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National Physical Laboratory Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) and its supplemental guides Maurice Cox National Physical Laboratory, UK [email protected] IAJapan, Tokyo, March 2003

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  • National Physical Laboratory

    Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) and its supplemental guides

    Maurice CoxNational Physical Laboratory, [email protected]

    IAJapan, Tokyo, March 2003

  • OutlineOutline


    Current GUMCurrent GUM

    GUM revisionGUM revision

    Two phases of uncertainty evaluationTwo phases of uncertainty evaluation

    Supplemental guidesSupplemental guides

  • Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM)Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM)

    JCGM comprises JCGM comprises Bureau International des Bureau International des PoisPois et et Mesures Mesures (BIPM)(BIPM)InternationalInternational ElectrotechnicalElectrotechnical Commission Commission (IEC)(IEC)International Federation of Clinical Chemistry International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC)(IFCC)International Organisation for Standardisation International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)(ISO)International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)(IUPAC)International Union of Pure and Applied Physics International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)(IUPAP)International Organisation of Legal Metrology International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML)(OIML)International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC)(ILAC)

    Body responsible for GUM revisionBody responsible for GUM revisionJCGM/WG1, Measurement UncertaintyJCGM/WG1, Measurement Uncertainty

  • Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in MeasurementMeasurement

    GUM published by ISO in midGUM published by ISO in mid--1990s1990s

    Widely usedWidely used and and respectedrespected

    Recognised by many as the Recognised by many as the master documentmaster document on on uncertaintyuncertainty

    Embraces Embraces many aspectsmany aspects of uncertainty evaluationof uncertainty evaluation

    But But somesome deficiencies and limitations identifieddeficiencies and limitations identified

    Process of Process of GUM revisionGUM revision under wayunder way

  • Why revise the GUM?Why revise the GUM?

    Improve ease of useImprove ease of use

    Give added value Give added value

    Address limitationsAddress limitations

  • PoliticsPolitics

    Continue to promote current GUMContinue to promote current GUM

    Enormous investment by organisationsEnormous investment by organisations

    Make Make no changeno change to GUM to GUM per seper se

    Added value through Added value through supplemental guidessupplemental guides

  • The two phases of uncertainty evaluationThe two phases of uncertainty evaluation

    1.1. FormulationFormulationDevelop (mathematical or other) modelDevelop (mathematical or other) modelAssign input probability distributionsAssign input probability distributions

    2.2. CalculationCalculationDerive output probability distributionDerive output probability distributionEstimate measurand and standard uncertaintyEstimate measurand and standard uncertaintyProvide coverage interval for measurandProvide coverage interval for measurand

    E.g., at 95% level of confidenceE.g., at 95% level of confidence

  • Current GUMCurrent GUM

    Commonest implementation of GUM: LPU + CLTCommonest implementation of GUM: LPU + CLT

    [GUM Clause 8][GUM Clause 8]

    Best estimate Best estimate yy of measurand of measurand YY

    Model evaluated at best estimates Model evaluated at best estimates xxii of input quantities of input quantities XXii

    LPU: Law of Propagation of UncertaintyLPU: Law of Propagation of Uncertainty

    Combination of standard uncertainties Combination of standard uncertainties uu((xx) (and covariances) ) (and covariances) of input quantities of input quantities standard uncertainty standard uncertainty uu((yy) of ) of yy

    CLT: Central Limit TheoremCLT: Central Limit TheoremAssign a Gaussian (or Assign a Gaussian (or tt) distribution to the measurand) distribution to the measurand

  • Current GUMCurrent GUM


    HigherHigher--order LPU possibleorder LPU possible

    Difficult to implementDifficult to implement

    GUM provides formula for mutually independent GUM provides formula for mutually independent casecase

    Assumes GaussianAssumes Gaussian

    No GUM formula for mutually dependent caseNo GUM formula for mutually dependent case

    Software packages often Software packages often apply LPU + CLTapply LPU + CLT

    Checks for applicability?Checks for applicability?

    Fitness for Fitness for purposepurpose

  • Supplemental guidesSupplemental guides

    1.1. Propagation of distributions Propagation of distributions

    2.2. More than one measurandMore than one measurand

    3.3. Conformity assessmentConformity assessment

    4.4. ModellingModelling

    5.5. Calibration curvesCalibration curves

  • 1. Propagation of distributions1. Propagation of distributions

    Required to ensure valid solution whenRequired to ensure valid solution when

    Contributory uncertainties arbitrarily largeContributory uncertainties arbitrarily large

    Contributory uncertainties not comparable in sizeContributory uncertainties not comparable in size

    Very few contributory uncertainties Very few contributory uncertainties

    Models highlyModels highly nonlinearnonlinear or complicatedor complicated

    Distributions asymmetricDistributions asymmetric

  • 1. Propagation of distributions1. Propagation of distributions

    Recommended implementation procedure: Monte Carlo simulationVery simpleAvoids partial derivatives!

    Y = fY = f((XX11, , XX22, , XX33))





  • 1. Very simple non1. Very simple non--linear model: linear model: YY = = XX1122

    Y = XY = X1122

    XX11 YY

    -5 0 5 10 15 20











    Estimate of output pdf's

    Output value

    Normal input does not imply normal output when Normal input does not imply normal output when model is nonmodel is non--linearlinear

    Applicability of Central Limit Theorem!Applicability of Central Limit Theorem!

    xx11 = 1, = 1, uu((xx11) = 1) = 1

  • 1. Validation of uncertainty calculations1. Validation of uncertainty calculations

    Use MCS to validate LPU + CLT Use MCS to validate LPU + CLT

    Favourable comparisonFavourable comparisonLPU + CLT satisfactory for applicationLPU + CLT satisfactory for application

    Unfavourable comparisonUnfavourable comparisonEitherEither detailed investigation requireddetailed investigation requiredOrOr use MCS instead for uncertainty calculationuse MCS instead for uncertainty calculation

  • 2. More than one measurand2. More than one measurand

    Y1 = f1(X1, X2, X3)

    Y2 = f2(X1, X2 , X3)





    Input quantities Input quantities XX11, , XX22, ,

    Values, standard uncertainties and covariancesValues, standard uncertainties and covariances

    Output quantities Output quantities YY11, , YY22, ,

    Values, standard uncertainties and covariancesValues, standard uncertainties and covariancesYY11, , YY22, , almost invariably correlatedalmost invariably correlated

  • 2. More than one measurand2. More than one measurand

    Generalisations of the GUM formulaeGeneralisations of the GUM formulae

    MatrixMatrix--vector expressionsvector expressionsCompact formulaeCompact formulaeSuitable for software implementationSuitable for software implementation

    Provision of best estimates of Provision of best estimates of YY11, , YY22, , , and , and standard uncertainties and covariancesstandard uncertainties and covariances

    Coverage Coverage regionsregions under consideration!under consideration!

    E.g., E.g., VVyy = = JJxxVVxxJJxxTT

  • 3. Uncertainty in conformance testing3. Uncertainty in conformance testing

    Industrial inspection: tolerance zonesIndustrial inspection: tolerance zones

    Regulations: Limit valuesRegulations: Limit values

    Process and inherent variabilityProcess and inherent variability

    Decisions based on measurementDecisions based on measurement

  • 3. Uncertainty in conformance testing3. Uncertainty in conformance testing

    Accounting for measurement uncertaintiesAccounting for measurement uncertainties

    Acceptance and rejection of componentsAcceptance and rejection of components

    Repercussions of surpassing regulatory limitsRepercussions of surpassing regulatory limits

    Decision rulesDecision rules

    ConsumerConsumers and producers and producers riskss risks

  • 4. Modelling4. Modelling

    The formulation phase of uncertainty evaluationThe formulation phase of uncertainty evaluation

    Physical, empirical and hybrid modelsPhysical, empirical and hybrid models

    Functional and probabilistic modelsFunctional and probabilistic models

    2 2 2 = 8 categories}

    Classification of modelsExplicit or implicitReal or complex-valued1 or more than 1 measurand

    Assignment of probability distributions to input quantities

  • 4. Modelling4. Modelling

    Multistage modelsMultistage modelsManaging multistage modelsManaging multistage modelsExample: calibration curvesExample: calibration curves





    Area undercalibration


  • 5. Least squares adjustment5. Least squares adjustment

    LeastLeast--squares modellingsquares modelling

    Widespread in metrologyWidespread in metrology

    Associated uncertainty evaluationAssociated uncertainty evaluation

    Not well understoodNot well understood

    Calibration curves a very important applicationCalibration curves a very important application

    Response vs. stimulusResponse vs. stimulus

    Generation of curve from standards (response values)Generation of curve from standards (response values)

    Use of curve to obtain stimulus valuesUse of curve to obtain stimulus values

  • xy



    Given stimuli (standards xi & u(xi))Measure responses yi & obtain u(yi)Derive regression line (curve) y = f(x)Form x & u(x) given y & u(y)

    5. Calibration 5. Calibration curvescurves

    Respect stated uncertainties and

    known mutual dependencies

    JCGM and ISO/TC69 link

  • ConclusionConclusion

    Respect investment in common use of GUMRespect investment in common use of GUM

    Give added value to current GUMGive added value to current GUM

    Two phases of uncertainty evaluationTwo phases of uncertainty evaluation

    Supplemental guidesSupplemental guides1.1. Propagation of distributionsPropagation of distributions2.2. More than one measurandMore than one measurand3.3. Uncertainty in conformance testingUncertainty in conformance testing4.4. ModellingModelling5.5. LeastLeast--squares adjustmentsquares adjustment

  • Optional slidesOptional slides

  • UncertaintyUncertainty--related standardsrelated standards

    Precision of test methods

    Measurement unc

    GUM revision

    Appln of Statl Methods

    Unc of measurement

    BIPM Directors Adv Group on Uncertainties

    WG: Relation ISO5725 & GUM





    Unc experts groupEA = convenorship


    Terms of ref

  • Other new work items in JCGMOther new work items in JCGM

    Introductory document on uncertaintyIntroductory document on uncertainty

    Introduce the GUM and its supplemental guidesIntroduce the GUM and its supplemental guides

    IndustrialIndustrial guide to uncertaintyguide to uncertainty

  • Introductory document on uncertaintyIntroductory document on uncertainty

    Possible scopePossible scope

    An introduction to measurement uncertaintyAn introduction to measurement uncertainty

    An introduction to the GUMAn introduction to the GUM

    An introduction to GUM supplemental guidesAn introduction to GUM supplemental guides

  • Introductory document on uncertaintyIntroductory document on uncertainty

    Emphasise intention of the GUMEmphasise intention of the GUM

    Provide an estimate Provide an estimate (the measurement result)(the measurement result) of a of a quantity of interest quantity of interest (the measurand)(the measurand)

    Provide a Provide a coverage intervalcoverage interval about the estimate that about the estimate that can be expected to contain a can be expected to contain a specified large specified large fraction of the possible values of the measurandfraction of the possible values of the measurand

  • Means of achieving aimMeans of achieving aim


    The The effectseffects on which the measurand dependson which the measurand depends

    Probability distributionsProbability distributions assigned to these effectsassigned to these effects

    A A rule/functional relationship/modelrule/functional relationship/model for expressing for expressing the measurand in terms of these effectsthe measurand in terms of these effects

    Determine Determine probability distributionprobability distribution for the measurand for the measurand

    the the measurement resultmeasurement result

    the associated the associated standard uncertaintystandard uncertainty

    a a coverage intervalcoverage interval for the measurandfor the measurand

  • AudienceAudience

    Many bodies, includingMany bodies, including



    Accreditation bodiesAccreditation bodies

  • ApproachApproach

    Describe scope of GUM and supplemental guidesDescribe scope of GUM and supplemental guides

    Help to the reader to navigate through themHelp to the reader to navigate through them

    Three considerationsThree considerations




    Particular GUM implementationParticular GUM implementation


  • DiscussionDiscussion