health, safety, & nutrition slideshow


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Post on 29-Nov-2014



Health & Medicine

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Page 1: Health, safety, & nutrition slideshow
Page 2: Health, safety, & nutrition slideshow

Here are the basic definitions of each word:

Health: One’s physical condition; being illness free.

Safety: Being protected from possible injuries.

Nutrition: Providing healthy nourishment for the body in order to grow and develop.

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Health, safety, & nutrition are all dependent on each other. If one isn’t healthy, properly nourished, or safe from harm then the whole person is in a state of being unhealthy. In order to be healthy all three areas must be balanced and in sync.

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For instance, if one isn’t properly nourished then they are more likely to come down with illnesses because their body doesn’t have enough nutrients to keep its immune system strong. One who is isn’t nourished properly is also more likely to break their bones because their bones don’t have enough vitamins to stay strong. Given this example, one can easily see how health, safety, and nutrition are connected.

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An example that shows how these concepts are related comes in the form of childhood diseases both communicable and non-communicable. Most childhood diseases can be prevented by proper health, safety, and nutrition practices.

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For instance, diabetes can be prevented in children by having them follow a diet that is high in nutrients/vitamins and low in fat and sugar. However, if a child does have diabetes then it can be maintained in a healthy way by following a healthy diet (nutrition).

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This example applies to safety because keeping children safe will help communicable diseases from spreading. For instance, influenza and strep throat are common childhood illnesses that can be prevented by disposing of blood, needles, and snotty tissues correctly (safety).

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This example can be extended to health because proper hand washing techniques can prevent the spread of germs that cause influenza, strep throat, chickenpox, etc (health). As you can see, in many situations health, safety, and nutrition are closely knit group.

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These topics relate to my theme of healthy living because healthy living is the foundation of health, safety, and nutrition. The topics I have chose to represent healthy living with is hand washing (health), poison control (safety), and healthy food choices (nutrition). These topics are related to the aforementioned topics because proper hand washing stops germs, avoiding dangerous poisons keeps us healthy, and eating healthy foods keep our bodies strong.

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Health, safety, and nutrition are highly interconnected and always will be. A break down in one area causes a break down in all three areas. For this reason, it’s imperative that we all learn how to live happy and healthy lives.

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