff Peters of Wa,ne purchased the first 1980 Pontiac Phoenix from Ellingson Motors.'

The small car that combines St,lIng, Comfort and Econom, with front wheel drive. Cliff remarked, "This Is· the first econom, car I have .. en that impre .. ed me. If 'au drive in

ncess of 40,000 mil .. per ,ear comfort has to be important and this car has what it takes."



Phone 375.2355 Wayne, Ne. 'Welt ht St.

FOR SAL E 10" \1011 "I',j,t, ~t"li

For Rent

APARTMENTS FOR RENT' Conl,l( t Propt'riy EXlh,lnqe. 112 Profl'~Slon<l1 l~ullorn() Wayne. J7511JJ aStf

FOR RENT One bedroom ,'partment E ffIC(('Il< Y aparl ments Rooms by the week or n)Ofllh Call )7~ 21S'l m1911

FOR RENT: Two effiCiency ':~rtments for rent. parlly fur n!~hed One ,w<'lri<1ble now dnd tile olher ,w,i(!<lble May 1B Cdll 3751770 Elm Motel <,2)1)

Special Notice



PR~J'!TY/ EXC , NtrE'

112 p,.ofoui,onal Building

INVITATION TO BIDDERS \I,d', ,~.II I'll' 1"I<."n by ttw W,lyn" BOdid oj Educ,llion ,1\ 2 m on IVl.W H III!') In ttlP ~cho,)1

i("luro' h,\(1 I,rr rt'pl,Ht'll'enl llf W<f1cjo,\ ',III<., If ,}rr\(~ ,Ifld for 0", W,lynl' Middle nWSl! will be commerCI,ll qfdd.' wffldows PlaJl~ and specd'cd loons ITl,1y be obliHned from [Iavis. F('nlon, Stange and Dar I(nq !-\rchltect~. 216 5tudft BUild Inf). L'Il(oln, Ne 68500 Telt~ phon(' number 402 ·U5 3S02 Con lact per<;on IS Lynn Jones archl teet il2]!)

Card of Thanlcs THANK YOU I would like '0 th,mk Gr(ess Rexall for Ih.~

E;:aster bunny I won Marianne Err<.kson c'l2J

THANK YOU: Thanks 10 reid lives ,lnd friends Wl10 sent (<lrds. flowers, or who called during my slay al Cldrkson Nlemon,\1 Hospltill Thanks to Blose who v(slted me or sent Ille (,Hd5 ~Hlce my relurrl hOnJe The help shown to my family dt Ihls IIITH;' w,15 gre,ltiy dpprl'Clat ed GllnlO,e- S,lh~ <'I2J

THANK YOU: lhe tamlly 01 Obert (lnd Ann fchlenk,lmp woulet Ilkt' 10 Hldnk everyone who sent cords, flowers and rlll'lTlor«lls A specld I thanks to

Om,ln. sollst nisI Eileen memory 01 NI and Ann dssed away

Ihe Rev Robert Wei Allen RiLe dnd orga lllldiand In lOVing our dear brother. Ob Echlenkamp. who p April 12 and 13

They bade no 0 ne a last nO goodbye

enly angels d a loving Bul we will ay. Never

farewell, They said to none; The heav gathered near, An voke said. "Come" meel again somed more to part, 5adty missed by all lies of Shorty and

The Fam Ann Ech­

a23 tenkamp.

~··r~············, t ~ox PHOTO COU PON .. .,. ,

I Deve.oping & Prin,ing

COLOR PRINT FILM 12 Exposure Roll" " " " " "" " " $J.98 20 Exposure Roll " , , , , , , , , , , , , , , : $2.98 24 Exposure Roll "" , , , , , , , , , , , , , $3.49 36 Exposure Roll, , , , , , , , ' , , , , , ' " $4.09

On any 110, 126, or 35mm color print roll film, (C-41 process only - includes all popular films),

• • .-I I I I I I I

l­I I

: GRIESS'REXALL ~:~ ,Dol. :

~ Nexllo Willig'. IGA .f ~ ...............•.•. ~

mise. the girls practiced tieing knots and made plans for summer c,lmp in June Each Brownie made an article of Barbie doll furniture

Theresa Elkins served re treshmenls

Nexl meetmg IS this Tuesday

Semors Meet Mrs Hilda Thomas was coffee

ch,lIrman for the Senior Card (Iub, which met Wednesday '~lIen(llg

Pitch pnres went to E C Fenske and Mrs Ed Winter, high. ,1nd Walter Koehler ,lnd .Ws Erwrn Ulrich. low

Mrs Kathryn Rieck. Is in dl,lrge ot arr,lnqemelllS tor the .~y2 meelmq

RunoH Held Cub Scouts and Web .. los 01

[X.n 6 PMt.. 168 held a pinewood derby t unoff at the HoskIns P1.Jblrc Sd'ool Tuesd,lY night

Prizes ",enl 10 Poul DaVids. tlrst place L<lyne !\'\adS, second, ,md Jason PI<lntenberg, third

The boys discussed p!,ms lor Ihe 5cout 0 Rdm,l. which Will be :~'Id at Norfolk on April 28

Concerned Parents Conc.:orned Parents mel al Ihe

HD.,I"ns PubliC 5chool Monday t'1It'nlng With preSident Mrs Lorry Ne(Izke

The qroup discussed plans for the school and eighth

Mr~ Lanny Maas ~erved re treshmenls

Nt'xt fTleelrng 15 sel tor May

Mrs Ulrich Hostess Mn Er".,nn Ulrich entertained

Ihe Blrlhday Club Tuesday ,lll..,noon Guests were Natalie ')mllh dnd Mrs Waller Koehler

Bunco prizes went to Mrs Pelul 5c'lt'urlch high, Mr<; Georqe Langenberq <)r second hlqh ,~nd Mrs ElWin BroqJe,

'C~ ,V,rs Koehler dnd Naille 5mlth

rt·cel.ed Ihe quesl prll('S

Easler Guests

overnight' guests of th~ Wilily Ungers. On April 14 they 1111 went to Kearney and spent EllS' ter with the Steve Trybus family Mrs. Trybus Is II

daughter of the Wally Ungers and a sister of Randy.

The E.C FenskeS spent· the Easter weekend at Lake Park, la .. with the William Godfreys. They also visited her brother, Charles Small, a patient In a hospital In Storm Lake, and with her niece and family. the John Oumkriegers En route home Ihey visited her sister. Mrs. Opal Roper "t Indian Hills In Sioux City

The David Cheyney lamlty returned home Monday after spending a week visiting places 01 Interest In 50uth Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado

The Francis Karlofts. Yutan, ,>penl Tuesday with their daughter and Jl~mlly. the Jim P,lHersons

New Manager

Is Named at

Tri-County Co-op Robert W Hurst has been

nilmed the new manager of Trl County Co Op. headquartered in Llurel. with other offices at!lle Doermg. Branl, ~)oulh Randolph and Winside _\["wr,ca lind ShLrley Kleen Mel DInkel. who had s.erved as 'Xlnq sludents at the University milnaqer lor about the past of 'iebr,lska. spent the Easler year left recently and is nOW' a M"" ... t'nd mlh the Marilin Kleen tuelman with Farmland IndU5 '><1"'9~ tries In Garden Clty. Kdn

t:.lster S()nddY dmner gue<;ts Before coming to Laurel, ~t the Gilberg Kriluw~ were the Hurst spent the pas I eight yellrs John of Lmcoln, the working for Farmland Indus Eln'er i'lnd Mr~ M"rtha tries In Nebraska. Texas atld "\<"'" h ot NorfOlk. and Ihe Kansas RI(t)Md Krauses of He 15 a graduale of Wisner

r.'1e Fred were High 5chool and the University

M'long dinner ,n the J,I'1',e5 rllond

Easler ot Nebrask.a 5chool of Technical home O~ , Agrlcu(fure at Curtis He al"io

~penj tour years (Jl the Air Force Easter Sunday dinner guesls

,)1 lilt' Danny Planlenbergs were 'he Larry Von Rooyan family thl' 8111 Schweltzberger fdmrly J.nd Ihe George Carlin lamlly. ,~II 01 SIOUX City. the Rod Happe! family dl1d the Jim Clocum lamdy of Cedar R,lplds, Id and Mr~ Imogene Steers of Kings ley. la

The Randy Unger family Watertown, SO, were April 13

HIS tum/ly rncludes hiS wife, Charlolle. and three children. Michael, 11. Steven. 7. and Chrrslrne. 2 The family is 1IIIIng In Neligh and plan"i to move to u:lurel when school IS out In June




* Appraisals

* Management * Sales

* Farins * Residential

* 'arm--­, * Residential

* Commercial


Page 12: Herald (1888-Present...This ISsue One Section .. 12 Poges THE WAYNE StcoacI CI ... Post. If' P .. id .1 Wayot' .'Ij~hr.JI~ka

CARROLL NEWS / Mrs. Ed Fork 585-4827

Jeremy Jenkins Has Fourth Birthday Party Jer~my Jenk1ns was honored home. The Jack Rohde family, spent fhe Easter weekend In the

for his fourth birthday on .April Randolph, and the Richard CllIrence Morris home lhey 12. Janssen family, Carroll, joined were al! Easler dinner guests In

Supper quests in the Richard them for Easter dinner. the Clair Swanson home and Jenkins home .were Mr!.. lila honored the birthday of Mn Jenk.ins and Mr and Mrs Dallas Ha .... ener of Wayne.

Easter guests In the Richard Jenkins home and to honor ~emy .... ere the LeRoy Brings of Sergeant Bluff. I ... Lori 81'"1ng and Bruce Schmidt, both at M.ovjlle. la., Mr and Mrs Ronald Brummond' and Karen. Mod Mrs August Widmer. all of CAlkes. N D. and Mr. and Mrs Carl Brrn9. Emma Mae and Mane all of Belden

The Glen F romekes of Whea Ion M,nn visded Apnl 10 in thE. RlcMrd Jenll.lns home

Lobengs Gather TN' RdY Loberg family were

~rrl :3 evening guests In the H.vC'ld Lo~rg home In honor of K.:'I~"'o' s blrfhd<'J~' and to visit AI''l1.!m 1st Cio'lS:!. K,rk. L~rQ of R.w,d Clh. S 0

The Dale Curtdghn, Kearney.

~OBITUARIES Lucretia Jeffrey

Services for lucret)., H. Jeltrey, Wdyne, <'Ire 10 be held tOOay (Monday) at United .Methodist Church, WlIyne. "I 10'30 a m She died April 10 a' Wakefield, Ne .,f Ihe age of 95 years

The Rev Kenneth Edmonds wll) officl"le and p.)1I~"rt'rs are Jerry Sperry, Cletus Sharer. John A K~y, Ross James, Floyd Andr~s and Harlen F.,rrens Burirll will bt> In Ihe Greenwood Cemetery

LAUREL NEWS Mrs. Slndra 'Hoffart - 2S6-~

Winget; Speaking

We!; Winget, Ph. D., will !;peak 00 "Coping With Children" ltt the United Methodist Church teliOW'shlp hall In Laurel Sun, day, April 29. at 7:30 p.m.

Some of the Items to be cover:ed will be family en. couragement, family behavior, and Ihe good parent versus the responsible parent.

Lunch will be served, and' the pt.Jbllc Is invited

Flras Raported The LI'urel Volunteer Fire

Department was cltlled to e)dln qulsh a small gras!; fire east of lf1e Hlllcre't Care Center Tues doy.

Nel Olsen, fire chief, said the city was burning weeds and, due to the wInds, fI,-emen Wltre called 10 keep the bllt:" under a::w'Itrol

Wednesday ltfternoon, firemen respond~ to a fire alarm at the WIlliam MdIr farm north of the uurel WeIgh Station. Mohr had been burning cobs ltbout a witek bgO, and the high winds Wed ne$day 'Sttrned fhe I .... hes Inlo ttamn. 'lttchlng some hlty stacks on fire

Philosophy-(Continu" from PIIoe 11

party and play backgammon and charades. We had hund.redS of LP's lined alphabetically aldngslde the 12000 stereo, We hltd champltgne breakfasts and money Iingling In our pockets.

Now we ha ... e Lincoln. The funny thing Is, It's more thltn It fa'r


r---.----·-.--·--------·~·------------~ Ple'lse answer the rollowln.ll: . 1. If a Day Care Center were available in Wayne

WOUIQ you be interested in sending yonr child(ren)? Yes. No

Age(s) of child(ren)? 2, Do you now have difficulty obtaining adequate care for your child(ren)? Yes. No 3. How much time would your ehild(ren) be at the Day {'.are Centt>r'l Full time M T W Th F

Hillf time M T W Th F Flexible hours M T W Th F

4, Art' you II

Other W orkinK part'nt

'Studont Other

5. Would you ('on!lider going to work or school if there were II.dt"' day CAre !lerVice8 8VIliiabie for your ('hild(rt'nr! Work Yt'!\ No


Addn's1'l (\t'lurn to: Linda J. Raddorf 10M \\' 6th W.aynf', Nt' 68787

~khool Yf'S No

.-------------------------------------8ndn Scoff Stroman of Nor

fol"'- ... ,v;, an Aprd 1 .. overnll~hl

gves! 01 "15 gri'lndparents. the H.!Jroid Lotx>rgs

Eas'(,( d,nner guests In Ihe H.-veld Lutx>rg home ... ere Mr and I\,'r.., Scott SIrom3n and 8n3fl ~! NorfolK A,rman 1st C\~$S ,,-,rk l,JbNg of Ri'lpld City S Q F lorenee Milu and Donald ,-.r W<"y"e, ,1nd the Reynold Lob(>rqs 01 Carroll JOHling tht'om n 'he afternoon were Paul <'Ind _e.,fer Lobero of Randolph and ,-)\.,: ""arquardt of Norlolk.

The d"'ughler of William H "nd Flort'nce HOQuewood. she was born ~c 26. 188" at Perry la In 1885 she moved 10 Wayne wllh her parents She received her E"ducallon In Wayne Public Schoofs and Pile Normal School She marrj~

Alel(<"lnder W Jeffrey on April 5, 190 .. .,t Sioux Clly She lolned !n~ First United Methodist Church In W ... yne on April 5, 1894 becoming one of Ihe e"rll~1 members She w.1S ., member of tne Unlled Methodl .. , Women, Re~.,s, Roy..,1 Nf'i(]hbors and se<:rel ... ry of Ihft Modern Woodman of Amerlc.1

Lucky Winner

About two hours later on Wed nesdlty, the Fire ~partment

.,mwered a call to 3 cornfield fire .,t the Leon Weddlngh"d larm w~t o'lnd soutf"1 of Concord Flr~men Irom 01x.0Il o'lnd Con cor-d also were called

She IS preceded Ifl de",lh by her p..,renls, husb.-'lnd two brothers, one sisler <lnd ~'ne gr/'lndson

ShE' IS survlvt'd by on(' .. on, Roberl C Jeffr .. y of W,'1'rn~. tv." dauQhlers, Mrs Harry G Kily. and Mrs Alberl N (Ednd) Anderson. bofh of Wayn(" ')Ix grandchildren, elcvefi great grandchildren, and one brolher E~'('rett Hogu('wood of SIOVl(


MARIANNE ERICKSON di<,1y\ lhi> st\Jtft"d bunny she ... on In th£' Easler bunny '1 1\ (',' .... ,ly ;\1 Grlt'ss R£'xall Wt'(!neS,iay ~he 15 Ihe d,lll(jhtt·, "I fy~r~ H,I,\ Erick~on of

Mn. lauS4!n Hosfw'u \Vs Myron larsen was hos

r!"SS Wednesd.'ty when 'he Happy \VeJrk.ers S(I(l..,1 Club mel With 10

Prl~es M pitch wt'rf' ,""on by \\r~ Ed""Md Fork, Mrs -'A~ble

;"" vDled 10 have 3 1.1 <\\:I"t'rs Olfl ~,(hange III th .. rWid "w~t'no st>1 for fV..;t.'y 16

I' Ihe h,lnw .'1 Mrs lerM Rt'lh"",s(h

Study Postponed Un,ted Methodist Women did

rx'I hold tht'lf MiSSion Study WN1nesda'o' howe"er II w!ll bf' held Ihl" W~nesday, April 25

ThE' tOpiC wHi be "Con'em por3n China

14th Birthday Shelly Granfield was honored

tor her 1 Jth birthday at a party Monday afternoon at the home ot h;:or grandmother Mrs Bertha Isom of Carroll

Guests Included Karla Bur bad., Patty Hank, Sherry John son, LOri Oberhelman, Janl Isom. Pam and Tammy Ulrich. Becky Olte, Valerie and Kathy Stalling, Mrs Dorothy Isom. Jodi and JennIfer, Mr .. Gilbert Foote, Mrs 0 J Jones. Mrs Monty Granfield and Cindy Granfield

Shelly'S mother, lVIrs Dwayne Granfield. 5efved lunch.

E.1Ster Guests The Melvin Magnusons and

Dennis were Easter dinner guests In the Darrel Curry home, Newcastle.

The Ron Magnusons and Krista spent the Easter weekend in the Don Weber home at Friend.

The Gary Oakeson family, Columbus, spent the Easter weekend in the Carl Janssen


TI .. my Is IlIo _~oI_. • nd Mrs. 8eNllnl ,Maxson' of w.y .... Ta.,my i,. "" trildu­... Of W.Y~ High 1dIoo. and" I .. ' began worII;Jnt at the UI Duffer tItIi montII.

Agnes Eklund Agnes E Eklund .,ge 7o, died al Spring valley, Calif .,fler.,

short 01 I ness April 12 Funer.,1 serviCes were conducled INednesday 3t the Ev"ngellcal Convent Church, Wakefield, wllh Ihe Rev Nt'tl Peterson olflclltlmQ Pall~rers we(e EI'YIS 01500, Warren Erli'lndson, Lyl('

Boe<k.enh.,~r JO(' Helgren, Paul Bengston find fugenp Lundin Bunal was In Iht' W ... kefleld Cemetery

Agnes Eklund was born Odober 16, 1902 In $wedt'n, sh(' WM. unltt!'d In marriage to Re~ Harold W Eklund

Survivors Include her wldow('! one d"uqhter "nd 01'1('


Blanche Fowler BI,ln~he A Fowle! 01 Lt'nnox ~ 0 m"thN 01 Mrs

.Merton Hillon W"yne. d,t'" W"~'lf'<;dtl'y ,tl <1 <;0(1111 ()<;lkold ho">plt,~1 She """s 61 yt',H~ old

Grace Carlson Grace OlIve Carlson of Wakefield dllx:! .)1 the age 01 6tI

years at fhe Wake/,pid HOSpllal d1fer d lengthy illness Funeral servrn.· .. were conducted April 10 <It the Bressler Chapel wdh Ih~ Rev Nell Pelerson ofticidtlng

Pallbedrers .... ere Don SlIpp, Paul Burman, Lawrence Carlson, Wetdon Schwarten Roy WIg9arns dnd Charles Soder berg BUrial was In the WaKefIeld Ct'melery

The daughter ot Ge<:orge dnd Mdry 0,1\11'$, ,>he was born Jan 7, 1891 at Wakefield She was united in marrldge 10 Walter Carlson on Sepl J 1910 at oakola City .

She IS precl.'ded In death by her husband, pMen/<;. one brother and one sister Survivors include one son, Ted of Japan Ihree daughlers Mn Carl (Evangeline) Bark of Wayne, Mrs Helen Henry of Wakefield and Mrs Dev.lln \Ruth) Scott of California one grandson and three great grandc h Iidren

Waynt" -

Forum-(CO"flOU~ from p.l9«' 1)

~llr('(lor of Ihe Cenler 10! HlJ""lnlt,es and Ht'alth Sclenct .... "I tilt' Unlver')lty at Nebrltskd fy"*-'dlc.ll Cenler Dr Jltmes 0 [I~ .. n professor of :,uman qt>nf't" . ., ,11 UNMC, Ihe Rev JMl'W<; Hotf. [lssO(;latf' protessor

Free Concert ;\ trl'e publiC loncert will Iw

prt'<;enh'd by "'embers ot IIw Wayne State College (WSC) C'.lfldu~ ling CldS'> and tt1e WSC [0"(1"'(1 (!lOlr ,,1 noon, WL>dnes (k1y, In Ramsey The.,lre of the f I ·t' Arts bUilding on c,lmpus

V.HIOUS .. electIOn .. will bl' performed by the choir IIlcll!d IIlQ excerpls trom Honneqer'~

orak)no King DaVid. Gloria' trom Norman Delio

J010'S "," and others Mf.mbers ot the WSC Condue

tlng (lltSS participating In the concert Include Teres., Finken M,ssourl Valley, Iowa, CDj~en

Papenhausen, Colenage, P..,m Mllander, Colendgc, N.,nry Nissen, Schuyler. jennifer Tay lor, Schaller. Iowa, Debra 80w en. Wymore, Charlene Echlen kamp. LaGrande. Oregol' Dawn Bussey. Wayne and Ann Page, Planklnlon. S 0

The concert IS open to the public

_W_' _I N_S_I D_E_N_E_W_S~/_M_rs 2~~::6~/"onn I Effect ive Detective' Lesson

Mrs. WIlmer Deck presented lf1e lesson. entitled "Eff&tlve Detective," at the Wednesday meetino of the Scattered NeIgh bers Club.

The dub met at the Winside Stop Inn with hostess Mrs o,arles Jackson.

The club creed wa'S read In unison, followed wIth group singing of "The Uttle BrOW'n o,urch In the Vale."

PresIdent Mrs. Wilmer Deck announced that TIm Voss, son of Mr. and Mrs, .George Voss, has been selected to attend the Oia· betic Camp at Louisville; Nebr., In June.

The club is planning a display at the Community Arts Festival in Wayne on April 28. Members also are constructing a float for the annual Old Settlers Celebra· tlon.

Next regular meeting will be with MrS. Herb Jaeger on May 16.

C",nup Set Wi'nslde Community Club Is

sponsoring a Cleanup Day In -wJns-fdi:ot1 'f-hunday-, April 26 .

Residents with tree limbs or

.=r w~~sc::!~usOfar~~~~: t.Ye tn.m by the curb 50 they

Meet for Pitch The Tuesday Pitch Club met

In the Alvin Bargstadf home la:;t week with Mr. and Mrs George Farran receiving prizes.

Next meeting wIll be May 15 In the Farran home.

Five.t Club Five members of the Friendly

Wednesday Club met last Wed nesday In the home of Mrs. Ed Niemann. Mrs. Alvin Longe won the game of chance,

Mrs. Florenz Niemann will be the May 16 hosteu.

Next meelllng will bt.~ thiS Tuesday at 2 p m

Guest Speakers A member of the Nebrihka

Siale Patrol will be at the Trinity Lutheran Church $Und,lY evening, AprJl 29, at 6'30 p m to talk to members of the Luther League and Lutheran durch men and their wives.

Corp Saxton will speak to lhe group about highway safety and dulies of the stute patrol. His tatk will follow a potluck supper

Easter ~therjngs Methodist liidle$ Easter dinner guests In the

United Methodist Ladies Aid Robert Wacker home were fhe met wlt~ 10 members Tuesday. [)..vight Troutmans, the Greg Charlotte Wylie, preSident, Troutmans of Omaha, Judy and opened the meeting, Brenda Troutman of' Uncoln,

Mrs. J.G. Sweigard had the Mrs, Darrel Troutman of Wash, spiritual, entitled ",Are Ybu a.n Ington, D.C., Kirk Troutman of Apostle?" Ralston, the Don Wackers and

The Aid plans to send a gift to the Carl Troutmans. Epworth VIllage, A birthday The Emil Thieses entertained card was sent to Kent Jackson. at a pre',Easter dinner April 13 A card also was sent to Shirley for the Philip Farley!; and Wagner. children of Clinton, 103., the Don

Mr., Charlotte Wylie had the Thieses, Cam and Keille, and lesson, entltled_ "Manger }~ _ Duane Thies, Angela, Debbie, Cross to Ea,ter," Hostess was Christi and April, Farleys left ~s, Marvin Fuo!!. . for their home Saturday after

Mrs. Chester Wylie wil! be spending several days with her hostess for the May 8 meeting. parents.

can be picked up and hauled Guests.t Club

This w .. k Tammy .... · :Ytha;':o ~:~,:n~ I~I~~ ~ a~ '%~iyFI~p~:t ~~~ gests Ybu try a hlbulousc 1110 curbs. which met Tuesday' In the Don

Mrs. Hovvard Iverson and the Re .... Lon DuBois attended the Nebraska Synod Convention April 20·21 at Midland College In Fremont. Fish Sandwich. This WaCke, home.

Tu.sday only --' Fish Midweek Service ' O:;:l~;:'~:e~w~r:s ~e=~ Sandwiches ar. Itc. You Trinity Lu:£,an. Church has Janke, A dessert luncheon was uv.20e. ..,.,.,nced t. "'Jf.hour wor· served. , • .." Chip Mrvlce an last Wednes- 'Next meetIng will be May 15

. """. day enning .. will continue as with the F .C. WiH$.

Gr . .. inforlNll mkllnek service . __ . • - _ CItIteos

'=n. "",'ca .flt be c.fled SeniOr CltiaII$ met J:uesdary , ~ Time V..,.,... .net _will .. the cIty audHcrium with 11 -,._ ... _ ..... _ :::;,_w_y _. -,:=.,::,:_1 __ .

Dinner guests April 14 In the M.G. SweIgard home were the Fred Wickershams of Home· wood, III., and Mrs, Ida Moses cA Wayne,

The Darrell Krempke family, Q-d, spent last weekend in the Dllmar Krempke home,

The Roy Kesten, Clearwafer f visited his sister. Mrs. H4trry Suehl Sr., Tue:sda.y and Iftre dinn.r guests.

,1 ,"h, _ ~ ,n '1",,1 th ~L ""l(I)S ..,nd ,'.<,n\,> prol •• <;')or 01 Iheology "f !"fI'n<'l( p"y(hl"try UNMC 1',<-1 lh.llrpo:>r~on 1)1 Ih., Nebrdsk<l 1'.,1 A~~()c'Mll'l1 ., "' .... nl,)1 H&."Illh

r'><;l',lldl ,11 the M~<1'S. 01 the ,,'nf"rl"r1(f' IOPIC s')llj Clifton (~'I1" of the WS( PubliC AIf"lr~

rn,lt'lll1 ~(ln!t'rt:'nl" d.·..,lgncd 10

lpordl't' peoplt' of Ihe -;tate 0' "",",Hth and t{'Lhnology Mld 01 "", r'<:1')\lble const'quenCt''S. at M)plyH10 th,'S. rl"<;("lf(h

("'111 ,1dd~ "1,,1 "lIhough Ihe '.lnlt>rel1o' ,., d('~lgned lor the

pUlJlll member .. 01 ,1nd hl(;Jtl school qroups,

',Iwyers educ<'I'or~ ')nd Ihose 111 111("(jlcal fields dr(' urgt"d 10 ,,!lend

The WSC PubliC Aff.,lrs Insll 'ule 5p~n5Jr~ ,1 number of progrdm .. drmudlly H1rough WSC thaI M~ desIgned to help cill l['f1~ I~arn about n<l!lonal loplcs of ft"giOllal concern Ginn said the SClene", ethICS and socl",1 LhM1gt' top" wa .. cho .. en for Ihe April ~5 conference because of Its L-'r;:,~ent and future Impltct on '>OClely

Brownies MMt L.lUrel Brownie Scoul Troop

2SS mel Tue-.ddy al Ihe .. chool .... lIh I~.,der Mrs Marcia lIpp

FollOWing Ihe tlag ceremony ,\nd BrowrlJt· proml'Se, Ihe group sang d song dnd made 'Surprl~e q1ft-. lor Ihelr mother .. for !he r-h::IthN sTeil. whIch will ~ held NIily l~

(Hlt1y Cr()Qk~hdnK lurnIS"t·c! lfl',,'" 'or the 70 qlrl~

B .. nquet Sialed The hOl11e ('cononll(" dep.vl

mel'll ,\1 L,'urel HIgh School Will hold ,\ b.:rnque! ,11 the Corner Ctfe IhlS TuesddY April 2J, .,t J

pm lor ')rudents and Iherr rnOlher,>

Aw,]rds ...,dl be presenled

School (.Iland.r Tuesday, Apnl14 S"''>eOd!1 <'It

Ponrd. Home EconomiCS Club bdnquet Corner C.,Ie, , p m

Th~ Brenna Go Getters J H Club mel Aprll 16 In th~ home of J<'ln and KMen Mikkelsen The rnembers named rOll call by naming s.omeOfle bOrn In April "nd qlVlr.q a taclltooul them

P3fenls dnd members. ludged grouPS ot cOW's from Ihe Hoards Cldlry COftl"..,! Karen Mikkelsen Q<J~e ,] demonslratlon on fypes d ilOu~lIlg tor baby cdlves

H-e next meeting will be at tho' BrJ,ln Biermann home Nr.ay

" ~il("e)sen new .. reporter


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Our Citation Can Handle "ANY LOAD" • • • Wi,h Room To Spare

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rou won't b.Ii". "ow room, 0 .mall ear can b •• Test "ri". !'" Citation an"Om"a befor, April 28 all" r,c,i", a FREE CHICKEN DINNER from the II roro. ~

'CORYELL AUTO CO Op.n: 8:00 a.lII. ·5:10 p .... W .... Da, •• 8:00 •••••. , p.m. r".rs"a,

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• i