hayden aideen dl card pierce 3512

Tel: 01 618 3178 Mobile: 087 231 1921 My name is Senator Aideen Hayden. I have been a housing and socialpolicy campaigner for over 25 years and the current housing crisis is my priority. As Labour Party spokesperson on Housing, Children and Youth Affairs and Chair of the national housing charity Threshold, I see firsthand the damage being done by the crisis. Rising rents, a chronic housing shortage, homeless families living in hotels. These are the result of the failure to build social housing during the boom years and policies that didn't treat housing as a 'home'. I support a sustainable construction industry that builds the righthomes in the right locations. With almost 90,000 people on waiting lists, I'm calling for arenewed social housing programme. Rent control must be introduced to protect tenants from unfair renthikes and economic evictions. More flexibility must be shown to families currently being pricedout of their home and we need a new rent supplement scheme that doesn't stigmatise those who rely on it. I am championing these solutions in the Seanad and as a member of the Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform. I am a qualified solicitor with an economics degree and a PhD in Housing Policy. I grew up in Hillcourt, Glenageary, attended Cluny and studied in UCD. I am married to Chris O'Malley and we have two daughters, Elizabeth and Joanna and we live on Albert Road, Glenageary. Aideen Hayden Senator Contact Aideen Email: [email protected] Web: labour.ie/aideenhayden @aideen_hayden Dear Resident

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Tel: 01 618 3178

Mobile: 087 231 1921

My name is Senator Aideen Hayden. I have been a housing and socialpolicy campaigner for over25 years and the current housing crisis is my priority.

As Labour Party spokesperson on Housing, Children and Youth Affairs and Chair of the national housing charity Threshold, I see firsthand the damage being done by the crisis.

Rising rents, a chronic housing shortage, homeless families living in hotels. These are the result of the failure tobuild social housing during the boom years and policies that didn't treat housing as a 'home'.

� I support a sustainable construction industry that builds the righthomes in the right locations.

� With almost 90,000 people on waiting lists, I'm calling for arenewed social housing programme.

� Rent control must be introduced to protect tenants from unfair renthikes and economic evictions.

� More flexibility must be shown to families currently being pricedout of their home and we need a new rentsupplement scheme that doesn't stigmatise those who rely on it.

I am championing these solutions in the Seanad and as a member of the Oireachtas Committee on Finance,Public Expenditure and Reform. I am a qualified solicitor with an economics degree and a PhD in Housing Policy. Igrew up in Hillcourt, Glenageary, attended Cluny and studied in UCD. I am married to Chris O'Malley and wehave two daughters, Elizabeth and Joanna and we live on Albert Road, Glenageary.

Aideen HaydenSenator

Contact AideenEmail: [email protected]

Web: labour.ie/aideenhayden @aideen_hayden

Dear Resident

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If we can be of any assistanceto you, please get in touch.Working with Cllr. Jane Dillon Byrne and John Kane

Phone: 086 171 0007Email: [email protected]

Cllr. Donna Pierce@Donna_Pierce_


Working with Senator Aideen Hayden

Cllr Donna Pierce