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April, 2015 www.palmchasecondo.com VOL XXIII No. 7 Happy Earth Day

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April, 2015 www.palmchasecondo.com VOL XXIII No. 7



Hi everyone! I want to wish everyone aHappy Passover and Happy Easter. If you area snowbird returning up North, I want to wishyou a good, healthy summer. We lookforward to seeing you next season.I want to thank the Special Events Committeeand the Social Club for the wonderful Galaevent. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Property Manager...Irene Diaz Message from our President...Helen Holtzman

As per Palm Beach County, 6 trees wereplanted to replace the ones that had tobe removed. If they appear to look dead,they are not. The leaves shed this timeof year and in a few weeks the trees willonce again have nice green leaves.The gates have been repaired and themechanism that allowed the gate to go up by puttingthe nose of a car under it has been corrected. NO ONEcan enter the community by pulling their car under thegate arm. If you have a problem getting in the gate,go to the visitors side and utilize your white gate card.Once you come in, proceed to the office so I can placea new Bar Code Decal on your vehicle. Letters will goout to each unit owner regarding their decals and gatecards. You will be required to bring your car and allgate cards to the office to update our records.Pump numbers 4 and 5 of the irrigation system bothwent down at the same time. Pump 4 needed a newmotor and is now up and running. Pump 5, whichwaters several areas including the Tennis Courts isstill down. Irsay Irrigation removed the motor after aseries of problems to see if it can be repaired. If themotor in not able to be repaired, a new motor will haveto be purchased. Tennis Courts are being handwatered by our men and Alan Sherman, a unit ownerhere at Palm Chase.I want to thank the Social Club and the Special EventsCommittee for putting together really nice programsfor everyone to enjoy… Thanks so much. You all dosuch a great job.

Our COP Program needsyou. Please volunteer yourtime to help protect yourcommunity.

Call Mona BookmanCOP Captainat 736-4003

Board of Directors MeetingsApril 16th October 8thMay 14th November 12thJune 18th December 17thSept. 10th January 14th, 2016

All Board Meetings begin 7:30 p.m.

Calendar of Events….Irene StecklerPlease call me at 364-4607 BEFORE SETTINGDATES FOR ALL EVENTS to check to see if aparticular date is available. We are trying notto have conflicting activities. Also, all itemsfor the calendar must be given to me duringthe 1st week of the PRIOR MONTH to meet the10th deadline. Thank you for yourcooperation.

Serving Chinese Food


The Palm Reader staff would like to wish allour neighbors and friends a very happyPassover and Easter. To our snowbirds whowill be leaving us and traveling up North, wewish you a happy and safe summer. We lookforward to your return in the fall. Remember,if you would like to receive the Reader while

you are gone, please make sure we have your email addressor give us self-addressed stamped envelopes. Put them inthe Reader mailbox in the lobby.

From the Publisher...Larry Bloom

We are saddened by the lossof our neighbor

Thelma Mermelsteinand send our condolences to Al

and their family.

Welcome to the Community!We would like to welcome the followingnew homeowners to Palm Chase:

Jerry & Geruza CallPierre & AnnaMarie DumontMarty Goldberg & Marlene KaufmanSunny and Charles HuntLynn & Bert Krensky

It bothers me when I see tax moneywasted on signs telling deer whereto cross the road.


Palm Chase Special Events...Ruth PollingerOur experiment last year of combining our efforts withthe Social Club in presenting "The Gala" was sosuccessful that we did it again. We hope to keep thisas an annual event to top off the season! Because thisis being written prior to the actual event, we areassuming the response will be as positive as it waslast year and our community enjoys participating inthis type of event. The planning and workingcommittee behind the scene is basically the same, butwe asked some members new to Special Events to joinus in this endeavor. There were some changes to themenu and libation which we felt were needed andhoped that this would be more acceptable to ourcritics. We are continuing to offer new stage andmusic presentations to get a fresh look and sound,and The Fabulons gave us a great performance. Andonce more, the dance floor was put to good use.Combined with the Social Club, we intend to continueto make the Gala a super evening and keep it anannual event with a similar format; and we hope thecommunity agrees with us.

Usually we use the month of April to start planning the4th of July party as we have no stage shows on tap.This April, however, one of our Special Events will beplanning the Mother's and Father's Day Brunch whichwill be held on Mother's Day, Sunday May 10th. Lastyear we called it Mother's Day, but this year we arecelebrating both on the same day. We also hope tomake this one of our annual celebrations too! We willbe announcing all the particulars in time for you tomake reservations hoping you respond as beautifullyas you did last year. Of course, family and friends arewelcome.We do expect to meet with everyone who expressed adesire to be part of Special Events. Hopefully some ofyou were available to help with the Gala and perhapswill do the same on planned events in May and July.Please know we are not neglecting you, you will hearfrom us.It boggles the mind to think the season is almost overand some of you will be on your way away from PalmChase. We wish you a safe journey, good health, happyspring and summer and look forward to your return. Toall our Palm Chase family, near and far, our very bestwishes for a Sweet Passover and Happy Easter!

The Gala

Palm Chase honorsAllan Cohn for all his

years of service and workon the Board of Directors


Palm Chase Social Club...Arlene BloomClub News

Palm Chase Book Club...Helen HoltzmanBooks to be reviewed


Solos ...Nicky KaplanI hope by the time you read this our president, MurielGreenberg, is feeling well and is back presiding over us.She does such an excellent job bringing new ideas for ourmeetings that have proved successful and entertaining.We appreciate the time and thought that has gone into cre-ating them. We especially enjoyed the Sunday morningthat we brought pictures depicting our Pre-Palm Chaseyears. It was fun playing Name This Palm Chaser! Itstimulated a lot of reminiscing. We miss her and send herall of our love and good wishes for good health and happytimes. In the meantime the Solos continue to meet andplan future activities.Remember Singles…The Solos meet the second Sunday ofthe month at 11:AM.

Knitting, Crochet & Craft Club…Alma BrettWe meet every Thursday in the upstairscraft room from 1:00-3:00 p.m. We inviteanyone who partakes in a craft to join usand bring your craft to workon. Beginners welcome.

Come join us for good conversation, lots oflaughs and to meet new people. We have awonderful time working and talking.

For additional information call Alma at 737-9130 .

Women’s Club...Renee BataviaOur March 4th “Health & Safety” meeting was interestingand informative and may prove to be life-saving in thefuture. Many thanks to our Women’s Club Board forbringing this program to Palm Chase.Thanks to our charming hostesses, Arlene Ziegler andLauraine Goldfien and their committee of “gourmet bakers”for treating us to a winning afternoon at our annual cardparty. More than 100 participants enjoyed playing Pan,Mah-Jong, Dominoes, Canasta and Bridge. It was ourhighlight event of the season. We look forward to enjoyingrepeat performances as our membership continues togrow.Looking ahead, we bid our Snowbirds a fond farewell andwish them good health and joy as they join their Northernfamilies. We look forward to their return and support in thefall.The Women’s Club is planning many interesting summerevents which are now “in the oven” so to speak! Follow uson Channel 63. Happy Easter and Passover to all.


Club & Sports News

GOLF! GOLF! GOLF!Palm Chase Golfers

Please Join Us!Monday mornings

Boynton LinksExecutive Course

All levels welcome!

Call Arlene at 561-369-2042by the Wednesday before for Tee Times

Duplicate Bridge at Palm Chase…Bob Friedman

February 4, 2015 Howell MovementNorth-South Winners

1st place Norma Fisch & Linda Laredo2nd place Dorothy Hurwitz & Diana Naishtut

February 11, 2015 Howell MovementNorth-South Winners

1st place Dorothy Hurwitz & Diana Naishtut2nd place Judy Szwecki & Renee Batavia

February 18, 2015 Howell MovementNorth-South Winners

1st place Gladys & Murray Rosofsky2nd place Alice & Jim Hodge

Ruth Pollinger & Alma BrettFebruary 25, 2015 Howell MovementNorth-South Winners

1st place Gladys & Murray Rosofsky2nd place Marj & Bob Friedman

Estelle & Sam Lang

Last day for Duplicate Bridge this season is April 22nd!

Zumba Gold at Palm ChaseFriday mornings at 11:00 a.m. in the Clubhouse

Taught by Elaine Lipkin Gardner, Palm ChaseResident and licensed Zumba instructor. Anyonecan do Zumba.. Zumba Gold is low-impact andslower paced than Basic Zumba. You can even do itsitting in a chair. It’s great for balance and mobility.Come and let the music move you and have some fun.Zumba is exercise in disguiseContact Elaine if you have any questions-310-383-5308Bring a towel, a bottle of water and wear comfortableshoes (light weight sneakers that don’t have too muchtread are best.)

Sports at Palm Chase

Tennis players WantedTues., Thurs. & Sat. 8:00 AM

Palm Chase Tennis Courts

Ping Pong Players WantedMon. , Wed., & Fri. 9:30 AMPalm Chase Craft Room

Pool Players WantedTuesday & Thursday 7:00 PM

In the Clubhouse

Bocce Ball Players WantedTues., Wed. & Thurs. 9:00 AM

On the Bocce Court

I decided to take an aerobicsclass. I bent, twisted, gyratedand jumped up and down foran hour. But, by the time Igot my leotard on the class

was over!!!


Neighbors Helping Neighbors...Muriel Greenberg Pool Party Fun


All movies start at 7:00 P.M. Donation: $1.00Sunday, April 19th-ClassicMovie Night with Eric GardnerDr. Strangelove or: How I Learned toStop Worrying and Love the Bomb,more commonly known as Dr.Strangelove, is a 1964 political satirecomedy film that satirizes the cold warfears of a nuclear conflict between theUSSR and the US. The film wasdirected, produced, and co-written byStanley Kubrick, stars Peter Sellersand George C. Scott, and featuresSterling Hayden, Keenan Wynn, andSlim Pickens. Production took place in

the United Kingdom. The film is loosely based on PeterGeorge's thriller novel Red Alert. The story concerns anunhinged United States Air Force general who orders a firststrike nuclear attack on the Soviet Union. It follows thePresident of the United States, his advisers, the Joint Chiefsof Staff, and a Royal Air Force (RAF) officer as they try torecall the bombers to prevent a nuclear apocalypse. Itseparately follows the crew of one B-52 bomber as they tryto deliver their payload.Sunday, April 26thFury is a 2014 American war film writtenand directed by David Ayer. The filmstars Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, LoganLerman, Michael Peña, and JonBernthal. The film portrays US tankcrews in Nazi Germany during the finaldays of World War II. Ayer wasinfluenced by the service of veterans inhis family and by reading books, suchas Belton Y. Cooper's Death Traps,about American armored warfare inWorld War II. Ayer aimed for a greaterdegree of realism in the film than inother World War II dramas. It wasreleased on 17 October 2014. The filmreceived positive reviews from criticsand proved to be successful at the box office, grossing over$211 million.

Palm Chase Social Media Site

We have a social media site—NextDoor Palm Chase, aprivate social media site for residents of Palm Chase.No other people can join it and no other people canpost on it. You must have a Palm Chase address. Thisis a perfect way to stay in touch with your Palm Chasefriends and neighbors. Its absolutely free. All you needis an email address.To be part of this private network, email David Gorfinkleat [email protected] so he can send you aninvitation. Any questions, call David at 738-5499 or 781-710-1993.


Car Keys—Priceless ...submitted by Bob FrancisAfter a meeting several days ago, I couldn’t find my keys. Iquickly gave myself a personal “TSA Pat Down.”They weren’t in my pockets. Suddenly I realized I must haveleft them in the car. Frantically, I headed for the parking lot.My husband has scolded me many times for leaving my keys inthe car’s ignition. He’s afraid that the car could be stolen. As Ilooked around the parking lot, I realized he was right. Theparking lot was empty. I immediately called the police. I gavethem my location, confessed that I had left my keys in the car,and that it had been stolen.Then I made a difficult call to my husband: “I left my keys inthe car and it’s been stolen.” There was a moment of silence.I thought the call had been disconnected, but then I heard hisvoice. “Are you kidding me?,” he barked, “I dropped you off.”Now it was my turn to be silent. Embarrassed, I said, “Well,come and get me.” He retorted, “I will, as soon as I convincethis cop that I didn’t steal your %#$@*& car!”Welcome to the golden years…..


Lone Ranger Peyton Place

My Three Sons Flipper

The Brady Bunch


Please patronize our advertisers. Let themknow you are from Palm Chase.

Yellow Dot Program gives FirstResponders Instant Access to AccidentVictims’ Medical Records …

submitted by Nate Smith

Yellow Dota Lifesaving program

We have a supply of “Yellow Dots”Call us for your “DOT”

Nate & Harriet Smith738-0508


COBWRA...Nate Smith, Delegate - Delegates Meeting Highlights, February, 2015 Valencia Point

Please patronize our advertisers. Let themknow you are from Palm Chase.


Solution to Sudoku

A dog’s tale … submitted by Carl WohlI always wanted a dog after we got married, but that was notin the cards for the newlyweds. At any rate, one very bitterlycold evening a mongrel mutt wandered into the SeaviewTheatre in Carnasi, Brooklyn, NY where I was working. At theend of the night I told the mutt to go out. Frank the door mansaid, “you can’t send him out in the cold.” So what am I todo? Frank said, “take him home with you.” And so I did.We could not keep the dog, so we decided to give him toBetsy, my wife’s younger sister, as a birthday present. Wecalled her parents and advised what we were doing.Although they objected, Betsy said she wanted the dog forher birthday. So we gave him to her.Although my in-laws were besides themselves because theydid not want a dog, they took him in because Betsy wantedhim. They named the dog FANG. Even though he was a muttfrom Brooklyn, he was a very good dog both housetrainedand smart. The vet who checked him out said he was a yearor so old. He did the usual thing puppies do like eating shoesleft out, etc.Betsy left home and the dog was cared for by my in-laws whoby now did a complete 360 degree turnaround and adoredFANG. When my in-laws went on vacation, we would lookafter FANG. He would go out at both houses and alwaysreturned home.We were going on vacation and my in-lawsalong with FANG came to our house to babysitour children. By now FANG was 17 years old.My mother-in-law said, “for an old dog FANG,you look pretty good,” and let him outside.Unfortunately I’m sorry to report that this timehe went out and we never saw him again.We have fond memories of FANG. He gave usall much joy and happiness over the 17 years we had him.Those of you who have or had dogs can imagine how we felt.


ART APPRECIATION… Mira RosenCARL LARSSON (1853-1919), was aSwedish watercolor artist whosewatercolors were delicate anddetailed. He was known for creatingpaintings depicting memories of hisbeloved family’s day to day existenceand all the events of his and theirlives. But, his childhood wasanything but beautiful. He grew up

in the slums of Stockholm to wretchedly poor parents. Asa child, he lived in many fly-by-night lodgings that wereoften filthy and had three families living in one room. Asan adult, he wrote about that type of environment being abreeding ground for cholera. His mother labored as alaundress to support her family. Carl's father was adrunkard who had little or no self-control, wastumultuous with his behavior, and one day told Carl, “Icurse the day you were born”. This loveless commentcaused Carl to have a lifelong anger towards his father.But, when Carl was thirteen and going to the “school forthe poor,” he was encouraged by a teacher namedJacobsen to complete an application to The RoyalSwedish Academy of Arts where he was admitted. It tooka few years for Carl to feel self-assured since hisproblematic poverty stricken childhood left him feelingtimid, fearful, and unsure of himself. Slowly he began tofeel confident; and by the age of sixteen, he was going toart school, working as a caricaturist for the humorousSwedish paper, Kasper and as a graphic artist. He wasnow earning enough money to help assist his parents.In 1877 he moved to Paris but was not successful inbuilding a career in art. He married, but his wife had amiscarriage, and both she and the child died. In 1882,outside of Paris, he joined a Scandinavian artists' colony.There he met the artist Karin Bergoo whom he marriedand his life changed both personallyand artistically. During this time hepainted some of his most importantworks. Karin's father gave Carl andKarin a small house called LittleHyttnas, and it became one of the

most famousartist's homes inthe world and amajor tourist attraction. Karin andCarl had 8 children (1 died at age 2months and another at age 18). Oneof Carl's greatest pleasures was touse his family as models for hispaintings.

Carl stated his family paintings“became the most immediateand lasting part of my life'swork. For these pictures are,of course, a very genuineexpression of my personality,of my deepest feelings, of all my limitless love for my wifeand children”.Carl also painted wall murals, “frescoes in schools,museums and other public buildings”. He wasauthorized to paint for The National Museum inStockholm, a painting call “Midvinterblot” (Midwinter'sSacrifice) which was completed in 1915.

He considered this to be hisgrandest work of art; but itwas disapproved by the mu-seum board. In a memoir,Carl declared his bitternessand disappointment overthis rejection of the painting.“This painting, with all itsweaknesses, will one day,when I'm gone, be honoredwith a far better placement.The fate of Midvinterblot broke me! This I admit with a darkanger”. A Japanese art collector did purchase the Midvinter-blot. In 1992, there was a showing of Carl Larson art work;and the Midvinterblot was returned to The National Museumfor this show. In 1997, with the aid of generous private do-nors, the Midvinteblot was bought back from its Japaneseowner and returned permanently to its home in The NationalMuseum.In his autobiography, he disclosed that he suffered feelings ofhopelessness, self-doubt and had a depressive disorder in hisadult life. However his art was aglow with love, compassionand cheerfulness. Very few artists have been able to consis-tently paint and capture the bliss of their family’s life as hedid. Carl Larson became one of the best and most belovedartists in Sweden.


Game Page

Solution to Sudoku on page 13