healthcare personnel influenza vaccination report training webinar

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Healthcare Personnel Influenza Vaccination Report Training Webinar. New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) [email protected] [email protected]. Outline. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Long Term Care Facility Influenza and Pneumococcal Reporting

New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) [email protected] [email protected] Healthcare Personnel Influenza Vaccination Report Training Webinar1Outline2Regulation for Prevention of Influenza Transmission by Healthcare and Residential Facility and Agency PersonnelReporting RequirementsGetting StartedCompleting the SurveyFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs)2Regulation for Prevention of Influenza Transmission by Healthcare and Residential Facility and Agency Personnel3Became effective on July 31, 2013Healthcare and residential facilities and agencies must:Determine and document which persons qualify as Healthcare personnel (HCP) under the regulationDocument the influenza vaccination status of all HCP for the current influenza seasonEnsure all HCP not vaccinated against influenza for the current influenza season wear a surgical or procedure mask while in areas where patients or residents may be present when the Commissioner of Health declares influenza to be prevalentIdentify those areas where patients or residents may be present and, accordingly, unvaccinated HCP must wear a mask3Reporting Requirements4Covered facilities and agencies must report the number and percentage of HCP that have been vaccinated against influenza for the current seasonThe Healthcare Personnel Influenza Vaccination Report will be the mechanism for reporting personnel influenza vaccination statusMust be completed on the Health Electronic Response Data System (HERDS) on the Health Commerce System (HCS) at first report will open November 1, 2013 and be due by November 15, 2013There will be a final report at the end of the flu season4Getting Started: Who Needs to Report?5Hospitals, nursing homes, diagnostic and treatment centers (all Article 28 facilities)

Certified home health agencies, long term home health care programs, AIDS home care programs, licensed home care service agencies, limited license home care service agencies (all Article 36 agencies)

Hospices (as defined in Article 40 of the PHL)5Getting Started: Which HCP Must Be Reported? (1)6All persons employed by or affiliated with a healthcare or residential facility or agency, paid or unpaid, who engage in activities such that if they were infected with influenza, they could potentially expose patients or residents to the diseaseEmployeesLicensed independent practitionersStudents, trainees, volunteersContract personnel6Getting Started: Which HCP Must Be Reported? (2)7Only HCP that are subject to the regulation must be reportedEach facility or agency determines which personnel are subject to this regulation and, therefore, must be reportedAn FAQ document covering several scenarios of personnel that are and are not subject to the regulation is available at 7Getting Started: Locating the Online Report8The report is located in the Health Electronic Response Data System (HERDS) on the Health Commerce System (HCS) at In order to complete the report, you must haveAn HCS accountAn HCS role that is able to access the report on HERDS8Getting Started: Getting HCS Access9If you do not yet have an HCS account, then you will need to register for an account at Follow the steps in the Quick Reference Guide

9Getting Started:HERDS Access10You will need to be assigned a specific role within HCS in order to access the report on HERDSHERDS Data Reporter/Data Reporter/Nursing Home Data ReporterAdministrator*Director, Nursing*HPN Coordinator*Infection Control Practitioner*Medical Director*Contact your HCS Coordinator for role assignmentIf you are reporting for more than one facility or agency, you will need to be assigned a reporting role for each facility or agency*Alternative roles able to access the report if one of the above Data Reporter roles is not available10 the Survey11FAQ

12How can I prepare to complete the report?13Verify the numbers of employees, licensed independent practitioners, students, trainees, and volunteers, and contract staff that are covered under the regulationCollect documentation of vaccination status for all covered HCPIf no documentation is available, they would be reported as unknownWrite down your numbers or collect in an electronic document so they are easily accessible when you complete the reportCheck and double-check to make sure your numbers add up!13Why cant I find my facility/agency listed in the Organization menu?14There are three possibilities:You have not been assigned a reporting role for this facility/agency (most likely) ORYou are attempting to submit a report for a facility/agency that is not required to report ORYou are attempting to submit a report for a facility/agency that shares a single Facility ID with another facility/agencySome long term care facilities have both an ADHCP and a nursing home under a single Facility IDIf that is the case, then your facility will need to submit a single combined report for all sites that fall under the single Facility IDCheck with your HCS Coordinator or look your ADHCP up in the HCS Communications Directory14Our organization has both a hospital and a nursing home. Can I submit a single combined report for the organization as a whole?15NoThe separate facilities must each submit individual reports under their own Facility IDs in the Organization menuIf the facilities or agencies are listed separately in the Organization menu, then they cannot combine their data into a single reportEXCEPTION: if more than 1 entity falls under a single Facility ID, then the data should be submitted as a single combined report15Why is my nursing home listed twice in the Organization menu, once with (pfi) and once with (adhcp)?16NHs and ADHCPs are often listed under the same name but with different designations in parentheses[Nursing Home (pfi)] = Nursing Home[Nursing Home (adhcp)] = Adult Day Health Care ProgramCheck the designation be sure to select the correct facility for the report that you are completingYou cannot combine data from more than one facility into a single report!16What if I am interrupted while completing the report? Will my data be lost?17If you hit Save All before exiting the report, then the data that you entered prior to your interruption will not be lostThe next time you open the report, you will be able to resume from where you left off

Save early and save often!17What is the reporting period?18The period of time during which the HCP included in this report were employed by or affiliated with the reporting facility or agencyInclude all personnel who meet the definition of HCP that were employed by or affiliated with your facility or agency for any amount of time during the reporting periodFor the November 2013 report, the reporting period is September 1, 2013 October 31, 2013Later reports will have different reporting periods from the November 2013 report check within each report for the specific reporting period18If an HCP was vaccinated in August, should he/she be counted as vaccinated?19YesThe reporting period refers to the time of employment or affiliation, not to the time of vaccinationAny influenza vaccination received after July 1, 2013 would count as vaccinatedInfluenza vaccine received before July 1, 2013 is last seasons influenza vaccine and does not count as vaccinated for the current season19Many of our HCP work at other facilities or agencies. Must they be reported by each facility or agency at which they work?20YesThe purpose of the report is to describe the HCP influenza vaccination coverage per facility or agency, not by individual HCPAn HCP that is employed by or affiliated with more than one agency impacts the HCP influenza vaccination coverage for each facility or agency with which he/she is employed or affiliated, and therefore must be counted by each facility or agency By definition, such HCP would be reported multiple times; this is acceptable and required20Agency A provides HCP to Agency B under a contract for patient care services. Both agencies are covered under the regulation. How should these HCP be reported?21Such HCP would be reported by Agency A as employees and by Agency B as contract personnelHCP employed by or affiliated with > 1 facility or agency must be reported by each facility or agency

21I was told that my report was not submitted. Im sure I completed it. Whats wrong?22The report does not get submitted to NYSDOH until you click Submit Data to DOH.Make sure to click Submit Data to DOH once your data is entered and you are satisfied that it is accurate!22Contact InformationQuestions regarding the content of this report may be directed to the NYSDOH Bureau of Immunization at (518) 473-4437 or via email to [email protected] you have forgotten your HCS username or password, call Commerce Accounts Management Unit at 1-866-529-1890Technical questions regarding the use of HERDS may be directed to the Office of Health Emergency Preparedness at (518) 408-5163Questions regarding the flu mask regulation should be directed to [email protected] details on the flu mask regulation, including a detailed FAQ document, are available at 23