health online

Health Online Sixth Grade Phonics Phactory

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Health Online

Sixth Grade Phonics Phactory

Page 2: Health Online

JoAnn Harrison


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Mission StatementEducational Ministries was established to educate children, parents and senior citizens in a Christian world-view. A Christian world-view sees God’s laws and principles at the core of all understanding and knowledge, and all aspects of life stem from this core. It is, simply, to think Christian. This includes the ability to think clearly and listen carefully with discernment and understanding; to reason persuasively and articulate precisely; and to have the capability of evaluating their entire range of experience in the light of the Scriptures. It is our desire to well-prepare individuals for all situations of life, possessing both information and the knowledge of how to use it to serve God effectively. To this end, we believe that Christian excellence in all subjects properly prepares students to relate to a lost world in all professions of life. (Phonics Phactory, 2010)

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Course DescriptionPersonal body management is important for maintaining a healthy body. Essential nutrients are needed on a regular basis to keep the body functioning properly. Exercise also works to keep the body strong and in good physical shape. Starting a regimen that includes a balanced diet and proper amounts of exercise at a young age has significant effects on the body’s health in later years. (Berndt, et al., 2009)

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• Grade Six• 8-week course. • Taught during the 3rd nine weeks of school• Health will be in addition to the nine subjects taught f2f • Health will be completed mainly online. • First online course our school will offer• CMS has yet to be determined.

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Objective 1After comparing the old and new food pyramids,

the student will distinguish 3-4

differences between the pyramids, posting their ideas on a discussion


Completed during Module 1

Discussion board with rubric for participation used for assessment

Achieve to the “proficient” level of the rubric

Activity uses remembering, understanding, analyzing and evaluating levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy

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Activity Description

Students will complete the book reading on portions and calories taking particular note of the recommendations for teens and pre-teens and then complete a brief quiz. (remembering)

Students will search the internet for the 1992 and 2005 food pyramids and compare them. (understanding & analyzing)

Students will propose, in a discussion, why the image has changed. students will be encouraged to look beyond the image and look at details that are different, such as portions, servings, etc. (evaluating)

Objective 1

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Assessment Description

The reading quiz will allow each student to review their work for better understanding. It will be administered through QuizStar.

Discussion prompt: “After comparing the 1992 and 2005 food pyramids, list 3-4 differences and your explanation for each change. How does the information from your reading on portion & calories relate to the new pyramid” Assessed through Goodge Groups.

Objective 1

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Assessment Description

Students will post their list of pyramid differences and explanations to the discussion board. Students will need to reply to all initial replies to their post and to reply to at least two classmates work taking note of classmates who have few or no replies. Assessed through Google Groups.

Objective 1

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Assessment Tool Details—Google Groups

“Google Groups is a service from Google that supports discussion groups, including many Usenet newsgroups, based on common interests. Membership in Google Groups is free of charge and many groups are anonymous.” (Wikipedia, 2010)

Students will access this, and all tools, through our classroom website located at Google Sites.

Objective 1

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Assessment Tool Details

Google Groups


Students will needed to be guided on how to use a group, as it is likely none of them have experience in this area.Internet time maybe limited by parents. Must ensure parents are aware of class expectations for student success.


Google groups allows

educators to set up

private locations for

students to collaborate.

Google groups is free and

makes it simple for

students to work together.

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Assessment Tool Details—Quiz Star

QuizStar is a Web-based quiz maker that enables you to create, administer and automatically grade your quizzes online! With QuizStar you can- Manage classes and quizzes- Attach multimedia files to questions- Make quizzes in multiple languages- Access from any Internet-connected computer- Allow students to complete and review (QuizStar 2010)

Objective 1

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Assessment Tool Details



QuizStar becomes another online tool for students to learn.Internet time might be limited by parents.

Students need to have computer and browser able to run the program.


QuizStar is free and easy

to use for the educator

QuizStar allows for a

variety of question types

QuizStar allows video and

images to be included.

QuizStar allows students to

review their work.

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Objective 2Students will describe

their physical activity and food intake for the week, evaluating areas

where they could increase activity or

improve food choices.

Start during Module 1 and completed throughout the course

Use a blog for a personal reflection journal with rubric for assessment

Achieve to the “proficient” level of the rubric

Activity uses remembering, evaluating and creating levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

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Activity Description

Students will be required to note their food intake 4 or more days a week. (remembering)

Students will note their activity and exercise for those same days. (remembering)

Students will write an evaluation of the day’s food intake and activity/exercise, striving to develop a plan for better health choices. (evaluating & creating)

Objective 2

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Assessment Description

Students will develop their own blog, on Blogger previous to the course start date.

Face to face class time will be used to answer questions and assist students with this process.

Objective 2

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Assessment Tool Details—Blogger

Blog: n; “website that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal while readers may comment on posts. Entries typically appear in reverse chronological order.” (Wiktionary, 2010)

Objective 2

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Assessment Tool Details



Internet time might be limited by parents. A student with physical challenges may have trouble with this assignment.

Posts run in reverse chronological order only which could limit use at some point.

User cannot limit access to individual posts.


Blogger is part of Google

Sites and therefore part of

the system our school will

have in place for the fall

Blogger is easy to setup and


Blogger can be set to private

or so only a small group can

have access.

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Objective 3Upon completion of the

reading, students will demonstrate their understanding of

healthy food preparation choices

through the creation of a poster.

Completed during Module 2

Use a glog to create the poster with rubric for assessment

Achieve to the “proficient” level of the rubric

Activity uses understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy

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Activity Description

Students will work in pairs to gather a list of 10 methods of preparing food (understanding & applying)

Students will locate illustrations/personal photos/free clip of food prepared with their 10 preparation methods. (applying, analyzing & evaluating)

Students will create a Glog, classifying the food preparation methods into three categories: most healthy, fairly healthy, and least healthy. (understanding & creating)

Students will give feedback on classmates’ posters. (evaluating)

Objective 3

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Assessment Description

Students will explore Glogster with their partner, and create a poster. Student work will be evaluated using a rubric.

Students will complete a peer evaluation for other members of their group using Survey Monkey.

Objective 3

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Assessment Tool Details—Glogster EDU

Glogster EDU is a tool to create online multimedia "posters" that can incorporate all types of elements into a visual space: links, images, text, videos, music, and more.” (, 2008)

Glogster EDU is ad-free and designed to protect students from profane material and “outsiders”.

Objective 3

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Assessment Tool Details

Glogster EDU


Internet time might be limited by parents. Glogster EDU is yet another tool students must learn to use.

Students will most likely work asynchronously so guidelines for group work may need to be set by the group.


Glogster EDU is ad-free and

designed to protect students

from profane material and


Students can view and

comment on classmates work,

allowing feedback so the

student may improve their


The environment is education-

friendly and allows for

collaborative work.

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Assessment Tool Details—Survey Monkey

Survey Monkey allows you to “Create and publish online surveys in minutes, and view results graphically and in real time.” (Survey Monkey, 2010)

Objective 3

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Assessment Tool Details

Survey Monkey


The use of the student’s group member evaluation as part of the overall assessment is not possible unless creator can work with IP addresses.Student access to internet time might be limited by parents

Students with physical disabilities may have difficulty, although Survey Monkey as some accessibility adaptations available.


Survey Monkey is free

Survey Monkey allows for a

variety of question types

and response types

Survey Monkey processes

the data

Survey Monkey is easy to

use and allows the creator

to track responses by IP


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Objective 4Students will develop a

list of nutrition terms with definitions and use

a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down”

assessing if the term is part of a healthy

nutrition vocabulary.

Complete in Modules 1-4

Use a wiki to create the glossary with rubric for assessment

Achieve to the “proficient” level of the rubric

Activity uses remembering, understanding, evaluating and creating levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

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Activity Description

Working in groups of 3-4, students will create a collaborative glossary with each team mate adding terms and assisting with editing. (remembering, understanding, evaluating, & creating)

Emphasis will be on addition of terms, but students will also be encouraged to edit each other’s work for spelling errors, grammar errors or make additions to clarify a definition. (evaluating & creating)

Objective 4

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Activity Description

Thumbs up and thumbs down evaluations must be explained and are not to be deleted or changed by a team mate. (evaluating & creating)

Team mates with a differing opinion may add their thumbs up or thumbs down with their own explanation. (evaluating & creating)

Objective 4

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Assessment Description

Students will work with a team and explore the use of a wiki for collaborative work.

Groups will be assigned a wiki space in which to work and the wiki will be closed to classmates outside the group to prevent plagiarism of other group’s work.

Students within a team will edit the groups work to help achieve the “proficient” level on the rubric.

Objective 4

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Assessment Tool Details—Wikispaces

“A wiki enables documents to be written collaboratively…” (Wiki, 2010)

“A wiki is not a carefully crafted site for casual visitors. Instead, it seeks to involve the visitor in an ongoing process of creation and collaboration that constantly changes the Web site landscape.” (Wiki, 2010)

Wikispaces is connected with Google Sites and therefore will be our wiki tool.

Objective 4

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Assessment Tool Details

Survey Monkey


Student Internet time may be limited by parents.

Students must understand editing for improvement not personal vindicationStudents must learn another Web 2.0 tool unless introduced earlier in the year.


Wikispaces is easy to set

up and use

Wikispaces allows for

limited access so students

can work within a

protected environment

Wikispaces allows

students to collaborate

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The act of presenting another’s

work or ideas as your own.

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Of the various tools used, the blog, the discussion board, the survey, and the glog poster are likely not to be plagiarized because of the nature of the assignments.

The blog, the survey, and the discussion board are student’s thoughts or actions.

Students may make a choice to use the book during the quiz, but this is not plagiarism and will not be forbidden.

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With the glog, students will be encouraged to use personal photos, and most copyrighted photos found on the Internet are watermarked to prevent misuse of the illustration.

The wiki glossary poses the most potential for cut and paste plagiarism, however most sixth grade students are not sophisticated enough to hide the plagiarism. A definition copied from an online dictionary will often be obvious, because the voice will not be a sixth grade student voice.

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Class Resources

Food Pyramid Information:

Reading on Nutrition:

Blog Website:

Wiki Website:

Glogster Website:

Survey Website:

Classroom Website:

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(2008). Retrieved 2010 from Berndt, C., Blackburn, P., Drake, S., Foley, D. D., Gruetzmacher, A., Lovelace, S., et al. (2009). Diet and Exercise. In C. Behr, K. crosson, M. Jones, W. Lowe, Z. Moore, & L. Wood (Eds.), Choices Science Level Six-Teacher Edition (pp. 356-357). Colorado Springs, CO, USA: Purposeful Design. Google Groups. (July 22, 2010). Retrieved July 22, 2010 from Wikipedia: Survey Monkey. (2010). Retrieved July 2010, from Survey Monkey: Wiki. (July 22, 2010). Retrieved July 22, 2010 from Wikipedia: Wiktionary. (July 22, 2010). Retrieved July 22, 2010 from Wiktionary: