helderberg gazette 24 jun 2014

www.bolandgazette.co.za bolandgazette.mobi Year 18 • Tuesday 24 June 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211 Helderberg Die gemeenskap van Macassar het gister (Maandag) motorbande voor die plaaslike mu- nisipale kantoor gebrand. Volgens Elizabeth Adams van die Macassar Outreach-organisa- sie sou hulle ’n petisie aan raadslid John Heu- vel oorhanding om die beplande verskuiwing van die Lwandle uitgesettes teen te staan. Adams het gesê dat mense gefrustreerd is oor die behuisingstekort op die dorp en dat hulle wil hê dat daar eers na hulle behoeftes gekyk moet word, alvorens mense van ander dorpe daar geakkommodeer word. Volgens Adams het mense oproerig geraak toe die raadslid nie daar was om die petisie van sowat 1 000 handtekeninge te ontvang, soos wat verlede week ooreengekom is nie. FOTO: DELIAH BRINKHUIS Behuisings- protes in Macassar Cop foils attempted hijacking CASSY VAN EEDEN “It was quite an ordeal,” said Ka- riem Kagee, owner of the Caltex service station in Strand, after al- most being hijacked “but it could have been a lot worse.” At 18:55 on Tuesday 17 June, Kagee and the service station manager, Yvonne Adams – who he was giving a lift to – got into his white Mercedes Benz to leave the premises. Kagee said he started the car and the next thing he knew “the door was opened and a gun pressed against my head and they shouted get out, get out.” According to Sergeant Mthokozisi Gama, spokesperson for the Lwandle Police, two men approached the vehi- cle and forced them to get out, threat- ening them with firearms. “Another guy went to the other side of the car and dragged Yvonne out,” said Kagee. One of the suspects dragged Adams to the ground and snatched her hand- bag. “It was bad,” said Adams. The men then tried to flee the scene in the vehicle. An off-duty policeman was at the service station at the time refuelling his car. He witnessed the attack and sprang into action as soon as he saw the firearms. He opened fire on the suspects, said Gama, and after only having re- versed the vehicle a few metres out of its parking, the suspects got out of the car and fled the scene on foot. One of the suspects was shot in the leg but was still able to run away, ex- plained Gama. Police immediately commenced with their investigation, said Gama, and were able to arrest two suspects, aged 24 and 28 years old, who remain in police custody. They appeared in the Strand Mag- istrate’s Court for the first time yes- terday (23 June). Gama said that an 18-year-old man was also taken in for questioning and a fourth suspect is still at large. The handbag was later found in the field near the adjacent Shoprite Checkers premises with all its con- tents. The Lwandle Police confirmed that a case of armed robbery and at- tempted car hijacking is being inves- tigated. Kagee said “I can only applaud that policeman. If it wasn’t for him it could’ve been worse, a lot worse.” Besides the R100 000 worth of dam- age to his car, as a result of the bul- lets, Kagee and Adams walked away unscathed. Anyone with information about the incident can contact Detective Constable Alfred Giyama at the Lwandle Police Station on 082 522 1208 or 021 845 2060. Police are offering a reward to any- one who has information about the case that could aid their investiga- tion.

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Helderberg gazette 24 jun 2014


Page 1: Helderberg gazette 24 jun 2014

www.bolandgazette.co.zabolandgazette.mobiYear 18 • Tuesday 24 June 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211


Die gemeenskap van Macassar het gister(Maandag)motorbande voor die plaaslikemu-nisipale kantoor gebrand. Volgens ElizabethAdams van die Macassar Outreach-organisa-sie sou hulle ’n petisie aan raadslid John Heu-vel oorhanding om die beplande verskuiwingvan die Lwandle uitgesettes teen te staan.Adams het gesê dat mense gefrustreerd is oordie behuisingstekort op die dorp en dat hullewil hê dat daar eers na hulle behoeftes gekykmoet word, alvorens mense van ander dorpedaar geakkommodeer word. Volgens Adamshet mense oproerig geraak toe die raadslidnie daar was om die petisie van sowat 1 000handtekeninge te ontvang, soos wat verledeweek ooreengekom is nie.


Behuisings­protes inMacassar

Cop foils attempted hijackingCASSY VAN EEDEN

“It was quite an ordeal,” said Ka-riem Kagee, owner of the Caltexservice station in Strand, after al-most being hijacked “but it couldhave been a lot worse.”

At 18:55 onTuesday 17 June,Kageeand the service station manager,Yvonne Adams – who he was givinga lift to – got into his white MercedesBenz to leave the premises.

Kagee said he started the car andthenext thingheknew“thedoorwasopenedandagunpressedagainstmy

head and they shouted get out, getout.”

According to Sergeant MthokozisiGama,spokespersonfor theLwandlePolice, twomenapproachedthevehi-cle and forced them to get out, threat-ening them with firearms.

“Another guy went to the otherside of the car and dragged Yvonneout,” said Kagee.

OneofthesuspectsdraggedAdamsto thegroundandsnatchedherhand-bag.

“It was bad,” said Adams.Thementhentried to flee thescene

in the vehicle.

An off-duty policeman was at theservice station at the time refuellinghis car. He witnessed the attack andsprang into action as soon as he sawthe firearms.

Heopenedfireonthesuspects,saidGama, and after only having re-versed the vehicle a few metres outof its parking, the suspects got out ofthe car and fled the scene on foot.

One of the suspects was shot in theleg but was still able to run away, ex-plained Gama.

Police immediately commencedwith their investigation, said Gama,and were able to arrest two suspects,

aged 24 and 28 years old, who remainin police custody.

They appeared in the Strand Mag-istrate’s Court for the first time yes-terday (23 June).

Gama said that an 18-year-old manwasalso takenin forquestioninganda fourth suspect is still at large.

Thehandbagwas later foundinthefield near the adjacent ShopriteCheckers premises with all its con-tents.

The Lwandle Police confirmedthat a case of armed robbery and at-tempted car hijacking is being inves-tigated.

Kageesaid“Icanonlyapplaudthatpoliceman. If it wasn’t for him itcould’ve been worse, a lot worse.”

Besides the R100 000 worth of dam-age to his car, as a result of the bul-lets, Kagee and Adams walked awayunscathed.

Anyone with information aboutthe incident can contact DetectiveConstable Alfred Giyama at theLwandle Police Station on082 522 1208 or 021 845 2060.

Policeareofferingareward toany-one who has information about thecase that could aid their investiga-tion.

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Helderberg Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 24 June 20142

Father and son steal motor bike helmetJAMEY GORDON

TheSomersetWestPoliceare look-ing for a father and son who werefilmed on a Close Circuit TV cam-era stealing a motorbike helmetworth about R9 500 fromWorld ofAccessories.

According to Hentie Fourie, gener-al manager of the store located at TheInterchange in SomersetWest, the in-cident occurred at about 12:30 on Sun-day. He recalls the man entering thestoreandwanting to lookat thespecif-ic helmet. Fourie says the man saidhewould take it andplaced thehelmeton the till counter. The man then re-quested to lookatsomebootsand laterasked to look at two racing suits.Fourie says the suits are displayed

quite high up on shelves in the storeand help from the store assistant wasrequired.Whilethestoreassistantob-tained the requested suits, the manleft the store. Fourie says he got intohis vehicle and a boy estimated to beabout nine or 10 years old ran into thestore, grabbed the helmet and the twoof them sped off in the car.Fourie added that the whole inci-

dent was captured on the store’sCCTV footage. The getaway vehicle,which appears to be a dark Volkswa-gen Golf with a CA 355 431 registra-tion, was filmed by the security cam-eras at The Interchange.According to Sergeant Suzan

Jantjies, spokesperson for the Somer-setWest Police, a case of theft is beinginvestigated and an arrest will followsoon.

) Visit the DistrictMail’s Face-book-page to view the footage.

Seen here is the man walking up to the counter.

The boy grabbing the helmet off thecounter. The getaway vehicle.

18­month­oldkilled in accidentCASSY VAN EEDEN

An18-month-old child diedtragicallyafterbeinghitbya motor vehicle in AsandaVillage in Nomzamo.Sergeant Mthokozisi

Gama, spokesperson forthe Lwandle Police, saidthat the girl was run overby a motor vehicle on 13June at approximately13:10. The incident oc-curred in Fikile Street.Gama said that it is al-

leged that thegirlwasplay-ing in the road when shewas run over.

After hitting the child,the driver stopped the ve-hicle to look for the childand found her lying under-neath the car, reportedGama.An ambulance was

called and the child waspronounced dead as soonas paramedics arrived onthe scene.

The cause of her deathwas due to severe head in-juries, said Gama.The Lwandle Police are

investing a case for culpa-ble homicide against thedriver.

Woman stabbed, info neededThe Somerset West Police areseekingthepublic’sassistanceregarding an incident where ayoung woman (29) wasstabbed several times androbbed at about 21:00 onWednesday 11 June.The woman from Durban-

ville was visiting friends inDrama Street, Somerset Westand decided to walk to afriend’s residence in MaraisStreet, Bridgewater.As she approached the

bridge in Andries PretoriusStreet, a man confronted herand demanded that she givehimherhandbag.Whenshere-

fused, the man stabbed herthree or four times with asharp object.He made off in the direction

of a dilapidated house nearby.With wounds sustained to

her face, arm, chest and back,the woman made her way to aresidence in Marais Street forhelp.The owner alerted the po-

lice, who transported her toMediclinic Vergelegen.Anyone with information

can call Detective W/O Han-nes Niemand on 021 850 1401(during office hours) or on076 410 2500.

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Helderberg GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 24 June 2014 3

Evictees move back to land they were evicted fromJAMEY GORDON

Temporary homes for the Lwan-dle evictees are still to be erectedonlandtheywere forcefullyevict-ed from earlier this month.

Homes were to be erected for theevictees last week. However accord-ing to Ward 85 Councillor MbuyiseloMatha, the delay is due to the level-ling of the land (which took place onFriday) and an issue with the provi-sionofmaterial for theerectionof849structures, 6x3 metres each.

“Thís iswhatweasked for, insteadthe City of Cape Town wants to pro-vide material for the erection ofhomes that are 3x3 m each,” saysMatha.

Hesaystheyhavethusfarreceivedmaterial for 200 homes, as well as 10cubicle toilets. He says they are alsoawaiting a team of 250 workers and50 team leaders employed by Sanral(SA National Roads Agency Limit-ed).

TheCityprovidedevicteeswithaninterim solution almost two weeksago.

The evictees are to resettle on theland belonging to Sanral where al-most 900 illegal occupants wereevictedearlier thismonth,until theyare permanently relocated to a sitein Macassar in November 2015.

The City agreed to provide 45chemical toilets that will be replacedby full flush toilets within twomonths, as well as water standpipes.The Housing Development Agencywill consult with Eskom for the sup-ply of electricity.

Apetitionagainst the relocationofthe Lwandle evictees to Macassarwas handed to Ward 109 CouncillorJohn Heuvel last Monday. The peti-tion was signed by about 400 resi-dents from Macassar.

According to Elizabeth Adams ofMacassar Village Outreach, the resi-dents of the greater Macassar will beapproached for further support. Ad-ams says although they sympathisewith the evictees, a serious need forhousing in Macassar already exists.

She says residents ask why theevictees are not accommodated inthe proposed housing project forVlakteplaas.

Julian Moses, Gussie Marcus and Elizabeth Adams handed over a petition with more that 400 names to councillor John Heuvellast Monday. PHOTO: DELIAH BRINKHUIS

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Helderberg Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 24 June 20144

More to fashion than glitz and glamDELIAH BRINKHUIS

Somerset West resi-dent Shunay Adonisis a real go-getterwhobelieves that one hastoworkhardtobesuc-cessful.

At the age of 28 shehasher ownclothing la-bel, Nocturnal Kiss,which includes a rangeof styles from casual tobridal and eveningwear.After matric she was

torn between studyingclothingdesign,photog-raphy or sound engi-neering until GoldenArrow Bus Servicesawarded her a bursaryto study clothing design at Northlink College.Sheadmits thata flair fordesigningandsewingmaybe inhergenesashermomandsister,whoshe used to helpwith smaller sewing tasks, areexcellent seamstresses.Pursuing her dreamwas, however, not a bed

of roses and she and her fellow students soonlearned that behind the scenes, fashion designis not only about glamour, but also hard workand endurance.Her clothing label was launched in 2007 and

shewasafforded theopportunity tosellherout-fits in a boutique in Loop Street, after respond-ing to an advertisement calling on young de-

signers. Unfortunatelythe business has sinceclosed and she now pri-marily makes clotheson consignment.Shunaypromotesher

clothesonwww.noctur-nalkiss.co.zaandonFa-cebook andGumtree asDiva on aBudget as shebelieves in makingfashionableyet afforda-ble clothing.She values the two

years of retail experi-ence she gained as asales assistant at a cell-phone accessory shop.She says not a day goesby without her gettingnew ideas for her de-signs.Hermostprizedwork

to date is her wedding gown, which she madefor her wedding to well-known local DJ OscarAdonis last year.This multi-layered black and white tulle

dressisnot forsale,shesaysbutshelovesshow-ing it off at fashion shows.Her future plans are endless, and she hopes

that Nocturnal Kiss will become a householdname and that one day she will be able to openher own shop and share her talent and knowl-edgewith others by offering classes. Shewouldalso like to support her husband in starting aDJSchool.Sheemphasises,however, thatnoth-ing in life comes easy or without hard work.

ShunayAdoniswith an infinity dress, which is popular amongher clients because it can be worn in many different waysto create a different look. PHOTO: DELIAH BRINKHUIS

Calling allHelderberggo­gettersHelderbergGazettewill be runninganexciting Entrepreneur of the Yearcompetition until September.The newspaper is looking for inno-

vative, creative and enthusiastic Hel-derberg residents who have foundedand currently run their own success-ful business.Each week the Helderberg Gazette

will profile a Helderberg entrepre-neur and readers will be given achance to vote for their favourite en-trepreneur each month.The winner will be crowned Entre-

preneur of the Month.The finalists for each month will

compete against one another for theEntrepreneur of the Year 2014 title.There will bemonthly prizes up for

grabs for the Entrepreneur of theMonth as well as for the person whonominated them. Therewill be amas-sive grand prize, which will be an-nounced shortly, for the Entrepre-neur of the Year.If you know an entrepreneur who

you think should be profiled and en-teredintothecompetition,pleasecon-tact Jamey Gordon on 021 853 0211.

Shunay Adonis and her husband Oscar on theirwedding day. She is proud of the wedding gown,which she designed and made herself.

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Helderberg GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 24 June 2014 5

Lights on for settlementsSeveral informal settlements in Lwandlewill receive electricity after the City ofCape Town conducted an investigation ofthe sites to see if supplying electricity tothese sites is a viable option.According to a report presented to sub-

council 8 on Thursday 9 July, most of thesites will be electrified within the currentor the following financial year.Nineadditional connections areplanned

for the France Infills informal settlementfor theendof thecurrent financialyearand24 additional connections are planned for

Ezinkomeni Infills for the next financialyear.TheGreenPoint Infillswill receive 14ad-

ditional connections in the current finan-cial year.David Kanti will receive 69 new connec-

tions by the end of the current financialyear, which is at the beginning of July.Pholile Informal Settlement, however, is

situated on land owned by the South Afri-can National Roads Agency Limited (San-ral) and cannot receive electrical connec-tions before the landowner gives consent.

Help locate fire victim’s familyCASSY VAN EEDEN

The Lwandle Police are appealing to thepublic to assist them in finding the rela-tives ofKgotsoMashota (29)whodied afterhis shack burned down on 24 May.The fire broke out at around 04:15 in

Richmond Street in Nomzamo and de-stroyed eight shacks and one house, saidLwandle Police spokesperson sergeantMthokozisi Gama.Mashota is believed to have been asleep

in his shack when the fire broke out.The blaze is believed to have originated

in Mashota’s shack and spread quickly.The causeof the fire is still being investi-

gated.Lwandle Police are searching for any of

Mashota family members. It is believedthat he was originally from Lesotho.The police request that anyone who has

information about his relatives, shouldcontact detective sergeant Marius Eras-mus on 082 522 1208 or 021 845 2060.

Macassar vergaderoor behuisingDie Macassar Omgewingsorganisasie hou opDonderdag26Junie ’nbehuisingsvergaderingindie ou gemeenskapsaal.Die vergadering sal om 19:00 begin en die ver-

skuiwing van die Lwandle uitgesettes na diearea sal bespreek word. Volgens Cedric Hen-drick, voorsitter van die organisasie, gaan hulledie verskuiwing teenstaan omdatMacassar ook’n behuisingsnood het wat prioriteit moet ge-niet.Hendricksvradatenigegemeenskapsleierswat aan die programwil deelneem ofmense watnadere inligting wil hê, hom by 073 445 5093 of083 858 [email protected] kan kontak.

Art student dies tragicallyA young art student whowas reported missing earli-er thisweek,died tragicallyin a train accident in Vander Stel last Friday.

A missing person’s reportwas filed with the SomersetWest police on Monday whenEvans Micah-Boateng’s land-lord became worried when hehad not returned home sinceFriday.His photograph was also

posted on social networks.Micah-Boateng was a studentat theAndrewOwenSchool ofArt in Somerset West. JoOwen, director of the artschool, says she received aphone call from awomanwhohad seen the post on Tuesdayevening, who informed herthat she had witnessed the accident in whichthe student had died. Owen described Micah-

Boateng (23), whowas orig-inally from Ghana, as awell-mannered politeyoung man who was com-mitted to his studies.She says he had been at

the school for two years,and was currently doing athree-year Fine Art Courseafter completing a Founda-tion Art Course last year.She saidhewasworkingona photography assignmentat the time of the incident.Owen said his camera wasalso allegedly stolen fromthe accident scene. Shepraised the Helderbergcommunity for theireffortsin finding Micah-Boateng.Owensaid thenewsofhis

tragic death was conveyedto his fellow students on

Wednesday, and the school closed for the day.Amemorial service will be held at the school.

Evans Micah-Boateng. PHOTO: CvENEWS

Meer as 500 leerlinge en personeelledevan Gordon Sekondêre Skool is Donder-dag ontruim nadat daar om 11:15 ’nbomdreigement gemaak is. Leerlinge,watpas hulle eksamensessie voltooi het, isontruim en die gebou is ondersoek deurdie polisie se bom- en honde-eenheid.Volgens konst. Suzan Jantjies, woordvoer-der van die Somerset-Wes-polisie, is diegebou veilig verklaar en geen verdagteitems is gevind nie. “Die polisie onder-soekdie saak. Stasiebevelvoerder vandieSomerset-Wes -polisie, kol. Mary AnneWilliams, het gewaarsku dat daar strengopgetree sal word teen die skuldiges.Mense met inligting kan vir adjudant offi-sier, Deon Klaasen bel by021 850 1331. FOTO: DALEEN FOUCHÉ

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Helderberg Gazette Advertisement - Advertensie Tuesday 24 June 20146

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Helderberg GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 24 June 2014 7

Tevrede met nuwebaadjie vir woonstelle?Die eerste woonstelblok in dieopgraderingsprojek van dieMacassar-woonstelle is vol-tooi. Die R36 miljoen-projekvan die Stad Kaapstad behelsdie konstruksie van ’n addisio-nele buitemuur wat om die be-staande muur gebou sal word,asook die verf van die 52 woon-stelblokke.

Alhoewel daar ’n algemenegevoel van trots onder die in-woners is oor die nuwe baadjiewat die B-woonstelblok het,voelsommigedatdaarheelwatmeer verbeteringe aan diewoonstelle, wat reeds vir so-wat 40 jaar deel van dié woon-gebied is, nodig is.

Denver George woon by dieC-woonstelle en dink die verf vandie woonstelle is ’n goeie gebaar.Hy is egter van mening dat die bin-nekant van die woonstelle waar dievloerteëls oplig, mure kraak en gey-sers oorloop, eerste aandag moesgeniet. FOTO’S: DELIAH BRINKHUIS

Shireen Thomas (32) woon sederthaar geboorte by dieB-woonstelle.Sy dink die woonstelblokke lykbaie mooi in hul nuwe baadjie,maar voel die binnekant van diewoonstelle kort aandag.

Willem Swart van die B-woonstelleis ontevredemetdiewerkswyse vandie kontrakteur. Swart sê die woon-steltrappe is met verf en sementbemors en net so gelaat. Hy sê dathierdie die eerste opgradering vandie woonstelle is sedert hulle oprig-ting en dat gebreekte trappe reggemaak behoort te word.

Madelein Abraham is baie tevredemet die opgradering tot dusver, enhoop dat hulle woonstel warmer salwees wanneer dit klaar is.

George Daniels sê die opgraderingis halfhartig gedoen en dat die vak-manskap swak is. Volgens Danielsis van die oorspoel-waterpype watwater moet uitlaat in die muur ge-bou, wat die mure klam sal laat endie lasplekke in geute sal veroor-saak dat water in mense se huiseloop.Hy sêookdat die vensterrameen die kolomme nie opgegradeeren geverf is nie.

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Helderberg Gazette Advertisement - Advertensie Tuesday 24 June 20148

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Helderberg Gazette Advertisement - Advertensie Tuesday 24 June 201410

What is Ramadaan?Ramadaan is the ninth month of the Is-lamic (lunar) calendar and is a time forMuslims to purify the soul, re-focustheir attentiononGodandpractice self-sacrifice.

Muslims are called upon to use thismonth to re-evaluate their lives in light ofIslamic guidance.Fasting in themonth of Ramadaan is one

of the fivepillars of Islamandall practisingMuslims fast from dawn until sunset. It re-quires that individuals abstain from eat-ing, drinking, smoking and sexual inter-course during the day.Fasting is often thought to figuratively

burn away all sins.Each evening, Muslims break their fast

at sundown with Iftar, a traditional mealbeginning with eating dates, which is ahomage to a sunnah (practice) of ProphetMuhammad (Peace be upon Him).

During Ramadaan, children are usuallyincluded in traditions such as taking whatis known as a “boeka plate” to neighboursbefore sunset. This is a plate of delicaciesmade for Iftar.During the evening, after the fast is bro-

ken, men and women usually attendTaraweeg – an evening prayer performedatMosque or in a group every night duringRamadaan, usually lasting about twohours.Muslims also believe that this is the

month that the Qur’an was revealed to theProphet Muhammad.ThedatesofRamadaanshiftslightlyeach

year because the start of the holy monthis based on the sighting of a newmoon andthe lunar calendar and the Gregorian cal-endar (used bymost countries) do not coin-cide with each other.This year Ramadaan is expected to begin

on 28 June.

What is Eid?The end of Ramadaan ismarkedby thecelebrationof Eid ul-Fitr - which liter-ally means festival ofbreaking the fast - either29 or 30 days after the be-ginning of Ramadaan.

This year Eid ul-Fitr is ex-pected to be on 27 July – de-pending on whether themoon is sighted or not.It celebrates the comple-

tion of the month of fastingand coincides with the firstday of Shawwal, the tenthmonth of the Islamic calen-dar. On this day, morningprayers are followed byfeasting and celebration

among family and friends.Muslims will customarily

visit the graveyard to prayfor the deceased. Thereafter,a light meal is usually con-sumedand therest of thedayis spent visiting family andfriends.South African Muslims

usually have a special lunchwith their loved ones anddress up on the day.Streets in the neighbour-

hood are filled with colour-fully clothed children whogo from house to housewhere theymaybe treated tovarious sweets, cakes andcan also receive money as agift.

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Helderberg GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenTuesday 24 June 2014 11

The community of Eri-javille in Rusthof host-eda YouthDay celebra-tion focusing on crimeand drug abuse in theHelderberg. Guestspeaker JP Smith, May-co member for Safetyand Security (photo)spoke to the youthabout the dangerousimpact that crime canhave on our lives. Thecommunity was in-spired by the aware-ness efforts and en-joyed hot soup madefrom the communityfood garden, partypacks and sponsoredboerewors rolls.

The organisers of the spe-cial Youth Day event held inRusthof were from left:Cathy Hendricks, JP Smith,Mayco committee memberfor Safety and Security, Ha-zel Swanepoel, Erijavillecommittee member, coun-cillor Chantal Cerfontein ofwards 85 and 86, ClaudineRoux, Erijaville committeemember and Cecil du Ples-sis, also a member of theErijaville committee.

Councillor ChantalCerfontein of Wards85 and 86 dished updelicious soup forcommunity memberswith help from volun-teers at the Youth Dayevent.

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Helderberg Gazette General - Algemeen Tuesday 24 June 201412

The Village Kids need your helpCASSY VAN EEDEN

Village Kids is a preschool that caters forchildren from the often forgotten aboutcommunity of Garden Village, SomersetWest.

The school operates with two teachers and acook who all care deeply for each of the 24 tod-dlers they have taken under their wings.As facilitators, they are acutely aware of the

adverse circumstances many of the learnerscome from and make every effort to nurtureeach soul.Although the staff havevery little at theirdis-

posal, they work together as a team to createa safe and happy environment for the childrenthat is conducive to learning and play.This colourful and cosy environment was

burgled on 12 May (“Somerset West preschoolrobbed,” Helderberg Gazette 25 May) and theschool lost almost everything they had.Thethievesgainedaccesstothesmallpremis-

es in Gum Street through the emergency exit,“like they always do,” says teacher Liezal Op-perman.

She was referring to the three break-ins theschool has had in the past five years.The robbers stole toilet paper, tissues, blan-

kets, toothpaste, pots and pans, all their foodsupplies, linen, pillows, their printer and com-puter, fans and other essential items.The school’s sponsor has since replenished

many of the items that were stolen, but theschool is always in need of basic toiletries.It also desperately needs a security upgrade

including the replacement of outside lights sothat the premises are well-lit at night.The building’s maintenance is seriously ne-

glected by the municipality as there is mouldgrowing on the walls, the ceilings have warpedand there appears to be rats inside the roof.The structure itself is falling into disrepair

and Opperman said she fears the day that “thewhole thing falls in on us.”The learnersatVillageKidsarealsooften for-

gotten about when it comes to special talks,shows and outreach programmes and wouldgreatly appreciate any assistance of this kind.If readers would like to assist the school in

any way, please contact Cassy van Eeden on021 853 0211.

Learners at the Village Kids preschool in Gar-den Village in Somerset West are in needof your assistance. PHOTO: CASSY VAN EEDEN

Little Helderbergers amonthly featureThe Helderberg Gazette will be featuringan underprivileged preschool in the Hel-derberg once a month in a series calledLittle Helderbergers.The articles will give the schools expo-

sure and inform readers if there is any-thing that they can do to help to better the

quality of the education of our Little Hel-derbergers.If youknowof apreschool orEarlyChild-

hood Development Centres in the Helder-berg that are in need of upliftment, pleasecontact Cassy van Eeden on 021 853 0211 [email protected].

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Page 14: Helderberg gazette 24 jun 2014

Helderberg Gazette General - Algemeen Tuesday 24 June 201414

Sê jou sê)Ek as inwoner van Macassar isglad nie tevrede met die besluit datdie Lwandle-inwoners na Macassargeskuif gaan word nie. Ons het tallemense wat in agterplase woon en aldie jare wag op ’n huis. Dit is totaalonaanvaarbaar en ek hoop dat Ma-cassar se inwoners hierdie besluitgaan teenstaan soos Blackheath semense. Indien ons dan ookmoet oor-gaan na betogings en versperrings,“then so be it”. Ontevrede Macassarinwoner.

) Ek wil graag na die naamloseDA-ondersteuner se stelling verwys:“Geen politieke party kan die ANCstuit sonder om die regerende partyte vervang nie.” U DA het nie die ge-talle en mag om dit te doen nie! Indie verlede het mnr. Rynhardt ver-wys na die Freedom Charter waar-volgens SA geregeer word. Die ANCkannie 6%groeikoers haal in 20 jaarnie, nogminder uDA!DA-liefhebberkom by! Botha, Strand

) It’s hard to believe that e-tolls

are part of a new world order, as MrVanRensbergwouldhaveusbelieve.After all, toll roads were around inthe middle ages.

) Eendingmoetmotoriste leer. Jystopnievirenigevoorwerpeofperso-ne oppaaienie.Dangaan jy ’n slagof-fer word van boewe! ’n Goeie wenkis om jou handsak en ander items injou kattebak toe te sluit. As dit op diesitplek langs jou lê, gaan jy geteikenword wanneer jy by robot of stop-straat stop! Morkel, Gordonsbaai

Thank you forThank you forraising awarenessraising awareness

Thank you so much for the wonder-ful article about Bipolar awareness(Helderberg Gazette 27 May - Dispel-lingmythsaboutBipolar is essential).It is so important that these kinds ofissues are given positive coverage inthe media. A lady who works at mycompany who resides in Lwandlehas Bipolar Disorder and she has re-cently discovered that her son has ittoo. In conversationabout thearticlewhen it was published, she men-tioned that it is very difficult for hertotellpeopleinhercommunityabouther mental disorder, because peoplesee it as an ‘evil thing’ or it’s a West-ern thing.She told me that her son has been

bullied about it since his diagnosisand has difficulties making newfriends because other children havebeen told to stay away from him. Ap-parently he was also told by histeacher, when he confided in her,thathewasjust lookingforattention!I find this disgusting.Thank you Helderberg Gazette for

highlighting this important issueand for educating people, it is so im-portant.


I want your news, any newsCASSY VAN EED-EN

The Helderberg Ga-zette newspaper, for-mally the HelderPos,was established as a free newspaperfor Helderberg residents.The purpose of the newspaper is

quite specific. It is togiveHelderbergresidents who may not be able to af-ford our sold title, the DistrictMail,access to news and current affairs in

their communities,bydistributing35 000newspapers directlyto residences andbusinesses.The name of our

game is hyper-local news - not gossip- which means we focus on storiesthataffect thebroadercommunityoreven the province, and investigatehowthe implicationsof thestorywillimpact our communities.The bestway for us to get this kind

of news is through you, our readers.Which iswhy I encourageallHelder-bergGazette readers to send us newsorinformationthatyouthinkisvalu-able to readers who may not be ableto afford the DistrictMail.Please contact me, Cassy van Eed-

en on 021 853 0211 or [email protected]. You canalso alertus to news via SMS on 32513 at a costof R1. If your neighbour is up to nogood or your gardener is secretly asuperhero, please let us know.





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Page 15: Helderberg gazette 24 jun 2014

Helderberg GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenDinsdag 24 Junie 2014 15

H.V. HAMMONDSTR & GORDONSBAAIWEG 2, STRAND - Tel: 021 853 5407 / 021 853 5408

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Bay’s Angels visit Play WayCASSY VAN EEDEN

A women’s cell group from the Bay Chris-tian Family Church in the Helderberg do-nated blankets and parcels of treats to thetoddlers at Play Way Preschool in Helder-zicht on Wednesday 18 June.

Thegroup,whocall themselves theBay’sAn-gels, asked their church and friends to donateblankets to the group, who then decided theywould distribute them to the children and staffat Play Way, said cell leader Debra Fisher.During their visit, the women performed an

interactiverenditionof thestoryofMoses fromthe Bible and the children enjoyed “followingbaby Moses down the river.”The school’s principal RosslynArendse said

they are extremely grateful to everyone whomade donations and to the Bay’s Angels fortheir visit.

Bay’s Angels visited the toddlers at Play Way Preschool in Helderzicht last weekand gave them blankets and lucky packets. PHOTO: CASSY VAN EEDEN

DONATE HERE: EnvyHair Design, on Gordon’sBay Drive is the drop-offpoint for all donationsfor the 2014 Halli TrustDrive. People candonatetoiletries, cleaning prod-ucts, clothes and non-perishable food forneedy families. Donateddog and cat food, bowlsand kennels will be usedin the Trust’s pet out-reach programme. At thedrop off point are (fromleft): Jasmine Abrams,Elstiene du Tior, Halli,Marisjka Oelofse, Yolan-de le Roux, Heidi Naudeand Surita RouxPHOTO: CASSY VANEEDEN

Page 16: Helderberg gazette 24 jun 2014


Year 18 • Dinsdag 24 Junie 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Spookhill road race beckons brave runnersIf you’re not afraid of spooks or ghosts and en-joy short, but challenging road races, then theSpookhill 15 km road race, which takes placethis weekend, is the race for you.

The race is officially known as the Spar FineFood and Wine Spookhill 15 km road race. Therace starts and finishes at Beaumont PrimarySchool in Somerset West.

Themain15 kmracestartsat08:00andtheshort-er 5 km fun run at 08:15.

Athletes may enter for both these races on raceday from 06:30. The entry fee for the 15 km run isR50 and R15 for the 5 km fun run.

Temporary licenses will also be available at R25for runners wanting to run the 15 km race, but donot belong to running clubs.

This year the race will be dedicated to Theo Es-post, the owner of the Lion’s Square Fine Food andWine Spar in Somerset West, who died in a caraccident lastweek.Hehasalsobeenthemainspon-sor of the event for the past few years.

Western Province Athletics Associaationawarded the Road Race of the Month award to therace organisers Helderberg Harriers AthleticsClub for organising the Spookhill 15 km in Junelast year.

For more information about the race phoneDean Patterson on 083 5007 887. Athletes line up for the start of the Spar Fine Food and Wine Spookhill 15 km road race last year.