health forever jobelyn guide

Discover African Jobelyn • Joint Health • Immune System Support • Cardiovascular Health • Red Blood Cell Development Antioxidant Powerhouse!

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Post on 18-Mar-2016




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Read all about Jobelyn - the most powerful natural antioxidant with anti inflammatory effect for Joint Health, Immune System, Cardiovascular Health & Red Blood Cell Development. The Jobelyn Guide provides detailed information about this traditional herbal remedy, having its origins in African medicine. Learn how Jobelyn, an amazing herbal remedy made from a traditional African preparation of sorghum bicolor, provides multiple benefits and how supplementation with Jobelyn can provide you and your family with incredible health-changing benefits. Subscribe for a FREE e-booklet today!


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Discover African Jobelyn






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Blueberries, pomegranate, grapeseed, açai berry… and many more. Everywhere you turn, familiar and not-so-familiar foods and herbs are touted for their “antioxidant strength.” With all the buzz about antioxidants these days, it can be overwhelming to choose the one that is right for you.

Besides, what are antioxidants? How can they be so helpful for so many health conditions? Are they just a trendy health fad? Let’s answer those questions while looking at one antioxidant source in particular that could provide you and your family with incredible health-changing benefits.

Both in its African homeland and in North America, a folk remedy herbal extract has recently caught the attention of medical researchers. Sorghum bicolor is a grain long known for its high

nutritional value. But only a special traditional extract of the leaf sheath draws out the plant’s incredible health benefits.

African tribal culture has long touted the extract for its value in helping people who struggle with anemia, heart disease, joint pain, and poor immune system response. Today’s scientific studies are quickly confirming those folk uses. Yet, one must ask, “How can a single herbal ingredient help with such a broad range of conditions?”

The secret is the extract’s sky-high antioxidant rating and anti-inflammatory effects. One company has made Sorghum bicolor leaf extract available to the U.S. market under the name Jobelyn™. The product has an Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) of 3,123 µmoleTE/g. That’s three times that of açai berries! Complementing that antioxidant rating is Jobelyn’s anti-inflammatory effect. The extract has demonstrated selective COX-2 inhibition, providing effective reduction in inflammation without the side effects of common prescription medications.

In short, all the conditions that Jobelyn addresses look unrelated, but they actually have two major factors in common. They are all tied closely to underlying states of cyclical inflammation and oxidative damage. Let’s take a closer look at oxidative and inflammatory processes in the body. Then it will be easier to understand how the extract supports such a wide variety of systems and functions.


Discover Jobelyn – A traditional African preparation of Sorghum bicolor.

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Antioxidants:WorkingtoprotectthebodyonacellularlevelOxidation. We know it’s a bad thing for the body, and doctors tell us to eat lots of antioxidant fruits and vegetables. But how does oxidation happen anyway?

We need oxygen for life. Our lungs take it in, and a complex network of capillaries and alveoli enable red blood cells to acquire the oxygen and deliver it throughout the body. But, as oxygen is used in various processes, tiny electrons can break off. These unpaired electrons are called free radicals. Think of them as the waste product of cellular processes.

There are some processes where free radicals are actually a good thing – for instance, to kill bad bacteria in certain immune system functions. But, generally free radicals are not helpful. They bounce around hitting cells and causing damage, sometimes even breaking off portions of DNA. The grand sum of this cellular damage is at the root of many health conditions including cardiovascular challenges, poor immune response, and even the appearance of wrinkles on the skin. This is the cumulative wear and tear that results from simply living life. Oxidation is also aggravated by stress, environmental factors, and poor diet.

The effects can be tempered though, through a diet and supplement program rich in antioxidants. Just like it sounds, an antioxidant is a substance that naturally combats oxidation. Antioxidants are substances that bind up the stray electrons and render them harmless. Antioxidant foods and dietary supplements are rated using the ORAC scale, which is a measure of the substance’s ability to absorb free radicals. When compared to other recommended antioxidant foods, Jobelyn boasts one of the highest food-source ORAC ratings known. That makes it a superior choice for antioxidant supplementation.

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Jobelyn, a traditional Sorghum bicolor leaf extract demonstrates an ORAC rating two times the total value of 13 antioxidant foods!

(ORAC) per mg.Blueberries 24.00 mmoleTE/g

Plums 9.49 mmoleTE/g

Blackberries 20.36 mmoleTE/g

Oranges 7.50 mmoleTE/g

Frozen Tart Cherries 20.33 mmoleTE/g

Red Grapes 7.39 mmoleTE/g

Açai Berries 997.00 mmoleTE/g

Strawberries 15.00 mmoleTE/g

Dried Tart Cherries 68.00 mmoleTE/g

Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate

128.00 mmoleTE/g

Canned Water-packed Tart Cherries

17.00 mmoleTE/g

Prunes 57.70 mmoleTE/g

Raspberries 12.20 mmoleTE/g

JOBELYN 3,123.00 mmoleTE/g

Jobelyn has more proven Oxidative Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) than 13 well-known antioxidant-rich fruits–combined!


The other core benefit of Jobelyn is its anti-inflammatory effect. It’s important to have a basic understanding of the inflammation process. Typically, when inflammation first occurs, it’s a good thing. Inflammation is the body’s standard response to injury or infection. When there’s a crisis in the body—whether that’s a sprained ankle, a torn ligament, or a case of the flu—the

body gears up, sending extra white blood cells and other immune system components to the place or places where there is a problem. That’s why an injury site swells up or your glands get big when you’re sick. Inflammation hurts, and the pain is the body’s way of demanding that you rest the injured part or get extra sleep.

Inflammation is an intelligent system that, when working properly, initiates the first healing stages in response to an injury or illness. However, sometimes the inflammation cycle won’t calm down. One of the most common examples is that of a joint injury that continues to cause pain long after the original injury has healed. An ongoing state of inflammation can take the shape of degenerative diseases like arthritis. A hair trigger inflammation response is also at the core of allergic reactions and many asthma cases. So, not all inflammation is bad. But when inflammation won’t stop, or it happens in an unproductive manner (ie. allergies, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis), it can drastically limit people and threaten their quality of life.

Scientists have found a group of enzymes involved in inflammation and other processes in the body. These enzymes are referred to as the COX (Cyclooxygenase) enzymes. One in particular, COX-2, is a major player in the bio-chemical cascade that results in inflammation and resulting pain.

Common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit all COX enzymes. This is called non-selective COX-inhibition. Ongoing use typically results in unwanted side effects such as peptic ulcers—an inflammatory condition in itself. That’s a sad situation; having decreased inflammatory pain in one part of the body, you wind up inadvertently causing inflammation elsewhere!

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This is where Jobelyn comes in. Thankfully, some natural herbal sources have been found to exhibit selective inhibition for COX-2 only—the COX enzyme that is most active in the inflammation process. The traditional African extract of Sorghum bicolor is one of these herbal sources. Acting as a proven selective COX-2 inhibitor, Jobelyn soothes the inflammation cycle and brings it to a centered state.1, 2 Rather than acting as a pain-killer only, masking the symptoms, it works at the level of the inflammation process itself hindering COX-2 activity. This selective COX-2 inhibition results in a steady reduction of inflammation and pain, without the unwanted side effects common with NSAIDs.

ApplyingtheScience:HowSorghum bicolor leafextracthelpsspecificconditions

Blood Cell Health – Jobelyn provides strong antioxidant support for red blood cells. Understanding the oxidation process, it’s easy to see how red blood cells might be particularly vulnerable to the damaging effects of oxygen radicals. Red blood cells are the body’s oxygen carriers. In the course of their 120-day lifespan, they are constantly in contact with this double-

edged sword – the element that we require for life, which is also the origin of oxidation. Adding to the challenge is the fact that mature red blood cells do not have a nucleus, so they cannot produce new proteins in response to oxidative damage. One way to support red blood cell health is to prevent oxidation through strong antioxidant supplementation.

Antioxidant supplementation is especially important for people whose red blood cell health is compromised due to anemia, including Sickle Cell Disease. Recent scientific studies have looked specifically at the effects of Jobelyn on anemia and found that it effectively increases packed cell volume (PCV – the sheer number of blood cells) and hemoglobin concentration (Hb – an indicator of red blood cell health).3-7 Preliminary human clinical research in Nigeria has confirmed these results, showing some beneficial effects after just a week of supplementation and significant improvements for 102 of 113 patients after 6 weeks.8

In the case of Sickle Cell Disease, not only does Jobelyn help in its antioxidant activity, but its anti-inflammatory properties may be of

benefit too. Some researchers believe that sickle red cells can provoke inflammation throughout the circulatory system because the deformed cells physically hinder smooth blood flow.9 Jobelyn works both at the level of protecting the red blood cells from oxidation and on the level of protecting the circulatory system from the inflammation state that can create even more free radicals. This herbal remedy cuts off the cycle of oxidation and inflammation that aggravates sickle cells. While it can’t cure the physical shape and structure of the sickle cells, it can lessen the damage and effects of the cell deformity.

Cardiovascular Health – Seeing how helpful Jobelyn is for the stressed circulatory system in Sickle Cell Disease patients, it’s a small step to recognize how helpful it is for cardiovascular health in general. The medical community now views free radical oxidation and ongoing inflammation as primary contributors to heart

disease, cholesterol build-up, and arteriosclerosis (severe thickening and hardening of artery walls).

Just as red blood cells are exposed to lots of free radicals, so are heart and blood vessel cells. Heart cells also have the added stress of being involved in constant contraction. This muscle activity produces plenty of free radicals as a byproduct. Antioxidant protection is vital for the cardiovascular system.10

Not only do antioxidants prevent damage to individual cells, they can also prevent the breakdown of nitric oxide (NO). NO is a gas naturally produced in the cardiovascular system, which helps promote relaxation and expansion of the blood vessels. By supporting NO, antioxidant supplementation can enhance blood flow. This explains why Jobelyn has been found to enhance circulation.11

The cardiovascular system also benefits from Jobelyn’s anti-inflammatory effects. Fatty plaque build-up in blood vessels often occurs due to low-grade inflammation and irritation throughout the vessel walls. This inflammation makes it easier for cholesterol particles to stick to the lining of the blood vessels. Reducing inflammation can actually lower the incidence of atherosclerosis (fatty plaque deposits) and coronary events.1, 2, 10

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Joint Health – Just as oxidation and inflammation are at the core of blood cell and cardiovascular health threats, this troublesome duo is also involved in causing joint degeneration and pain. The intricate connective tissue and surfaces of our joints are under constant challenge from daily use. Ongoing wear and tear, along

with occasional injury, result in plenty of free radical production and inflammation. Without antioxidant support and balancing of the inflammation process, the result can be achy joints and limited range of motion.

We’ve touched on the role of Jobelyn as a powerful antioxidant and a very selective COX-2 inhibitor. Jobelyn has also demonstrated an ability to inhibit the release of pro-inflammatory proteins called cytokines. We learned how the combination of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant support results in dramatic improvements for the cardiovascular system. The same benefits can improve joint health too.

In the joints, inflammation and oxidation create a self-reinforcing cycle. Inflammation creates oxygen free radicals as a byproduct, which can in turn cause more damage, which creates more inflammation, and so the cycle goes. Sorghum leaf sheath extract, which provides both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, has been found to bring a dynamic end to this cycle.1, 2

A reduction in inflammation and pain means more range of motion and the freedom to work the joint and build strength. Strength-building through physical therapy helps prevent future injury. By ending a damaging pain cycle, Jobelyn has been found to begin a positive cycle of improving joint health especially when combined with an appropriate exercise program.

Immune System Response – It takes a little more explanation to understand how Jobelyn supports the immune system. As with the case of red blood cell health, we need to drop down to a cellular and molecular level and think very small. It’s the antioxidant activity that is most vital for immune system support. Specifically,

the extract provides components for the body to build its own super antioxidant: glutathione peroxidase.

The body creates glutathione and uses it for several protective tasks including protecting certain immune system cells called CD4 T-lymphocytes. Glutathione contains selenium and three amino acids (cystein, glutamine, and tryptophan). Jobelyn contains all three of these amino acids, providing the body with some major building blocks of glutathione.

Scientists believe this explains some astounding research coming out of Africa right now. In a preliminary human clinical study involving HIV-positive patients, Jobelyn supplementation improved compromised CD4 cell counts (30-300/1) by 200-300%. Those with initial CD4 counts greater than 300 also saw an increase of 20-30%. The increase in cellular immunity occurred regardless of whether the patient was taking other antiretroviral drugs.12

Jobelyn is incredibly beneficial for the immune system when the body is under one of the heaviest attacks imaginable. It makes sense that the herbal would be helpful as a general immune system boost for anyone in fine health. Its effects appear to be moderated too; meaning it won’t make the immune system become overactive. That’s why we see such a dramatic increase for those with very compromised CD4 counts and a moderated increase for those who had higher initial counts. So, Jobelyn is a safe immune support supplement whether you’re looking for a little extra help during cold and flu season, or if you’re facing a much more daunting immune system challenge.

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Worldwide, there are remarkably few manufacturers producing antioxidant sorghum leaf extract. But, in the United States, there is one reputable company that makes the extract available under the brand name Jobelyn. Named after the River Jubi region where the sorghum plant once grew wild, Jobelyn is produced under strict GMP standards and batch-tested for purity and efficacy.

Health Forever, the manufacturer who produces Jobelyn, offers the Sorghum bicolor leaf extract as a primary ingredient in four condition-specific products:

Jobelyn – Blood Builder Formula

A blend of Sorghum bicolor leaf extract with additional antioxidant alpha lipoic acid and herbal Eleutherococcus senticosus. Together, these components support blood cell production, promote blood cell and vessel integrity, and promote healthy cholesterol levels already within the normal range.

Jobelyn – Heart Health Formula

A blend of Sorghum bicolor leaf extract with hawthorn berry extract and alpha lipoic acid. The combination supports healthy heart rhythm and function along with providing overall antioxidant protection for the heart, blood cells, and circulatory vessels.

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Supplement FactsServing Size: One (1) Capsule Servings Per Container: 60 Amount % Daily Per Serving Value

Sorghum bicolor Leaf Powder .............250 mg **Alpha Lipoic Acid ............................. 300 mg **Eleuthero Root Extract ...................... 500 mg ****Daily Value not established

Directions for Use: Take one capsule, two or three times daily with a 12 ounce glass of water, for as long as immune system support is desired. May be taken regularly for ongoing support of blood building activity. Increase daily water intake when taking Jobelyn products.

Directions for Use: Take one capsule, two or three times daily with a 12 ounce glass of water. May be taken regularly for ongoing support of cardiovascular health. In-crease daily water intake when taking Jobelyn products.

Supplement FactsServing Size: One (1) Capsule Servings Per Container: 60 Amount % Daily Per Serving Value

Sorghum bicolor Leaf Powder .............250 mg **Hawthorn Berry Extract ..................... 80 mg **Alpha Lipoic Acid................................ 300 mg ****Daily Value not established

Jobelyn – Joint Health Formula

A blend of Sorghum bicolor leaf extract along with the well-known joint health supplement glucosamine. These two ingredients provide synergistic joint and cartilage protection and support comfortable range of motion.

Supplement FactsServing Size: One (1) Capsule Servings Per Container: 60 Amount % Daily Per Serving Value

Sorghum bicolor Leaf Powder ............... 250 mg **Glucosamine Sulfate................................ 80 mg ** (from Glucosamine Sulfate Potassium)

**Daily Value not established

Directions for Use:Take one capsule, two or three times daily with a 12 ounce glass of water. May be taken regularly for ongoing support of joint health. Increase daily water intake when taking Jobelyn products.

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Jobelyn – Immune Support Formula

A blend of Sorghum bicolor leaf extract with additional immune system supporting herbals Echinacea and astragalus. May be taken regularly to keep the immune system working at an optimum level or at the onset of symptoms to help the body get over an infection faster.

Supplement FactsServing Size: One (1) Capsule Servings Per Container: 60 Amount % Daily Per Serving Value*

Sorghum bicolor Leaf Powder ............... 250 mg **Echinacea purpurea Root Extract 4% . 113 mg **Astragalus Root Extract 10:1 ............... 150 mg **

**Daily Value not established

Directions for Use:Take one capsule, two or three times daily with a 12 ounce glass of water for as long as immune system support is desired. May be taken regularly for long-term support of immune system. Increase daily water intake when taking Jobelyn products.

Even if these particular condition-specific formulas are not of interest, two of them are perfect for general health and wellness. The Heart Health and Joint Health Formulas contain the most versatile herbal

blends that are beneficial to anyone, no matter what their health goals are. If you’re interested in simply experiencing the effects of Sorghum bicolor leaf extract, these two products are a great place to start.

Jobelyn products are the most trusted source of traditional Sorghum bicolor leaf extract worldwide. In fact, it was specifically the Jobelyn sorghum leaf extract that was used as the ingredient source for most of the studies cited in this booklet. Whenever you’re shopping for an herbal product, that’s one of the most important qualities to look for—a company that has had its own ingredient subjected to scientific studies.

Regardless of the specific Jobelyn product you choose, you can rest assured that it will be safe13 and effective. Within three to four weeks, you’ll be surprised at the health-changing results. Sorghum bicolor leaf extract has been a trusted remedy for centuries in traditional African medicine, and now it’s finally available to the rest of the world. May you discover increased wellness and renewed energy as you provide your body with the antioxidant and natural anti-inflammatory support it needs!

Endnotes1–Vivacell Biotechnology GMBH (2005) “Anti-Inflammatory effects of Jobelyn” (Report: Phase I Results).

2–Bensen E, MD-3-3-096-1083. MD Biosciences, Inc., USA, (2008). “1-16 Evaluation of Four Compounds in an In vitro LPS-Stimulated Human PBMC Model”

(Report: Indirect Cox Activity Assay).

3–Okochi VI, Okpuzor J, Okubena MO, Awoyemi AK (2003). “The influence of African Herbal Formula on the haematological parameters of trypanosome infected rats.” African Journal of Biotechnology 2(9): 312-316.

4–Obinwano C., M.D. (1998). Independent preliminary clinical research. Golden Heart Medical Centre; Lagos, Nigeria. Supplementation with Sorghum bicolor leaf sheath extract connected to significant improvements in cases of anemia resulting from severe malaria, sickle cell anemia, enteric fever, helminthiasis, and acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and one case of severe arthritis.

5–Erah PO, Asonye CC, Okhamafe AO (2003). “Response of Trypanosoma brucei brucei-induced anaemia to a commercial herbal preparation.” African Journal of Biotechnology. 2(9): 307-311.

6–Ogwumike OO (2002). “Hemopoietic effect of aqueous extract of the leaf sheath of Sorghum bicolor in albino rats.” African Journal of Biomedical Research. 5(1-2): 69-71.

7–Okochi V, Okpuzor J, Alli LA (2003). “Comparison of an African herbal formula with commercially available haematinics.” African Journal of Biotechnology. 2(8): 237-240.

8–Abia-Okon, DA, M.D. (2008). Independent preliminary clinical research. Lindabel Medical Centre; Lagos, Nigeria. Significant improvements in Hb and PCV values in 90% of 113 anemic subjects supplemented with 250 mg of Sorghum bicolor leaf sheath extract two times daily for 7 days.

9–Platt, OS (2000). “Sickle cell anemia as an inflammatory disease.” The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 106(8): 337–338.

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10–Singh RB, Niaz MA, Agarwal P, Begom R, Rastogi SS (1995). “Effect of antioxidant-rich foods on plasma ascorbic acid, cardiac enzyme, and lipid peroxide levels in patients hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 95(7): 775-780.

11–Kumar CA, Das UN (2000). “Lipid peroxide, antioxidants and nitric oxide in patients with preeclampsia and essential hypertension.” Medical Science Monitor. 6(5): 901-907.

12–Ayuba G, Col. (2003). Independent preliminary clinical research. Military Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria. Findings: Supplementation with extract of Sorghum bicolor leaf sheath found to increase CD4 cell counts in HIV positive subjects when used alone or in combination with ARDs.

13–Eniojukan JF, Aina BA (2009). “Toxicological Profiles of Commercial Herbal Preparation, Jobelyn®.” International Journal of Health Research. 2(4): 369-374.



Manufactured for distribution in USA by:Hains Herbal Product, LLC

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With a medical career that has spanned Europe and Africa,

David Abia-Okon, MD is now the Medical Director at Lindabel Medical Centre in Lagos, Nigeria. In his own practice, he specializes in general and vascular surgery. He is also intrigued by natural products

and enjoys developing treatment programs that utilize the best of both mainstream medicine and alternative health.

Dr. Abia-Okon had heard of Sorghum bicolor folk remedies, but it wasn’t until he had some professional experience with the extract that he became convinced of its incredible antioxidant power and protective effects. Colleagues in Nigeria had conducted studies on a standardized extract based on the folk remedy and found it helpful for sickle cell anemia and immune system compromised patients. This caught Dr. Abia-Okon’s attention, and he began studying the extract in his own practice. Conducting preliminary clinical research and reviewing other published studies, he became convinced of the extract’s power to spark incredible improvement in a wide variety of health conditions where inflammation and oxidation are chief aggravating factors.

Dr. Abia-Okon continues to practice in Nigeria, dedicated to discovering and implementing the best health care approaches for each individual patient. He is a member of the Nigerian Medical Association and the Association of General and Private Medical Practitioners of Nigeria.