gula reduksi analisa iso 5377 1981

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  • 8/16/2019 Gula Reduksi Analisa ISO 5377 1981


    International Standard


    Starch hydrolysis products - Determination of reducing

    power and dextrose equivalent - Lane and Eynon

    constant titre method

    Produits d’hydrolyse de l’amidon ou de Ia f&ule -

    Determination du pouvoir rbducteur et de l’equivalent en dextrose -

    Methode Lane et Eynon 6 titre constant

    First edition - 1981-12-15

    UDC 664.28 : 664.162.036 : 543.24


    : starches, tests, determination, mass losses, dry matter, titration.

    Ref. No. ISO 5377-1981 (E)

    Price based on 6 pages

  • 8/16/2019 Gula Reduksi Analisa ISO 5377 1981



    ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of

    national Standa rds institutes (ISO member bodies). The work of developing Inter-

    national S tandards is carried out through ISO technical committee s. Every member

    body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the

    right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental

    and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

    Draft International Standards adopted b y the technical committees are circulated to

    the member bo dies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by

    the ISO Council.

    International Standard ISO 5377 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 93,

    Starch (including derivatives and by-productsl, and was circulated to the member

    bodies in November 1980.

    lt has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :



    Austria Romania

    Egypt, Arab Rep. of South Africa, Rep. of

    France USA



    No member body expressed disapproval of the document.


    International Organkation for Standardkation, 1981

    Printed in Switzerland

  • 8/16/2019 Gula Reduksi Analisa ISO 5377 1981



    ISO 5377-1981 (E)

    Starch hydrolysis products - Determination of reducing

    power and dextrose equivalent - Lane and Eynon

    constant titre method

    1 Scope and field of application

    This International Standard specifies a Lane and Eynon cons-

    Titration of a prescribed volume of mixed Fehling ’s Solution

    tant titre method for the determination of the reducing power

    with a Solution of a test Portion under sp ecified conditions,

    and dextrose equivalent of all starch hydro lysis products.

    using methylene blue as internal indicator.

    2 References

    ISO 38511, Laboratory glassware - Burettes - Part 7:

    General reguiremen ts. 1)

    ISO 38512, Laboratory glassware - Part 2: Burettes for wbich

    no waiting time is specified. l)

    ISO 648, Laboratory glassware - On e-mark pipettes.

    ISO 1042, Laboratory glassware - One-mark volumetric flasks.

    ISO 1741, Dextrose -

    Determination of loss in mass on drying

    - Vacuum oven method.

    ISO 1742, Glucose syrup - Determination of dry matter con-

    tent - Vacuum oven method.

    ISO 1743, Glucose syrup and dextrose - Determination of dry

    matter content -

    Refractive index method.

    ISO 1773, Laboratory glassware - Boiling flasks (narrow-


    l SO 5809, Starch, including derivatives and b y-products -

    Determination o f sulpha ted asb. 2)

    3 Definitions

    3.1 reducing power :

    The content of reducing sugars, e x-

    pressed as the number of grams of anhydrous D-glucose per

    100 g of the Sample, when determined by the method specified

    in this International Standard.


    dextrose equivalent : The content of reducing sugars,

    expressed as the number of grams of anhydrous D-glucose per

    100 g of the dry matter in the Sample, whe n determined by the

    method specified in this International Standard.

    4 Principle

    5 Reagents

    During the analysis, use only reagents of recognized analytical

    grade and only distilled water or water of equivalent purity.

    5.1 Fehling’s stock solutions

    Prepare the following solutions, using apparatus in accordance

    with clause 6.

    5.1.1 Stock Solution A

    CopperU sulphate pentahydrate


    Water to

    5.1.2 Stock Solution B

    69,3 g

    1 000,O ml

    Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate

    3460 g


    Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 100,o g

    Water to

    1 000,O ml

    Before use, decant the clear Solution from any Sediment that

    may form.

    5.1.3 Mixed Fehling’s Solution

    Transfer into a dry stock glass bottle, in the following Order,

    100 ml of Solution A (5.1 .l) and 100 ml of Solution B (5.1.2).

    Mix weil.

    NOTE - DO not keep Fehling’s Solution. Prepare this mixed Solution

    just before use and standardize it as specified in 7.1.

    1) At present at the Stage of draft. (Revision, in Part, of ISO/R 385.)

    2) At present at the Stage of draft.

  • 8/16/2019 Gula Reduksi Analisa ISO 5377 1981



    be removed

    titratisn 40

    hm the h

    be observed withcsu

    eating device.

    t the flask

    having to.


    -g&ucsse, complying with the following

    requirements :


    a so ution containing 480 g/ sha be free from haze and

    sediment and sha show no more colour than the water

    used in its preparatisn when exam ined downwards in 50 m

    Ness%e r tubes (6.5) fil ed to the m arks;

    b) the sulphated ash content sha be not greater than

    8,Ol % (&Hz) when determined by the method specified in

    89 amended as fo ows :


    1 A boiling aid (Tor example glass beads) may be added, if desired, to

    ensure freedom from super-heating.

    2 Shield the burette from the Source of heat (6.6) at all times.


    the mass of the test Portion sha be increased

    to 20 g,

    sn y a platinum dish sha be used fsr incineration,

    3) the platinum d

    ish shall be weighed

    0,3 sng

    before an d after the


    to the nearest

    .l.l Using a pipette 6.3), piace 25,O m of the Fehling’s solu-

    tkm (5. i .3B in the clean, dry boiling flask (6.1 ,

    ) the maltose and/or isomaltsse content sha no t exceed

    8,l % (mlm ) and no sugar sf greater re ative molecula r

    mass sha be detected.

    7.12 Fi the burette (6.2) to the

    standard reference so utisn (5.3).

    zero mark with the D-g u



    %ucose, Standard referen ce Solu tion.

    7.‘M Run into the boiling flask from the burette, 18,O m uf

    the Q-glucose sslution (5.3). S vviri the flask to mix the con-


    5.31 DetermG7 e the dry matter content of the anhydrsus

    D-glucose by the method specified in SC L4l.

    5.32 VVeigh, to the nearest O,l mg, a mass sf the anhydrous

    D-glucose (5.2) containing 0,6OO g of ss ids, disso ve it in

    water, transfer the Solution quantitively into a ‘800 m one-mark

    volume tric f ask NS), dilute to the mark with water and mix.

    7.1. Place the boi ing f ask W -I the heating device (6.6),

    previous y adjusted so that the boiling comme nces in

    ‘ 20 L- i5 s as timed by the stop-watch (6.7).

    DO not adjust the heating device subsequently. Chis ensures

    that once boiling has commenced the evolution of steam BS

    brisk and continuous throughout the who e of the titration pro-

    cess, thus preventing to the maxim um possible extent the en-

    trance of air ta the titration f ask vwifh csnsequent re-Oxidation

    of its csntents.

    Prepare this ss ution freshly on each day of use.

    ethy8ene bI~e (CIGH18C N~S.2H~O), indicator, 1 g/

    aqueesus solution.

    7.1.5 Bring the contents of the flask to the boi and continue

    boi ing for 120 s (timed by the stop-watchi. Add 1 m sf the

    methylene biue sslution (5.4) towards the end of this period.

    After expiry of the 120 s period, comme nce adding the

    D-g ucose so ution to the f ask from the burette in 0,s m in-

    crements unti the cs sur of the methy ene b ue is discharged,

    boiling being csntinued during the whole titration.

    Ordinary Iaboratory apparatus and in particular


    arrow-neeked boiBSng Ha&, of capacity 250 m , com-

    plying with the requirements of SO 1773.



    of capacity 25 m , graduated in subdivisio ns 0%

    O,O5 m , complying with the requirements of ISO 385/2,

    class A.


    the total volume 0 f the D-glucose ss ution I V na ),

    up to

    and including the penultimate 8,s m increment.

    NOTE - The disappearance of the colour of the methylene blue is best

    seen by Booking at the upper layers and the meniscus of the contents of

    the titration flask, as these will be relatively free from the precipitated,

    red topper(I) oxide. The colour d isappearance is more easily seen

    when indirect lighting is used. A white Screen behind the titration flask

    is helpful.

    capacity 1

    mE and 25 m , com-

    f EO 648,

    c ass A.

    ne-r-nar pipettes, of

    plying with the requirements o



    flasks, of capacity lMI m ,

    QXXIm and 1 808 m , complying with the requirem ents of

    ISO 1M2, class A.

    7.1.6 Repeat 7.1.1 and 7.1.2.

    7.1.7 From the burette run into the boiling flask a volume of

    the D-giucose solutisn equa to (iV - 0,3) m .



    of capacity XI m .


    suitab e for

    . maintaining b oiling as re-

    whi st e

    nabling the cslour Change

    at the end-

    .6 Heating

    quired in 7.1.4

    7.1. Wepeat 7.1.4.

  • 8/16/2019 Gula Reduksi Analisa ISO 5377 1981



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    ISO 5377:1981 Starch hydrolysis products -Determination of reducing power and dextroseequivalent - Lane and Eynon constant titre method