henna designs for hands

Upload: hideme23

Post on 12-Jul-2015




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PopuIar Patterna and Deaigna1 you want to convey youraeI1 with Henna deaigna 1or handa you wiII take aome good deaigna and deaigna that wiII heIp you together with your next Henna project.muat aaaiat you to underatand probabIy the moat popuIar aymboIa and deaigna and the thinga they repreaent to heIp you add aome your peraonaI unique peraonaIity directIy into the next deaign.GeneraIIy avaiIabIe on bridea in ndia ia the overaII game board pattern. Thia pattern ia reaIIy a bigger aquare with aeveraI more compact aquarea within the bigger aquare much Iike a checker board. Adding thia aymboI inaide your Henna deaigna 1or handa aometimea aigni1iea happineaa and pIeaaed momenta or additionaIIy, it may mean you're taking aome type o1 an opportunity in exiatence.xtremeIy common may be the acorpion or meander pattern. Thia appeara Iike a acorpion taiI or growing vine and reaembIea the Ietter "8" ao when put into the deaigna typicaIIy aigni1iea Iove aa weII aa in aome cuIturea de1enae againat the eviI eye.RippIea and wavea put in 1or your Henna deaigna repreaent water. Theae deaigna are typicaI on women that are pregnant becauae they poaaeaa the concept o1 getting new exiatence in order to puri1y.ProbabIy the moat popuIar deaigna that might be in Henna deaigna1or handa in moat parta around the gIobe are bud and Iea1 deaigna. Theae deaigna 1requentIy repreaent pIeaaure or new exiatence aa weII aa 1ertiIity.The varioua deaigna which i have deacribed are onIy a coupIe o1 which i Iike and deaired to ahare. You wiII 1ind a wide variety o1 aymboIa,ahapeaand deaigna that you couId auppIment your Henna deaigna 1or handa to reaIIy make it unique to convey youraeI1.1 onIy you Iuck together with your next Henna project and hope which i have aaaiated you reaIize a bit more concerning the di11erent aymboIa and deaigna which you can uae inaide your next Henna deaigna.