health expenditure and development in india

HEALTH EXPENDITURE AND DEVELOPMENT Arvind Kumar Yadav Regd. No-15Mphec08 M.Phil. Economics Central University of Punjab, Bathinda

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Arvind Kumar YadavRegd. No-15Mphec08

M.Phil. EconomicsCentral University of Punjab, Bathinda


Public Health Expenditure on Health has

not only been recognised in fighting with

measure diseases like HIV/ AIDS,

Tuberculosis, Malaria, meeting the

Millennium Development Goals

(MGDs), Reducing Poverty but also

important for Industrial and Economic

Development of a country (UN,2010).

Some Related Definition of Health:

“Good health is one of the man’s

most precious assets”. Economist

consider Health as Human Capital

for a long time. Fuchs(1966)

“ A state of complete Physical,

Mental and Social well being and

not merely the absence of disease

and infirmity” (WHO, 1948).

Relationship between Health Expenditure and Development

Development is a process of enlarging people’s


Such choice like

• healthy life

• Acquired knowledge to greater social,

economic and political freedom.

• Opportunities to be creative and productivity.

• Enjoy personal self respect.

Basic indicators of Development

1. real income

2. Health.

3. Education.

Development is not only the growth in

income, wealth or consumption but also

the expansion of Human capabilities.

According to prof. Sen (1985) “health contributes to a

person’s basic capabilities to function.

Development has to be more concerned with enhancing the

lives we lead and freedoms we enjoy.

For Sen “well being” means being well in the sense of being

healthy, well nourished or highly literate and more broadly

having freedom of choice.

Millennium Development Goals and India

Target 1 : Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

Target 2 : Achieved Universal Primary Education.

Target 3 : Promote Gender equality and empowerment of women.

Target 4 : Reduced child mortality.

Target 5 : Improve maternal health.

Target 6 : Combat HIV/ AIDS, malaria and other diseases.

Target 7 : Ensure environmental sustainability.

Target 8 : Develop a Global partnership for Development.

Objective of the study

1. To analyse the pattern of Health Expenditure in India.

2. To examine the Health status over a period of time.

Database and methodology

1. Ministry of health and family welfare.

2. Census of India, Registrar General of India.

3. Human Development Reports.

4. Reports of planning commission.

5. Economic survey, Government of India.

6. World health reports.

7. National accounts statistics.

8. Sample Registration System (SRS).

Fig-2, as a percentage of total health


Source: planning commission

Fig-3Trend in under 5MR

Source: NFHS, SRS

Fig-4, trend in IMR

Source: Sample Registration System, Officer of Registrar

General of India

Fig-5, trend in Maternal Mortality Ratio

Source: Sample Registration System, Officer of

Registrar General of India

Fig-6, LEB

Fig-7, CDR & CBR

Source: Ministry of health and family welfare

Efficient, equitable and high quality

health services.

Better health status.

Better human capital

Less poverty.

Improved economic


Main Finding

U5MR reduced to 125 in 1990 to 49 in 2013, it is narrow to

42 who is the target of MDGs.

The IMR reduced to 80 (1990) to 40 in 2013, and the target

is 27 in 2015. now some what closed to this Goals.

The Maternal mortality ratio is 437 in 1990, reduced to 167

in 2011-13, but the target was 109.

The LEB increased 50 in 1990 to 66 in 2010.

Death rate is 28 in 1995 to reduced 21 in 2010.