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Page 1: GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY - … Plane table traversing by intersection and ... x Computation of area of submergence and
Page 2: GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY - … Plane table traversing by intersection and ... x Computation of area of submergence and




B.E. 3rd


Type of course: Engineering and Technology

Prerequisite: Student shall have studied basic Elements of Civil Engineering

Rationale: To develop concepts of various types of land surveying and prepare and interpret maps

and drawing.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total

Marks L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks



PA (M) PA (V) PA


3 0 2 5 70 20 10 20 10 20 150


Sr. No. Topics Teaching




Module 1

1 Plane Table Survey: Introduction, principle, instruments,

setting up the plane table, methods of plane tabling,

advantages, sources of Errors.

10 20

2 Theodolite Traversing: Introduction, definitions, the

vernier transit theodolite, temporary and permanent

adjustment of theodolite, measuring horizontal and

vertical angles, methods of traversing, closing error,

computation of latitudes and departure, check in closed

and open traverse, balancing of traverse, Gale’s table,

traverse area, omitted measurements

10 20

3 Trigonometric levelling:

Indirect levelling, levelling on steep ground- methods.

6 15

Module 2

4 Curves: Introduction, theory and setting out methods of

simple circular curve,elements of a compound and reverse

curves, transition curve, types of transition curve,

combined curve, types of vertical curves.

6 15

Module 3

5 Computation of Areas: Methods to compute area of

traverse- Determining areas from Plans,Trapezoidal rule-

Simpson’s rule, Use of planimeter Computation of

Volumes- Volume from cross sections, Trapezoidal and

Prismoidal formulae, Prismoidal correction, Curvature

correction, Determination of capacity of reservoir and

volume from borrow pits.

6 15

Module 4

Page 3: GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY - … Plane table traversing by intersection and ... x Computation of area of submergence and

6 Hydrography: Introduction, purposes, control points,

soundings, instruments & methods of locating soundings.

2 5

7 Setting out Works: Building, Culvert, Bridge, Tunnel 2 5

Reference Books:

1. Surveying Vol.I, II and III by Dr. B.C. Punamia

2. Surveying and Levelling Vol. I and II by T.P Kanetkar and S.V Kulkarni

3. Surveying Vol. I, II and III by Dr. K.R. Arora

4. Surveying Vol. I and II by S. K. Duggal

5. Surveying and Levelling by N.N. Basak

6. Surveying and Levelling by R. Agor

7. Advanced Surveying by R. Agor.

8. Roy, S.K., Fundamentals of Surveying, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi

9. Subramanian, R., Surveying and Leveling, Oxford University Press, New Delhi

Course Outcome:

Conduct plane table and theodolite traverse surveys at identified Site.

Conduct trigonometrically leveling

Set out simple circular and transition curves at given location

Compute areas and volumes using standard rules and equipment’s such as planninmeter

Conduct hydrographical survey

Give layout of foundations for buildings, culverts, bridges and tunnels as per plan/drawing.

List of Experiments:

Plane table traversing by intersection and radiation methods

Two point problem and three point problem

Theodolite traversing and plotting of traverse by applying corrections in Gale’s traverse table

Setting out simple circular curve by different methods

Setting out combined curve (Transition - Circular – Transition)

Setting out building foundations

Computation of area of submergence and storage volume from contour maps for reservoir


Design based Problems/Open Ended Problems:

1. To find the capacity of reservoir

2. Identify location of recharge well for various sites

Term Work:

Term work shall be based on the following field projects conducted by students:

1) Plane table survey project.

2) Theodolite traverse survey project.

3) Setting out of curve.

ACTIVE LEARNING ASSIGNMENTS: Preparation of power-point slides, which include videos,

animations, pictures, graphics for better understanding theory and practical work – The faculty will

allocate chapters/ parts of chapters to groups of students so that the entire syllabus to be covered. The

power-point slides should be put up on the web-site of the College/ Institute, along with the names of

the students of the group, the name of the faculty, Department and College on the first slide. The best

three works should submit to GTU.

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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 2130601 Date: 31/05/2017 Subject Name: Surveying Time: 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Short Questions 14

1 In plane table, the method used for connecting the traverse stations is called

(a) Radiation (b) Intersection (c)Resection (d)Traversing

2 The principle of plane tabling is

(a) Triangulation (b) Traversing (c)Parallelism (d)None of above

3 The face left position is called

(a)Telescope reverse (b)Telescope inverted (c)Telescope normal

(d)None of above

4 Turning telescope in vertical plane about its horizontal axis is called

(a)Transiting (b)Plunging (c)Swinging (d)Both a and b

5 Balancing of traversing is done according to

(a)Bowditch’s rule (b)Transit rule (c)Third rule (d)All of above

6 If N be the number of lines of the traverse, then sum of measured interior

angles should be equal to

(a)(2N+4)×90° (b) (2N×4)×90° (c) (2N-4)×90° (d) (N+4)×90°

7 Trigonometric leveling is ____________ method of leveling

(a)Direct (b)Indirect (c)Relative (d)Both a and b

8 Combined correction for curvature and refraction in linear measurement is

given by

(a)0.0785D2 (b)0.0112D2 (c) 0.06735D2 (d)None of these

9 The radius of 1° curve is

(a)1719m (b)1917 m (c)1918 m (d)1819 m

10 The tangent line _______ the beginning of the curve is called back tangent

(a)after (b)before (c)between (d)all of these

11 Angle through which the forward tangent deflects is called

(a)Intersection angle (b)Deflection angle (c)Bisection angle

12 When the anchor point is inside the figure, the area of the zero circle is

a)added (b)subtracted (c)multiplied (d)divided

13 In Simpson’s rule, the number of ordinates must be

(a)Odd (b)Even (c)none of above

14 The branch of surveying which deals with measurement in water bodies is

known as

(a)tacheometric (b)hydrographic (c)theodolite traversing (d)all of these

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Derive formula to calculate area by

(i) Mid ordinate rule (ii) Average ordinate rule


(b) Describe briefly the uses of various accessories of a plane table. 04

(c) Define (i) Latitude (ii) Departure (iii)Independent coordinates (iv)

Consecutive coordinates (v) Closing error (vi) Plunging (vii) Swinging 07


(c) Explain the basic procedure, instruments and materials required to set the

foundation of a building on the ground as per plan. 07

Q.3 (a) Derive distance and height formula for base of the object is accessible. 03

(b) Explain the repetition method to measure horizontal angle. Illustrate with an

example. 04

(c) Enlist different methods of plane tabling. Explain method of intersection. 07


Q.3 (a) Explain sequential procedure of temporary adjustment of theodolite. 03

(b) List fundamental lines of theodolite and desired relationship between them. 04

(c) Enlist various methods of plane tabling. Explain method of Traversing with

neat sketch. 07

Q.4 (a) List instruments used for sounding and explain any one with neat sketch. 03

(b) Explain two theodolite method of setting out of curve. 04

(c) The deflection angle is 500 . Calculate the length of the offsets at 20m interval

measured from the tangent for setting out of curve of 180m radius if, (a) the offsets

are radial (b) Offsets are perpendicular to tangent.



Q.4 (a) Define transition curve. What are the requirements of a transition curve? 03

(b) What is designation of curve. Also discuss arch designation and chord designation. 04

(c) Two straight AB and BC intersect at a chainage of 4240.0 m. The deflection

angle is 450 and radius of curve is 344 m. Calculate, (i) Tangent length (ii) Length

of curve (iii) Chainage of point of curve (iv) Chainage of Point of tangency (v)

Length of long chord (vi) Degree of curve (vii) Apex distance


Q.5 (a) Explain clearly the use of planimeter (with sketch) to calculate the area of an

irregular figure. 03

(b) Explain the procedure of setting out of Building Foundation. 04

(c) What is capacity of a reservoir? Explain the procedure to workout reservoir

capacity 07


Q.5 (a) Describe how you will calculate area of traverse from coordinate. 03

(b) Explain various control points in setting of foundation. 04

(c) A canal is running in cutting , bed width of canal is 10m and side slope 1 :1.5 if

depth of cutting of canal at 30 m intervals are

1.15, 1.35, 1.40, 1.30, 1.40,1.65, 1.95, 1.85 and 2.10.

Calculate volume of earthwork by trapezoidal and Prismoidal formula.



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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code:2130601 Date:02/01/2017

Subject Name:Surveying

Time: 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.

3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.


Q.1 Short Questions 14

1 Inaccessible points may be located by the

(a) Radiation (b) Intersection

(c) Traversing (d) Resection

2 The U-fork and plumb bob are required for

(a) Centering (b) Orientation

(c) Levelling (d) Bisecting

3 The lower plate of theodolite is fixed to

(a) Inner spindle (b) Outer spindle

(c) Levelling head (d) Shifting head

4 If f1 be the focal length of the objective and f2 that of the eye-piece,

then magnifying power is given by

(a) f1 x f2 (b) f1 / f2

(c) f2 / f1 (d) f1 - f2

5 Approximate bisection in a theodolite is done by the

(a) Focussing screw (b) Tangent screw

(c) Clamp screw (d) Foot screw

6 Balancing of Traverse is done according to the

(a) Bowditch’s rule (b) Transit rule

(c) Third rule (d) All above

7 The difference between face left and face right observations of a

theodolite is 4'. The error is

(a) 4' (b) 4''

(c) 2' (d) 0'

8 Overturning of vehicles on a curve can be avoided by using a

(a) Compound curve (b) Reverse curve

(c) Vertical curve (d) Transition curve

9 The radius of a 1° curve is

(a) 1719 m (b) 1917 m

(c) 1918 m (d) 1819 m

10 Combined correction for curvature and refraction in linear

measurement is given by

(a) 0.0785 D2 (b) 0.0112 D2

(c) 0.06735 D2 (d) None of above

11 The area of zero circle is equal to

(a) C (b) M

(c) M x C (d) M / C

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12 For determination of the area of a figure bounded by straight lines,

the figure is generally converted in to a network of

(a) squares (b) rectangles

(c) triangles (d) polygons

13 Where the depth of water is too much, machine used is known as

(a) fathometer (b) lead line

(c) sounding poles (d) sextant

14 The accessory used in setting out works is

(a) boning rod (b) traveller

(c) batter board (d) all of the above

Q.2 (a) Explain three instruments of plane table survey with sketch 03

(b) What is orientation? Discuss the different methods of orientation of

a plane table. 04

(c) What is closing error in a closed traverse? How will you find out its

magnitude and direction? 07


(c) List the Fundamental lines of a theodolite and explain briefly the

desired relationship between these lines. 07

Q.3 (a) Define the following:

(a) Shore signals (b) Range (c) Lead Line 03

(b) Differentiate between trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s rule. 04

(c) Discuss the steps involved in setting out the positions of piers of a

bridge. 07


Q.3 (a) Give Classification of theodolites 03

(b) Compare/distinguish between trigonometric levelling and direct

levelling. 04

(c) Explain the procedure of setting out of building foundation. 07

Q.4 (a) What is meant by balancing a traverse? State the various rules used

to do this. 03

(b) Derive formula for height h and distance D in trigonometric

leveling when two instruments are set at different level. 04

(c) Explain the procedure for setting out simple circular curve with a

tape and a theodolite (Rankine’s method) 07


Q.4 (a) Define transition curve, compound curve and reverse curve. 03

(b) Define Sounding and purpose for which soundings are required 04

(c) A single-level section has a formation width of 7.5 m. and side

slopes 2:1. The depth of cutting at the centre at every 30 m.

intervals is 1.8, 2.175, 2.55, 2.925, and 3 m. Find the volume of

earthwork in the length of 120 by Trapezoidal formula and

Prismoidal formula.


Q.5 (a) List the various methods of calculating the area of a closed

traverse? Explain any one. 03

(b) Define Hydrographic surveying. What are the various operations

conducted in hydrographic surveying? 04

(c) Two tangents intersect at a chainage of 1400m the deflection angle

being 24°. Calculate the following quantities for setting out a curve

of radius 275m.

(1) Tangent Length (2) Length of Long Chord (3) Length of

Curve (4) Chainage of point of commencement and

tangency (5) Apex distance.



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Q.5 (a) Describe types of vertical curves with sketches 03

(b) What are the elements of simple circular curve? Explain with neat

sketch. 04

(c) The latitude and departures of the lines of a closed traverse are

given below. Calculate the area of traverse by Co-ordinates method

and Meridian distance method.

Line Northing Southing Easting Westing

AB - 157.20 154.80 -

BC 210.50 - 52.50 -

CD 175.40 - - 98.30

DA - 228.70 - 109.0



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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________



Subject Code:2130601 Date:02/06/2016

Subject Name:Surveying Time:10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.


Q.1 Short Questions 14

1 In plane table survey, the inaccessible points may be located by

a Resection b Radiation

c Intersection d Traversing

2 U fork and plumb bob are required for

a Bisecting b Levelling

c Orientation d Centering

3 Turning the telescope in the vertical plane about its horizontal axis is called

a Plunging b Swinging

c Transiting d Both a and c

4 If n be the number of lines of a traverse, then the sum of measured interior

angles should be equal to

a (2n + 4) x 90˚ b (2n x 4) + 90˚

c (2n - 4) + 90˚ d (2n - 4) x 90˚

5 Trigonometric levelling is the ……. Method of levelling.

a Indirect b Direct

c Relative d Reciprocal

6 When the base of the object is accessible, the horizontal distance between the

instrument and the object is D, the elevation H is given by

a D sinα b D tanα

c D cosα d D cotα

7 The radius of 1 degree curve is

a 1819m b 1718m

c 1719m d 1918m

8 Shift of the curve is given by

a L2 / 6 R b L / 24 R2

c L2 /24 R d L2 / 36 R

9 In the trapezoidal formula, the line joining to the top ordinates is assumed to be

a Parabolic b Straignt

c Curved d Circular

10 In simpson’s rule, the number of ordinates must be

a Either odd or even b Odd

c Even d In multiple of 3

Page 10: GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY - … Plane table traversing by intersection and ... x Computation of area of submergence and


11 The angles from sounding boat are measured with a

a Nautical sextant b Compass

c Box sextant d Theodolite

12 The observations to establish MSL are recorded for about

a 9 years b 19 years

c 29 years d 39 years

13 Tunnel surveying consists of

a Surface survey b Underground survey

c Both a and b d None of the above

14 Bridges cannot be set out from the centre because

a The water body involved is generally a

perennial one

b Alignment of

bridge is inclined

c They generally consist of more than one span d Both a and c

Q.2 (a) Explain radiation method of plane table survey. 03

(b) Explain Two point problem of resection in plane table survey 04

(c) Enlist methods of theodolite traversing and explain any one of them in detail. 07


(c) In a closed traverse the latitudes and departures of the sides were calculated and

it was observed that ∑L=1.42 and ∑D=-2.14. Calculate the length and bearing

of the closing error.


Q.3 (a) Derive relation between radius and degree of a curve. Use arc definition. 03

(b) Compare/distinguish between trigonometric levelling and direct levelling. 04

(c) Derive the expressions for computing horizontal distance and elevation in

trigonometric leveling while base of the object is inaccessible and instrument

stations are in the same vertical plane with the elevated object for the

instrument axis at same level.



Q.3 (a) Define hydrographic surveying, sounding and datum. 03

(b) Explain shoreline survey. 04

(c) A theodolite was setup at P and the angle of elevation of the top of an electric

pole QR was 25˚30’. The horizontal distance between P and Q, the foot of the

pole was 500m. determine the RL of the top of the pole if the staff reading held

on a BM or RL 100m was 3.535m with the telescope in horizontal plane.


Q.4 (a) Draw a neat sketch of simple circular curve with all notations and define point

of intersection. 03

(b) Explain designation of curve. 04

(c) Explain offsets from the long chord method of setting out circular curve with

neat sketch.



Q.4 (a) Define transition curve, compound curve and reverse curve. 03

(b) Explain why super elevation is required in roads and railways. Derive an

expression for super elevation. 04

(c) Two straight lines intersect at chainage of 1150.50 m and the angle of

deflection is 60˚. If the radius of the curve is 450m, determine (1) tangent

distance (2) length of curve (3) chainages of points of curvature and tangency

(4) length of long chord (5) Degree of curve (6) Apex distance and (7) Mid-



Q.5 (a) Derive the expression to compute area from offsets to a base line by trapezoidal

rule. 03

(b) Discuss how reservoir capacity is determined? 04

(c) The ground level along the centre line of a road is given below. It is proposed

that the formation level of RL 215.0 should be kept constant of starting from


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the chainage zero. The formation width of the road is 7 m and the side slope

1:1. The ground is level transverse to the centre line.

Ch (m) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

GL (m) 218.0 216.5 216.0 216.75 217.3 217.95 215.65


Q.5 (a) Explain float gauge with reference to hydrography. 03

(b) Describe station pointer. 04

(c) Explain the procedure of setting out of building foundation. 07


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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code:2130601 Date:23/12/2015

Subject Name: Surveying

Time: 2:30pm to 5:00pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.

3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q-1 Shorts Questions 14

1 The working edge of the alidade is known as

(a)Fiducial edge (b)Parallel edge

(c)Drawing edge (d) Straight edge

2 The U-fork and plumb bob are required for

(a) Levelling (b) Centring

(c) Orientation (d) Bisecting

3 The operation of revolving the telescope in the horizontal plane about its

vertical axis is called

(a) Swinging (b) Transiting

(c) Plunging (d) None of above

4 If N is the number of sides in a closed traverse, then the sum of interior angles

should be equal to

(a) (2N + 4) X 900 (b) (2N * 4) X 90o

(c) (2N- 4) X 900 (d) (N-4) X 900

5 In a closed traverse the algebraic sum of the latitudes and departures must be

equal to

(a) 00 (b) 900

(c) 1800 (d) 3600

6 When the vertical circle is to right side of the observer, it called

(a) Telescope inverted (b) Telescope normal

(c) Telescope reversed (d) None of above

7 The combined correction for earth’s curvature and refraction in linear

measurement is given by

(a) 0.0673 D2 (b) 0.0785 D2

(c)0.0112 D2 (d) None of above

8 The Shortest distance between the point of curve (P.C) and the point of

tangency (P.T) is

(a) Normal Chord (b) Long chord

(c) Sub chord (d) half chord

Page 13: GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY - … Plane table traversing by intersection and ... x Computation of area of submergence and

9 The Curve preferred for vertical curve is a

(a) Circular (b) Spiral

(c) Parabola (d) hyperbola

10 Sounding in hydrography means

(a) Distance travelled by water sound in water body

(b) depth of water body at the point of measurement

(c) Velocity of water waves

(d) None of the above

11 In ocean where depth of water is great the instrument used is

(a) Sounding poles (b) Lead lines

(c)Fathometer (d) Sounding machine

12 The branch of surveying which deals with the measurement of bodies of water

is called

(a)Hydrology (b) Fluid mechanics

(c) Hydraulics (d) Hydrographic surveying

13 The accessory used in setting out works is

(a) Boning rod (b) Traveller

(c) batter board (d) All of the above

14 The accessory used for controlling the side slopes in embankments and in


(a) Batter board (b) traveller

(c) boning rod (d) Cross head

Q-2 (a) Explain three instruments of plane table survey with sketch 03

(b) State different methods of measurement of horizontal angle using theodolite

and explain any one method 04

(c) List the Fundamental lines of a theodolite and explain briefly the desired

relationship between these lines. 07


(c) Explain the steps of gale’s traverse table 07

Q-3 (a) Define

(1)Batter board (2) Boning road (3) Traveller 03

(b) Derive the expression to compute the area by simpson’s one third rule 04

(c) Explain method of setting out of culvert 07


Q-3 (a) Describe the permanent adjustment of a theodolite to make the vertical axis

truly vertical. 03

(b) Define (1) Latitude (2) Departure (3 Independent Co-Ordinate

(4) Consective Coordinate 04

(c) Describe the setting out of foundation plan of building 07

Q-4 (a) Define

(1) Line of Collimation (2) Telescope Normal (3) Telescope Inverted 03

Page 14: GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY - … Plane table traversing by intersection and ... x Computation of area of submergence and

(b) Derive formula for height h and distance D in trigonometric leveling when

two instruments are set at same level. 04

(c) What are the elements of Simple circular Curve? Define with figure and give

their relationship 07


Q-4 (a) What are the requirement and purpose of transition curve 03

(b) What is the Sounding? Explain methods of locating sounding? 04

(c) A road embankment is 8m wide and 200m in length at the formation level

with a side slope of 1.5:1 the embankment has a rising gradient of 1 in 100 m

.The ground levels at along centre line are as follow.

Distance (M) 0 50 100 150 200

R.L (M) 164.5 165.5 166.8 167 167.2

The Formation level of zero chainage is 166 m. Calculate the volume of

earth work.


Q-5 (a) Define (1) Face left (2) Face right (3) Transiting 03

(b) Explain instrument use for taking sounding 04

(c) Prepare Gale’s Traverse table to adjust the closing error of the closed traverse

ABCDA for Following data

Line Length (M) Corrected


AB 110 1100

BC 80 1700

CD 95 2500

DA 160 3500



Q-5 (a) Write advantage and disadvantage of Rankine’s method 03

(b) What is vertical curve? Explain difference types of vertical curve 04

(c) Compute the valves of the following components of simple curve and show

them in detailed sketch. (1) Length Of Curve (2) Tangent Length (3) Length

of long Chord (4) Apex Distance (5) Mid Ordinate The radius of curve=300

M deflection angle =400


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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 2130601 Date: 02/06/2015

Subject Name: Surveying

Time: 02.30pm-05.00pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.

3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Enlist different methods of plane tabling and explain method of traversing. 07

(b) Explain the procedure for evaluating missing quantities in a closed traverse. 07

Q.2 (a) Define Trigonometric leveling. Derive the equation to find out the elevation of

the object, if the base of the Object is inaccessible, the instruments stations and

elevated object are in the same vertical plane and instrument axes are at the same



(b) List the fundamental lines of a theodolite and explain briefly the desired

relationships between these lines. Discuss Repetition method of horizontal angle

measurement using theodolite.



(b) Describe the methods of balancing the closing error in a closed traverse. 07

Q.3 (a) Why are curves provided? State various types of curves with sketch. Draw the

neat sketch of simple circular curve showing various elements of it.


(b) A compound curve is made up of two arcs of radii 380 m and 520 m. The

deflection angle of the combined curve is 1050 and that of the first arc of radius

380 m is 580 , The chainage of the first tangent point is 848.55 m . Find the

chainages of the point of intersection , common tangent point, and forward

tangent point.



Q.3 (a) Describe the procedure of setting out of simple circular curve by Perpendicular

offset from tangent


(b) Tabulate the data necessary for setting out the first five pegs of a circular curve

with the following data: Angle of intersection of the straights =1440 , Chainage of

the point of intersection = 1390 metres , Radius of the curve = 300 metres. The

curve is to be set out , by the method of deflection angles, with pegs at every 20

metres of through chainage with a theodolite having a least count of 20ʹʹ.


Q.4 (a) What are the general methods of calculating area? Explain double meridian

distance (DMD) method in detail.


Page 16: GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY - … Plane table traversing by intersection and ... x Computation of area of submergence and


(b) Determine the reduced level of a bench mark on the roof of a ten storyed hotel

from the following observations

Inst Station Reading on B.M

on ground

Vertical angle to

the B.M on roof

R.L of B.M on


A 2.625 190 48ʹ 500.00 m

B 1.510 140 25ʹ 500.00 m

Distance between A and B is equal to 50 m. Station A and B are in line with the

B.M. on the hotel building.



Q.4 (a) State the trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s rule. What is the limitation of Simpson’s



(b) Data for the three level section of a road are as follows

Station Left Centre Right

1 +0.85/5.15 +1.00/0 +2.45/7.40

2 +1.45/4.85 +2.00/0 +2.90/8.20

The width of cutting at formation level is 10 m, and the side slope is 1:1. The

stations are 60 m apart. Calculate the volume of cutting.


Q.5 (a) What is sounding ? What are the different methods of locating sounding ? 07

(b) What is spire test ? Describe the test in detail and also the method of adjustment. 07


Q.5 (a) Explain the procedure of setting out of Building Foundation . 07

(b) Explain clearly the use of planimeter (with sketch) to calculate the area of a irregular

figure. 07


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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 2130601 Date: 20-12-2014 Subject Name: Surveying Time: 02.30 pm - 05.00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) What is the characteristics of plane tabling ? What are the advantages and

disadvantages of Plane table surveying ? 07

(b) Explain method of Intersection and Traversing for plane tabling. 07 Q.2 (a) Define (i) Swinging (ii) Line of collimation (iii) Temporary adjustment of

theodolite (iv) Plunging (v) Telescope Normal (vi) Centering (vii) Vertical axis 07

(b) Illustrate with an example in a tabular format about Repetition method of measurement of horizontal angle with the help of a theodolite.


OR (b) Define closing error and Balancing of Traverse.

The survey data of a traverse are given in table below. The length and bearing of line DA were not recorded during survey. Find the missing measurements.

Line Length (m) Bearing AB 201.8 N 45º 00’ W BC 288.4 N 60º 30’ W CD 192.6 S 34º 45’ W DA ? ?


Q.3 (a) Define Trigonometric leveling. Derive the equation to find out the elevation of the object, if the base of the Object is inaccessible, the instruments stations and elevated object are in the same vertical plane and instrument axes are at the same level.


(b) Two straight AB and BC intersect at a chainage of 4242.0 m. The deflection angle is 40º and radius of curve is 344 m. Calculate, i. Tangent length ii. Length of curve iii. Chainage of point of Curve iv. Chainage of Point of tangency v. Length of Long chord vi. Degree of curve and vii. Apex distance.


OR Q.3 (a) To determine the height of a mobile tower, a theodolite was kept at two stations

P and Q, 150 m apart, P being nearer to tower. The readings at the bench mark (of RL 555.055m) were 1.15 m from station P and 2.05 m from station Q. The vertical angles to the top of the tower were 17º 15’ and 8º 40’ from station P and Q respectively. Find the horizontal distance and RL of top of the mobile tower.


(b) Calculate perpendicular offsets at 20 m. interval from centre on either side to set out a simple circular curve of 280 m. radius and deflection angle is 60º.


Q.4 (a) Illustrate with an example about different rules to calculate boundary area. 07 (b) (i)Derive relationship between Degree and Radius of curve by Chord Definition

(ii) Explain method of coordinates to find out area 03 04


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Q.4 (a) A single-level section has a formation width of 7.5 m. and side slopes 2:1. The depth of cutting at the centre at every 30 m. intervals are 1.8, 2.175, 2.55, 2.925, and 3 m. Find the volume of earthwork in the length of 120 by Trapezoidal formula and Prismoidal formula.


(b) (i) Define (1) Mid Ordinate (2) Apex distance (3) Length of chord (ii) Explain Zero circle of planimeter

03 04

Q.5 (a) (i) Differentiate between Plain Trigonometric Levelling and Geodetic Trigonometric Levelling (ii) List and explain different types of transition curves


03 (b) i. Explain the procedure for setting out the foundation plan for a residential

building ii. Define sounding. For which purposes sounding is required?


03 OR

Q.5 (a) (i) An instrument was setup at A and the angle of elevation of the top of an electric pole BC was 31º 20’. The horizontal distance between A and B, the foot of the pole was 378.80 m. Determine the RL of top of the pole C, if the staff reading held on a BM ( RL 180.0) was 3.145 m. with telescope in horizontal plane. (ii) What is the procedure to find out area with the help of a Planimeter ?



(b) i. Explain the procedure for determining the length of a bridge for setting out piers. ii. Explain the procedure for sounding with the help of an Echo sounder.




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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 130601 Date: 31/05/2017 Subject Name: Surveying Time: 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Explain the procedure for setting up of Plane Table. 07

(b) Explain the horizontal control and vertical control for setting out works. 07

Q.2 (a) Explain the following Term:1) Compound Curve 2) Point of intersection 3) Mid

ordinate 4) Apex Distance 5) Tangent Length 6) Transition Curve 7) Reverse



(b) Explain the procedure of setting out building foundation. 07


(b) Enumerate different types of the methods for measuring the volume and explain

any one in brief.


Q.3 (a) The following are the length and bearings of the sides of a closed traverse PQRS.

Find the length and bearing of line SP.

Line Length (m) Bearing

PQ 235.00 338o

QR 317.0 82o

RS 215.00 167o

SP ? ?


(b) Discuss the Repetition method of horizontal angle measurement using Theodolite. 07


Q.3 (a) Define Latitude and Departure. Differentiate between the consecutive and

independent coordinates.


(b) Prepare Gale’s Traverse table to adjust the closing error of the close traverse

ABCDA for the following data.

Line Length (m) Corrected (bearings)

AB 48 118o

BC 32 58o

CD 31 337o

DA 39 296o


Q.4 (a) What are the elements of simple circular curve? Define with figure and give their



(b) Two tangents intersect at a chainage of 2100m of the deflection angle being 25o.

Calculate the following quantities for setting out a curve of radius 275m.

1) Tangent Length 2) Length of Long chord 3) Length of curve

4) Chainage of point of commencement and tangency 5)Apex distance



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Q.4 (a) Briefly discuss deflection angle method and two theodolite method of setting out

simple curve.


(b) Two tangents intersect at a chainage 100 chains+15links and the deflection angle is

45o. a circular curve of 250 m radius is to be set out to connect to tangent.

Calculate the necessary data for setting out the curve by method of offsets from

chord produce. Length of chain is 20 m and peg interval 20m.


Q.5 (a) Derive an expression for the distance and height for the trigonometric levelling.

Case of inaccessible and instrument axis at different levels.


(b) To determine the height of mobile tower a theodolite was kept at two stations P1

and P2 200m apart. P1 being nearer to the mobile tower. the reading at the BM of

RL 820 m were 1.45m from station P1 and 2.15m from P2. The vertical angles to

the top of the mobile tower where 18o30’ and 8o 30’ from stations P1 and P2

respectively. Find the horizontal distance & RL of the top of the mobile tower.



Q.5 (a) Explain the different instruments used in measurement of sounding. 05

(b) Explain procedure for area measurement by planimeter. Also discuss components

parts of planimeter.


(C) Derive an expression for prismoidal formula for volume 04


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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________



Subject Code:130601 Date:13/06/2016

Subject Name:Surveying Time:10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Explain the repetition method for measurement of horizontal angle. 07

(b) Define: 1) Closing error. 2) Line of collimation.3) Latitude. 4) Departure. 07

Q.2 (a) What are the methods of plane tabling? Discuss any one in detail. 07

(b) Derive an expression for the distance and height for the trigonometric leveling

when two instruments are at different level. 07


(b) Explain in detail Balancing of Traverse. 07

Q.3 (a) Compute the following elements of simple circular curve. i) Length of curve.

ii) Tangent length. iii) Length of long chord. Take Radius of curve.=300m

Deflection angle = 400.


(b) Discuss the elements of simple circular curve. 07


Q.3 (a) Describe the method of setting out of circular curve by offsets from long chord. 07

(b) Explain in detail Rankine’s method for setting out of a simple circular curve. 07

Q.4 (a) Explain the working of planimeter in detail. 07

(b) Compute the area of cross section if the formation width is 10m,side slop is

1:1, average height along the centre line is 5m and transverse slop of the ground

is 10:1.



Q.4 (a) What is the purpose of hydrographic survey? 07

(b) Discuss the procedure for setting out the bridge. 07

Q.5 (a) What is sounding? Discuss the methods of locating sounding. 07

(b) Explain the methods used to transfer levels from surface to underground. 07


Q.5 (a) Discuss how the capacity of reservoir is determined? 07

(b) Derive the equation for Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule to find out area of an

irregular figure. 07


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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code:130601 Date:02/01/2017

Subject Name:Surveying

Time: 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.

3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Explain the procedure for method of traversing in a Plane Table. 07

(b) Describe the procedure for omitted measurements. 07

Q.2 (a) Explain the following Term:1) Compound Curve 2) Point of intersection

3) Mid ordinate 4) Apex Distance 5) Tangent Length 6) Transition

Curve 7) Simple circular curve


(b) Explain the procedure of setting out building foundation. 07


(b) Enumerate different types of the methods for measuring the volume and

explain by prismoidal formula


Q.3 (a) The following are the length and bearings of the sides of a closed

traverse PQRS. Find the length and bearing of line SP.

Line Length (m) Bearing

PQ 238.00 336o

QR 315.0 83o

RS 216.00 167o

SP ? ?


(b) Discuss the Repetition and reiteration method of horizontal angle

measurement using Theodolite.



Q.3 (a) Define Latitude and Departure. Differentiate between the dependent and

independent coordinates.


(b) Prepare Gale’s Traverse table to adjust the closing error of the close

traverse ABCDA for the following data.

Line Length (m) Corrected (bearings)

AB 113 110o

BC 84 169o

CD 94 250o

DA 155 351o


Q.4 (a) What are the elements of simple circular curve? Define with figure and

give their relationship.


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(b) Two tangents intersect at a chain age of 2300m of the deflection angle

being 27o. Calculate the following quantities for setting out a curve of

radius 285m.

1) Tangent Length 2) Length of Long chord 3) Length of curve

4) Chain age of point of commencement and tangency 5)Apex




Q.4 (a) Briefly discuss deflection angle method and offset from chord produced

method of setting out simple curve.


(b) Two tangents intersect at a chain age 100 chains+15links and the

deflection angle is 45o. a circular curve of 250 m radius is to be

set out to connect to tangent. Calculate the necessary data for

setting out the curve by method of deflection method Length of

chain is 20 m and peg interval 20m.


Q.5 (a) Derive an expression for the distance and height for the trigonometric

leveling in. case of inaccessible and instrument axis at same level.


(b) To determine the height of mobile tower a theodolite was kept at two

stations P1 and P2 210m apart. P1 being nearer to the mobile tower. The

reading at the BM of RL 720 m were 1.45m from station P1 and 2.15m

from P2. The vertical angles to the top of the mobile tower where 18o30’

and 8o 30’ from stations P1 and P2 respectively. Find the horizontal

distance & RL of the top of the mobile tower.



Q.5 (a) Explain the different instruments used in measurement of sounding. 07

(b) Explain procedure for area measurement by planimeter. Also discuss

components of planimeter



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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 130601 Date:27/05/2015

Subject Name: Surveying

Time: 02.30pm-05.00pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.

3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Describe various accessories required for Plane table surveying and discuss its

functions. Also discuss the steps required for setting up a plane table.


(b) Define the following terms clearly

(1) Latitude (2) Departure (3) Closing error (4) Balancing of traverse


Q.2 (a) Define Trigonometric leveling. Derive the equation to find out the elevation of

the object, if the base of the Object is inaccessible, the instruments stations and

elevated object are in the same vertical plane and instrument axes are at the same


(b) How will you adjust closing error of traverse by graphical method & by Transit




(b) An instrument was set up at P and the angle of depression to a vane 2 m above

the foot of the staff held at Q was 50 36ʹ The horizontal distance between P and Q

was known to be 3000 meters. Determine the R.L of the staff station Q, given

that staff reading on a B.M. of elevation 436.050 was 2.865 metres


Q.3 (a) Describe the method of setting out of a simple circular curve by Rankine’s

deflection angle method.


(b) A compound curve is to connect two straights having a deflection angle of 900,

The length of two tangent are 350 metres and 400 metres respectively. Calculate

the lengths of the two arcs if the radius of the first curve is to be 300 metres.



Q.3 (a) Discuss types of transition and vertical curves with neat sketches. Also discuss

advantages and requirements of transition curves.


(b) Two straights intersect at chainage 2056.44m and the angle of intersection is

1200. If the radius of the simple curve to be introduced is 600m find the following

(i) Tangent distance (ii) Chainage of the point of commencement (iii) Chainage of

the point of tangency (iv) Length of the long chord.


Q.4 (a) Explain procedure for area measurement by planimeter also discuss component

parts of planimeter , multiplying constant and zero circle


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(b) The following perpendicular offsets were taken from a chain line to an irregular


Chinage (m) 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210

Offset lengths (m) 0 2.65 3.80 3.75 4.65 3.60 5.00 5.80

Calculate the area between the line and irregular boundary by (i) Average

ordinate rule. (ii) mid-ordinate rule (iii) Trapezoidal rule, and (iv) Simpson’s rule



Q.4 (a) Derive equation for Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule to find out area of an

irregular boundary.


(b) For the following traverse , compute the length of line CD so that A,D and E

may may be in one straight line.

Line Length (m) Bearing

AB 110 830 12ʹ

BC 165 300 42ʹ

CD ? 3460 06ʹ

DE 212 160 18ʹ


Q.5 (a) Describe various methods of locating soundings in hydrographic surveying. 07

(b) Explain the process of setting out the culvert . 07


Q.5 (a) What is hydrographic surveying? Mention the purposes of conducting

hydrographic surveying and discuss establishing of horizontal and vertical control



(b) Enlist different methods of plane table survey. Explain any one with neat sketch 07


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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code:130601 Date:05/01/2016

Subject Name: Surveying

Time: 2:30pm to 5:00pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.

3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) What is orientation? Enlist different methods of orientation of a plane table &

Explain any one.


(b) Define the following terms:

(i) Vertical axis (ii) Plunging (iii) Swinging (iv) Line of collimation


(c) Enlist different methods of plane table survey. Explain any one with neat



Q.2 (a) Explain the repetition method to measure horizontal angles and how readings

are recorded? What are the advantages of this method?


(b) The following are the lengths and bearings of the lines of a Traverse ABCD.

Calculate consecutive coordinates of points of a Traverse and also find out

closing error and its direction.

Line Length (m) Bearings

AB 235.10 338°20'

BC 317.40 82°22'

CD 215.00 167°00'

DA 281.60 259°40'



(b) In a closed traverse ABCDEA, the lengths of lines DE and EA could not be

measured due to an obstruction. Determine the lengths from the following data.

Line Length (m) Bearings

AB 481 98°30'

BC 624 31°00'

CD 469 301°40'

DE ? 235°30'

EA ? 153°00'


Q.3 (a) What are the different types of transition curve? Describe them briefly with neat



(b) The chainage of the intersection point of two straights is 100 chains + 50 links

and the deflection angle is 45°20'. A circular curve of 250 m radius is to be set

out to connect two straights. Calculate the necessary data for setting out the

curve by the method of offsets from the chord produced. Length of one chain is

20 m with 100 links and peg interval is 20 m or 1 chain.



Q.3 (a) Explain why super elevation is required in roads and railways. Derive an

expression for super elevation.


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(b) Discuss the method of determination of the difference of elevation of the

instrument station and top of a chimney when it is not possible to set the

instrument at two stations P and Q in the same vertical plane as the chimney.


Q.4 (a) What are the elements of a simple circular curve? Explain with neat sketch 07

(b) What is temporary adjustment of a theodolite? Describe the process of such




Q.4 (a) What is use of Planimeter? What is the zero circle? Under what condition do

the zero circles get traced by the tracing point? How you can find the area of

zero circles?


(b) A road embankment is 8 m wide and 200 m in length at the formation level,

with a side slope of 1.5(H): 1(V). The embankment has a rising gradient of 1 in

100m.The ground levels at every 50m along the centre line are as follows

Distance (m) 0 50 100 150 200

Ground RL (m) 164.50 165.20 166.80 167.00 167.20

Take formation level of zero chainage as 166 m. Calculate the volume of earth

work by Trapezoidal rule & Prismoidal rule.


Q.5 (a) Discuss various methods of locating soundings in hydrographic surveying. 07

(b) Explain the procedure of setting out of building foundation. 07


Q.5 (a) What are the different types of tide guage? Explain the working of non-

registering tide gauges with suitable sketches.


(b) What is Trigonometric leveling? What are its advantages and disadvantages

over direct levelling?



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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 130601 Date: 31-05-2013 Subject Name: Surveying Time: 02.30 pm - 05.00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Describe briefly the uses of various accessories of a plane table. 07

(b) Explain clearly the use of planimeter (with sketch) to calculate the area of a irregular figure.


Q.2 (a) Explain the repetition method to calculate a horizontal angle through a

theodolite. 07

(b) Define the following terms clearly (1) Latitude (2) Departure (3) Closing error (4) Balancing of traverse


OR (b) Define the following terms in relation to theodolite 07 (1) Face left observation (2) Face right observation (3) Transiting (4)

Line of collimation (5) Axis of level tube (6) Swinging

Q.3 (a) Describe resection and intersection method applied to plane table surveying.


(b) The following are the values of offsets taken from a chain line to an irregular boundary. Calculate the area included between chain line and irregular boundary by Simpson’s rule. Distance (m)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Offset (m)

10.6 15.4 20.2 18.7 16.4 20.8 22.4 19.3 17.6


OR Q.3 (a) An instrument was set at P and the angle of depression to a vane 2 m

above the foot of staff held at Q was 5036’. The horizontal distance between P and Q was known to be 3000 m. Determine the RL of the staff station Q, given that staff reading on a BM of elevation 436.050 was 2.865 m.


(b) Derive the expression for computing the horizontal distance and elevation in trigonometrical levelling while base of the object is inaccessible and instrument axis is at very different level.


Q.4 (a) Define the following terms in relation to circular curve with a neat

sketch. (1) Tangent distance (2) Long chord (3) Deflection Angle (4) Apex distance (5) Mid- ordinate


(b) Explain Rankine’s method of tangential angle for setting out simple circular curve.


OR Q.4 (a) Define transition curve (with figure) and its function clearly. What are

the requirements of a transition curve? 07

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(b) A transition curve is required for a circular curve of 200 m radius, the gauge being 1.5 m and maximum super elevation is restricted to 15 cm. The transition is to be designed for a velocity such that no lateral pressure is imposed on the rails and the rate of gain of lateral acceleration is 30 cm/sec3. Calculate the required length of transition curve and design speed.


Q.5 (a) Describe various methods of locating soundings in hydrographic

surveying. 07

(b) Explain the procedure of setting out of a bridge. 07 OR

Q.5 (a) Write short note on with figure (1) Compound curve (2) Reverse curve (3) Vertical curve


(b) Explain the instruments used for taking sounding. 07


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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 130601 Date: 20-12-2014

Subject Name: Surveying

Time: 02.30 pm - 05.00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.

3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) What is “Plane Table Survey”? Enlist the instruments used in it and specify main

function of each instrument.


(b) List out the methods of plane table survey and describe any one of them with neat



Q.2 (a) Explain how the temporary adjustment of a vernier transit theodolite is carried out? 07

(b) Explain repetition method of measurement of horizontal angles by theodolite. 07


(b) Enlist instruments used in theodolite traverse survey mentioning function of each

instrument. 07

Q.3 (a) Derive an expression for the distance and height for the trigonometrical levelling case

of „object inaccessible and instruments axes at different levels‟. 07

(b) Describe the procedure of setting out of simple circular curve by Perpendicular offset

from tangent. 07


Q.3 (a) Derive equations for “h”, “D” and “R.L. of Q” from the site situation as shown below.

Figure:1 Que-3(a)


(b) Certain data for setting out a combined curve are as under.

Δ = 34˚30‟, radius of circular curve = 400m, length of transition curve = 60 m.

Calculate shift of curve, tangent length and spiral angle.


Q.4 (a) The following are the values of offsets taken from a chain line to an irregular

boundary. Calculate the area included between chain line and irregular boundary by

Simpson‟s rule.

Distance (m) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Offset (m) 10.6 15.4 20.2 18.7 16.4 20.8 22.4 19.3 17.6


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(b) What is sounding? State different methods of locating sounding and explain any one

method. 07


Q.4 (a) Explain briefly and compare trapezoidal formula and Prismoidal formula for

measurement of volume of earthwork or embankment.


(b) Write a detailed note on “Shore Line Survey” 07

Q.5 (a) Explain procedure for setting out building by centre-line-rectangle. 07

(b) Write a short note on reverse curve. 07


Q.5 Prepare Gale‟s traverse table to adjust the closing error of the closed traverse ABCDA

for the following data:

Line Length (m) Corrected WCB

AB 110 110˚

BC 80 170˚

CD 95 250˚

DA 160 350˚



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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 130601 Date: 03-12-2013

Subject Name: Surveying

Time: 02.30 pm - 05.00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.

3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Explain with sketches, the use of various instruments and accessories of

plane table survey.


(b) Explain the method of taking horizontal angles by closing the horizon. 07

Q.2 (a) In a closed traverse PQRSTP the bearings of the lines RT and TP could not

be measured due to an obstruction. Determine the bearings from the

following data.

Line length (m) bearing

PQ 488 99 °

QR 666 33°

RS 477 300°

ST 675 ?

TP 355 ?


(b) How will you adjust closing error of traverse by bowdith’ s rule.? 07


(b) Define: telescope normal, swinging, Discuss loose needle and fast needle

method of theodolite traversing.


Q.3 (a) Derive the equation to find out the elevation of the object , if the base of

the Object is inaccessible, the instruments stations and elevated object are

in the same vertical plane and instrument axes are at the same level. Also

find out elevation of a hilltop based on the following data set.

Inst staff reading vertical angle R.L. of the

ST on B.M. to hill top B.M.

O1 1. 655 26° 181.212M

O2 1.655 18°

Distance between O1 and O2 is 123m.


(b) Explain the basic procedure, instruments and materials required to set out

the foundation of a building on the ground as per the plan.



Q.3 (a) Write the method of setting out a culvert. 07

(b) Area enclosed between the dam and upstream contours at a reservoir are as


Contour level (m) 63 65 67 69 71

Enclosed area (sq m) 711 6512 52705 79500 374555

If the bottom level 63m and F.R.L and is 71m Determine the capacity of

the reservoir by trapezoidal and simpson’s formula.


Q.4 (a) Why are curves provided? State various types of curves with sketch? Draw 07

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the neat sketch of simple circular curve showing various elements of it.

(b) The chainage of the intersection point of two straights is 120 chains + 66

links and the deflection angle is 45o

20’ . A circular curve of 256m radius is

to be set out to connect two straights. Calculate the necessary data for

setting out the curve by the method of deflection angle. Length of one chain

is 20m. Take peg interval = 20m.



Q.4 (a) Briefly discuss rankine’s and two theodolite method of setting out simple

circular curves.


(b) Discuss types of transition and vertical curve with neat sketches. Also

discuss advantages and disadvantages of transition curve.


Q.5 (a) What is use of planimeter ? what is the zero circle.? Under what condition

do the zero circles get traced by the tracing point? How you can find the area

of zero circles?


(b) An embankment of width 12 m and side slope 1.5:1 is required to be made

on a ground which is in level in a direction transverse to the centre line. The

centre height at 42m interval is as follows.

1.02, 1 23, 2 22, 2 35, 1.87, 1.33, and 0.97. Calculate the volume of

earthwork according to trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule.



Q.5 (a) What is sounding? W hat are the different methods of locating soundings? 07

(b) What is spire test? Discuss the test in detail and also the method of




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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 130601 Date: 30-05-2014

Subject Name: Surveying

Time: 02.30 pm - 05.00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions:

1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.

3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Enlist Various methods of plane tabling and explain with sketch any one



(b) State different methods of measurement of horizontal angle using theodolite

and explain any one method.


Q.2 (a) Following are the length & bearings of the sides of a closed traverse ABCD.

Find out the length & bearing of line DA.

Line Length in mt. Bearing

AB 75.50 139o 30’

BC 195.00 35o 50’

CD 38.10 339o 10’

DA ? ?


(b) What is ‘closing error’? What are the different methods of balancing the

closing error in a closed traverse? Explain any one method. 07


(b) What is sounding? State different methods of locating sounding and explain

any one method.


Q.3 (a) The areas enclosed by the contour of a lake are as under.

Contour level (mt) 270 275 280 285 290

Area in Sq. mt. 2050 8400 16300 24600 31500

Calculate the volume of water stored between contour 270 mt& 290 mt. by (i)

Trapezoidal formula & (ii) Prismoidal formula.


(b) Explain in detail the procedure for finding out area of an irregular figure using

planimeter. 07


Q.3 (a) Derive an expression for computing horizontal distance and elevation in

trigonometric levelling while base of the object is inaccessible & instrument

stations are in the same vertical plane with elevated object and instrument axis

are at same level.


(b) Describe various accessories required for plane table survey with neat sketch

and also write their use. 07





Q. 4 (a) Calculate the reduced level of the top of a chimney from the following


Inst. Stn Staff Reading Vertical angle with RL of BM

on BM top of a Chimney

A 2.870 28o 42’ 100.00 mt

B 3.750 18o 06’

The top of Chimney & the station A & B are in the same vertical plane. Inst.

Station A & B are 100 mt apart and station A being nearer to the chimney.


(b) Explain various objectives of hydrographic survey. Also enlist equipments

used for sounding & explain any one in brief. 07

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Q.4 (a) Why curves are provided on highways & railways? Draw a typical simple

circular curve & show various elements on it.


(b) Describe the method of setting out a simple circular curve by Rankine’s

deflection angle method with a neat sketch.


Q.5 (a) Explain the procedure for setting out a culvert. 07

(b) Two tangent intersect at a chainage of 1320.5 mt. The deflection angle being

24o. Calculate the following quantities for setting out a simple circular curve

of radius 275 mt. (i) Tangent length (ii) Length of long chord (iii) Length of

curve (iv) Chainage of point of commencement & tangency. (v) Apex distance

(vi) Versed sine of curve.



Q.5 (a) Write short note on (i) Transition curve (ii) Vertical curves. 07

(b) Explain Temporary adjustment of theodolite and also write uses of theodolite. 07


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