guidelines registration of motor vehicle-draft

Draft REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS LAND TRANSPORTATION OFFICE East Avenue, Quezon City E-mail Address: [email protected] Website: DEPARTMENT ORDER NO .________________ 27 November 2013 SUBJECT: REVISED RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING REGISTRATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE In accordance to the provisions of Republic Act 4136, otherwise known as the Land Transportation and Traffic Code as amended, the following rules and regulations governing registration of motor vehicle are hereby prescribed and promulgated for the compliance, information and guidance of all concerned: Section 1. Scope The regulations shall govern primarily the initial or new registration of all classifications of motor vehicles. Renewal and miscellaneous transactions shall likewise be covered. Section 2. Objectives All motor vehicles must be registered. No motor vehicle shall be used or operated on any public highway of the Philippines unless the same is properly registered. The registration of a motor vehicle is made compulsory in order to: 1. Establish its identity, classification and ownership; 2. Determine its roadworthiness; 3. Determine its conformity with the prescribed minimum and maximum dimensions and weight; 4. Impose payment of the required fees and charges; 5. Authorize and control its operation on public highways; and 6. Establish and maintain its record. Section 3. Definitions of Terms 2.1 Certificate of Registration - LTO Form No. 3 to identify ownership of a particular motor vehicle: (LTO Circular 71, 01 January 1981). 1

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  • Draft



    East Avenue, Quezon City E-mail Address: [email protected] Website:

    D E P A R T M E N T O R D E R N O .________________ 27 November 2013


    In accordance to the provisions of Republic Act 4136, otherwise known as the Land Transportation and Traffic Code as amended, the following rules and regulations governing registration of motor vehicle are hereby prescribed and promulgated for the compliance, information and guidance of all concerned:

    S ec t io n 1 . S co p e The regulations shall govern primarily the initial or new registration of all classifications of motor vehicles. Renewal and miscellaneous transactions shall likewise be covered.

    S ec t io n 2 . O b jec t iv es

    All motor vehicles must be registered. No motor vehicle shall be used or operated on any public highway of the Philippines unless the same is properly registered. The registration of a motor vehicle is made compulsory in order to:

    1. Establish its identity, classification and ownership; 2. Determine its roadworthiness; 3. Determine its conformity with the prescribed minimum and maximum

    dimensions and weight; 4. Impose payment of the required fees and charges; 5. Authorize and control its operation on public highways; and 6. Establish and maintain its record.

    S ec t io n 3 . D e f in i t io n s o f T e rm s

    2 .1 C e r t i f ica te o f R eg is t r a t io n - LTO Form No. 3 to identify ownership of a particular motor vehicle: (LTO Circular 71, 01 January 1981).


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    2 .2 C er t i f ica te o f C om p l ian ce to E m is s io n S tan d a r d - refers to a certificate issued by DOTC/LTO Regional Office to a rebuilt vehicle or second hand vehicle imported into the country based on an inspection by the MVIC in accordance with the emission standards (DENR-AO-2000-81).

    2 .3 C er t i f ica te o f C o n fo rm i ty - refers to the certificate issued by the Department of

    Environment and Natural Resources to a vehicle manufacturer/assembler or importer certifying that a particular new vehicle or vehicle type meets the requirements provided under R.A. 8749. (DENR-AO-2000-81).

    2 .4 C er t i f ica te o f E m is s io n C om p l ian ce - refers to a certificate issued by the

    Department to a registered vehicle owner certifying that a particular in-use vehicle meets the emission requirements of these Rules and Regulations (DENR AO-98-46 dtd 06-29-98 and DENR AO-2000-03 dtd 01-07-00).

    2 .5 C e r t i f ica te o f M o to r V eh ic l e In s p ec t io n S y s tem C om p l ian ce (CM V IS C ) -

    refers to the certificate issued by LTO-Motor Vehicle Inspection Center to a vehicle owner certifying that a particular motor vehicle passed the inspection process of MVIS.

    2 .6 C e r t i f ica te o f Q u a l i ty C o n tr o l - refers to the certificate issued by the manufacturers, assemblers and importers to a vehicle owner certifying that a particular vehicle passed the smoke emission and roadworthiness test in lieu of the LTO yearly motor vehicle inspection for three (3) years.

    2 .7 C er t i f ica te o f R eg is t r a t io n E n cu m b er ed (C R E )- LTO Form No. 4 to identify ownership of a particular motor vehicle which is encumbered or mortgaged to other parties (LTO Circular 71, 01 January 1981).

    2 .8 C er t i f ica te o f S to ck R ep o r ted (C S R ) - refers to the certificate issued for each unit of motor vehicle and/or its components reported to the LTO.

    2 .9 C h an ge D en om in a t io n - converting for hire to Private and vice versa (LTO-MC-712-2006, 27 March 2006).

    2 .1 0 C h a tte l M o r tg age - by a chattel mortgage, personal property is recorded in the Chattel Mortgage Register as a security for the performance of an obligation. (MTC-AO-84AO-DIR-001, 3 March 1984).

    2 .1 1 C h o p p ed /C u t-u p M o to r V eh ic le - refers to a motor vehicle whose components like the engine, chassis and body are of the imported type and assembled into a whole unit by Non-BOI registered assembler (LTO-MC-711-2006, 27 March 2006).

    2 .1 2 C la s s i f ica t io n - refers to the four (4) classifications of motor vehicles such as private, for hire, government, and diplomatic (LTO-MC-575-2005, 14 February 2005).


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    2 .1 3 C om p le te l y B u i l t -u p U n i t - refers to vehicles imported into the country either brand new or used and ready for operation. (DENR-AO-2000-81).

    2 .1 4 C om p le te l y K n o ck ed -D ow n (C K D ) - refers to new parts and components and/or engines that are imported in disassembled condition for purposes of assembly. It may include not only parts and components but also subassemblies and assemblies, e.g. engines, transmissions, axle assemblies, chassis, and body assemblies. (DENR-AO-2000-81).

    2 .1 5 C om p on en ts - refers to any major parts of the motor vehicle namely the engine, chassis and the body (LTO-MC-711-2006, 27 March 2006).

    2 .1 6 C o n d u c t io n P e rm i t - this refers to permits that are issued to backyard manufacturers / assemblers for rebuilt motor vehicles. It shall be used in the delivery of unregistered motor vehicles from the assembly line to the dealers thereof, or to the CHPG for clearance, or from one place to another for one (1) day to two (2) days but not to exceed seven days. It can also be used for the reactivation of motor vehicles on storage but this shall never be issued to a delinquent motor vehicles. (Motor Vehicle Registration System Manual).

    2 .1 7 Con d u c t io n S t ick e r - this refers to stickers that are prominently displayed at the right front windshield and at the left back of the motor vehicle. It is being issued to accredited manufacturers, assemblers, importers and dealers for road testing and delivery purposes. (Administrative Order No. 83AO-DIR-001).

    2 .1 8 Con fi rm a t io n C e r t i f ica te - LTO Form No. 6, used to confirm dealers report of sale of motor vehicle and or component, tax payment from the Bureau of Customs, and Bureau of Internal Revenue.

    2 .1 9 D ea le r - refers to an LTO accredited natural or juridical person engaged in selling of motor vehicle and/or its components.

    2 .2 0 D e l in q u en t M o to r V eh ic les - a motor vehicle whose registration is overdue. (MC-89-091).

    2 .2 1 D en om in a t io n - refers to sub-classification of motor vehicles such as Cars, Utility Vehicle (UV), Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV), Truck, Truck Buses, Motorcycles, Mopeds, Tricycles, and Trailers (LTO-Circular-71, 10 January 198, R.A. 8794, 16 August 2000 and LTO-MC-BGCMC-01320, 26 January 2001).

    2 .2 2 D ip lom a t ic C o r p s V eh ic le - refers to motor vehicles of the Diplomatic Corps (DOTC-AO-03, 1980).

    2 .2 3 D ip lom a t ic V eh ic les - Motor vehicles owned by foreign governments or by their duly accredited diplomatic officials in the Philippines and used in the discharge of their official duties. This classification refers exclusively to officials and personnel who enjoy diplomatic status. (MTC-AO-84AO-DIR-005).


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    2 .2 4 E m is s io n - means any measurable air contaminant, pollutant, gas stream or unwanted sound from a known source which is passed into the atmosphere.

    2 .2 5 F o r H i r e o r P u b l ic U t i l i ty M o to r V eh ic le - motor vehicles registered under this classification are those authorized to be operated as public utility by virtue of certificates of public convenience or provisional authority or special permit issued by the Board of Transportation (now Land Transportation Franchising Regulatory Board) (Batas Pambansa Blg. 74, 11 June 1980).

    2 .2 6 G o v e r n m en t M o to r V eh ic le - motor vehicles owned by the government of the Philippines or any of its political subdivisions including government owned or controlled corporations shall be registered under this classification (Batas Pambansa Blg. 74, 11 June 1980).

    2 .2 7 G ro s s V eh ic le W e ig h t- shall mean the measured weight of a motor vehicle plus the maximum allowable carrying capacity in merchandise, freight and/or passengers, as determined by the Commissioner of Land Transportation. (Republic Act No. 4136 dated 20 June 1964 and MTC-AO-84AO-DIR-005).

    2 .2 8 Im p o r ted P as s en ge r v an /w ago n (U V )- an imported (Completely Built Unit (CBU), Semi-knocked-down (SKD), Completely-knocked-down (CKD) commuter vehicle having rear or side doors and side panels designed for transporting people, and is not used to carry cargo. Passenger vans/wagons include, but are not limited to the following: Toyota Lite Ace, Toyota Hi-ace, Toyota Revo, Mitsubishi L300, Mazda E2000, Kia Besta, Pregio, Nissan Urvan, Nissan Vanette, MB-100 Van, Hyundai-100 Van, Tamaraw FX Wagon, Mitsubishi Adventure, Kia Advantage, Isuzu Highlander, and the like. (R.A. 8794, 16 August 2000 and LTO-MC-BGCMC-01320, 26 January 2001).

    2 .2 9 Im p o r ted P ick -u p s (U V )- An imported (Completely Built Unit (CBU), Semi-knocked-down (SKD), Completely-knocked-down (CKD) light automotive vehicle with or without crew cab/double cab used to carry passengers and/or transport goods. Imported Pick-ups include, but are not limited to, Mitsubishi "Strada" Pick-up, Toyota Hilux, Mazda Pick-up, Isuzu Pick-up, Kia Ceres Pick-up, Dodge Ram Pick-up, Pathfinder, and the like. (R.A. 8794, 16 August 2000 and LTO-MC-BGCMC-01320, 26 January 2001).

    2 .3 0 Im p o r ted U s ed /S eco n d -H an d V eh ic l e - means any used or second-hand motor vehicle imported and registered in the country of origin. (DENR-AO-2000-81).

    2 .3 1 Im p o r te r - refers to an LTO accredited natural or juridical person engaged in the importation of motor vehicles and/or its components.

    2 .3 2 In -U s e V eh ic le - refers also to operational and/or previously registered motor vehicles. (DOTC-AO-BGC-AO-99004, 1999).


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    2 .3 3 L o ca l P ick -u p s (U V ) - locally manufactured utility vehicles with cut-and weld type of body, backyard assembled or rebuilt (with or without crew cab) such as Ford Fiera, Owner-Type Jeep, ANFRA, Sarao Type Jeepney, Toyota Tamaraw AUV, Mitsubishi AUV, Pinoy, and other vehicles with similar design or configuration (R.A. 8794, 16 August 2000 and LTO-MC-BGCMC-01320, 26 January 2001).

    2 .3 4 L T O L icen s e P la te - refers to the regular motor vehicle license plates issued by the LTO bearing the standard alphanumeric characters in accordance with B.P. 43 & 74. (MC-530-2004).

    2 .3 5 M an u fac tu r e r s , A s s em b le r s , Im p o r te r s , R eb u i l d e r s an d D ea le r s R ep o r t in g S y s tem (M A ID R S ) - refers to the system that processes stock reports of LTO accredited manufacturers/assemblers/importers/rebuilders.

    2 .3 6 M o to r V eh ic l e In s p ec t io n C en te r - LTO Motor Vehicle Inspection Center wherein all activities of MVIS are being done.

    2 .3 7 M o to r V eh ic l e In s p ec t io n R ep o r t (M V IR ) - BLT (now LTO) form no. 1, used to determine the identity of a particular motor vehicle and roadworthiness (LTO Circular 71, 01 January 1981).

    2 .3 8 M o to r V eh ic l e In s p ec t io n S y s tem R ep o r t (M V IS R ) - shall mean an inspection report issued by LTO-MVIC to all motor vehicles that failed the inspection process of MVIS.

    2 .3 9 M o to r V eh ic le M is ce l l an eo u s R eg is t r a t io n R ece ip t (M VM R R ) - LTO Form No. 2-A, used to acknowledged payments for miscellaneous transactions (MC-84MC-DIR-012).

    2 .4 0 M o to r V eh ic le M od i f ica t io n - shall refer to allowable alteration/changes that can be done in the motor vehicles body design and configuration which shall be subject to the inspection of the MVIC.

    2 .4 1 M o to r V eh ic l e P la te T i t l e - refers to the VLP title of ownership which shall be issued together with the VLP. (MC-530-2004).

    2 .4 2 M o to r V eh ic le R eg is t r a t io n R ece ip t - LTO Form No. 2, used to acknowledge payments for new and renewal registration (MC-84MC-DIR-012).

    2 .4 3 M o to r V eh ic les - shall mean any vehicle propelled by any power other than muscular power using the public highways, but excepting road rollers, trolley cars, street-sweepers, sprinklers, lawn mowers, bulldozers, graders, forklifts, amphibian trucks, and cranes if not used on public highways, vehicles which run only on rails or tracks, and tractors, trailers and traction engines of all kinds used exclusively for agricultural purposes. (Republic Act No. 4136, 20 June 1964).


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    2 .4 4 M o to r cy c le - motor vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, except that four wheels may be in contact with the ground when two of the wheels are a functional part of a sidecar.

    2 .4 5 N ew V eh ic le - a vehicle constructed entirely from new parts that has never been sold or registered with the DOTC or with the appropriate agency or authority, and operated on the highways for the Philippines, any foreign state, or country. (Republic Act 8749).

    2 .4 6 O r ig in a l /In i t ia l R eg is t r a t io n - refers to the first registration of the motor vehicle in the Philippines (LTO-MC-711-2006, 27 March 2006).

    2 .4 7 O th e r E xem p t V eh ic le - refers to motor vehicles of the officials and members of the Administrative and Technical Staff of the different embassies, consulates, legation and different internal organization in the Philippines (DOTC-AO-03, 1980).

    2 .4 8 P as s en ge r A u tom ob i l e - shall mean all pneumatic-tire vehicles of types similar to those usually known under the following terms: touring car, command car, speedster, sports car, roadster, jeep, cycle car (except motor wheel and similar small outfits which are classified with motorcycles), coupe, landaulet, closed car, limousine, cabriolet, and sedan (Republic Act No. 4136, 20 June 1964).

    2 .4 9 P e rm an en t S to r ag e - shall refer to motor vehicles stored under junk condition and cannot be reactivated as an independent unit as defined under Paragraph 3, Section 3, of Administrative Order No. 4, Series of 1981 (LTO-Circular-82-028, 08 June 1982).

    2 .5 0 P e rm is s ib le W e ig h ts an d D im en s io n s - maximum gross weight and measurement of motor vehicles, unladen or with load, permissible on public highways.

    2 .5 1 P r iv a te E m is s io n T es t in g C en te r - a private entity authorized by LTO who is engaged in the determination of the level of the opacity and/or the analysis of the content of the gaseous emission of a motor vehicle.

    2 .5 2 P r iv a te M o to r V eh ic l e s - motor vehicles under this classification are those which are registered not to be used for hire under any circumstances. (MTC-AO-84AO-DIR-005).

    2 .5 4 R eb u i l t - refers to locally assembled/manufactured motor vehicles out of local chassis and body with imported engine or parts of previously registered motor vehicles (LTO-MC-712-2006, 27 March 2006).


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    2 .5 3 R eg is t r a t io n Y ea r - is the period starting on the first day of the month following the month a motor vehicle is scheduled to be registered and to terminate on the last day of the month when the registration of said motor vehicle is scheduled for renewal. (LTO-Circular-82-005, 04 February 1982).

    2 .5 4 R en ew a l R eg is t r a t io n - refers to the subsequent registration of motor vehicles (LTO-MC-711-2006, 27 March 2006).

    2 .5 5 R ep a in t in g /C h an ge C o lo r - is changing the color of a motor vehicle by means of painting. There is repainting whenever the new color of a motor vehicle is different from its color as registered in the Land Transportation Commission (now Office). (Republic Act No. 6539, 26 August 1972).

    2 .5 6 R e -s tam p in g - restoration of the original or registered or defaced engine/chassis serial number of a motor vehicle; the process of re-engraving the engine, engine block or chassis of a motor vehicle (84MC-DIR-017, and R.A. 6539, 26 August 1972).

    2 .5 7 R e tu r n R ece ip t fo r M o to r V eh ic le P la te /L icen s e (R R P L )- LTO Form No. 5, used to acknowledge the time and date of surrender of motor vehicle plates, OR, CR, or Drivers License for storage purposes (LTO Circular 71, 01 January 1981 and Motor Vehicle Manual of Operation on Motor Vehicle Registration, 1997 edition).

    2 .5 8 S a l v ag ed M C - this refers to those undocumented motorcycles which were assembled into one whole unit out of serviceable component parts of previously registered but junked or abandoned units.

    2 .5 9 S id eca r - shall refer to either a factory-made or a separately manufactured side car and normally attached to a motorcycle. (MTC-AO-84AO-DIR-005).

    2 .6 0 S p o r ts U t i l i ty V eh ic le (S U V )- shall include but not limited to any imported [Completely Built Unit (CBU), Semi-knocked-down (SKD), Completely-knocked-down (CKD)] utility vehicle, Model 1991 or later with imported machine-cash body shall, specially designed to transport persons and not used primarily for the carriage of freight, merchandise, or cargo, and having characteristics, features and amenities similar to those of a car or automobile such as the following: Mitsubishi Pajero/Montero, Nissan Patrol, Nissan Terrano, Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota RAV 4, Range Rover, Land Rover, Ford Expedition, Jeep Cherokee, Daihatsu Feroza, Suzuki Vitara, Honda CR-V, Mercedes Benz Musso, Kia Sportage, Opel Vectra and the like; PROVIDED THAT, all 1990 models or earlier shall be taken as ordinary UV. (R.A. 8794, 16 August 2000 and LTO-MC-BGCMC-01320, 26 January 2001).

    2 .6 1 S tam p in g - refers to the imprinting/engraving of the engine, engine block or chassis of a motor vehicle; numbering of every engine, engine block, chassis or body of a motor vehicle. (84MC-DIR-017, and R.A. 6539, 26 August 1972).


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    2 .6 2 T em p o r a r y S to r ag e- shall refer to those motor vehicles whose operations are temporarily suspended and placed under storage pursuant to Administrative Order No. 4, series of 1981 and not intended to be reactivated in the foreseeable future (LTO-Circular-82-028, 08 June 1982).

    2 .6 3 T h r ee -W h ee led V eh ic l e (T W V ) - is a motor vehicle with three wheels symmetrically or asymmetrically arranged in relation to the longitudinal median plane and with an engine cylinder capacity (L5 category, PNS-UN ECE 1891-2006).

    2 .6 4 T r ic y c le - a motorcycle fitted with a single-wheel side car or a motorcycle with a two-wheel (DOTC Guidelines on the Devolution of Tricycle Franchising).

    2 .6 5 T r u ck B u s es - refers to private buses coaches whose passenger capacity ranges from eighteen(18) and above. (LTO Circular 71, 01 January 1981).

    2 .6 6 T r u ck s - such as stake, platforms, pick-up, trucks for gravel and sand, and others of the same configuration , including van and tanker types, provided that the gross vehicle weight exceed 4500 kilograms. (LTO Circular 71, 01 January 1981).

    2 .6 7 U n d e r W r i t ten C om m itm en t M o to r V eh ic les - tax-exempt imported motor vehicles endorsed by the Department of Finance for use in various projects in the Philippines. After the specific project for which they are imported is completed, they are subject for re-exportation unless extended by the Bureau of Customs.

    2 .6 8 U n d e r b o n d M o to r V eh ic les - Tax-exempt imported motor vehicles motor vehicles specifically for the use of Foreign Consultants for a six-month period counted from the date of issuance of Official Receipt evidencing payment of registration fees with LTO. After six (6) months, they are subject to re-exportation, unless extended for the same period by the Bureau of Customs. (P.D. 1464).

    2 .6 9 V an i ty L icen s e P la te - refers to the optional motor vehicle plates having preferred inscription for the purpose of establishing personalized identity of the motor vehicle to the registered owner. (MC-530-2004).

    S ec t io n 4 T y p es o f M o to r V eh ic l e R eg is tr a t io n

    3 . 1

    3 .1 . 1

    New Initial or 1st time registered in the Philippines

    Brand New

    . locally manufactured

    ab . Imported


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    3 .1 .2 Others

    mported 2nd hand Chopped/Cut Up/Assembled out of Imported Components

    mbled (backyard) BOC

    n with special qualification transactions falling under this type re those that are registered for the first time in the Philippines but no Certificate

    s specifically for the use of Foreign Consultants r six-month period counted from the date of issuance of the official


    Department of Finance for use in various projects in the Philippines. After the specific project for which

    3 .2 Renewal Subsequent registration after initial MV registration


    3 .2 . 1 Other exempt MVs (OEV) (e.g. from SBMA, Clark

    3 .3 cella

    3 .3 . 1 Transactions Requiring Change of CR ngine from Previously Registered MVs

    Registration of MVs Acquired through Public Bidding e/Entity



    f . icial Settlement of Estate of Deceased Person

    a . Ib . c . Rebuilt/ Locally assed . Imported MV acquired through public bidding conducted by

    3 .1 .3 Special New MV registratioaof Registration (CR) is issued. Thus, they are distinctly categorized as Special.

    3 .1 .3 . 1 Underbond MVs Tax exempt imported MVforeceipt evidencing payment of registration fees with LTO, after six months, they are subject to re-exportation, unless extended for the same period by the Bureau of Customs; and 3 .1 .3 .2 MVs under Written Commitmen

    Tax exempt imported MVs indorsed by the

    they are imported is completed, they are subject for re-exportation, unless extended by the Bureau of Customs.

    3 .2 . 1 Renewal registration for all classifications (private, for hire, g

    diplomatic) Development Corporation and Cagayan Export Zone Authority


    Mis neous Transactions

    a . Change Chassis/Eb .

    conducted by Government Officc . Registration of MVs Acquired through Donation d . Registration of MVs Obtained through Public Auction be

    a Notary Public through Mechanics Liene . Registration of MVs Acquired through Extra-Judi

    Settlement of Estate of Deceased Person Registration of MVs Acquired through Jud


  • Draft

    g . Transfer of Ownership of Underbond MVs h . er a Sheriffs

    i . Obtained under an Extra- e the Notary

    k . hased from

    l . s m .

    brances o . Financing Company

    q . r . of Registration Encumbered (CRE)

    t . e MVs

    ce ire to Private)

    nt of Registration Fees

    Replacement Plates

    e . al Plate



    tification Numbers firmation/Reply to Confirmation (MC91-137)

    Transfer of Ownership of MVs Obtained UndCertificate of Sale Issued Under a Judicial Foreclosure Transfer of Ownership of MVsJudicial Foreclosure Sale Conducted BeforPublic (Arts. 2112 and 2114, New Civil Code of the Philippines in relation to Act 1508)

    j . Transfer of Ownership of MVs Obtained Under Sheriffs Certificate of Sale Pursuant to a Money Judgment which has become final Transfer of Ownership of MVs PurcDiplomatic/Tax Exempt Personnel Annotation of Mortgages and Other Liens or EncumbranceSecond Mortgage

    n . Cancellation of Mortgage or Other Liens and EncumCancellation of Mortgage when the (mortgagee) no longer exists and the Release of Mortgage Contract is missing

    p . Transfer of Ownership of MVs covered by CB No. 1158 Purchased from Balikbayans Duplicate Certificate of Registration (CR) Duplicate Certificate

    s . Change Chassis/Motor Transfer of Ownership of Privat

    u . Transfer of Ownership of For Hire MVs v . Change Classification (Private to For Hire) with Encumbranw . Change Classification (For Hx . Change Body/Body Design

    3 .3 .2 Transactions Not Requiring Change of Certificate of Registration a . Replacement of Official Receipt (OR) of Payme

    b . Duplicate Plates/Replacement Stickers c . d . Issuance of Vanity License Plates

    Optional MV Specif . Storage of MVs g . Reactivation of Stored h . Issuance of Special Permits i . Recorded MVs j . Use of Security k . Change Color l . Re-stamping of Chassis Idenm . Request for Con

    1 0

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    S E C T IO N 5 D o cu m en ta r y R eq u i r em en ts (F o r a l l C las s i f ica t io n s )

    Note: (Kindly go over with the requirements for registration. As per discussion during the 4th quarter RDs conference, original sales invoice of mv and valid PNP-HPG clearance are only the requirements to be submitted by the client for registration of new vehicle. CSR hard copy may be submitted 5 to 15 days).

    5 .1 N ew o r In i t ia l

    5 .1 . 1 B r an d N ew 5 .1 . 1 . 1 Locally Purchased

    a. Original Sales Invoice of MV b. Valid PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate c. Appropriate insurance certificate of cover d. Certificate of Stock Reported (CSR) e. Valid Certificate of Public Convenience duly

    confirmed by the LTFRB, in case of for hire MVs f. Valid Motorized Tricycle Operators Permit (MTOP),

    for TC only

    5 .1 . 1 .2 Imported

    a. Commercial Invoice of MV issued by the

    country of origin b. PG MV Clearance Certificate PNP-H

    Sales Inc. voice of MV d. Certificate of Stock Reported (CSR) e. Appropriate insurance certificate of cover f. Valid Certificate of Public Convenience duly

    confirmed by the LTFRB, in case of for hire MVs g. Valid Motorized Tricycle Operators Permit (MTOP),

    for TC only

    5 .1 . 1 .3 Tax Exempti

    a. Commercial Invoice of the vehicle from the country of


    1 1

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    b. Bill of Lading c. Import Authority d. Tax Exemption Certificate e. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate f. Certificate of Compliance to Emission Standards g. Certificate of Stock Reported (CSR) h. Appropriate insurance certificate of cover

    5 .1 .2 O th e r s

    5 . 1 .2 . 1 Im p o r ted S eco n d H an d (u s ed ) exem p ted fr om E O 1 5 6 /8 7 7 -A

    a. Commercial Invoice or Certificate of Registration from

    country of origin b. Certificate of Compliance to Emission Standards

    (CCES) issued by the Regional Office c. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate d. Duly accomplished and approved Motor Vehicle

    Inspection Report (MVIR)

    5 .1 .2 .2 Im p o r ted S eco n d H an d th r o u gh th e N o D o l l a r Im p o r ta t io n P r o g r am a. Commercial Invoice or Certificate of

    Registration from country of origin b. Authority under the No Dollar Importation issued by

    the BIS-DTI If no authority from BIS-DTI:

    Seizure Proceedings Notice of Award

    c. Affidavit of first and last importation d. Certificate of Compliance to Emission Standards

    (CCES) issued by the Regional Office e. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certification f. Duly accomplished and approved Motor Vehicle

    Inspection Report (MVIR)

    5 .1 .2 .2 Im p o r ted A cq u i r ed th r o u gh D o n a t io n

    a. Commercial Invoice or Certificate of Registration from the country of origin

    1 2

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    b. Deed of Donation duly signed by donor and the donee

    Cerc. Secretarys tificate/Board Resolution when

    d. by the Regional Office (if MV is

    f. roved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)

    5 .2 .4 Im p o r ted S eco n d H an d M o to r cy c le

    a. Registration fromCer

    c. tandards issu

    e. roved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)

    5 .1 1 s

    f 1 9 8 1 an d M C 7 1 1 -2 0 0 6 )

    voice of engine, body and chassis

    d. Standards ffice

    f. roved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)

    5 .1

    B G C -M C -0 1 3 2 7 , M C -7 1 2 -2 0 0 6 )

    a. oice of engine and chassis

    b. tating among others the date of

    c. to Emission Standards

    donor is a corporation Certificate of Compliance to Emission Standards (CCES) issuedalready used)

    e. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate Duly accomplished and app

    . 1

    Commercial Invoice or Certificate of the country of origin

    b. tificate of Emission Compliance Certificate of Compliance to Emission S

    ed by the Regional Office d. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate

    Duly accomplished and app

    . 2 .5 C h o p p ed /C u t-u p M Vs (M C -8 8 -0 4 4 ,M C -8 8 0 6 3 , C i r 7o

    a. Original Sales Inb. Affidavit of Rebuilt c. Affidavit of Conversion, if applicable

    Certificate of Compliance to Emissions (CCES) issued by the Regional O

    e. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate Duly accomplished and app

    . 2 .6 R eb u i l t w i th L o ca l C h as s is /B o d y an d w i th Im p o r ted

    en g in e (C i r -8 2 -0 0 8 ,M C -5 0 9 -2 0 0 4 , M C -5 4 2 -2 0 0 4

    Original sales invSource of body Affidavit of Rebuilt executed by the owner and mechanic scompletion Certificate of Compliance issued by Regional Office

    1 3

  • Draft

    d. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate e. roved Motor Vehicle

    Inspection Report (MVIR)

    5 . 1 M C -0 9 -

    2 0 0 4 , M C -5 4 2 -2 0 0 4 , B CG -M C -0 1 3 2 7 , M C -7 1 2 -2 0 0 6 )

    a. of payment of registration fees of the


    c. wner stating

    d. if the rebuilt MV will be registered in

    e. to Emission Standards

    g. roved Motor Vehicle

    5 .1 ed en g in e /o r ch as s i s (M C -R IB -2 0 0 7 -8 3 1 )

    a. DTI-BIS/DTI Regional or Provincial Office

    Invoice from the country of origin

    d. te of Compliance to Emission Standards

    e. anic stating


    g. roved Motor Vehicle

    5 .1i s te r ed com p on en t

    -R IB -2 0 0 7 -8 3 1 )

    Duly accomplished and app

    . 2 .7 R eb u i l t w i th en g in e an d /o r ch as s is th a t a r e p a r ts o f p r ev io u s l y r eg is te r ed m o to r v eh ic l e s ( C i r 8 2 -0 0 8 ,

    Certificate of Registration and latest Official Receipt engine or cha

    b. Source of body Affidavit of Rebuilt executed by the oamong others the date of completion Confirmation of CR and OR from the issuing district office another district office Certificate of Compliance issued by Regional Office

    f. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate Duly accomplished and app

    nspect I ion Report (MVIR)

    . 2 .8 R eb u i l t T r u ck /B u s w i th n ew o r u s ed im p o r ti ian d

    Endorsement b. Commercial c. Source of body

    Certifica(CCES) Affidavit of Rebuilt executed by the centers authorized representative and mechamong others the date of completio

    f. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate Duly accomplished and app

    nspect I ion Report (MVIR)

    . 2 .9 R eb u i l t T r u ck /B u s w i th im p o r ted en g in e o r ch as s i s com b in ed w i th a p r ev io u s l y r eg

    i i i(M C

    1 4

  • Draft

    a. DTI-BIS/DTI Regional or Provincial Office Endorsement Certificatb. e of Registration and latest Official

    ayment of registration fees of the

    c. d. the centers

    n sion Standards

    f. ertificate g. uly accomplished and approved Motor Vehicle

    5 .1 . p u r ch as ed lo ca l l y o r f r om p r ev io u s l y r eg is te r ed v eh ic les o r com b in a t io n th e r eo f (M C -R IB -2 0 0 7 -8 3 1 ) iv


    assis) c. issuing

    d. tion at the concerned

    l Office (for locally purchased

    e. f.

    nic the date of completion


    h. ertificate

    5 .1 u ck /B u s w i th im p o r ted en g in e an d /o r ch as s i s acq u i r ed th r o u gh p u b l ic b id d in g (M C -R IB -2 0 0 7 -8 3 1 )

    Receipt of pengine or chassis Source of body Affidavit of Rebuilt executed by authorized representative and mechanic stating among others the date of completio

    e. Certificate of Compliance to Emis(CCES) issued by Regional Office PNP-HPG MV Clearance CD

    nsp I ection Report (MVIR)

    2 .1 0 R eb u i l t T r u ck /B u s w i th en g in e an d ch as s i s

    a. DTI-BIS/DTI Regional or Provincial Office Endorsement Certificate of Registration and latest Official Receipt of payment of registration fees (for previously registered engine and/or ch Confirmation of CR and OR from the district office if the rebuilt MV will be registered in another district office Sales Invoice of engine and/or chassis duly reported for sales evalua LTO Regiona engine and/or chassis) Source of body Affidavit of Rebuilt executed by the centers authorized representative and mecha stating among others

    g. Certificate of Compliance to Emiss Standards (CCES) PNP-HPG MV Clearance C

    i. Duly a ccomplished and approved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)

    . 2 . 1 1 R eb u i l t T r

    1 5

  • Draft

    a. egional or Provincial Office

    eizure Proceedings

    d. of Sale/Deed of Sale duly noted by


    on f. f

    rts. g. liance to Emission

    i. proved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)

    5 .1 p u b l ic b id d in g C

    eizure proceedings

    c. of Sale/Deed of Sale duly noted by

    d. pt evidencing payment of

    e. al Office

    g. proved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)

    5 .1 .2 . 1 3 n d e r b o n d M V s

    a. by the

    b. by

    the MVs

    c. try ercial Invoice from the


    DTI-BIS/DTI R Endorsement

    b. Decision on Sc. Notice of Award

    Certificate the COA Affidavit of Rebuilt executed by the centers authorized representative and mechanic stating among others the date of completi BOC official receipt evidencing payment o acquisition cost of the component pa Certificate of Comp Standard (CCES)

    h. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate Duly accomplished and ap

    . 2 . 1

    2 Im p o r ted M V s acq u i r ed th r o u ghco n d u c ted b y B O

    a. Decision on sb. Notice of Award

    Certificate the COA BOC official recei acquisition cost. Certificate of Compliance to Emission Standard issued by the Region

    f. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate Duly accomplished and ap


    Certificate of release of the MV authority of the Commissioner Copy of the Re-export Bond duly approved the Bureau of Customs to determine the effectivity date and duration of temporary stay in the country Registration Certificate issued by the coun of origin or Comm country of origin Certificate of Compliance to Emission

    1 6

  • Draft

    Standard issued by Regional Office

    f. proved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)

    5 .1 .2 . 1 4 V s U n d e r W r i t ten C om m i tm en t


    ion of

    b. try ercial Invoice from the

    c. reign

    d. ice

    f. roved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)

    5 .2 R en ew a l (G en e r a l R eq u i r em en ts )

    omplished and approved Motor Vehicle Inspection


    xempt only g. Certificate from SBMA/CDC that the MV is still classified as

    ehicle (OEV) only

    5 .3 . 1 T r an s c t io n s R eq u i r in g C h an g e o f C e r t i f i ca te o f R eg is t r a t io n

    e. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate Duly accomplished and ap


    Copy of the written commitment duly approved by the Bureau of Customs to determine the effectivity date and durat the MVs temporary stay in the country Registration Certificate issued by the coun of origin or Comm country of origin Endorsement from Department of Fo Affairs if the MV is embassy owned Certificate of Compliance to Emission Standards issued by Regional Off

    e. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate Duly accomplished and app

    a. Duly accReport (MVIR)

    b. Certificate of Emission Compliance (CECc. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover d. Confirmation of Franchise from the LTFRB, in case of for hire

    only e. Valid Motorized Tricycle Operators Permit (MTOP) for tricycle

    (TC) only f. Endorsement from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)

    Protocols Office for Diplomatic/Tax E

    OEV for other Exempt V

    5 .3 M is ce l l an eo u s T r an s ac t io n s

    a(C R )

    1 7

  • Draft

    5 .3 . 1 . 1 h an ge C h as s i s /E n g in e A cq u i r ed fr om p r ev io u s l y

    al Certificate of Registration

    of the chassis/ engine)

    rance Certificate rom different

    ersons r entities g. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    5 .3 . 1 .2 R eg is t r a t io n o f M V s A cq u i r ed T h r o u gh P u b l ic t i ty

    ral Form 17A

    riginal CR that there was no


    r certification from the

    i. Certificate of Emission Compliance

    5 .3 . 1 .3 R eg is t r a t io n o f M V s A cq u i r ed T h r o u gh D o n a t io n

    est OR of payment of

    learance Certificate Motor Vehicle

    Inspection Report (MVIR)

    C r eg is te r ed M V s

    a. Originb. Original Official Receipt of Payment latest MVUC and other

    fees c. Photocopy of the CR and OR (sourced. Affidavit of change chassis/engine e. PNP-HPG MV Cleaf. Deed of Sale of chassis/engine if acquired f

    p o

    B id d in g co n d u c ted b y G o v e r n m en t O ff ice / E n

    a. Notice of Award together with Gene (Inventory and Inspection Report) duly noted by COA b. Certificate of Sale or Deed of Sale c. Official Receipt of payment of the auctioned property d. Original copy of the CR and latest OR of payment of MVUC and other fees; in the absence of the O and OR, a certification from the office original CR and OR at the time of the bidding e. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Cf. Duly accomplished and approved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR) h. Surrender of old Plate if available o

    office of absence thereof at time of bidding

    j. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    a. Deed of Donation signed by donor and Done b. Original copy of the CR and lat

    MVUC and other fees if the MV is previously registered c. PNP-HPG MV Cd. Duly accomplished and approved

    e. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    1 8

  • Draft

    5 .3 . 1 . s

    L ien (A r t ic l es 1 1 3 1 , 1 1 3 2 , 2 1 1 2 , 2 1 1 3 , 2 1 1 4 , an d 2 1 2 2 o f th e N ew C iv i l C o d e o f th e P h i l ip p in es )

    e Mechanic as pledge for the MV owners obligations for failure to pay the labor and


    as provided in the contract

    ) written notices to the MV owner of ersonally or by

    e Notary Public who conducted the

    Public that conducted the was not turned

    Certificate or Vehicle

    5 .3 . 1 .5 R eg is t r a t io n o f M V s A cq u i r ed T h r o u gh E x tr a -J u d ic ia l S e t t l em en t o f E s ta te o f D eceas ed P e r s o n


    by two (2) or more d

    c. of the Deed in any newspaper

    4 R eg is t r a t io n o f M V s O b ta in ed a t P u b l ic A u c t io n b e fo r e a N o ta r y P u b l ic b y V i r tu e o f a M ech an ic

    This refers to MVs obtained by th

    materials for the repair of the MV.

    Demand letter of the mechanic addressed to theMV owner who failed to pay the labor and materials in the repair of the MV

    b. Copy of the contract entered into by the mechanic and the MV owner

    c. Proof of Notice of Sale at Public auction in at least two (2) conspicuous places

    d. At least three (3the sale at public auction sent either pregistered mail

    e. Original copy of the Certificate of Sale f. Original copy of the Notary Publics Return g. Affidavit of th

    public bidding as proof of compliance to the above requirements

    h. Original copy of the CR and latest OR of payment of MVUC and other fees. In the absence thereof, a certification from the Notarypublic bidding that the original copyover at the time of the sale

    i. PNP-HPG MV Clearance j. Duly accomplished and approved Mot

    Inspection Report (MVIR) k. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    a. Original copy of the CR and the latest OR of payment of MVUC and other fees Deed of Extra-Judicial Settlement of Estate in case the Deceased is survivedheirs or Affidavit of Sole Adjudication if the deceaseis survived by only one (1) heir Proof of publication

    1 9

  • Draft

    of general circulation three (3) times for three (3)

    Duly ac Motor

    5 .3 . 1 .6 R eg is t r a t io n o f M V s A cq u i r ed T h r o u gh J u d ic ia l S e tt l em en t o f E s ta te o f D eceas ed P e r s o n

    al copy of the Certificate of Registration and the MVUC and other

    ertificate r Vehicle

    Certificate of Emission Compliance (CEC)

    5 .3 . 1 .7 T r an s fe r o f O w n er s h ip o f U n d e r b o n d M V s

    a. of Bond from the Bonds Division,

    nt eceipt of Tax payment

    f. t Official Receipt of payment of MVUC

    h. approved Motor

    CEC) j. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    5 .3

    4 , A c t 1 5 0 8 ) (A O N o . 8 4 A O -D IR -0 0 1 )

    consecutive weeks d. Death Certificate, Marriage Contract and or Birth Certificate as the case maybe

    e. PNP-TMG MV Clearance Certificate f. complished and approved

    VehicleInspection Report (MVIR) g. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    a. Originlatest official receipt of payment of fees

    b. Court Decision (Certified true copy) c. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Cd. Duly accomplished and approved Moto

    Inspection Report (MVIR) e. f. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    CancellationBureau of Customs

    b. BOC Certificate of Paymec. Official Rd. Deed of Sale e. Confirmation of tax payment

    Latesand other fees

    g. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate Duly accomplished andVehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)

    i. Certificate of Emission Compliance (

    . 1 .8 T r an s fe r o f O w n er s h ip o f M V s O b ta in ed T h r o u gh a S h e r i f fs C er t i f ica te o f S a le Is s u ed U n d e r an E x tr a -J u d ic ia l F o r ec lo s u r e S a le (S ec . 1

    2 0

  • Draft

    a. Original copy of the Sheriffs Certificate of Sale

    c. he

    d. t two (2)

    be sold, before the

    e. at


    g. the latest Official

    and other fees.

    opy was not turned

    Duly acc


    i n ed T h r o u gh a

    court decision f Court that the



    of Registration-

    UC and other fees.

    b. Original copy of the Sheriffs Return Cancellation of the chattel mortgage by tRegister of Deeds on the basis of the Sheriffs return Proof of posting of notice of sale at public auction at least ten (10) days in at leaspublic places in the locality, where the mortgagors property is tosale Proof of written notice to the mortgagor least ten (10) days before the sale Official Receipt of payment for the cancellation of the chattel mortgage from the Register of Deeds Original copy of the Certificate of Registration-Encumbered (CRE) and Receipt of payment of MVUCIn the absence thereof, a certification from the Sheriff that the original cover at the time of the sale

    h. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate i. omplished and approved Motor

    Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR) j. Certificate of Emission Compliance (CEC) k. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Co

    5 .3 . 1 .9 T r an s fe r o f O w n er s h ip o f M V s O b taS h e r i f fs C er t i f i ca te o f S a le Is s u ed U n d e r a J u d ic ia l F o r ec lo s u r e S a le

    a. Duplicate copy of theb. Certification by the Clerk o

    judgment/decision has become final and executor

    c. Sheriffs Certificate of Sale Original copy of the Sheriffs Return

    e. Cancellation of the chattel mortgage by the Register of Deeds on the basis of the Sheriffs return Official Receipt of payment for the cancellation of the chattel mortgage from the Register of Deeds

    g. Original copy of the CertificateEncumbered (CRE) and the latest Official Receipt of payment of MV

    2 1

  • Draft

    In the absence thereof, a certification from the not turned

    over at the time of the sale

    5 .3 . 1 . 1 0 T r an s fe r o f O w n er s h ip o f M V s O b ta in ed th r o u gh an

    istration st Official

    other fees. the

    original copy was not

    b. c. opy of the Notary Publics Return

    y of the

    e. (10) days before


    g. ge from


    re of the

    himself. In this case, he shall be

    Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)

    Sheriff that the original copy was

    h. NP-HPP G MV Clearance Certificate i. Duly accomplished and approved Motor

    Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR) j. Certificate of Emission Compliance (CEC) k. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    E x tr a -J u d ic ia l F o r ec lo s u r e S a le C o n d u c ted B e fo r e a N o ta r y P u b l ic (A r ts . 2 1 1 2 an d 2 1 4 , N ew C iv i l C o d e o f th e P h i l ip p in es in r e l a t io n to A c t 1 5 0 8 ) (A O N o . 8 4 A O -D IR -0 0 1 )

    a. Original copy of the Certificate of RegEncumbered (CRE) and the lateReceipt of Payment of MVUC andIn the absence thereof, a certification fromNotary Public that the turned over at the time of the sale Original copy of the Certificate of Sale Original c

    d. Cancellation of the chattel mortgage b the Register of Deeds on the basis Notary Publics Return Proof of posting of notice of sale at public auction for at least ten the sale Proof of written notice to the mortgagor at least ten (10) days before the sale Official Receipt of payment for the cancellation of the chattel mortga the Register of Deeds Public Bidding (Article 2112 of the New Civil Code of the Philippines requires a second bidding in case of failu first public auction. Where there is a failure of the public auction, the mortgagee may appropriate the MV to

    obliged to give an acquittal for his entire claim)

    i. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate j. Duly accomplished and approved Motor

    2 2

  • Draft

    k. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    an t to a M on ey

    its own seal at the

    ome final and


    d. e. f. ate of Registration

    e latest Official

    certification from the not turned

    over at the time

    icle Inspection Report (MVIR) i. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    s ed fr om e l


    of Payment

    d. tax payment from ice

    ation f.

    Duly accomplished and approved

    oof of return of Diplomatic Plates to DFA or the Plate Unit, Central Office

    k. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    5 .3 . 1 . 1 1 T r an s fe r o f O w n er s h ip o f M V O b ta in ed th r o u gh a S h e r i f fs C er t i f i ca te o f S a le P u r s uJ u d gm en t w h ich h as b ecom e f in a l

    a. Duplicate original copy of the decision rendered by the Court under

    b. Certification by the Clerk of Court thjudgment/decision has becexecutor Duplicate original copy of the Writ of Execution under the seal of the Court Original copy of the Sheriffs Certificate of Sale Original copy of the Sheriffs Return Original copy of the CertificEncumbered (CRE) and thReceipt of Payment of MVUC and other fees. In the absence thereof, a Sheriff that the original copy was

    of the sale g. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate

    Duly accomplished and approved Motor h. Veh

    5 .3 . 1 . 1 2 T r an s fe r o f O w n er s h ip o f M V s P u r ch a

    D ip lom at ic /T ax E xem p t P e r s o n n

    a. Endorsement from the Department of FAffairs

    b. Bureau of Customs Certificatec. Official Receipt of Tax Payment

    Confirmation Certificate of the Registration Section, Central Off

    e. Original Copy of the Certificate of RegistrDeed of Sale

    g. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate h. Motor

    Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR) i. Certificate of Emission Compliance (CEC) j. Pr

    2 3

  • Draft

    5 .3 . 1 . 1 3 A n n o ta t io n o f M o r tg ages an d o th e r L ien s E n cu m b r an ces (M C 9 6 -2 2

    o r 7 s e r ies o f 1 9 9 6 )

    the Register of Deeds c. Official Receipt of payment of the annotation

    wMVIR when the annotation of mortgage is

    al registration

    elease of Chattel Mortgage duly annotated by

    the Register of Deeds that recorded the chattel mortgage Contract

    L o n ge r E x is ts an d th e

    a. tion Encumbered (CRE)

    b. UC

    c. fidav he registe others the

    i) that the account has been fully paid

    ge contract

    iii ld

    a. Original copy of the Certificate of Registration b. Chattel Mortgage Contract duly annotated by

    ith the Register of Deeds d.

    transacted after one year from date of origin

    5 .3 . 1 . 1 4 C an ce l l a t io n o f M o r tg age an d O th e r L ien s an d E n cu m b r an ces (M C 9 6 -2 2 7 s e r ies o f 1 9 9 6 )

    a. Original copy of the Certificate of Registration with Encumbrance

    b. R

    c. Official Receipt of payment of recording fee with the Register of Deeds

    d. MVIR

    5 .3 . 1 . 1 5 C an ce l l a t io n o f M o r tg age w h en th e F in an c in g C om p an y (M o r tg agee ) N oR e leas e M o r tg age C o n tr ac t i s m is s in g

    Original copy of the Certificate of Registra

    Latest Official Receipt of payment of MVand other fees Af y tit of Undertaking executed b

    red owner stating among following:

    ii) that the release of mortgawas lost and could no longer be found despite diligent efforts

    ) that the affiant is willing to be heliable in case the lien still exists

    2 4

  • Draft

    d. SEC/DTI Certification stating that the


    plished and approved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)

    . r om B a l ik b ayan s


    l Bank pursuant

    Deed of Sale of the MV

    l d and approved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)

    f. Certificate of Emission Compliance


    mutilation (registered owner)

    Duly accomplished and approved Motor

    . Two (2) valid IDs of the registrant G Clearance

    e financing company stating that the original copy of the CRE is not in their

    Inspection Report (MVIR)

    g in e

    inancing company is no longer in existence e. Surety Bond equivalent to the fair market

    value of the MV valid for one (1) year f. Duly accom

    5 .3 . 1 . 1 6 T r an s fe r o f O w n er s h ip o f M V s C o v e r ed b y C B N o1 1 6 8 P u r ch as ed f v

    a. Original copy of the Certificate of Registrat(CR)

    b. Endorsement from the Centrato CB No. 1168

    c. d. PNP-HPG MV Clearance certificate

    Duly accompe. ishe

    g. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    5 .3 . 1 . 1 7 ep lacem en t o f l o s t/m u t i l a ted C R

    a. Affidavit of Loss/

    b. Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR) cd. PNP-HP

    5 .3 . 1 . 1 8 R ep lacem en t o f l o s t C R E

    a. Affidavit of Loss b. Certificate of conformity from th

    possession c. Duly accomplished and approved Motor Vehicle

    d. Two (2) valid IDs of the registrant

    5 .3 . 1 . 1 9 C h an ge C h as s i s /E n

    2 5

  • Draft

    gistration (CR) t (OR) of payment of

    . Affidavit of change chassis/engine P-HPG

    complished and approved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)

    g. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover


    y of official receipt of payment of latest

    l copy of the Deed of Sale/ Transfer/ Conveyance ortgage with banks

    nancing company in case of

    PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate ly acc

    IR) h. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    e of Registration (CR) or

    eipt (OR) of payment of

    al copy of the Deed of Sale/Transfer/Conveyance

    ing company in case of


    . Duly accomplished and approved Motor Vehicle pection

    nsurance Certificate of Cover

    a. Original copy of the Certificate of Reb. Original copy of latest Official Receip

    MVUC and other fees. c. Original copy of Sales Invoice with sales evaluation from

    Regional Office de. PN MV Clearance Certificate f. Duly ac

    5 .3 . 1 .2 T r an s fe r o f O w n er s h ip o f P r iv a te M V s

    a. Original copy of the Certificate of Registration (CR) or Certificate of Registration Encumbered (CRE)

    b. Original copMVUC and other fees

    c. Originad. Deed of sale with assumption of m

    conformity e. Written consent from the fi

    CRE f.g. Du omplished and approved Motor Vehicle

    Inspection Report (MV

    5 .3 . 1 .2 1 T r an s fe r o f O w n er s h ip o f F o r H i r e M V s /M C s

    a. Original copy of the CertificatCertificate of Registration Encumbered (CRE)

    b. Original copy of Official Reclatest MVUC and other fees

    c. Originwith Assumption of mortgage

    d. Written consent from the financCRE

    e. Original copy of the MTOP for TC/confirmation offranchise Issued by the LT

    f. PNP-HPG MV Clearance certificate g

    Ins Report (MVIR) h. Appropriate I

    2 6

  • Draft

    5 .3 . 1 .2 2 C h an ge C las s i f ica t io n (P r iv a te to F o r H i r e )

    ificate of Registration (CR)

    tificate of Cover otor Vehicle


    5 .3 . 1 .2 3 C h an ge C las s i f ica t io n (P r i v a te to F o r H i r e ) w i th

    ed (CRE)

    ther fees

    C n from the

    tificate of Cover otor Vehicle


    5 .3 . 1 .2 4 C h an ge C las s i f ica t io n (F o r H i r e to P r iv a te )

    test Official Receipt of payment of

    ifferent from the district office that issued


    approved Motor Vehicle

    5 .3 . 1 .2 5 C h an ge B o d y /B o d y D es ig n

    a. Original copy of the Certb. Original copy of the latest Official Receipt of payment of

    MVUC and other fees c. Valid Franchise with electronic confirmation from LTFRB d. Appropriate Insurance Cere. Duly accomplished and approved M

    Ins Report (MVIR) f. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    en cu m b r an ce

    a. Original or certified true copy of the Certificate of Registration Encumber

    b. Original copy of the latest Official Receipt of payment of MVUC and o

    c. Valid Franchise (MTOP) from Local Government Unit in case of T

    d. Valid franchise with electronic confirmatioLTFRB

    e. Written consent from the financing company f. Appropriate Insurance Cerg. Duly accomplished and approved M

    In Report (MVIR) h. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover

    a. Original copy of the Certificate of Registration (CR) b. Original copy of the la

    MVUC and other fees c. Dropping order from LTFRB d. Confirmation of CR and OR in case the transacting

    district office is dthe current CR

    e. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cf. Proof of the return of plates (RRPL) g. Duly accomplished and

    Inspection Report (MVIR)

    2 7

  • Draft

    a. Original Certificate of Registration (CR) b. Original Official Receipt (OR) of payment of MVUC and


    approved Motor Vehicle

    5 .3 . 1 .2 6 F o r S to len /R eco v e r ed M V s o n l y

    . he PNP or other law

    d. rt)

    the tampering done on the engine or chassis, if any

    5 .3 .2 O th e r M is ce l l an eo u s T r an s ac t io n s n o t r eq u i r in g ch an ge o f

    f l o s t O R

    5 .3 .2 .2 D u p l ica te P la te / R ep lacem en t S t ick e r s (M C 9 0 - )

    icial Receipt/Original Official

    te in case MV is in the name of a rtificate of registration in case of

    ole proprietorship g. PNP-HPG Clearance

    other fees c. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cod. Affidavit of change body/body design e. PNP-HPG MV Clearance Certificate-except MTC/TC f. Duly accomplished and

    Inspection Report (MVIR) g. Source of Body (Invoice of Materials)

    a. Original copy of the Lifting of general alarm b Report of Recovery by t enforcement agencies c. Copy of the Alarm Sheet

    PNP Crime Laboratory Report (macro etching repo or NBI report, fully identifying the MV and stating therein


    5 .3 .2 . 1 R ep lacem en t o

    a. Affidavit of Loss b. Two (2) valid IDs of the registrant

    1 2 0 ; M em o r an d u m d a ted D ecem b er 1 5 , 2 0 0 3

    a. Certified True Copy of Certificate of Registration/ Original Certificate of Registration (CR) b. Certified True Copy of Off

    Receipt (OR) of latest payment of MVUC and other fees c. Affidavit of Loss/mutilation d. Duly accomplished and approved Motor Vehicle

    Inspection Report (MVIR) e. Certification from the LTFRB that MV plates have not

    been surrendered, in case of for hire MVs f. Secretarys certifica

    corporation or DTI ces

    2 8

  • Draft

    5 .3 .3 .3 ce o f V an i ty L icen s e P l a te (V L P ) (M C 5 3 0 -2 0 0 4 d a ted J u l y 1 2 , 2 0 0 4 ) Is s u an

    a. Photocopy of the CR

    t OR of Payment of MVUC and

    plished request form (LTO VLP Form No.

    l Receipt (OR) of payment issued by the LTO

    5 .3 .3 .4 O p t io n a l M V S p ec ia l P l a te

    a. Application for OMVSP

    OR voice

    rict office of non

    Certification Fee

    . 3 . 3 .5 S to r ag e o f M V L icen s e P la te (A dm . O r d e r N o . 4 d a ted J

    a. MV License Plates

    CRE t Official Receipt of payment of

    case of loss of the required

    5 .3 .3 .6 R eac t iv a t io n o f S to r ed M V (S ec . 1 5 o f C i r 8 1 s e r ies 1 9 7 1 )

    MVs under storage shall be reactivated at the district office

    a. RRPL and Official Receipt of Payment of Storage fees

    b. Photocopy of the latesother fees

    c. Duly accom233)

    d. OfficiaTreasury Section, Finance and Management Division

    b. Certified true copy of CR/c. Certified true copy of Sales Ind. Certification from the registering dist

    issuance of plate e. OR of payment for


    u l y 3 0 , 1 9 8 1 )

    b. Photocopy of CR orc. Original copy of the curren

    MVUC and other fees d. Affidavit of loss (in


    where the license plates of MV were surrendered. The collectible MVUC thereof shall depend on the applicable portion of the year when the application for reactivation is made.

    b. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover c. Certificate of Emission Compliance (CEC)

    2 9

  • Draft

    d. Actual Inspection of MV with duly accomplished and approved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)

    e. Taxpayers Identification Number (TIN

    5 .3 .3 .7 ce o f C o n d u c t io n P e rm i ts (M C 9 4 -2 0 9 , S ep t . 1 9 9 4 ) Is s u an

    R eco r d

    These are off-road MVs which are exclusively used and

    a. Sales Invoice of MV, engine and/or chassis b. Appropriate Insurance Certificate of Cover c. Certificate of Stock Reported (CSR)

    5 .3 .3 .8 in g o f M V s (C i r cu la r N o . 7 1 , s e r ies o f 1 9 8 1 )

    operated on private areas regardless of type and/or denomination. These MVs operate in logging concessions, construction areas and the like. An annual recording fee prescribed by the LTO shall be collected. Such MVs shall not be required to be brought to the district office for ocular inspection and neither shall the same be covered by compulsory MV insurance.

    Im p o r ted M Vs

    a. Import Entry Declaration

    Airway Bill ountry of Origin

    wners copy)

    L o ca l l y p u r ch as ed

    b. Packing List c. Bill of Lading /d. Commercial Invoice from Ce. Bureau of Customs Certificate of Payment (of. Official Receipt of payment of taxes and duties

    a. Sales Invoice

    ock Reported

    5 .3 .3 .9 R en ew a l /Is s u an ce o f S ecu r i ty P l a tes /S t ick e r s (A O -

    b. Certificate of St

    8 2 -0 0 4 d a ted A u gu s t 1 8 , 1 9 8 2 ) (N o te : v a l id a te th i s p e r A O -8 2 -0 0 4 )

    3 0

  • Draft

    As provided for in LOI-991, the issuance of security plates shall be limited to government motor vehicles only

    a. Request from the government official b. Approved application by the NICA c. Application indicating therein the motor and chassis

    numbers, plate number, MV file number for which security plates is applied for

    d. Photocopies of the certificate of registration and the current official receipt of payment of latest MVUC and other fees

    5 .3 .3 . 1 0 C h an ge C o lo r

    a. Original Certificate of Registration (CR) b. Original Official Receipt (OR) or payment of latest MVUC

    and other fees c. Affidavit of change color d. PNP-TMG MV Clearance Certificate e. Duly accomplished and Approved Motor Vehicle

    Inspection Report (MVIR)

    5 .3 .3 . 1 1 R e-s tam p in g o f E n g in e/C h as s i s n u m b er s (M C -8 4M C -D IR -0 1 7 ; M C - 8 5 -0 1 2 )

    a. Original Certificate of Registration (CR) b. Affidavit explaining the reason or need for the re-

    stamping c. Duly accomplished and approved Motor Vehicle

    Inspection Report (MVIR) d. Endorsement of the district office that issued the latest

    CR to the PNP/TMG e. Laboratory examination of the Crime Laboratory

    (PNPCL) f. Report and recommendation from PNP-TMG g. Approval of the Regional Director

    5 .3 .3 . 1 2 S t m p in g o f L o ca l C h as s i s Id en t i f ica t io n N u m b er (B ack ya r d as s em b le r s o f r eb u i l t m o to r v eh ic les ) (M C -5 4 2 -2 0 0 4 d a ted S ep tem b er 1 5 , 2 0 0 4 ) (N o te : t r an s fe r r ed to an n ex )


    3 1

  • Draft

    a. Sales Invoices of materials used in the fabrication of chassis

    b. Affidavit of fabrication by the owner and backyard assembler

    c. Ocular inspection report from MVIS or by the Regional Office or by the designated district office

    d. Official Receipt of payment of certification fee for assignment of chassis identification number by the Regional Office

    e. Certification letter equivalent to Certificate of Stock Reported (CSR) issued by the Regional Office in compliance with RA 6539, the Anti-Carnapping Act

    5 .3 .3 . 1 3 n t T h r o u gh P o s ta l M o n ey O r d e r (P M O ) an d C er t i f ied C h eck s P a id as D ep o s i t fo r M o to r V eh ic le U s e r s C h a r g e (M VU C ) (M C -8 9 -1 0 0 d a ted F eb r u a r y 1 5 , 1 9 8 9 ; M C 9 1 -1 4 3 d a ted N o v em b er 2 0 , 1 9 9 1 ; M C 7 7 5 d a ted A u gu s t 1 4 , 2 0 0 6 )

    P aym e

    Postal Money Order and Certified Checks tendered as

    a. It shall be made payable to the Land Transportation

    e PMO or the certified check is less than the

    or the certified check is more than the

    ents received through PMO, Cashiers Managers

    payment for MVUC shall be made through registered mail, and the date of the cancellation of the postage stamps of envelopes containing money order or check shall be taken as the date of the application and/or payment for registration. The same shall be accepted and immediately receipted in the name of the remitter, provided it conforms with the following:

    Office b. In case th

    basic registration fee, impose Fifty Percent (50%) penalty thereon

    c. In case the PMOamount due, the excess shall be automatically credited/applied to the next registration year of the same MV

    d. PaymCheck shall be acknowledged using the Deposit Payment Facility at the Input Clerk or Cashiers work step. The first Official Receipt (OR) shall not be released until the supporting documents are submitted by the registrant.

    e. There must be only one (1) PMO payment for every MV

    3 2

  • Draft

    f. All PMO payments must be accompanied by photocopy

    om the

    mission of all the supporting documents,

    d without the required OR and CR

    5 .3 .3 . 1 4 R eq u es t fo r R ep l y /C o n f i rm a t io n (M C N o . 9 1 -1 3 7

    d a ted 2

    As a general rule, all transactions involving the transfer of

    5 .3 .3 . 1 4 . 1 F o r T r an s fe r o f O w n er s h ip :

    a. Certified true copy of the CR

    ved Motor Vehicle fice

    5 .3 .3 . 1 4 .2 F o r T r an s fe r o f C h op p ed /C u t-u p M o to r

    a. Certified true copy of the CR

    ved Motor Vehicle fice

    of the latest OR and CR of the MV being paid for. g. In case the name of the registered owner differs fr

    PMO remitter per supporting documents submitted, the PMO payment shall not be applied and the corresponding MVUC with fifty (50%) penalty shall be collected.

    h. Upon subtogether with the OR for payment of stickers and Legal Research Fund by the registrant, the district office shall issue the second Official Receipt

    i. In case the PMO was transmitte, the name of the remitter appearing in the

    PMO shall be indicated in the OR acknowledging the PMO.

    1 J u n e 1 9 9 1 ) (M C 6 5 5 -2 0 0 5 d a ted 1 1 O c to b e r 2 0 0 5 )

    ownership and change venue of a motor vehicle shall be effected at the district office that issued the current CR. However, the same may be effected in another district office when the residence or place of business of the transferee/vendee or the owner is within the geographical area of responsibility of the said district office, in which case confirmation of the CR and OR of payment of latest MVUC and other fees is required.

    b. Certified true copy of the OR c. Duly accomplished and appro

    Inspection Report (MVIR) by requesting district ofd. Photocopy of the Deed of Transfer

    Veh ic les :

    b. Certified true copy of the OR c. Duly accomplished and appro

    Inspection Report (MVIR) by requesting district ofd. Photocopy of the Deed of Transfer

    3 3

  • Draft

    e. BOC CP

    5 .3 .3 . 1 4 .3 F o r C h an ge V en u e

    a. Photocopy of the CR the OR of payment of latest

    c. approved Motor Vehicle fice

    ec t io n 6 . V en u e o f R eg is t r a t io n

    ew registration of all classifications of motor vehicles shall be exclusively done at the

    ec t io n 7 . S ch ed u le o f M o to r V eh ic l es U s e rs C h a r g e P u r s u an t to R .A . 8 7 9 4 an d

    M o to r V eh ic le U s e rs C h a r g e

    a . A ged P r i v a te V eh ic les refers to private passenger cars


    b. Certified True Copy ofMVUC and other fees Duly accomplished andInspection Report (MVIR) by requesting district of

    S NRegional Office. Renewal and miscellaneous transactions shall be retained at the district/extension offices. S

    o th e r F ees an d C h a r g es (A H S -2 0 0 8 -9 9 0 d a ted M ay 2 8 , 2 0 0 8 , )

    registered under E.O. 43 series of 1986. Pursuant to MC # EMA-MC-01348 dated 8/18/01 re: Clarification on the Rates of Collectible MVUC for Aged Motor Vehicles, hereunder are the schedule of aged MVs, the base year of which is 2000 the year RA # 8794 become effective.

    Current 2000 4 yrs. old 1996

    1 yr. Old 1999 5 yrs. old 1995

    2 yrs. old 1998 Over 5 yrs. old 1994 3 yrs. old 1997 & below

    CA T E G O R IE S

    G VW R A T E S

    A S S E N G E R CA R S : P

    3 4

  • Draft

    L IG H T u p to 1 6 0 0 k g

    Current, up to 5 yrs. old Php2,000.00

    Over 5 yrs. old 1,400.00

    M E D IU M 1 6 0 1 to 2 3 0 0 k g

    Current, up to 3 yrs. old Php6,000.00

    4 to 5 yrs. old 4,800.00

    Over 5 yrs. old 2,400.00

    H E A VY 2 3 0 1 k g & ab o v e

    Current, up to 5 yrs. old Php12,000.00

    Over 5 yrs. old 5,600.00

    b . P r i v a te A n d G o v e r n m en t V eh ic les

    CA T E G O R IE S G VW R A T E S

    (1) PASSENGER CARS (ageless)

    LIGHT GVW up to 1600kg Php 1,600.00

    MEDIUM 1601 to 2300kg 3,600.00

    HEAVY 2301kg & above 8,000.00


    GVW up to 2700kg Php 2,000.00

    2701 to 4500kg 2,000.00

    plus 0.40 x

    GVW in xcess

    of 2700kg

    3 5

  • Draft

    (3) SPORTS UTILITY VEHICLES (for models 1991 & above)

    GVW up to 2700kg Php 2,300.00

    2701 to 4500kg 2,300.00

    plus 0.46 x

    GVW in excess

    of 2700kg


    Without Sidecars Php240.00

    With Sidecars 300.00


    4501kg & above Php 1,800.00

    plus 0.24 x

    GVW in excess

    of 2700kg

    (6) TRAILERS

    4501kg & above 0.24 x GVW

    c . F o r H i r e --

    CA T E G O R IE S G VW R A T E S


    LIGHT GVW up to 1600kg Php 900.00

    MEDIUM 1601 to 2300kg 1,800.00

    3 6

  • Draft

    HEAVY 2301kgs. & above 5,000.00


    GVW up to 4500kg 0.30 X GVW


    GVW up to 2700kg Php 2,300.00

    2701 to 4500kg 2,300.00

    plus 0.46 x

    GVW in excess of 2700kg

    (4) MOTORCYCLES / TRICYCLES Php 300.00


    4501kg & above 0.30 x GVW

    (6) TRAILERS 4501kg & above 0.24 x GVW

    P en a l t ie s , C h a r g es , an d O th e r F ees

    a . Penalties Related To MVUC (Delinquent Registration)

    (1) Beyond the registration week (based on middle digit)

    for motorcycles = PhP 100.00

    other vehicles = 200.00

    (2) Beyond the registration = 50% of the MVUC rate month but not more

    3 7

  • Draft

    than 12 months (based on last digit)

    (3) More than 12 months = 50% of the MVUC rate but without apprehension plus renewal

    for violation of the land transportation laws, rules, and regulations during the period of delinquency

    (4) More than12 months = 50% of the MVUC rate but with apprehension plus renewal for for violation of the land every year of

    transportation laws, delinquency rules, and regulations during the period of delinquency (Circular No. 83C-DIR-20)

    (5) Overloading provided = 25% of the MVUC at that no axle shall exceed time of infringement

    thirteen thousand five for trucks and trailers hundred kilograms with a load exceeding

    (13,500kgs) more than 5% of the registered GVW

    S ec t io n 8 R eg is t r a t io n P r o ces s es

    8 .1 M an u fac tu r e r s , A s s em b le r s , Im p o r te r s , R eb u i l d e r s , D ea le r s an d O th e r E n t i t ie s R ep o r t in g S y s tem

    8 .1 . 1 M an u fac tu r e r s , A s s em b le r s , Im p o r te r s , R eb u i l d e r s , D ea le r s an d O th e r E n t i t ie s A cc r ed i ta t io n (A p p l ica t io n an d S co p e )

    Any natural or juridical person desiring to transact business with the LTO relative to Motor Vehicles and/or its components, shall file with the Assistant Secretary of the Land Transportation Office, an application for accreditation, containing certain prescribed information and showing compliance with the requirements hereinafter set forth.

    8 .1 . 1 . 1 D o cu m en ta r y R eq u i r em en ts fo r M A IR D s

    N ew A p p l ica t io n s

    3 8

  • Draft

    a. Duly accomplished application form, under oath. g: b. Certified true copy/ies of the followin

    For sole proprietorships, Certificate of Business Name

    Registration (DTI); For corporations/partnerships, Securities and

    Exchange Commission Certificate of Registration, Articles of Incorporation/Partnership and By-Laws, and Board Resolution issued by the Corporate Secretary, specifying the name of authorized representative who must be an officer of the corporation/ partnership;

    For cooperatives, Cooperative Development Authority Certificate of Registration, Articles of Cooperation and By-Laws, and Board Resolution, issued by the Corporate Secretary, specifying the name of authorized representative who must be an officer of the cooperative.

    c . Certified true copy/ies of Mayors Permit/s in the places applied for by the person, firm, partnership, corporation or cooperative, specifying the classification of business or Business Permit for: Plant, if applying for manufacturer, assembler and

    rebuilder Warehouse, if applying for importer Display Center, if applying for dealer

    d . BIR Certificate of Registration e . SSS Certificate of Membership of

    Corporation/Partnership/Single Proprietorship in the name of company.

    f . Statement of Assets and Liabilities or Financial Statement duly certified by a Certified Public Accountant (If corporation, consolidated FS is applicable to all branches)

    g . Location Map/s of establishment/s. h . Picture/s of establishment/s i . Contract/s of Lease, if the establishment/s is not owned by

    the applicant.

    A d d i t io n a l r eq u i r em en t/s i f ap p ly in g fo r :

    Assemblers Certified true copy/ies of DTI Board of Investment (BOI) Certificate of Membership.

    Importers - Certified true copy/ies of Certificate of Payment, Commercial Invoice, Bill of Lading, Packing List, Import Entry Declaration

    Rebuilders - Certified true copy/ies of DTI Certificate of Accreditation of Rebuilding Center.

    3 9

  • Draft

    R en ew a l

    a . Duly accomplished application form, under oath. b . Original LTO Certificate of Accreditation c . Latest certified true copy/ies of Mayors Permit/s of

    the establishment/s in the place/s where it is doing business.

    d . Duly notarized Affidavit attesting to its continuing compliance with all the requirements for accreditation, unless there are changes thereto in which case the applicant shall submit the applicable documents.

    8 .1 . 1 .2 D O C U M E N T A R Y R E QU IR E M E N T S F O R O T H E R E N T IT IE S A U T H O R IZ E D T O IM P O R T M O T O R V E H IC L E S

    a. Duly accomplished application form, under oath b. Commercial Invoice of the vehicle from the country of origin/ Certificate of Title c. Certificate of Payment (BOC) d. Packing List e. Import Entry Declaration f. Bill of Lading g. Authority to Import (For Tax Exempt) h. Tax Exemption Certificate (For Tax Exempt) i. Mabuhay Lane, 1st Indorsement from Department of

    Finance (For tax Exempt j. Duly notarized Affidavit attesting that the importer is

    also the end user

    8 .1 .2 S to ck R ep o r t in g

    8 .1 .2 . 1 C e r t i f i ca te o f S to ck R ep o r ted

    Certifies that a motor vehicle or its component has already been reported by its manufacturer, assembler, importer, rebuilder and other entities to MAIRDOERS

    4 0

  • Draft

    8 .1 .2 . 1 . 1 D o cu m en ta r y R eq u i r em en ts F o r S to ck R ep o r t in g to C en tr a l O ff ice

    M an u fac tu r e r /A s s em b le r /Im p o r te r -D o I t Y o u r s e l f

    a. LTO Certificate of Accreditation b. Authorization Letter from Company/Organization

    attesting that the liaison is the authorized representative of the company responsible in the uploading/validating/encoding of the necessary data of motor vehicles.

    c. Stock Report in hard and soft copies d. Certificate of Conformity (DENR)

    R eb u i l d e r /Im p o r te r o f C om p on en ts /O th e r E n t i t ie s

    a. LTO Certificate of Accreditation b. Authorization Letter from Company/Organization

    attesting that the liaison is the authorized representative of the company.

    c. Stock Report in hard and soft copies d. Stencil of Engine and/or Chassis

    8 .1 .3 S a les R ep o r t in g

    8 .1 .3 . 1 S a les R ep o r t

    Informs LTO that the reported stock is already sold to the end-user

    8 .1 .3 .2 D o cu m en ta r y R eq u i r em en ts F o r S a les R ep o r t in g

    to th e R eg io n a l O ff ice

    a. Certificate of Stock Reported (CSR) b. Copy Original Sales Invoice c. Sales certification

    S ec t io n 9 In s p ec t io n o f M V s

    All motor vehicles shall be subjected to mandatory inspection prior to registration except for new vehicle (CBU). No MV shall be accepted for registration unless fully inspected in accordance with the standards and procedures of MV inspection.

    4 1

  • Draft

    S ec t io n 1 0 R eg is t r a t io n P r o ced u r e

    1 0 .1 In s p ec t io n o f M V

    The Motor Vehicle Inspector accomplishes the Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR) while inspection is being done. If the motor vehicle (MV) fails the inspection, the inspector directs the applicant to correct the defects. The Chief of the Office or MVIS approves the inspection.

    1 0 .2 E v a lu a t io n /E n co d in g

    a. The evaluator checks for completeness and authenticity of the supporting documents. The transaction is rejected outright when the documentary requirements are incomplete.

    b. The evaluator checks the type of transaction and checks the documentary requirements in the system.

    c. The evaluator encodes the Insurance and Inspection details in the system. In case of For Hire registration, the evaluator encodes the franchise details.

    d. When there is a need to encode the names and addresses of the registered owners especially in transfer transactions, the evaluator encodes the same. In case of new registration the evaluator checks the get next button for the assignment of the plate number.

    e. The evaluator checks the correctness of the computer-generated computation based on the supporting documents.

    f. The evaluator sends the transaction to the next user and then informs the registrant to wait at the Cashiers area for payment of the fees.

    1 0 .3 In p u t/O u tp u t V a l id a t io n

    a. The input clerk checks the entries in the system and encodes any detail that the evaluator failed to encode in the system.

    b. After ensuring to it that the documents and details are in order, the input clerk sends the documents to the Approving Officer.

    4 2

  • Draft

    1 0 .4 A p p r o v in g

    The approving officer reviews the completeness and authenticity of the supporting documents, reviews the digital images and if so warranted, approves the transaction and sends the documents to the Cashier.

    1 0 .5 R ece iv in g o f P aym en t

    The cashier collects payment and issues computer-generated official receipt. The Cashier sends the documents to the Supply Officer. The payment made initiates the issuance of the plates, stickers and/or Certificate of Registration depending on the transaction.

    1 0 .6 P r in t in g an d R e leas in g

    The Supply Officer releases the stickers, plates and prints the Certificate of Registration depending on the type of transaction and forwards the documents with the printed CR to the approving officer for signature. He/she tags the sticker and the plates in the system as released.

    1 0 .7 S can n in g

    The Scanner scans the pertinent supporting documents into digital images. The digital images are archived into optical disk to permanent storage, while the physical documents are kept for filing.

    1 0 .8 R eco r d s O ff ice r

    The records officer keeps and files the supporting documents after the transaction is completed. He/she also prepares request and replies to confirmation and keeps a record of the same.

    S ec t io n 1 1 R ep ea l in g C lau s e

    All prior orders, circulars and memoranda as well as any related issuances or part thereof inconsistent with these provisions are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.

    4 3

  • Draft

    S ec t io n 1 2 E ffec t iv i ty

    This order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in the official Gazette and in two (2) newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines.

    Recommending Approval: A L F O N S O V . T A N , J R . Assistant Secretary Approved: J O S E P H E M IL IO A . A B A Y A Secretary

    4 4

  • Draft

    4 5


  • List of Private Emission Testing Center (AS OF NOVEMBER 2013)

    National Capital Region

    Control Number Private Emission Testing Centers Location Expiry Date L M IT Provider

    1 NCR-2003-01-021 ABG Motor Vehicle Emission Testing & Car Care Center Co. 1120-A 1 Brgy. Kaligayahan, Quirino Highway, Novaliches, Quezon City 9-Jan-14 1 CYBERLINK

    2 NCR-2003-01-012 Achilles Emission Testing Center 11 Biak-na-Bato St., Sto. Domingo, Quezon City 16-Dec-14 3 EUROLINK

    3 NCR-2013-03-897 Aladin Emission Testing Center #7 Mirasol Street, Cubao, Quezon City 19-Mar-14 1 CYBERLINK

    4 NCR-2013-01-835 Alquirave Emission Testing Center 3548 Buenos Aires Street, Sampaloc, Manila 29-Jan-14 1 CYBERLINK

    5 NCR-2005-12-330 Airpol Emission Testing Center 280 Pasong Tamo, Brgy. Damarias, Makati City 1-Sep-14 1 ETCIT

    6 NCR-2008-05-419 Airpol Emission Testing Center - Branch (REVOKED) 1147 Pasong Tamo St., San Antonio, Makati City 2-Sep-11 1 RDMS

    7 NCR-2013-02-846 Alpha Emission Testing Center #10 E. Mendoza Ave., Bayani Subd., Talon 1, Las Pias City 5-Dec-13 2 CYBERLINK

    8 NCR-2003-07-129 A.M. Pacleb Enterprises, Inc. Lot 15 Lark St., New Marikina Subd., Sta. Elena, Marikina City 14-Jun-14 2 RDMS

    9 NCR-2003-03-014 A.M. Pacleb Enterprises, Inc. 195 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City 8-Mar-14 2 RDMS

    10 NCR-2004-03-205 AMA Smoke Test Center 415 JP Rizal St., Sto. Nio, Marikina City 16-Nov-14 1 CYBERLINK

    11 NCR-2010-07-599 AMA Smoke Test Center (REVOKED) L10 B23 Pitpitan St., San Roque, Marikina City 5-Jul-11 1 ETCIT

    12 NCR-2007-07-384 AMA Smoke Test Center 746 D. Santiago St., Manila 27-Jan-14 1 CYBERLINK

    13 NCR-2013-08-1021 Angel Joan Emission Testing Center 23 Malakas St., Brgy. Pinyahan, East Ave., Quezon City 26-Aug-14 1 RDMS

    14 NCR-2010-01-579 ASI Emission Testing Center (REVOKED) 220 Mayon St., Sta. Mesa Heigts, Quezon City 27-Jan-11 1 CYBERLINK

    15 NCR-2013-04-917 Asia-Tech Emission Testing Center 85 Malakas St., Brgy. Pinyahan, Quezon City 21-Apr-14 1 ETCIT

    16 NCR-2009-11-562 ATC Emission Testing Center 133 20th Ave., San Roque, Cubao, Quezon City 7-Oct-14 1 CYBERLINK

    17 NCR-2007-03-376 ATSI PETC, Inc. 864 Domingo Santiago St., Sampaloc, Manila 20-Sep-14 1 RDMS

    18 NCR-2009-06-530 ATSI PETC, Inc. No. 922 Josefina St., Sampaloc, Manila 22-Feb-14 1 STRADCOM

    19 NCR-2003-07-124 ATSI PETC, Inc. Stall 6 Motor Town Center, Muntinlupa City 8-May-14 1 RDMS

    20 NCR-2009-07-532 ATSI PETC, Inc. - Novaliches Branch 1108 Quirino Highway, Kaligayahan, Quezon City 16-Dec-14 1 RDMS

    21 NCR-2009-07-533 ATSI PETC, Inc. - P. Tuazon Branch #1 Bernardino St., cor. P. Tuazon St., Brgy. Kaunlaran, Cubao, Quezon City 7-Dec-14 1 RDMS

    22 NCR-2009-07-534 ATSI PETC, Inc. - Caloocan Branch Araneta Ave., cor. Caimito St., Brgy. San Gabriel, Caloocan City 8-Dec-13 1 RDMS

    23 NCR-2003-01-022 ATSI PETC, Inc. (Formerly Autobus Transport Systems, Inc.) 1880 Ma. Orosa Street, Malate, Manila 24-Jan-14 2 RDMS

    24 NCR-2013-01-815 Auto Clinic Emission Testing Center Dela Rosa Bldg., Kalentong cor. Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City 14-Dec-13 1 CYBERLINK

    25 NCR-2013-09-1027 Auto Sources Inc. Emission Testing Center 63 Kalayaan Ave., Brgy. Pinyahan, Quezon City 31-Mar-14 2 RDMS

    26 NCR-2003-04-026 Automall Philippines Corp. 2226 Don Chino Roces Ave. cor. Don Bosco St., Bangkal, Makati City 27-Sep-13 1 RDMS

    27 NCR-2009-08-539 Automax Emission Testing Center - Branch #2 3rd Planas Street, Kaunlaran, Quezon City 1-Jul-14 2 CYBERLINK

    28 NCR-2010-06-589 Autozet Emission Testing Center RM Bldg., #80 Magsaysay Blvd., Quezon City 20-Apr-14 1 CYBERLINK

    29 NCR-2010-06-594 Aveana Emission Test Center Co., Inc. 151-E 20th Ave. cor. Mirasol St., Brgy. San Roque, Cubao, Quezon City 10-Jul-14 1 ETCIT

    30 NCR-2003-03-004 Avexson Corporation 660 Quirino Highway, Bagbag, Novaliches, Quezon City 20-Feb-14 1 RDMS

    31 NCR-2010-03-584 Avila's Emission Testing Center JVH Terminal 20th Ave., Brgy. San Roque, Cubao, Quezon City 16-Feb-14 1 ETCIT

    32 NCR-2011-09-742 AYJ Emission Testing Center 3565 Buenos Aires St., Brgy. 579, Zone 56, Sampaloc, Manila 13-Dec-13 1 CYBERLINK

    33 NCR-2013-10-1106 AYJ Emission Testing Center #31 Don Jose, Murphy, Cubao, Quezon City 13-Dec-13 1 CYBERLINK

    34 NCR-2002-12-007 Baliuag Motor Vehicle Emission Testing & Car Care Center Co. 714 Domingo St., Balic-Balic, Sampaloc, Manila 24-Nov-13 2 RDMS

    35 NCR-2003-04-022 B.A.R. Enterprises - Munti Branch B1 L9 Lodora Village, Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City 18-Apr-13 1 CYBERLINK

    36 NCR-2009-02-488 B.J.B. Emission Testing Center 1131 Quirino Highway, Kaligayahan, Novaliches, Quezon City 9-Jan-14 1 CYBERLINK

    37 NCR-2003-06-076 Boher Emission Test Center Co., Inc. 526 Nueve de Febrero St., Brgy. Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City 25-Sep-14 4 ETCIT

    38 NCR-2012-06-764 Boher Emission Test Center Co., Inc. Liberty Center, Freedom Plaza 312 Shaw Blvd., Brgy. Pleasant Hills, Mandaluyong City 25-Sep-14 2 ETCIT

    39 NCR-2013-02-848 Brit Emission Testing Center (Revoked) 75-A Ignacio Santos Diaz St., San Martin de Porres 4, Cubao, Quezon City 7-Feb-14 1 EUROLINK

    40 NCR-2013-10-1080 Brit Emission Testing Center 135 N. Domingo St., Brgy. Kaunlaran, Quezon City 2-Oct-14 1 RDMS

  • 41 NCR-2002-10-001 BSC Emission Testing Center (Caloocan Branch) 17 Araneta Ave., Brgy. 79, Caloocan City 16-Mar-14