hayley breon portfolio

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  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


    PortfolioHayley Breon

  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


    ContactHayley [email protected] S 2nd E Apt#505, Rexburg, ID480-526-1448hayleybreon.wordpress.com

  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


    Table Of ContentsFlyer

    Event Ad





    Business Cards

    Web Page



  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


    FlyerDate: October 5, 2013

    Description:This is a black and white flier to promote agraduate leadership conference.

    Process:I first started out with a picture and theinformation that is included on the flier. I then

    took the time to sketch out 4 different ideasfor the flier and then chose one. I used thedesign that I chose and used the Adobe InDesignprogram to make my design come to be. On theflier, I have left some white space so that the eyeis drawn to the main features of the flier.

    Program(s) / Tools used:Adobe InDesign

    Objective: Apply the design principles and useappropriate typography. Incorporate basic InDesign skills toimprove basic flier layout. Retrieve image and logo from links on thispage. Create a project folder with image, logoand InDesign document to keep links intact

    Sis. Peterson

    Comm 130-04

  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


    ImagingDate: October 19, 2013

    Description:This is my own image that I have edited onPhotoshop.

    Process:I first took the shot of these flowers in the bushes.After placing the image in Photoshop, I cropped the

    image to a 6x6 inch square. I took the image andused the filter Dry Brush to create the backgroundeffect. I then changed the saturation to Old Styleto make the photograph look more rustic. I alsochanged the color to Black and White so that the redflower would pop out. I changed the color of theflower so that it was a deeper red and used somecontrast to make it fit with the whole picture andthe mood that I was setting.

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Photoshop CS6

    Objective: Learn basic photography skills. Use a digital camera to take a quality image,then download it. Size and crop the image. 6x6 resolution 150 Adjust image brightness, contrast, hue andsaturation levels. Use a selection tool to isolate a portion of theimage. Desaturate the selected portion of the image. Use a filter or colorize a portion of the image. Document needs to be 8.511 150 resolution.Margins: top 2, sides 1.25 and bottom 3

    Sis. Peterson

    Comm 130-04

  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


    MontageDate: October 26, 2013

    Description:This project was about making a montage usingPhotoshop.

    Process:I first cropped the background to 8.5x11. I thenwent and filtered the background using a soft

    grain texture. I then went and took the templepicture, resized it and put it into the rightcorner. I used the masking tool and softened thetemple picture. I then added the text using thetext tool.

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Photoshop CS6


    Learn to manage Photoshop layers. Learn to blend images together smoothly,using masks. (Two or more images) Use filters. (Apply at least one) Apply appropriate typography. Choosing good quality images. (Notebackground should be at least 16501275pixels) Apply typography principles (titles, quotes,

    events or scripturesyour choice) Unifying a piece with a consistent theme

    Sis. Peterson

    Comm 130-04

  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


    StationaryDate: November 9, 2013

    Description:This project was to make astationary and business cards for afictional company.

    Process:I first started out by making thelogo for the company on Adobe

    Illustrator. I then took this logoand then made the sun designseparate from the main logo. I thentook these images over to AdobeInDesign, where I then createdthe pages. I took the box tool andcreated a box that was 3.5in x 2inand copied the box so that therewould be two of these boxes for

    my business cards. Each of theseboxes represent the front and theback of the card. For the stationary,I enlarged the sun logo and placedit at the bottom of the page. Usingthe opacity tool, I made the sun alighter hue to make it a watermark.I then took the main logo and sizedit so that it would fit the corner of

    the page.

    Programs/Tools Used: AdobeIllustrator and InDesign

    Sis. Peterson

    Comm 130-04

  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


    Business CardDate: November 9, 2013

    Stationary and Business Cardinformation included here:

    Objectives: Use The basic tools of Illustrator& InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a

    company or personal image. Do notimitate existing logos or use yourprevious designs. (Dont use photosor live trace in your new logo) Design consistent layouts fora business card and letterhead.Use your new logo to design twostationery items with consistentdesign. (Photos are okay on

    stationery.) Letterhead: 8.5 x 11 (full-bleedoptional, but trim only .125) Business card: 3.5 x 2 (printabove center on a vertical page) Apply typography rules keepingsmall copy. Learning to keep thing simple byhaving watermarks and drop shadows

    light and white space. Applying contact information:Include name, address, phone, andemail on each piece. Use periods,bullets, or spaces in phone #; Noparentheses/ hyphens.

    Sis. Peterson

    Comm 130-04

  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


    Web PageDate: November 23, 2013


    This webpage was to show my logo that I have created.

    Process:I first started out creating the webpage using TextWrangler.I started by inserting my image into the webpage template.I then attached my CSS code to the HTML. I then customizedthe webpage to help it fit more into the feel of the logo. I usedthe colors from the logo to create this feel. I then changed myfonts to Tahoma and Comic Sans MS. I felt that working with

    CSS was the most complicated part of the project, but I felt thatI used the code to create a webpage that I was happy with.

    Programs/Tools Used: TextWrangler and Photoshop

    Objective: Design a web page using HTML to display the logoand content. (Use TextWrangler (Macintosh) or NotePad++(Windows))

    Acquire a working knowledge of HTML. (Must includeall required tags (Doctype (provided), html, head, title, metacharset (provided), & body. As well as tag that links toexternal style sheet. With in the body include h1, h2, p, ol orul (with li tags), img, hr, and a (link to blog) tags.) Acquire a working knowledge of CSS. (Customize theCascading Style Sheet (css) provided in I-Learn to add pageformatting that complements the logo design, by changing atleast the following: The h1 text color & background color, fontcolors for the paragraphs & list items, the background color,Font Families and add at least one css comment.Identify hex colors for web design. (Find and use hex colors tomatch your logo)Compress multiple files in a zipped folder to attach as one file.

    Sis. Peterson

    Comm 130-04

  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


    LogosDate: November 2, 2013

    Description:This project was to make 3 different logos for acompany.

    Process:These logos were made for my friends sandwichshop. I first started out on the first logo making

    a text box and typing the name of the company.I then took the direct select tool and stretchedthe letters. I then too the pen tool ad drew thestethoscope. I placed it into the first logo and thenfor the trademark. To make the trademark, I tookthe Ellipse tool and created the circle. For the finallogo on the page, I again used the Ellipse tool andcreated the bread that is in the background.

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator CS6

    Objectives Create a variety of logos to fit a company orpersonal image (at least 3 new logos). Do not imitate existing logos or use yourprevious designs. Use only the tools of Illustrator. (No photoson logo page)

    Setting up a professional display for thecompany. Arrange three logos on an 8.5 x 11vertical page / .5 margins and add the companyname in simple type at the top of page. Getting feedback from outside sources. Askten people to select their favorite logo. List theresults, along with your favorite, in your blog post.

    Sis. Peterson

    Comm 130-04

  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio



  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio


    BrochureDate: December 7, 2013

    Description:I made a 2-fold offset Brochure.

    Process:I first created the Sandwich Doctor logo inIllustrator. I then took that image and places it intoan InDesign document. I then created differentshapes using the shape tool in InDesign to create amore appealing background. Since this is a fictional

    company, I went online and took pictures thatI could place into the brochure to make it morevisually appealing. I then had to create a Text Wrapwith an image. I used Photoshop to get rid of thebackground of the image so that there was only thesandwich in the image. I then went into InDesignand placed the image there and made it so that thetext wrapped around the image.

    Program(s) / Tools used: Adobe Photoshop,Illustrator, and InDesign.

    Objectives Set up and align a two-sided, folded document. Create an original company logo and use it in abrochure. Incorporate quality images. (Incorporate atleast four quality images (Not including the logo).

    One should be clipped in Photoshop and text-wrapped in InDesign so the text follows the cutoutshape of the image.) Write at least 250 words of original copy withat least three paragraphs. Trim for a full bleed and print in duplex (two-sided) color.

    Sis. Peterson

    Comm 130-04

  • 8/13/2019 Hayley Breon Portfolio
