health & wellness category overview 2012

Health & Wellness Category Overview January 2012 Proprietary and Confiden/al. SKM Marke/ng, Inc. All Rights Reserved. © 2012

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Overview and examples of the exerience SKM Marketing has developing custoom solutions within the Health & Wellness Category


Page 1: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

Health  &  Wellness  Category  Overview  

January  2012  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 2: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

One  of  the  most  important,  yet  challenging  categories  for  marketers  is  health  and  wellness.    Why?    Because  how  consumers  approach  their  health  situaDon  is  a  very  personalized  issue:  

  What  moDvates  them  to  lose  weight  or  quit  smoking?     How  do  they  perform  their  proacDve  regimens:  flossing,  taking    

 vitamins,  etc.?     Everyone  knows  they  should  do  some  type  of  exercise,  yet  what  gets    

 them  off  the  couch?  

As  a  marketer,  it  is  difficult  to  idenDfy  these  behavior  triggers  and  address  this  audience.      However,  one  common  thread  has  always  been  informa/on.  Consumers  make  their  health  and  wellness  decisions  by  proacDvely  looking  for  relevant  informaDon.    Once  they  find  a  trusted  resource,    they  tend  to  stay  with  it  unDl  they  have  a  reason  to  leave  (i.e.  condiDon  resolved  or  lack  of  new  informaDon).  

Health  &  Wellness  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 3: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

Being  in  the  right  place  with  helpful  informaDon  is  key  to  becoming  a  customer’s  trusted  resource.    When  a  consumer  decides  to  take  the  pivotal  step  toward  healthier  living,  you’ll  want  to  be  there  with  the  right  mix  of  Dps,  products  and  other  relevant  offers.  

Since  they  are  constantly  referenced,  printed  materials  are  a  criDcal  component  to  a  health  and  wellness  content  strategy.    While  digital  informaDon  can  complement  goals,  a  printed  piece  makes  it  easy  to    reference  anywhere  and  offers  the  versaDlity  of  being  a  coupon  vehicle.  

  Calendars:  Keeps  you  top  of  mind  365  days  a  year  with  a  print  piece  that  is  constantly  referred  to.  

  Planners:  Helps  keep  customers  stay  on  track  with  their  goals.     Brochures:  Allows  you  delve  deeper  into  specific  health  issues.       Handbooks:  Serves  as  a  reference  piece  that  establishes  you  as  a  credible  


Health  &  Wellness  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 4: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

Following  are  a  number  of  case  studies  in  the  Health  and  Wellness  category  for  SKM  clients:  

  Blue  Care  Network     Duane  Reade     Eckerd     Kmart     Longs     MedPlus  

In  each  instance,  SKM  was  responsible  for  the  design  and  majority  of  the  content.    Clients  contributed  their  brand  standards,  logos  and  product  photos.  In  many  cases,  SKM  worked  directly  with  a  credible  resource  to  provide  specific  content,  such  as  the  American  Diabetes  AssociaDon.  

Health  &  Wellness  

       Publix          ShopRite          Spartan          Walgreens          Weight  Watchers  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 5: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

  ObjecDve:  −  Enhance  the  design  of  their  current  calendar;  

reinforce  addiDonal  services  that  allow  members  to  proacDvely  pracDce  wellness.  

  DescripDon:  −  SKM  followed  the  brand’s  standards  for  design  

and  used  lifestyle  imagery  to  portray  both  people  and  elements  that  demonstrated  wellness.  

−  Each  page  offered  informaDon  on  preventaDve  services  and  tools  to  encourage  members  to  take  charge  of  their  health.  

  Target  Audience:  −  Member  base  –  single  adults,  families  and  seniors.  

  DistribuDon:  −  Direct  mailed  to  subscribers,  hospitals  and  

doctors’  offices.    

Blue  Care  Network  /  Calendar  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 6: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

Duane  Reade  /  Handbook  

  ObjecDve:  −  Establish  Duane  Reade  as  the  preferred  desDnaDon  for  diabeDc  

products  by  offering  a  comprehensive  reference  piece.  

  DescripDon:  −  SKM  worked  with  the  American  Diabetes  AssociaDon  to  develop  a  

quarterly  mini-­‐magazine  covering  topics  from  diagnosis  through  ongoing  maintenance.    

−  Valuable  coupons  on  much-­‐needed  products  like  test  kits  and  nutriDon;  third-­‐party  adverDsing  helped  defray  costs.    

  Target  Audience:  −  Current  pharmacy  customers  who  either  have  or                                                

shop  for  someone  who  has  diabetes.  

  DistribuDon:  −  Duane  Reade  pharmacy  counters  in  custom  holders                                        

and  at  the  American  Diabetes  AssociaDon’s  naDonal                conference  held  in  New  York  City.  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 7: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

Eckerd  /  Magazine  

  ObjecDve:  −  Create  an  inspiraDonal  vehicle  that  allowed  

Eckerd  to  become  a  trusted  resource  for  women  on  topics  that  mahered  most  to  their  emoDonal  bohom  line.  

  DescripDon:  −  SKM  created  a  quarterly  publicaDon  that  

featured  lifestyle  topics  such  as  health  and  wellness,  beauty  and  relaDonships.      

−  A  separate  focus  on    “Departments”  allowed  Eckerd  to  showcase  areas  such  as  pharmacy,  photo,  new  products  and  community  iniDaDves.    

  Target  Audience:  −  Women  25  –  64  in  various  lifestages.    

  DistribuDon:  −  Available  in-­‐store;  promoted  in  weekly  

circular  and  local  broadcast.  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 8: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

Eckerd  /  Newsleher  

  ObjecDve:  −  Eckerd  wanted  to  reach  the  growing  boomer  

populaDon  with  a  print  publicaDon  that  addressed  their  unique  needs.  

  DescripDon:  −  SKM  created  a  newsleher  that  directly  

addressed  relevant  health  issues  in  an  informaDve  and  proacDve  tone.  

−  Lifestyle  informaDon  focused  on  “Easier  Living”  Dps  for  seniors  and  their  families.  

  Target  Audience:  −  Adults  62  and  older  –  current  and  

prospecDve  shoppers.  

  DistribuDon:  −  Direct  mailed  to  pharmacy  paDents  and  

seniors  living  within  3  mile  radius  of  each  store.  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 9: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

Eckerd  /  Calendar  

  ObjecDve:  −  Eckerd  Pharmacy  wanted  to  inform  shoppers  about  their  

comprehensive  diabetes  resources  with  a          vendor-­‐driven  piece.  

  DescripDon:  −  Each  month  featured  a  seasonal  scenario  on  how  to  

manage  diabetes;  a  perforated  coupon  at  the  bohom      of  each  page  offered  discounts  on  diabeDc  products.  

−  Monthly  grid  included  Rx  and  doctor  reminders  for  appointments.  

  Target  Audience:  −  Current  shoppers  with  a  diabeDc  in  the  family;  not  

exclusively  pharmacy  customers.  

  DistribuDon:  −  Direct  mailed  to  pharmacy  customers;  in-­‐store  at  the  

pharmacy  and  customer  service  counters.  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 10: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

Eckerd  /  Brochures  

  ObjecDve:  −  Eckerd  wanted  to  redesign  their  On  Call  

brochure  series,  a  service  for  customers  to  call  or  click  for  advice  from  trained  pharmacy  counselors.  

  DescripDon:  −  SKM  refocused  the  series  with  new  color  

schemes  and  lifestyle  imagery.  

−  Content  tone  was  more  conversaDonal  to  reach  a  broader  audience  and  much  easier  to  read.  

  Target  Audience:  −  Adults  18  –  54  with  specific  health  needs.  

  DistribuDon:  −  Distributed  in-­‐store  via  custom  rack  in  the    

pharmacy  area.  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 11: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

Kmart  /  Planner  

  ObjecDve:  −  Kmart  Pharmacy  wanted  to  create  a  lifestyle  piece  to  help  

customers  make  the  most  of  their  Dme  and  stay  organized  with  their  family’s  health  care  needs.  

  DescripDon:  −  SKM  created  an  inspiraDonal  planner  that  offered              

health  Dps  and  reminders  all  year  long.    −  Extra  large  monthly  grids  allowed  customers  to                          

keep  track  of  important  dates,  plus  seasonally                      relevant  products  offered  advice  and  savings.    

  Target  Audience:  −  Women  25  –  54  with  children  12  and  under  in                                      

the    household.  

  DistribuDon:  −  Distributed  in-­‐store  at  the  pharmacy  counter.  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 12: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

Kmart  /  Calendar  

  ObjecDve:  −  Based  on  the  success  of  the  previous  year’s  planner,  

Kmart  wanted  to  help  customers  strike  a  balance  between  their  busy  lives  and  taking  care  of  their  family’s  health  needs.  

  DescripDon:  −  SKM  created  a  calendar  that  offered  Dps  and  products  

to  remind  customers  of  health  specific  topics.      

−  A  custom  pull-­‐out  secDon  was  designed  like  a                      mini-­‐magazine  with  more  in-­‐depth  editorial                content  and  coupons.      

  Target  Audience:  −  Women  25  –  54  with  children  12  and  under  in                                    

the  household;  Hispanic  version  in  select                        markets.  

  DistribuDon:  −  Distributed  in-­‐store  at  the  pharmacy  and                          

customer  service  counters.    Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 13: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

Longs  /  Planner  

  ObjecDve:  −  Longs  wanted  to  help  customers  to  start  their  new  year  

right  by  focusing  on  wellness  with  a  vendor-­‐driven  vehicle.  

  DescripDon:  −  SKM  created  a  pocket  planner  that  held  important  

appointments  as  well  as  Dmely  Dps  on  how  to  live  healthy  with  products  from  Longs.  

−  Reference  pages  allowed  customers  to                                          record  phone  numbers  or  health-­‐related                    informaDon.    

  Target  Audience:  −  Adults  25  –  54  with  children  (acDve                                                  


  DistribuDon:  −  Available  in-­‐store  at  the  pharmacy    


Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 14: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

MedPlus  /  Magazine  

  ObjecDve:  −  Showcase  products  and  in-­‐store  services  by  

becoming  a  trusted  resource  for  their  most  valuable  customers.  

  DescripDon:  −  SKM  created  a  series  of  mini-­‐magazines  that  

focused  on  trying  to  fit  in  healthy  living  wherever  and  whenever  possible.  

−  Features  included  news  on  the  latest  medical  innovaDons,  social  sharing  and  an  in-­‐depth  series  on  specific  health  issues.    

  Target  Audience:  −  Women  25  –  54  who  are  the                                                                  

main  caregivers  for  their  families.  

  DistribuDon:  −  Direct  mailed  to  customer                                                              

database  and  in-­‐store  at  the                                                  pharmacy  counter.  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 15: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

Publix  Pharmacy  /  Planner  

  ObjecDve:  −  Publix  wanted  to  give  pharmacy  customers  a  

way  to  keep  all  their  important  health  informaDon  at  their  fingerDps  with  a  unique  print  vehicle.  

  DescripDon:  −  SKM  created  a  convenient,  pocket-­‐size  planner  

that  focused  on  health  informaDon  and  services  available  at  Publix.  

−  Custom  sDckers  reminded  consumers  to  schedule  and  track  their  important  health  appointments.  

−  AddiDonal  features  included  Dps  on  how  to  stock  your  medicine  chest  and  quick  glance  dates.  

  Target  Audience:  −  Women  25  –  54  with  children  who  are  the  

decision  makers  for  their  family’s  health.  

  DistribuDon:  −  Direct  mailed  to  pharmacy  customers.  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 16: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

ShopRite  /  Calendar  

  ObjecDve:  −  Introduce  shoppers  to  the  organic  category  and  healthy  

living  opDons  available  at  ShopRite,  as  well  as  pharmacy  services.  

  DescripDon:  −  SKM  blended  product  images,  recipes  and  informaDon  to  

portray  the  natural  lifestyle  of  organic  foods  and  how  they  contribute  to  good  health.  

−  Pharmacy  services  were  integrated  to  help                      customers  with  current  health  concerns.  

−  A  pull-­‐out  center  coupon  secDon  helped                  sDmulate  purchases  of  parDcipaDng                                                products.    

  Target  Audience:  −  Adults  25  –  54  /  current  shoppers.  

  DistribuDon:  −  Distributed  in  the  produce  department  and                          

at  the  pharmacy  counter.  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

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Spartan  /  Calendar  

  ObjecDve:  −  Spartan  wanted  to  showcase  healthy  living  with  their  

pharmacy,  produce  and  private  label  products.  

  DescripDon:  −  SKM  created  a  lifestyle  calendar  that  integrated  diverse  

topics  into  a  cohesive  wellness  resource.  −  Monthly  themes  were  Ded  to  in-­‐                                        

store  promoDons  wherever  possible.  

  Target  Audience:  −  Women  25  –  54  /  current  shoppers.  

  DistribuDon:  −  In-­‐store  at  pharmacy  and  customer                                                  

service  counters.  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

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Walgreens  /  Planner  

  ObjecDve:  −  Walgreens  wanted  to  reinforce  their  brand  image  as  a  

preferred  desDnaDon  for  health  and  wellness.  

  DescripDon:  −  SKM  designed  a  mulD-­‐funcDonal  piece  that  could              

be  used  as  a  wall  calendar  or  a  planner.  −  Content  included  a  blend  of  Walgreens  and  brand  

name  products  and  services  such  as  24-­‐hour  pharmacies.  

−  Format  allowed  space  for  customers  to  keep  track            of  appointments,  important  phone  numbers  and  receipts.    

  Target  Audience:  −  Women  25  –  54  /  Adults  55  and  older.  

  DistribuDon:  −  In-­‐store  at  the  pharmacy  counter.  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 19: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

Weight  Watchers  /  Planner  

  ObjecDve:  −  Weight  Watchers  wanted  to  keep  members  on  track  with  

their  plans  and  needed  a  vehicle  to  both  organize  and  inspire  them.  

  DescripDon:  −  SKM  created  a  planner  that  allowed  members  to  track  their  

daily  points,  Dps  for  beher  eaDng  and  coupons  on  parDcipaDng  products.  

−  AddiDonal  features  included  document  pockets,  recipes  and  fitness  advice.  

  Target  Audience:  −  Current  and  potenDal  members.      

  DistribuDon:  −  Sold  to  members  for  $10;  one  dollar                      

from  each  sale  was  donated  to  local                          chariDes.  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2011  Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012  

Page 20: Health & Wellness Category Overview 2012

For  more  informaDon  on  how  SKM  can  help  you  create  your  own  custom  

health  and  wellness  program,  contact:  

  Michael  Seltzer,  CEO    (248)  855-­‐2620  x103  

 [email protected]  

  Roger  Hurst,  Director  of  Sales  

 (248)  855-­‐2620  x121    [email protected]  

Want  to  know  more?  

Proprietary  and  Confiden/al.  SKM  Marke/ng,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  ©  2012