guide to referencing and citations

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  • 8/10/2019 Guide to Referencing and Citations


    Guide to Referencing and Citations

    Sheffield Hallam University

    Learning and IT Services

    Accurate and consistent referencing is essential in all academic work. Whenever you refer to either the work or ideas of someone, or areinfluenced by another's work, you must acknowledge this. Similarly if you make a direct quotation from someone's work this should bereferred to accurately.

    There are a number of systems of referencing. This guide offers detailed guidance based on a range of British and international standardsfor producing references and bibliographies according to the Harvard method. You may be asked to use another system, such as anumeric system or to use a different version of the Harvard method. If this is the case, please refer to your course handbook or tutors forguidance.

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    What is referencing? 7

    Why should you reference? 7

    When and what should you reference? 7

    Plagiarism 8

    Paraphrasing and summarising 8

    How to reference using the Harvard system 9

    Principles of citing 9

    Citing items with one author 9Citing items with two or three authors 9Citing items with more than three authors 10Citing edited items 10Citing organisation, company or government authors 10Quoting 10Citing diagrams, images and pictures 11Citing more than one item by the same author(s) 12Citing when you cannot identify the author(s) of a work 12Citing when you cannot identify the year 12

    Bibliographies and Reference Lists 13

    What's the difference between a bibliography and a reference list? 13The format of a bibliography or reference list 13

    Principles of referencing electronic sources 14

    Secondary referencing - for when you haven't read it yourself but you've read something about it 14

    RefWorks 14

    Referencing and citing examples 15

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    Books 15

    Book with one author 15Book with two authors 15Book with three authors 15

    Book with more than three authors 16Book with a single editor 16Book with two editors 16Book with three editors 16Book with more than three editors 16Book with an organisation, company or government author 16Books with no identifiable authors or editors 16

    Anonymous books 17

    Electronic book from a database 17Electronic book from the web 17Book chapter 18Chapter in an electronic book 18Part of an anthology 18Part of an encyclopedia 18Part of an electronic encyclopedia 19

    Book with an introduction / forward 19Introduction / forward to a book 19Translated book 19Dictionary 19Dictionary with no authors or editors 19Annual publication 20Reprint 20Electronic reprint 20Facsimile 20Part of a series 20

    Journals, Magazines & Newspapers (Serials) 21

    Journal / magazine articles 21Electronic journal / magazine articles 22Electronic journal /magazine article with no print equivalent 22

    Electronic journal / magazine article abstract 23

    Electronic Journal / magazine articles in press 23

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    In press article from a database 23In press article from web site 23

    Whole journal / magazine issue 23Newspaper article 24

    Newspaper article with no author 24

    Newspaper article in section / pull out 24Newspaper advert 24Newspaper article on microfilm 24

    Electronic newspaper article 25Electronic newspaper article with no identifiable page numbers 25Annual publication treated as a serial 25

    Broadcast and Pre-recorded Media 25

    Radio broadcast 25TV broadcast 25News broadcast 26Recording - from TV (satellite or terrestrial) or radio onto video, DVD or audiocassette 26Feature film 26Feature film (off-air) 26Commercial or training film 26

    Audiocassette 26Music (e.g. CD) 27Podcast 27Video podcast 27

    Images and original artworks 27

    Image in a book 27Image on the web 27

    Original artwork 27Original artwork 28SHU slide 28

    Conferences 28

    Conference paper 28Electronic conference paper from a database 28

    Electronic conference paper from a website 29

    Whole conference 29

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    Parliamentary and government publications 29

    House of Commons Paper 29House of Lords Paper 30Hansard (House of Commons or House of Lords debates) 30

    Bill (House of Commons or House of Lords) 31Act of Parliament (post 1963) 31Statutory Instrument 31Command paper 31UK Government Departmental publication 31European publication 31International organisation publication 32

    Maps 32

    Map 32Map with no author 32Ordnance Survey map 32Electronic map 32

    Dissertations and theses 33

    PhD, DPhil, DEd, etc. 33

    MSc, MA, Med, etc. 33Undergraduate dissertations (BA, BSc, etc.) 33Thesis online 33Thesis on microfiche / microfilm 34

    Personal communication 34

    Electronic communication 34

    Email (example without a reference in a bibliography) 34Email 35SMS text message 35

    Verbal unrecorded communication 35Private informal conversation 35Private telephone conversation 35

    Verbal recorded (but unpublished and unbroadcast) communication 36Private interview (example without a reference in a bibliography) 36

    Private interview 36Written communication 37

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    Letter 37Fax 37

    Presentations 37

    Lecture 37Electronic lecture from Blackboard 37

    Webpages 38

    Web pages with a page author 38Web pages with a site author 38Web pages where there is no author or the author is the same as the title 39

    Other Resources 39

    Standard 39Electronic standard 40Patent - electronic 40Computer program (software) 40Market Research Report - electronic 41Wiki 41Social network space 41

    Blog 41Discussion list 42Company annual report - electronic 42Company information from Fame 42

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    What is referencing?

    Referencing is an acknowledgement of the sources of the information, ideas, thoughts and data which you have used in your work.

    Referencing requires you to acknowledge your source in two places: in the main body of your text (citing) in the bibliography or list of referencesat the end of your work

    There are a number of systems of referencing. The one described here is called the Harvard System. You may be asked to use anothersystem, such as a numeric system. If this is the case, please refer to your course handbook or tutors for guidance.

    Why should you reference?

    Referencing is the accepted way to acknowledge other people's work when you have used it in your work or have been influenced by it.Your tutors will require you to reference in your work and to be clear and consistent in how you do this.

    Referencing your work can also help you to: demonstrate that you have researched or read around the subject which you are writing about

    provide evidence for your arguments allow any reader of your work to find the original material you used avoid plagiarism

    When and what should you reference?

    You should reference whenever you refer to or use someone else's work in your work.

    You should reference any kind of material that you use; books, journal articles, information on the internet, lecture notes, TV broadcasts,etc. It is important when you are doing your research, to keep records of the resources you have used. It can be difficult to find theresources again later in order to reference them properly. RefWorksmay help you to do this.

    You should always reference the version of an information resource which you have actually used. For example, a newspaper article mayappear in the printed paper and on a web site and these two versions may be slightly different. It is usually assumed that you are referring

    to a print resource, so if it is an electronic or in another format you need to include this information, e.g. by adding [online] into yourreference, to indicate which version you have used.

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    How to reference using the Harvard system

    The Harvard system of referencing uses the author and date of a publication to identify and organise references. When you are citing(referring in your text to the sources used) you should use the author(s) and year. This refers a reader to your bibliography or reference

    list, where there should be full references. These are listed in order by author(s) and year, so that the full details of a citation can be easilyfound.There are many variations of the Harvard system. The version presented here is recommended by Learning and IT Services, but you maybe asked to produce your references in a slightly different way. Please refer to your course handbook or tutors for guidance.

    Principles of citing

    Citing is referring to someone elses work or ideas in the text of your work. It is often called in-text citing:

    Each citation should include the authors last name(s) (family name) and the year of the work in brackets:

    In a recent report (Phillips 2006) the...

    If the authors name occurs naturally in a sentence, the author's name does not need to be in brackets:

    Phillips (2006) describes...

    Both of these ways of citing are correct. Below are some more examples of citing.

    Citing items with one author

    Include the authors last name and the year:

    (Phillips 2006) or Phillips (2006) describes a new...

    Citing items with two or three authors

    Include all the names:

    (Daly, Speedy and Jackson 2006) or Daly, Speedy and Jackson (2006) discuss the...

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    Citing items with more than three authors

    Use the first author followed by et al.:

    (Russell et al. 2005) or Russell et al. (2005) give a description of...

    Citing edited items

    If an item is edited rather than having authors, use the editors and year in the same way as for authors:

    (Crouch, Jackson and Thompson 2005) or Crouch, Jackson and Thompson (2005) provide evidence that...

    You do not need to indicate that they are editors in your citation, but you do need to do this in the full reference in your bibliography /reference list.

    Citing organisation, company or government authors

    If an item is written by an organisation, company or government body, use their name and the year in your citation and to list the item underin your bibliography / reference list:

    (British Airways 2003) or In the report by British Airways (2003) it can be seen that...


    If you are quoting text, enclose the quote in quotation marks and include the page number from the original source in the citation with theauthor's name(s) and year.

    "............." (Wood 2004, p126) or Wood (2004, p126) says "............."

    Sometimes you may be asked, in your course handbook or by your tutors, to indent substantial quotes.

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    Citing diagrams, images and pictures

    You can refer to diagrams, images or pictures in your work which have appeared in another source.

    The creator of the image should be the main entry in your citation. However, the creator of the image is not always the same as the creatorof the source in which you found it. The source should tell you if the creator of the image is someone else. If this information does notappear, you can assume they are the same.

    Where the creator of the image is the same as the creator of the source, e.g. a diagram in a book created by the author(s) of the book, yourcitation should be to the book, including the author's name(s), year and the page number on which the diagram appeared. e.g.

    Osbourn and Greeno (2002, p.206) provide a diagram of the typical detail for raft foundation.

    The reference in the bibliography or reference list would be:

    OSBOURN, Derek and GREENO, Roger (2002). Introduction to building, 3rd ed., Harlow, Pearson Education.

    If the creator of the image is different to the creator of the book or other source, cite the creator of the image. For example a reproductionof Gaudi's plan for the cemetery gate can be seen in a book written by Rainer Zerbst. In this instance, cite Gaudi. e.g.

    Gaudi (1875) produced a plan for the cemetery gate, which he submitted to...

    The reference in the bibliography or reference list would start with the creator of the image, but also include the full details of this book:

    GAUDI, Antoni (1875). Plan for the cemetery gate. [drawing]. In: ZERBST, Rainer. Antoni Gaudi: the complete buildings, London,Taschen, 2002

    Images, pictures and diagrams are covered by copyright. If you are including a diagram, image or picture in your work which you havetaken from another source, you need to make sure that you are not breaching copyright. For more information see the Technical AdvisoryService for Images' FAQ about Copyright. You will also need to reference the image properly. It is good practice to number figures whichyou put in your work and include this number with the title of the figure and citation just below the figure.

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    Citing more than one item by the same author(s)

    If you are citing more than one item by the same author(s) you need to be able to distinguish between them. It is not a problem if theywere published in different years:

    (Gregory 2001) and (Gregory 2004)

    However, if you have used items written by the same author(s) and which were published in the same year, you need to distinguish theseusing letters after the year:

    (Nielsen 1993a) and (Nielsen 1993b)

    These letters must also appear in your bibliography / reference list to distinguish the two items there as well:

    NIELSEN, Jakob (1993a). Hypertext and hypermedia, Academic PressNIELSEN, Jakob (1993b). Usability engineering, Academic Press

    Citing when you cannot identify the author(s) of a work

    If you cannot identify the author(s) of a work, cite it by title and list it under the title in your bibliography / reference list. If it is a book, thetitle is usually in italics, so maintain this in your citation and reference:

    (Dictionary of biology2004) or In the Dictionary of biology(2004) ...

    Citing when you cannot identify the year

    If you cannot identify the date of publication of an item, indicate that there is no date:

    (Collins no date) or Collins (no date) describes...

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    Bibliographies and Reference Lists

    At the end of your assignment you must give full details of the sources you have used in a reference list or bibliography.

    What's the difference between a bibliography and a reference list?

    Abibliographyshould list all the works you have used in preparing your assignment, including background reading, even works notdirectly referred to in your text.

    A reference list should include only items actually cited in your work.

    If you are in any doubt which is required, ask your tutor.

    The format of a bibliography or reference list

    Your bibliography or reference list needs to be precise, consistent and comprehensive. Each entry must give sufficient information forthose reading your work to be able to find any sources of information mentioned.

    In the Harvard system, items should be arranged in one alphabetical sequence by name of author. If there is no author, the item should be

    listed in sequence by the first significant word of the title.

    Example bibliography

    JOHNSON, D. W. and JOHNSON, F. P. (1994). Joining together: group theory and group skills. Boston, Allyn and Bacon.

    MALLIER, T. and BAILEY, M. (1997). How students search for vacation employment. International journal of manpower,18(8), 702-714.

    The pedant's revolt. (2004). [DVD off-air]. BBC4. 5 December.

    REITZIG, Markus (2004). Strategic management of intellectual property. [online]. MIT Sloan management review, 45(3), 35-40. Articlefrom Business Source Premier last accessed 18 February 2006 at:

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    Principles of referencing electronic sources

    Examples of how to cite electronic sources are given in the sections on each material type. For example, to find out how to create areference to an electronic book, look under "books".

    In addition to the usual publication information, your reference will need to include the fact that the material was online, give the location ofthe material (i.e. the URL), as well as the date you last accessed it. This is important because electronic information and web pages canoften change (or disappear) without notice.

    When citing a web page, the usual practice is to supply the full URL to the page. However, references to items in a database should betreated differently because the full URL may be of unusable length or generated as a non-persistent one-off. A reference to an article whichwas located in an electronic database should instead provide the name and home URL of the database (or database publisher), rather than

    the URL for the specific item. If you have difficulties finding a suitable URL, please contact Learning and IT Services.

    Secondary referencing - for when you haven't read it yourself but you've read something about it

    For example, in the book "Housing policy: an introduction" written by Paul Balchin and Maureen Rhoden, a theory by Chris Hamnett isdiscussed and referred to. If you wanted to use Hamnett's theory in your work, it would be best to go to the original work by Hamnett andread it yourself. This enables you to check that the information is correct, represented accurately and that you have the full details.

    Where this is not possible, you must not reference the original source by Hamnett as you haven't used it. Instead, reference the book byBalchin and Rhoden. This is secondary referencing.

    For example in your text:According to Balchin and Rhoden (2002) Hamnett has a theory that...

    And in your bibliography / reference list:

    BALCHIN, Paul and RHODEN, Maureen (2002). Housing policy: an introduction. 4th ed., London, Routledge


    RefWorks is a web-based bibliography and database manager, which can be used to create a database of references and to produce abibliography from these in a format of your choice, e.g. Harvard. To find out more, look at the LITS RefWorksweb page. For help withRefWorks, ask at a LITS Information or Help Desk, email [email protected] or ask your tutor to arrange a RefWorks sessionfor

    you with LITS staff.

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    Referencing and citing examples

    The information required in a reference is different depending on the type of material and whether it is printed or online, etc.

    These are examples of how to reference different types of material. This guide indicates the information to include, the layout and thesuggested punctuation. Try to include as much of the information required as you can and to be consistent.

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    Books The main parts of a book reference are: author(s) or editor(s)

    year of publication - if you cannot see a publication date, use the Copyright date


    edition - for anything other than the first edition, include the abbreviation for the edition (2nd ed., 3rd ed., 4th ed.,New ed., Revised ed., etc.) after the title.

    place of publication (you may or may not be required to include this) - if there is more than one place ofpublication given, include only the most local one. This is not always a place of publication for electronic books


    You will usually find the information you need on the books title page (usually the first page) and the back of the titlepage. Note that this may differ from what is on the cover and should be used in preference to the information on thecover. If the book is in the Library, the information you need may be found on the Catalogue.For electronic books, also include [online], the location (URL) and last date you accessed the book.

    Book with oneauthor

    Author, year, title, edition (if notthe first), place of publication,publisher

    PHILLIPS, David (2006). Quality of life: concept, policyand practice. London, Routledge.

    ... is relevant to socialpolicy (Phillips 2006) and...

    Book with twoauthors

    Both authors, year, title, edition(if not the first), place ofpublication, publisher

    KIMBALL, Ralph and ROSS, Margy (2002). The datawarehouse toolkit: the complete guide to dimensionalmodeling. 2nd ed., New York, Wiley.

    Kimball and Ross (2002)indicate that ...

    Book with threeauthors

    All authors, year, title, edition(if not the first), place of

    publication, publisher

    GREENSTREET, Bob, GREENSTREET, Karen andSCHERMER, Brian (2005). Law and practice for

    architects. Oxford, Architectural.

    ... is common practice(Greenstreet, Greenstreet

    and Schermer 2005)

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    Book with more

    than threeauthors

    First author, et al. year, title,

    edition (if not the first), place ofpublication, publisher

    BOTT, Frank, et al. (2001). Professional issues in

    software engineering. 3rd ed., London, Taylor andFrancis.

    Bott et al. (2001) describe


    Book with asingle editor

    Editor (ed.), year, title, edition(if not the first), place ofpublication, publisher

    ACKERLEY, Roger (ed.) (2003). Telecommunicationsperformance engineering. London, Institute of ElectricalEngineers.

    (Ackerley 2003)

    Book with two


    Both editors, (eds.), year, title,

    edition (if not the first), place ofpublication, publisher

    STAHL, Gunter K. and MENDENHALL, Mark E. (eds.)

    (2005). Mergers and acquisitions: managing culture andhuman resources. California, Stanford University Press.

    "mergers are........." (Stahl

    and Mendenhall 2005,p267)

    Book with threeeditors

    All editors, (eds.), year, title,edition (if not the first), place ofpublication, publisher

    DUDINK, Stefan, HAGEMANN, Karen and TOSH, John(eds.) (2004). Masculinities in politics and war: genderingmodern history. Manchester, Manchester UniversityPress.

    (Dudink, Hagemann andTosh 2004)

    Book with morethan threeeditors

    First editor, et al., (eds.), year,title, edition (if not the first),place of publication, publisher

    HITT, Michael A., et al. (eds.) (2002). Strategicentrepreneurship: creating a new mindset.Oxford,Blackwell.

    Hitt et al. (2002) discussthe...

    Book with anorganisation,company orgovernmentauthor

    Author, year, title, edition (if notthe first), place of publication,publisher

    INTERNATIONAL VALUATION STANDARDSCOMMITTEE (2005). International valuation standards.7th ed., London, International Valuation StandardsCommittee.

    (International ValuationStandards Committee2005)

    Books with noidentifiableauthors oreditors

    If you cannot identify theauthor(s) of the work(individual or corporate), usethe title to cite the work and asthe main entry in your

    bibliography / list of references.

    Building maintenance: strategy, planning andprocurement.(2000). Coventry, Royal Institution ofChartered Surveyors.

    (Building maintenance:strategy, planning andprocurement2000)

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text



    For material which is identified

    as anonymous, use Anon. inplace of the author(s).

    ANON. (2005). A woman in Berlin : diary 20 April 1945 to

    22 June 1945. London, Virago.

    (Anon. 2005)

    Electronic bookfrom a database

    Author(s) or editor(s), year,title, [online], edition (if not thefirst), place of publication,publisher, Book from database,last accessed date, at: URL

    MORGAN, Nigel and PRITCHARD, Annette (2001).Advertising in tourism and leisure.[online]. Oxford,Butterworth-Heinemann. Book from NetLibrary lastaccessed 19 June 2006 at:

    LEE, Martin (ed.) (1993). Coaching children in sport:principles and practice. [online]. London, Spon. Bookfrom Ebook Library last accessed 12 July 2006at:

    (Morgan and Pritchard2001)

    (Lee 1993)

    CLAPHAM, Christopher and NICHOLSON, James (2005).The concise Oxford dictionary of mathematics. [online].Oxford, Oxford University Press. Book from OxfordReference Online last accessed 23 April 2006 at:

    (Clapham and Nicholson2005)

    Electronic bookfrom the web

    Author(s), year, title, [online],edition (if not the first), place ofpublication, publisher, lastaccessed date, at: URL

    CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER (2002). Getting ahead of thecurve: a strategy for combating infectious diseases(including other aspects of health promotion).[online].London, Department of Health. Last accessed 18th June

    2005 at:

    (Chief Medical Officer2002)

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    Book chapter Chapter author(s), year, title of

    chapter, In: book editor(s),(eds.), book title, edition (if notthe first), place of publication,publisher, page number ofchapter

    WILLIAMS, Eric and SASAKI, Yukihiro (2003).

    Strategizing the end-of-life handling of personalcomputers: resell, upgrade, recycle. In: KUEHR, Ruedigerand WILLIAMS, Eric, (eds.) Computers and theenvironment: understanding and managing their impacts.London, Kluwer, 183-196.

    (Williams and Sasaki


    "................" (Williams andSasaki 2003, p184)

    Chapter in anelectronic book

    Part author(s), year, title ofpart, In: book author(s) or

    editor(s), book title, [online],edition (if not the first), place ofpublication, publisher, pagenumbers of part, book fromdatabase, last accessed date,at:URL

    REPPER, Julie and PERKINS, Rachel (2004). Socialinclusion and acute care. [online]. In: Harrison, Marc,

    Howard, David and Mitchell, Damien (eds.). Acute mentalhealth nursing: from acute concerns to the capablepractitioner. London, Sage Publications, 51-78. Book fromEbook Library last accessed 28 September 2006 at:

    Repper and Perkins (2004)discuss why social

    inclusion should be on theacute care agenda

    Part of ananthology

    Part author(s), year of part, titleof part, Reprinted in: anthologyeditor(s), (eds.), anthology title,edition (if not the first), place ofpublication, publisher, year ofpublication of anthology (ifdifferent from year of part),page numbers of part

    LOTT, Emmeline (1865). The governess in Egypt.Reprinted in: FOSTER, Shirley and MILLS, Sara (eds.).An anthology of women's travel writing. Manchester,Manchester University Press, 2002, 55-59.

    Lott (1865) describes...

    Part of anencyclopedia

    Part author(s), year, title ofpart, In: encyclopedia editor(s),(eds.) if applicable,encyclopedia title, edition (ifnot the first), place ofpublication, publisher, volumeif applicable, page number(s)

    of part

    UEBERSAX, Mark A. (1992). Rice. In: McGraw-Hillencyclopedia of science and technology. 7th ed., London,McGraw-Hill. 15, 481-486.

    (Uebersax 1992)

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    Part of an


    Part author(s), year, title of

    part, [online], In: encyclopediaeditor(s), encyclopedia title,place of publication (required),publisher, last accessed date,at: URL

    SHYE, Samuel (2004). Facet theory. [online]. In: KOTZ,

    Samuel et al. (eds.). Encyclopedia of statistical sciences.Wiley. Last accessed on 4 July 2005 at:

    According to Shye (2004)


    Book with anintroduction /


    Author of book, year ofpublication, title of book,

    additional details of the edition,place of publication, publisher

    TWAIN, Mark (1966). The adventures of HuckleberryFinn. Edited with an introduction by Peter Coveney.

    London, Penguin.

    (Twain 1966) recounts theexploits of...

    Introduction /forward to abook

    Author of the introduction /forward, year of publication,title of the introduction /forward, In: author of main text,title of main text, place ofpublication, publisher

    COVENEY, Peter (1966). Introduction. In: TWAIN, Mark.The adventures of Huckleberry Finn. London, Penguin.

    In his introduction to thebook, Coveney (1966)describes...

    Translated book Author of book, year ofpublication, title of book,additional details of the edition,place of publication, publisher

    PIAGET, Jean (1973). The child's conception of theworld. Translated by Joan and Andrew Tomlinson.Paladin

    (Piaget 1973) gives aninteresting...

    Dictionary Author(s) or editor(s) and (ed.),year, title, edition (if not thefirst), place of publication,publisher

    FRESHWATER, Dawn and MASLIN-PROTHERO, Sian(eds.) (2004). Blackwell's nursing dictionary. 2nd ed.,Oxford, Blackwell.

    (Freshwater and Maslin-Prothero 2004)

    Dictionary withno authors oreditors

    Title, year, edition (if not thefirst), place of publication,publisher

    Dictionary of finance and banking.(2005). 3rd ed.,Oxford, Oxford University Press.

    (Dictionary of finance andbanking2005)

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text



    Author(s), year, title, place of

    publication, publisher

    DUN & BRADSTREET (2006). Key British enterprises

    2006: Britain's top 50,000 companies.London, APInformation Services.

    (Dun & Bradstreet 2006)

    Reprint Author(s), original year, title,Reprint, place of publication,publisher, year of publicationor reprint

    SEDDING, John (1893). Art and handicraft. Reprint,London, Garland, 1977.

    (Sedding 1893)


    Author(s), original year, title,[online], original publicationplace and publisher, reprintdetails, database or source,date of online edition (ifdifferent from the print), lastaccessed date, at: URL

    WELLS, H. G. (1922). A Short History of the World.[online]. New York, The Macmillan Company. Reprintedon, 2000. Last accessed on 17 September2006 at:

    In the famous work byWells (1922) ...

    Facsimile Author(s), original year, title,reprint, place of publication,publisher, year of publication

    DARWIN, Charles (1859) On the origin or species: bymeans of natural selection. Facsimile of the 1st ed.,Atheneum, 1967.

    (Darwin 1859) describes ...

    Part of a series Author(s), year, title, edition (ifnot the first), place ofpublication, publisher, seriestitle, series number or volumenumber (if applicable)

    BAGINSKY, Mark (2000). Child protection and education.London, NSPCC. Policy Practice Research Series.

    LOVEJOY, Paul E. (2000). Transformations in slavery: ahistory of slavery in Africa. 2nd ed. Cambridge,Cambridge University Press. African studies series, 36.

    DONNELLAN, Craig (ed.) (1996). Men, women andequality.Cambridge, Independence. Issues for thenineties, vol.18.

    (Baginsky 2000)

    (Lovejoy 2000)

    Donnellan (1996) arguesthat...

    Table of Contents

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text


    Magazines &Newspapers(Serials)

    Usually you will be referencing an article in one of these publications, so the first part of the reference should be to the

    article. The information you need about the article (author(s), title, pages) will usually be on the article.You will also need to know the details of the publication - full journal/magazine title, year, volume and issue or dates.This can usually be found on the cover or inside of the cover of the journal/magazine. If you only have an abbreviation ofthe publication title, there are somejournal abbreviation sourceswhich will help you find the full title. Prints andphotocopies of articles may not include all the publication details. It is a good idea to write these on when you print orphotocopy articles to ensure you will be able to reference the articles correctly later.

    Journal /


    Article author(s), year, article

    title, full journal/magazine title,volume, issue or number,pages

    NORDENBERG, T. (2000). The healing power of

    placebos.FDA consumer, 34 (1), 14-17.

    DAVIS, Simon (2004). Project management in local andcentral government: an interim view. Project managertoday, XVI (5), 4-5.

    (Nordenberg 2000)

    In an article by Davis(2004) it is...

    POPLE, Nicolas and CADJI, Miriam (2001). Roofing.RIBA journal, 108 (3), 70-76.

    MAKKI, S. A. M., PISSINOU, N. and DAROUX, P. (2003).Mobile and wireless internet access. Computercommunications, 26 (7), 734-46.

    "....." (Pople and Cadji2001, p74)

    (Makki, Pissinou andDaroux 2003)

    DARLING, Helen et al. (2006). Is there a relation betweenschool smoking policies and youth cigarette smokingknowledge and behaviours? Healtheducation research, 1(1), 108-115.

    BROWN, Culum (2004). Not just a pretty face. Newscientist, 182(2451), 42-43.

    (Darling et al. 2006)

    (Brown 2004)

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    Version 2, Amendment 1, May 200722

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text


    journal /magazinearticles

    Article author(s), year, article

    title, [online], fulljournal/magazine title, volume,issue or number, pages, Articlefrom database, last accesseddate, at: URL

    REITZIG, Markus (2004). Strategic management of

    intellectual property. [online]. MIT sloan managementreview, 45 (3), 35-40. Article from Business SourcePremier last accessed 3 May 2006 at:

    BERG, Ineke-van-den, ADMIRAAL, Wilfried and PILOT,Albert (2006). Designing student peer assessmentinhigher education: analysis of written and oral peer

    feedback. [online]. Teaching in higher education, 11(2),135-147. Article from SwetsWise last accessed 4 Aug2006 at:

    (Reitzig 2004)

    Berg, Admiraal and Pilot(2006) describe howfeedback is...

    STYNER, M. et al. (2003). Statistical shape analysis ofneuroanatomical structures based on medial models.[online]. Medical image analysis, 7 (3), 207-220. Articlefrom ScienceDirect last accessed 21 June 2005 at:

    ATKINSON, David (2006). Festival fun in Iceland. [online].Travel weekly: the choice of travel professionals, 1814,72. Article from Hospitality & Tourism Index last accessed2 August 2006 at:

    "....." (Styner et al. 2003,p216)

    (Atkinson 2006)

    Electronicjournal/magazinearticle with noprint equivalent(there willprobably be novolume, issue or

    page numbers)

    Article author(s), year, articletitle, [online], fulljournal/magazine title, anynumbers which identify thearticle, Article from database,last accessed date, at: URL

    CHARAVARYAMATH, Chandrashekhar and SINGH,Baljit (2006). Pulmonary effects of exposure to pig barnair. [online]. Journal of occupational medicine andtoxicology, 1:10. Article from Biomed Central lastaccessed 26 June 2006 at:

    (Charvaryamath and Singh2006)

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    Version 2, Amendment 1, May 200723

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text


    journal /magazine articleabstract

    Article author(s), year, article

    title, [online], fulljournal/magazine title, volume,issue or number, pages,Abstract from database, lastaccessed date, at: URL

    METZGER, M.J. (2000). When no news is good news:

    inferring closure for news issues. [online]. Journalism andmass communication quarterly, 77(4), 760-787. Abstractfrom Communication Abstracts last accessed 24 July2006 at:

    (Metzger 2000)

    ElectronicJournal /

    magazinearticles in press

    Sometimes articles are made available on information databases and web sites before they are officially "published" in ajournal or magazine and may be called preprints, in press or corrected proofs. If you use an article in press, you will

    need to indicate this, as it might be different from the final published version.You will probably be unable to find out the volume, issue or pages on which it will be published, so these can be omitted.

    In press articlefrom a database

    Article author(s), year, articletitle, [online], fulljournal/magazine title, in press(and any further details of thestage or publication), in press

    day month and year, Articlefrom database, last accesseddate, at: URL

    KURELLA, Anil and DHAHOTRE, Narendra B. (2006).Laser induced hierarchical calcium phosphate structures.[online]. Acta biomateriala, in press, corrected proof, 17July 2006.Article from ScienceDirect last accessed 24July 2006 at:

    (Kurella and Dhahotre2006)

    In press articlefrom web site

    Article author(s), year, articletitle, [online], fulljournal/magazine title, in press

    (and any further details of thestage or publication), in pressday month and year, lastaccessed date, at: URL

    KAREMAKER, John M. (2006). Why measurecardiovascular variability at all? [online]. Journal ofapplied physiology, in press, 6 July 2006. Article last

    accessed 12 July 2006 at:

    Karemaker (2006) statesthat the...

    Whole journal /magazine issue

    Issue editor(s), (eds.), year,issue title, fulljournal/magazine title, volume,

    issue or number

    KOWALCZYKOWSKI, Stephen C. and VON HIPPEL,Peter H. (eds.) (2000). Special issue: The DNAreplication-recombination interface. Trends in

    biochemical sciences, 25(4).

    (Kowalczykowski and VonHippel 2000)

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    Version 2, Amendment 1, May 200724

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text



    Article author(s), year, article

    title, full newspaper title withcapital first letters, day, month,page or pages

    ALLEN, Katie (2006). Knowledge and power. The

    Guardian, 22 June, 26.

    HALL, Celia (2006). Allergy sufferers are being failed byinadequate NHS. The Daily Telegraph, 21 July, 1.

    PAYNE, Stewart and LIGHTFOOT, Liz (2006). No needto turn up at 24-hour school. The Daily Telegraph, 25September, 1,4

    (Allen 2006)

    Hall (2006) gives detailsof...

    Payne and Lightfoot (2006)describe the situation at...

    Newspaperarticle with noauthor

    Newspaper title, year, articletitle, day, month, page

    Evening Chronicle.(2006). Internet fraud is a worry, 18April, 9.

    (Evening Chronicle 2006)

    Newspaperarticle insection / pull out

    Article author(s), year, articletitle, full newspaper title with

    capital first letters, day, month,section of newspaper, page

    JONES, Alice (2006). Me and the maestros. TheIndependent, 25 September, Extra, 12.

    Jones (2006) describes ...


    Advert originator, year, adverttitle, full newspaper title withcapital first letters, day, month,section (if applicable), page

    WORK PLACE (2006). Project manager. TheIndependent, 25 September, media weekly, 13.

    (Work Place 2006)

    Newspaperarticle onmicrofilm

    Article author(s), year, articletitle, [microfilm], full newspapertitle with capital first letters,day, month, page

    HENNESSY, Peter (1978). Hard lessons learnt duringblizzards and transport strike. [microfilm]. The Times, 6Jan, 3.

    Hennessy (1978) providesa vivid picture...

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text



    Article author(s), year, article

    title, [online], full newspapertitle, day, month, page, Articlefrom database, last accesseddate, at: URL

    DERBYSHIRE, David (2006). Adverts endorsed by stars

    are rated only just above junk mail. [online]. The DailyTelegraph, 20 July, 5. Article from LexisNexis Executivelast accessed 21 July 2006 at:

    (Derbyshire 2006)

    Electronicnewspaperarticle with no

    identifiable pagenumbers

    Article author(s), year, articletitle, [online], full newspapertitle, day, month, (you do not

    need to find the page number ifthey are not given), Articlefrom database, last accesseddate, at: URL

    TOIBIN, Colm (2006). Pure evil. [online]. The Guardian, 3June. Last accessed 13 March 2006 at:

    (Toibin 2006)

    Annualpublicationtreated as a


    Article author(s), year, articletitle, full annual title, volume,pages

    GOODWIN, Antony W. and WHEAT, Heather E. (2004)Sensory signals in neural populations underlying tactileperception and manipulation. Annual review of

    neuroscience, 27, 53-78.

    (Goodwin and Wheat2004)

    Table of Contents

    Broadcastand Pre-recorded


    It may sometimes be hard to find all the information listed as required. In such cases put as much information as youhave.

    Radio broadcast Programme title, part title,year, format, channel, datebroadcast.

    The food programme. Food and climate change.(2006).[radio broadcast]. BBC Radio 4. 4 June.

    (The food programme2006)

    TV broadcast Programme title, part title,year, format, channel, date


    Get your dream job. Funeral arranger. (2006). [TVbroadcast]. BBC3. 21 February.

    (Get your Dream Job2006)

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    Version 2, Amendment 1, May 200726

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    News broadcast Programme title, year, format,

    channel, date (and time)broadcast.

    BBC ten o'clock news.(2006). [TV broadcast]. BBC1. 3

    August, 10pm.

    (BBC ten o'clock news


    Recording -from TV(satellite orterrestrial) or

    radio ontovideo, DVD oraudiocassette

    Programme title, year, format,channel, date broadcast.

    Seven man made wonders. (2006). [DVD off-air]. BBC1.12 February.

    (Seven man madewonders2006)

    Feature film Film title, year (i.e. year ofrelease),format, special credits (e.g.director), production


    Pulp fiction.(1994). [DVD]. Directed by QuentinTarantino. USA, Miramax.

    (Pulp fiction1994)

    Feature film (off-air)

    Film title, year (i.e. year ofrelease), format, specialcredits (e.g. director),broadcaster and version date.

    About a boy(2002). [DVD off-air]. Directed by Chris Weitzand Paul Weitz. ITV. November 10th, 2004.

    (About a boy 2004)

    Commercial ortraining film

    Programme title, year, formategg video / DVD, publisher.

    Meetings bloody meetings. (1992). [video]. London, VideoArts.

    Think or sink. (2005). [DVD]. London, Video Arts.

    (Meetings, bloodymeetings1992)

    (Think or sink2005)

    Audiocassette Author(s), year, title, format,place of publication, publisher.

    ADAMS, Garry and PECK, Terry (2001). 202 usefulexercises for IELTS. [audiocassette]. Sydney, Adamsand Austen.

    (Adams and Peck 2001)

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    Version 2, Amendment 1, May 200727

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    Music (e.g. CD) Author (artist), year, title,

    format, place of publication,publisher.

    THE SPECIAL AGENTS. (1999) Her majestys secret

    surfers. [CD]. Sheffield, Front Ear Records.

    (The Special Agents 1999)

    Podcast Title of programme, part title,year, format, channel, datebroadcast, date last accessedat: URL.

    In business. Plane truth. (2006). [podcast]. BBC Radio 4.Broadcast 29 June. Last accessed 3 August at:

    (In business2006)

    Video podcast

    Author (artist), title ofprogramme, year, format, lastaccessed at: URL.

    GERVAIS, R. (2006) Ricky Gervais video podcast No 8.[video podcast] 26 July. Last accessed 3 August at:

    Gervais (2006) is ...

    Table of Contents

    Images andoriginal


    See the section on citing diagrams, images and picturesfor advice on how to include these in your work. If the exactyear is uncertain, include the word circa before the year.

    Image in a book Artist, year, title, format In:then reference as a book

    REYNOLDS, Joshua (circa 1775). Self portrait. [painting].In: SMITH, J. & JONES, S. Sir Joshua Reynolds.Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University Press, 1998.

    Reynolds' Self Portrait inthe publication by Smith &Jones (Reynolds circa1775) ...

    Image on theweb Artist, year, title, [format], lastaccessed date, at: URL REYNOLDS, Joshua (circa 1775). Self portrait. [onlineimage]. Last accessed 1 August 2006 at:

    Reynolds' Self Portrait is ...(Reynolds circa 1775)

    Original artworkIf medium isunknown:

    Artist, year, title, format,location, accession /referencenumber

    REYNOLDS, Joshua (circa 1775). Self portrait. [painting].Held at Tate Britain. Accession Number N00306.

    In his self portrait,Reynolds (circa 1775) ...

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    Original artwork

    If the mediumand size isknown:

    Artist, year, title, format,

    medium, size, location,accession/reference number

    REYNOLDS, Joshua (circa 1775). Self portrait. [painting].

    Oil on canvas, 737 x 610 mm. Held at Tate Britain.Accession Number N00306

    (Reynolds circa 1775)

    If you refer to more than one version of an artwork in your work, follow the practice for citing more than one item by the same author

    SHU slide Artist, year, title, formatlocation, accession/reference


    KELLY, Mary (1973). Post-partum document. [35mmslide]. Slide Collection, Sheffield Hallam University.

    Accession Number 94/2854

    (Kelly 1973)

    Table of Contents



    Author(s), year, title of paper,In: title of conference, location

    and date of conference, placeof publication, publisher, pagenumbers of paper

    COOK, C.A. (2005). Moonshine and millet: feasting andpurification rituals in ancient China. In: Of tripod and

    palate: conference on food and religion in traditionalChina. Cambridge 2004. Basingstoke, PalgraveMacmillan, 9-33.

    A recent paper (Cook2005) ...

    Electronicconferencepaper from adatabase

    Author(s), year, title of paper,[online]. In: title of conference,location and date ofconference, place of

    publication, publisher, pagenumbers of paper, paper fromdatabase, last accessed date,at: URL

    CHEN, J. and TARDITI, D. (2005). A simple typedintermediate language for object-orientated languages.[online]. In: Annual symposium on principles ofprogramming languages: proceedings of the 32nd ACM

    SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on principles ofprogramming languages 2005, Long Beach, California,USA, January 12 - 142005. New York, ACM Press, 38-49. Paper from ACM Digital Library, last accessed 15August 2006 at: http://portal.acm

    In a recent paper by Chenand Tarditi (2005)...

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text


    conferencepaper from awebsite

    Author(s), year, title of paper,

    [online]. In: title of conference,location and date ofconference, place ofpublication and publisher (ifthere was a print version withthis information), pagenumbers of paper (if available),last accessed date, at: URL

    JONES, K. (2003). Safety in numbers: alliances of health

    consumer groups as a means of influencing policy.[online]. In: Political Studies Association conference,Leicester, April 15-17 2003. Last accessed 17 August2006 at:

    As discussed in the paper

    (Jones 2003)


    Editor(s), (eds.), year, title ofconference : subtitle, locationand date of conference (ifgiven), place of publication,publisher

    UJIHASHI, S. & HACKE, S.J. (eds.) (2002). Theengineering of sport 4.Kyoto, Japan, 2002. Malden, MA,Blackwell Science.

    Ujihashi & Hacke (2002)...

    Table of Contents

    Parliamentary and government publications

    House ofCommons Paper

    Great Britain, Parliament,House of Commons ofGovernment Department, yearof publication, title, place ofpublication, publisher, HC,paper number, session

    GREAT BRITAIN, Parliament, House of Commons(2006). Improving literacy and numeracy in schools.London, The Stationery Office. HC 953 (2005-06).

    GREAT BRITAIN, Information Commissioner's Office(2006). What price privacy? : the unlawful trade inconfidential personal information. Wilmslow, InformationCommissioner's Office. HC 1056 (2005-06).

    (Great Britain 2006)

    In the recent paper (GreatBritain 2006)...

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    House of Lords


    Great Britain, Parliament,

    House of Lords, year ofpublication, title, place ofpublication, publisher, HC,paper number, session

    GREAT BRITAIN, Parliament, House of Lords Select

    Committee on the Constitution (2006). Armed forces billreport : 13th report of session 2005-06. London, TheStationery Office. HL 200 (2005-06).

    (Great Britain 2006)

    Hansard (House of Commons or House of Lords debates)

    Hansard - single


    HC or HL Deb, session, date,

    volume number (optional),column

    HC Deb(2004-05). 15 March 2005 c126.

    HC Deb(2002-03). 12 June 2003 vol.406 c824.

    HL Deb(2004-05). 14 January 2005 c475.

    (HC Deb2004-05)

    (HC Deb2002-03)

    (HL Deb2004-05)

    Hansard - morethan onecolumn

    HC or HL Deb, date, columns HC Deb(2004-05). 15 March 2005 cc126-128. (HC Dev 2004-05)

    "Scotland is getting

    additional resources..."(HC Deb2004-05, c127)

    Hansard -written answer

    HC or HL Deb, date, column W HC Deb(2005-06). 24 July 2006 c1186W. (HC Deb2005-06)

    Hansard -written


    HC or HL Deb, date, columnWS

    HC Deb(2004-05). 10 March 2005 c130WS. " ... traffic growth" (HCDeb2004-05)

    Hansard -debate inWestminsterHall

    HC or HL Deb, date, columnWH

    HC Deb(2003-04). 12 June 2003 c309WH. (HC Deb2003-04)

    Hansard on the


    HC or HL Deb, date, column HC Deb(2005-06). 25 July 2006 c1205W. (HC Deb2005-06)

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    Bill (House of

    Commons orHouse of Lords)

    Great Britain, Parliament,

    House of ..., year ofpublication, title, place ofpublication, publisher, billnumber, session

    GREAT BRITAIN, Parliament, House of Commons


    Police and justice bill. London, The StationeryOffice. Bill 119 (2005-06).

    Great Britain (2006)

    Act ofParliament (post1963)

    Great Britain, year, title of Act,chapter number, place ofpublication, publisher

    Great Britain (2006). Work and families act 2006.Chapter 18. London, The Stationery Office.

    The Work and families act(Great Britain 2006) laysdown ...


    Instrument title, year, SInumber, place of publication,publisher

    The intellectual property (enforcement, etc.) regulations(2006). SI 2006/1028. London, The Stationery Office.

    The Intellectual property(enforcement, etc.)regulations(2006) give...

    Command paper Great Britain, name ofCommittee or RoyalCommission, year, title, place

    of publication, publisher, papernumber

    GREAT BRITAIN, Office of Science and Technology(1997). Science, engineering and technology statistics.London, The Stationery Office (Cm. 3695).

    (Great Britain 1997)

    UK GovernmentDepartmentalpublication

    Great Britain, name ofGovernment Department, year,title, place of publication,publisher, series if applicable

    GREAT BRITAIN, Department of the Environment (1994).Environmental protection act 1990: part II wastemanagement and licensing: the framework directive onwaste. London, HMSO (Circular 11/94).

    (Great Britain 1994)


    Name of EU institution, year,title, place of publication,publisher, series if applicable

    EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2002). The agriculturalsituation in the European Union. Luxembourg, Office forOfficial Publications of the European Communities.

    COUNCIL OF EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES (1975).Council directive of 15 July 1975 on waste.Brussels,Office of Official publications of the European

    Communities (75/442/EEC).

    (European Commission2002)

    (Council of EuropeanCommunities 1975)

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text



    Name of organisation or

    institution, year, title, place ofpublication, publisher.


    respiratory allergies and the environment.Copenhagen,World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe.

    (World Health Organization


    Table of Contents

    Maps Maps, particularly online maps can be difficult to reference. If there is no title, provide a description of the map instead.

    Map Author, year, title, scale, placeof publication, publisher AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION DEVELOPMENTSLIMITED (2003). 2004 Road atlas Britain. 1:200,000 or3.16 miles to 1 inch. Windsor, Automobile Association.

    (Automobile AssociationDevelopments Limited2003)

    Map with noauthor

    Title, year, scale, place ofpublication, publisher

    A-Z Sheffield. (2003). 1:18. Sevenoaks, Geographers' A-Z Map Company.

    A-Z Sheffield(2003)


    Survey map

    Author or creator, year, title,

    scale, series, sheet number,place of publication, publisher

    ORDNANCE SURVEY (1996). Yorkshire Dales: Southern

    and Western areas showing Whernside, Ingleborough,Pen-y-ghent, Pennine Way and part of the National Park.1:25000, Outdoor Leisure sheet 2. Southampton,Ordnance Survey.

    Ordnance Survey (1996)

    Electronic map Author or creator, year, title,[online], scale, series or type

    of map, map from database,last accessed date, at: URL

    EDINA (2005). Map of S1 1WB: tile sk3587se. [online].1:1,250. OS Land-Line Plus. Map from Digimap last

    accessed 6 August 2006 at:

    Map of Lake District National Park, Cumbria, UnitedKingdom(2005). [online]. 1:200,000. CollinsBartholemew. Map from Multimap last accessed 11 July2006 at:

    (EDINA 2005)

    Map of Lake DistrictNational Park, Cumbria,United Kingdom(2005)

    Table of Contents

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text


    and theses

    Reference a thesis in a similar way to a book, but include the level of thesis or degree statement and the name of theawarding institution. The department / school / faculty of the institution may also be included.

    PhD, DPhil, DEd,etc.

    Author, date, title, level ofthesis, awarding institution

    BAILEY, Michael George William (2004). Culturalgovernance and the information of public servicebroadcasting. PhD, Sheffield Hallam University .

    ALLGAR, Victoria (2003). Physiotherapy from admissionto discharge: an exploration study. PhD, University of

    Newcastle upon Tyne.

    Research by Bailey(2004)...

    In a recent PhD thesis

    (Allgar 2003) describes...

    MSc, MA, Med,etc.

    Author, date, title, degreestatement, department /school/ faculty (if known), awardinginstitution

    PRESCOTT, Trish (2005). A stakeholder of theperceptions of the impact of the practice facilitator role.MSc Health and Social Care Practice, Sheffield HallamUniversity .

    HILL, Simon (2002). Chatting online: social andcollaborative discussions in synchronous CMC. MACommunications Studies, Sheffield Hallam University.

    In her thesis Prescott(2005) believes that...

    Hill (2002, p11) writes"......"

    Undergraduatedissertations(BA, BSc, etc.)

    Author, date, title, degreestatement, department / school/ faculty (if known), University

    CAMPION, Karen (1996). Contemporary art throughworking-class eyes. BA (Hons) Fine Art, School ofCultural Studies, Sheffield Hallam University.

    ..(Campion 1996)...

    Thesis online Author, date, title, [online],degree statement, awardinginstitution, last accessed date,at: URL.

    MACKAY, David (1991). Bayesian methods for adaptivemodels. [online]. PhD, California Institute of Technology.Last accessed 23 July 2006 at:

    (Mackay 2005, p63) statesthat "...."

    T f i l Th i f i i d E l f f E l f h i

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    Version 2, Amendment 1, May 200734

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    Thesis onmicrofiche /microfilm

    Author, date, title, format, levelof thesis/degree statement,department/school/faculty (ifapplicable), awardinginstitution

    BARBER, Susan Torrey (1988). The Australian filmrenaissance 1970-1986: an ideological, economic andpolitical analysis.[microfilm]. PhD, University of SouthernCalifornia.

    LOWE, A. (1997). An evaluation of the use of the viablesystem model on a virtual business unit. [microfiche]. MScIT and Management, School of Computing andManagement Sciences, Sheffield Hallam University.

    Barber (1988, p17)suggests "......"

    (Lowe 1997)

    Table of Contents


    Any information received in person from an individual (and otherwise unpublished) should be acknowledged as such, byincluding pers. comm. or Personal communication in your citation and reference. You must also obtain the individual'spermission before citing them. Personal communications are often unrecorded, which makes the information very difficultto verify. Therefore, it is not usually appropriate to include a reference to personal communication in your bibliography.Unless your work is mainly based on such communication, a citation in the text is normally sufficient.

    Electronic communication

    Email (examplewithout areference in abibliography)

    Type of communication, nameof the person communicatingthe information,position or role of thecommunicator,date of the communication,pers. comm.

    not applicable Mobile phone companiesconfirmed that the alleged"scam" was a hoax (Emailfrom John Higgins,Customer CareConsultant, BT CellnetCustomer Care. 7December 2005. pers.comm.).

    T f t i l Th i f ti i d E l f f E l f h t it

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    EmailAuthor, year, role, position orstatus of the author, title orsubject, type ofcommunication, identify ofrecipient, day and month,"personal communication".

    DAVIS, Rebecca (2006). Media Relations Officer,Hampshire Constabulary. Crime Figures. Email to theauthor, 15 March. Personal communication.

    Hampshire police wereunable to confirm thefigures (Davis 2006. pers.comm.).

    SMS textmessage

    Author of SMS, year position,role or status of the author,

    type of communication, identityof recipient, day and month,"personal communication".

    JONES, Michael (2003). Secretary, Sheffield MetalDetecting Club. Text message to the author, 4 August.

    Personal communication.

    The treasure trove wasdiscovered at 6am on 4

    August 2003 (Jones 2003.pers. comm.).

    Verbal unrecorded communication

    Private informalconversation

    Name of the personcommunicating theinformation, year position orrole of the communicator, typeof communication, day andmonth,"personal communication".

    COLLINS, John (2006). Head of IT Systems, AcmeTransportation Ltd. Conversation with the author, 22August. Personal communication.

    I understand that changesto the system are expectedwithin the next year(Collins 2006. pers.comm.).


    Name of the personcommunicating theinformation, year, position orrole of the communicator, typeof communication, day andmonth,"personal communication".

    HUGHES, Gloria (2005). Lead midwife, Jessop Wing,Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.Telephone conversation with the author, 18 May.Personal communication.

    Most midwives find theirwork very rewarding(Hughes 2005. pers.comm.).

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to cite

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    Verbal recorded (but unpublished and unbroadcast) communication

    Formal interviews differ from other verbal communication in that they usually follow a structure, such as a pre-prepared sequence ofquestions. They are also usually recorded in some form, so there will be a permanent record of what was said (often agreed as an accuraterecord by the interviewee).

    Information gained during interviews conducted as part of your research is normally quoted anonymously, and full citation is unnecessarybecause your interview methodology will be explained in detail elsewhere in your work. But there are occasions when it may be appropriateto cite a named individual (with their permission).

    Private interview(examplewithout areference in abibliography)

    Type of communication, nameof the person communicatingthe information, position or roleof the communicator, date ofthe communication, pers.comm.

    not applicable According to the tradeunions, employee relationshave improved over thelast few years (Interviewwith Colin Smith, Unisonrepresentative, 16 July2004. pers. comm.).

    Private interviewName of the interviewee, year,position, role or status of theinterviewee, title or subject ofthe interview, type ofcommunication, identity of theinterviewer, day and month,"personal communication".

    EDWARDS, Nigel (2005). Chief Historian, Foreign &Commonwealth Office. After empire. Interview with theauthor, 8 May. Personal communication.

    TROBRIAND, Hans (2006). Artistic influences.Interviewwith the author, 22 August. Personal communication.

    Edwards (2005. pers.comm.) challenged thatinterpretation

    According to the artist,

    Freud's development of theOedipus complex is key tounderstanding his work(Trobriand 2006. pers.comm.)

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to cite

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    Written communication

    Letter Author, year, position, role orstatus of author, title or subjectof letter, type ofcommunication, identity ofrecipient, day and month,"personal communication".

    LINEHAN, Sophie (2005). Marketing Officer, Acme PaintsLtd. Letter to the author, 21 September. Personalcommunication.

    Acme Paints have noplans to enter overseasmarkets at the moment(Linehan 2005. pers.comm.).

    Fax Author, year, position, role orstatus of author, title or subjectof fax, type of communication,identity of recipient, day andmonth, "personalcommunication".

    SANTER, Maurice (2006). Senior architect. First draft.Fax to the author, 9 June. Personal communication. Early designs incorporateda third bedroom (Santer2006).


    Lecture Presenter, year, title orsubject of lecture, format ofpresentation, date and time,venue.

    LAWSON, Nigella (2004). Sheffield Hallam UniversityCelebrity Lecture[lecture]. Held on 12 October, 7:00pm,Pennine Lecture Theatre, City Campus, Sheffield HallamUniversity.

    According to NigellaLawson (2004)...

    Electroniclecture from


    Presenter, year, title orsubject of lecture, format,

    source and location.

    DOBSON, Frank (2004).Introduction to engineeringdynamics. [online lecture notes]. From SHU Blackboard

    site Engineering Principles (2004/5). Last accessed 29July 2005 at:

    engineering dynamics is ...(Dobson 2004)

    Table of Contents

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to cite

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    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    Webpages A web page can be a particular type of material, e.g. an electronic journal article, electronic image, part of a wiki or blog,etc. Information on how to reference these types of web page can be found elsewhere in this guide. The examples inthis section only cover general webpages. You should reference the individual page or pages on a website which youhave used. See also the principles of referencing electronic sources section.

    Web pages witha page author

    Author of page, year, title ofpage, [online], last accesseddate, at: URL

    CRICK, Bernard (2002). George Orwell: voice of a longgeneration.[online]. Last accessed 12 November 2006 at:

    According to Crick (2002),George Orwell was...

    THINKstrategies (2005). The future of IT in largecorporations. [online]. Last accessed 3 July 2006 at:

    FARRELL, Maureen (2006). Three mistakes: whenpricing your products. [online]. Last accessed 11

    November 2006 at:

    In a white paper byTHINKstrategies (2005)there is...

    One mistake is ignoringthe competition (Farrell


    Web pages witha site author

    Author of site, year, title ofpage, [online], last accesseddate, at: URL

    JOSEPH ROWNTREE FOUNDATION (2006). Smarthomes. [online]. Last accessed 14 November 2006 at:

    PROCTER & GAMBLE (2006). Charmin[online]. Lastaccessed 13th November 2006 at:

    The Joseph RowntreeFoundation (2006) areinvolved in a project...

    (Procter & Gamble 2006)

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to cite

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    Version 2, Amendment 1, May 200739

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to citethe reference in text

    NETDOCTOR.CO.UK (2006). Ibuprofen[online]. Lastaccessed 14th November 2006 at:

    EASYJET (2006). easyJet mission statement. [online].Last accessed 14 November 2006 at:

    Ibuprofen works byblocking...( 2006)

    easyJet's mission is to...(easyJet 2006)

    Web pageswhere there isno author or theauthor is thesame as the title

    Title, year, [online], lastaccessed date, at: URL Big Lottery Fund.(2006). [online]. Last accessed 14November 2006 at:

    Joseph Rowntree Foundation.(2006). [online]. Lastaccessed 4 November 2006 at:

    Sheffield Botanical Gardens.(2005). [online]. Lastaccessed 23 February 2005 at:

    (Big Lottery Fund2006)

    The Joseph RowntreeFoundation(2006) is a...

    (Sheffield BotanicalGardens2005)

    Table of Contents


    Standard Organisation, year ofpublication, number and titleof the standard, place ofpublication, publisher

    BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION (2000). BS EN ISO9001: quality management systems: requirements.London, British Standards Institution.

    AMERCIAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS(1994). ASTM F 964-94: Standard specification for rigidpoly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) exterior profiles used forfencing. Pennsylvania, ASTM

    (British StandardsInstitution 2000)

    American Society forTesting and Materials(1994)

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to cite

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    yp q p pthe reference in text


    Organisation , year ofpublication, number and titleof the standard, place ofpublication, publisher,Information Database (ifapplicable), last accesseddate, at: URL

    BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION (1991). BS EN2350: Circuit breakers technical specification. [online].London, British Standards Institution. Standard fromBritish Standards Online last accessed 24 January 2006at:

    INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICSENGINEERS (2003). IEEE Std 802.11F: Trial-userecommended practice for multi-vendor access point

    interoperability via an inter-access point protocol acrossdistribution systems supporting IEEE 802.11 operation.[online].New York, IEEE. Last accessed 16 October2005 at:

    (British StandardsInstitution 1991)

    Institute of Electrical andElectronics Engineers(2003)

    Patent -electronic(you are unlikely

    to find printedpatents)

    Inventor(s) and theorganisation (assignee), year,title, [online], patent issuing

    body and patent number,information database (ifapplicable), last accesseddate, at: URL

    MAUSER, Johannes et al., Head Technology (2004).Racket for ball games and production process. [online].US Patent 7,077,767. Patent from USPTO last accessed

    14 August 2006 at:

    AHO, Richard, Milemarker (2006). Multi-speed winch.[online]. European Patent 1671919 A1. Patent fromEsp@cenet last accessed 3 July 2006 at:

    (Mauser et al., HeadTechnology 2004)

    (Aho, Milemarker 2006)


    Author, year, title and version,[computer program], publisheror distributor

    MACROMEDIA (2005). Dreamweaver 8. [computerprogram]. Adobe

    MICROSOFT (2003). Word 2003. [computer program].Microsoft

    (Macromedia 2005)

    (Microsoft 2003)

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to cite

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    yp q p pthe reference in text

    MarketResearchReport -electronic(you are unlikelyto find printedreports in thelearning centre)

    Author, year, title, [online],publisher, series (ifapplicable), report frominformation database (ifapplicable), last accesseddate, at: URL

    MINTEL (2005). Sports Goods Retailing: UK - September2005. [online]. Mintel Group. Retail Intelligence. Reportfrom Mintel, last accessed 25 July 2006 at :

    PAGE, Carolyn (2006).Innovation in gourmet andspecialty food and drinks: market evolution and NPD insuper-premium and healthy products. [online]. Reportfrom Business Insights, last accessed 12 August 2006 at:

    (Mintel 2005)

    Page (2006)

    COBWEB INFORMATION (2006). Wedding services: anoverview of the current performance, trends and keyfactors affecting the UK wedding services industry.[online]. UK Market Synopsis from COBRA last accessed28 June 2006 at:

    Cobweb Information(2006)

    Wiki Title, year, date last modified,[online], date last accessed,at: URL

    The student room wiki. (2006). Last modified 26 June[online]. Last accessed 31 July 2006 at:

    (The student room wiki2006)

    Social networkspace

    Author, year, title of post,name of network, date posted(if known), [online], date last

    accessed, at: URL

    COOPER, C. (2005). MyProfile. Academici. March 2005.[online]. Last accessed 21st August 2006 at:


    Cooper (2004) replies that...

    Blog Author, year, title of post, titleof blog, [online], date posted,date last accessed, at: URL

    VLC TEAM (2006). ICANN may relinquish control.Information services blog. [online]. Posted 28 July. Lastaccessed 2 August at:

    (VLC Team 2006)

    Type of material The information required Example of reference Example of how to cite

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    Version 2, Amendment 1, May 200742

    the reference in text

    Discussion list Author, year, title of post, titleof list, [online], date posted,date last accessed at: URL

    SMITH, A. (2006). Links to Amazon? [email protected][online discussion list]. Posted2 August. Last accessed 2 August 2006 at:

    (Smith 2006)

    Companyannual report -electronic

    Company, year, report title andyear, [online], last accesseddate, at: URL

    EASYJET (2005). easyJet plc: annual report andaccounts 2005.[online]. Last accessed 14 November2006 at:

    easyJet (2005) reportedtheir...

    Companyinformationfrom Fame

    Content provider, year, detailsof information used,Information from Fame, lastaccessed date, at: URL

    BUREAU VAN DIJK (2006). Company report: easyjet plc.[online]. Information from FAME, last accessed 14November 2006 at:

    easyJet had 3875employees in 1995(Bureau van Dijk 2006)

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