haccp guidelines requirements for retail operators 2005

Food Control Section 2005 Public Health Department Dubai Municipality www.dm.gov.ae T: 04/ 2064220 - F: 04/ 2064264 - M: 8528511 - E: [email protected] - www.dm.gov.ae HACCP Guidelines & Requirements for Retail Premises 2005 AM AlMarzouqi Issued on July 2005 [email protected]

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T: 04/ 2064220 - F: 04/ 2064264 - M: 8528511 - E: [email protected] - www.dm.gov.ae

HACCP Guidelines & Requirements for Retail Premises2005

AM AlMarzouqi

Issued on July 2005

[email protected]

Page 2: HACCP Guidelines Requirements for Retail Operators 2005

Food Control Section 2005

Public Health Department

Dubai Municipality


HACCP Guidelines for Retail Premises 2005

T: 04/ 2064220 - F: 04/ 2064264 - E: [email protected] - www.dm.gov.ae Page: 2

Content Page

1. Introduction 4

2. Objective 7

3. Scope 9

4. Use 11

5. References 13

6. Definitions 15

7. Pre-requisite Programs

7.1. Management Policy 36

7.2. Premises & Equipment 40

7.3. Maintenance & General Cleaning 47

7.4. Pest Control 52

7.5. Personal Requirements 56

7.6. Approved Food & Beverage Suppliers 61

7.7. Food Flow Requirements 64

7.8. Temperature Control 78

7.9. Product Recall 81

7.10. Sampling & Laboratory Analysis 84

7.11. Internal & External Events, Banquets or Mass Catering/Retail Operations 87

7.12. Internal & External Audits 90

7.13. Prerequisites Programs Review 93

8. HACCP Implementation for Retail Operators

8.1. Assemble HACCP Team 96

8.2. Process Description 98

8.3. Identify Intended Use 100

8.4. Process Flow 102

8.5. Construct Flow Diagram 104

8.6. On-site Verification of Flow Diagram 106

8.7. List all Hazards (Principle 1) 108

8.8. Apply HACCP Decision Tree (Principle 2) 121

8.9. Establish Critical Limits (Principle 3) 123

8.10. Establish a Monitoring System (Principle 4) 125

8.11. Establish Corrective Actions (Principle 5) 127

8.12. Establish Verification Procedure (Principle 6) 129

8.13. Establish Record Keeping & Documentation (Principle 7) 133

9. Supporting Templates

Templates for Retail Operators 137

10. Regulator Recommendation

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Introduction Dubai Municipality, through its quest of ensuring food safety, introduces these guidelines to be

followed by the Retail operators.

Assuring the food safety & security of the food supply is a vital part of our country’s health

mission. As more Retail operators across the country compete to sell foods to the consumers, it

becomes essential that uniform hazard analysis & control guidelines for producing, buying, &

selling food products be developed. These guidelines shall be based on science & validated in

actual operation. Nowadays, consumers in the Emirates are doing less food preparation & dining

out &/or are relying on Retail operators outlets for ready to eat food.

Food science & technology have improved the understanding of the potential microbiological,

chemical, & physical hazards in foods. This knowledge can be used to determine the criteria

necessary to assure that food products & commodities meet consumer safety expectations with an

acceptable risk at the raw material level, the distributor level, & the consumer level.

Extensive scientific research in the area of food safety and hygiene has resulted in establishing

many food safety systems. One of the most well-known and recognized systems is the Hazard

Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). HACCP is a system used by the food industry to ensure

that all food consumed is safe to eat. HACCP is a systematic approach to hazard identification,

assessment of risk and control. It is a structured approach for the control of food safety from the

farm to the fork. The concept of HACCP was first introduced during the mid 1960s when a reliable

method for manufacturing pathogen free food was required by the US space Programme.

The HACCP approach for food safety moves away from testing of the final product, and instead

emphasizes on raw material and process control. Control is taken out of the laboratory and into

the processing environment. HACCP provides a structured and systematic approach to the control

of identified hazards, which may be biological (microbiological), chemical, physical or a

combination of the three. A Critical Control Point (CCP) is a raw material, stage, practice or

operation within the process where a hazard has been recognized and steps are in place to

eliminate, prevent or reduce the possibility of the hazard occurring.

There are seven principles incorporated into the HACCP system (Codex 1997):

1. Conduct a hazard analysis:

Identification and description of the product and its’ intended use. Assessment of hazards and

assessment of risks associated with all stages and practices of product handling and processing.

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2. Determine the critical control points (CCPs):

That will eliminate or minimize the risk.

3. Establish critical limits.

4. Establish a monitoring system to demonstrate that the CCP is under control.

5. Establish a procedure for corrective action when the CCP is seen to be moving

out of control.

6. Introduce verification procedures to confirm the effectiveness of the HACCP


7. Establish documentation and records to demonstrate that the HACCP system is

working effectively.

A HACCP study is carried out in four stages: defining the scope of the study, implementing the

study and maintaining the system. It is important to establish the scope of the study, i.e. the area

to be addressed by the HACCP plan - from the farm supplier of raw materials through to the retail

operator’s outlet or consumer. It is also paramount that management is fully supportive of the

implementation of HACCP, especially where investing money is concerned.

The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) concept is a preventative and systematic

approach to hazard identification, assessment and control (see above). However, since HACCP is

an approach and not a prescriptive system, the concept can be used to develop tailor made

systems applicable to the production and marketing of food products in any country.

Such systems shall incorporate control systems, which combine both Good Manufacturing Practice

(GMP) and HACCP. GMP is a basic and subjective approach, which addresses environmental

conditions and the control of working procedures.

However, when combined with the systematic approach used in the HACCP concept, its

application results in a significant improvement in quality, and a reduction in related food-borne


Dubai Municipality started the implementation of HACCP in 1999, and now it is mandatory for all

food factories in Dubai to apply this system. After the success of HACCP at the food factories,

Dubai Municipality is introducing this system to the retail operators. Hence these guidelines, which

are included in this manual, are aimed to be applied by Hotels, department stores, and the retail

operators. We hope that this manual could help all food establishments in Dubai in achieving their

objective of providing safe and hygienic food to their consumers.

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2. Objective

• Facilitate the implementation of Risk Management based program in Hotels, department

stores, and the retail operators.

• Ensure that the foods transported, stored, prepared & displayed in Dubai are safe for human


• Provide the proper understanding that the Hotels, department stores, and retail operators bear

the primary responsibility for food safety;

• Lay down the policy that Food Safety & Hygiene Rules & Guidelines cover all stages of the food

chain, from primary production to sale or consumption;

• Reduce of risk factors known to cause food-borne illness as well as other factors that may

contribute to food-borne illness & on the promotion of active managerial control of all factors

that may cause food-borne illness.

• Ensure protection of public health, the wholesomeness of the product & safety of foodstuffs.

• Improve the risk communication & hazard understanding (microbiological, chemical & physical

hazards) among Hotels, department stores, and the Retail operators in the Emirate.

• Simplify the Food Hygiene & Safety Control measures for the Hotels, department stores, and

the retail operators.

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HACCP Guidelines for Retail Premises 2005

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3. Scope

A Regulation that aims to improve the Food Hygiene Standards across Dubai & raise the

awareness of food hygiene issues among Hotels, department stores, the retail operators and the

public. These regulations provide some of the basic legal requirements, which the Hotels,

department stores, and the retail operators are required to fulfill. It is very useful in providing

interpretation & guidance on the application of the law.

This regulation seeks to ensure the hygiene & safety of foodstuffs at all stages of the foods

transported, stored, prepared & displayed in Dubai.

Establishments covered by these Guidelines:

Retail Operators includes:

1.1 Co-Operative Industrial

1.2 Department Store

1.3 Supermarket

1.4 Five Star Hotel

1.5 Four Star Hotel

1.6 Floating Hotel

1.7 Catering Services

1.8 Resort

1.9 Floating Restaurant

1.10 Schools

1.11 Colleges

1.12 Universities

1.13 Hospitals

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4. Use

• These regulations/procedures of the manual describe how each task is to be completed.

• This manual is developed, based on the principles of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point

(HACCP) determined by Codex Alimentarius & Retail Food Alliance.

• This manual describes the broad, scientifically based logic sequences of HACCP principles.

Hotels, department stores, and the retail operators shall use the guide to help assess

microbiological, chemical & physical hazards that apply to their own operation & implement

appropriate & cost effective risk reduction strategies.

• This manual contains the information necessary for Hotels, department stores, and the retail

operators to meet HACCP system requirements.

• Definitions & the information of this manual will help the Hotels, department stores, and the

retail operators to develop a HACCP System.

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5. References • Local Order No. 11/2003 (Public Health & Safety in the Emirates Dubai).

• Codex Alimentarius Commission – Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. (CD-ROM)


• Retail Food Alliance.


• Food & Agricultural Organization – FAO.


• Food & Drug Administration – FDA.


• Food Hygiene Regulation1992 Administrative Order No. 20/1992, issued on 3rd February 1992,

Food Control Section – Public Health Department, Dubai Municipality.


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6. Definitions


“Adulterated” means food that bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance that may

render the food impure or injurious to health. Food is also adulterated if it is manufactured,

prepared, or stored in a manner that deviates from an HACCP plan, so as to pose discernible

increase in hazard risk.

Accreditation: (see Certification)

A procedure by which a recognized independent body accredits organizations, which are involved

in the certification of quality systems, products, services or personnel, to recognized national &/or

international standards. The accreditation body may also carry out accreditation inspections in its

own right. In Ireland the official national organization for accreditation is the National

Accreditation Board (NAB) e.g. NAB has accredited the National Standards Authority of Ireland

(NSAI) for the certification of quality inspections & in its own right NAB has accredited many food-

testing laboratories in Ireland for tests such as fat content.

Ambient (Room) Temperature: (see Danger Zone, End Point Temperature)

The temperature of the surrounding working environment.


A detailed examination, i.e. test of a food, process or area e.g. a laboratory carries out an

analysis of a cooked chicken burger to determine its fat content.


Chemicals synthetically produced or naturally produced by microorganisms, which are able to kill

or stop the growth of another microorganism e.g., penicillin.

Antimicrobial: (see Antibiotic, Disinfectant)

A process or chemical designed to reduce or stop microorganisms from growing e.g. antibiotics,

antiseptics, & disinfectants.

Approved Source/Supplier/Vendor:

A reputable or reliable supplier of materials or services used in the preparation of a food e.g. a

well-known or established business, which you have done business with before.

Assessment: (see Audit, Environmental Health Officer (EHO), Inspection)

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This is the collection, analysis, & interpretation of evidence to determine how well a HACCP plan

performs against the needs, standards & expectations of a particular business e.g. normally

carried out by a local EHO, but can be carried out by a business themselves.

Audit: (see Accreditation, Inspection)

An audit is a systematic & independent process of collecting information about a particular

businesses HACCP plan & evaluating this information objectively for the purpose of reporting on

the level of compliance between the collected information & established HACCP compliance

standards. An audit can involve looking at paperwork & actual working procedures e.g. an

accredited food testing laboratory is visited by NAB & its procedures, tests & results are examined

to make sure they are correct.

Bacteria: (see Microorganism)

Single-celled living organisms, which cannot be seen with the naked eye e.g. salmonella bacteria.


A chemical or process designed to destroy bacteria e.g. chlorine based disinfectant. Term Audit?

2 3 ‘Best-Before’ Date: (see Food Spoilage, ‘Use-by’ Date)

The date up until a food can reasonably be expected to retain its best quality if kept under the

correct storage conditions. ‘Best-before’ dates are more about quality than safety e.g. canned &

dried foods such as soft drinks, crisps & biscuits.

Biological Hazard(s): (see Contamination, Chemical/Physical Hazards, & Intoxication)

Living organisms (e.g. pathogenic bacteria), which may cause harm if they or their products are

consumed in food e.g. Salmonella bacteria in a ready-to-eat chicken meal.


A procedure for ensuring that a known measured output of an instrument such as temperature or

weight corresponds to a known national standard value for that property e.g. a temperature probe

for a freezer is calibrated to a national standard to have an accuracy of ±2 °C. A reading of -20 °C

would indicate that the temperature in the freezer is between -18 °C & -22 °C.

Carrier: (Asymptotic Carrier)

A person who harbours disease causing organisms inside their bodies & excretes them without

suffering from symptoms of that disease e.g. a person recovering from salmonella food poisoning.

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Certification: (see Accreditation)

A procedure by which a recognized body, following its own independent assessment determines

whether a business complies with the requirements of a recognized standard e.g. the National

Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) provides certification for food businesses complying with

the requirements of Irish & international standards e.g. I.S.343:2000 & ISO 9001:2000.

Checklist: (see Decision Tree)

A written list of points or actions that need to be considered during the planning, implementation,

assessment & ongoing operation of a HACCP plan e.g. a caterer is organizing an internal audit of a

HACCP plan & writes a checklist of things to examine during the audit.

Chemical Hazard(s): (see Contamination, Biological/Physical Hazards, & Intoxication)

Chemicals (e.g. poison), which may cause harm if consumed e.g. bleach in milk.

Clean: (see Cleaning, Cleaning Schedule)

A surface free of food particles, dirt, grease & other undesirable debris.

Cleaning: (see Clean, Cleaning Schedule)

The physical removal of soil, food residues, dirt, grease & other undesirable debris e.g. scrubbing

down a food chopping board

Cleaning Schedule: (see Disinfectant, Sanitation Schedule, Sanitizer, Sanitary)

A written schedule used to describe all items, which shall be cleaned & free of soil, food residues,

dirt, grease & other undesirable debris. The schedule has details of what (i.e. items to clean), who

(i.e. staff responsible), how (i.e. method of cleaning) & when (i.e. frequency of cleaning) e.g. a

meat slicer shall be cleaned every day, by the shop assistant by removing all parts & cleaning

with detergent.


Means a food establishment in which food, containers, equipment, or supplies are stored or

handled for use in mobile food facilities, mobile food preparation units, stationary mobile food

preparation units or vending machines.

Commercially Sterile: (see Sterile)

The condition achieved in a food by heating it alone or in combination with other ingredients or

treatments, to render it free of organisms capable of growing in the food at room or ambient

temperatures e.g. canned foods.

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Competent Regulatory Authority: (see Enforcement Officer, Environmental Health Officer)

The organization with responsibility to enforce & ensure compliance with recognized standards

&/or the requirements of legislation e.g. the Food Safety Authority of Ireland.


Meeting all the requirements of a recognized standard. A prerequisite of compliance in the food

industry is ensuring that the statutory requirements of legislation are met or exceeded e.g. a

catering business shall comply with the NSAI Irish Standard for Hygiene in the Catering Sector

(I.S. 340: 1994) & have in place a food safety management system based on the principles of

HACCP to comply with current legislation (S.I. No. 165 of 2000).


All actions in relation to particular guidelines, standards or legislation which are carried out

according to established procedures e.g. the temperature of a refrigerator is maintained at 5 °C &

the temperature of the food in it is recorded on a daily basis.

Contamination: (see Biological/Chemical/Physical Hazards, Cross-Contamination, Intoxication)

The presence of undesirable chemicals (e.g. detergent), foreign bodies (e.g. glass) or living

organisms (e.g. salmonella bacteria) in a food e.g. a raw chicken product is contaminated with

salmonella bacteria.


A process of ensuring that the correct procedures are being followed (i.e. to control) & all

necessary actions are taken to ensure a food process meets requirements (i.e. in control) e.g.

the temperature of a beef burger is checked to ensure it has reached 70 °C for 2 minutes before

cooking is stopped & the beef burger is served.

Control Measure:

Any action at a control point which can be taken or used to prevent a hazard or reduce it to an

acceptable safe level e.g. keeping the temperature of cooked ham at ≤5 °C.

Control Point:

A point or step in a food process where a control measure can be applied e.g. temperature

measurement of a refrigerated storage unit. Any distinct procedure or stem in receiving, storing,

handling, preparing, displaying or dispensing a food.

Core or Centre Temperature:

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The temperature at the centre of a food e.g. the core temperature of a cooked pork sausage

during cooking was maintained at 70 °C for 2 minutes.

Corrective Action:

The action taken when the monitoring of a critical control point indicates a potential loss of

control, or when a critical limit is not met e.g. the temperature of cooked meat in a refrigerator

rises to >10 °C for over 24 hours due to a technical fault in the refrigerator. The cooked meat is

destroyed & the refrigerator is repaired by the manufacturer to maintain new cooked meat

supplies at the correct temperature of ≤ 5 °C.

Critical Control Point: (CCP)

A step in which control can be applied & is essential to prevent a food safety hazard or reduce it

to an acceptable level e.g. cooking time & temperature for a raw chicken product. Means a control

point where any loss of control may result in an unacceptable health risk pertaining to a food.

Critical Limit: (see Target Level, Tolerance)

A maximum or minimum limit (i.e. value) at a CCP, which can be monitored & separates

acceptable from unacceptable e.g. the core temperature at the centre of a cooked beef burger

following cooking shall reach 70 °C for 2 minutes. ’Use-by’ Date?. Means the maximum or

minimum value to which a physical, chemical or biological parameter shall be controlled at a

critical control point to minimize the risk that an identified food safety hazard may occur.

4 5 Food Processing: (see Food, Food Establishment, Food Handler, High-Risk Food, Pasteurization, Ready-to-Eat Food)

A term commonly used to describe food, which has being produced on industrial scale e.g. frozen

ready meals.

Food Thermometer: (see Core Temperature, Temperature Probe)

A thermometer used to indicate temperature in foods. Food thermometers come in many forms

such as digital handheld:

Thermometers & simple insertion thermometers e.g. a meat

Thermometer is inserted into a pork product to indicate its

Temperature during cooking.

Foodborne Illness: (see Gastroenteritis, Foodborne Outbreak, Food Poisoning)

Illness resulting from infection or intoxication after eating or drinking a contaminated food e.g.

eating a beef burger contaminated with E. coli O157:H7 & becoming ill.

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Foodborne Outbreak: (see Gastroenteritis, Foodborne Illness, Food Poisoning)

Two or more people developing the same illness after eating or drinking the same food e.g. a

number of people visit a restaurant, eat the same meal contaminated with salmonella bacteria &

become ill.

Food Poisoning: (see Gastroenteritis, Food Illness, Biological/Chemical Hazards)

A foodborne illness resulting from the consumption of a biologically or chemically contaminated

food e.g. eating a cooked chicken breast contaminated with salmonella bacteria & becoming ill.

Food Spoilage: (see ‘Best-before’ Date)

Food that has decayed or decomposed due to the growth of microorganisms e.g. sour milk.

Fungi: (see Moulds, Yeasts)

A large group of living organisms with many forms, which vary from very small single celled

organisms (e.g. yeasts) to larger multicellular organisms (e.g. moulds, mildews & mushrooms).

All fungi are incapable of photosynthesis & are therefore not plants e.g. bread mould.

Gastroenteritis: (see Foodborne Illness, Foodborne Outbreak, Food Poisoning)

A medical condition which affects the stomach & intestines, commonly associated with foodborne

illness e.g. eating shellfish contaminated with Norwalk-like virus & becoming ill with symptoms of

diarrhoea, nausea & vomiting.

Generic HACCP Plan: (see HACCP Plan, Hazard Analysis, HACCP)

Examples of readily available HACCP plans, which can be used as guides to devise a specific

HACCP plan for a specific individual process.

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP): (see SOP, Specification)

The minimum quality & safety requirements aimed at ensuring that foods are prepared in a

consistent manner according to agreed specifications e.g. raw & cooked food products are stored

in separate refrigerators.

HACCP Plan/System:

A food or process specific document written according to the principles of HACCP to ensure the

control of hazards, which are significant for the safety of that food e.g. a HACCP plan for a cooked

ham sandwich. HACCP Plan?

Cross–Contamination: (see Biological Hazards, Contamination)

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The transfer of microorganisms from one source such as raw food, people, equipment or the

environment to another source such as cooked food e.g. raw meat held on the top shelf of a

refrigerator drips onto a cake held on the bottom shelf & bacteria will spread from the meat to the


Danger Zone: (see Pathogen)

The temperature conditions or temperature ranges under which most pathogenic microorganisms

may grow & multiply in foods e.g. between 5 °C & 63 °C.

Date of Minimum Durability: (see ‘Best-before’ Date, ‘Use-by’ Date)

The date until which a food retains its specific properties when properly stored e.g. a ‘Best-before’ date on a packet of crisps or a ‘Use-by’ date on a freshly prepared salad.

Decision Tree: (see Checklist, Critical Control Point)

A series of questions used at each step with an identified hazard, in the preparation of a food to

identify the critical control points.

Detergent: (see Clean, Cleaning, Detergent, Sanitizer, Spore Forming, Microorganism)

A chemical used to remove grease, dirt & food particles from a surface e.g. washing-up liquid, soap.

Disinfectant: (see Clean, Cleaning, Detergent, Sanitizer, Spore Forming Microorganisms)

A chemical or process used to reduce numbers of microorganisms but not necessarily microbial

spores on a surface to a safe or acceptable level e.g. chlorine (i.e. bleach), ultra-violet light.


Any person working in a food facility covered by this regulation.

Endpoint Temperature: (see Core Temperature)

The measured temperature of a food at the end of preparation e.g. a raw lamb kebab is cooked to

an endpoint core temperature of 70 °C for 2 minutes.

Enforcement Officer: (see Competent Regulatory Authority, EHO)

Authorized officer appointed to enforce relevant legislation e.g. environmental health officers

(EHOs), sea fisheries officers, veterinary inspectors, & dairy produce inspectors.

Environmental Health Officer (EHO): (see Competent Regulatory Authority, Enforcement Officer)

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EHOs develop, regulate, enforce & monitor laws & regulations governing public health including

food safety in order to promote good health, hygiene & environmental practices.


All cooking units, hoods, cutting blocks, processing machines, tables, refrigerators, sinks, dish

machines, steam tables & other items used in a food facility.

Flow Diagram: (see Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points, Critical Control Point)

A graphical diagram detailing the sequence of operations involved with a particular food product

or process, usually from receipt of raw materials to the final consumer. In HACCP these charts can

help identify the CCPs e.g. a flow diagram showing the sequence of steps in the preparation of a

cooked chicken breast sandwich.


Any substance used or intended to be used for normal human consumption e.g. water, beer, raw

& cooked foods. Any raw or processed substance, ice, beverage, including water, or ingredient

intended to be used as food, drink, confection, or condiment for human consumption.

Food Contact Surface:

A surface of equipment or a utensil with, which food normally comes in to contact.

Food Establishment:

Any room, building, or place, or portion thereof, maintained, used or operated for the purpose of

storing, preparing, serving, manufacturing, packaging, transporting, salvaging, or otherwise

handling food at the retail level.

Food Establishment/Business/Premises:

Any establishment that produces, stores, distributes or sells food to consumers. These

establishments can include preparation, storage, distribution & retailing e.g. a caterer, retailer, a

sales depot, & a haulage company.

Food Handler:

Any person, who handles or prepares food whether packaged or unpackaged e.g. a person

preparing a chicken sandwich in a cafe.

Food Hygiene:

All measures necessary to ensure the safety & quality of food for sale or supply to the consumer

e.g. food preparation, processing, storage, distribution, handling, display & retail.

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Food Preparation:

“Food preparation” means packaging, processing, assembling, portioning, or any operation that

changes the form, flavor, or consistency of food, but does not include trimming of produce.

Frozen Food:

“Frozen food” means a food maintained at a temperature at which all moisture therein is in a solid state.


“HACCP” means Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point.


“HACCP plan” means a written document that delineates the formal procedures for following the

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point principles that were developed by the National Advisory

Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF) & complies with Section 114055 of the

Health & Safety code.

HACCP Principles:

“HACCP principles” means the seven basic steps of HACCP, as prescribed below:

1. Conduct hazard analysis. Prepare a list of steps in the process where significant hazards

occur & describe the preventive measures.

2. Identify the critical control points (CCP) in the process.

3. Establish critical limits for preventive measures associated with each CCP identified.

4. Monitor each CCP

5. Establish corrective action to be taken when a critical limit deviation occurs

6. Establish verification procedures

7. Establish record keeping & documentation procedures


“Hazard” means a biological, chemical, or physical property that may cause an unacceptable public health risk.

Hazard: (see Biological, Chemical, Physical Hazards)

The potential to cause harm. Hazards (i.e. dangers) may be biological, chemical or physical e.g.

Salmonella species in a chicken burger (biological hazard), detergent in milk (chemical hazard) or

glass in a breakfast cereal (physical hazard).

Hazard Analysis: (see HACCP, Hazard)

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A procedure for looking at a specific food process, identifying all hazards associated with that

process & deciding which are significant to food safety & as such shall be included in a HACCP

plan e.g. the cross-contamination of a cooked chicken breast with campylobacter bacteria from

raw chicken is identified as a hazard due to poor hygiene practice.

Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point: (HACCP) (see CCP, Hazard, Hazard Analysis)

A system that identifies, evaluates & controls hazards (i.e. dangers), which are significant to a

food’s safety e.g. a HACCP plan identifies the hazards in the preparation of a cooked pork sausage

as the growth of Salmonella species & sets a CCP as the cooking temperature & time. Careful

monitoring of the temperature & time will help to control & prevent salmonella growth.

High-Risk Activity: (see High-Risk Foods)

Activities where high-risk foods are prepared & where the potential exists to put vulnerable

people, (i.e. infants, the frail & elderly, pregnant women & the sick) or large numbers of

consumers at serious risk e.g. a street vendor selling unpackaged ready-to-eat ham sandwiches

from an un-refrigerated service unit.

High-Risk Food: (see Pathogen, Ready-to-Eat Food)

Food which can support the growth of dangerous organisms (i.e. pathogens) & which will not be

subjected to any further processing (e.g. cooking) which would destroy or reduce numbers of

such organisms to a safe level prior to consumption e.g. raw seafoods, freshly prepared salads,

some meats & dairy products.


The initial, ongoing use & updating of a HACCP plan.

Infection: (see Foodborne Illness, Pathogen, Microorganism)

An illness that results from, eating food contaminated with pathogenic organisms e.g.

salmonellosis illness.

Infective Dose: (see Foodborne Illness, Pathogen, Microorganism)

The minimum number of a specific organism, which is needed to cause an illness e.g. some

evidence suggests that the infective dose of E. coli O157:H7 is less than 10 individual microbial


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Inspection: (see Audit)

An internal or external examination of a food, food process, quality or food safety system such as

HACCP, in order to establish compliance with specific business, regulatory or legislative

requirements e.g. an inspection of a restaurant by an EHO to ensure that hygiene regulations are

been complied with.

Intoxication: (see Foodborne Illness, Pathogen, Microorganism, Toxin)

An illness that results from eating food containing toxic chemicals or toxins produced by

pathogenic microorganisms e.g. Botulism caused by eating a canned food containing the toxin

produced by the microorganism Clostridium botulinum.

Low-Risk Activity:

Activity where the potential to cause harm to consumers is low e.g. selling pre-packed chocolate

bars in a newsagent.

Material Safety Data Sheets: (MSDS)

Documents, which contain safety information about specific substances. An MSDS shall be

available for every chemical found in the work place & are available from the chemical supplier or

manufacturer e.g. an MSDS for sodium hypochloride commonly found in bleach products used in

disinfections procedures.

Monitoring: (see Control Limit, Critical Control Points)

The systematic observation, measurement & recording of the significant factors for control of a

hazard at CCPs & assessing whether a CCP is under control e.g. recording the final cooking

temperature & time for a cooked chicken breast.

Moulds: (see Fungi, Yeasts)

A group of multicellular fungi used in the production of foods (e.g. cheese) & also responsible for

the spoilage of some foods (e.g. bread mould).

Microorganism: (see Bacteria, Biological Hazards, Contamination, Pathogen, Parasite, Virus)

A life-form that generally cannot be seen with the naked eye e.g. bacteria, viruses, yeasts,

moulds & parasites.

Non-Conforming Product/Non-Conformity:

A product or procedure that does not meet the required standard or specification.

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A life-form that grows & feeds in or on a host life form without contributing to the well being of

the host but not necessarily causing disease e.g. Trichinella spiralis is a parasitic worm which

causes human illness, commonly associated with eating undercooked pork.

Pasteurization: (see Pathogen, Spore Forming, Microorganism, Vegetative Microorganisms)

A heat treatment applied to food to destroy vegetative pathogenic microorganisms (i.e. not

spores) & reduce numbers of other microorganisms to decrease the rate of spoilage e.g. raw milk

is pasteurized by heating to 72 °C for 15 seconds.

Pathogen/Pathogenic: (see Biological Hazard, Spore Forming, Vegetative Microorganisms)

A microorganism that is capable of causing illness or disease e.g. Salmonella, E. coli O157

bacteria, viruses & parasites.

Perishable Food: (see High-Risk Food, Ready-to-Eat Food, Shelf-Life)

A term applied to food with a short shelf-life which includes high-risk foods e.g. freshly prepared



The food facility, its contents & the contiguous land or property & its facilities & contents that are

under the control of the permit holder that may impact food establishment personnel, facilities, or


Physical Hazard(s): (see Contamination, Biological/Chemical Hazards)

Materials (e.g. glass or metal fragments) that may cause harm if consumed in foods e.g. piece of

glass in a breakfast cereal.

Personal Hygiene:

Individual cleanliness & practices of cleanliness or personal care e.g. washing hands with soap &

hot water after using the toilet.

Potable Water:

Water, which is fit for human consumption or for use in food preparation & complies with the

requirements of current legislation (i.e. Irish Statutory Instrument No. 81 of 1988) e.g. treated

mains water.

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Potentially Hazardous Food:

Food that is in a form capable of supporting rapid & progressive growth of infectious or toxigenic

microorganisms that may cause food infections/food poisoning.

Prerequisites: (Safety Support Measures)

Practices & procedures required prior to & during the implementation & ongoing operation of a

HACCP system e.g. premises, equipment, staff training, pest control, waste management.

Quality Assurance: (see Accreditation, Audit, Calibration, Control)

A system which endeavours to maintain the quality & safety aspects of a food from preparation,

production, storage, distribution through to final consumption e.g. An Bord Bia Egg Quality

Assurance Scheme

Raw Materials: (see Specification)

All foods used as foods themselves or ingredients in other foods, including those, which have been

pre-cooked, or packaging & food contact materials e.g. water, meat, vegetables, eggs, salt.

8 9 Ready-to-Eat Foods: (see High-Risk Foods)

Any food (including beverages) which is normally consumed in its raw state or food which has

being cooked or processed & does not require further cooking or processing to ensure its safety

e.g. coleslaw, cooked sliced meats & smoked salmon. Food that is in a form that is edible without

additional washing, cooking, or preparation by the food facility or the consumer & that is

reasonably expected to be consumed in that form.


Evidence, written or otherwise, of a working HACCP system & its prerequisites e.g. cooking

temperatures, delivery or cleaning records.


The preparing, serving, transporting, or otherwise handling food for dispensing or sale directly to

the consumer.

Risk: (see High-Risk Foods, Risk Assessment)

The probability of a hazard occurring e.g. the risk of a cooked pork sausage not reaching the

correct temperature during a defined cooking time.

Risk Assessment: (see High-Risk Foods, Risk)

A process of identifying hazards, assessing risks, gauging severity & evaluating their significance.

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Sanitary: (see Cleaning/Sanitation Schedule, Disinfectant, Sanitizer)

A surface, which is free from pathogens & other hazardous (i.e. dangerous) substances.

Shelf-Life: (see ‘Best-before’ Date, Food Spoilage, ‘Use-by’ Date, Date of Minimum Durability)

The period of time during which a food will remain edible (i.e. ‘Best-before’ date) &

microbiologically safe (i.e. ‘Use-by’ date) to consume.

Standard Operating Procedure: (SOP) (see Good Manufacturing Practices, Specification)

A practiced procedure of controlling a food operation in accordance with agreed specifications to

obtain a safe quality food product. SOPs are essential food safety practices that shall already be in

place as a prerequisite before & after a HACCP plan is implemented e.g. a written SOP on how to

safely cook a beef burger.


Any point, procedure, operation, action or stage in the preparation & delivery of a food to the final

consumer e.g. cooking is a step in the preparation of a cooked chicken sandwich.

Sterile/Sterilize: (see Commercially Sterile, Microorganism)

Free from all living (i.e. viable) organisms.

Sanitation Schedule: (see Cleaning Schedule, Disinfectant, Sanitary, Sanitizer)

A cleaning schedule followed by disinfections of all surfaces.

Sanitizer: (see Disinfectant, Sanitary, Sanitation Schedule)

A chemical or process used to clean & reduce numbers of microorganisms on a surface e.g.

chlorine, ultra violet light. The application of heat or approved chemical sanitizer on cleaned food

contact surfaces.


The seriousness or magnitude of a specific hazard or its consequences.

Specification: (see Food, Raw Material, SOP)

A written document (i.e. usually between supplier & customer) which defines the standards which

separates acceptable from unacceptable for a specific ingredient or food product e.g. pre-packed

sliced cooked ham will have a meat content of 90% & be free of all pathogens.

Spore Forming Microorganism: (see Vegetative Microorganism)

Microorganisms that can form resistant, inactive, spores inside their vegetative cells called

endospores. Endospores can survive normal cooking. The spore state is a dormant stage or period

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of no growth. Under favourable conditions spores can produce a vegetative microbial cell which

can subsequently grow & multiply in the food e.g. species of Bacillus & Clostridium bacteria can

produce endospores.

10 11 Stock Rotation: (see ‘Best-before’, Date of Minimum Durability ‘Use-by’ Date)

The practice of moving (rotating) food stocks so that stocks with the closest approaching ‘Best-

before’ or ‘Use-by’ date are used first.

Target Level: (see Control Measure, Critical Limit)

This is a more stringent limit for a control measure at a critical control point than the critical limit

itself. Target levels can be applied at CCPs to ensure that action can be taken prior to the actual

critical limit being exceeded, thereby avoiding the need for more series corrective action e.g. if

the critical limit for refrigerated storage of raw chicken is 5 °C then the target level might be 3 °C.

Temperature Control: (see Danger Zone, End Point Temperature, High Risk Foods, Pathogen, Temperature Probe)

The practice of storing foods particularly high-risk foods, outside the temperatures in which

microorganisms, particularly pathogens, will grow best e.g. storing coleslaw in the refrigerator at

≤5 °C.

Temperature Probe: (see Monitoring)

The part of temperature measuring equipment that is used to physically make temperature

readings e.g. inserting a temperature probe into a chicken product to monitor temperature during


Tolerance: (see Calibration, Critical Limit, Specification, Target Level)

A specified level or degree of latitude set between the target level & the critical limit (normally

defined in a specification) which if not met will make a food or its processing unacceptable e.g.

where the critical limit for refrigerated storage of raw chicken product is 5 °C & the target level is

3 °C then the tolerance is 3 °C ± 2 °C. Any temperature outside this temperature range is outside

the tolerance & unacceptable.

Toxic Materials: (see Biological, Chemical, Physical Hazards, Intoxication, Toxin)

These are poisonous substances that are not intended for human consumption e.g. pesticides,

metals such as mercury & lead.

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Toxin: (see Biological, Chemical, Physical Hazards, Intoxication)

A toxin is a chemical (i.e. poison) that will cause illness & may be found in food naturally or due to

biological, chemical or physical contamination e.g. Botulism, a form of food poisoning (i.e.

intoxication) is the result of ingestion of the toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum.


The ability of a food business to follow a product batch & its raw materials from the preparation

process through to the consumer & backwards to the raw materials suppliers e.g. bar-coding

products, batch numbers. Sanitary?

‘Use-by’ Date: (see ‘Best-before’ Date, Date of Minimum Durability, High-Risk Foods, Ready-to-Eat Food)

The date up until a food can reasonably be expected to be safe to consume if kept under the

correct storage conditions. ‘Use by’ dates are more about safety than quality e.g. high-risk foods

such as prepared salads, meat & dairy products.


“Utensil” means any kitchenware, tableware, cutlery, glassware, container, implement, high chair

tray, or other item with which food comes in contact during storage, transportation, display,

preparation, serving, sale, or through use by an employee or consumer.

Validation: (see Control, Records, Monitoring, Specification, Traceability etc)

Obtaining evidence that the elements of a HACCP plan are effective e.g. microbiological

examination of equipment surfaces before & after sanitation to determine if the sanitation

procedure was effective in reducing numbers of microorganisms to desired levels.

Vegetative Microorganism: (see Spore Forming Microorganism)

A form in which a microorganism is able to grow, given the correct conditions. Unlike endospores,

vegetative cells are relatively poor at surviving environmental stresses such as high temperature

e.g. salmonella bacteria are vegetative cells & don’t produce endospores.

Verification: (see Compliance, Conformity, Control, Monitoring, Traceability, Validation etc)

The application of methods, procedures, tests & other evaluations, in addition to monitoring to

determine compliance with a HACCP plan e.g. microbiological analysis of a chicken burger to

verify that it is free of campylobacter bacteria after cooking.

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Virus: (see Bacteria, Biological Hazard, Foodborne Illness, Pathogen)

A simple, microscopic life form, which requires a living host for reproduction & can cause human

illness e.g. Norwalk-like virus in shellfish or water.

Vulnerable Groups: (see High-Risk Foods)

These are people who are more susceptible than others to foodborne illness e.g. the very young,

the very old, pregnant women or people suffering from illnesses.


Any product, packaging or materials that are unwanted & intended to be disposed of & removed

from a food area or establishment.

Yeasts: (see Fungi, Moulds)

A group of single celled fungi used in the production of some foods (e.g. beer, wine, bread) & also

responsible for the spoilage of foods (e.g. fruit juice, beer, wine).

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Pre-requisite Programs

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7. Pre-requisite Programs • Steps or procedures that control the in-plant environmental conditions that provide a

foundation for safe food production or sale directly to the consumer.

• Each segment of the retail operators shall provide the conditions necessary to protect food

while it is under their control. This has been accomplished through the application of current

Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) & Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs).

These conditions & practices are now considered to be prerequisite to the implementation of

effective HACCP System.

• The effectiveness of the prerequisite programs shall be assessed during the design &

implementation of each HACCP System.

• All prerequisite programs shall be documented & regularly audited.

Prerequisite programs include:

• Management Policy:

Management Commitment.

• Premises & Equipment:

Construction; design; Drainage; Waste disposal; Linear Product flow, Avoid Cross Contamination,

Equipment layout & Maintenance & Calibration.

• Maintenance & General cleaning:

Maintenance Schedules; Washing & Sanitizing Facilities; Cleaning & Sanitizing procedures;

• Pest Control:

Effective Pest Control Programs.

• Personal Requirement:

Personal hygiene, Disease Control, Cleanliness, Education, Training & Supervision.

• Approved Food Suppliers:

Supplier’s Food Safety Programs; Supplier’s guarantee & Supplier’s audit.

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• Receiving, Storage, Preparation, Cooking, Holding, Serving/Transporting:

Sanitary controls, Temperature controls & process controls.

• Temperature Control:

Temperature Maintenance Programs, Procedures, Schedules & Calibration.

• Sampling & Laboratory Analysis:

Food & Water analysis; Effectiveness of Cleaning verify through swab methods.

• Internal & External Events, Banquets or Mass Catering/Retail Operations:

Safety & suitability of food supply in internal & external Events, Banquets or Mass retail operators.

• Internal & External Audits:

System Compliance through Internal & External audits.

• Prerequisite Programs Review:

Effectiveness of the manual through annual reviews & Reviewed manual to be submitted to Food

Control Section.

Effective prerequisite programs will simplify HACCP System & minimize the number of Critical

Control points (CCPs), which are described in detail in the following chapters.

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Management Policy

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7.1 Management Policy See Template The Food establishment shall be committed to a high standard of hygiene and safety of their

products and consumers and to implement a hazard management program policy, which is based

on consumer satisfaction with the offered product & service.


• Consumer satisfaction about the degree to which their requirements are met by the


• Education, motivation & growing awareness of its employees.

• Technical up-gradation of methods, processes & equipment.

Management policies & procedures:

Owner/CEO/Manager shall maintain policies & procedures for employees to follow in order to

assure the production, sale, & / or dispensing of safe food products of designated quality.

1. Person in-charge:

Responsible for assuring compliance by all personnel shall be assigned to competent supervisory


Personnel who are responsible for identifying sanitation failures or food contamination shall have a

background or education &/or experience to enable them to produce clean, safe food.

There shall be at all times at least one supervisory level person on duty during all operating

hours, trained in the prevention of food-borne illness & injury.

A Person in-charge shall answer technical questions & provide coaching as needed for transfer of

training, organization, self-directed learning, & employee-improved performance.

The Person in-charge shall perform the following duties:

o Assure that no unauthorized persons shall be allowed in the food preparation


o Assure that those authorized shall comply with the policies, procedures, &

standards of this set requirements.

o Monitor employee hand washing & sanitizing.

o Monitor employee in the goods/foodstuffs receiving, food preparation, cooling of

food & hot or cold holding/distribution temperatures.

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2. Hazard analysis & control:

Owners/CEOs/managers shall:

• Continually analyze the operations processes to find new & recurring food hazards through

food safety audits, environmental monitoring, & self-inspections to identify jobs &

processes that have hazards that could lead to food-borne illness.

• Mandate the use of the Retail Food Operations Food Hazard Control Checklist based on

safety-assured policies, procedures & standards.

• Maintain appropriate equipment programs to cover the calibration, use, cleaning,

maintenance, & eventual replacement of equipment.

• Maintain an up-to-date cleaning & sanitation schedule for all facility areas & equipment

with specified employee assignments. Cleaning & sanitizing of utensils & equipment shall

be conducted so as to protect against contamination of food, food contact surfaces, or food

packaging materials.

3. Employee training:


• Shall provide training for PICs & supervisors in pertinent food safety matters, food Safety

leadership, coaching, & employee empowerment to take action at any time to prevent a


• Shall provide training for new employees in pertinent food safety concerns.

• Maintain a written training program that includes: date, topic, content & attendance.

• All employees shall be issued with documented company rules with regard to hygiene

Policy & safety policy.

• Provisions shall be made to train those employees who are not proficient in English.

• Additional training shall be provided as necessary to ensure current knowledge of

equipment & process technology.

4. Operational improvements:

Owners/CEOs/managers shall:

• Support improvement of unit performance.

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• PICs, supervisors, & employees shall constantly be aware of environmental conditions,

equipment failure, & facility & process performance. Immediate action shall be

taken to correct problems.

• Systematic internal & external audits shall be performed in order to evaluate

prevention system weaknesses analyze the cause of problems; take action through

improved policies, procedures, standards & system development to prevent future


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Premises & Equipment

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7.2. Premises & Equipment See Template 7.2.1 Premises: Objective: Depending on the nature of the operations, & the risks associated with them, Establishment,

equipment & facilities shall be located, designed & constructed to ensure that:

• Contamination is minimized.

• Design & layout permit appropriate maintenance, cleaning & disinfections & minimize air-

borne contamination.

• Surfaces & materials, in particular those in contact with food, are non-toxic in intended use

&, where necessary, suitably durable, & easy to maintain & clean.

• Where appropriate, suitable facilities are available for temperature, humidity & other


• There is effective protection against pest access & harborage.

Buildings & facilities are designed, constructed & maintained in a manner to prevent

contamination. The outside walking & driving areas shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt or

other material so that they do not constitute a source of contamination. Adherence to the current

requirements are verified through the establishments written program that outlines the

procedures which include all elements in the building, surroundings of the building, outside

property, roadways, drainage, building design & construction, workers flow, product flow, sanitary

facilities & water/steam/ice quality to ensure satisfactory conditions are maintained.

• Outside Property:

The establishment shall be situated not in close proximity to any source of pollution / obnoxious

effects (eg. Objectionable odours, smoke, dust or other contaminants).

• Building design & construction:

The retail operators shall be of sound construction, suitable size, easy to clean & maintain high

level of hygienic standards.

According to Dubai Municipality – Food Control Section specification, the building & facilities shall:

1. Provide sufficient space for placement of equipment, display counters & storage of

food materials.

2. Floors, walls, Ceilings are constructed of material that is durable, smooth, cleanable

& suitable for the retail operations.

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3. Floors are light coloured, waterproof, non-slippery, non-absorbent, easily washable,

non-porous in nature & can withstand a high pressure of work. Floors are

sufficiently sloped for liquids to drain to trapped outlets.

4. Walls are light coloured, well joined, waterproof, non-absorbent & washable.

5. Floors & wall junctures coved, closed or sealed & easy to clean.

6. Mats & carpets are designed to be removable & easily cleanable.

7. Ceilings are designed & constructed in such a way that prevents the accumulation

of dirt, condensation, mould formation, & flaking.

8. Overhead structures are designed & installed in a manner that prevents

contamination of food, food contact surfaces & food packaging materials.

9. Utility service lines & pipes may not be unnecessarily exposed. Exposed utility

service lines & pipes installed so they do not obstruct or prevent cleaning of the

floors, walls & ceilings.

10. Doors have smooth, light colour, non-absorbent surfaces, self-closing, & washable

type & are close fitting. Windows are equipped with close fitting screens. Internal

windows sills, if any, shall be sloped to prevent accumulation of dusts. Stairs &

elevators are situated & constructed so that there is no contamination of food, food

contact surfaces & Food packaging materials.

11. The drains shall be of underground type, allowing the surface of the flooring to

remain clean & hygienic at any given time. All drain openings are covered with

perforated appropriate traps & vents, which shall allow only the wastewater to drain

off & stops all other solid wastes.

12. The drainage slopes are designed & constructed in such a way that will allow

smooth & free flow of wastewater. The drains & waterline pipes are laid in such a

way that will not cross connect anywhere in the premises.

13. Adequate non-glaring lights are provided to facilitate maximum visibility in all the

areas. All the lights shall be sufficiently protected with outer covers in case of any

breakage. The lighting does not alter food colors & the intensity of the lighting is

not less than:

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550 lux (50 foot candles) at inspection points.

220 lux (20 foot candles) in work rooms.

110 lux (10 foot candles) In other areas.

14. Adequate Ventilation is provided to prevent built-up of heat, steam, condensation or

dust & to remove contaminated air. The ventilation / exhaust openings are covered

with fly proofing nets / screens, which shall be cleaned periodically.

15. Effective air curtains shall be provided at all the entry points, which will prevent the

entries of flies.

16. The solid wastes shall be collected in tubs with closed lid are kept in separate room

& disposed off every four hours frequency. Accumulation of solid wastes & delaying

of disposal may cause microbial contamination. The rooms are always maintained

neat & clean.

17. The hand washing & sanitizing facilities shall be provided with non hand operable

system at all kitchen entry points. The above facilities shall equip with hot & cold

potable running water, liquid soaps, disinfectants, nailbrush, disposable towels /

Hand dryers & foot operable hand towel collecting bins. The signboard shall direct

the hand washing & sanitizing procedures for the staff & workers.

18. The Toilet rooms shall be conveniently located & accessible to employees during all

hours of operations. The toilet rooms located inside the retail operators does not

open directly in to the retail operators. The toilet room shall be completely

enclosed & provided with a tight fitting-self closing door.

19. The change room / Lunch room facility shall be provided with self closing doors,

individual lockers that do not lead directly into food processing areas & are correctly

ventilated & maintained.

20. The water that comes in direct contact with the food, food contact surfaces & food

packaging materials (or) used in the manufacturing of ice shall be of “potable

quality”. Potable hot & cold water is provided at adequate temperatures, pressures

& in quantities sufficient for all operations & clean up needs. There shall be no cross

connection between potable & non-potable water supply system. The water shall

meet stipulated bacteriological standards & the records shall be available upon

request by the regulatory authority.

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21. Ice is used as an ingredient or indirect contact with food made from potable water.

It shall meet stipulated bacteriological standards, which is tested on a semi annual

basis & records of water potability testing shall be available upon request.

22. Steam coming into direct contact with food or food contact surfaces is generated

from potable quality of water.

23. Prevention of cross contamination, the retail operators shall be designed &

constructed in a manner that the high & low risk areas are well separated. The flow

of work shall be unidirectional & the workers shall thoroughly clean & sanitize their

hands after each absence from their station. The equipments & utensils shall not to

be placed from unclean area to clean. The different products shall not be processed

at the same time. The solid wastes shall be frequently collected with closed lid.

24. The food, food contact surfaces & food packaging material shall be protected from

adulteration with lubricants, cleaning compounds, sanitizing agents, metal

fragments & other physical & chemical contaminants. All the cleaning compounds &

sanitizing agents used in the plant are identified & stored away from the food

processing area. The design & construction of the equipment & machineries

precludes adulteration of food with lubricants & other metal fragments.

25. The toxic chemical compounds like cleaning substances & sanitizing agents like

hypochlorite solutions used in the plant are identified, labeled & stored in lockable


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7.2.2 Equipment: In retail operators use of equipment that is designed, constructed, installed & maintained in a

manner to prevent contamination of food. The retail food operators shall have an adequate

program in place to install, monitor, control all equipment & maintain records thereof.

• Material Used:

The equipment & utensils shall be made up of durable, non-corrosive & non-absorbent materials.

Sufficient in weight & thickness to withstand repeated ware washing, finished to have a smooth

easily cleanable surface & resistant to chipping, pitting, crazing, scratching & distortion. These

metals shall be non toxic, withstand the environmental conditions & do not react with the

concentrated / effective cleaning & sanitizing agents.

• Design & Construction:

The equipment & utensils shall be designed & constructed in a manner to facilitate easy flow of

work & free of open seems, cracks, chips, inclusions, pits & similar imperfections. The design &

construction shall prove the easy cleaning of equipment & there is no adulteration of food with

lubricants, fuel, metal fragments & any other contaminants.

• Equipment Installation:

Equipments & utensils installed in a manner that prevents contamination of food. Adequate space

shall be provided within & around the equipment easy accessible for cleaning, sanitizing,

maintenance & inspection. Where required, equipment is properly vented.

• Cleaning & Sanitation Procedures:

Equipment food contact surfaces & utensils shall initially be scrubbed with suitable detergent,

washed with potable water, sanitized with water containing prescribed level of chlorine & again

washed with potable water. While scrubbing carefully brush the corners, dents & other normally

inaccessible parts.

• Maintenance & Operation:

Equipment shall be maintained in a state of repair & condition that meets the requirements.

Equipment components such as doors, seals, hinges & fasteners shall be kept intact, tight &

adjusted in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. Cutting or piercing parts of can

openers shall be kept sharp to minimize the creation of metal fragments that can contaminate

food when the container is opened. Surfaces such as cutting blocks & boards that is subject to

scratching & scorning shall be resurfaced if they can no longer be effectively cleaned & sanitized

or discarded if they are not capable of being resurfaced.

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• Equipment Calibration:

Equipment shall be maintained in a state of repair or condition that complies with the

requirements. Food temperature measuring devices shall be calibrated in accordance with

manufacturer’s specifications as necessary to ensure their accuracy. Ambient air temperature,

water pressure, water temperature measuring devices, scales, balances & weights shall be

maintained accurlty within the intended range of use. The frequency of calibration, the responsible

person, the monitoring & verification procedures, the appropriate corrective actions & the record

keeping are also specified. All the equipment temperature measuring devices shall be given

unique number with calibration tag, which states the status, calibration date, next due date &

calibration certificate number.

• Preventive Maintenance:

A written preventive maintenance program shall be in place that lists the all equipment & utensils

together with the detailed preventive maintenance procedures. The detailed preventive

maintenance program specifies the followings;

1. Equipment service history.

2. Equipment service frequency.

3. Frequency including replacement of parts.

4. Responsible person.

5. Method of Monitoring.

6. Verification activities.

7. Records.

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Maintenance & General Cleaning

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7.3. Maintenance & General Cleaning See Template Objective:

• Ensure adequate & appropriate maintenance & cleaning of the equipment & food

establishment facilities.

• Monitor effectiveness of maintenance & sanitation programs implemented in the


• Prevent Pests infestations in the food Establishment (pest control).

The Maintenance programs shall be based on:

• Procedures.

• Schedule.

• Monitoring.

o Records shall be maintained.

o All documents templates shall be prepared by the Supervisor, checked & verified

before implementation by the Chief Engineering in the food establishment.

• Maintenance:

Buildings, fixtures, & other physical facilities of the retail food operations shall be maintained in a

sanitary condition & shall be kept in repair sufficient to prevent food from becoming adulterated.

Cleaning & sanitizing of utensils & equipment shall be constructed in a manner that protects

against contamination of food, food contact surfaces, or food-packaging materials. The retail food

operations shall have an adequate written sanitation program in place to monitor & control

The Cleaning programs shall be based on:

• Procedures.

• Schedule.

• Monitoring.

o Records shall be maintained.

o All documents shall be prepared by the supervisor, checked & verified before

implementation by the Chief Steward in the food establishment.

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• Cleaning:

• Cleaning, sanitizing & storage of Toxic chemical compounds:

Cleaning compounds & sanitizing agents are to be safe & effective under the conditions of use.

The cleaning substances & hypochlorite solutions shall be purchased under supplier’s guarantee.

Toxic cleaning compounds, sanitizing agents, & pesticide chemicals shall be identified, labeled &

stored in a manner that protects against contamination of food, food contact surfaces & food

packaging materials.

• Condition & cleanliness of Food Contact Surfaces:

The food contact surfaces like tables, utensils & machineries shall be made up of non-corrosive,

non-absorbent, non-toxic metals & also withstands the action of food cleaning chemical

compounds & sanitizing agents. The gloves & outer garments that contact food or food contact

surfaces are made of an impermeable material, easily washable & maintain in a sanitary

condition. The food contact surfaces shall be protected from adulteration with lubricants, cleaning

compounds, sanitizing agents & other physical & chemical contaminants. The staff / workers shall

wash their hands with liquid soap & sanitize their hands after each absence from their

workstation. The food contact surfaces are initially scrubbed with detergent & washed with

potable water, sanitized with prescribed level of hypochlorite solution & rinsed with potable water.

• Pest Control:

No animals or pests shall be allowed in area of retail food operations, which may damage or cause

considerable amount of food contamination. Effective measures shall be taken to exclude pests

from the food preparation area & to protect against the contamination of food on the premises by

pests. The use of insecticides & rodenticides is permitted only under precautions & restrictions

that will protect against the contamination of food, food contact surfaces & food packaging


• Sanitary facilities & controls:

The retail food operation shall be equipped with adequate sanitary facilities & controls. a). Water supply:

Water that comes in contact with food or food contact surfaces shall be safe & of adequate

sanitary quality. Running water at a suitable temperature & under pressure as needed, shall be

provided in all areas where required for the preparation of food, cleaning of equipment & utensils

& for employee sanitary facilities.

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b). Plumbing:

Plumbing shall be of adequate size to carry sufficient quantities of water to required locations

throughout the retail operators, convey sewage & liquid disposable waste from the retail

operators, provide adequate floor drainage in all areas where floors are subject to flooding-type

cleaning or where normal operations release or discharge water or other liquid waste on the floor.

c). Hand washing & sanitizing facilities:

Hand washing & sanitizing facilities shall be adequate, convenient, & be furnished with running

water at a suitable temperature & pressure. The hand washing & sanitizing facilities are well

equipped with soap dispensers with liquid soap, disposable tissue paper/hand dryers, rubbish bins

& sanitizer.

d). Toilet facilities:

The retail operators shall provide its employees with adequate, readily accessible toilet facilities.

Compliance with these requirements, accomplished by the followings:

1. Keeping the toilet facilities in good repair at all times.

2. Maintaining the facilities in a sanitary condition.

3. Providing self-closing doors.

4. Providing effective ventilation system to prevent airborne contamination.

e). Sewage disposal:

Adequate sewerage system shall be made to dispose off sewages.

f). Rubbish & offal disposal:

Rubbish & any offal shall be collected in bins with closed lid & kept in separate room. The

collected wastes are disposed off every day. Accumulation of solid wastes & delaying of disposal

may cause microbial contamination.

• Cleaning Procedures & Methods:

During cleaning & disinfections process the six basic principles shall be adopted in any kind of

retail operations:

1. Pre-clean:

The removal of gross debris from surfaces by brushing, vacuuming & scraping off

loose deposits/debris or pre rinsing or pre-soaking.

2. Main clean:

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The application of detergent solution to loose soil & bacterial film & hold them in

solution or suspension.

3. Intermediate rinse:

Rinsing with potable water to remove loosened dirt & neutralization of cleaning

agent residues.

4. Disinfections:

Destruction or reduction of microorganisms to a level that will not lead to harmful


5. Final rinse:

Removal of disinfectant residues & other debris.

6. Drying:

Removal of final rinse water. In light- soil conditions, the pre-clean may be combined with main-clean & disinfections can take

place in combination with the main-clean.

• Monitoring Procedures:

The effectiveness of cleaning & disinfections shall be verified through periodical microbiological

sampling & testing.

1. To verify the cleanliness of the food contact surfaces the swab technique is used to collect

samples & analyzed once in a month.

2. All food contact surfaces, including utensils, food contact surfaces of equipment & staff or

worker’s hand shall be verified through microbiological sampling testing.

3. When sampling of microbiological analysis of equipment & food contact surfaces shall be

neutralized to eliminate any residual hypochlorite solution or disinfectant.

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Pest Control

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7.4. Pest Control See Template Objective:

• To establish effective systems to control pests infestations in the food establishment.

• To protect the consumers of consuming food contaminated by rodent urine or droppings.

• Ensuring that foods are prepared free from any pests.

• Ensuring the received food items are free from pest presence.

No animals or pests (Flies, insects, rodents, birds) entry is allowed inside the retail food

operations. The presence of pests (insects) either dead or alive, rodents or their droppings or

hair, bird feathers or droppings found in food results in loss of production or sale & the destruction

of contaminated food. Rodents, birds, flies & cockroaches are all capable of transmitting food

poisoning bacteria either directly or indirectly.

The retail operators shall have adequate procedures in place, to ensure that pests are controlled.

Retail food operations shall be designed & constructed in such a way that precludes pest’s entry &

maintained in good repair condition. All structural damage such as holes in walls, broken

windows, loose tiles & damaged insulation shall be repaired immediately. Doors shall be close

fitting & gaps where pipes & girders pass through walls shall be adequately proofed. Drains made

above & below ground shall be in good repair.

To reduce the risk of pest infestation:

1. The Area around the retail food operations shall be litter free & cleaned & maintained

according to the cleaning schedule.

2. There shall be defined demarcation between personnel & goods.

3. Stock rotation/FIFO rule shall be adopted & all stock is stored correctly to avoid any

type of pest infestation.

4. Wastes shall be collected & disposed off at regular intervals.

5. Unused items, equipments & similar articles shall be removed from the retail


6. All incoming raw materials, including food, packaging, & equipment shall be thoroughly

checked to ensure that they are free from pest infestation.

The retail food operators shall be adhered to the following principles for their storage/display of


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1. All areas of food storage/display shall be accessible for cleaning & inspection, which

shall be carried out at frequent & regular intervals;

2. All goods shall be stored 15 cm away from the wall & the floor.

3. Adequate passage shall be left for inspections between stacks.

4. All areas shall be well ventilated & lighted;

5. The storage area shall be in good repair & effectively proofed against pest entry.

6. No goods are allowed to store on floors & the goods shall be stored on plastic or

stainless steel pallets.

7. Goods that are infested or suspected shall be segregated immediately from those that

are not.

The retail operators shall be provided with effective rodent, insect, vermin, & fly proofing

arrangements. The pest’s entry shall be systematically prevented in to the premises by using

high control measures such as:

1. Insect barriers:

High velocity air-curtains shall be provided at all entry points.

2. Fly proofing nets:

These nets shall be provided at all exhaust fan openings.

3. Electronic Fly Killers:

EFK’s shall be positioned at entry points that attract flies easily. The Positioning of the EFK

shall be according the following requirements:

- Near to entrance points.

- Darkest area of the entrance points.

- Not shining to outside environment.

- Away from other light sources.

- Away from Food & Beverage preparation, handling, area.

- Away air extremes.

- Not more than 2.5 meters height off the floor.

4. Rodent screens:

All drainage line openings shall be provided with rodent screens.

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• Pest Control Contract:

The retail operators shall have a documented pest control strategy in place, either by their own or

by professional pest control contractor.

• Pest Control Contractor:

1. The pest control contractor shall be of licensed company approved by the Pest control

Section of Dubai Municipality – Health Department.

2. The contractor shall draw a written contract indicating services, methods & frequency

of visits.

3. The contractor shall ensure all visits & actions are recorded.

4. The pest control contractor shall submit the detailed bait map to the retail operators &

shall be aware of the positions of bait boxes & traps & arranging for them to be

checked regularly.

5. Monthly meeting shall be conducted between the Hygiene Manager & representative of

Pest control contractor to discuss the services provided by them, improvements needs,

if any & it shall be recorded in the “Pest Control File”.

6. The pesticides used in the retail operators shall comply with all existing Federal & Dubai

Municipality regulations.

The minimum frequency of visits of pest control contractor for the following types of premises is: Food Markets/Bakeries/convenience stores One visit in a month

Restaurants/Home food preparation/Food service units One visit on fortnightly basis

Rural Meat Markets One visit in a week

Temporary Food Establishments/Public events One visit before the operations


The retail food operators shall assign the responsibilities to the person in-charge & incorporate an

effective monitoring strategy to ensure the pest control system works well. The effectiveness shall

be verified through periodical reviews & audits.

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Personal Requirement

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7.5. Personal Requirements See Template Objective:

• Ensure that those who come directly or indirectly into contact with food are not likely to

contaminate food.

• Ensure the Food Handlers are qualified & certified on Food Basic Hygiene Practices in the

food establishments.

• Ensure the health conditions of the Food Handlers. Annual & Regular Health Check-up, shall consist of:

• Procedures.

• Schedule.

• Monitoring.

o Records shall be maintained.

o All documents shall be prepared, checked & verified before implementation by the

nurse if found or Personal Dept. in the food establishment.

Dubai Municipality Health Cards, shall consist of:

• Procedures.

• Schedule.

• Monitoring.

o Records shall be maintained.

o All documents shall be prepared, checked & verified before implementation by the

nurse if found or Personal Dept. in the food establishment.

Weekly Internal Hygiene Check-ups, shall consist of:

• Procedures.

• Schedule.

• Monitoring.

o Records shall be maintained.

o All documents shall be prepared, checked & verified before implementation by the

nurse if found or Personal Dept. in the food establishment.

Training of Staff, shall consist of:

• Procedures.

• Schedule.

• Monitoring.

o Records shall be maintained.

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o All documents shall be prepared, checked & verified before implementation by the

Training Supervisor if found or Personal Dept. in the food establishment.

Sick leaves, Incident injuries records:

• Procedures.

• Schedule.

• Monitoring.

o Records shall be maintained.

o All documents shall be prepared, checked & verified before implementation by the

nurse if found or Personal Dept. in the food establishment.

• Personnel Hygiene:

All the employee of the retail food operations shall have health cards issued by Dubai Municipality

in order to ascertain their physical fitness for the job. High standards of Personal Hygiene are

essential to reduce the risk of contamination / food-borne illness. The examination is carried out

to ensure that no employees are working with a debilitating illness, which could aggravate by the

stress of the work or in anyway spread the disease to their fellow workers.

• Cleanliness:

The retail food operations workers shall have to follow the strict sanitary & hygiene practices.

Personal cleanliness may be considered to include Good Hygiene Practices (GHPs) necessary to

prevent the contamination of food.

The methods for maintaining cleanliness include, but are not limited to:

1. The employees shall maintain adequate personal cleanliness.

2. Wearing outer garments suitable to the operation in a manner that protects against the

contamination of food, food contact surfaces or food packaging materials.

3. The employees shall wash their hands & sanitize thoroughly before entering retail food

operations, before starting work, after each absence from the workstation, after

handling raw food, soiled or contaminated material & immediately after using the toilet.

4. The employees shall remove all unsecured jewelry & other objects that might fall into

food, food contact surfaces & food packaging material.

5. The retail operators shall provide locker facilities to the workers to store their cloths &

keep valuables.

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6. Eating food, Chewing gum, drinking beverages or using tobacco are not allowed inside

the retail food preparation areas.

• Disease Control:

The retail food handlers shall have a valid Health Card issued by Dubai Municipality – Clinical &

Medical Section prior to commencement of employment & made available in the establishment at

any time for inspection.

1. The retail food operations workers shall be free from any form of communicable diseases,

open lesion (including boils, sores or infected wounds) or any other source of


2. The workers shall be advised to inform their illness to the concerned supervisor/

management immediately & shall be made an obligation that all employees to notify

incidence of typhoid, dysentery, diarrhea or any other communicable diseases in their


3. The person in-charge shall carry out supervisory observations daily before operation


4. The workers shall be medically examined & would need to produce certificate after each

absence due to illness or any contagious disease.

• Education & Training:

The retail food handlers & supervisors shall receive appropriate training in proper retail food

handling techniques & food protection principles & shall be informed of the danger of poor

personal hygiene & in-sanitary practices.

1. The retail food operations manager shall arrange Basic Food Hygiene Training to all

workers or food handlers.

2. Intermediate Food Hygiene Training for Supervisor or maintenance supervisors & Advance

Food Hygiene Training to the Executives or Managers.

3. The competent technologists or managers shall conduct in-house periodical training

programs. The staffs or workers who handle strong cleaning chemicals or other potentially

hazardous chemicals shall be instructed in safe handling techniques.

4. Training programs shall be routinely reviewed & updated where & when necessary.

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5. Systems shall be in place to ensure that retail food operators remain aware of all

procedures necessary to maintain the safety & suitability of food.

• Supervision:

The retail food operators shall appoint a person in-charge for routine supervision & checks to

ensure that procedures are being carried out effectively. Responsibility for assuring compliance

by all personnel with all requirements of this part shall be clearly assigned to Person in-charge.

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Approved Food & Beverage Suppliers

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7.6. Approved Food & Beverage Suppliers See Template Objective:

• Control the source of the food items to minimize the Hazard.

• Ensure the source of the raw materials, packaging materials, cleaning chemicals… etc.

• Ensure the hygienic standards of the supplier products & premises conditions.

• Ensure that the Supplier is implementing the Regulation requirements in regards of food

hygiene & safety.

• Track the source of the Food Items in case of non-compliances.

• Approving the supplier:

The retail food operators shall visit the supplier’s establishment in order to verify the premises

conditions, processing methods, storage facilities & distribution controls etc. The retail food

operators shall be ensured that the supplier is implementing the Dubai Municipality’s regulation

requirements in regards of food hygiene & safety. The retail food establishment shall approve the

supplier & contact information shall be documented. The supplier shall transport the food items in

temperature-controlled vehicles/trucks according to the Dubai Municipality – Food Control Section

Regulations & specifications.

• Purchase Control:

The retail food operators shall purchase supplies & materials from approved suppliers who have

registered HACCP programs & provide HACCP-based certification to all their supplies & materials.

If not, suppliers shall provide information on raw material origin & possible or probable level of

pathogen contamination. (Chemical supplies shall be furnished with ‘MATERIAL SAFETY DATA

SHEETS’. Equipment suppliers shall provide simple cleaning & maintenance instructions.)

• Supplier Certification:

The suppliers shall provide information about their HACCP program details & HACCP based

certification all their supplies & materials. The retail food operators shall verify the performance

when their periodical visits to the supplier’s premises. HACCP Program updated details are also

sent to the retail food operators to check/verify the improvements.

• Ingredient Specifications:

The ingredients shall be supplied with required specifications & health related labeling


1. Ingredients & other raw materials shall not contain levels of pathogenic microorganisms,

which may produce food poisoning or other diseases in human.

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2. Ingredients shall be treated/pasteurized during manufacturing so that they no longer

contain pathogenic microorganisms that could cause the product to be adulterated.

3. The supplier shall provide when requested certification that no ingredients or raw materials

contain poisonous or deleterious substances & aflatoxin or other natural toxins.

4. Ingredients & raw materials shall not contain pests or pest infestations or other extraneous


Compliance with the above shall be achieved by purchasing raw materials & other ingredients

under a supplier’s guarantee or certification, or by analyzing these materials & ingredients for

aflatoxins, other natural toxins, & contamination.

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Food Flow Requirements

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7.7. Food Flow Requirements See Template All operations in the receiving, storage, preparation, cooking, hot / cold holding & service or

transportation shall be conducted in accordance with adequate sanitation principles. All

precautions shall be taken to ensure that production procedures do not contribute contamination

from any source. Microbiological, chemical & physical testing procedures shall be used where

necessary to identify sanitation failures or possible food contamination. Overall sanitation of the

retail operators shall be under the supervision of one or more competent individuals assigned

responsibility for this function. Foodstuffs, food ingredients, vegetables & fruits are purchased

only from approved suppliers. Food items shall be transported in the thermo-controlled vehicles.

The requirement will based on the company activity & the Food Item supplied flow through

mixture of rotes:

1. Receiving.

2. Storage.

3. Preparation.

4. Storage.

5. Cooking.

6. Holding.

7. Storage.

8. Serve.

9. Transportation.

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• Receiving:


• Ensuring that the received food items are free from pest presence or any physical damage.

• Preventing from handling unfit or unsafe food items.

• Ensuring the temperature of the received food items.


1. The retail food operators shall have an adequate & suitable receiving facility to receive

the raw materials satisfactorily.

2. The raw material platform shall be elevated from the floor level 15 cm to avoid any

type of contamination.

3. The raw materials shall be passed through suitable entry in to the receiving area to

avoid any type of contamination.

4. Receiving & deliveries of raw materials shall meet hygiene regulations & specifications.

5. Trained Person in charge shall do inspections & acceptance of raw materials.

6. The Person in-charge shall check:

Delivery vehicle’s sanitary condition

Supplier name

General quality of the goods & damages if any (includes insects, pest

infestations, mould growth, extraneous matter etc.)

Best before / use by dates

Temperature (refrigerated & frozen goods)

7. Dry goods shall be checked for pest damage or infestation.

8. Fruits & vegetables shall be checked for premature decomposition.

9. All refrigerated & frozen food items shall be stored at appropriate temperatures within

10 minutes of receipt.

10. Raw food & high-risk food items shall be delivered separately.

11. Unsatisfactory or substandard food items shall be rejected & documented.

12. Non-food items & strong smelling food deliveries shall be accepted separately.

13. Seam dented / rusted or blown canned goods shall not be accepted.

14. Separate scales shall be provided for raw meats & high-risk food items, each scales

clearly marked with intended use & the scales shall be timely calibrated.

15. All empty containers & packaging boxes shall be disposed of promptly & properly in

order to deprive pests of hiding & nesting places.

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16. Containers used for the receipt of storage or distribution of goods shall be kept

scrupulously clean & supplier’s containers / crates are not allowed in the retail food


17. All food items shall be labeled on the side that will face front, with a use by date to

assure quality.

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• Storage: (after Receiving, before preparation)


• To ensure satisfactory conditions of temperature & humidity.

• Prevent & avoid spoilage of food & cross-contamination while storage.

• Ensure the proper stock rotations systems of the food items.


All different Food & Beverage items shall be separately stored under Dry/Chill/Freeze

condition according to the required Label/Manufacturer recommendation or to its



1. All storage areas shall be kept clean & well organized. Deliveries shall be checked in

accordance with the codes of good retail practices.

2. All food products shall be stored at-least 15 cm above the floor on plastic or stainless

steel shelves, racks or pallets.

3. All chilled & frozen storage shall be equipped with suitable thermo-monitoring device &

automatic temperature recording device if available.

4. The foodstuff shall be stored at a temperature not exceeding 5 oC for chilled food items

& –18 oC for frozen food items at all times prior to sale.

5. All incoming food shall be given a use by date & stored so that the oldest food shall be

used first. New inventory shall be placed behind the older inventory.

6. Dry goods shall be checked for signs of infestations & best before & use by dates

7. Fruits & vegetables shall be checked daily for their spoilage or decomposition.

8. Sufficient airflow around the inventory shall be assured by keeping items on open racks

in refrigerated & freezer areas.

9. Dry storage areas shall be maintained at 10 to 21.1 oC & relative humidity shall be 50

to 60 %.

10. All Food & Beverage items shall be stored 15 cm away from the wall, ceiling & off the


11. Flour & cereals sacks shall be stored on the plastic pallets & inspected at regular

intervals for signs of discoloration & pest infestation.

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• Preparation:


• Ensure the safe & proper handling during the preparation of food items.

• Ensure the proper usage of preparations utensils.

• Maintain the right food preparation temperature.


1. All the ingredients shall be inspected as they are used in food preparation.

Substandard or strange odors or evidence of pest infestation or are suspect any other

manner shall be discarded.

2. Thawing shall be accomplished by any one of the following methods:

In a conventional or rapid thaw refrigerator not exceeding 8 oC.

Under flowing, potable cold water at a temperature of 21 oC or below;

Or using microwave oven for proper time & temperature.

3. All raw fruits & vegetables, after trimming, shall be thoroughly washed before

preparation with suitable sanitizers.

4. Food contact surfaces, utensils, containers, chopping boards & knives shall be sanitized

before use.

5. All food shall be considered to be potentially hazardous food; the necessary

precautions shall be taken during food preparation.

6. Raw foods are normally contaminated with high numbers of both spoilage & pathogenic

bacteria. They shall be given an adequate time & temperature heat treatment to

ensure destruction of pathogenic bacteria.

7. Set temperature for a set time shall be followed during cooking, baking & barbecues


8. All ingredients used in cold combination dishes shall be washed & prepared separately

& kept separately at below 5 oC. These products shall be prepared in small batches.

9. Food temperatures shall be strictly monitored during food preparation by competent

professional & recorded in the food temperature monitoring sheets.

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• Storage: (after preparation, before cooking)


• To ensure satisfactory conditions of temperature & humidity.

• Prevent & avoid spoilage of food & cross-contamination while storage.


All different Food & Beverage items shall be separately stored (Display) under

Dry/Chill/Freeze condition according to its nature after preparation.


1. All storage areas shall be kept clean & well organized. Deliveries shall be checked in

accordance with the codes of good retail practices.

2. All food products shall be stored at-least 15 cm above the floor on plastic or stainless

steel shelves, racks or pallets.

3. All chilled & frozen storage shall be equipped with suitable thermo-monitoring device &

automatic temperature recording device.

4. The foodstuff shall be stored at a temperature not exceeding 5 oC for chilled food items

& –18 oC for frozen food items at all times prior to sale.

5. All incoming food shall be given a use by date & stored so that the oldest food shall be

used first. New inventory shall be placed behind the older inventory.

6. Dry goods shall be checked for signs of infestations & best before & use by dates

7. Fruits & vegetables shall be checked daily for their spoilage or decomposition.

8. Sufficient airflow around the inventory shall be assured by keeping items on open racks

in refrigerated & freezer areas.

9. Dry storage areas shall be maintained at 10 to 21.1 oC & relative humidity shall be 50

to 60 %.

10. All Food & Beverage items shall be stored 15 cm away from the wall, ceiling & off the


11. Flour & cereals sacks shall be stored on the plastic pallets or Stainless Steel &

inspected at regular intervals for signs of discoloration & pest infestation.

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• Cooking:


• Ensuring the implementation of the right cooking time/temperature of the different food


• Avoid pathogens growth during the cooking process.


1. Foods shall be cooked thoroughly to ensure that the core temperature of the food

items shall reach above 75 oC/15sec.

2. Rolled joints & minced meat shall be adequately cooked to reach the core temperature

above 75 oC for a minimum of 4 minutes.

3. Frozen carcasses, joints of meats & poultry items shall be adequately cooked to reach

the core temperature of 75 oC uniformly.

4. A disinfected digital probe thermometer shall be used form time to time or as

convenient to check correct core temperatures have been achieved, especially for

poultry & rolled joints.

5. When using a microwave oven, a probe thermometer shall be used form to time to

verify that all portions of the food have been cooked or adequately heat is penetrated.

6. Rapid cooling of cooked foods to be chilled or frozen is extremely important. Bacteria

or bacterial spore may survive & there is always a risk of contamination.

7. Food shall be cooled below 10 oC in less than 1.5 hours by using blast chiller or by

using two step methods:

- To 20 oC for two hours at room temperature.

- From 20 oC to 6 hours in a chiller.

8. Baking shall be carried out at 180 to 220 oC & the core temperature of the product

shall reach 75 oC & above.

9. Lids shall be used on pans or vessels to retain heat & ensure the pans or vessels are

not exposed to cold air or draughts.

10. The stuffing shall be cooked separately; usually the stuffing slows down the heat


11. Different methods could be used to assure that food cooked to the proper temperature

change in color or availability of juice …etc.

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• Hot Holding:


• Ensuring that the food items out of the Danger Zone.

• Avoid cross-contamination during the holding process.

• Maintain the food items on the right holding temperature to prevent pathogens growth.


All different Food & Beverage items shall be separately stored under

Dry/Hot/Chill/Freeze condition according to its nature after preparation.


1. Hot food held after cooking & before service shall be kept to a minimum time.

2. Keeping food hot or pending service, the hot cabinets or cupboards, bains-marie or hot

plate service counter shall be used. In case of water usage in the bains-marie to heat

the food, the water shall be discharged after use.

3. The Hot cupboards, bains Marie & service counters shall be preheated to a

temperature, which will maintain the food at 65 oC.

4. Food core temperature in hot cupboards, bains Marie & service counters shall be

checked periodically, using a probe thermometer to ensure 65 oC all over.

5. Liquid foods (Soups, sauces, gravies etc) shall be stirred every ten minutes to ensure

there are no cold spots.

6. Cooked food shall be covered at all times, except when being served.

7. Food shall be reheated as rapidly as possible, to a temperature of 82 oC & then held at 65 oC.

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• Cold Holding:


• Ensuring the food items remains within the required temperature.

• Avoid pathogens growth during the cold holding.

• Avoid cross-contamination during the holding process.


All different Food & Beverage items shall be separately stored under Dry/Chill/Freeze

condition according to its nature after preparation.


1. Cold foods shall be maintained at a temperature below 5 oC both before & during


2. Keeping food cold; chillers, cold cupboards & cold service counters shall be used.

3. Cold cupboards, chillers & cold service counters are pre-chilled to a temperature, which

shall maintain the food below 5 oC.

4. Ice in non-refrigerated salad bars shall be filled to the level of food in the containers.

5. Left over salad bar products shall never be added to fresh product beyond the safe

time-temperature allowed.

6. Ice creams shall be stored in the freezer at –18 oC or below & served frozen.

7. Food shall be covered at all times except when being served.

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• Storage: (after cooking, before serving)


• To ensure satisfactory conditions of temperature & humidity.

• Prevent & avoid spoilage of food & cross-contamination while storage.

• Ensure the proper stock rotations systems of the food items.


All different Food & Beverage items shall be separately stored (Display) under

Dry/Hot/Chill/Freeze condition according to its nature after preparation.


1. All storage areas shall be kept clean & well organized. Deliveries shall be checked in

accordance with the codes of good retail practices.

2. All food products shall be stored at-least 15 cm above the floor on plastic or stainless

steel shelves, racks or pallets.

3. All chilled & frozen storage shall be equipped with suitable thermo-monitoring device &

automatic temperature recording device.

4. The foodstuff shall be stored at a temperature not exceeding 5 oC for chilled food items

& –18 oC for frozen food items at all times prior to sale.

5. All incoming food shall be given a use by date & stored so that the oldest food shall be

used first. New inventory shall be placed behind the older inventory.

6. Dry goods shall be checked for signs of infestations & best before & use by dates

7. Fruits & vegetables shall be checked daily for their spoilage or decomposition.

8. Sufficient airflow around the inventory shall be assured by keeping items on open racks

in refrigerated & freezer areas.

9. Dry storage areas shall be maintained at 10 to 21oC & relative humidity shall be 50 to

60 %.

10. All Food & Beverage items shall be stored 15 cm away from the wall, ceiling & of the


11. Flour & cereals sacks shall be stored on the plastic pallets & inspected at regular

intervals for signs of discoloration & pest infestation.

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• Display:


• Prevent spoilage of food items while display.

• Avoid cross-contamination of food items during display.


All different Food & Beverage items shall be separately stored (Display) under

Dry/Hot/Chill/Freeze condition according to its nature after preparation.


1. A food business shall, when displaying food, take all practicable measures to protect

the food from the likelihood of contamination.

2. A food business shall, when displaying unpackaged ready-to-eat food for self-service.

a. Ensure the display of the food is effectively supervised so that any food that is

contaminated by a customer or is likely to have been so contaminated is

removed from display without delay.

b. Provide separate serving utensils for each food or other dispensing methods that

minimize the likelihood of the food being contaminated.

c. Provide protective barriers that minimize the likelihood of contamination by


3. Subclause (2) does not apply to food in tamper resistant equipment or containers.

4. A food business shall not display for sale on any counter or bar, any ready-to-eat food

that is not intended for self-service unless it is enclosed, contained or wrapped so that

the food is protected from likely contamination.

5. A food business shall, when displaying potentially hazardous food:

a. Display it under temperature control; and

b. If it is food that is intended to be displayed frozen, ensure the food remains

frozen when displayed.

6. Prepare food item in small patches.

7. Measure food temperature at least every two hours.

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• Serve:


• Ensure the safety of the final product.

• Establish control measure for the served food items.


All different finished/prepared Food & Beverage items shall be separately displayed

under Dry/Chill/Freeze condition according to its nature.


1. Tongs, spoons or paper wrappers shall be used to serve food.

2. The personnel shall not come in contact with the food contact surfaces of dishware &

serving utensils. Servers may touch the rims of plates, bottoms of glasses & handles of

cups & utensils.

3. Defective dishware (chipped, cracked or surface scarred) shall not be used for food


4. All ingredients used in the preparation of food items shall be available to serving

personnel, so that they can correctly answer customer questions to avoid food causing

allergic reactions to some customers.

5. Bulk food that is available for consumer self-dispensing shall be prominently labeled

with required information.

6. Food packaged in a food establishment shall be labeled with the common name of the

food, list of ingredients, weight, food, flavour, or colour additives used, quantity of

contents & manufacturer details.

7. Carry-out or banquet food shall be provided at right temperature.

8. In self-service buffet the customers shall not be allowed to reuse plates, bowls,

tableware’s etc. A sign shall be posted at the buffet or service line that gives

customers appropriate instructions.

9. All foods served to consumers shall be above 65 oC or below 5 oC.

10. Any food returned by a customer shall never be reused or reserved or sold.

11. Discard potentially hazardous food (PHF) after four hours of display.

12. Stir hot food items at regular intervals.

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• Transport:


• Prevent cross-contamination from the container or vehicles transporting the food items.

• Ensure the temperature control of the transported food items.

• Transporting food items in the approved manners.

• Protecting food from potential sources of contamination.


All different Food & Beverage items shall be separately stored during transportation

under Dry/Chill/Freeze condition according to its nature.


1. The food shall be transported under the conditions that will protect food against

physical, chemical, & microbiological contamination.

2. Adequate hygiene control measures & proper food temperature control shall be

adopted during food transportation.

3. Chilled & frozen goods / food shall be transported at the correct temperatures such as

chilled at below 5 oC & Frozen at –18 oC or below.

4. Ready to serve foods i.e.; hot served food at 65 oC, cold served food at 5 oC or below &

baked food between 21 to 25 oC shall be maintained during transportation & service (to

maintain appropriate temperature, the transport vehicles shall be equipped with hot

holding cabinets / cold holding chillers).

5. Food shall be covered or protected during transportation.

6. The transporting vehicles shall be designed & constructed in such a way to facilitate

easy cleaning & sanitization & also shall be maintained free from cracks & crevices.

7. Food transportation vehicles shall be refrigerated or insulated against loss / gain of

heat & the ability to lock or seal the unit.

8. The retail food operators shall have vehicle maintenance program & written cleaning &

sanitation procedures in place.

9. Equipment or crates or boxes used for transportation shall be made up of non-

corrosive metals like stainless steel or food grade plastics.

10. Thermo-monitors of the food transport vehicles shall be calibrated at regular intervals.

11. All employees working in the food-transporting vehicle shall be made aware of their

responsibilities & they shall undergo the ‘Basic Food Hygiene’ Training course.

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Temperature Control

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7.8. Temperature Control See Template Objective:

• Prevent & control bacterial growth in different food items.

• Preventing food spoilage & unsafe food items.

• Ensure the proper preparing, cooking, reheating, serving temperature of food items.

• Ensure that the food items are out of the danger zone 5 – 65 oC.

Inadequate temperature or temperature abuse is one of the most common causes of food-borne

illness or food spoilage. Adequate & properly functioning temperature control systems are

required to maintain food in a condition that is fit for human consumption. Potentially hazardous

foods shall be received, stored, prepared, displayed & distributed in a manner that prevents

contamination. Potentially hazardous foods includes: raw & cooked meat or foods, dairy products,

seafood, processed foods & vegetables, foods containing eggs, beans, nuts or other protein rich

foods & other foods like sandwiches & rolls. By keeping food very cold at 5 oC or below (or) hot at

65 oC or above can prevent food poisoning bacteria or pathogen growth or toxin production.

Ensure the above following temperature controls shall be adopted during food receiving, storing,

preparing, display & service or transportation.

1. The retail food operators shall ensure that the temperature of chilled food is 5 oC or colder

when they receive, store, prepare, display, transport, etc.

2. Frozen food items shall be received, stored, displayed & transported at temperature not

less than –18 oC or above.

3. The standard requires to ensure that the temperature of potentially hazardous food is 5 oC

or below (or) 65 oC or above.

4. During the preparation of potentially hazardous food the retail food operators shall ensure

that the time that food is exposed at room temperature maximum 2 hrs.

5. Ready to eat foods such as sandwiches shall be kept as short as possible during

preparation at room temperature to reduce the risk of bacterial growth or contamination.

6. Food shall be cooled rapidly & the cooling period shall not exceed one & half hours (it can

be best achieved in blast chiller)

7. Food shall be re-heated rapidly to achieve the internal temperature 82 oC or hotter.

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8. Hot served foods shall be kept or maintained at a temperature of not less than 65 oC

during display, service & transportation.

9. Cold served foods shall be kept or maintained at a temperature of not less than 5 oC

during display, service & transportation.

10. Probe thermometers shall be used to measure the core temperature of the food items.

11. Thermometers or thermo monitors used to measure the food temperatures shall be

calibrated at regular intervals.

12. Foods shall be transported in the thermo-controlled vehicles & the thermometers or

thermo monitors shall be timely calibrated & records maintained thereof.

13. Compliance with the above routine supervision & checks shall be carried out effectively.

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Product Recall

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7.9. Product Recall See Template Objective:

• Ensure that an identified food or Beverage item is removed from the market as efficiently,

rapidly & completely as possible & can be put into operation at any time.

Recall Program

The written recall program outlines the procedures the company would implement in the event of

a recall. The program shall be tested periodically to validate its effectiveness.

Recall System

Every Food & Beverage Supplier/distributor/manufacturer of a food product or Departments Store,

etc shall maintains a system of control that permits a complete & rapid recall of any lot of food

product. The written recall procedure includes the following:

1. Documentation pertaining to the product coding system.

2. All products shall be identified with a production date or barcode or code identifying

each lot.

3. Sufficient coding of product is used & explained in the written recall program to permit

positive identification & to facilitate an effective recall.

4. Finished product distribution records are maintained for a period of time that exceeds

the shelf life of the product & is at least the length of time specified by respective

commodity specific inspection manuals or by regulations.

5. Records shall be adequately designed & maintained to facilitate the location of product

in the event of a recall. Records are available on request.

6. Health & Safety complaint file shall be maintained. Records documenting all Health &

Safety related complaints & action taken shall be filed.

7. Responsible individuals who will be part of the recall team along with their respective

business & home telephone numbers are listed. For each individual, an alternate is

designated to act on his or her behalf in case of absence. The roles & responsibilities of

every member of the recall team are clearly defined.

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8. 5. The step-by-step procedures to follow in the event of a recall are described. These

procedures will include the extent & the depth of the recall (i.e. consumer, retailer or

wholesaler level) according to the recall classification.

9. Means of notifying the affected customers in a manner appropriate to the type of

hazard are defined. The channels of communication (fax, telephone, radio, letter, or

other mean) to be used for trace back & recovery of all affected product shall be

identified. Typical messages directed to retailers, wholesalers or customers, according

to the severity of the hazards, shall also be included.

10. Control measures for the returned recalled foods shall be planned. This includes both

returned product & product still in stock on the premises. The control measures & the

disposal of the affected product are described according to the type of hazard involved.

11. Means of assessing the progress & efficacy of the recall shall be stated. A method of

checking the effectiveness of the recall shall be defined.

Recall Initiation

Any manufacturer who initiates a recall of a food shall notifies the Dubai Municipality – Food

Control Section immediately with information including:

1. The reason for the recall;

2. Recalled Product Identification: Name, code marks or lot numbers,

Establishment number (Local or Foreign), date of production, date of

importation or exportation if applicable, etc;

3. The amount of recalled product involved, broken down as follows:

• Total quantity of the recalled food originally in the company’s possession,

• Total quantity distributed at the time of the recall,

• Total quantity remaining in the company’s possession;

4. Areas of distribution of the recalled food: by areas, cities, provinces &, if

exported, by country, along with retailers’ & wholesalers’ names &


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Sampling & Laboratory Analysis

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7.10. Sampling & Laboratory Analysis See Template Objective:

• Ensure that foods are fit for human consumption.

• Ensure the potability of the water used in all food preparation.

• Ensure the surfaces in food preparation areas are free from harmful microorganisms.

• Check effectiveness of the cleaning process & the cleanliness of food handlers.

Sampling & laboratory analysis is carried out for due diligence purposes, to ensure product safety,

as a check of the hygiene during retail operations or following a customer complaint. Effective

sampling will reflect what went wrong in different food preparation & during handling. The

operators shall adopt the following sampling & testing procedures & methods during their


1. Each retail operators shall have access to laboratory control of products handled or

processed. Such control shall reject all food that is unfit for human consumption.

2. The retail food operators shall establish testing procedures for the microbiological quality

of food & food contact surfaces & also records maintained thereof.

3. Microbiological standards shall be based on GCC standards.

4. Random samples of the following shall be taken to assess the safety & quality of:

- Food & Beverage items.

- Water & Ice.

- Swabs from food contact surfaces.

- Swabs from food handler’s hands.

5. Hazards involved in the retailing of food products: the Retail operators shall design their

own self-control checks or programs to safe & designated quality of food. Detailed

inspection standards shall be written & available for review by regulatory authority.

6. Laboratory procedures used shall follow recognized or standard methods in order that the

results may be readily interpreted.

7. Special consideration shall be given before & during mass or event retail food operations.

8. Appropriate action plan shall be in place in case of any unfit samples.

9. Microbiological samples shall be aseptically collected & transported at suitable temperature

to the laboratory.

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10. Laboratories checking for pathogenic microorganisms shall be well separated from food

handling areas.

11. Records of results shall be kept & retained for a period that exceeds the shelf life of the


12. The test report shall give all information related to the sample, which shall carry sample

description, identification numbers & batch numbers, method of sampling, method of

analysis, results, standards/specifications, remarks, corrective action/action plan etc.

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Internal & External Events, Banquets or Mass Catering Operations

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7.11. Internal & External Events, Banquets or Mass Catering/Retail

Operations See Template


• Prevent the food poisoning outbreaks.

• Ensure that all requirements by the Dubai Municipality – Food Control Regulation for food

preparation & services are implemented.

• Ensure that the food being serviced is safe for human consumption.

To prevent the food poisoning outbreaks in public events, banquets or mass retail operations; the

Retail operators shall take preventive measure to assure the safety & suitability of food & drink for

human consumption. There are many food safety risks involved in the preparation or handling of

the food & drink during event, banquet or mass retail operations. The Retail operators shall

identify critical steps of food preparation or handling & put in suitable control measures & also

monitor these control measures. Below are some fundamental requirements to ensure food safety

at mass catering events.

1. The food establishment shall have a valid Trade License in Dubai.

2. Internal & External events, Banquets or Mass Catering operations; the retail operators

shall submit an application a week before the function to the Food Control section.

3. Along with application the retail operators shall submit the food & drinks details (Menu),

associated risks, what preventive measures taken to control, monitoring procedures / plan,

Person In-charge & his contact details & other relevant information related to food safety.

4. The retail operators shall have fully facilitated transportation for the different food items.

5. The food & drink preparation & handling shall be carried out according to the Regulation.

6. The retail operators shall have trained food handlers on Basic Food Hygiene & holding valid

Dubai Municipality Health Cards.

7. Temperature controls/checks/monitoring shall be carried out all levels of event, banquet or

mass retail food operations & records shall be maintained thereof.

8. Dubai Municipality Food Control Section shall take food samples for laboratory analysis

from the external banquet or mass retail operations events.

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9. The Food Control Section shall be closely monitoring the situation in order to ensure

adherence to the requirements & appropriate action will be taken against the retail food

operators found in non-compliance.

10. Food control section shall have the right of closing the “Retail operators” in case of any

‘Food Poisoning’ outbreaks.

11. Dubai Municipality – Food Control Section, shall carry out the detailed investigation & the

retail operators will be kept on “ON ALERT” list for three months.

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Internal & External Audits

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7.12. Internal & External Audits See Template Objective: Internal Audits:

• Ensure that the Food Establishment is complying with & implementing Dubai Municipality –

Food Control Section Regulations.

• Evaluate the Food Establishment hygienic conditions & facilities.

• Determine & control the hazards in regards of Food & Safety.

• Updating Dubai Municipality – Food Control Section with the Food Hygiene & Safety status

of the Establishment.

External Audits:

• Check & control any violations of its provisions.

• Write the necessary report in this regard.

• Update Food Establishments with all new Regulations needed in order to provide safe food

to the consumers.

All HACCP programs shall be certified to comply with Dubai Municipality or any

approved international standards.

The audit is done to compare the actual practices with those followed/written procedures in the

“Operational Manual”. They are systematic evaluations that include on-site observations &

records review. By knowing the hazards involved in the production & retailing of food products,

producers can design their own self-control programs that can be used by both management &

employees to produce/sell safe, designated quality food products. Both internal & external

authorities do audit. In internal audit, other than HACCP team members those qualified & trained

in HACCP shall comprise the audit. External audit is conducted by Dubai Municipality – Food

Control Section in order to evaluate the hygienic level of the Retail operators & implementation of

the HACCP Guidelines for Retail Premises 2005.

• Internal Audit:

1. Internal Audit shall be made by an unbiased person who is not responsible for

performing the monitoring activities.

2. The audit shall cover all aspects related to Food Hygiene & Safety Practices.

3. Food safety, namely, procedures that minimize the potential for food borne illness, are

of primary concern.

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4. Food protection, personnel responsibilities, food equipment, utensil use, & good safety

procedures shall be observed.

5. Structure & utilities shall be checked.

6. Auditor shall verify the documents related daily self-inspection checklists, raw material

receiving reports, product/process monitoring plan, retail food operation food hazard

control checklist & calibration results & certificates.

7. Microbiological test reports shall be verified for their failures & necessary corrective


8. Detailed operation management & inspection standards shall be written & available for

review by regulatory agencies.

9. These standards shall be itemized in a detailed checklist.

10. The audit shall be conducted monthly & detailed reports shall be made & kept available

for future internal & external audits.

• External Audit:

1. Dubai Municipality – Food Control Section, Food Health Officers/ Food Inspectors or

third party approved by Dubai Municipality – Food Control Section, conducts this audit.

2. The audit will cover structure & utilities of all food areas & retail handlers’ facilities in

the retail operators.

3. Auditors will verify all documents related to food safety; which includes retail food

protection, personnel responsibilities, retail food equipment, utensil use, & good retail

food hygiene & safety procedures.

4. Reports will be submitted to the Head of Food Control Section or Head of Safety Unit &

the same will be verified & sent reports to concern retail operators.

5. Dubai Municipality – Food Control Section Officers & Inspectors are performing these

duties & they have the right to enter any retail operators & related facilities & also

samples will be taken for testing in Dubai Municipality Laboratory.

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Prerequisites Programs Review

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7.13. Prerequisites Programs Review See Template Successful “HACCP Guidelines for Retail Premises” recognition, registered establishments shall

have in place effective & auditable written programs to monitor & control all the prerequisite sub-

elements, maintain the appropriate records & demonstrate that they fully adhere to their written


The written prerequisite program review shall consist of verifying company has a complete written

program indicating how the company monitors, controls & verifies elements within the

prerequisite programs. The HACCP coordinator shall sign the first page of each prerequisite

program & all pages of the documented prerequisite programs shall be dated. The written

prerequisite program shall answer basic question such as: what is done, how it is done, when is it

done (frequency), who is responsible & what are the deviation & verification procedures & what

records are maintained thereof.

1. Prerequisite programs are intended general outline of the most important regulations

relating to Food Hygiene & Safety Practices.

2. Concerned personal in each retail operators shall review, monitor & check records in this


3. Non-conformities of the prerequisite programs shall be classified as ‘Minor’ or ‘Major’ &

send for Corrective Action Request (CAR).

4. Each CAR shall be serially numbered & followed up properly. Once the corrective action

is made, CAR shall be closed.

5. Copy of the review or any other amendments shall be submitted to the Dubai

Municipality - Food Control Section.

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HACCP Implementation for Retail Operators

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Assemble HACCP Team

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8.1. Assemble HACCP Team See Template To fully understand the process & be able to identify all likely hazards & CCPs, it is important that

the HACCP team is made up of people from a wide range of disciplines.

HACCP Team (table shall be included). Assembling a HACCP team is an important step in implementing a

HACCP program:

• The chairman shall be able to lead the group & to direct the work of the team ensuring

that the concept is properly applied. This person shall be familiar with the technique, be a

good listener & allow all participants to contribute.

• The Team shall consist of individuals with different specialties. Several specialists may be

involved in the team, each with an understanding of particular hazards & associated risks,

e.g. a chef, a Food & Beverage, restaurant manager, outlet manager, etc. People, such as

raw material buyers, purchasers, staff who are involved with the process, & have working

knowledge of it, may be brought into the team temporarily in order to provide relevant


• The team shall be knowledgeable about food safety hazards & HACCP principles.

• Where such expertise is not available on site, expert advice shall be obtained from other


• The HACCP Team shall identify the members & shall write their name, designation,

qualification, experience, training attended, & their tasks.

• Someone with a detailed knowledge of the production processes (a production specialist) is

required to draw up the initial flow diagrams.

• The HACCP Team members shall assemble periodically to discuss the issues related to the

HACCP system & develop or modify or verify or implement the HACCP system.

• All HACCP Team members shall undergo the HACCP training course.

• DM also encourages that the Universities, consulting groups, & published guidance can be

used as additional assistance or reference.

• A technical secretary shall record the team’s progress & results of the analysis.

• If any changes are made to composition or operational procedures, it may be necessary to

alter the CCPs or change methods of monitoring.

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Process Description

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8.2. Process Description See Template

Review how your menu items flow through your operation, note whether they undergo a cook

step for same day serving, receive additional cooling & reheating following a cook step, or have

no cook step involved.

Looking at your menu, place each menu item or similar menu items (like "hot soups" or "cold

salads") into the appropriate group. You may discover that more than one food process is

conducted within your operation. You will also need to consult the Annexes to identify menu items

that need very careful & special attention throughout the use of this Guide. These menu items

may pose special hazards that are not always readily apparent. To accomplish the first procedural

step in developing your food safety management system, identify the food processes specific to

your menu items.

• Process 1:

Food preparation with no cook step (ready-to-eat food) that is: -

Stored, Prepared, & Served.

• Process 2:

Food preparation for same day service, food that is: -

Stored, Prepared, Cooked, & Served.

• Process 3:

Complex food preparation food that is: -

Stored, Prepared, Cooked, (Cooled, or Reheated, hot held, or Cold Hold) & Served.

Process 1 Process 2 Process 3

List menu foods:


Salad greens fish for sushi fresh vegetables oysters or clams served raw tuna salad Caesar salad dressing coleslaw sliced sandwich meats sliced cheese

List menu foods:


Hamburgers soup of the day hot vegetables entrees for "special of the day" cooked eggs

List menu foods:


Soups gravies sauces large roasts chili taco filling egg rolls

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Identify Intended Use

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8.3. Identify Intended Use See Template The intended use shall be based on the expected uses of the product by the end user or

consumer. In specific cases, vulnerable groups of the population, e.g., institutional feeding, may

have to be considered.

The group of populations, consumers shall be identified & documented on the expected consumers

for the products the manufacture shall consider two things:

1. Specific vulnerable group such as babies, children, pregnant women, patients, elderly

people & diabetics.

2. Specific information on the label includes directions for use, special legislations (if any).

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Process Flow

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8.4. Process Flow See Template The first function of the team is to draw up a detailed flow diagram of the process. The expertise

of the production specialist is important at this stage. Processes will differ in detail in different

establishments, and an accurate flow diagram depends on detailed knowledge of the process.

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Construct Flow Diagram

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8.5. Construct Flow Diagram See Template The HACCP team shall construct the process flow diagram. Each step within the specified area of operation shall be analyzed for the particular part of the

operation under consideration to produce the flow diagram. When applying HACCP to a given

operation, consideration shall be given to steps preceding & following the specified operation. This

step shall provide an important visual tool that the HACCP team can use to complete the

remaining steps of the HACCP plan development. Only a clear, simple, but complete, description

of the process is needed.

It is important to include all the steps within the facility’s control, including receiving & storage

steps for all raw materials. The flow diagram shall be clear & complete enough so that people

unfamiliar with the process can quickly comprehend the processing stages.

The food establishment shall have written the flow diagram, the flow diagram provides a

schematic overview of the process areas. In the flow diagram all the steps in the production will

be described in sufficient details to provide adequate information on the control of the processes

with regards to the food safety, all the conditions related to the process/operation.

The Lay Out, All the production lines, storage area, personnel facilities, the area where the

possibilities of cross contaminations is occurred (raw materials, in-process, finished products shall

be covered, the area covered by hygiene & pest control programs & by facilities for personnel).

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On-site Verification of Flow Diagram

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8.6. On-site Verification of Flow Diagram See Template Upon completion of the process flow diagram (PFD), members of the team shall visit the

processing area to compare what information is present on the PFD compared to what actually

happens during production. This is known as "walking the line", a step by step practice to check

that all information regarding materials, equipment, controls etc. have been taken into

consideration by the team during the preparation of the process flow diagram. Aspects such as

time of production, deviations caused by different shift patterns, startup, shut down, cleaning and

especially night shifts shall be monitored.

The accuracy of the process & flow diagrams & lay out shall plans be verified for compliance with

actual situation.

The verifications shall be repeated annually or when there are any changes in the flow chart or

the lay out in order that to timely identified & document the changes/modifications of the process

& assess risks to the safety of the foodstuff. The verification of the establishment (if there is any

changes) shall be documented.

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List all Hazards

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8.7. List all Hazards See Template (Principle 1) In developing a food safety system, you need to identify the hazards that exist in the flow of

foods in your operation from receiving to serving. Hazards include:

• Pathogens or toxins present in food when you receive them,

• Pathogens that may be introduced during preparation (example: using a raw animal food

as one ingredient),

• Pathogen growth or toxin production during storage, preparation, or holding.

• Pathogens or toxins that survive heating, & Contaminants, (i.e., pathogens, chemicals,

physical objects), that are introduced to food-by-food workers or equipment.

Since you have grouped your menu items, including ingredients, into the three processes, you can

identify hazards that are associated with each process. You will see that the more complex the

process is the greater are the opportunities for hazards to occur.

In consultation with your regulatory authority, you need to identify the hazards associated with

various foods & ingredients, such as:

• Salmonella & Campylobacter jejuni in raw poultry,

• E. coli O157:H7 in raw ground beef,

• Staphylococcus aureus toxin formation in cooked ham,

• Bacillus cereus spore survival & toxin formation in cooked rice,

• Clostridium perfringens spore survival & subsequent growth in cooked foods, &

• Hazards specific to seafood.

This list is only a brief sample of hazards associated with specific foods. By identifying the

hazards, you will be able to determine CCPs & critical limits on the worksheet. Another way of

fulfilling the hazard analysis step is to understand the hazards associated with your specific menu

items & to adhere to the critical limits established in the manual, those critical limits are based on

the anticipated hazards.

Food Safety Management Worksheets & Summaries for Operational Steps

Worksheets & summaries are provided to enable you to:

• Identify those operational steps in the food flow that are specific to your operation,

• Write in your SOPs, which are the general procedures that cross all flows & food items.

• Reference the CCPs & critical limits pertaining to those process steps,

• Develop monitoring procedures & corrective actions which are customized to fit your

operation, &

• Consider the types of record keeping you need to document that you are controlling

significant food safety hazards.

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HACCP allows the flexibility for you to customize a food safety management system specific to

your operations. The worksheets are provided to assist you in developing procedures to:

• Monitor CCPs,

• Take corrective actions when critical limits are not met,

• Establish a verification procedure, &

• Establish a record keeping system.

Review each operational step. Determine the ones that are applicable to your operation & make

copies of them so you can fill in your groupings of menu items. Then continue to use the forms &

complete the information as you work.

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8.7.1. Receiving See Template At receiving, your main concern is contamination from pathogens & the formation of harmful

toxins. Obtaining food from approved sources & at proper temperatures are important purchase

specifications for preventing growth & contamination during receiving. Approved sources are

suppliers who are regulated & inspected by Dubai Municipality.

Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food is a special concern at receiving. Because this food will

not be cooked before service, microbial growth could be considered a significant hazard for

receiving refrigerated, ready-to-eat-foods. Having SOPs in place to control product temperature is

generally adequate to control the hazards present at receiving of these products. Besides

checking the product temperature, you will want to check the appearance, odor, color, & condition

of the packaging.

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8.7.2. Storage See Template When food is in refrigerated storage, your management system shall focus on preventing the

growth of bacteria that may be present in the product & prevent cross-contamination. This is

primarily achieved through temperature control. Special attention needs to be given to controlling

& monitoring the temperatures of potentially hazardous ready-to-eat foods.

When determining the monitoring frequency of product storage temperature, it is important to

make sure that the interval between temperature checks is established to ensure that the hazard

is being controlled & time is allowed for an appropriate corrective action. For example, If you are

storing potentially hazardous ready-to-eat foods under refrigeration, you may decide to set a

critical limit for the refrigeration units to operate at 41 °F/5 °C or below. You may also want to set

a target, or operating limit, of 40 °F/4 °C for example, in order to provide a safety cushion that

allows you the opportunity to see a trend toward exceeding 41 °F/5 °C & to intervene with

appropriate corrective actions.

Monitoring procedures for ready-to-eat food ideally include internal product temperature checks.

You need to assess whether it is realistic & practical for you to do this, depending on the volume

of food you are storing.

You may choose to base your monitoring system on the air temperature of the refrigerated

equipment as an SOP. How often you need to monitor the air temperature depends on:

Whether the air temperature of the refrigerator accurately reflects the internal product

temperature - (remember, your food safety refrigeration temperature shall be based on the

internal product temperature of the food stored within a refrigeration unit, not the room


• The capacity & use of your refrigeration equipment,

• The volume & type of food products stored in your cold storage units,

• The SOPs that support monitoring this process, &

• Shift changes & other operational considerations.

Standard operating procedures can be developed to control some hazards & assist in

implementing a food safety system that minimizes the potential for bacterial growth &

contamination. The control of cross contamination can be done by separating raw foods from

ready-to-eat products within your operation's refrigeration & storage facilities.

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8.7.3. Preparation See Template Of all the operational steps in food processes, preparation has the greatest variety of activities

that shall be controlled, monitored, & in some cases documented. It is impossible to include in

this model a summary guide that covers the diversity in menus, employee skills, & facility design

that impact the preparation of food. The preparation step may involve several processes,

including thawing a frozen food, mixing together several ingredients, cutting, chopping, slicing, or


At the preparation step, SOPs can be developed to control some hazards & assist in

implementation of a food safety system that minimizes the potential for bacterial growth &

contamination from employees & equipment.

Front-line employees will most likely have the greatest need to work with the food. A well-

designed personal hygiene program that has been communicated to all employees will minimize

the potential for bacterial, parasitic, & viral contamination. Your program shall include instructions

to your employees as to when & how to wash their hands. Procedures need to be in place that

either eliminate employees' hand contact with ready-to-eat foods, or implement an alternative

personal hygiene program that provides an equivalent level of control of bacterial, parasitic, &

viral hazards. It is also very important to identify & restrict ill employees from working with food,

especially if they have diarrhea.

Procedures shall be in place to prevent cross contamination from utensils & equipment.

Designated areas or procedures that separate the preparations of raw foods from ready-to-eat

foods minimize the potential for bacterial contamination. Proper cleaning & sanitizing of

equipment & work surfaces are an integral SOP to this operational step.

Batch preparation is an important tool for controlling bacterial growth because limiting the amount

of food prepared minimizes the time the food is kept at a temperature that allows growth.

Planning your preparation ahead assists in minimizing the time food shall be out of temperature at

this operational step. Batch preparation also breaks the growth cycle of bacteria before they can

reach dangerous levels.

When thawing frozen foods, maintaining proper product temperature & managing time are the

primary controls for minimizing bacterial growth. Procedures need to be in place to minimize the

potential for microbial, chemical, & physical contamination during thawing.

Use of pre-chilled ingredients to prepare a cold product, such as tuna salad, will assist you in

maintaining temperature control for this process.

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Special consideration shall be given to disallowing bare hand contact in the preparation of ready-

to-eat foods. You need to control the introduction of hazards during preparation. How will you

accomplish controlling the hazard presented by hand contact with ready-to-eat food? You shall

review your operation to determine whether this operational step will be controlled as a CCP or an


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8.7.4. Cooking See Template This operational step only applies to those foods that you have listed in Processes #2 &

#3(template page: ). Cooking foods of animal origin is the most effective operational step in food

processes for reducing & eliminating biological contamination. High temperatures will kill most

harmful bacteria & with relatively few exceptions, such as cooking plant foods, this is a CCP. It is

at this step that food will be made safe to eat. Therefore, product temperature & time

measurements are very important. If the appropriate product temperature for the required

amount of time is not achieved, bacteria, parasites, or viruses may survive in the food.

Critical time & temperature limits vary according to the type of food. Employees shall view

ensuring proper cooking temperatures as an essential element in producing an acceptable

product. Simply reference the foods specific to your food establishment & incorporate the

appropriate critical time & temperature limits into your management system.

You will need to determine the best system for you to use that will ensure that the proper cooking

temperature & time are reached. Checking the internal product temperature is the most desirable

monitoring method. However, when large volumes of food are cooked, a temperature check of

each individual item may not be practical. For instance, a quick service food service operation

may cook several hundred hamburgers during lunch. If checking the temperature of each

hamburger is not reasonable for you to do, & then you need to routinely verify that the specific

process & cooking equipment are capable of attaining a final internal product temperature at all

locations in or on the cooking equipment.

Once a specific process has been shown to work for you, the frequency of record keeping may be

reduced. In these instances, a record keeping system shall be established to provide scheduled

product temperature checks to ensure that the process is working.

Special consideration shall be given to time & temperature in the cooking of fish & other raw

animal foods. To control the pathogens, it is recommended that cooking be a CCP, based upon the

critical limits established in the manual, unless you can show through scientific data that the food

safety hazard will not result.

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8.7.5. Cooling See Template This operational step is only used for those foods that you have listed in Process #3. One of the

most labor-intensive operational steps is rapidly cooling hot foods to control microbial growth.

Excessive time for the cooling of potentially hazardous foods has been consistently identified as

one of the factors contributing to foodborne illness. Foods that have been cooked & held at

improper temperatures provide an excellent environment for the growth of disease causing

microorganisms that may have survived the cooking process (spore-formers). Recontamination of

a cooked food item by poor employee practices or cross contamination from other food products,

utensils & equipment is a concern at this operational step.

Special consideration shall be given to large food items, such as roasts, turkeys, thick soups,

stews, chili, & large containers of rice or refried beans. These foods take a long time to cool

because of their mass & volume. If the hot food container is tightly covered, the cooling rate will

be further slowed down. Reducing the volume of the food in an individual container & leaving an

opening for heat to escape by keeping the cover loose dramatically increase the rate of cooling.

Commercial refrigeration equipment is designed to hold cold food temperatures, not cool large

masses of food. Some alternatives for cooling foods include:

• Using rapid chill refrigeration equipment designed to cool the food to acceptable

temperatures quickly by using increased compressor capacity & high rates of air


• Avoiding the need to cool large masses by preparing smaller batches closer to periods of


• Stirring hot food while the food container is within an ice water bath; or

• Redesigning your recipe so that you prepare & cook a smaller or concentrated base & then

add enough cold water or ice to make up the volume that you need. This may work for

some water-based soups, for example.

Whatever the cooling method you choose, you need to verify that the process works. Once again

if a specific process has been shown to work for you, the frequency of record keeping may be

reduced. A record keeping system shall be established to provide scheduled product temperatures

checks to ensure the process is working.

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8.7.6. Reheating See Template This operational step applies only to those foods that you listed in Process #3. If food is held at

improper temperatures for enough time, pathogens have the opportunity to multiply to dangerous

numbers. Proper reheating provides an important control for eliminating these organisms. It is

especially effective in reducing contamination from bacterial spore-formers, which survived the

cooking process & may have multiplied because foods were held at improper temperatures.

Although proper reheating will kill most organisms of concern, it will not eliminate toxins, such as

that produced by Staphylococcus aureus. If microbial controls & SOPs at previous operational

steps have not been followed correctly & Staph toxin has been formed in the food, reheating will

not make the food safe.

Incorporating a comprehensive personal hygiene program throughout the process will minimize

the risk from Staph toxin. Along with personal hygiene, preventing cross contamination through

the use of cleaned & sanitized equipment & utensils is an important control measure.

Special consideration shall be given to the time & temperature in the reheating of cooked foods.

To control the pathogens, it is recommended that reheating be a CCP, based upon the critical

limits established, unless you can show through scientific data that the food safety hazard will not


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8.7.7. Holding See Template All three processes may involve holding. Proper temperature of the food while being held is

essential in controlling the growth of harmful bacteria. Cold temperature holding may occur in

Processes 1, 2, or 3. Hot temperature holding occurs primarily only in Processes 2 & 3. Where

there is a cooking step as a CCP to eliminate pathogens, all but the spore-forming organisms shall

be killed or inactivated. If cooked food is not held at the proper temperature, the rapid growth of

these spore-forming bacteria is a major food safety concern.

When food is held, cooled, & reheated in a food establishment there is an increased risk from

contamination caused by personnel, equipment, procedures, or other factors. Harmful bacteria

that are introduced into a product that is not held at proper temperature have the opportunity to

multiply to large numbers in a short period of time. Once again management of personal hygiene

& the prevention of cross contamination impact the safety of the food at this operational step.

Keeping food products at 140 °F/61 °C or above during hot holding & keeping food products at or

below 41 °F/5 °C is effective in preventing microbial growth.

How often you monitor the temperature of foods during hot holding determines what type of

corrective action you are able to take when 140 °F/61 °C is not met. If the critical limit is not

met, your options for corrective action may include evaluating the time the food is out of

temperature to determine the severity of the hazard & based on that information, reheating the

food, if appropriate, or discarding it. Monitoring frequency may mean the difference between

reheating the food to 165 °F/73 °C or discarding it.

When determining the monitoring frequency of cold product temperatures, it is important to make

sure that the interval between temperature checks is established to ensure that the hazard is

being controlled & time is allowed for an appropriate corrective action. For example, If you are

holding potentially hazardous ready-to-eat foods under refrigeration, such as potato salad at a

salad bar, you may decide to set a critical limit at 41 °F/5 °C or below. You may also want to set

a target, or operating limit, of 40 °F/4 °C for example, in order to provide a safety cushion that

allows you the opportunity to see a trend toward exceeding 41 °F/5 °C & to intervene with

appropriate corrective actions.

Special consideration shall be given to the time & temperature in the hot or cold holding of

potentially hazardous foods to control pathogens. It is recommended that hot or cold holding be a

CCP, based upon the critical limits established, unless you can show through scientific data that

the food safety hazard will not result.

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8.7.8. Set up & Packing See Template Set up & packing is an operational step used by some retail operators including caterers (e.g.,

restaurant/caterer or interstate conveyance caterer), commissaries, grocery stores (for display

cases), schools, nursing homes, hospitals, or services such as delivery of meals to homebound

persons. Set up & packing can be controlled through an SOP & may involve wrapping food items,

assembling these items onto trays, & packing them into a transportation carrier or placing them in

a display case.

An example would be an airline flight kitchen where food entrees are wrapped, assembled, &

placed into portable food carts, which are taken to a final holding cooler. Hospital kitchens would

be another example where patient trays are assembled & placed into carriers for transportation to

nursing stations. Food may be placed into bulk containers for transportation to another site where

it is served.

This operational step might not be considered a CCP, but it is a special consideration when setting

up your program. This process can be controlled by strict adherence to SOPs to minimize the

potential for bacterial contamination & growth, to eliminate bare hand contact with ready-to-eat

foods, to ensure proper hand washing, & to ensure food comes into contact with cleaned &

sanitized surfaces.

Following final assembly into either individual trays or into bulk containers, the food may be held

for immediate service or for transportation to another site for service. This hot holding or cold

holding operational step needs to be evaluated in the same manner as other holding operational

steps on the worksheet. Temperature control or using time as a control measure during

transportation, & holding & serving at a remote site shall be evaluated & managed as part of your

food safety system.

Special consideration shall be given to time/temperature controls & the prevention of cross

contamination from equipment & utensils & contamination from employees' hands. This process

may be adequately controlled through an SOP; however, holding & transportation shall be

considered CCPs.

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8.7.9. Serving See Template This is the final operational step before the food reaches the customer. When employees work

with food & food-contact surfaces, they can easily spread bacteria, parasites, & viruses &

contaminate these items. Managing employees' personal hygienic practices is important to

controlling these hazards. A management program for employee personal hygiene includes proper

hand washing, the appropriate use of gloves & dispensing utensils, & controlling barehanded

contact with ready-to-eat foods.

Minimizing the growth of bacteria is also a concern at hot & cold holding customer display areas &

maintaining food products at proper temperature within these display units will control the growth

of microorganisms.

Special consideration needs to be given to minimizing contamination from the customer.

Customer self-service displays, such as salad bars, require specific procedures to protect the food

from contamination. Some suggestions for protecting food on display include:

• The use of packaging,

• Counter, service line, or salad bar food guards,

• Display cases,

• Suitable utensils or effective dispensing methods,

• Not mixing an old product with fresh, &

• Having employees monitor self-serve stations.

Preventing cross contamination from soiled utensils & equipment will minimize the potential for

bacterial contamination of ready-to-eat foods.

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Apply HACCP Decision Tree

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8.8. Apply HACCP Decision Tree See Template (Principle 2) The Critical Control Points (CCPs) are the points in the process where the HACCP control activities

will occur.

The identification of a CCP in the HACCP system is facilitated by the application of a decision tree. Application of the decision tree determines whether the step is a CCP for the identified hazard. All hazards that may be reasonably expected to occur, or be introduced at each step, shall be


If a hazard has been identified at a step where control is necessary for safety, & no preventative

measure exists at that step, or any other, then the product or process shall be modified at that

step, or at any earlier or later stage, to include a preventative measure.

Many points in the flow diagram not identified as CCPs may be considered control points. Only

points at which food-safety hazards can be controlled are considered to be CCPs. A HACCP plan

can lose focus if points are unnecessarily identified as CCPs.

CCPs identified for a product on one processing line may be different for the same product on

another line. This is because the hazards & the best points for controlling them may change with

differences in: plant layout, process flow, equipment, formulation, ingredient selection &

sanitation & support programs.

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Establish Critical Limits for each CCP

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8.9. Establish Critical Limits for each CCP See Template (Principle 3) The CCPs column identifies places in the flow of food where you can have a significant impact in

controlling food safety hazards. A measurable critical limit has been identified for each of these

CCPs. These critical limits provide the baseline for measuring the effectiveness of your food safety


For each of your operational steps, within your operation, review the CCPs & critical limits needed

to minimize or eliminate significant food safety hazards. Does your operation currently have

control measures in place that are at least equivalent to these critical limits?

On the worksheet, you will need to decide whether the operational step is a CCP or whether the

hazard is controlled by your SOPs that address the prerequisite program.

In some operational step worksheets, such as the Cooking step, the Guide recommends that the

step be considered a CCP, because there is no practical alternative to ensure control of the

hazard. In other operational steps, you may have a choice as to how you will control the hazard.

For example, in the preparation step for ready-to-eat foods, you will identify contamination from

employees' hands as a hazard. When controlling that hazard as a CCP, you shall also identify the

critical limits, establish monitoring & corrective actions, verification procedures, & records.

Alternatively, you may choose to control that hazard by instituting an SOP that disallows bare

hand contact with ready-to-eat food. You will need to decide the most effective method of

controlling the hazard, i.e., as a CCP or through use of an SOP.

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Establish a Monitoring System for Each CCP

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8.10. Establish a Monitoring System for Each CCP See Template (Principle 4) Use the worksheet to develop procedures, customized to your operation, for monitoring your

CCPs. Consideration shall be given to determining answers to the following questions.

• What critical limit at the CCP are you measuring?

• How is it monitored?

• When & how often will the CCP be monitored?

• Who will be responsible for monitoring it?

Monitoring is observing or measuring specific operational steps in the food process to determine if

your critical limits are being met. This activity is essential in making sure your critical food

processes are under control. It will identify where a loss of control occurs or if there is a trend

toward a loss of control of a critical food process. Needed adjustments will then become obvious.

In your food safety management system, certain processes have been identified as CCPs. What

you are going to monitor depends on the critical limits you have established at each CCP. The

established minimum critical limits for many CCPs. For example, cooking hamburger (which is the

CCP) to 155 °F/68 °C for 15 seconds (which is the critical limit) will kill most harmful bacteria.

Therefore, final temperature & time measurements are very important & you need to determine

how you will effectively monitor the critical limits for each CCP.

Is monitoring equipment needed to measure a critical limit? The equipment you choose for

monitoring shall be accurate & routinely calibrated to ensure critical limits are met. For example,

a thermocouple with a thin probe might be the most appropriate tool for measuring the final

product temperature of hamburger patties.

When deciding how often you need to monitor, make sure that the monitoring interval will be

reliable enough to ensure the hazard is being controlled. Your procedure for monitoring shall be

simple & easy to follow.

Individuals chosen to be responsible for a monitoring activity may be a manager, line-supervisor,

or a designated employee. Your monitoring system will only be effective if employees are given

the knowledge, skills, & responsibility for serving safe food. Train your employees to carefully

follow your procedures, monitor CCPs, & take corrective action if critical limits are not met.

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Establish Corrective Actions

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8.11. Establish Corrective Actions See Template (Principle 5) Decide what type of corrective action you need to take if a critical limit is not met.

• What measures do you expect employees to take to correct the problem?

• Do your employees understand the corrective action?

• Can the corrective action be easily implemented?

• Are different options needed for the appropriate corrective actions, depending on the

process & monitoring frequency?

• How will these corrective actions be documented & communicated to management so the

system can be modified to prevent the problem from occurring again?

Whenever a critical limit is not met, a corrective action shall be carried out immediately.

Corrective actions may be simply continuing to heat food to the required temperature. Other

corrective actions may be more complicated, such as rejecting a shipment of raw oysters that

does not have the required tags or segregating & holding a product until an evaluation is done.

In the event that a corrective action is taken, you shall reassess & modify if necessary your food

safety system based upon the HACCP principles. Despite the best system, errors occur during

food storage & preparation. A food safety system based upon the HACCP principles is designed to

detect errors & correct them before a food safety hazard occurs.

It is a benefit to industry & regulators to be able to show that immediate action is taken to ensure

that no food product that may be injurious to health is served to or purchased by a customer. It is

important to document all corrective actions in written records.

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Establish Verification Procedure

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8.12. Establish Verification Procedure See Template (Principle 6) Conduct On-Going Verification

• Description:

Because HACCP is a system to maintain continuous control of food safety practices,

implementation of the plan needs to be audited or verified. Verification is usually performed by

someone other than the person who is responsible for performing the activities specified in the

plan. That person might be a manager, supervisor, designated person, or the regulatory


There is on-going verification, which is conducted frequently, such as daily, weekly, monthly, etc.,

by designated employees of the establishment. It is important to note that routine monitoring

shall not be confused with audit or verification methods or procedures.

Verification is an oversight auditing process to ensure that the HACCP plan & SOPs continue to:

• Be adequate to control the hazards identified as likely to occur, &

• Be consistently followed (i.e., a comparison is made regarding observed, actual practices &

procedures with what is written in the plan).

On-going Verification activities include:

• Observing the person doing the monitoring: is monitoring being done as planned?

• Reviewing the monitoring records:

o Are records completed accurately?

o Do records show that the predetermined frequency of the monitoring is


o Was the planned corrective action taken when the person monitoring found &

recorded that the critical limit was not met?

o Do records of the calibration of monitoring equipment indicate that the

equipment was operating properly?

• Verification Procedures:

Procedures may include the following activities:

o Observe the person conducting the activities at the CCPs & recording


o Check monitoring records,

o Check corrective action records,

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o Periodically review the total plan,

o Test product in process or finished product,

o Review equipment calibration records, &

o Review recording thermometer accuracy (large operations & some processes

such as large quantity cooks & chill operations or smokers, etc.)

• Verification Frequency:

Verification shall occur at a frequency that can ensure the HACCP plan is being followed

continuously to:

o Avoid adulterated/unsafe product getting to the consumer,

o Be able to take corrective action without loss of product,

o Ensure prescribed personnel practices are consistently followed,

o Ensure personnel have the tools for proper personal hygiene & sanitary

practices (e.g., hand washing facilities, sanitizing equipment, cleaning supplies,

temperature measuring devices, & sufficient gloves, etc.),

o Follow/comply with the control procedures established, &

o Conduct calibrations needed depending upon the type of equipment (some may

be verified daily & others annually).

Verification Observations/Documentation – Examples

• System verification:

o Receiving:

The manager reviews temperature logs of refrigerated products at various intervals such as daily

or weekly. An operation may want its HACCP Plan to specify that the manager check the

monitoring records daily if:

- Receiving constitutes a high volume, or

- Products include particular items such as fresh tuna, mahi-mahi, mackerel, etc.

(scombrotoxin-forming species).

o Chill step:

Weekly, the production manager checks the "chilling log'' that is maintained for foods that are

either left over or planned for later service. Recorded on the log sheet are the time the food is

placed into the cooler, its temperature, the type of container used (depth per SOP), &

measurements of the time & temperature involved in cooling the food.

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o Hand washing facilities & practices:

Daily, the manager checks the log maintained at the hand washing facilities & corrections made in

areas where ready-to-eat food is prepared. Less frequent checks are made in other areas of the


o Process verification:

The manager checks daily or weekly, the time/temperature monitoring records at all CCPs

(receiving, holding, preparation before cooking for scombrotoxin-forming seafood; cooking

time/temp for hamburgers, etc.)

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Establish Record Keeping & Documentation

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8.13. Establish Record Keeping & Documentation See Template (Principle 7) In order to develop the most effective record keeping system for your operation, determine what

documented information will assist you in managing the control of food safety hazards. Some

recorded information shall already be part of your food safety system.

Your record keeping system can use existing paperwork, such as delivery invoices, for

documenting product temperature. Another method could be maintaining a log to record the

temperatures. A record keeping system can be simple & needs to be designed to meet the needs

of the individual establishment. It can be accomplished many different ways that are customized

to your operation as long as it provides a system to determine that activities are performed

according to the HACCP plan.

Accurate record keeping is an essential part of a successful HACCP program. Records provide

documentation that the critical limits at each CCP were met or that appropriate corrective actions

were taken when the limits were not met. Records also show that the actions performed were


Involve your employees in the development of your management system. Ask them how they are

currently monitoring CCPs. Discuss with them the types of corrective actions they take when a

critical limit is not met. Employees are an important source for developing simple & effective

record keeping procedures. Managers are responsible for designing the system, but effective day-

to-day implementation involves every employee.

The simplest record keeping system that lends itself to integration into existing operations is

always best. A simple yet effective system is easier to use & communicate to your employees.

Record keeping systems designed to document a process rather than product information may be

more adaptable within retail operators, especially if you frequently change items on your menu.

Accurately documenting processes like cooking, cooling, & reheating, identified as CCPs, provides

active managerial control of food safety hazards. Consistent process control by management

reduces the risk of foodborne illness.

Simple logs for recording refrigeration equipment temperature are perhaps the most common SOP

records currently maintained. However, product temperature records are commonly CCP records.

Other records may include:

• Writing the product temperature on delivery invoices,

• Keeping a log of internal product temperatures of cooked foods, &

• Holding shell stock tags for 90 days.

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Some retail operators have implemented comprehensive HACCP systems where records are

maintained for each CCP. These records may be quality control logs; but, they can also constitute

CCP records if they are designed to monitor activities that are, in fact, CCPs. The level of

sophistication of record keeping is dependent upon the complexity of the food operation. For

example, a cook-chill operation for a large institution would require more record keeping than a

limited menu, cook-serve operation.

Once a specific process has been shown to work for you, such as an ice bath method for cooling

certain foods, the frequency of record keeping may be reduced. In these instances, a record

keeping system provides a scheduled check (verification) of the process to ensure that it

effectively controls the risk factor.

This approach is extremely effective for labor-intensive processes related to:

• Cooking large volumes of food where a temperature check of each individual item is


• Implementing a verified process will allow employees to complete the procedure within the

course of a scheduled work day,

• Cooling foods or leftovers at the end of the business day, or

• Maintaining cold holding temperatures of ready-to-eat potentially hazardous foods in walk-

in refrigeration units.

Conduct Long-Term Verification

Once your food safety system is implemented, you will need to confirm that it is effective over

time, an activity referred to in this document as long-term verification. You may benefit from both

internal (quality control) verifications & external verifications that may involve assistance from the

regulatory authority or consultants.

Long-term verification is conducted less frequently (e.g., yearly) than on-going verification. It is a

review or audit of the plan to determine if:

• Any new product/processes/menu items have been added to the menu,

• Suppliers, customers, equipment, or facilities have changed,

• The SOPs are current & implemented,

• The worksheets are still current,

• The CCPs are still correct, or if new CCPs are needed,

• The critical limits:

o Are set realistically & are adequate to control the hazard (e.g., the time needed

to cook the turkey to meet the internal temperature requirement), &

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• Monitoring equipment has been calibrated as planned.

Long-term verification helps the operator:

• Ensure the food safety management system is implemented & the HACCP plan is being


• Improve the system & HACCP plan by identifying weaknesses,

• Eliminate unnecessary or ineffective controls, &

• Determine if the HACCP plan needs to be modified or updated.

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Supporting Templates

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Prerequisite Programs Templates

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Management Policy

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Management Policy

It is the policy of this establishment to operate so that there is complete assurance that both customers & employees will receive the optimum

nourishment, & will never be made ill from our food, or be injured by a foreign object in our food.

In order to achieve this operating standard, we will be guided by the Dubai Municipality – Food Control Section Guidelines, our local & city rules, & this

HACCP Guidelines for Retail Premises2005 (Department Stores, & Food & Beverage Suppliers) Hazard Analysis Critical Control-Based, Food Safety Policy, Procedures, &

Standards Manual.

<Owner name & signature>


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Premises & Equipment

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Premises & Equipment

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Maintenance & General Cleaning

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Procedures (Note that separate form for Malignance only & separate form for General Cleaning)

Area: (name) Section:(e.g., meat preparation) Shift:(timing or shift name (e.g., morning)

(Where ) (How ) (When )

Area Equipment/others Method Frequency &

time 1. e.g., Kitchen 1. Floor According to manufacture requirements Daily/evening

2. 3. 4.

2. Other kitchens 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Prepared by: _Name & Designation_. Checked by: _Name & Designation_. Approved by: _Name & Designation_.

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Schedule (Note that separate form for Malignance only & separate form for General Cleaning)

Area: (name) Section:(e.g., meat preparation) Shift:(timing or shift name (e.g., morning)

(Where ) (How ) (Who ) (When )

Area Equipment/others Method Name & Designation Frequency & time 1. e.g., Main Kitchen 1. Freezer According to the procedure John Daniel Daily/evening

2. 3. 4.

2. Other kitchens 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Prepared by: _Name & Designation_. Checked by: _Name & Designation_. Approved by: _Name & Designation_.

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Monitoring Schedule (Note that separate form for Malignance only & separate form for General Cleaning)

Area: (name) Section:(e.g., meat preparation) Shift:(timing or shift name (e.g., morning)

(where ) (how ) (who ) (when )

Job Done Area Equipment/others

Yes No Corrective Action Name & Designation Frequency & time

1. e.g., Main Kitchen 1. Floor John Daniel Daily/evening 2. 3. 4.

2. other kitchens 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Signature: _& Designation_.

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Approved Chemicals List DDaattee: / /2005

(who ) (Who )

Supplier Name Materials supplied Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

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Pest Control

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Pest Control

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Personal Requirements

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Weekly Internal Hygiene Check-up

Date: / /2005 Area: (name)

Personal Hygiene Checks

Hair Shoe Nail Cut/

Wounds Cleanness of uniform

Jewelry Watch / ring / earring

Sick Corrective Action Name


Long Not Covered

Yes No Long/Dirty

Yes Clean Dirty Yes No Yes No

1. 2. 3.


5. 6. 7. Area Name of areas in case of more


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Signature: _& Designation_.

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Trained Personal

Area: (name) Section:(e.g., meat preparation) Shift:(timing or shift name (e.g., morning))

(where ) (Who ) (What )

Area Name & Designation Type of training 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Signature of trainer: _Name_& Designation_.

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Approved Food & Beverage Suppliers

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Supplier Approval Requirement Letter To:

Supplier Name: <contact details>

Dear Sir or madam,

Since you are one of our current/potential suppliers, we would like to know about your Food Hygiene & Safety program. If you

have a HACCP program, we consider this to be part of your Food Hygiene & Safety program. It is very costly for us to receive a product or service

from a supplier that does not meet our expectations. Please answer the following questions & provide the material as appropriate concerning your

Food Hygiene & Safety plan & program to achieve each requirement. When we will visit you, we will expect that you be able to demonstrate that you

do each item effectively & are continually improving.

1. Who developed your HACCP program? • Who validated your program as effective? • Who are the members of your HACCP Team? • How often do they meet? • Describe your verification program.

2. Have you taught each employee who works with food the hazards associated with the task he/she performs & how to perform the necessary controls?

3. What do you require of your suppliers in terms of ingredient HACCP controls? 4. Please tell us about your recall & emergency action program. 5. Describe the responsibilities of your Food Hygiene & Safety Control Team/Officer/Department. 6. What ingredient testing do you do? 7. What product testing do you do? 8. What are the critical limits, if you have them, for the biological, chemical, & physical hazards that are reasonably likely to be in the products

you provide to use? In addition to the above, please provide specifications to us for the products we purchase from you. We will appreciate your prompt response. Sincerely, <Your name & signature>

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Approved Food & Beverage Suppliers List Date: / /2005

(who ) (Who )

Supplier Name Materials supplied HACCP: Yes / No Contact information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Signature: _Name_& Designation_.

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Food Flow Requirements

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Monthly Food & Beverage Supplies Receiving Log Date: / /2005

Date Time Supplier Food Item Appearance Temp. O C Exp. Date Remarks

Signature: _Name_& Designation_.

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Temperature Control

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Monthly Chiller Temperature Check list

Date: / /2005 Area: (name) Chiller No.:(1,2,3,etc.)

Chiller Temperature 0-5 C Day

8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 Signature Remarks

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Checked by: _Name_& Designation_.

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Monthly Freezer Temperature Check list

Date: / /2005 Area: (name) Freezer No.:(1,2,3,etc.)

Freezer Temperature -18 C or below Day

8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 Signature Remarks

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Checked by: _Name_& Designation_.

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Product Recall

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Product Recall - Letter Template:

Date: From: <details> <details> To: Assistant Director of Public Health Department & Head of Food Control Section,

Food Control Section, PO Box: 67, Dubai – UAE Pubic Health Dept., Tel: 04 – 2064201/2064220 Dubai Municipality Fax: 04 – 2231905/2064264 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] Dear Sir,

We would like to inform you that we are currently recalling <name of the product> from Dubai market.

The recall was based on the following:

1. <The reason/s for the recall>

- The Recalled Product Identification:


<Code marks or lot numbers>,

<Establishment number (Local or Foreign)>,

<Date of production, date of importation or exportation if applicable, etc>

- The amount of recalled product involved, broken down as follows:

- <Total quantity of the recalled food originally in the company’s possession>

- <Total quantity distributed at the time of the recall>

- <Total quantity remaining in the company’s possession>

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- Areas of distribution of the recalled food:

<By areas>,


<Provinces &, if exported>,

<By country>,

<Along with retailers’ & wholesalers’ names & addresses>

Thank you for your kind cooperation,

Yours truly,

<Person & food establishments name with signature>

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Sampling & Laboratory Analysis

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Food & Beverage Sampling Procedures (food, water, swabs, etc)

Area: (name) Section:(e.g., meat preparation) Shift:(timing or shift name (e.g., morning))

(Where ) (How ) (When )

Area Equipment/others Method Frequency & time 1. e.g., Main Kitchen 1. Floor Swabs Monthly /evening

2. 3. 4.

2. Other kitchens 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Prepared by: _Name & Designation_. Checked by: _Name & Designation_. Approved by: _Name & Designation_.

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Food & Beverage Sampling Schedule (food, water, swabs, etc)

Date: / / Area: (name) Section:(e.g., meat preparation) Shift:(timing or shift name (e.g., morning))

(Where ) (How ) (Who ) (When )

Area Equipment/others Method Name & Designation Frequency & time

1. e.g., Main Kitchen 1. Floor Swabs John Daniel Monthly/evening 2. 3. 4.

2. Other kitchens 5. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Prepared by: _Name & Designation_. Checked by: _Name & Designation_. Approved by: _Name & Designation_.

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Food & Beverage Sampling Monitoring Schedule (food, water, swabs, etc)

Date: / / Area: (name) Section:(e.g., meat preparation) Shift:(timing or shift name (e.g., morning))

(where ) (what ) (how ) (who ) (when )

Job Done Comments Area Equipment/others

Yes No Fit Unfit Corrective

Action Name & Designation Frequency & time

1. e.g., Main Kitchen 1. Floor John Daniel Monthly/evening 2. 3. 4.

2. other kitchens 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Signature: _Name_& Designation_.

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Internal & External Events, Banquets or Mass Catering

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Internal & External Events, Banquets or Mass Catering

- Letter Template: Date: From: <details> <details> To: Assistant Director of Public Health Department & Head of Food Control Section,

Food Control Section, PO Box: 67, Dubai – UAE Pubic Health Dept., Tel: 04 – 2064201/2064220 Dubai Municipality Fax: 04 – 2231905/2064264 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] Dear Sir,

Please note that our food establishment will be having a Retail Catering Event

1. Event name. 2. Date of event. 3. Time. 4. Number of people. 5. Vulnerable group (children, elderly, etc.) 6. Type of food. 7. Location. 8. Setup layout of preparation & display. 9. Contact person. 10. Other relevant information shall be submitted.

Thank you for your kind cooperation, Yours truly, <Person & food establishments name with signature>

Note: Points 6,7,8,9 & 10 are mandatory & shall be attached with the application form.

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Internal & External Events, Banquets or Mass Retail Operations Monthly Log Date: / /2005

(what ) (Where ) (Who )

(event) Details Contact information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Signature: _Name_& Designation_.

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Internal & External Audits

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Internal & External Audits Monthly Log

Date: / /2005

(who ) (When ) (What )

Name Date & Time Audit Type Audit results 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Signature: _& Designation_.

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Prerequisites Programs Review

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Prerequisites Programs Review

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HACCP Implementation Templates

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Assemble HACCP Team

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Date: / /2005

(Who ) (Who ) (What )

Name Designation Qualification Responsibilities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Signature of the Team Leader: _Name_& Designation_.

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Process Description

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Process Description Template

Process 1 Process 2 Process 3

List menu foods:


Salad greens

fish for sushi

fresh vegetables

oysters or clams served raw

tuna salad

Caesar salad dressing


sliced sandwich meats

sliced cheese

List menu foods:



soup du jour

hot vegetables

entrees for "special of the day"

cooked eggs

List menu foods:





large roasts


taco filling

egg rolls

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Identify Intended Use

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Identify Intended Use

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Process Flow

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Process Flow Diagram


Inputs Process Steps

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Construct Flow Diagram

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Construct Flow Diagram

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On-site Verification of Flow Diagram

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On-site Verification of Flow Diagram

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List all Hazards

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Hazard Analysis Sheet

Receiving: Step Menu Item Hazard CCP Critical Limits Monitoring Corrective Actions Verification Records

>Microbial contamination.

>Receive at 41°F/5 °C or below.

>Bacterial growth. >Parasites. >Scombrotoxin.

>Approved source.

>Ciguatera or other toxin contamination.

>Seafood HACCP plan.

Process 1




>Chemical contamination.

Yes or No

>Proper chemical storage/use.

>Microbial contamination.

>Receive at 41°F/5 °C or below.

>Bacterial growth. >Parasites. >Scombrotoxin.

>Approved source.

>Ciguatera or other toxin contamination.

>Seafood HACCP plan.

Process 2




>Chemical contamination.

Yes or No

>Proper chemical storage/use.

>Microbial contamination.

>Receive at 41°F/5 °C or below.

>Bacterial growth. >Parasites. >Scombrotoxin.

>Approved source.

>Ciguatera or other toxin contamination.

>Seafood HACCP plan.

Process 3 Example:


>Chemical contamination.

Yes or No

>Proper chemical storage/use.


Process 1: Food preparation with no cook step - ready- to-eat food that is stored, prepared, & served.

Process 2: Food preparation for same day service - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, & served.

Process 3: Complex food preparation - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, cooled, reheated, hot held, & served.

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Hazard Analysis Sheet

Storage: Step Menu Item Hazard CCP Critical Limits Monitoring Corrective Actions Verification Records

>Bacterial growth. >Receive at 41°F/5 °C or below.

>Cross contamination >Separate raw from ready-to-eat food.

>Parasites. >Freeze fish to be consumed raw @ -4°F/15 °C for 7 days or -31°F/0 °C for 15 hours.

Process 1




>Chemical contamination.

Yes or No

>Proper chemical storage/use.

>Bacterial growth. >Receive at 41°F/5 °C or below.


>Cross contamination.

>Separate raw from ready-to-eat food.

Process 2



Mahi-mahi >Chemical contamination.

Yes or No

>Proper chemical storage/use.

>Bacterial growth. >Receive at 41°F/5 °C or below.


>Cross contamination.

>Separate raw from ready-to-eat food.

Process 3 Example:


>Chemical contamination.

Yes or No

>Proper chemical storage/use.


Process 1: Food preparation with no cook step - ready-to-eat food that is stored, prepared, & served.

Process 2: Food preparation for same day service - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, & served.

Process 3: Complex food preparation - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, cooled, reheated, hot held, & served.

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Hazard Analysis Sheet

Preparation: Step Menu Item Hazard CCP Critical Limits Monitoring Corrective Actions Verification Records

>Bacterial growth.

>Receive at 41°F/5 °C or below or use time to control growth.

>Cross contamination.

>Separate raw from ready-to-eat food.

>Contamination from employees.

>Restrict ill employees; control bare hand contact

Process 1




>Chemical contamination.

Yes or No

>Proper chemical storage/use.

>Bacterial growth.

>Receive at 41°F/5 °C or below or use time to control growth.

>Cross contamination.

>Separate raw from ready-to-eat food.

>Contamination from employees.

>Restrict ill employees; control bare hand contact

Process 2




>Chemical contamination.

Yes or No

>Proper chemical storage/use.

>Bacterial growth.

>Receive at 41°F/5 °C or below or use time to control growth.

>Cross contamination.

>Separate raw from ready-to-eat food.

>Contamination from employees.

>Restrict ill employees; control bare hand contact

Process 3 Example:


>Chemical contamination.

Yes or No

>Proper chemical storage/use.


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Process 1: Food preparation with no cook step - ready-to-eat food that is stored, prepared, & served.

Process 2: Food preparation for same day service - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, & served.

Process 3: Complex food preparation - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, cooled, reheated, hot held, & served.

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Hazard Analysis Sheet

Cooking: Step Menu Item Hazard CCP Critical Limits Monitoring Corrective Actions Verification Records

Process 1



Sushi Does not apply

Process 2




>Bacterial, parasitic,

or viral survival or


Yes or No

>Cook to Product

Internal Temp &


See next table.

Process 3 Example:


>Bacterial, parasitic,

or viral survival or


Yes or No

>Cook to Product

Internal Temp &


See next table.


Process 1: Food preparation with no cook step - ready-to-eat food that is stored, prepared, & served.

Process 2: Food preparation for same day service - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, & served.

Process 3: Complex food preparation - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, cooled, reheated, hot held, & served.

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Product Temp. °F Temp. °C Remarks

Egg & Egg Dishes Eggs Cook until yolk & white are firm

Egg casseroles 160 71

Egg sauces, custards 160 71

Ground Meat & Meat Mixtures Turkey, Chicken 165 73

Beef, Veal, Lamb, Pork 160 71

Fresh Beef, Veal, Lamb Medium Rare 145 65

Medium 160 71

Well Done 170 76

Fresh Pork Medium 160 71

Well Done 170 76

Ham Fresh (raw) 160 71

Fully cooked (to reheat) 142 65

Roast Beef Cooked commercially, vacuum sealed, & ready-to-eat

142 65

Poultry Chicken, Turkey-whole 180 82

Chicken, Turkey-dark meat 180 82

Poultry-breast 170 76

Duck & Goose 180 82

Stuffing Cooked alone or in bird 165 73

Sauces, Soups, Gravies, Marinades

Used with raw meat, poultry, or fish

Bring to a boil

Seafood Fin Fish Cook until opaque & flakes easily with a fork

Shrimp, lobster, crab Shall turn red & flesh shall become pearly opaque

Scallops Shall turn milky white or opaque & firm

Clams, mussels, oysters Cook until shells open

Leftover 165 73

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Product Final Internal Temperature Time Poultry, Wild Game Animals, Stuffed Fish, Stuffed Meat, Stuffed Pasta, Stuffed Poultry, Stuffed

Ratites Or Stuffing containing: Fish, Meat, Poultry or Ratites. 165°F/73 °C 15 seconds

Animal foods cooked in a microwave oven. 165°F/73 °C; food rotated, stirred, covered Cover & allow to stand for 2 minutes

Pork, ratites, or injected meats. 155°F/63 °C 15 seconds

Ground meat, fish, or game animals commercially raised for food. 155°F/63 °C 15 seconds

Game Animals under a voluntary inspection program. 155°F/63 °C 15 seconds

Raw shell eggs that are NOT prepared for immediate service. 155°F/63 °C 15 seconds

Raw shell eggs broken & prepared in response to consumer order & for immediate service. 145°F/62 °C 15 seconds

Fish & Meat including Game Animals except as specifically referenced on this chart. 145°F/62 °C 15 seconds

Fruit & vegetables cooked for hot holding. 140°F/61 °C or above Instantaneous

Ready-to-eat food from a commercially sealed container for hot holding. 140°F/61 °C or above Instantaneous

Ready-to-eat food from an intact package (from a food processing plant inspected by the

regulatory authority with jurisdiction over the plant) for hot holding.

140°F/61 °C or above Instantaneous

Beef Roast/Corned Beef Roasts Preheated Oven Temperatures. LESS THAN 10 lbs. - Still Dry: 350 °F/176 °C or more - Convection: 325 °F/162 °C or more - High Humidity: 250 °F/121 °C or less MORE THAN 10 lbs - Still dry: 250 °F/121 °C or more - Convection: 250 °F/121 °C or more - High Humidity: 250 °F/121 °C or less

5b. Beef Roast/Corned Beef Roasts Internal Food Temperature for Specified Amount of Time.

5b. ACHIEVE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: - 130°F/54 °C - 132°F/55 °C - 134°F/56 °C - 136°F/57 °C - 138°F/58 °C - 140°F/60 °C - 142°F/61 °C - 144°F/62 °C - 145°F/63 °C

- 121 Minutes - 77 Minutes - 47 Minutes - 32 Minutes - 19 Minutes - 12 Minutes - 8 Minutes - 5 Minutes - 3 Minutes

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Hazard Analysis Sheet

Cooling: Step Menu Item Hazard CCP Critical Limits Monitoring Corrective Actions Verification Records

Process 1



Sushi Does not apply

Process 2



Mahi-mahi Does not apply

>Bacterial growth. > Cool food from

140°F/61 °C to 70

°F/21 °C within 2

hours & from 70

°F/21 °C to 41°F/5

°C within 4 hours.



>Separate raw

from ready-to-eat


Process 3 Example:


>Contamination from

employees or


Yes or No

>Restrict ill

employees; control

bare hand contact.


Process 1: Food preparation with no cook step - ready to eat food that is stored, prepared, & served.

Process 2: Food preparation for same day service - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, & served.

Process 3: Complex food preparation - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, cooled, reheated, hot held, & served.

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Hazard Analysis Sheet

Reheating: Step Menu Item Hazard CCP Critical Limits Monitoring Corrective Actions Verification Records

Process 1



Sushi Does not apply

Process 2



Mahi-mahi Does not apply

Process 3 Example:


>Bacterial, parasitic,

or viral survival or


Yes or No

>Reheat to

165°F/73 °C within

2 hours.


Process 1: Food preparation with no cook step - ready-to-eat food that is stored, prepared, & served.

Process 2: Food preparation for same day service - food that is stored, prepared, cooked , & served.

Process 3: Complex food preparation - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, cooled, reheated, hot held, & served.

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Hazard Analysis Sheet

Holding: Step Menu Item Hazard CCP Critical Limits Monitoring Corrective Actions Verification Records

Process 1




>Bacterial, parasitic,

or viral introduction,

survival, or growth.

Yes or No >41°F/5 °C

Process 2




>Bacterial, parasitic,

or viral introduction,

survival, or growth.

Yes or No

>140°F/61 °C


41°F/5 °C

Process 3 Example:


>Bacterial, parasitic,

or viral introduction,

survival, or growth.

Yes or No

>140°F/61 °C


41°F/5 °C


Process 1: Food preparation with no cook step - ready-to-eat food that is stored, prepared, & served.

Process 2: Food preparation for same day service - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, & served.

Process 3: Complex food preparation - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, cooled, reheated, hot held, & served.

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Hazard Analysis Sheet

Set Up & Packing: Step Menu Item Hazard CCP Critical Limits Monitoring Corrective Actions Verification Records

>Bacterial Growth. >41°F/5 °C

Process 1





contamination from


Yes or No

>No bare hand

contact or



>Bacterial Growth

140°F/61 °C


41°F/5 °C Process 2



Mahi-mahi >Microbial

contamination from


Yes or No >No bare hand

contact or



>Bacterial Growth.

140°F/61 °C


41°F/5 °C Process 3


Soups >Microbial

contamination from


Yes or No >No bare hand

contact or




Process 1: Food preparation with no cook step - ready-to-eat food that is stored, prepared, & served.

Process 2: Food preparation for same day service - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, & served.

Process 3: Complex food preparation - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, cooled, reheated, hot held, & served.

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Hazard Analysis Sheet

Serving: Step Menu Item Hazard CCP Critical Limits Monitoring Corrective Actions Verification Records

Process 1




>Bacterial, parasitic,

viral, or physical


Yes or No

Process 2




>Bacterial, parasitic,

viral, or physical


Yes or No

Process 3 Example:


>Bacterial, parasitic,

viral, or physical


Yes or No


Process 1: Food preparation with no cook step - ready-to-eat food that is stored, prepared, & served.

Process 2: Food preparation for same day service - food that is stored, prepared, cooked , & served.

Process 3: Complex food preparation - food that is stored, prepared, cooked, cooled, reheated, hot held, & served.

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Apply HACCP Decision Tree

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Apply HACCP Decision Tree Date:

Apply HACCP Decision Tree to each step with identified hazards (Answer the questions in sequence)

Q1. Is there a hazard at this process step? What is it? Yes No

Not a CCP

Q2. Do preventative Measures exist for the identified hazards?

Modify step process or product?


No Yes

Q3. Is the step specifically designed to eliminate or reduce the likely occurrence of the hazard to an acceptable level?

Is control necessary at this step for safety?

Yes No


Not a CCP Q4. Could the contamination occur at or increase to an acceptable levels? Yes No

Not a CCP

Q5. Will a subsequent step or action eliminate or reduce the hazards to an acceptable level? Yes



Not a CCP

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Establish Critical Limits

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HACCP Plan Date:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Monitoring CCP Hazard Critical Limits for each

Preventive measure

What How Frequency Who

Corrective Actions Verification Records

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Establish a Monitoring System

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Establish a Monitoring System

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Establish Corrective Actions

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Establish Corrective Actions

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Establish Verification Procedure

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Establish Verification Procedure

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Establish Record Keeping & Documentation

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Establish Record Keeping & Documentation

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Regulator Recommendation

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10. Regulator Recommendation 1) Every Food & Beverage Suppliers & Retail operators shall have & implement a

written HACCP Program. 2) A HACCP plan shall be specific to each food retail operation location & each product:

raw, processed or handled within the establishment, or pre-packed food items.

3) The HACCP plan shall:

a) List the food safety hazards.

b) List the CCPs.

c) List the critical limits.

d) List the monitoring procedures.

e) List predetermined corrective-action plans.

f) List the verification measures.

g) Provide for a system of Monitoring records.

4) The HACCP plan shall be signed & dated by:

a) The most responsible individual at the retail operators.

b) This signature shall signify that the HACCP plan has been accepted for implementation by

the firm.

5) Corrective action:

a) Whenever a deviation from a critical limit occurs, a retail operator shall take corrective


6) Every retail operator shall verify:

a) That the HACCP plan is adequate to control the food-safety hazards.

b) That the HACCP plan is implemented effectively.

7) Records required by the regulation:

a) Prerequisite Programs Manual.

b) HACCP Manual.

8) The HACCP – trained individual shall prepare:

a) Prerequisite Programs Manual.

b) HACCP Manual.

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The End

HACCP Guidelines & Requirements for Retail Premises2005

Issued on Jun 2005 [email protected]