healthy lifestyle essay

Healthy Lifestyle Essay, English Composition Writing on Healthy Lifestyle Essay Example 1: Skin Cancer and Healthy Behavior Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the Unites States. The American Cancer Society predict that more than 1 million new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in out country this year. Statistics prove that more than 10, 250 people will die from skin cancer in 2004. The cause of skin cancer is still being researched, but health investigators believe it is associated with exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. But, how do you prevent skin cancer? One way is to protect your skin with sunscreen, and to stay out of the sun as much as possible. How do you maintain a tan without endangering your skin? Leave that up to Neutrogena Instant Bronzers. Scientific research is beginning to make people more aware of the serious risk of cancer. Through portraying an alternative from baking in the sun or roasting in a sun bed, Neutrogena captures the sales from those who treasure their health and bodies. The magazine ad placed in Teen Vogue pictures a stunning young woman in a short and sexy one-piece halter skirt, confidently showing off her “perfect tan.” She flashes a gorgeous smile, and has her chin resting against her hand, visually suggesting, “Look at me.” Primarily teen girls and young women read Teen Vogue. Placing this ad in a magazine targeting this audience suggest Teen Vogue is concerned about skin cancer, and wants to stress their concern by illustrating an appealing alternative in their ad. According to Dr. Audrey Kunin, diplomat of the American board of Dermatology, the earlier people develop ultraviolet skin damage, the more apt it is that they will develop melanoma, a form of cancer. Since most tanning bed users are under the age of 30, this ad is aimed towards them. The white background of the ad places all the attention on the woman. It causes her radiant and natural-looking skin to stand out, just as many women want to stand out in society today. The successful aftermath shown through the image of a knockout beauty, and the alternative technique present to obtain a natural-looking tan without abusing your skin with ultraviolet ray allures customers. Customers are intrigued by a healthy method for acquiring a tan, and are assured efficient flawless results through the satisfied smile of the model.

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Healthy Lifestyle Essay, English Composition Writing on Healthy Lifestyle

Essay Example 1: Skin Cancer and Healthy Behavior

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the Unites States. The American Cancer Society predict that more than 1 million new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in out country this year. Statistics prove that more than 10, 250 people will die from skin cancer in 2004. The cause of skin cancer is still being researched, but health investigators believe it is associated with exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. But, how do you prevent skin cancer? One way is to protect your skin with sunscreen, and to stay out of the sun as much as possible. How do you maintain a tan without endangering your skin? Leave that up to Neutrogena Instant Bronzers. Scientific research is beginning to make people more aware of the serious risk of cancer. Through portraying an alternative from baking in the sun or roasting in a sun bed, Neutrogena captures the sales from those who treasure their health and bodies.

The magazine ad placed in Teen Vogue pictures a stunning young woman in a short and sexy one-piece halter skirt, confidently showing off her “perfect tan.” She flashes a gorgeous smile, and has her chin resting against her hand, visually suggesting, “Look at me.”Primarily teen girls and young women read Teen Vogue. Placing this ad in a magazine targeting this audience suggest Teen Vogue is concerned about skin cancer, and wants to stress their concern by illustrating an appealing alternative in their ad. According to Dr. Audrey Kunin, diplomat of the American board of Dermatology, the earlier people develop ultraviolet skin damage, the more apt it is that they will develop melanoma, a form of cancer. Since most tanning bed users are under the age of 30, this ad is aimed towards them. The white background of the ad places all the attention on the woman. It causes her radiant and natural-looking skin to stand out, just as many women want to stand out in society today. The successful aftermath shown through the image of a knockout beauty, and the alternative technique present to obtain a natural-looking tan without abusing your skin with ultraviolet ray allures customers. Customers are intrigued by a healthy method for acquiring a tan, and are assured efficient flawless results through the satisfied smile of the model.

The casual and sporty tennis-like skirt worn by the modes suggest athleticism and a leisure type of lifestyle. Playing tennis or another outdoor sport is an ideal opportunity to get a tan, but with Neutrogena Bronzer player can focus on their games rather than acquiring a copper tone. Free time to play tennis suggests a relaxing lifestyle. Why not make you life more relaxing and stress-free with Neutrogena Bronzer? According to the U.S. Department of Public Health and Human Services, it seems to be common sense to apply sunscreen when being exposed to the sun, but few people realize the “potential dangers associated with the use of tanning beds” Neutrogena provide the same result you would receive from tanning beds, sun bathing, or tanning pills, but in a safer, quicker, easier procedure. The relaxed and glowing disposition of the woman persuades customers to recognize this quick and easy product. This product offers instant results leaving time for other satisfactions to attend to.

Applying self-tanner may seem unusual, complicated, and unnatural to many, but Neutrogena stops at nothing to promote this product as a quick and easy procedure. The ad offers choices, which are appealing to consumers. Two well-designed bottles appear on the page. The consumer is given the option of selecting foam or lotion instant bronzer. It causes them to believe that having the option of making a decision will distinguish them from other buyers. Both

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bottles are golden with bronze covers. The colors are attractive to the buyers who want their color tone to resemble these vibrant, creamy shades. Are you still a bit indecisive about self-tanner? Neutrogena presents an easy step-by-step application video on their website.

Curious about this Instant Bronze Video, I explored the website. An introduction by Elizabeth Brous intrigues the reader by proposing different events, such as prom night, that consumers would want to attend with a glimmering perfect tan. She writes the “bad news” of a “true tanfest” could result in a higher risk of cancer, and wrinkling at an early age. Of course, tanning salons are going to claim their bulbs are safe, but why wouldn’t they? Before fawning over the gorgeous sun god pictured on the brochures of these salons, look into the future and recognize the consequences your health may pay. Brous saves the day with the alternative of obtaining a glossy golden tan instantly without skin cancer risks. The bronzers described as “high-tech formulas” exhibits them with an air of sophistication, as if dermatologists tested and blended these lotions to the ultimate perfection. Mandy Moore, an influential singer and actress, models her sunless tan in a simple, yet classy silver fitted dress. Her dazzling smile reflects her happiness with the results, and urges those consumers inspired by her to buy the product. 

Celebrities have a huge effect on the products we buy. We are influences by the new trends and styles they set. Everyone wants to be like a celebrity, so we do everything we can to interpret this advertisement as a safe technique for obtaining and maintaining an eye-catching tan that will reward users with the admiration and fascination given to the model.

Essay Example 2: Organic Farming

Through out the history of mankind, we have cultivated our own food. We have created a society where everything is almost given to us; there are people who work hard day after day trying to feed themselves and the rest of the world. Some people choose to grow the crops in a sustainable way to have ahealthy lifestyle. This is a main reason they grow their own food this way. Some farmers and companies practice what I call “super cropping”. This is a vegetable growing operation, which 

In the process of growing “organically” There are many farming methods some of which include Weeding, natural Pest Remedies, and naturally occurring Fertilizers. These are all key topics to living and growing a healthy lifestyle. One of the first things you should do is clear your land/plot of any weeds. There are many different ways of doing that. You can use sheet mulch which is either newspaper or black plastic. After removing the weeds, the ground is ready for plants through the material on the ground you cut a hole for the plants to grow through. What this does is keeps the weeds from growing up due to no sunlight. Another method of weed control is flame weeding which is highly suggested for large amounts of land. burns all the new weed seedlings. This is an advantage for other plants because it heats the soil where the soil is cold it is a plus. Some other techniques include cutting down (weeds) before they flower which in the long run will save you a lot more time, some farmers tend to do this because weeds go to seed after the flowering stage. If a gust of wind comes than all those horrible weeds would be transplanted in your garden. Last but not least the good old fashioned hand weeding which I think is my favorite because I feel it connects me more to nature. 

After you have your land weed free, and clear of any invasive plants, you might start to notice something is nipping at your vegetables. This would be an insect infestation this is not healthy

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for your young ones because they are subject to diseases Therefore there are organic pest remedies that are still to this day practiced throughout the World. There are many good or (beneficial) insects for your garden the problem is trying to determine which ones they are. That being said most people deicide to use chemical sprays, and that is not good unless you want to eat chemicals. One thing you should do is clear all weeds around plants so there’s no place for the insects to hide, Then you should also take into consideration that planting some crops such as potatoes, carrots, cabbage and broccoli seem to attract more insects than others. Another solution is planting some flowers such as daisies, cosmos, dill, clover, and coneflower. These are good flowers for attracting beneficial insects. This is an insect that preys on undesirable pest. The key is to make sure something is in flower all season. Avoid growing the same types of vegetables in the same spot year after year. This is called crop rotation. A four year rotation is best and of course maintaining your garden is very important. Simply picking up dead plants and fruit will decrease the chance of a sad infestation.

A really big key point to growing organically is using no chemicals and instead using all natural resources. Soil fertility is also a very important part for healthy plants. Here are four things that should be added as raw materials to the soil. Organic matter such as compost or manure. This should help raise the nitrogen and should be applied up to 20 tons per acre, Second is Rock Phosphate which is a fine powder and should be applied every four years, third is Green sand marl. This is sand with some potassium but mostly micronutrients to feed the soil. The forth is limestone which is a ground rock containing calcium and magnesium. All these are very important especially the micronutrients because they feed the soil. Why feed the soil instead of the plant you ask? Because the plants need a balanced availability of nutrients. 

Fertilizing your plants will help them grow healthy. It is better to use naturally occurring fertilizers such as manure, slurry, worm castings, peat moss, seaweed, and guano. Some naturally occurring minerals are rock phosphate, sulfate, potash, and limestone. Some manufactured fertilizers include blood meal, and bone meal. 

The history of organics dates as far back as World War two, A Chemical substances know as Ammonium Nitrate And DDT were sprayed around the position of the troops to control insects around them. In 1944 a campaign by the name of Green Revolution was formed in Mexico and had private funding by the United States to encourage hybrid growing, with chemical controls. Around the 1950’s scientists all over the country studied for a sustainable agriculture system, But research still came to chemical approaches, until a guy by the name of Jerome Irving Rodale made a dramatic change in the promotion of organic farming. He wrote many healthy living books and magazines articles. He quickly popularized the term “Organic” to mean grown without pesticides. Around the time of 1970 most Americans eyes started to open. Global movements concerned with the pollution, and the environment increased their focus on organic farming. At this time the difference of health benefits between organic and conventional food became clearer. 

So next time you go to the store you might want to think about what you are really eating, I think the best way to ensure that your body is getting the right nutrients is to grow your own produce. With just a little time and effort you can have a wonderful organically grown garden. 

Essay Example 3: What is a Healthy Lifestyle

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Public awareness of personal health and fitness has grown tremendously over the last few decades. In generations past the idea of eating right and being physically fit was a luxury reserved for a privileged few. This concept has matured to embrace the idea that we all need to regularly engage in pursuit of our own wellbeing. It seems that every week there is a new diet or fitness craze that emerges promising to provide the missing element to help you trim down and shape up. With all the choices available, it’s no wonder that the majority of individuals that try to improve their condition, eventually drift back into old habits and fall short of their goals, feeling discouraged and even more confused about how to effectively begin living a healthy lifestyle.

Defining the elements that constitute a healthy lifestyle is often as challenging as living the model. Training for the body and conditioning for the mind serves to address the duality of our complex nature. To neglect one in favor of the other, only serves to make your approach one dimensional and reduces its effectiveness.  Most fitness professionals agree that there are several key factors that are necessary for a well rounded training routine. Each component adds greater depth to your overall approach to wellness. Here are several things to consider while developing your approach to healthy living.      A comprehensive model of healthy living should address physical and mental training, nutrition, and how to balance these with quality rest and recovery.  Resistance training enhances your capacity to perform activities requiring physical strength. This coupled with cardio-conditioning increases your endurance, or the ability to work longer periods of time without overtaxing. Combing strength and endurance with systems of exercise that increase flexibility, or the range of motion in a joint, aid in allowing for a greater sense of confidence and coordination as you move. Choosing an activity, that challenges your body and equally engages your mind, will serve to increase your powers of concentration and helps you to become calmer. Working with a Personal Trainer or other qualified fitness professionals can help you to get started in a smart and safe manner.

Maintaining a balanced and varied diet is essential for the promotion of health. Eating fresh foods with a minimum of processing is believed by many experts to provide a greater quality of nutrition. Altering your diet to take advantage of ‘what’s in season’ will give you a broader selection of foods to choose from as well.     According to a prominent neuro-immunologist and one of the nation’s leading authorities on stress reduction, the clinical definition of aging is: “The bodies declining ability for recovery.”  Hall further states that this decline is not necessarily linked to our chronology, but is likely the result of stress due to the unceasing demands that we place on ourselves. Sufficient rest when we feel tired or during times that are exceedingly stressful is essential.  Adequate recovery from work or injuries and extra rest when we feel illness coming on is our best weapon to aid in the healing process.     The best gauge of health and fitness is “how well you feel on a daily basis.” At the core of this level of wellness is a lifestyle built around balance and moderation. Take the time to take care of yourself. The results of your investment will prove to be well worth the effort. 

Essay Example 4: Healthy School Meals

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Sometimes it seems hard to believe it, but in fact it is true, that actually St. Peter's, from it's small part of Nottingham, was the catalyst for the now growing movement to improve the quality of school meals. All the government initiatives and even Jamie Oliver's (our favourite chef) campaign was inspired by what we began at St. Peter's. Yet, what was that? Simply a desire to provide a better nutritional deal for the children of East Bridgeford through the provision of non-processed, locally sourced and organic food, freshly cooked each day by our fantastic kitchen staff, originally led by the now famous Mrs. Orrey and more recently by the dedicated and aptly named Mrs. Plumb. This is our so named 'Primary Choice' school meals' service. 

This is a reputation, however, that we do not want to boast about (although we are always willing to help others who are interested in improving their own service), but rather continue to sustain and develop on behalf of the children we serve. As we are aware, an increasing amount of research is proving that eating the right nutritionally balanced meals, and also drinking water throughout the day, can improve children's behaviour, personalities and ability to learn. What we want to tell children and anyone else who wants to listen is that it can be better and it is possible. 

We do this by cooking from fresh on the premises and combining ordinary foods, with locally sourced and organic produce, as much as possible avoiding processed food. Whatever our menus we will always have a baked potato option, fresh fruit and a help yourself salad bar. Moreover, we use proper crockery and table cloths, recognising that eating together with friends is about our social, as well as nutritional, well-being and education. We also have plumbed in, filtered water machines in each classroom both to provide and symbolise the importance of drinking well. Through all of this we are also able to get pupils interested in learning more about nutrition and the importance of healthy lifestyles through our classroom teaching. 

Within this we are particularly keen to encourage our Early Years children to stay for lunch and in line with this offer them dinners at a reduced rate. Furthermore, we are keen to have parents and other friends/members of the community joining us and hardly a day goes by when this doesn't happen. To help parents and pupils make an informed choice, we also send menus home each week. 

Our message is a simple one, therefore: eat healthily and live well. This is not about telling children what to eat, but about educating them so that they can make informed choices in a balanced way, both now and in the future. The value we attach to our school meals service and the quality of the food, simply helps us engage pupils more fully in this positive message. We also see healthy eating as only a part of a broader health message, which also encompasses the need for physical fitness (hence we offer a lot of sporting opportunities) and the self-confidence to follow a healthy life-style and resist bad influences and harmful peer pressure (i.e. resisting such temptations as drugs and cigarettes). 

In essence we try to help to ensure children get a well balanced meal at midday and a well balance healthy lifestyle for the rest of their lives. Of course the decision is one that every individual and family must make for themselves, but we help they will make our service and message their 'Primary Choice'.

Essay Example 5: Obsession about being Thin

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At present, a new dilemma has come to our nation's, and the world's, attention: dangerously thin, half-starved models who are setting the weight standard for today's society. People, especially young women, look at these models and want to look just like them, no matter what the consequences to their bodies and minds. This has caused an increase in eating disorders and has emphasized an unhealthy lifestyle. Fortunately, organizations like the  have begun to create committees and form guidelines for models to help promote a healthier life style. As long as models, modeling agencies, and designers are committed to promoting healthy lifestyles, this dangerous trend can and will cease to exist.

We are currently seeing a trend in today's fashion world where runway models are disappearing before our eyes. Models have gotten to be so thin, that now, "the average runway model is estimated to be 5 feet 9 inches tall and to weigh in at 100 lbs. – resulting in a BMI of just 16" (Klonick). Why is a BMI, short for Body Mass Index, of just 16 such a dreadful thing? Well consider this: "The standard accepted by the World Health Organization is that an index of under 18.5 is underweight" . Don't get me wrong, there are healthy models out there, but the majority of models have become thin and emaciated. As former model Lori Dyson puts it, "There are healthy models out there with a naturally high metabolism, but the models I'm seeing on the runway now can not possibly be healthy. Dull skin, sunken eyes, bodies that look like they could break any second…that is not healthy" (Dyson) This life-threatening trend became dead serious when several models, including 21-year-old Brazilian model Ana Carolina Reston, died from self-starvation ("Fashion Bosses"). However, models haven't always been this skeletal. Dyson states that it was very different when she modeled in high school. "The emphasis was more on having a healthy, fit body. It was all about learning to balance eating right and exercising". And in today's modeling world? Now the emphasis is, to put it plainly, on looking like a stick. "In the 90s…the sample size used by designers was a size 6 to 8, now…a size 0 to 2". As you can clearly see, there has been a drastic change in models' weight over the years and experts agree it is time to put a stop to it before more people starve themselves to fit the severe standards of the fashion industry. 

The obsession over too-thin models has had a negative effect on today's society, particularly for women. There has been a definite increase in eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia ever since abnormally thin models plagued the runway. "A 2000 British Medical Association study…found a link between the images of the abnormally thin models in fashion magazines and an increase in [eating] disorders" . “Do you look at pictures of me and want to puke?" [asked Cindy Crawford when asked if models were the cause of eating disorders] Evidently they're not hearing a resounding "Yes!" from the seven million American women who suffer from eating disorders". And it's not only American women who are suffering from eating disorders; teenagers are particularly susceptible to establishing an eating disorder because they don't always understand and cannot comprehend the damage they are doing to their bodies. Teenage girls strive to imitate their role models at whatever cost. What they don't realize is that the cost affects them both physically and mentally and can turn into an obsessive behavior that is destructive to their bodies and minds. “Too many teenage girls try to starve themselves into unhealthy thinness. The fashion industry is hugely powerful in shaping attitudes of young women" ("London"). By choosing overly-thin models, they are setting the standards for young women today. Runway shows, top model competitions, and even magazine covers all contribute to the hype of "Thin is in". “Teenagers should be figuring out who they are, how they feel about Iraq, about abortion. Instead, the question 'Who am I?' has been replaced by 'How do I look?'. It's time for the fashion industry to realize that they are deeply affecting people's body images today in a very negative manner and to make way for healthier, larger models.

So who, or what, started the hazardous trend of emaciated models in the first place? Models,

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designers, and fashion insiders all have very different views on the subject. Some blame the models, others the modeling agencies, and others blame the designers who want to create a certain look to showcase their designs. Donna Karan, a well-known fashion designer, "raised the heat" when she blamed modeling agencies for sending models who show signs of an eating disorder to castings . Modeling agencies got even more heat when Shape Magazine reported that they give models only a couple of weeks to "shape up, tone down, or ship out". Models comply with modeling agencies telling them to slim down or risk losing money. Others, however, blame the designers themselves. Georgio Armani states that "As so often in the fashion world, things have been taken to extremes." But he blames the models, saying, "there are…women who never accept that they are thin enough" Jillian Blume points out that "he fails to mention that if his models don't fit into his microscopic clothes, they're out of work. So who's to blame for starting the trend? While not everyone will agree, I personally believe that it was a combination of models, modeling agencies, and designers that kept the trend alive. Designers' clothes got smaller and smaller as they tried to create a "look". Models slimmed way down for either personal reasons or because they wanted to stand out and get more work. Modeling agencies sent these tiny models to castings so designers only had tiny models to choose from. Other models saw that tiny models were getting more work, and more money, so they decided to slim down too. In a vicious circle, the vicious trend is kept alive. If models decided to stop starving themselves to get work, if designers made their clothes for a larger, healthier person, and if modeling agencies stopped sending food-deprived models to castings, then maybe this vicious trend would cease to exist and we'd have healthy models on the runway and healthier body images.

For the people who have not been swept up into the skinny epidemic, a solution to this problem has been too long in coming. Lynn Grefe, chief executive of the National Eating Disorders Association, agrees. "This is long overdue. I consider this a workplace issue. You have this industry that has really not been looking out for the health and welfare of those that are in it. Fortunately for us, that is about to change. Fashion insiders are coming up with different plans to stop the dangerous trend. Already, "Madrid Fashion Week banned models with a Body Mass Index of less than 18" from walking on the runway. Now, for a 5-foot 9-inches model to be able to step foot on the runway, they would have to weigh at least 123 pounds. And it hasn't stopped there. Other fashion power houses are taking a cue from Madrid and coming up with restrictions and guidelines for models. "…in December, Italy's Chamber of Fashion  decreed that models on the Milan runways will need a license signed by a doctor guaranteeing they are healthy at least 16 years old". The  has gone even farther in their efforts to make models healthier by working with designer Diane von Furstenberg to put together a committee to work on a health program. The committee includes "nutritionist Joy Bauer, psychiatrist Susan Ice, trainer David Kirsch, and Nian Fish, creative director at show production firm KCD". However, the  and Madrid Fashion Week are not the only organizations that have been working to promote healthier body image. Fashion show coordinators in fashion hot spots like New York and London have not launched a ban on to skinny models, but they are having discussions with designers supporting the use of healthy-looking girls ("Fashion Bosses"). Designers in the Italian fashion industry agreed to only hire models above the age of 16 and to require that models must submit medical proof that they do not have an eating disorder . As long as these organizations are devoted to promoting healthy lifestyles and, as psychologist Ann Kearney-Cooke puts it, "widening the spectrum of beauty," they can change the harsh standards of the fashion industry and end this dangerous trend. 

Since the first time extremely emaciated models hit the runway, our nation and the whole fashion world has had nothing but a series of unfortunate events plague us. First, models slimmed way down, putting their health at risk, to get work and earn money. Then came a rise in

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eating disorders due to the fact that people were starving themselves to look like the wispy models. Models got thinner and thinner, and were promoting an unhealthy body image. People finally began to take the issue seriously when several models died due to eating disorders. Luckily, it didn't take another death to make the fashion world do something. Organizations are being made and regulations set, and with everyone's cooperation, we can turn this trend around. We owe it to ourselves and our bodies to maintain a healthy lifestyle and not let models be our role models for how we should look. This trend should be obliterated for the betterment of all our lives. 

Essay Example 6: Healthy Eating & Nutrition

Healthy eating and exercise will help in the prevention or maintenance of sugar levels thus lowering the chance of developing diabetes and/or other illnesses. A well balanced diet and

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regular exercise are important for a healthy lifestyle to avoid these health issues. There are certain benefits and important reasons for eating healthy. Eating healthy allows the body to operate more efficiently, so that the numbers of visits to the doctor’s office related to digestion or the lack there-of are kept to a minimum, and a better quality of life can be enjoyed. This paper will discuss the benefits of healthy eating, controlling diabetes and prevention of other diseases and illnesses. 

There are significant benefits of feeling better. For one, a healthy lifestyle promotes feeling better through exercise, and taking advantage of activities that are not regularly participated in, because of the way the body feels. Feeling better will also boost metabolism. This means the body does not feel tired and could potentially encourage a daily exercise plan. Exercising will get the cardiovascular, lungs and stigma pumping. This exercise plan could aid in the prevention of unwanted medication due to fatigue, being overweight and generally not feeling well. Just moving about and being active can work certain parts of the body. When the body feels good it releases adrenaline. Adrenaline helps with daily activities. Walking or running on a daily basis will provide the body with some kind of physical activity. Feeling better alone with healthy eating is a key essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

Another reason eating healthy foods is essential is it provides the body with nutrients needed to maintain energy levels throughout the day. A person will feel better and have higher sustained energy levels that could last until evening or when it is time to retire for the day. Here are some suggestions that should be used to start eating healthy. They recommend to develop a routine meal plan for daily meals and snacks. First, learn to not skip meals especially breakfast; a balanced breakfast is recommended every morning. Providing the body with breakfast in the morning is like starting the motor of a car with a full tank of gas. If there is no gas in the tank, the car will not run. With a full tank of gas, the car is able to run for days. By providing the body with fuel in the morning, the body is started for the day. When planning a routine meal plan for eating healthy, think about if the body weight is normal. If the body weight is normal, three meals a day and two snacks between meals can be enjoyed everyday. Snacks can be enjoyed between meals if hunger is experienced. Some suggestions for eating healthy without piling on calories are to eat raw foods like salads combined with low fat dressings. Drink plenty of water to dilute toxins the body stores, which could leave a sluggish feeling. If drinking water is boring, natural fruit juices low in sugars can be substituted. 

Healthy eating can prevent certain types of diseases and high cholesterol. When shopping for food at the grocery store, purchase certain foods that are low in saturated fats, low fat or skim dairy products. Try to avoid a large amount of red meat. Purchase meat products that are high in protein and buy products that have some fiber in them. Foods that are high in saturated fats and cholesterol are known to cause blockage in the body arteries. When these arteries are blocked, the blockage will cut off the supply of blood to the heart. If the heart does not get the oxygen it needs, this will result in a heart attack. Dairy products such as milk, ice cream, butter and cooking oils are high in fats and should be given careful consideration when being purchased. The reasoning for not eating a large number of red meat products is because these meats are high in cholesterol and the body produces its own cholesterol. Cholesterol is found in our hormones and in bile acids for digestion purposes. When cholesterol is deposited into the body from the food we eat, the cholesterol goes into the arteries that could result in a blockage of the arteries. The coronary arteries narrow with high cholesterol foods. A person can develop angina, or result in a heart attack.

Foods we can eat to maintain a healthy body have carbohydrates low in total fat, non-dairy products, soy products, skinless chicken, fish e.g. salmon, cod, trout, and nuts. There are

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benefits to eating these types of foods. Eating these types will provide the body with the nutrients the body needs to stay healthy. Carbohydrates low in fat, reduce the amount of starch the body will absorb. These starches found in carbohydrates turn into certain sugars once it passes through the digestion track. Too much sugar in the body can be filtered into the blood. If there is a family history of diabetes, I would suggest being mindful of products purchased high in carbohydrate and sugars. This is why it is recommended to purchase products low in carbohydrates because as the body ages it unable to breakdown these products as effectively as it did when the body was younger.

As the body ages, the body loses certain hormones that are not reproduced therefore compromising overall health. Sugars are measured with a glycemic index (GI). The glycemic index measures how fast carbohydrates are digested when it enters the bloodstream which raises the blood-sugar levels in the body. When foods with a low glycemic index enter the bloodstream the insulin trigger is slower contributing to a steadier blood sugar level. When foods have a higher glycemic index entering the blood stream quickly, it causes the insulin to respond more quickly resulting in large blood sugar swings. This is why it is so important to balance carbohydrates each meal since the effect of one food offsets the other, and all foods turn into sugars to fuel the body.

Non-dairy products are recommended in practicing good choices for healthy eating. There are a couple of good reasons for purchasing non-dairy products. Non-dairy products are low fats. Non-dairy products provide the body with the benefit of getting some extra protein in the diet. An additional good product to include when making good quality choices for healthy eating is soy. There are many benefits for including soy in a daily diet routine. Soy is high in protein. Soy can be substituted for red meat. Soy comes in a variety of forms. Soymilk is a non-dairy product. Soy products can be purchased in hamburger, hot dog, sausage, bacon, buffalo wing and host of other forms. It is possible to find soy products in a grocery store. There are many different brand names to choose from. In some studies, soy has been known to reduce hot flashes in women during menopause. Soy products can be used with hormone replacement therapy. 

Skinless chicken is another product that is beneficial for healthy eating. Chicken also provides the body with protein. Removing the skin from the chicken is important for a couple of reasons. One reason for removing the skin is, so the body does not absorb all the fat that is stored in the skin. The fat from the skin contains and holds toxins that are not good for the body. These same fats produce starches and sugars in that could aid in blockages in the arteries over time. By simply removing the skin from the chicken that is one step forward in practicing good eating habits. Fish alone is good for the body. Fish has certain oils that aids in the production of a healthy heart alone with providing the body with good saturated fatty oils. If fish is not a favorite to eat, a supplement of fish oil caplets or pills can be included in a daily diet routine. 

Nuts are also an enormous source of nutrition with any diet plan. Nuts are an excellent source of protein, minerals and other nutrients found beneficial to the heart. According to the FDA in July, 2003, it is suggested that eating 1.5 ounces of some nuts as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Six of the healthiest nuts to choose from are: walnuts that contain the antioxidant compound ellagic acid, which is known to fight cancer and support the immune system; almonds are rich in potassium, manganese, copper, the antioxidants vitamin E and selenium, and calcium. Just a quarter cup of almonds contains as much calcium as a quarter cup of milk. Cashews are lower in fat that other nuts and 90 % of the fat found in cashews is oleic acid, the heart-healthy fat found in olive oil. Eating three quarters a cup of pecans can help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and help clear the arteries. Brazil

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nuts are rich in selenium which may help with breast cancer. Macadamia nuts are also a good source of protein, fiber, healthy monounsaturated fats, potassium and magnesium. These nuts are also shown to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) just as the pecans do.

As with all daily routine diets, a good multivitamin is recommended. Even though this meal plan is a good choice for healthy eating, a multivitamin can be used in conjunction to maximize the benefits of healthy eating. There are a variety of multivitamins to choose from. Choose the multivitamin that best fits the body and lifestyle. Vitamins come in a host of categories. Vitamins can be purchased depending on the age of a person and other factors. For younger adults who are very active, a multivitamin choice may be a multivitamin with a higher percentage of B6 and B12 for energy.

For older adults with a calcium deficiency a multivitamin high in calcium would be a good choice. Whatever the need, there is multivitamin suited for the body and all lifestyles. To ensure that the multivitamin being purchased is tailored for the body and lifestyle, check with a doctor or pharmacist for help in choosing a good multivitamin.

Therefore, by following a basic guideline for healthy eating, the benefits of feeling better will be greater, and there will be fewer trips to the doctor’s office and a reduction in diseases and illnesses. A better quality of life can be enjoyed with a healthy diet and exercise