heart centered biblical counseling

“Idolatry is a problem of the heart, a metaphor for human lust, craving, yearning, and greedy demand.” “The deep question of motivation is not ‘What is motivating me?’ The final question is, ‘Who is the master of this pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior?’ In the biblical view, we are religious, inevitably bound to one god or another. People do not have needs. We have masters, lords, gods.” Biblical Counselor – David Powlison Heart Centered Biblical Counseling Module I HEART CENTERED COUNSELING PART 1 Dr. Tim Allchin M.Div., D.Min. MODULE 1 – SESSION 1

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Heart Centered Biblical Counseling ModuleI



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How does a biblical counselor keep the heart central? I. Understandthepurposeoftheheart

1Corinthians10:31-So,whetheryoueatordrink,orwhateveryoudo,doalltothe gloryofGod.



II. Observethevariousexpressionoftheheart

A. Theheartisthecontrolcenterofhumanexperience

B. Examinethethinkingpatterns

Controlbeliefsarenotmerelycognitivepropositions.Iftheheartisindeedinterrelatedanddynamic,thenincorporatedinthosecontrolbeliefsarevaluesandcommitments.Inotherwords,controlbeliefsshouldalsobethoughtofascontrolvaluesandcontrolcommitmentsaswell.Pierre,Jeremy.TheDynamicHeartinDailyLife:ConnectingChristtoHumanExperience(KindleLocations702-704).NewGrowthPress.KindleEdition.C. ExaminetheEmotionalPatterns


D. ExaminingtheBehaviorPatterns:

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III. Don’tforgettheheartiscorrupted



A. CommitmenttoSinbecomesidolatry


B. PersonalIdolsarecommonly:Work,People,Pleasure,BeautyandImage,family,control,respect

C. SecularCounselingoftenreflectsthevarioussocial-


1. Communism.Communismmakesanidolofthestate.GovernmentwillsolveallproblemsratherthanGod.Marxsaideverythingispolitical,andallproblemsarepolitical/economicones,ratherthanspiritualones.

2. Populism.Makesanidoloutofpublicopinionormajority

rule,ratherthanwhat Godsaysisright.3. Capitalism.Capitalismmakesanidoloutofthefree


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4. Humanism.Enlightenmentor“humanism”makesanidol


5. Individualismmakesanidoloutofindividualfreedom.


6. Traditionalismmakesthefamilyandtraditionanidol.



IV. Don'tForget:theheartisredeemable

A. CommitmenttoFaithbeginstocorrectidolatryinthevariedexpressionsof theheart

B. Faithshapesourbeliefs


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occurrencesoftheirlife,inbothdailygeneralpatternsandlife-shapingevents.20Pierre,Jeremy.TheDynamicHeartinDailyLife:ConnectingChristtoHumanExperience(KindleLocations1242-1247).NewGrowthPress.KindleEdition.C. FaithShapesouremotions


D. FaithShapesouractions


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Anxiety Case Study: From Anxiety to Peace

Tom called you one night and asked if you could meet him as soon as possible at the local coffee

shop. As he walked in just after you arrived, worry and anxiety were written all over him. Even as he paid for the coffee, you could see his hands shake and he seemed confused even about where to sit so you could talk. In a corner booth, Tom began to nervously tell his story.

Today at work, Tom got his second pink slip for poor performance on the job. His co-workers had complained about how he mishandles time and how he was not a team player, but insisted they do it his way. His boss had talked to him multiple times about work relationships but today stated that he had seen no change in Tom’s performance or the way he relates to co-workers. Tom feared telling his wife because after the last job loss and now the first pink slip at this job she threatened to take the kids and go to her parents’ home. She is already angry about him coming home and drinking a couple of beers each night to calm down and relax.

Tom was in tears as he said, “I can’t lose this job or I’ll lose my family, too.” Tom was shaking hard and finding it hard to breath. Tom confessed he didn’t like working for Bob, his current boss, and imagined ways he could tell him off some day if he weren’t so afraid of losing his job. You feared he was going into a full-blown panic attack right there in the coffee shop, so you stopped right then and there in the coffee shop to pray with Tom. This brought a small measure of hope and peace, but what more does Tom need?

Data Gathering

E Emotional: How did each person feel?

A Action/Behavioral: What did each person do (or fail to do)?

C Conceptual: What did each person believe or value? What were their thoughts about God and self?

H Historical: What are things that happened in the past that affect the present? Habitual: What are things that have happened in the past and still happening in the present?

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Questions: Based on the data given, what additional history might you need about previous jobs and relationships?




Do you think Tom needs medication for his anxiety? Why or why not?

What Scripture passages would you take Tom to that would help him deal with anxiety?

Homework: Good homework always contains both the cognitive piece (renewed mind through Scriptural understanding - Rom 12:2) and behavioral piece (specific instruction in how to put off the sinful behavior and put on the Christlike behavior - Jas 1:21-25). There are many creative ways to get those two elements into your homework, but both are necessary. We apply what we say we believe. (Always focus on how to apply any truth you are teaching them.... Ex: we schedule and order our life because He is a God of order and He calls us to His character and commands that we redeem the time to be productive, creative, godly, obedient to His truth…. We tell the truth because God is a God of Truth.)

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– Pierre,Jeremy.TheDynamicHeartinDailyLife:ConnectingChristtoHumanExperience(KindleLocations1583-1589).NewGrowthPress.KindleEdition.

Practical Guidance for Mental Struggles Module3



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Mental Struggles and Gospel Care


A. Avoidfoolisharguments:Myaiminthisessayistoraisethequestion"Istheresuchathingasmentalillness?"andtoarguethatthereisnot.Sincethenotionofmentalillnessisextremelywidelyusednowadays,inquiryintothewaysinwhichthistermisemployedwouldseemtobeespeciallyindicated.Mentalillness,ofcourse,isnotliterallya"thing"--orphysicalobject--andhenceitcan"exist"onlyinthesamesortofwayinwhichothertheoreticalconceptsexist.Yet,familiartheoriesareinthehabitofposing,soonerorlater--atleasttothosewhocometobelieveinthem--as"objectivetruths"(or"facts").Duringcertainhistoricalperiods,explanatoryconceptionssuchasdeities,witches,andmicroorganismsappearednotonlyastheoriesbutasself-evidentcausesofavastnumberofevents.Isubmitthattodaymentalillnessiswidelyregardedinasomewhatsimilarfashion,thatis,asthecauseofinnumerablediversehappenings.Asanantidotetothecomplacentuseofthenotionofmentalillness--whetherasaself-evidentphenomenon,theory,orcause--letusaskthisquestion:Whatismeantwhenitisassertedthatsomeoneismentallyill?B.EngagewiththemwithEmpathy:Youdon’thavetounderstand“why”inordertocare.

§ Nearly20%ofAmericanadultssufferwithananxietydisorderand100%strugglewithworry

§ Nearly11%ofcollegeage/youngadultindividuals

reportseveredepressioninthelastyear.§ Nearly5%ofadultswilldealwithbi-polarstrugglesat

somepointintheiradultyears§ 1outofevery50peopleexhibitsomeformofOCD

§ Anestimated3.6%ofU.S.adultshadPTSDinthepast


§ Thereweremorethantwiceasmanysuicides(44,965)intheUnitedStatesastherewerehomicides(19,362).

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C.Engagewiththemasafriend:HerearefivewaysthatanyChristiancanbeagoodfriendwiththoseenduringthroughmentalstruggles.• Seektotreatthemasimage-bearers–“Acceptoneanother,then,justasChristacceptedyou…”(Romans15:7)“…Inhumilityconsiderothersbetterthanyourselves.”(Philippians2:3)• Spendtimeasafriendwiththem–“Offerhospitalitytooneanotherwithoutgrumbling.”(IPeter4:9)“Bedevotedtooneanotherinbrotherlylove…”(Romans12:10)• Speakboldandcleartruthtohelpanchorthem–“Encourageoneanotherdaily…”Hebrews3:13)“Speaktooneanotherwithpsalms,hymnsandspiritualsongs.”(Ephesians5:19)• Servethemandwiththemastheyserveothers–“Eachoneshouldusewhatevergifthehasreceivedtoserveothers…”(IPeter4:10)“Carryeachother’sburdens…”(Galatians6:2)• StoptheStigmasurroundingmentalstrugglesinthechurch–“…Stoppassingjudgmentononeanother.”(Romans14:13)“…Haveequalconcernforeachother.”(ICorinthians12:25)Howwoulditimpactthelivesofthosewithmentalstrugglesiftheyhadpeopleintheirlivescommittedtolivewiththeminthistypeofcommunity?Ifchurchesaregoingtobeeffectiveinshepherdingthosewithmentalstruggles,itwillrequireaninvestmentintherelationship.Youcan’teffectivelyhelpthosewithmentalstrugglesbytreatingeachpersonthesame.D.EngagewiththemasaShepherd:EngageinprotectivecareOurgoalmustbeloveallwhosufferwiththeloveofChristandenterintotheirstrugglewithhopethatGodgives.WemustpatientlyandpersistentlyhelpthosewithmentalstrugglesunderstandandapplywisdomoftheWordtothepracticalissuesoflife,andensuremedicalcareforthemwhentheWorddoesn’tseemtobecomprehensible.Peopletendtoturnbacktothosewhospokethetruthtothemwhentheyneeditmost,eveniftheyhaveseeminglyrejectedthesourceinthemeantime.Godisalwaysfaithful,andhisfaithfulnessallowsustotakethissamestanceoflongsufferingforthegoodofthoseinneed.Speakingthetruthinloveovertimeincommunity,isthepathwayforspiritualgrowthforanyone,notjustthosewithmentalstruggles.

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Depression Case Study: Could You Help Mary Find Hope?

John and Mary are in your small group from your church. They are fairly new to your group,

having moved to the area because John took a new job that seems all-consuming. He has to work overtime, but says it is necessary to make ends meet. He even complains about having to pay for a babysitter to come to small group. John only makes small group about every other week because of work. Mary homeschools their children, first and third grade girls and twin four-year old boys, and brings them to church even if John is working. She says church and small group is her only time away from the kids.

Several times during the Bible study in the past couple of weeks, Mary broke into tears. That embarrassed John. Mary is overwhelmed with taking care of the children and hasn’t had time to organize and settle into her new home since the move. She describes boxes and still no curtains. She resents the move since it took her away from family that helped her with the kids and now “she has no one!” For the first time in their 10-year marriage, they are fighting more and more. “Where is that husband that is supposed to be a loving servant leader for our family?”

When the men and women split to pray about their prayer requests, Mary confided in you that she is about ready to “throw in the towel” because she is finding it harder and harder to get started in the morning and to “get her life back.” She used to be an active working woman but now sits at home all day with 4 kids and hardly has time for herself. Mary admits she doesn’t even have time to read or pray – her only “spiritual connection” is this small group! She doesn’t even recognize herself in the mirror, having gained 20 pounds since the move and she doesn’t take care of herself like she used to. “My friends back home wouldn’t even recognize me anymore. I’m too ashamed to visit them or even FaceTime, so I’ve lost all my friends since the move.”

Data Gathering

E Emotional: How did each person feel?

A Action/Behavioral: What did each person do (or fail to do)?

C Conceptual: What did each person believe or value? What were their thoughts about God and self?

H Historical: What are things that happened in the past that affect the present? Habitual: What are things that have happened in the past and still happening in the present?

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Questions: Based on the data given, what are some additional questions you would want to ask to get a better understanding of the issues and struggles in Mary’s life?




Should a man be working with John? How? How can the small group help both Mary and John as individuals and as a couple?

Homework: Good homework always contains both the cognitive piece (renewed mind through Scriptural understanding - Rom 12:2) and behavioral piece (specific instruction in how to put off the sinful behavior and put on the Christlike behavior - Jas 1:21-25). There are many creative ways to get those two elements into your homework, but both are necessary. We apply what we say we believe. (Always focus on how to apply any truth you are teaching them.... Ex: we schedule and order our life because He is a God of order and He calls us to His character and commands that we redeem the time to be productive, creative, godly, obedient to His truth…. We tell the truth because God is a God of Truth.) For Mary: For John: For both together: