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The artwork of an Aboriginal Artist By Hannah Lindsay 3M

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Post on 06-Aug-2015



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The artwork of an Aboriginal Artist

By Hannah Lindsay 3M

Untitled, by Max Pearce

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The Symbols

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This icon shows women sitting digging for wild carrots (or other Bushtucker)The circle in the center is the root of the wild carrot.The ‘U’ shapes are four women sitting around in a circle.The four women have their coolamons and digging sticks.Digging sticks are made for digging thingsCoolamons are made for carrying foods.

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Witchetty GrubsHuntingWitchetty grubs are a bushtucker treat(like chocolate - yummy and some is good for you).The witchetty grubs are eaten alive.

The StoryThis is a picture telling a story about women digging for food.

The women dig and dig to get as many roots, such as carrots,as they can and try to fill the coolamons.Once the coolamons are full, then they go home with all thefood and cook them and eat them.They share food with other families.They have to go for miles to look for food.It is very hard to go to certain areas where they can find food.And hot. The women have to hunt all day.They try to get home before sundown so they know where theyare going. They usually start for home when the sun reachesthe top of the canopy.

Colors And Techniques

• Natural colours• Paints are made of clay.• Brown colours come from dark clay.• White colours come from white clay• Looks like there are pebbles in the picture but

it’s black and white dots.• The paint brush might have been the chewed

end of a stick.

How I feel about this picture

• This picture makes me feel strange in a way.• It’s odd to be around a painting like this

because it’s so different to other paintings.• I feel happy because of how it was made - it

is creative.• I also feel sad because since the women

have to hunt all day they barely get to see their family.

What’s different about Aboriginal art?

• Aboriginal art is more outbacky.• Modern art is more around a city or uses a

model like a person.• Aboriginal art uses symbols instead of
