hana card application form - korvia.com · hana card application form members application form...

Hana Card Application Form MEMBERS APPLICATIO N FORM Check Card S Customer Center: 1800-1111 ¾�� 17-1009(2017.10.10) / CCS 16111 / 17101&-51 · KEB Hana Card

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Page 1: Hana Card Application Form - korvia.com · Hana Card Application Form MEMBERS APPLICATION FORM Check Card S Customer Center: 1800-1111 ... rr,, rmy ~ assgn a p..rchre rri m crooil

Hana Card Application Form


Check Card

S Customer Center: 1800-1111

¾��QJ 17-1009(2017.10.10) / CC':''ei!S 16111()-ffi / 1/117101&-51

• #'

·,, KEB Hana Card

Page 2: Hana Card Application Form - korvia.com · Hana Card Application Form MEMBERS APPLICATION FORM Check Card S Customer Center: 1800-1111 ... rr,, rmy ~ assgn a p..rchre rri m crooil

Conditions for Hana Card Transactions For 1ralsa:tion conditions reeling to use of card, please refer to the stardard Terms & Condnions fer Personal Check Gard Merrbers. For more informati:Jn on check card prodi.ds, fees, and arciDary services. pease visn the websile (www.raracard.co.kr) ard a.istorrer Service Center (1000--1111)

1. Information on use of a check card settlement account 5. Before using a check card, please check the following! - Seltlerrenl axru rt opered ½ilh KEB l-la1a El31k is accesslJe 24 tuJrs a day. -,,..,.,..""' @ • I yru use a"Olrer bank's a:;c()Jl'll as rad 92lll9rrerl axrunt yru may loce axrunl use resloclkm deperding m the bank - Seltlerrenl 8IIDJli for p:JSl-pad lrm card and hybrd card s tiied cn:e a rroilh lo the accaJrt linked lo yrur d'€Ck ra d.

2. Check card usage lim~

Categay Dal; Lirril flroh~ Urril

Cmesic Lre !<RN 5 mlrn i<RN20 mbl

Over3eas Lre USO$ 2,CXXl lilS $ 10, (XX)

You can reqtro a change to te li'nn via te Cuslorrer Service Center (1800-1111). the website. and al KEB Hana Bank brard'es.

3. Hybrid service - 1-fytrid sevk:es provdes a 300,0:::0 v,oo overdraft credit limt for pgyrrent l'kBt1 axrurt bam::e is in&Jfficienl • Efgblity: lhJse aged 19 or ok:ter (r-.k:le: S€fVice rray oo restrded tffiJd on WitoITTis deHrquercy satLJS and credit ratu-g) -1-fytrid defaJI 11terest rate (24% - 25%) :hJJI appy de~ng on Ire slITTJard rl erest rate and No. of days in arreEli'S.

4. Condttions for the provision of products/services FfcNism of S€fVice rray te reslrdtd n fYCXi.d condb's (e.g. proo.s rroolh's rerults. etc.) ae not rasro. Vlre:l cW),T'(l tcr a card. rJeaB reieN te cWq:mte Prcd.d GJde and T€11113 & Candnicrs.,


's3ia"1as1 a-i!i'1nm 1,',_ --- Gard No. ~"6 ~Z Gard Validity Date


KIM HA~ Expiry date is written as MM/YYYY (ex,: 0018 - Jure 2018) tv'emoor Narre

~--------- Venty cooect Englm si;eling

r .-an-.. ~ r-.~~ cw No ~-,~=~· i""""""" Am~ required fcr secure onlile transactbr.s • Signature tiar

Pecre write yoor signature here upon receipt


Key Points of Standard Terms & Conditions for Personal Check Card Member Terms & Conditions for Personal Check Card Member Article 3 (Annual membership fee, fee, etc.) G) 1te Cad Cmi:mY rmy coled a1 an.a rrent:ashp loo ard cad tla.m'.E loo tefore coledirg cad ~ ® /ma fl'ffltel:tip fee and cad tia.mE lee a; des::riood 11 f'a'aTcp'l 1 sral vay d2p,dirg m Ire l;J:.e and ()'a:l2 d cad mro n-e Cad Ccmpa-iy (Ca'd o:m:a-r,, or oc Cad n tre ra:e ct oc Cad) s"\31 ss.e ncli'.:.e ct lilrr;J cttt. ird.di'Q aro.n tiled in a:lva"ce. @In the e;erl mt a si:roiC ffiVte s po.,mJ b:mJ m cads hi.arg afriy cads or h the eveli lhll any aooay ffiv'ce s l)Ultl,'.t b:mJ m te Cad 1/errm's JYelera-ce. byte Cad Cmi:mY (Cad Carpany or EC Cad n te ra:e d EC cad) cr dta' irsltm Ira sgro a1 ~ v.itl te Cad Compny (Cad Carpany or EC Cad n Ire ra:e d EC cad), lhe Cad Carpany rmy seprnety col2d a1 an.a rrerrtei-mp loo cr a ~ loo h a:tilm to Ire an.a rrart:asip loo cr lee cl2s::rtro h ~ 1. h tm =. lhe Cad Carpany shal rdly tre Cad ~ h wance ct cc1rotn oolEls rd,dng colaclm ITTOJrl: Article 6 ( Card use, etc.) G) In the eveli Cad flember wires kl p,rchre a JYcx:lct or reoewe a ffiVte v.itl a cad. I s"\31 JYe:eri lhe rad a lhe imrctm d lhe Cad Carpany or lhe Cad Corrpaiy's i:artner hstiRro111 i<aee (l"ffemter. "Ccr'resic l/ffctai1 , or a lhe imrctm d lhe Cad Carpany or lhe Cad Qm:,:rr,,'s foreign i:atner roiuli:n = (t-ererater "Overs:$ Mli'l:lm"). and then afu< te scma sgrmre kl lhe scl3s sp a; lhe ma m ra cad i-k:IMcM9r, 11 Ire ra:e ct nori--ta:e--1a: rara:fm &.eh as eWrat: =ce. I tre imrctm ras mrer wa; to verity Cad Marra derllly or I tre Cad o:m:a-r,, and te imrctm a-e i3tJe lcr arry ctmuJs cam1 kl te Cad 1/e'ntilr due to crrran d ~ d cad or afD<rg ct sgrwe, lhe a:IMl rmy ti, orrlled. 0Tte Cad Malm IBll rot pa-bm any wra-gu cd IIYCLQh lt'e L.Ee d a cad. &.eh ffi ilc\;J cash-lB:k rara:lm rrm<£d ffi a J)'cx:lct p.rchre or ffiv'ce L.Ee, el'.: @ 1te Cad Cmi:mY rmy resrict Ire Cad Marra 's L.Ee d card or ~ mt a a si:roiC rrerctai (i'dlirg dcrresi; and = l1'lll'Cl'ms) by Oll'130lf'rg te arot ratirg ct te Cad 1/errm and the l1ll!1:tai. reevart ~regJabis, reg_m's roru:ra-5, a::. Article 8 (Card's usage limit) G) 1te Cad Marra's cad ~ 1ml ITTJ te d2lerrrra1 by Ire Ca'd o:m:a-r,, and roti1i2d to Ire Ca'd Marra when lhe cads mm cr a cad stalerrent s m n-e rm rmy te Lm1 'MltTI lhe ooix:si tmm ct te ffifll2rren a:xxm a lhe lire dcadL.Ee. 0 ~ ct te rmtte-s cl2s::rtro h ~ 1. te Cad Qm:,:rr,, rmy ~ assgn a p..rchre rri m crooil kl lhe Cad Marra . and lhe assgred 1ml ITTJ te roliled kl te Card 1/errm when a cad s mm or a cad sta1erre1t s m @Oiy n lhe E'l8lll that card ~ rg exooeds te mt cle3:rred 11 PaaTcP'l 1 cr n lhe evert rad S[B'drg exooeds arorl tmm , Cad Malm rmy L.Ee the cm::l\-hm:J p.rd'w, ml des::rooJ h Pa-q)'Bljl 2. Article 9 (Use of Automated Teller Machine)

G) n-e Cad Marra rmy v.fu:ir2IN cat1 a a1 AlM. v.itl a rad. trom tre oottmrot aro.n a tre cl€sgreled mm roium 0 Gema mfas m ATM b'emdkns &.eh a;ATM q:eratrg h:us, P2(-lra-raim lrri, rurrl:ler d ocnserutive trres ATM b'arsa:li:xl cm te rra:ll. etc. shal te PJSJart to tra d2lerrrra1 by tre Ca'd o:m:a-r,, and te Cad Corrpaiy's i::ata oonµJl"el. @½ren ~ catl via ATM. Ire Cad Malm ffl'll ta<e lu! resixrnblly b ~ d r=,,ad. I any. Tiis ITTJ rd EPPIY. ~- h te eveli P'WM)'d s ea<ed v.lroJ te Cad l/01ra's ntent or rajg3rce, s.m as~ due kl ITTMrttJe vctn:e. cr rju:y to lt'e Cad Malm cr lherr reaive. Article 17 (Card password and exemption from responsibility) G) 1te Cad ~ ma! repJt a r,esswJd h a:x:orctrce v.ilh te rretlu:J delerrrm:l by te Cad Corrpaiy_ In the eveli d cad L.Ee a a rractai v.!d1 exe'.l.Jled a ~ ~ reerrei v.ilh Ire Cad Qm:,:rr,, kl L.Ee aJorrated teler rrwire cr P'fBMJd. lhe Cad ~ ffl'll erler a r=,,ad reJ)')1ed to te Cad Qm:,:rr,, ~ r:atmirg a trara:Jtn ® h lhe ra:e d a tra"ra'.fu1 wlh a ~ the Qrcl Carpany ff\91 perrrit traoa:fm my v.ten Ire Compny CXJflE'ffi P'WM)'d erlered by te Cad 1/errm kl the ere rep:;rted by the Card 1/errm and cl:lErrs !tan kl ti, denlk:a Wlh reyrd kl any tra"ra'.fu1 oca.rrrg by deerri"I) te ~ ffi terg rratched te Cad Qm:,:rr,, sta ta<e no respmsljrty IO' any l::mls kl the Cad tv'ernter, ei«:ep h a:res when there s no ntentrn or neg!gerre by the Qrcl Malm &.eh as ~ d P'WM)'d OM'() lo ITTMrttJe vderce ml/or Ihm kl te lie or ta:I; d Ire Cad Marra cr m/rer retltive. @ 1te Cad Marra sral ta<e p-rouli:ro kl JYENeni te r=,,mJ as oos:rmJ h ~ 1 trom terg ea<ed kl a-'dl"ff

r:ers:ri Article 21 (Approval for change, etc.) G) h the e;erl d re.,roi kl th:lffi T ElTffi & Ccrdrrs, te Cad Cmi:mY ITTJ rctny &.eh cnrgas kl ea:h Card Malm a mg ere rrmh pa kl te effoctwe rBV001 clie by trt-g ere or more rretrm; a'TIT(J cad stale!renl, i1 wriirQ and e-mi ® h the eveli ct cnrgas to ea:ti ct te fdoorg sJ::racUcP'S. tre Card eorrrm,, sta rctily s.m d1anges a mg ere rrmh pa to Ire expocted dale ct crarge usng 11'.0 a rrae rretrm; a'TIT(J rdi:::e m lhe 'Mltlsle. card S181eirert, 11 Vllfrg, and e-rra\ 1. h te ENenl d a1 i"crffiE to rates. tee, an.a rrart:asip lee, etc. 2, &il0'rffi rrettcd, dale d ffifll2rren related to 9TliHl'T'OJ1 ae:11 mt @ h lhe ra:e d ~ 2 d ~ (2), Lr1Jl Ire exi:ected dale d cta"ge, Ire Cad C01i:mY shal p:ti rdi::es 11 lxllh a daly rai:nN62 ~ and a te t-m:J atte/tl'lrrtEs o1 tre Cad CcrrJm,, and its p:11rer crrrpnm @ h the ra:e d Pd.:gfPl G) ard ~ . rotte sal him J)'CNOO'S trat i the Cad Marra 0085 rd 8XJ)'ES3 hs/rer iiErt lo lemme ~ 'MltTI ere morih d notlrai:n dale. I ITTll oo regaroo:J a; lhe Qrcl Marra reArg ~reed to Ire cta-ge. 1 tre Ca'd 111errta 0085 rot rare ITT/ d:joclm m cr te1ore Ire expocted clie ct cta-ge, 1 sta te re<;Ja'ded a; reArg cgee:J kl lhe re,,reJ TElTffi & Cordims

Key Points of Guide to Customer Rights to Provision/Use of Credit Information

Information on key points in the Guide to Customer Rights Regarding the Provision/Use of Creel~ Information Will regcrd lo te provism of ~ 11tcmmn lo tre tttd p,rty lo wtt:h te CWcrner granted ccrmi ate tirre of applrabn ta cad rrerrrn-srip and tre lira"C0 a:nµn/s conlcding tre CU3b'rer tcr te rurima of rrarketrg, tre o.rorer rray susi;end tre entre and ea::h cree. Ell\ tre CW= shal not SJS(Bnd c1'rf d tre = in te c:cre of pravisbl to KCTea Credi Hcrrr-ai:n 2elvces cr aedl tiureau fcr tre PJ]:X':re of ~ lre Qrorer 's CTedl ratirg.

• 1-bN to iWf. KEB Hana Bank trcrcres, Cmorner 2ervte Center laxl- 1111 • Reslrdm Yru ae a:MHJ to consder caeful~ belae re;:i..iestrg 9..l.'p3IBbn in frat I~ s reqJeSla:( card-reliied firam prcxids rray ti, temiraed.

~ [~J!] DHOI ~1-;i DHOI ~i=A-1.!2.

:t,. a a 1-J.!. a c.L.. L.."a

9 c5fLfc!lllj~ il~71~

~L~~ [c5il-lOiLIOO] .:,~ -:- [t..i~'c5f71+7%] ® ~~,.&.a-JLl.~~,!l -:· Ill .2.lll"~~,1DHAl7%~'EI

[3141M!,7JW'i!I] 2llf.l ~ flO~ .~OiOflA1'3fl.l'lli~~ .. ~- ~l'f!7f.l~ fa ~l.~ 7f.j [3ILll!lttl6~:il~] 1800-0000 II- a oo:oo-1a:oo

Ooo1 cad rore p;:ass a haiblt-e lum'rtJ a:xrcm;.

Page 3: Hana Card Application Form - korvia.com · Hana Card Application Form MEMBERS APPLICATION FORM Check Card S Customer Center: 1800-1111 ... rr,, rmy ~ assgn a p..rchre rri m crooil

• Application for Check Card •

* In GUX.XlH u, with the kl on the 靈 o, au Use of Specilic Flnarc닙 Tld <ldlfun h iful I ldiUI I, C빡 I .. S 1Je ctiged fo 硏de pewnal reJily i lu , , ..i;,, , v-trn cordl.ctirg Oc1 "'시u � wilh finarcal mill血m h oc磁. ru,ic< I .. S stUJkJ p!(1JOe i iu 11 낸01,docLn져15, a-d II 니le! iclb 떠 K'SIPr1 by the firn"rn institution for ulfu 11 닙liu 1 ve1Wu L n the event the amrer 叫,., to provide the ffi<MHlHfured infc,n터01 or l is rot ,,l,i,j.ji, to verily ilfu 111dliu \ 「il ldl 나 떠 요퍄 v.in be denm.

* n-e ctnments submitted shail rot be relunad 1c991d!Effi of mcJln>all I \W do rot enroll n na111:.ets/1p, the iian닙,om st-al be daelEd. I ya」 1 • .,....,� 2 or rrore credrt cards, yru- credit ratng or usage 11ml may be da,ged. lmr,or,er credrt card LB표ro be oollna'id to a h:표:erold's 「ii닌lic'3l realtl.

Mandatory Fields * Complete the sections marked 1n green Corr!)ielrg lhe ldb.wlg , Sare as 塗$Xii• Create a tenwav I) No .. rntead of Resident f¼j!,!JdiJ , No.;re�쩡'!: Korean Name English Name Ten-porary ID No. 080--899-1100 prcd.ctaidseMCeS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Home Address HomePhone

SMS with 口 Via smartphone app (free) D SMS (300 won each Poirits deducted first) ' 떠 玩 � -� 露 五.-g n 函-따QJ2St-g

Payment 懿효r띠 1<Jll:dul9'M'.J8 Information O SMS (no fee, sent only for transactions of 50,CXXl won or more) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mobile -----------------------------------

Payment Date . - -Payment Account

Billing Address

1" 7"'

KEB Hana Bank

13선 17"' 21th 23th Other ( SKT KT LGU+

Other (

Mobile Ap p + E-mail Home

) Account No. (

Do not receive ·-랴esssreqre:JI'.!합5야 n 函M,ri寧emfcrre:;er.rg 函 ,..,,.,.,vaE-mail address 타 ITTJ/crm:났eem

Optional Fields Provide office nforrration rr you want a card issued 부 on wage incorre (office) or to receive your card & &taterrent at your office. The folkJwiig 翁 not requrel 1o be completed Company

Name Department Title/Position as part ol Ire P;Jreemant Corr-i,ete I needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Company Address Office Phone No.

Please compete Ire folbNing I applyirg for a fanily card. Relationshi p • Korean Name

FamilyCard : Name in English • SITTe ffi -짜 ; Temporary ID No. 080-899-1100 : Mobile O SKT 口KT 口LG U+

Card Product/ • 1-lybnd, post-函 lransit P3露nls will be 函i\ed to Ire account linked to yoor cteck card. Service Application Details

Name ofCard 그 Hana Members 1 Q card 曰 Hana Members Mega 亡 VIVA G Platinum 그 Kakao Pay 曰 2X Alpha ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

International & •I 函 re::EM<lme신aw,1.duus잃d!J露 p-o'.Ld 부rrufrgcad국 atdhw,팩짜아연華

Local Usage 그 International + Local Use card ( ) D Local Use Only us,, o<1a-n.a �1ee函ei,.dlher,!;}/<W\'klt-eJe 부탸j_

----------------------- 껍盆盆��雷갈임’짧孟泣��짦a앗짧혼고앓학�arad ----------------------------------------------------

* Please write the name of card you want Desired Card D Name( )

Card Sent To 仁 Home D Office 尸 KEB Hana Bank's Branch ( ) Hana 1 Q Pay D Apply

Optional Functions C Post-paid transit • 圈 :m,;ep1M'.!,sa1 o.er<tat 교 red 呼 • Lmloo b빡as wo

function D Hybrid type :m.cro""'"'i:j 硏泊戶血函函....-.. D Cash card function 函_,= 0 Mobile card가\bd""-"'rraf l:e rEQ.寧 야/\\Im 적"' ""빽 cad 與""' 써h KEB 函硏

* I conlirm trat Ire ilfoonatb1 I 函 m泣Jed rere is tn.e. ard I CD'rei to rad re-s<J.Ja"re ard r언奭 西 여효滋硏힉텨® 텨 rervre oo tarri임ed. I 函 re::eived ard I 硏 to fJa'e Card's li喜 & 奭mfor�접ti.(ind띠rg raevai Terrm & 여ldft露 le , for aJOOli:li:: tra-slers). In tre 寧 d ei; :ali::;기 la a Famity card I roiirm ra tre a띠rai for a Fanly 여·d is a lamly rrerrber.

* I 函 re::eived a fl.I ex西m 託紅rovisb1 ard L$, of o.sorrer hlorrralb'1 ae r.eni:Stl갔ietween a rctfrg CXJr4X11i ard � affiliates in OCC!Jdrce v.ilh Mcie 48-2 of Ire Fr西 1-bk:Jirg Q汀따 M A따 | 국tret l 函 teen iiarred of 탸 re::eived tre 0.ileres m f'f띠h;J of OJstorner hlorrmlb1.

• I ard a famly me피었 函 re::eived a tel exi:tram of tre Terrrs & CmJilon for Pas:rrJ Qedl Cad 따 띠irm !ta Vwe "'111 rn따 써h Ire Terrm & 詞lb1. I/we rerecy 叫 la rrerrtie函P.• 1 a;:iree that tre Qrr硏 킥이었raly wit'dr8'NS my rad arroJrl d..e fran my axn.nl • Cm1 rad ffil'Vte rd..drg cash wl-며r奭 頭I tB � to Ire Terrrs & Cautirn frr Cm1 Card 여 tre rel£vai tmk * I re::eived irl:.ffrlml a:nJt Ire amual IT0TWHi미ea of Ire card I r€Q.1€Sled, ard 효 rOCElVed an eiq:lnioo of tref죄 ra Ire ITTilllTBlU켜히·11p 底 ITTJI tB d-., ga11a 1re nlSI vea o1 rrerra접'(J r函懿 of a:;tua card 퍄�T.11\l.

• 11 am ari oorg me寧, l a;:i暖 to � m奭 rlc.rn님lk:l1 tll.%D m tre n!OOT'Eim p-ovdad a:虛.

* I 硏 that tre 떠 rray tB deivered to 국 r錢 o1 my rare (irdu::lrg ITT'l'O스훈 at my v.afq舜) ll an uroe Card Holder N러ne :to ax:ep tre 따 in l)l(ID, ct,e to at국, etc. a Ire tirre of card delivery_

* I 탸 my larity rrerrm confirm trat we are tre 奭 ONrer Lf'der 露注ct en Rep:)1rg On ard 훑 of s,:rot Fnn:aT1,n후c1::lb1 hf이 Fami� Member Name :

tv1fv1 DD yy



Receipt of Card Recipient ::::J card Holder D Family MemberCheck Card

tvll\t1 DD yy

* I cmirm 1rE1 I 函 rEaJ a'd m:lmmrd tre n!Cfll001 P'CNde:J alxNe ard 函 『e'.B\/00 tre aforerrentre:J rad Card Holder N러ne :

Fami� Member Name :




• In case of rm-Kcreai. rJeaJe pr따e 떠U혀ty "11h [ffi'王 mmoor. Ver.06




,_J 주민동륵쥰 (발급일자/발급기관 : D 운전면어쥰 (쥰번으 :

广]기타 (

/ 본인확인xt


직원번호/성명 (서명/인)


직업구분 D 급여생왈자 [그 자영업자 욘앵거래자 O 재산세 〔二 배우자자격 공부원 [二] 전문직 기타(


직원번호썽명 (서명/인)

스속 직무코드

• (2


17. 10 개정 / Ver.06) (보존년한 : 탈회일로부터 5년] 7--01--038-1---{X)()-{)1--06--01 IIIII I ll II I Ill11111111111111111 •



~-~ \Cllll',

~~ l'i'J.fil


Page 4: Hana Card Application Form - korvia.com · Hana Card Application Form MEMBERS APPLICATION FORM Check Card S Customer Center: 1800-1111 ... rr,, rmy ~ assgn a p..rchre rri m crooil

• Required Consent to Personal (Credit) Information

Consent to the below-described ttems is required in order to issue and hold a card. Card issuance is PQS5ible only on the condition that you consent to the following ttems.

1. Matters on Required Collection and Use of Personal (Credit) Information

If Hana Card wishes to collect and use my personal (credit) information in regard to (financial) transactions wtth Hana Card (including BC Card in the case of Hana BC; hereinafter the same shall apply), the Company shall obtain my consent pursuant to Articles 15, 22, anc 24 of the Personal Information Protection Act, anc Articles 32, 33anc 34 of the Use and Protection of Credtt Information Act I hereby agree that the Company may collect anc use my personal (credit) information as described below.

Purposes of collection/use of personal (credit) information To conclude/maintain/execute/manage/improve a contract. provide recuested products anc services. fulfill legal obligations. conduct investigations into any act that disturbs the order of the credit market, acdress conflicts. provide phone consultation service. handle civil complaints. and verify identity.

Personal (credit) information items subject to collection/use G) Personal identification information: Name. resident registration number. resident registration date of issuance. contact points (i.e .. mobile. home. office), acdress (home, office). e-mail, company name. division. position. gender. nationality, driver's license number, passport number, alien registration number. voice data. mobile phone related information ( UICC ID).CI ~ Credrr transaction information: Information determining the details of transactions such as types/period/amount/limit of commercial transactions. including loans extended from the Company and other financial institutions before/after this transaction, guarantees. collateral provided, credrt card, and installment financing, etc. ® Credit standing information: Information for determining credit stancing - Credit rating, credit inquiry record, debt restructuring agreement, delinquency, bankruptcy, performance by subrogation. and any other acts that disturb the order of the credit market. their time of occurrence/resolution. etc. @ Credit capacity information: Information used to determine credrr transaction ability such as total property / liabilities/ income, tax payment history, etc. @ Information from public institutions: Information held by public institutions used to determine identity verITication, credit standing and transaction capabilrry, such as information regarding a court's ruling/decision on individual rehabilitation, bankruptcy, exemption from responsibility, registration as defaulter. etc., delinquency, resident registration, social insurance · public charges, acministrative actions, etc. @Automated payment information (only when applying for automated payment service): Name of subscriber. resident registration number, mobile phone carrier. phone number, telecom charges. electricity usage, gas usage (!) Family card information (only when applying for a Family card): Name of card. credit limit. name, resident registration number. phone number. address. relationship to card holder ® Automated withdrawal of card payment tunes: Depositor's name, depositor's date of birth. payment account-issuing institution, payment account number ® Other information provided regarding conclusion/maintenance/execution/management/improvement. etc. of contract * Name of individual information subject to identity verification. credrr transactions. credrr standing, credit capabilrry, and information held by public institutions is anitted hereinafter. Duration of retention and use of personal (credit) information For 5 years from date of termination (withdrawal from membership or settlement of disputes over claims and obligations) (Provided, that if duration is stipulated otherwise in the relevant law, it shall apply) * I hereby consent that the Company checks with a financial instrrution where settement account is opened whether the settlement account is registered as overdraft account in order to use it as data for explaining product details like interest rate. etc. when issuing a check card in accor­dance with Article 50-11 (Duty to explain) of the Specialized Credrt Financial Business Act. * I agree that the Company shall process my below-d escribed identity verification information for the aforementioned purposes. - ldenttty verification information: Resident registration number, Driver's license number, Passport number, alien registration number

Card Holder Name :

Family Member Name :

2. Matters on Inquiry into Personal (Credit) Information

I agree I do not agree



I hereby consent to the Company's inquiry into my credit information with credit bureaus and credit information collection agencies. and verifying my identity through put]ic institutions as described below. in accordance wrth Article 32 Paragraph 2 of the Use and Protection of Credit Information Act anc Article 24 of the Personal Information Protection Act. This consent also applies to the addttion/replacement/renewal of a credrt card. Personal (credit) information subject to inquiry : ldentrry verification information. credit transaction information. credit status information. credrt capability information. information held by public institutions

• (2017. 10 7H{J / Ver.06) [!i!i"'\'1~: ~:o:l'/l.5'¥EI 5\'1] 7--01--03&-1-ooo--OHJ6--02 IIIII Ill II I Ill 11111111111111111 •

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• • Purpose of inquiry: To conclude/maintain/execute/manage/improve contract Validity period of inquiry consent: This consent remains valid from the time this written consent is submitted until the transaction end date. However. if this agreement is not concluded, the effect of the consent shall be annulled from that time. * I hereby consent to the Company's handling of my identity verification information listed below for the aforementioned purposes. -Identity verification information: Resident registration number, driver's license number, passport Number, alien registration number * Limned to those who apply for a check card that features a post-paid transit function or Hybrid service (small amount of credrt)

Card Holder Name :

3. Matters on Required Provision of Personal (Credit} Information

I agree I do not agree


Personal (credit) information that the Company obtains from me in connection with this agreement requires my prior consent before it can be provided to a third party in accordance with Articles 17, 22 and 24 of the Personal Information Protection Act, and Article 32 of the Use and Protection of Credit Information Act. I hereby consent to the provision of my personal (credit) information to a third party as described below.

Provide personal (credit} information to credit information collection agencies and credit bureaus G) Parties to be provided - Credit information collection agencies: Korea Federation of Banks, Credit Finance Association (Article 25 of the Use and Protection of Credit Information Act) - Credit bureaus: NICE, Korea Credit Bureau (Article 4 of the Use and Protection of Credit Information Act) ® Purposes for those provided the information: - Credit assessment, credit inquiry including identity verification, maintenance/ex post facto management of this agreement and other agreements preceding this agreement -Business conducted by credit information collection agencies, such as management/use of credit information @ Information provided: Identity verification, credtt transactions, credtt standing, credtt capability, information from public institutions @ Duration of information retention and use - Credit information collection agencies, credit bureaus: for the period stipulated under the Use and Protection of Credit Information Act and other relevant laws

Provide personal (credit} information to Credit Finance Association, etc. G) Parties to be provided - Credit Finance Association - National Tax Office, Korea Customs Service, Ministry of the Interior, National Health Insurance Service, etc. -card-only credit firms and universal banks that receive information via the Credit Finance Association: Lotte Card, BC Card, Samsung Card, Shinhan Card, Woori Card, Hyundai Card, KB Card, NH Bank, Citibank Korea ® Purpose of provision of personal (credit) information - To perform the legal obligations of the Credit Finance Association in accordance with relevant laws, including the Act on the Submission and Management of Taxation Data and the Specialized Credrt Financial Business Act - To provide service requested by parties that conclude/maintain credit card agreement, exchange information between card companies @ Information provided - Transaction details, identity verification, credtt transaction, and other information needed to check transaction details @ Duration of retention and use by parties to be provided - For the period stipulated in the Use and Protection of Credit Information Act, Personal Information Protection Act, and other relevant laws and regulations

Provide personal information to enable purpose of transaction (Provision of companies entrusted to handle business, etc.} G) Parties to be provided - Judicial scriveners. law firms, and other companies engaged in verifying identity, managing (data entry, scanning, keeping and discarding) documents (i.e. application forms), card delivery, sending/returning mail (statements, etc.), managing mem­berships (Bank, BC Card), providing phone consultations, handling IT processes/ development/maintenance, sending email/­text messages/mobile coupons, performing merchant business (brokerage, slip management, transactions, maintenance,

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• e-payment service), providing ATM service, handling withdrawal of settlement funds, collecting debts, conducting due diligence of liquid assets, sending of gifts/ promotional materials, operating shopping site (Welfare Mall), providing travel services, conducting insurance agency-related business, preparing phone-recording data, operating a recording server, managing customer service quality (monitoring call quality), providing virtual phone number service, maintaining back-up data, billing/collecting telecommunications fee, and providing support for VAT refund - Employer where I am on the payroll, merchants, card holder ~ Purpose of provision of personal (credit) information

-To conduct business needed to verify identity, manage application forms and other documents (data entry, scanning, maintaining, discarding), delivery of cards, sending/returning mail (statement, etc.), managing memberships, providing phone consultation, handle IT process/development/ maintenance, sending email/text message/mobile coupon, conducting mer­chant-related business (brokerage, slip management, transactions, maintenance, e-payment service), providing ATM service, handling withdrawal of settlement funds, collecting debt, conducting due diligence of liquid assets, sending gifts/promotional materials, operating a shopping site (Welfare Mall), providing travel services, conducting insurance agency-related business, taking legal actions, furnishing legal advice, preparing phone recording data, operating a recording server, managing cus­tomer service quality (monitoring call quality), providing virtual phone number service, maintaining back-up data, billing/col­lecting telecommunications fees, providing support for VAT refunds - To confirm my employment status, settle disputes wrth merchants, provide a statement of a Family card @ Personal (credit) information provided: Information for which consent to recuired collection and use is provided @ Duration of retention and use by parties provided: When entrustment service agreement is terminated or when entrustment service is completed (Unless otherwise stipulated in relevant laws)

Provide personal (credit) information to maintain services requested by the customer (Limited to services requested by the customer) CD Parties to be provided: Companies providing requested services (Automated payment through cards such as transit cards · Hi-pass, mobile, gas, electricity, etc., issuance/use of mobile card) ~ Purpose of provision of personal (credit) information: To maintain services requested by the customer @ Information provided: (Information items provided differ based on services. In the case of issuance/use of a mobile card. identity verification informatioo is provided) @ Duration of retention and use by parties provided: Until services is suspended at the customer's request

Provide personal (credit) information to maintain/implement services linked to the bank (Limited to those using banking products such as settlement account, credit/deposit, etc.) CD Parties to be provided: KEB Hana Bank ~ Purpose of provision of personal (credit) information: Provision of alliance/discount service and payment of expenses @ Information provided: Resident registration number. card number, business registration number, card product name, account number, name of settlement bank, usage results @ Duration of retention and use by parties provided: Up to 6 months from the date transaction ends (date product is termi­nated)

* I hereby consent to the Company's handling of my identity verification information for the aforementioned purposes. - Identity verification information : Resident registration number, driver's license number, passport number, alien registration number

card Holder Name :

Family Member Name :

I agree I do not agree



* In the event of any change(s) in the aforementioned matters, the Company shall provide details of the changes on the Company's website. If this agreement is not concluded, this written consent loses its effect from that time. * You may choose not to consent. However the above matters for consent are recuired to esta~ish/maintain commercial transaction relationship or directly related to services provided to you. Therefore. if you do not consent, you will be unable to esta~ish/maintain a transactional relationship.

• (2017. 10 7H~ I Ver.06) [!i!et:!~: ~~l~~E-l 5'.::!l 1-01--033-1-000-01-oo--04 II I II I I I I I I II I I 1111111111111111 •

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• • Optional Consent to Personal (Credit) Information

You may opt to refuse to consent to tre optional collection, use and provision of personal (credrt) information. However,~ you do not consent, there will be a limrt to tre benefits received depending on tre purJX)Se of use, such as provision of conveniences (give­aways, discount coupons, etc.), information about new products (services). information on Customer Appreciation events (discounts, point accrual, interest-free installment payments. etc.). information on insurance products, etc. However, no disadvantages in relation to tre provision of financial services shall be incurred otrer than those noted above.

1. Matters on the optional collection and use of personal (credit) information. Collection and use for the purpose of offering information on card and financial products and recommending their use CD Purpose of the collection and use of personal (credit) information: To offer information on the products and services of Hana Card or partner companies, conduct market research and R&D on products and services (2) Personal (credit) information to be collected and used: Personal (credit) information that the customer has consented to the required collection and use thereof ® Duratbn of retention and use of permnal (credd) information: Until the date contract is terminated

I agree I do not agree

Collection and use for the purpose of providing information on additional services, other than card products CD Purpose of the collection and use of personal (credit) information - To conduct marketing of a credit card company's ancillary businesses such as travel, mail-order shopping, etc. - For Hana Card's explanation and sale of insurance products and provision of insurance service in the capacity of an insurance agency, and for inquiry into insurance information through the Korea Insurance Development lnstitute's online network (2) Personal (credit) information to be collected and used: Personal (credit) information that the customer has consented to the required collection and use thereof ® Duration of retention and use of personal (credit) information: Until contract is terminated

I agree I do not agree

Useful information on services, benefits from partner companies, marketing events, etc. will be offered to you through a channel you chose among phone, mobile phone, text message, writing, email, etc.

Select Methods Consent to partial methods ( Telephone SMS Written notioes Consent to all metrods Do not consent

* Even after providing consent. you may rescind your consent to receiving messages for promotions at any time in accordance with the Act on Use and Protection of Credit Information. (Phone Number: 1800-1111/ Website: www.hanacard.co.kr ) * Notification of essential information such as renewal and changes to products/services shall be excluded from information subject to consent.

* I hereby consent to the collection and use of unique identification information for the purposes mentioned above. - Unique identification information: Resident Registration No., Driver's License No., Passport No., Alien Registration No.

2. Matters on the Optional Provision of Personal (Credit) Information

Provision to subsidiaries of Hana Financial Group

card Holder Name :

Family Member Name :

I agree

G) Companies to be provided with personal (credit) information: KEB Hana Bank, Hana Capital, Hana Life, etc.

I do not agree



(?) Purpose of the use of personal (credit) information: To conduct marketing activities such as the promotion, sale, etc. of products provided by subsidiaries of Hana Financial Group ® Personal (credit) information to be provided: Personal (credit) information designated in the written consent to the required collection and use @ Duration of retention and use by parties provided: Up to 24 months from the date of information provided

I agree I do not agree

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• Provision of personal (credit) information for the purpose of fraud prevention, etc. G) Party to be provided with personal (credit) information: Korea Immigration Service ~ Purpose of provision of personal (credit) information: To prevent overseas credit card fraud ® Personal (credit) information to be provided: Resident registration number, name @ Duration and retention and use by parties provided: Until immigration information is confirmed

I agree

* I hereby consent to the collection and use of unique identification information for the purposes mentioned above.

I do not agree

- Unique identification information: Resident registration number, driver's license number, passport number, alien registration number

card Holder Name :

Family Member Name :

I agree I do not agree



* In the event of any change(s) in the aforementioned matters, the Company shall provide details of the changes on the Company's website. If this agreement is not concluded, this written consent loses its effect from that time.

• (2017. 10 7H{J / Ver.06) [!i!~t:!-et '§:£1~£¥Ei 5~] 7-01--038--1--000-01--06--06 IIIII Ill II I Ill 11111111111111111
