h car higher fidelity protype 3

H CAR - Higher Fidelity Prototype and Marketing 06/26/202 2 H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C., Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012 1

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A conceptual proposal for the development of a fully non-polluting personal transport vehicle.


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H CAR - Higher Fidelity Prototype and



H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C., Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012


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H CAR / EccoCar TEAM

04/10/2023H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal ArsAlan, Jared C., Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012

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04/10/20233H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C., Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012

H CAR Team Approach – Scientific Method: We followed the basics of – the Course Lecture

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We set an initial business hypothesis, critically re-examined it several times, and recast the business model based on industry analyses and concept Feasibilities

We realized early on that the original concept was / is highly non-feasible as conceived with Mag Lev Technology

That technology has very significant barriers to entry (Capital cost)

We did examine the TAM and SAM based on various growth option Our customers were identified as inner city and urban residents

with a need for small scale personal transportation We do not have the necessary insider connections but we do

know who the key players are Feedback from experts in capital project financing indicated this is

a business requiring many billions of Euros as current conceived. This business requires considerable revampingH-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C.,

Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012


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H CAR – ECCOCAR – Business, Technology, Market Model





Target Customers


Desired Technology

Feasible Company Technology and Business Scenario

Possible Company Customer Needs, Company Technology

Useful Business Area for Company and Customers

Best Match Business, Customer, Technology

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04/10/2023H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C., Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012


Entrepreneurial Sales / Mktg – We were not in a position to do anything other than initial market exposure for our H CAR Concept through FB and Emails. None of the course recommended channels were appropriate at this time

- Qualified Lead

- 1st Sales call

- Demo

- Feasibility

- Proposal

- Purchase Order

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Entrepreneurial Sales / Mktg – The Following AARRR model for web marketing was reviewed but we did not apply it at this time

04/10/2023H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C., Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012


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Sales vs Customer Acquisition Costs – The course model for our type of Entrepreneurial venture is completely

inappropriate. The course targets web apps primarily.

H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C., Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012

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Quantitative understanding of all aspects of entre, distribution, sales, marketing, etc are key to any business

It is too early in the conceptualization of this business concept to do other than very rudimentary analyses at this time

H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C., Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012

Entrepreneurial Sales -

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Team Leader’s Guideline 1 In the "dime" lecture, the course lecturer made this point:

Entrepreneurship is a search process for a new business model

It is testing hypothesis of a business model until it is viable

Doing it in time that is cost effective.

And this is exactly what we are doing

H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C., Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012

Understanding Entrepreneurship

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Team Leader’s Guideline 2We believe we are actually on the right track: We are focusing on a business model that aims at

sustainable transport introduction to urban contexts.

We are in a search process for the product that answers to our visions.

Technologies are several (in smart cars) and the quest is far from over.

What we are investigating is how to make these technologies feasible in the market.H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C.,

Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012

H CAR / ECCOCAR - Team Status

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We, for now, replace the radical/ disruptive innovation maglev concept with any smart car tech.

Say the TATA India “Airpod”.

To test whether the feasibility of our business model!

H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C., Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012

Team Leader’s Guideline 3

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Our business model is to franchise the production (instead of locate it in cheap labor countries and then ship around the world),

To rent or lease the car (instead of selling and not being responsible for reclaiming the materials and putting cost onto society), and

To partner with city municipalities etc to have tax reduction for the franchisees and for those that rent the car. Lastly, the cars are taken back for recycling.

H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C., Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012

Team Leader Guideline 4

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This is a model we can ask business people to comment on.

Do you know which type of smart car scores the best in performance in terms of least waste from the batteries, production?

Is the ‘airpod’ the closest to our "green" aims?

H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C., Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012

Request to a Team member from Team Leader

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This is a model we can ask business people to comment on.

Which one you think we should propose for the business model test?

Which one you think will be the best?

H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C., Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012

Request to a Team member from Team Leader

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The H CAR / ECCOCAR team took on a very large and difficult project knowing that there would be many challenges and barriers

None-the-less the environmental issue is extremely important

Societies in general are behind this type of business venture.

This is an important start We intend to build more details in the following


Summary – H CAR / ECCOCAR

H-CAR TEAM – LEADER KARINA VISSONOVA / Members Bernard Kwok, Faisal Arslan, Jared C., Arv Hardin Stanford University On-Line Crash Course in Creativity Fall 2012