gwalior honours drdo chief

A monthly house bulletin of Defence Research & Development Organisation Vol. 32 No.7 July 2012 Gwalior Honours DRDO Chief “The only way to survive is to be strong; strength respects strength. Agni 5 is not the end of a journey but has opened path to newer journeys.” Dr VK Saraswat, SA to RM “I consider the true self-reliance as ‘complete freedom from the clutches of control regimes in today’s globally competitive world. What matters is technological strength and capability to produce what is needed, rather than making each and every nut and bolt in-house”, said Dr VK Saraswat, Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri (SA to RM), Secretary Defence R&D, and DG DRDO. He was addressing a gathering of dignitaries, academicians and students during a felicitation ceremony. The ceremony was organized by ITM University in its campus at Gwalior on 25 May 2012 to honour Dr Saraswat on the successful development and launch of India’s long-range ballistic missile Agni 5. Dr Saraswat further stated that having indigenous missiles with reach of 5000 km had been the dream of two great Indians, late Smt Indira Gandhi and Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. Fulfilling the dream is the outcome of their vision and direction, translated into reality by dedicated efforts of the DRDO team. “The only way to survive is to be strong; strength

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Page 1: Gwalior Honours DRDO Chief

A monthly house bulletin of Defence Research & Development Organisation ■ Vol. 32 No.7 ■ July 2012

Gwalior Honours DRDO Chief

“The only way to survive is to be strong; strength respects strength.

Agni 5 is not the end of a journey but has opened path to newer journeys.”

Dr VK Saraswat, SA to RM

“I consider the true self-reliance as ‘complete freedom from the clutches of control regimes in today’s globally competitive world. What matters is technological strength and capability to produce what is needed, rather than making each and every nut and bolt in-house”, said Dr VK Saraswat, Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri (SA to RM), Secretary Defence R&D, and DG DRDO. He was addressing a gathering of dignitaries, academicians and students during a felicitation ceremony. The ceremony was organized by ITM University in its

campus at Gwalior on 25 May 2012 to honour Dr Saraswat on the successful development and launch of India’s long-range ballistic missile Agni 5. Dr Saraswat further stated that having indigenous missiles with reach of 5000 km had been the dream of two great Indians, late Smt Indira Gandhi and Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. Fulfilling the dream is the outcome of their vision and direction, translated into reality by dedicated efforts of the DRDO team. “The only way to survive is to be strong; strength

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2 July 2012

respects strength. Agni 5 is not the end of a journey but has opened path to newer journeys”, said Dr Saraswat.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri Shekhar Dutt, His Excellency the Governor of Chattisgarh, who has witnessed several earlier Agni launches, described the feeling at the launch complex as that of “believing in the capability, demonstrating the capability and feeling happy about the capability”.

Dr Ramashankar Singh, Chancellor, ITM University, in his address said, “the city of Gwalior is richer to have among us a jewel who has made India proud; we salute Dr Saraswat and the DRDO team for their

accomplishment”. Earlier, describing Dr Saraswat as the Insignia of Agni 5, noted Urdu poet and sufi thinker Shri Sheen Kaff Nizam said, “Country is grateful to Dr Saraswat for making India strong enough so that our potential enemies do not dare to attack us”.

Dr Saraswat also interacted with the faculty and students of the University. Answering questions from the students, he explained to them the

concept of indigenous ballistic missile defence and importance of target discrimination and classification involved in interception of targets traveling at speeds in excess of 8000 m/s. Re-usable hypersonic missile, scramjet engine and MBT Arjun as well as light combat aircraft Tejas were other topics discussed during the interaction.

Dr RK Pandey, Vice Chancellor ITM University; Dr Daulat Singh Chauhan, Managing Director, ITM University; Ms Palak Singh, Trustee, Samata Lok Sansthan; noted poet Shri Madan Mohan Danish, Smt. Sameeksha Goel, Mayor of Gwalior; Prof. MP Kaushik, OS and Director DRDE, Gwalior, were among the dignitaries present in the felicitation ceremony.

Product Release at CABS

Identify friend or foe (IFF) interrogator is one of the major systems of Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) system, designed, developed and evaluated on flight test-bed by Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS), Bengaluru. As a spin-off to AEW&C programme, CABS adapted the design conforming to the international standard ICAO/STANAG 4193 for IFF to realise interrogator, transponder and combined interrogator and transponder to meet the requirements of the Services. The product was released by

Dr VK Saraswat, SA to RM, on 23 May 2012 at CABS.

Dr K Ramchand, OS and the founder Director of the Centre, was felicitated during the ceremony for his significant contributions. Dr Saraswat along with Shri G Elangovan, DS and CC R&D (Avionics) and Dr S Christopher, Director CABS and PD AEW&C System, distributed the annual awards also to the scientists of the CABS for their outstanding contributions during the past year.

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3July 2012

India’s fifth-generation aircraft being developed by DRDO will have integrated condition monitoring systems covering important systems such as avionics, structural-health, air-conditioning and pressure-regulating systems, said Dr Vijay Kumar Saraswat, SA to RM, Secretary, Dept of Defence R&D and DG, DRDO, during his inaugural address at the two-day National Conference on “Condition Monitoring of Engineering Systems and Structures” (NCCM-2012), organised jointly by the Research and Development Establishment (Engineers) [R&DE(E)], DRDO, in association with Condition Monitoring Society of India [CMSI] at R&DE(E), Pune. Technologies drive doctrines and with advancing technologies, maintenance strategies have changed over the years from ‘break-down’ to ‘preventive’ to ‘predictive’ to ‘proactive’ and systems have evolved to ‘self-diagnosis’ and ‘self-healing’, by integrating nano, micro and biotechnology, stated Dr Saraswat. He said that the development of sensors, signal processing techniques, decision support systems and software are the main challenges in Condition-monitoring and

Dr Saraswat Inaugurates National Conference on Condition Monitoring of Engineering Systems and Structures


Structural-health-monitoring. Dr Saraswat also released the conference souvenir and proceedings.

Dr V Bhujanga Rao, Chief Controller R&D (HR), DRDO, and founder-president of Condition Monitoring Society of India delivered the keynote address. He elaborated on the importance of condition monitoring, failure mechanisms and causes and maintenance-management strategies. He also spoke about the future involving cloud-based condition monitoring, and stressed that educational institutes should include condition-monitoring in higher education.

Earlier, Dr S Guruprasad, Director R&DE(E) welcomed the dignitaries and conference participants from industry, academia and various organisations. He mentioned about the pioneering work done by R&DE(E) even in the 1980s, where electric gen sets working in Antarctica were remotely maintained from Pune. He also mentioned about the recent achievement of developing a ‘smart’ composite bridge with structural-health-monitoring.

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4 July 2012

Shri KVVSS Murthy, Vice-president of Condition Monitoring Society of India briefed the august gathering about the Society and its activities.

More than thirty papers were presented in the two-day Conference which focused on topics related to

Its time to strengthen our capabilities in area of nuclear, chemical and biological warfare, said Dr VK Saraswat, SA to RM. He was speaking after the inauguration of state-of-the-art Chem-Bio Sensor Facility at the Defence Research and Development Establishment (DRDE), Gwalior. DRDE is a premier defence laboratory engaged in the development of products and technologies for chemical and biological defence.

Dr Saraswat Inaugurates State-of-the-Art Chem-Bio Sensor Facility

Condition-Monitoring and Structural-Health-Monitoring, such as Vibration monitoring, IR Thermography, Expert Systems and Neural networks in Condition-Monitoring, Damage-identification algorithms, modelling and simulation, etc.

Addressing the gathering, Dr Saraswat said, “I congratulate the dedicated members of DRDE who have not only developed a wide range of NBC technologies but also translated them into products and taken them to users”. He further added, “In future conflicts are likely to be dominated by asymmetric warfare, low intensity conflicts and proxy wars. Chemical and biological agents as well as cyber warfare are potential threats in such cases”.

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5July 2012

Golden Jubilee/Unit Day Celebrations

DL, Jodhpur

Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur (DLJ), celebrated its 53rd Raising Day on 16 May 2012. A slide show, Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur—A Journey Down the Memory Lane, was presented by Shri Ashok Kumar Yadav, Chairman Works Committee on the occasion. Dr SR Vadera, Director, DLJ, delivered presidential address and highlighted the various technologies and products delivered by DLJ to the Armed Forces. On this occasion, Laboratory Scientist of the Year Award was given to Shri Dinesh Gupta and Shri Sunil Kumar, both Sc D. Technology Group Award was given to Shri SG Vaijappurkar, Sc F, and his team for the development of Plastic Scintillator Rods and Portal Monitor. Laboratory Award for DRTC cadre was given to Shri Manish Mishra, TO C, and Shri Upendra Singh Chaohan TO B. Laboratory Award for Administrative and Allied Categories and Cash Awards were also given to employees. Annual Sports Awards were also given on this occasion.

DFRL, Mysore

Innovation and Creativity Centre inaugurated at R&DE (E), Pune Dr S Guruprasad, Director, Research and

Development Establishment (Engrs) [R&DE(E)], Pune, inaugurated Innovation and Creativity Centre at R&DE(E) on 10 May 2012. The Centre comprises a de-stressing-cum-meditation room, a computer-visualisation room, room for informal discussion/performing arts, workshop for model-cum-prototype making, artistic-creativity room, etc. It is aimed to be a facility for promoting and harnessing creativity and innovation amongst employees of the establishment.

His Excellency Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, former President of India, delivered Golden Jubilee oration on 18 May 2012 at Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL), Mysore. Dr Kalam emphasised that food processing was a national mission and DFRL could contribute significantly in reducing the post harvest losses. The technology and cost-effective processes developed by DFRL in designing of processed food of high nutrition and long shelf-life will be a boon to the industry, farmers and citizen. He said that the contributions of DFRL would not only help the operational requirements of Armed and Paramilitary Force but also provide spin-off benefits to civil society. He opined, “DFRL should become partner of food processing industries so that innovative food technologies developed at DFRL are transferred to the industry effectively which would have direct impact as a service to the society.”

Page 6: Gwalior Honours DRDO Chief

6 July 2012

DRDO Celebrates National Technology Day

CABS, Bengaluru

Ms Inderjit Kaur and Shri Y Maheswaran, both Sc D, delivered lectures on Intercept control for Airborne Early Warning and Control System and IV and V and DO 178B, respectively.

DARE, Bengaluru

Shri Abhijit Sanjiv Kulkarni, Sc C, delivered oration on Radar Fingerprinting: From Inter Pulse to Intra pulse on the occasion. He was presented the Commendation Certificate and Titanium Medal by Shri PM Soundar Rajan, OS and Director, Defence Avionics Research Establishment (DARE).


Shri Nishant Kumar, Sc C, delivered a talk on Data Mining for Information Centres. The talk discussed a search engine, using data mining technique, developed by DESIDOC for the DRDO Intranet users. Shri Nishant Kumar was presented Titanium Medal and Commendation Certificate by Dr VK Saraswat, SA to RM, in a function organised by Defence Science Forum at Bhagvantham Auditorium, Metcalfe House, on 11 May 2012.

DLRL, Hyderabad

Science and Technology Forum of Defence Electronics Research Laboratory (DLRL), Hyderabad, organised a series of lectures. Dr PK Jain, Sc F, Head, Centre for Carbon Materials, ARCI, Hyderabad, gave a captivating lecture on Electronic Applications of Carbon Nano-tubes. Shri SP Dash, OS and Director, DLRL, honoured him with a memento. The oration for the day was delivered by Shri G Siva Prasad, Sc E, on Web Technologies for Electronic Warfare Systems.

Shri G Siva Prasad giving the oration.

Dr Saraswat presenting the Titanium Medal to Shri Nishant Kumar.

Shri Soundar Rajan, presenting the commendation certificate to Shri Kulkarni.

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7July 2012 7

Smt Ramita Sardana delivering the oration.

Dr Manjit Singh and Prof. Ramamurthy presenting the commendation certificate to Shri Khosla.

DL, Jodhpur

Technology Day Oration was delivered by Shri NK Agarwal, Sc F, on Software for Camouflage Pattern Generation: An aid to Strategic Camouflage. Dr SR Vadera, Director, Defence Laboratory Jodhpur (DLJ), presented the Titanium Medal and Commendation Certificate to Shri Agarwal on the occasion.

An exhibition of unclassified products and technologies developed by the laboratory were displaced through charts, models and visual display in the DLJ community Hall. Dr Vadera inaugurated the exhibition, which was open for public of Jodhpur.

TBRL, Chandigarh

Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL), Chandigarh, celebrated Technology Day, which was attended by all the scientists and staff of TBRL. Prof. K Ramamurthy, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras, was the Chief Guest of the function and delivered a lecture on Observation by Innovation.

Shri PK Khosla, Sc F, delivered Technology Day Oration on Development of Systems for Testing Faster and Heavier Payload using Rocket Sled. He highlighted the need for upgrading the capability to test the payloads which were heavier and need to be evaluated at higher speed so as to meet the requirement of the DRDO and other sister research organisations. To meet the objectives, he explained, how the developments in the sled, rocket, track and instrumentation have taken place and the roadmap for the next five years.

Dr Manjit Singh, Director, TBRL, presented Titanium Medal and Commendation Certificate to Shri Khosla.

Shri Vadera presenting the commendation certificate to Shri Agarwal.

ISSA, Delhi

Institute of Systems Studies and Analysis (ISSA), Delhi, celebrated National Technology Day by organising a Technology Day Oration. The oration was delivered by Smt Ramita Sardana, Sc B, on Web Service-Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) as Synchronisation Mechanism in Network Centric Operations Simulation Test-bed.

The speaker highlighted that network centric warfare decisions were based on information coming from various distributed nodes like sensors and weapons and that decision-making can be modelled in the form of workflows. She explained the feasibility of using WS-BPEL-based workflows for decision-making in service oriented architecture-based simulation of network centric warfare in the context of integrated air defence.

Page 8: Gwalior Honours DRDO Chief

8 July 2012

Conferences/Seminars/Symposia/Training Courses/Meetings

Manpower Development Activities

DLRL, Hyderabad

Defence Electronics Research Laboratory (DLRL), Hyderabad, along with Institute of Defence Scientist and Technologists (IDST), organised a one-day intensive course on Radar EW on 29 May 2012 at V Narayana Rao Auditorium, DLRL, Hyderabad. Prof. G Kumaraswamy Rao, former Director of DLRL, conducted two sessions on the day and covered wide range of topics in the subject concerned.


A one-day workshop on Perspectives in Aerospace Pyrotechnics was conducted at High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL), Pune, on 3 May 2012. The workshop was aimed to take stock of ongoing developments, airworthiness, certification, production, and quality assurance aspects and users’ perspectives on future programmes. Around 60 participants from Air HQ, ASTE, DRDO Labs, OFB, DGAQA, RCMA (AA) and BDL attended the workshop. Air Cmde AK Gupta, VSM, PDASE, Air HQ, was the Chief Guest and Shri S Jayaraman, Sc G (Retd) was the Guest of Honour.

Shri B Bhattacharya, OS and Director, HEMRL, in his inaugural address stressed that products should be designed and developed to meet the users’ requirements in all respects. Due importance should be given to quality control as most of the aerospace pyrotechnics are for saving the life of pilots as well as aircraft.

Air Cmde AK Gupta in his address informed that the user is satisfied with the pyronics stores developed and delivered by HEMRL. He stressed the importance of quality and timely delivery of stores. The Chief Guest expressed appreciation that the workshop has streamlined various points and urged the need to work in cohesion with various agencies such as design and development, inspection, certification, and users.Presentation were made by representatives from HEMRL, BDL, Air HQ, ASTE, ARDE and RCMS (AA).

INMAS, Delhi

� A five-day specialised training course was organised for IB officials by the Division of CBRN Defence, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), Delhi. The course was designed to provide both first- hand training and the development of skill for identifying and managing CBRN emergencies. The training was effectively sensitised towards the specific issues of preparedness for CBRN emergency management.

The course module included demonstrations and interactive sessions addressing the broad area of CBRN emergency management. Elaborative lectures were given by eminent scientists on CBRN safety and security; CBRN management at incident site; chemical defence perspectives; do’s and don’ts of CBRN emergency management; nuclear and radiological detection; security threats involving biological warfare agents; collective protection at strategic locations; and medical

Page 9: Gwalior Honours DRDO Chief

9July 2012

and media management during CBRN emergencies. Also, first-hand experience of use of CBRN equipment was given with the aid of practical demonstrations such as demonstration of ROV; protection, detection and decontamination technologies; demonstration of nuclear and radiological detection technique; demonstration of environmental monitoring technologies; technical demonstration of NBC Protective Suits Mark IV; and demonstration of advanced CBRN technologies. Besides, a mock exercise on demonstration of CBRN response was also executed by expert NDRF battalion. HAZMAT response was also elucidated by the Delhi Fire Services.

� INMAS also organised a training programme, Navotkarsh- 2012@INMAS on 21 May 2012. Navotkarsh (Nav+Utkarsh), meaning rise towards a new high, is a special training programme deliberated for DRTC personnel appearing for interview in Assessment Boards for promotion to next higher grade. The basic aim of the programme was to enable and train the DRTC personnel to present thier work in an effective and confident manner. Shri SC Narang, former Chairman CEPTAM, Dr RK Tiwari, Sc G, and Dr Rajeev Vij, Sc F, INMAS, gave presentations and tips to the participants.Thirty-one DRTC Officers/Staff from INMAS attended the programme.

NSTL, Visakhapatnam

The ninth meeting of the DRDO e-Journals Service Monitoring Committee was held at Naval Science and Technological Laboratory (NSTL), Visakhapatnam, on 27 April 2012. Shri SV Rangarajan, OS and Director NSTL, inaugurated the meeting and welcomed all the members of the Committee. He appreciated the Monitoring Committee for providing excellent services and also emphasised the role of library and its services. He focused on better utilisation of e-Journals by motivating the library users. He also appreciated the role of TIRC, NSTL, in providing services very well to the scientists/ officers. He observed that finding of information is very difficult without the help of library professionals.

Dr K Sudhakar, OS and Principal Associate Director (PAD), NSTL, commended the efforts of DESIDOC in providing the e-Journals service. He said that e-journals are highly useful to R&D scientists/officers. He also

emphasised that more training programme should be conducted to proper utilisation of the service.

Shri Ashok Kumar, Addl Director, DESIDOC, and Member Secretary, briefed about the DRDO e-Journals Service and gave a presentation covering current status of the service and renewal of the same for 2013. He thanked Director NSTL for hosting the meeting and extending logistic support and excellent hospitality. The meeting ended with the vote of thanks by Dr (Mrs) V Vijaya Sudha, Sc E.

PXE, Chandipur

Two workshops on Training Need Identification were conducted at PXE, Chandipur, on 5 May and 12 May 2012 for encouraging the participants to know the necessity of training during service and to identify their training needs. Fifty-two officers both from DRDS and DRTC cadre attended the workshop. The topics like DRDO Training Policy, Necessity of Training, Training Need Analysis, Impact of Training on Career Progress, etc., were discussed in detail using PowerPoint presentations, brain storming questionnaires and motivational games under the expert guidance of Dr AK Sannigrahi, Sc F, Dr PK Dasgupta, Sc F, and Shri KK Chand, Sc E.

Page 10: Gwalior Honours DRDO Chief

10 July 2012

Personnel News



Dr D Akhtar, Sc G, has taken over as Director ER & IPR at DRDO HQ, wef June 2012. Dr Akhtar obtained his MSc (Physics) from University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee), in 1976 and PhD from IIT Delhi, in 1980. He was postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Sussex, UK, and

a visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, before joining DMRL, Hyderabad, as Sc C in 1982. At DMRL, he set up a Rapid Solidification Laboratory with a range of experimental facilities to carry out rapid solidification of metallic alloys at cooling rates exceeding a million degrees per second. He carried out extensive research on rapidly solidified metastable crystalline, quasi-crystalline, nano-crystalline and amorphous alloys. Subsequently, he contributed in the development of advanced magnetic materials like micro-crystalline and nano-composite hard magnetic NdFeB alloys, hard magnetic SmFeN alloys, nano-structured ultra-soft magnetic materials like FeSiBCuNb, FeZrBCu and FeCoZrBCu and novel bulk metallic glasses. He established a state-of-the-art Vacuum Planar Flow Melt Spinning facility at DMRL indigenously, after the trade sanctions of 1998.

He has guided MTech and PhD students of NIT Warangal/Raipur and IIT Kharagpur. He is also a recognized PhD Guide/Examiner for Osmania University/ University of Hyderabad. He has more than 90 technical publications in various national/international journals and 75 technical presentations in national/international conferences. He was Guest Editor for a Special Issue of the Journal Metals, Materials and Processes on R&D in Materials Science at DMRL. He is a founding life member of Materials Research Society of India (MRSI), life member of Magnetic Society of India (MSI), and Powder

Metallurgy Association of India (PMAI). He is recipient of Alexander von Humboldt International fellowship at the University of Dortmund, Germany, during 1990-92 and 1997. He was awarded MRSI medal in 2008.

ISSA, Delhi

Shri Gurinder Singh Malik obtained his MSc (Physics) with specialisation in Electronics in 1979 and MTech (Microwave Electronics) in 1981, both from University of Delhi. He joined DRDO as Sc B in July 1981 and was posted at Weapons and Electronics

System Engineering Establishment (WESEE) of Indian Navy. At WESEE, he was responsible for the successful integration of weapons and sensors of various origins onboard six naval ships of Indian navy, including INS Ganga, INS Gomati, and INS Godavari.

Later at the Institute for Systems Studies and Analyses (ISSA), Delhi, Shri Malik was involved in the design and development of computerised wargame system for training of Battalion Commanders and above ranks from 1991.

In September 2000, he was tasked with DRDO Rapid Online Network (DRONA) operation and developing application software for the network. He took over as Director, Computer Sciences (DCS) at DRDO HQ on 1 April 2001, and subsequently on the merger of Dte of Electronics and Dte of Computer Sciences, he was appointed as Director, Dte of Electronics and Computer Sciences (DECS) wef 1 September 2005. He was also designated as Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of DRDO wef 1 September 2006.

Shri Malik assumed the charge of Director, Defence Terrain Research Laboratory (DTRL), wef 27 January 2010. As Director DTRL, he delivered four products to Indian Army in March 2012. Shri Malik has been awarded Commendation Certificate from the SA to RM in 1989 for successful system integration project of WESEE; DRDO

Page 11: Gwalior Honours DRDO Chief

Readers’ Views

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Please send your suggestions to The Editor, DRDO Newsletter, DESIDOC, DRDO, Metcalfe House, Delhi - 110 054


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Page 13: Gwalior Honours DRDO Chief

11July 2012

Technology Award-1989 for project Shatranj; DRDO HQ Technology Group Award-2004 for DRONA and DRDO Scientist of the Year Award in 2008. Shri GS Malik has assumed the charge of Director ISSA wef 1 June 2012.


Dr Aragonda Lakshmana Moorthy, Sci G, took over as Director, Defence Scientific Information and

Documentation Centre (DESIDOC), Delhi, wef 1 March 2006. He obtained MSc in Physics in 1976 and BLISc in 1978, both from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati; Associateship in Documentation and Information Science, from Documentation

Research and Training Centre, ISI, Bengaluru, in 1984; and PhD from Karnatak University, Dharwad, in 2000.

His professional career started at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Srihari Kota, ISRO, in January 1979. He joined the Defence Research and Development Oganisation at the Defence Electronics Research Laboratory (DLRL), Hyderabad, as Scientist in March 1984. Later he moved to DESIDOC, Delhi, in 1987. At DESIDOC, he introduced many new services and innovative techniques for optimal utilisation of information resources and established a digital library. He has created web-based and project oriented information services for the benefit of all R&D scientists of DRDO through a single-window browse facility for 25 services offered by DESIDOC on the Intranet. He improved the quality, coverage, content and timely publication of DRDO periodicals as Editor for a decade and as Editor-in-Chief during 2006-12. Under his editorial guidance, the impact factor of Defence Science Journal increased three-fold and DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology (DJLIT) attained new heights; DJLIT is now covered by SCOPUS, a primary S&T database of Elsevier Science Publishers. He was instrumental in starting new publications like Technology Focus; DRDO Monographs and Special Publications. He has established DRDO E-Journal Consortium for providing online access of over 550 Journals to DRDO labs/estts, and the Knowledge Repository of DRDO

Technical Reports, thereby creating knowledge base. He established DRDO Institutional Repository, Gyanstrot, to archive the intellectual and knowledge capital of scholarly publications of DRDO and made it available for access through Intranet.

During 2001-2006 at Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL), Hyderabad, he established a Digital Library and made it accessible to the Scientists on their desktops. He created infrastructure for accessing the Digital Library as well as online journals on a 24x7 basis.

Dr Moorthy is a Life Member of several professional associations including AGLlS, ALSD, IASLlC, lLA, IPA, Indian Science Writers Association (lSWA), SIS, and Member of National Geographic Society, USA, and Ranganathan Research Circle, New Delhi, from 1992. He is an expert member for various recruitment boards and resource person for a number of universities. He has delivered invited lectures, keynote speeches in nearly 50 Universities/R&D Institutions, Conferences, Workshops, etc., and Chaired Technical Sessions in national/international conferences held in India. His current research interests include digital libraries, open access, intellectual property rights and digital rights management in the digital era. He has published over 50 papers and edited over 30 Books/Conference Proceedings and many special publications. Many of his papers are in open access.

He was Guest Editor of ILA Newsletter and AGLIS Journal for a few years. He is on the Editorial Board of many professional journals. He received the DRDO Award for Best Popular Science Communication in May 2010 from Hon’ble Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh. He is the recipient of Lifetime Achievement Award-2011 from Pustakalaya Parishad, Jodhpur; SR Ranganathan-Kaula Award and Medal-2009; SIS Fellowship-2009 from the Society for Information Science, New Delhi; ILA-Kaula Best Librarian Award-2008; ILA-CD Sharma Best Paper Award-2008 from Indian Library Association; and Commendation Letter from SA to RM in 1989. He has delivered 13th Prof. S Dasgupta Memorial Lecture at the Delhi Library Association (2011), Prof. PSG Kumar Oration at Nagpur University (2011), and Prof. MR Kumbar Memorial Oration (2007). He is a PhD evaluator for three universities/institutions.


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DMSRDE, Kanpur

Shri Sandeep Kumar, Sc C, of Defence Materials Stores Research and Development Establishment (DMSRDE), Kanpur, was awarded National Award for Technology Innovation

in Polymeric Materials by Ministry of Chemical and Fertilizers, Government of India for his work on fire retardant composites.



Visits to DRDO Labs/Estts

CAIR, Bengaluru

Prof. Rajeev Sangal, Director, IIITH, Chairman Peer Review Committee, and Maj Gen PM Cariappa, VSM ADG (SI), on 7 May 2012.

DARE, Bengaluru

Air Marshal RK Sharma AVSM, VM, DCAS, IAF, on 18 May 2012.

PXE, Chandipur

� Shri GS Bhatnagar, DG, NAI, on 23 April 2012. Maj General Praveen Mathur, Director, PXE, welcomed him and briefed him about different ongoing trial and evaluation activities.

� Vice Admiral Anil Chopra, AVSM, FOC-IN-C-East, on 22 May 2012. Shri V Anguswamy, Sc F and officiating Director, welcomed him. A detailed presentation on different naval projects and activities was made by Commander DK Jena. Live Naval Dynamic firing was also shown to the visitor.

MTRDC, Bengaluru

Shri SK Sharma, Director, BEL, Bengaluru, on 22 May 2012.

The Editorial Team thanks DRDO Newsletter Correspondents for their contributions.

Shri PM Soundar Rajan, Director DARE, explaining DARE project activities to Air Marshal Sharma.

Awards RCI, Hyderabad

Shri M Kannan, Sc E, of Research Centre Imarat (RCI), Hyderabad, was conferred Swarna Jayanthi Award for recognition of his outstanding contribution as a young achiever in the field of navigation and aerospace on 1 June 2012 in Thiruvananthapuram. Dr Vijay Mallya, President of Aeronautical Society of India, presented the Certificate and Cash Prize of Rs 50,000/- to Shri Kannan who is presently a Project Leader and Head for Inertial Navigation Systems Division.