headquarters cedar crest, 4898 east heritage woods road ...€¦ · several projects generated data...

Sycamore Land Trust preserving our disappearing landscape 2010 annual reporT HeadQuarTers cedar crest, 4898 east Heritage Woods road, Bloomington Mailing address p.o. Box 7801, Bloomington, in 47407-7801 email: info@sycamorelandtrust.org Web: www.sycamorelandtrust.org Jeff Danielson

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Page 1: HeadQuarTers cedar crest, 4898 east Heritage Woods road ...€¦ · Several projects generated data for government agencies like the US Forest Service. Most lessons helped teachers

Sycamore Land Trustpreserving our disappearing landscape

2010annual reporT

HeadQuarTers cedar crest, 4898 east Heritage Woods road, Bloomington

Mailing address p.o. Box 7801, Bloomington, in 47407-7801

email: [email protected] Web: www.sycamorelandtrust.org





Page 2: HeadQuarTers cedar crest, 4898 east Heritage Woods road ...€¦ · Several projects generated data for government agencies like the US Forest Service. Most lessons helped teachers

20 years and groWing

an abridgement of the letter that started it all,with dave Hudak’s notes: t








Total acreage protected forever by SLT

“As one of the founders of SLT, I first served as a board member and land acquisition zealot. It was an honor and a privilege to work with dozens of

landowners who wanted to protect their beloved countryside. Like a fertile garden, SLT has grown from a dozen dedicated volunteers in 1990 to six paid

staff and hundreds of volunteers in 2010. Our mission has always been to ‘Save The Dirt.’ We started our land conservation efforts in Monroe County

and through a progression of strategies have grown to protecting natural and agricultural land in twenty-six counties. What a success story! And the story

is far from complete. This work lasts forever.” —Dave Hudak

Tom Zeller at acadia national park, Maine


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rt david Hudak at slT’s Beanblossom Bottoms nature preserve

ed and lise schools with their daughter Molly at redwood national park, california

Henry gray at Mccormick’s creek state park, indiana


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Moira Wedekind at Mount Zion national park, utah


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Hank Huffman at cape Hatteras national seashore, north carolina


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patti and Tony pizzo in a hot-air balloon near slT’s Beanblossom Bottoms nature preserve





THANK YOUland donorsPatricia AbplanalpAnonymous (4)Martha Barclay-GielGene and Peggy BaughHelen and Lynton CaldwellRobert and Laura CampbellMary Conard Larry and Sonja CooksonBart and Cinda CulverHindostone Products Inc.Charlotte GhuyrePaul and Barbara GreicoTim and Leslie HenkeEconobilt Development CorporationIrwin-Sweeney-Miller FoundationF. Hugh Latimer

Julia and Greg MarshallCharles and Barbara McCallaCharles McCalla IV and Teri BleuelThe Nature ConservancyKathy OakleyTony and Patti PizzoDavid Porter Patricia PowellMargaret PrughNancy RalstonBarbara RestleFreida Robertson Sassafras Audubon SocietyScott and Ruth SandersJack SteigerwaldBill and Naomi WayneVirginia Young

conservaTion easeMenT donorsMarilyn BowieEvelyn ChambersGary ChambersJanice Clevenger Sarah Clevenger Donald and Patricia CollerLarry and Sonja CooksonRay CrittendenDoug and DeeDee DayhoffMark and Rebecca EwingSarah Elizabeth FreySamuel HaysWilliam H. Hays IIIHarry Hollis

Janet Hollis Martha HollisSusan Hollis BassetRick MaladMary ParkerJohn PeineRichard Peine Thomas Peine Ray and Rita RustKevin and Barbara SheehanGary and Pequita SissomKaren Green Stone Robert Stone Sarkes Tarzian, Inc.James and Myriam WoodGladys and Al Wright

W e appreciaTe all WHo invesT in naTure’s infrasTrucTure, Working WiTH slT To place everlasTing proTecTions on THeir land.

our founders: WHaT are THey up To noW?

2 fee-TiTle properTies added1 conservaTion easeMenT added214 acres added

5,760 acres proTecTed aT end of 2010

2 3

land Holdings reacH 5760 acresslT eMploys 6 sTaffers

environMenTal educaTion prograM TeacHes 4670 sTudenTs aT 36 scHoolsgovernor proclaiMs sTaTe-Wide sycaMore land TrusT Week in Honor of 20TH BirTHday

1990 1991 1993 1997 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010

slT foundedfirsT properTy donaTed—

a QuarTer acrefirsT properTy donaTed in BeanBlossoM

BoTToMs, noW a 570-acre coMplex

land Holdings reacH 500 acres

firsT professional sTaff Hired

land Holdings Top 2000 acresfirsT Working farM

conservaTion easeMenT donaTed

environMenTal educaTion

prograM Begins

land Holdings groW To 4000 acresslT geTs sTaTe and naTional aWards cedar cresT BecoMes perManenT HQ

coverage area expands froM 12 To

26 counTies

slT Wins More sTaTe aWards



To 4

ToTal acreage proTecTed forever

sycaMore land TrusT proTecTed properTies

ToM was a founding member not only of SLT, but also of the Hoosier Environmental Council and ValleyWatch, in Evansville. He was also active in fighting clear-cutting of the Hoosier National Forest. He is now a senior technology analyst at Indiana University.

In 1990, dave was the supervisor for the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s In-diana Division of Ecological Services. He helped acquire many SLT proper-ties and was integral in creating SLT’s Beanblossom Bottoms Environmental Education Trail. He is now retired and continues to connect SLT with poten-tial land donors.

When SLT began, ed was an engineer for Grumman Aerospace. Now he works with the Michigan Natural Fea-tures Inventory at Michigan State Uni-versity. lise heads Interpretive Ideas, developing plans and media for natural resources agencies. Much of her work remains in Indiana, where she recently completed several hundred interpre-tive signs for IDNR.

In 1990, paTTi ran the Friends of Art bookshop in the IU Mu-seum of Fine Arts, which she helped start. Patti donated 26 acres of forest to SLT, serves on our board of directors, and is thrilled that goals now include saving farms. Her husband Tony is a retired Bloomington city councilman and physician serv-ing on SLT’s advisory board.

When he helped found SLT, Henry had just retired from a long career with the Indiana Geological Survey, with which he remains a Research Affiliate. He has enjoyed watching eagles fledge at SLT’s Beanblossom Bottoms Nature Pre-serve and has helped lead a field trip at SLT’s Dishman Quarry.

20 years ago, Moira was involved with the Bloomington Environmental Com-mission and Quality Growth, which were wrestling with issues surround-ing residential construction and urban sprawl. She is now Engineering Man-ager for Indiana University.

When he helped start SLT, Hank was a biologist with the Natural Heritage Program—Indiana DNR Division of Nature Preserves, from which he re-tired in 2007. He still resides in rural Monroe County and enjoys visiting national parks all over the US.

Page 3: HeadQuarTers cedar crest, 4898 east Heritage Woods road ...€¦ · Several projects generated data for government agencies like the US Forest Service. Most lessons helped teachers

School Year 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-2010


Counties Served 2 4 7 5 6

Schools Involved 4 11 18 29 36

Teachers Assisted 7 16 21 32 34

K-12 Students Engaged 250 785 3196 3447 4641

K-12 Student Hours 583 3258 6977 7378 6961

College Students Helping 0 8 14 16 13

Adults Engaged 70+ 100+ 132 155 109

environMenTal educaTion

volunTeers reMoved TrasH, resTored HaBiTaT, and MainTained Trails aT eigHT preservesAt the Pizzo Preserve near Lake Monroe, SLT’s John Lawrence and volunteer steward Dennis Orwin led two workdays to remove several trailer loads of trash and scrap metal, as well as invasive autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata) .

At the Cookson Preserve in Greene County, property steward Jeff Hiland and other volunteers hauled off 2040 pounds of scrap metal (including a back-breaking cast-iron bathtub), five bags of trash, six tires, and even one toilet—over a ton of junk!

The Cookson Preserve was the site of a major habitat restoration project too: Habitat Solutions planted 3,900 hardwood trees, and Eco Logic worked to eradicate exotic Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), with funding provided by the federal Natural Resource Conservation Service.

Eco Logic also treated non-native reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) in the Beanblossom Bottoms Nature Preserve, thanks to grants from the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the Dr. Laura Hare Charitable Trust. Invasive species remedies take years of continuous efforts by important partners like Eco Logic, helping keep habitat healthy for native wildlife and plants.

volunteers Michael durbin, dennis orwin, rob Hongen, Bryan schnaus, and Maria viterisi with trash from the pizzo preserve.

land sTeWardsHip

eco logic employees at BBB

land conservaTionMalad conservaTion easeMenT proTecTs HaBiTaT for Wildlife and HuMansIn December, SLT worked with Rick Malad and his family to place permanent protections on its 72nd property, its fourth in Owen County. They will continue to enjoy swimming, fishing, horseback riding, and relaxing there. A new conservation easement secures forever the beauty and value of their 170 acres of woods and fields along Lick Creek, southwest of the town of Freedom. The family chose to partner with SLT to craft the legal contract so they can own the land and deed it to their heirs, or they may sell it—knowing that SLT’s monitoring ensures it remains unspoiled forever.

dr. laura Hare naTure preserve aT Back creekHosTs easTern HeMlocksA towering siltstone bluff rises high above Back Creek in Lawrence County, along US 50 nine miles east of Bedford. SLT acquired this forested 43-acre property in July, thanks to grants from the Dr. Laura Hare Charitable Trust and the Indiana Heritage Trust, along with the help of an anonymous conservation buyer who secured the parcel at auction. The preserve, which will be named in honor of Dr. Hare, protects several rare species including a large stand of eastern hemlock trees (Tsuga canadensis). A remnant from the ice age climate of 16,000 years ago, eastern hemlocks are now found on only a few scattered sites in Indiana, on sheltered bluffs such as this one. With the help of its partners, SLT has been able to save forever this rare and beautiful piece of our state’s natural history.

young properTy suppleMenTsTrevlac Bluffs naTure preserveVirginia Young donated two acres in a very important place: Her property is soon to be part of SLT’s Trevlac Bluffs Nature Preserve in northern Brown County. This is another haven for eastern hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis), and the popular Yellowwood Trail brings hundreds of hikers through each year.

for over a decade, slT’s carroll ritter and others patiently worked toward placing protections on what has now become dr. laura Hare nature preserve at Back creek.

about 100 great blue heron nests fill trees on the Malad conservation easement, and river otters have been spotted in lick creek.













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ouTdoor learning laB aWardFayetteville Elementary School in rural Lawrence County is the winner of the 2010 Indiana State Tree Farm Association’s Outdoor Laboratory Contest. SLT’s Carroll Ritter worked with all 200 kindergarten-through-fifth-grade students, teachers, parents, and other citizens to build a trail that included:• a huge, rotting log and a long-standing hollow beech tree (pictured). Perfect for decomposition studies! • a broad, shallow sinkhole. Just right for a new amphitheatre! • a grassy field bordered by pines. Ideal for a prairie and successional plot!

The Indiana State Tree Farm Committee awarded the school $500 and deemed the project “a well-balanced program that (includes) consideration of soils, water, wildlife, energy, and forestry, and how these resources can be managed for production, recreation, aesthetics, and other benefits.” Fayetteville Elementary is the third school at which SLT has helped establish a native prairie.

pHoTo conTesT for Middle-scHoolersIn our Oh! Nature Photography Contest, 30 11-to-14-year-olds displayed nature photographs, competed for monetary prizes, and even sold some of their works. Special thanks for Monroe Bank for sponsoring the contest and hosting the exhibition.

faMily ouTings led By experT naTuralisTs2010 adventures on weekends included:• “Secret Nightlife of Spiders and Songs of Swamplands”(pictured)• “L’il Hikers Club” field trips for pre-schoolers• Walks teaching folks to identify Indiana’s trees, shrubs, wildflowers, amphibians, and birds.

4641 scHoolcHildren SLT’s work with schools incorporated:• large field days with various learning stations• studying bats, insects, arachnids, pond creatures, fossils, and karst• inventorying trees, assessing their health, and using geometry• comparing watersheds, sieving sediment, and studying water quality• writing research papers, reflective journal entries, and poems (pictured)• using computer microscopes, compasses, and other advanced tools • working on a nature trail for the blind and visually impaired

Several projects generated data for government agencies like the US Forest Service. Most lessons helped teachers meet state standards for teaching requirements. They brought out leadership, curiosity, and creativity in students who had previously shown none. And they showed children the fun of learning outdoors in all kinds of weather.









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4 5

environMenTal educaTion prograM groWTH

Page 4: HeadQuarTers cedar crest, 4898 east Heritage Woods road ...€¦ · Several projects generated data for government agencies like the US Forest Service. Most lessons helped teachers

sMiTHville Was slT’s 2010 conservaTion Business of THe year. THe coMpany’s TecHnological services enricH local coMMuniTies and econoMies—especially in rural souTHern indiana—and enaBle people To Work, play, and inTeracT WiTH liTTle pHysical iMpacT on our environMenT. sMiTHville coMpleMenTed iTs financial invesTMenT in slT WiTH THe producTion of TWo on-line videos exTolling slT’s posiTive iMpacTs. see sMiTHville’s Mini-docuMenTaries aBouT slT aT HTTp://WWW.sycaMorelandTrusT.org/videos.HTMl

$25,000 - $50,000Indiana Heritage TrustHelen Caldwell$15,000 - $24,999David Porter Trust$10,000 - $15,000Twisted Limb Paperworks, LLCUpland Brewing Co.$5,000 - $9,999AnonymousDonald and Patricia CollerJohnson VenturesEllen KettersonRick MaladAnn and Mark NolanUS Fish and Wildlife Service$1,000 - $4,999Matt and Eva AllenDean and Bonnie AllisonAnonymousJanet BarrowsBig Red LiquorsJonathan CargillLedford CarterFrederick and Sandra ChurchillDesignscapeDow AgroSciences LLCAllen and Marian EnglandMark and Rebecca EwingMark and Myra FosterFowler Tree Services, Inc.Elizabeth and John GallmanHarriman’s BomaniteHoover InvestmentsJenny JohnsonGeorge and Cathy Korinek

Leucadia National CorporationMarkey’s Rental & StagingNatural Resource Conservation ServiceTim and Ann NiednagelOld National BankElinor and Vincent OstromNancy RalstonScott and Ruth SandersSarkes Tarzian, IncSchonstedt Instrument Co.Phyllis SchwitzerJack SteigerwaldMelinda SwensonTom Tarzian and Cathy SteeleJoan ten Hoor and James DobsonBob Tener and Ann JoslinLarry WeingartnerDon and Betsy WhiteheadJennifer Witzke Graphic DesignMyriam WoodVirginia Young$500 - $999AnonymousMike and Bev BakerJacqui Bauer and Tom EvansDavid and Ingrid BeeryRobert and Maryellen BiederBluespring Caverns ParkElaine Caldwell Emmi and Phil EmmiJim and Brenda DeCourseyFM Bayne Fine Woodwork & DesignGabriel and Sara FrommerDoug and Blue GeigerHenry and Alice GrayKenneth R.R. Gros LouisBill HaysRuth JohnsonBob and Beverly KisselJohn Kyle IIIVicky MeretskyDel and Letty NewkirkOliver WineryPeppertree FloralPetoodle Pet SittingKaren Pitkin, Realtor and Kurt LarsonJim and Sheryl RichardsRaymond and Rita Rust, Jr.Louise SchlesingerGary and Pequita SissomLinda and Herb Spier and Michael SpierSt. John AssociatesJudy Stewart and Michael FultonMaria and Paul ViterisiHelen WieslerTom Zeller

$250 - $499A Van About TownAaron Wagner DesignsBob Agranoff and Susan KleinSandra and Ethan Alyea, Jr.Gary and Kathy AndersonMalcolm BrownScott Burgins and Andrea MurrayCairril.com Design & Marketing, Inc.Robert CalvinDan and Debbi ConkleDr. Ruthann Berck and AssociatesEco LogicDerek ElmerickRobert and Candice EnoBurnell FischerPaige and Christian FreitagEd Furia and Kathryn PropstStephen and Vera GrubbsJim and Angela HauckJulia Heiman and Johan VerhulstJan Hillier and Craig HamiltonHills O’ Brown Property ManagementLeslie HodderBill and LuAnne HolladayAndy, Erin, Anasazi, and Lily HollindenHerb Hoover and Cathy GreeneJackson Hewitt Tax ServiceWerner Jorck and Barbara Watt JorckLake Monroe Boat RentalLaser and Family Dentistry, P.C.Fritz LieberEmily MasonKathy McManusGreg and Sue MeyerKathy OakleyHarold and Denise OgrenOne World EnterprisesReza Pishgahi and Lois Hutter-PishgahiPatti and Tony PizzoFranklin and Brenda ProsserRon RemakReMax Real Estate - BedfordBarbara RestleDon and Jean RhoadsCarroll and Martha RitterEdward and Claire RobertsonKathy and Al RuesinkGary and Ann SchepperJames and Annette SeibBill Shaw

Kevin and Barbara SheehanSierra RemodelingJonathan StaffordState Employees’ Community CampaignJanet Stavropoulos and Michael MolendaStone Age InstitutePaul and Susan SullivanBen SwansonRon TriggUnitarian Universalist Congregation of ColumbusUnity of BloomingtonUptown CaféMarcia Veldman and Steve CotterMoira Wedekind and Vladimir DerenchukDon and Wendy WertzJason Wilber and Michele MattoonLaura Wisen$100 - $249Mark AdamsFrank Akaiwa and Carolyn CookeEve, Doug, and Emma AlexanderDon and Charlene AllenJean AndersonPaul and Linda AndersonBill and Kathy ArmstrongJessica Baldanzi and Kyle SchlabachDoug and Diane BancelA. James BarnesKeith and Ruth BarnhardtBartholomew Co. SWCDCraig Barton and Kathy Truelove-BartonJennifer Bass and Michael HamburgerJohn Bassett and Susan Hollis BassetBauer & DensfordBedford Federal Savings BankJeanine BerkshireTom and Sue BerryRoss and Debbie BerryhillMegan BickelBloomingfoods Market & DeliBloomington Garden ClubBloomington Playwrights ProjectBloomington Valley NurseryKeith and Julie BobayTim Boeglin and Cynthia ReichardDarrell and Kathleen BoggessA.G. BoissevainEllen BoruffDouglass and Ruth BoshkoffPatrick BrantlingerAnne BrightJames BrownJoe BuehlerPeter Burkholder and Doug McKinney Doris Burton

16 foundaTion supporTers 40 Business supporTers 200 neW MeMBers 907 ToTal MeMBers

conTriBuTors conTriBuTions susTain our naTural HeriTage of Biological, geological, and agriculTural WealTHButler Winery and VineyardsRoger and Elaine ByersEdwin and Pauline CaldwellChristine Carver and David GayLee and Pat CasebereCFC, Inc.Jim and Nancy ChadwickCharles and Marieke ChancellorPatrick ChastainEdwin and Amy CheekMadison ChristmanBill ClemensJ.A. CreekRay CrittendenJames CrittendenCumming Management CompanyMargaret Cummins-SchaeferMalcolm DalglishJeffrey DanielsonLibby and Robert DeVoeJim and Bobbi DiehlWill DitzlerMr. and Mrs. J. Robert DoddEleanore DodgeKeith DunlapJohn and Sybil EakinNancy and Steve EiblingElliott CompanyMark and Wendy ElwoodEmpowerment BodyworksEstate of Marvin and Joan CarmackSusan Fernandes and Michael HoffFirst Harrison BankFirst Insurance Group, Inc.John FischerFlower Lane Garden ClubRoxanne Flowers and Leigh GrundhoeferBob Flynn and Yvonne WittmannFossil RainAnne FrakerFriends of McCormick’s Creek State ParkDarlene GersterJames Glen and Constance Cook GlenSpencer GoehlBruce and Sue GottschallJan GrantRobert GreenCheryl Gregg DuckworthJess Gwinn, RLS and Maureen ForrestElizabeth Gwynn and Leroy Mysliwiec

Charles and Sandra HainzJohn Hamilton and Dawn JohnsenRussell and Constance HansonTed HarrisJeff Hartenfeld and Jen RobinsonMargaret HarterPat HastingsSusan HathawayMarjorie and Donald HattinAnne and Christopher HaynesCharles HazelTim and Erika HenkeHerald-TimesDawn HewittBaron and Betty HillDavid Hillman, O.D.Harry HollisJanet Hollis and Ron SelbyRobert and Joan HongenKatherine HopkinsSara Horton-DeutschSteve and Cassie HowardDave and Mary HudakHank Huffman and Ellen JacquartRoger Innes and Karen Jepson-InnesIU AuditoriumMartha JacobsBruce and Lea JaffeeJazzercise Fitness CenterLaura and Jerry JessephJF NewJohn Bethell Title Company, Inc.Donna and Ronald JohnsonDavid and Anne JohnsonDavid JonesSarah Jones and Frank YoungThomas KellyJohn and Leah KetchamDonald KingSylvia and Jack KingMatt KirrRichard and Ann KnoblochJim Krause and Anne HurleyJaydene and Mike LarosStine LevyMitzi LewisonMichael Litwin and Mary BlizzardBill LloydKathleen LobleyTed and Diann LockDan and Beth Lodge-RigalGuy LoftmanAlice LorenzLotus Education and Arts

Bill Lozowski and Sarah BaumgartSkip and Sherry MakelyAaron and Amber MastLeah Helen MayMay’s GreenhouseMC SportsMcAllister’s DeliCarol McCordJeff Mease and Marie MetelnickPat and Sue MedlandMid-Southern Savings Bank, FSBJennifer MiersMarsha MintonCharles MitchLaura Mojonnier and Armin MoczekMullis PetroleumMatt MurphyMyers Croxton Group, LLCJudge Edward W. Najam, Jr.Nature’s Way, Inc.Michael Nelson and Laura PlummerPatricia NewforthDavid NordDonald NuetzmanOlive GardenDawn OllilaRobert and Donna OrmistonThomas and Mary Lu OrrMarie Otteson-JonesTommie OwensKaren Pacific and David ShipleyRoger and Carol ParksHoward PearcyJoe and Joyce PedenJames and Janice PetersonHarriett PfisterPorch Light IndianaGary and Sarah PottsFrona and Ron PowellRudolf and Elizabeth RaffJames and Barbara RandallHeather Reynolds and Dave RolloEvan RingquistAndy RogersRoots on the SquareKaren Roszkowski and Michael GlabMary Kay RothertRuxer Ford-Lincoln-MercuryMark and Debra RyanMike and Debbie SatterfieldJack SchererNancy SchmidtBarbara and Tom Schoellkopf Scholars Inn Nicole Schonemann Albert and Kevina Schumaker II Richard Schutte Kimberly Schwant Steve Seitzinger Carol Shapiro Angie Shelton

Randall Shepard and Amy MacDonellToufiq and Ulrike SiddiqiLinda Simon and David SabbaghMarion SinclairEliot and Pamela SmithTed Smith-PetersonSouthside RentalSt. David’s Episcopal ChurchStafford Music AcademyStaplesStarbucks CoffeeJerry and Anne SteeleWilliam StegerGary and Anne SteigerwaldStillframes Photography and DesignKonrad StraussAl and Lee StrickholmKrista and Tom StrykerGregg and Judy SummervillePaula SundermanTextillery WeaversThomas InsuranceJo Throckmorton and Jillian KinzieTim Tilton and Joann AlexanderPaul ToddyCliff and Joan TravisBetty TuttleBill and Pat VerhagenMartha WailesCarolyn WaldronMatthias WeberDavid WeigandPatty Werner and Don BakerMary Beth Wert and David PorterJohn WestJohn and Sue WestJeff and Legene WhiteKaren and Bill WhorallArl and Carol WilliamsLarry and Mary WiseJack Wittman and Rita PaschkeShari WoodburyJohn and Peggy WoodcockMandy Jo and Jonathan YatesPaul and Charlotte Zietlow

foundaTion supporT$20,000Raymond Foundation$10,000Duke Energy Foundation$5,000 - $9,999Dr. Laura Hare Charitable TrustMacy’s FoundationNamaste FoundationSmithville Charitable FoundationUnrestricted Endowment Fund of the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County $1,000 - $4,999AnonymousLynton K. and Helen W. Caldwell Fund of the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe CountyHarry Cobey FoundationCulver FoundationGregory G. Meyer Charitable Fund in the Vander-burgh Community Foundation, a member of the Community Foundation AllianceWylie Foundation, Inc.$250 - $999Forthcoming FundLorenz Family Charitable TrustUp to $250GE FoundationIndiana University Foundation


Harry Hollis received slT’s 2010 BarBara J. resTle lifeTiMe conservaTion aWard. in THe 1990’s, Harry Worked WiTH THe auduBon socieTy To esTaBlisH THe cHarles c. deaM Wilderness and To develop a ManageMenT plan for THe Hoosier naTional foresT. an slT MeMBer since 2000, Harry and His faMily donaTed a conservaTion easeMenT in 2007, proTecTing 115 acres of priMe HardWood foresT in BroWn counTy. see Harry and 19 oTHer supporTers in slT’s “We’re all in THis TogeTHer” video aT HTTp://WWW.sycaMorelandTrusT.org/videos.HTMl

slT’s 20TH BirTHday year sponsorspanoraMa sponsorThe Raymond Foundation

Woodland sponsorsTwisted Limb PaperworksDuke EnergyUpland Brewing Co.

MeadoW sponsorsJohnson Ventures, Inc.Smithville Charitable Foundation

Page 5: HeadQuarTers cedar crest, 4898 east Heritage Woods road ...€¦ · Several projects generated data for government agencies like the US Forest Service. Most lessons helped teachers


StaffChristian Freitag Executive Director

John Lawrence assistant Director

Erin Hollinden Outreach Coordinator

Carroll Ritter Environmental Education Coordinator

Betsee LaPointe Environmental Educator

Patrick PetroOffice Manager

BOarD Mark Adams Mike Baker Doug Dayhoff Jim DeCoursey John Gallman, PresidentGeorge KorinekJohn KyleTerry Marbach, Treasurer Vicky MeretskyGreg MeyerPatricia PizzoCarroll RitterJoan ten Hoor, Secretary Maria Viterisi, Vice PresidentW. William Weeks

Board Meetings are open to SLT members and usually take place the second Monday of every other month, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Call 812-336-5382 to confirm and for directions to Cedar Crest.

aDviSOry BOarD Wilfred C. Bussing III Steve Ferguson Kenneth R.R. Gros Louis Baron Hill Steve HowardRick JohnsonMark KruzanJames MadisonEdward W. Najam, Jr.Del Newkirk Anthony PizzoRonald F. Remak Scott Russell SandersRandall T. ShepardVi SimpsonJudith StewartEric C. StolbergTom TarzianDebbie TurnerMaryrose WamplerDon Whitehead

Graphic Design Jennifer Witzke

Board MeMBers & sTaff


274 volunteers helped slT on outdoor workdays, long-term property stewardship, events, environmental education, technology, clerical tasks, and more. We thank them all!

financial data for fiscal year July 2009-July 2010

Membership and other gifts  



Investments   & Rental     7%

Corporations   3%

Income $620,434 Expenses $341,484

Programs  64%

  Management             16%

Fundraising and Outreach19%

Events   4%

remaining assets were invested in stewardship endowment, legal defense fund, operating reserve, and interest-bearing investments.









Elizabeth Ruh (pictured here with husband Chuck) was SLT’s Outstanding

Volunteer of 2010. Her work includes stewarding SLT’s 40-acre Lake Lemon

Woods, working at more than eight out-reach events, and generating hundreds

of dollars for SLT each year through discount vouchers from

her company, Jackson Hewitt Tax Service.

She is also a member of SLT’s

Legacy Circle, promising a be-quest for SLT’s long-term land acquisition and

stewardship needs.

Thad Hatchet (with camera) and Bruce Thomason (with backpack) traipsed across bridges and trails at Touch the Earth with Cub Scout Pack #557. The Pack created a new tree iden-tification trail for TTE visitors, complete with signage and a map.

Touch the Earth steward Lisa Weisner taught Lois Scheidt how to treat invasive plants, being careful to avoid spring wildflowers. The Weisner family cares for three miles of trails on 98 acres at TTE and plants new wildflowers regularly.






legacy circle if you have included

slT in your will or estate plans,

please let us know so we may thank you during your lifetime.