half circle bag

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/29/2019 Half Circle Bag


    2012 Coats & Cl

    For Susan Bates knitting needles & crochet hooks - www.shopredheart.com

    For more ideas & inspiration - www.redheart.com www.crochettoday.com www.yourknittinglife.com

    GAUGE: 11 hdc = 4; 10 rows = 4. CHECK YOUR

    GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain the gauge.


    Front Flap

    With A, ch 6.

    Row 1: Dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across.

    Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as dc here and throughout), turn, 2 d

    in same st, dc in each dc to last dc, 3 dc in last dc 8 dc.

    Row 3: Ch 3, turn, dc in same st, 2 dc in each dc to end

    16 dc.

    Row 4: Ch 3, turn, dc in same st, dc in each dc to last st

    dc in last st 18 dc.

    Fasten off.

    Row 5: Join B in rst st, ch 3, dc in same st, dc in each d

    to last dc, 2 dc in last st 20 dc.

    Row 6: Ch 3, turn, dc in same st, 2 dc in each dc to end

    40 dc.

    Row 7: Ch 3, turn, dc in same st, dc in each dc to last st

    dc in last st 42 dc.

    Row 8: Ch 3, dc in each dc to end.

    Fasten off

    Row 9: Join A in rst st, slip st in next 21 dc, ch 6, slip st

    same dc, slip stitch in last 21 dc.

    Fasten off.

    Bag Front

    With B, ch 27.Row 1: Hdc in 3rd ch from hook and in each ch across.

    Rows 2-15: Ch 2 (counts as hdc here and throughout),

    turn, hdc in each hdc 26 hdc.

    Fasten off.

    Bag Back

    Rows 16-32: Join A in rst st and repeat Rows 2-15.

    Fasten off.


    With right sides together, fold Bag piece in half and sew

    side edges together. Turn right side out. With right sides

    together, sew edges of rows of Flap along top edge ofFront piece.


    Join B with a slip st in one side edge of Bag, ch 100, slip

    st in opposite edge of edge, ch 49, sc in 50 ch of ch-100

    strap, ch 50, slip st in rst side edge.

    Fasten off.

    Half Circle Bag


    Designed by Double Stitch Twins.

    Bag measures 9 wide x 7 tall.

    RED HEART Super Saer Chunky: 1 Skein each

    905 Magenta A and 776 Dark Orchid B.

    Crochet Hook: 6mm [US J-10].

    Button, 1 diameter, yarn needle.

    Need a quick bag to accent your look? This little

    envelope bag features a rounded ap and is easy

    to crochet in the colors of your choice.

  • 7/29/2019 Half Circle Bag


    2012 Coats & Cl

    For Susan Bates knitting needles & crochet hooks - www.shopredheart.com

    For more ideas & inspiration - www.redheart.com www.crochettoday.com www.yourknittinglife.com

    Sew button on Front opposite button loop.

    Weave in ends.

    RED HEART Super Saer Chunky,

    Art. E778, available in solid color 6oz

    (170g), 207 yd (189m) skeins.

    ABBREvIATIONS: A, B, C = Color A, B, C; ch = chain;

    dc = double crochet; hdc = half double crochet; mm =

    millimeters; st(s) = stitch(es).