harington scheme the · 2013. 5. 17. · the harington scheme(founded in 1980) 55a cholmeley park,...

Harington Scheme The 2011–2012 Annual Report Supported by: The Leathersellers’ Company

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Page 1: Harington Scheme The · 2013. 5. 17. · The Harington Scheme(founded in 1980) 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH † info@harington.org.uk † Founding Chairman Dame Geraldine

1The Harington Scheme Annual Report 2011-2012

Harington SchemeThe


Annual Report

Supported by:

The Leathersellers’Company

Page 2: Harington Scheme The · 2013. 5. 17. · The Harington Scheme(founded in 1980) 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH † info@harington.org.uk † Founding Chairman Dame Geraldine

The Harington SchemeThe Harington Scheme affords a uniqueopportunity for young adults with learningdisabilities and/or difficulties, providingindividual learning programmes designedto help them into employment, furthereducation or a more rewarding life.

Set up as a charity by the local communitysome 32 years ago, the majority of learnerscome from the North London area, thoughthe unusual nature of the scheme attractspeople from all over the capital.

The scheme is situated on a land-locked sitebehind Highgate High Street in NorthLondon.

There are four main strands to the training:

■ The Vocational Training Scheme aims toprepare learners for work, find them further employment and support themin their new jobs. Qualifications and training in horticulture and retail areoffered, and the programme is designed as a holistic package that developstransferable skills vital for successfuland sustained employment.

■ Harington Gardeners is a supportedemployment initiative offering astepping stone for those learners whoare not ready to go straight into work atthe end of their training.

■ The Day Service provision offershorticultural activity of a therapeuticnature to adults with a learning disabilityor mental health support needs.

■ The Foundation Skills provision equipsyoung people with the basic skillsneeded for employment, self-directionand personal development.

Every learner has an individual programmeof activities to support their personaldevelopment and skill needs.

The majority of learners are found a job orfurther education when they leave, and theScheme supports them for as long as is needed for them to settle in.

2The Harington Scheme Annual Report 2011-2012

The Harington Scheme (founded in 1980)55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH• [email protected] • www.harington.org.uk

Founding Chairman Dame Geraldine Aves DBEPatron Joe Swift

Registered Charity No. 279376

ContentsChairs’ report

Manager’s reportTreasurer’s report

Friends of Harington reportBeneficiary overview

Thank you to our supportersGrants and Donations 2011-2012

The Harington Scheme 2011-2012 Diary dates for 2013

Contact detailsDonation form & Gift Aid declaration


Working in the greenhouse

Page 3: Harington Scheme The · 2013. 5. 17. · The Harington Scheme(founded in 1980) 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH † info@harington.org.uk † Founding Chairman Dame Geraldine

Last year we shifted the AGM from July toNovember, and this year we are moving it toDecember and holding it after the PlantSale, so that Members have the opportunityto visit the Scheme, buy some plants forChristmas, and catch up with the events ofthe past year at the AGM.

We were very fortunate that Pauline Treenjoined the Trustees in May 2012. Pauline isknown to many of you as the formerFundraising Director of the North LondonHospice and we look forward to herbringing these skills to the Harington.Scheme. We have now recruited three newtrustees in the last two years which hasrenewed the energy and experience of theTrustees.

This last year the Scheme has been facedwith two major developments, an Ofstedinspection, the first in six years, and thefinancial implications of the forthcomingdemise of the PCT ( Primary Care Trust), ourlandlords, under the Government’sreorganisation of the Health Service.

In terms of the Ofsted inspection the pictureis overwhelmingly positive. We surpassedour results in the previous inspection in2006. All areas were graded 2, which meansGood, with the exception of Outcome forLearners, which was graded 1, which meansOutstanding. We would like to congratulateJoanna and her team and also Donald Lushwho was Acting Manager of the Scheme inthe time leading up to the Inspection.

The implications of the demise of the PCTare still uncertain. We have been paying anannual peppercorn rent of £150, but thePCT is now talking about setting a market

rent. However, the fact that we have anagricultural lease should be helpful interms of the size of the increase. Next Aprilthe PCT will be transferring the freehold ofour site to NHS Property Services Ltd, who,we fear, may not have any local knowledgeof the valuable work that is done by theScheme. We are currently in discussionswith the PCT, and hope to persuade them totake full account of the interests of ourlearners and the value of maintaining theHarington Scheme.

While the outcome of the income andexpenditure account for the year shows anoverall profit, this is due to the one offgenerous legacy of Lord McIntosh, and wewill need to make additional efforts to raiseincome in the coming year.

The Trustees completed a new three yearBusiness Plan (2011-2014) whose progressis being monitored by the Trustees twice ayear via an action plan.

The Friends, under their Chair RosalindLaurie, have been as active and supportiveas usual. They provided refreshments and,together with the staff, helped organise thetwo Plant sales in December and May, aswell as organising the annual quiz inFebruary hosted by John and Katie Plewsfrom Upstairs at the Gatehouse. In additionthey have organised a wine tasting in Junewhich was a great success. As a result theyhave raised the splendid total of £14,085for the Scheme.

We would also like to thank all theindividual and charitable foundations whohave given us grants this year includingTottenham Grammar School Foundation,

the Leathersellers’ Company CharitableFund, the City Bridge Trust, the CLACharitable Trust, the Rank Foundation, theDudley and Geoffrey Cox Charitable Trust,the Hubert Blake Charitable Trust, the JackPetchey Foundation and the FogelCharitable Trust.

We would also like to thank Joanna Baxter,who has been on maternity leave for a largepart of the year, but who returned on a parttime basis just before the Ofsted inspectionin May and steered the Scheme through tosuch a successful conclusion, and DonaldLush, who took over as Acting Manager inSeptember 2011, and stayed on till the endof the year, and who has contributed a lotto maintaining the progress and morale ofthe Scheme in the absence of two of thesenior managers. We would like tocongratulate both Joanna and RachelPilkington on the birth of their daughters.

In addition we would like to pay tribute tothe staff and volunteers who have faced achallenging year from which they haveemerged with such notable success.

Finally we would like to thank our fellowTrustees for their support and commitmentover the past year.

Tony Baker and Carol Burgess, Co-Chairs


Chairs’ report

The Harington Scheme Annual Report 2011-2012

“I am being helped with my reading and writing, it’s better than other colleges”Sinan, Learner

“I like gardening and making friends. I have fun at the Harington Scheme”

Alicia, Learner

“It’s good because everyone getsincluded. No one is left out and

there is good teamwork”Daniel, Learner

Pond Square stall

Celebration of Achivements

Page 4: Harington Scheme The · 2013. 5. 17. · The Harington Scheme(founded in 1980) 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH † info@harington.org.uk † Founding Chairman Dame Geraldine

Manager’s report

4The Harington Scheme Annual Report 2011-2012

We have had a very successful year at theHarington Scheme in challengingcircumstances. The learners have onceagain excelled themselves and the staffhave worked particularly hard to achievesome great outcomes.

With an Ofsted inspection due, a stretchinglearner recruitment target, a tight budget,and two managers, including myself, aboutto go on maternity leave, the trustees andstaff greeted the new academic year withsome trepidation, but things soon fell intoplace.

We were fortunate to recruit Donald Lush asacting Scheme Manager and Lynne Hamerto cover the Vocational Teamleader post.After a (very) brief induction from themums-to-be, they quickly adapted to their

roles and became valuable members of themanagement team.

We also welcomed Erica Levy and PaulaEdwards to the teaching staff in Septemberand said farewell to John Fairweather,Horticultural Trainer, who after many yearsof commuting from Hampshire decided toget a job closer to home.

Recruitment to our new FoundationLearning provision got off to a slow start.With a dramatically reduced Connexionsservice locally, the Recruitment andProgression team put a huge effort intostrengthening our links with the JobcentrePlus, schools and colleges to increasereferrals, and by the end of the year ninety–three young people and adults hadparticipated in our training, an increase of18% on the previous year.

In our first full year of Foundation Learningthere was a strong focus on learnersachieving a range of qualifications inhorticulture, retail, personal and workskills, English, Maths and ICT, butimportantly we managed to retain theflexibility to offer each learner apersonalised package of qualifications,

work experience and support that is so vitalto ensure progression. Over the course ofthe year all learners who had qualificationtargets as part of their programme achievedone or more qualifications (84% of allleavers) and 79% of learners who leftduring the year went to a positivedestination. Congratulations to all of ourleavers and we wish you all the best for the future.

Another major task of the year was to preparefor inspection. As the maximum timebetween inspections was getting closer, wewere well prepared and somewhat relievedwhen Ofsted announced their inspection inMay 2012. Three inspectors visited theScheme for four days to evaluate ourFoundation Learning provision. All aspects ofthe training provision were judged good oroutstanding, with ‘Outcomes for Learners’judged as outstanding, an excellent resultthat reflected the hard work andimprovements made since our lastinspection in 2006. The main findings of theinspection team included:

• Qualification rates and progression ratesinto further education, training andsustained employment are very high.

• Partnerships to develop provision tomeet learners’ needs are effective andenhance the opportunities and supportavailable to learners.

• Care, guidance and support for learnersare outstanding.

• The board of Trustees is supportive ofstaff and managers providing goodstrategic direction and overview of theprovision.

• Quality improvement arrangements arewell established and are effective inimproving provision.

“I like looking after the tools, mowing,hedge cutting and loading up the van”

Philip, Learner

“I love coming into the Haringtonbecause everyone’s a laugh and friendly,

and I’m doing my apprenticeship”Cleo, Learner

Working on the vegetable plots


At the residential

Page 5: Harington Scheme The · 2013. 5. 17. · The Harington Scheme(founded in 1980) 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH † info@harington.org.uk † Founding Chairman Dame Geraldine

Whilst there was much to celebrate therewere two sad losses during the year.Founder member and regular supporterRose Mary Braithwaite and popular andlong-standing trainee Gerald Yilmaz bothpassed away and they are sorely missed by all.

Now back with the Scheme full time aftermy maternity leave, I am very pleased tohave been able to report on such asuccessful year and this is due to the hardwork and dedication of all of staff,volunteers, trustees and supporters. Thankyou all and I look forward to continuing ourwork together.

Joanna Baxter, Scheme Manager

5The Harington Scheme Annual Report 2011-2012

• The scheme uses resources particularlywell to provide very good value formoney.

The inspectors were also impressed by therange of support offered by our fantasticgroup of volunteers who work with thelearners individually and in groups. One ofthe few areas for improvement that Ofstedidentified was a need to increase theprofessional development and support forour volunteers and we will be addressingthis in the coming year.

A full copy of the report can be found onour website.

Our employer links have continued tostrengthen. This year we worked with 23employers and voluntary sectororganisations who offered our learners workexperience and employment. Therecruitment and progression team offeredemployers a helping hand through jobcoaching and aftercare support for their

employees who trained with us in the past.Work experience is one of the most popularand worthwhile aspects of our provisionand therefore a huge thanks to thosecompanies and individuals that haveworked with us during the year.

Harington Gardeners employed 10 formerlearners, as well as hosting numerous workexperience placements for the currentFoundation Learning cohort. The assistantgardeners were supported to improve notonly their gardening skills, but alsoimportant employability skills, such asteam-working, punctuality, followinginstructions and communicating with theircolleagues. Like many businessesHarington Gardeners have suffered from theeffects of the economic downturn, withsome contracts lost and difficulty findingnew work, and income from sales was lowerthan anticipated. We thank theLeathersellers’ Company and all of ourgarden maintenance customers for their continued support.

“Harington is a great place to learn and grow.It’s a great place to learn how to deal withdifferent types of people”Shamsu, Assistant Gardener

“I like coming into the Haringtonbecause the staff are so supportive”Dillon, Assistant Gardener

Snowdrops in the Walled Garden

Rose Mary Braithwaite Gerald Yilmaz

Working at Hyde Park

Visit to recycling centre

Manager’s report continued

Page 6: Harington Scheme The · 2013. 5. 17. · The Harington Scheme(founded in 1980) 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH † info@harington.org.uk † Founding Chairman Dame Geraldine

Treasurer’s report

6The Harington Scheme Annual Report 2011-2012

Statement of Financial Activities

Incoming Resources Incoming Resources From Generated Funds: Voluntary Income:

Charity grants and donations 92,300 42,500 134,800 100,450Friends and other donations 30,292 5,000 35,292 46,113

Investment income 1,816 – 1,816 1,211Other income – – – 8,100

Incoming Resources from Charitable Activities: Training scheme income including fees and grants from public bodies 441,381 10,430 451,811 677,453Harington Gardeners 122,744 – 122,744 181,650

Total Incoming Resources 688,533 57,930 746,463 1,014,977

Resources Expended: Costs of Generating Funds 7,147 – 7,147 8,477Charitable Activities:

Harington Gardeners 171,213 17,253 188,466 245,258Training Scheme 470,836 36,810 507,646 703,083

Governance costs 15,009 – 15,009 16,705

Total Resources Expended 664,205 54,063 718,268 973,523

Net Incoming/(Outgoing)Resources for the Year 24,328 3,867 28,195 41,454 Total Funds at 1st August 2011 301,979 39,670 341,649 300,195

Total Funds at 31st July 2012 £326,307 £43,537 £369,844 £341,649

Summary Income and Expenditure Account - for the year ended 31st July 2012

Unrestricted Restricted Year to 16monthsto Funds Funds 31.7.2012 31.7.2011 £ £ £ £

2011/12The Harington Scheme has changed theaccounting period to reflect the accountingperiods of funding bodies. The newaccounting period 1st August to 31st July wasintroduced this year. The accounts show therespective position for 2010/11 which was atransition year with a 16 month accountingperiod April 2010 to 1st July 2011.

The profit and loss account shows that theScheme returned a surplus of £28,195 on aturnover of £746,463 in 2011/12.Expenditure in 2011/12 was in line withbudget at £718,268.The restricted fundsbalance as at the year end is £43,537 asrelated projects were taken forward. Thebalance will be carried forward.

The financial results for the Scheme for theyear continue the pattern of previous years.The results are dependent on variableincome streams and on grants anddonations. In the early part of this year thetraining centre had difficulty recruiting to itsmain Education Funding Agency (EFA)training programme and the loweroccupancy resulted in a reduction in incomefrom the EFA. The Gardeners continue tomake losses, but remain an important partof the training. The Scheme is committed toretaining the Gardeners who compete forcontracts in the commercial and publicsector, and is progressing ways in which theloss can be materially reduced. A legacydonation of £50,000 was received duringthe year and this significantly improved theyear end position.

The Scheme’s principal funding source wasthe Education Funding Agency (EFA) whichsucceeded the Young People’s LearningAgency (YPLA) in April 2012. EFA incomeaccounted for just under 50% of income.The Scheme is committed to the continualdevelopment of the scope and quality of itsservices to meet the contemporaryeducational standards and funders’requirements, as it is obviously imperativethat government funding is maintained.

We are very grateful to supporters of theScheme who have raised funds over theyears.

Japanese anemones in the Walled Garden

2012/13The Trustees have set a break-even budgetfor the period to 31st July 2013. Income andfund raising that can be reasonably reliedupon should be sufficient to coverminimum Scheme running costs for theyear, with the provision of additionalservices and improvements beingdependent on further fundraising.

Joanna Sheehan, Treasurer

Page 7: Harington Scheme The · 2013. 5. 17. · The Harington Scheme(founded in 1980) 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH † info@harington.org.uk † Founding Chairman Dame Geraldine


Friends of Harington report

The Harington Scheme Annual Report 2011-2012

The theory that time is elastic is certainlyproving true for me now: the 2011 HaringtonAGM feels like yesterday, while the eventsthe Friends organised in the last year or soare becoming distant memories, so it is apleasant task to revive them here in thisreport. Our efforts enabled us to transferover £14,000 to the Scheme in April, whichhas paid for the learners’ annual residentialtrip to the Isle of Wight, the cleaning of thegreenhouse, and other projects yet to bedecided. Last year the Friends’ donationwas spent on new waterproof uniforms forthe Harington Gardeners, new signagearound the Scheme, and an updatedwebsite which has already succeeded inattracting new learners, as well as themuch-appreciated residential trip andenjoyable Bonfire Party.

Our regular fund-raisers continued happilylast year: the refreshments, home producestall and raffle were all generouslysupported at the Spring and ChristmasSales, and the Supper Quiz in March wasvery good fun as always, with the excellentJohn and Katie Plews challenging us withOlympics and Jubilee based questions andhelping us to raise nearly £3000 profit. ThePond Square stall, run by Alison Dart onThursday mornings from March to October,involved the learners as well as the Friends,and continued to make profits which wereeducational as well as financial.

Our October fund-raisers have beendifferent each time. In 2011 we were treatedto an evening of contemporary art hostedby Pauline and Ray Treen. The Friends’committee provided wine and canapes tonourish the body as well as the soul, andeveryone went home happy and veryimpressed. In 2012 we organised threewine-tasting events with the Theatre ofWine and Truffles delicatessen, who gaveus exceptionally generous rates; both thesummer and autumn sessions were hugelyenjoyable as well as informative, and quitea few guests came twice!

All our events depend on the hard work ofthe Friends’ committee, and I’d like tothank the great current team for theirconstant, generous and efficient support.

I’m very happy that all of them arecontinuing as committee members nextyear. Of course the greater part of themoney raised by the Friends comes fromnon-committee members, Friends whosupport the Harington annually with theirsubscriptions and donations. People givewhat they can – and sometimes that is alot – and often have been contributing foryears. I’m extremely grateful to all of themfor their loyalty and commitment

Rosalind Laurie, Chair of the Friends ofHarington

1,250.00 Opening Cash Balances Lloyds TSB b/f 1,250.002,190.00 Subscriptions 2,160.005,703.28 Donations 6,019.05

Special Events:1,021.20 Spring Sale 1,091.301,095.60 Christmas Sale 1,329.48865.00 Restaurant Tree 0.002,598.00 Joe Swift Event 0.000.00 Art Event 1,445.003,848.00 Supper Quiz 3,809.89

9,427.80 7,675.67

4.03 Investment income 2.61

18,575.11 17,107,33

Income2011 2012£ £

139.22 AGM Expenses 105.42224.37 Printing/Stationery/Postage 230.70122.91 Spring Sale 90.00133.83 Joe Swift Event 0.0025.21 Firework Party 13.98100.00 Christmas Sale 137.26954.98 Supper Quiz 993.6746.49 Lunch for Scheme Staff 25.940.00 Art Event 175.0852.00 Bank Charges 0.00

15,526.10 Transfer to the Harington Scheme 14,085.281,250.00 Closing Cash Balance Lloyds TSB c/f 1,250.00

18,575.11 17,107.33

Expenditure2011 2012£ £

Friends of HaringtonIncome and Expenditure Account for the Year Ending 31st March 2012

Pond Square stall

Page 8: Harington Scheme The · 2013. 5. 17. · The Harington Scheme(founded in 1980) 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH † info@harington.org.uk † Founding Chairman Dame Geraldine

Beneficiary overview

8The Harington Scheme Annual Report 2011-2012

Beneficiaries by Age Group (%)

Above: The actual number of learners in each age category

50+Under 1616-18




6 33

Beneficiaries by Disability Type (%)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30Percentage

No disability/ difficulty (3 – 3%)Other/ multiple disability (25 – 27%)Hearing / Visual impairment (1 – 1%)Emotional/ behavioural difficulty (4 – 4%)Mental health issues (9 – 10%)Severe learning disability (3 – 3%)Dyslexia (4 – 4%)Autistic Spectrum disorder (20 – 22%)Moderate learning disability (24 – 26%)











Beneficiaries by Borough of Residence (%)

Above: The percentage of learners from each borough, actual numbers in brackets.

Harrow (3)Islington (11)

Barnet (21)Brent (4)

Camden (13)Enfield (10)



1% 12%22%

Hackney (10)Haringey (23)


Working in the greenhouse

“It’s good because you do gardening and you can get workexperience and a job. It’s fun working outside”Hasan, Learner

“We develop skills to get a job. The staff help us to achieve our skills”Henna, Learner



At the residential

Work experience at Archway Cycles

Page 9: Harington Scheme The · 2013. 5. 17. · The Harington Scheme(founded in 1980) 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH † info@harington.org.uk † Founding Chairman Dame Geraldine

Retail: Archway Cycles, Bon Marche (Wood Green), Cancer Research (Highgate), Gary Swerner Optician, Oxfam (Dalston & Highgate), Peacocks (Wood Green), QVC,Superdrug (Harringay), Thornton’s Budgens, Traid (Wood Green), Waitrose, Wyvale Garden CentreHorticulture: Brent Parks Department, Elder’s Voices, Enterprise (Hyde Park), Golders Hill Park, Haggerston Park, South Herts. Golf ClubCatering: Holly Lodge Community Centre, Barnet Council, Channing SchoolOther: Channing School (Office & Catering), Exposure Magazine (Media), Haringey Association for Independent Living (Office), The Arts Depot (Office)


Thank you to our supporters

The Harington Scheme Annual Report 2011-2012

“Work experience is really good and I enjoy it. Thank you to the Scheme for getting my work experience”Lucy, LearnerWork experience at Cancer Research

Major DonationsThe Estate of Lord McIntosh £50,000Tottenham Grammar School Foundation £38,500City Bridge Trust £30,000Friends of Harington £14,085Leathersellers Company Charitable Fund £10,000Stephen and Leila Hodge £5,000Highgate School Parents Association £4,046

Dudley & Geoffrey Cox Charitable Trust £3,000Livia Gollancz £3,000Gary Sycamore £2,400CLA Charitable Trust £1,500The Swindlers £1,384The Rank Foundation £1,000Mr & Mrs J Bardner £1,000

General Donations Mr R. Caird, Central Hornsey & DistrictAllotments & Horticultural Society, Fair in the Square, Fogel Charitable Trust,Highgate School, HMRC Charities, Hubert Blake Charitable Trust, Jack PetcheyFoundation, Jean Fadil, Joanne Knowles,Junko Nakata & Andrew Sulston, Mrs. A. Nicol, Mrs. C. Blake, Mrs. Orlik,Muswell Hill & District Horticultural Society,Park Avenue South Association, Rose Mary Braithwaite, Rotary Club of Islington, Highgate & Muswell Hill andSt. Anne’s Church

Grants and Donations 2011 - 2012


Grateful thanks from everyone at the Harington Scheme toevery single one of the individuals and organisations whosegenerosity continues to make our work possible.

Barnet College, British Transport Police, CapelManor College, Channing School, City and IslingtonCollege, Education Funding Agency, Elfrida Society,Fair in the Square, First Rung, GOALS, HampsteadSchool, Haringey Sixth Form Centre, HAVCO,Highgate Literary and Scientific Institution,Highgate Neighbourhood Forum, Highgate Schools,The Highgate Society, HNCC Mini Gym, Institute ofEducation, Job Centre Plus, Local Authors (CaitlinDavies, Michele Hanson, Sophie Radice), LondonSouthbank University, London Work-based LearningAlliance, Maximus, Middlesex University, NorthLondon Training Partnership, Oak Lodge School,Princes Trust, Prospects, Remploy, Riverside School,Salesforce Foundation, SEETEC, William EllisSchool, Wolves Lane Garden Centre

Partners Prizes from Horticultural show

“It’s nice to see how the Harington students develop”Piera, Cancer Research

“It’s great to see young people grow inconfidence and create powerful workwhich they can be proud of and otheryoung people can relate to”Andreas, Exposure Magazine

Page 10: Harington Scheme The · 2013. 5. 17. · The Harington Scheme(founded in 1980) 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH † info@harington.org.uk † Founding Chairman Dame Geraldine

The Harington Scheme 2011-2012

10The Harington Scheme Annual Report 2011-2012


Management and AdministrationJoanna BaxterDonald LushCaroline SimpsonSimon Tye

Vocational Training TeamRachel Pilkington Lynne Hamer Kimberley CronkSteven GaylorDavid RobinsonErica Levy

Foundation Skills TeamGlynis WilliamsPaula EdwardsStephen Webber

Recruitment and Progression TeamMichelle BesantMandy HillDennis Walker

Harington Gardeners Darren TownsendMirianna BunchMassimo Battocchi

Volunteers John Blake, Maureen Bocking, Lucy Charles,Noreen Cunningham, Nitin Dabasia, AlisonDart, Sue Eziefula, Eva Frean, Lorraine Fox,Valerie Hall, Mandy Hellawell, JoanneKnowles, Alaistair MacDonald, MaryOpenshaw, Katharine Ridler, Martin Smith,Gary Sycamore, Robert Wallich, FionaWalker and Joanna Wise


PatronJoe Swift

Co-ChairsTony Baker Carol Burgess

TreasurerJoanna Sheehan

Company SecretaryTed Dixon

TrusteesCaryle Adams, David Booth, Leila Hodge,Jennifer Horne-Roberts, Liz Leverton, PeterMantle, Dan Newman, Pauline Treen

AccountantsCalder and Co.

ArchitectsTim Ronalds

Company Members (other than trustees)John Bardner, Peter Benton, Ruth Benton,Rose Mary Braithwaite, Bill Bulman, MaryBurns, Paul Crooks, Alison Dart, PeterDraper, Ruth Edwards, Judi Fairlie, LorraineFox, Elaine Garrod, Nicky Gavron, ChrisHindley, Lottie Hunter, Anne Johnson, SaraKaye, Pat Lawlor, Jane Lister, RobertMcBarnet, Margaret McGlone, Rose Mendel,Jean Morley, Margaret Neal, MaryOpenshaw, Tim Ronalds, Jenny Russell,Marcia Saunders, Sir Andrew and LadySmith, Joe Swift, Gary Sycamore, PaulineWearden, Sue Whittington, Phyllis Willmott,Penny Woolley, Jennifer Wright.

Butterfly in the Walled Garden Spring sale

Planting in the Walled Garden Literacy class

Page 11: Harington Scheme The · 2013. 5. 17. · The Harington Scheme(founded in 1980) 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH † info@harington.org.uk † Founding Chairman Dame Geraldine


Diary 2013

The Harington Scheme Annual Report 2011-2012

Saturday 11th May 2013Spring sale and open day 9.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m

Wednesday 17th July 2013Celebration of Achievements 6.30 p.m.

Saturday 14th December 2013Christmas sale and open day 10.00 – 2.00 p.m.

Thursdays 11am – 1pm March to October Weekly Stall at Pond Square, N6

THE HARINGTON SCHEME 020-8341 3657ENROLMENTS & PLACEMENTS 020-8341 9089THE HARINGTON GARDENERS 020-8348 5605The Harington Gardeners are available for all types of gardening work.

■ fax: 020-8347 8860 ■ e-mail: [email protected] ■ web: www.harington.org.uk■ follow us on twitter: @Haringtonscheme ■ facebook: www.facebook.com/haringtonscheme ■ 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH

We also hold regular fundraising events throughout the year, soplease visit our website for details or join our mailing list:[email protected].

Please note that the Harington Scheme is open Monday toThursday 9.00am - 4.00pm for the sale of plants and produce.Visitors are also welcome to view the site and meet the staff during those hours.

DirectionsFrom Archway Station: travel up Highgate Hill (buses nos. 143, 210 or

271) to the first bus stop in Highgate High Street.

From Highgate Station: walk downhill on Archway Road, third road onthe right. The main site is accessed from Cholmeley Park at the side of

Furnival House (No. 50). Visitors always welcome

There are many ways that can get involved with the Harington you could:

■ Join one of our training programmes■ Employ Harington Gardeners ■ Make a donation■ Become a volunteer ■ Join the Friends of Harington■ Come to an event ■ Host a work experience placement

For more details visit our website www.harington.org.ukor come to see us in Highgate.

How to get involved

Contact details

Page 12: Harington Scheme The · 2013. 5. 17. · The Harington Scheme(founded in 1980) 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EH † info@harington.org.uk † Founding Chairman Dame Geraldine

The Harington Scheme Annual Report 2011-2012 12

Donation form & Gift Aid declaration

Using Gift Aid means that, for every pound you give us, we will receive an extra 25p from HMRC.

Please help us to make your donation go further by completing this Gift Aid Declaration Form

So, if you want your donation to go further, then why not I would like the Harington Scheme to treat:

The enclosed gift as a Gift Aid donation; OR

All gifts of money that I make today and in the future as Gift Aid donations; OR

I am not a UK taxpayer. (Please tick the appropriate box)

All gifts of money that I have made in the past 4 years and all future gifts ofmoney that I make from the date of this declaration as Gift Aid donations; OR

I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/ or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at leastequal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts forthat tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008

Donor’s Details:Title First name or initial(s)


Full Home Address

Postcode Signature

Donation amount Date

If you would like to make a donation online or via bank transfer please visit our website or contact us on 0208 341 3657

Please notify the Harington Scheme if you: 1.Want to cancel this declaration 2. Change your name or home address 3. No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.

If you pay income tax at the higher rate, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return if you want toreceive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return or ask HMRevenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.

The Harington Scheme complies with the Data Protection Act and will NOT disclose your information to third-party traders in personal data. However, if you do not wish to continue to receive information please indicate below and return to us at the above address

I do not wish to continue to receive information from the Harington Scheme.

The Harington Scheme Registered Charity No. 279376

55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate, London, N6 5EHTel: 020 8341 3657 Email: [email protected] Website: www.harington.org.uk

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