guide to developing social media plan- ishwar jha

+ Creating your Marketing Strategy using Social Media Ishwar Jha, Founder - Webcore 22/05/10

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This slide deck was presented by Ishwar Jha at the Social Media Master Class by TiE Mumbai in May 2010.


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Creating your Marketing Strategy using Social Media

Ishwar Jha, Founder - Webcore22/05/10

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Thoughts, opinions, creative and other materials on this presentation are not original.

These are picked from various sources and learning that the presenter has learned through his journey of learning the social media and marketing.

Anyone finding it as their original creative may treat this representation as a incidental and may not claim any damage or obligation from the presenter

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+Magnificent Symphony #1

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+Social Media is…

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+Well, sort of…

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+Social Media really is…

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+That is powered by …

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+It is a conversation between. …

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+ Customers

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+ Employees

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+ People!

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+The social mediaconversation is …




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+Social Media

Helps you learn more about what people want

Gives you a venue from which you can observe people lifestyles and habits

Can engage people in being advocates

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+New rules of engagement

1. Websites evolve: content is king. Engage people

“A strong (rep) network is the face of your BRAND”

• What happens if a rep isn’t assigned to a school district such as in a rural region?

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+New rules of engagement

2. Empower your community and build a tribe

Social networking is building strong tribal behavior on a global scale, something than can be beneficially used as a vehicle for desired social, political and environmental changes.

If it were easy ……you could create them alone!

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+New rules of engagement

3. Feedback loops rule! Engage in conversations

Members and non-members want to know how and what you are doing…

Success storiesWhat difference you are making?

What did you fight for?What was the result?

Legal protectionTestimonials from people who were helped

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+New rules of engagement

4. Emotions connect us. Be personal

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+New rules of engagement

5. ‘Virality’ is power. Make your ideas more contagious

The term “social networking” makes little sense if we leave out the objects that mediate the ties between people. Think about the object as the reason why people affiliate with each specific other and not just anyone.

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+New rules of engagement

What are Social Objects?

Social objects can be ideas, people, or physical objects.

Social objects influence social interaction… they change the way people interact with each other.

By interacting through/with social objects, people meet others they might not otherwise know.

Social objects can be the reason why people have an interaction or form a relationship.

•Higher Salaries

•Children first

•Collective action


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+New rules of engagement

6. People pay for attention. Provide ways to earn attention.

“Having a blog or a place for us to give our input on different things would make people feel like they’re more of a part of it.”

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+New rules of engagement

7. The Web without Websites. Enable multiple touch points for your services.

Email is a popular medium

The Web site could be popular

Mail is good but …

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+Social Media Ecosystem

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+First thing First – Develop your brand style guide

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+Social Technographics

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+After you know your audience …

Define your objectives

Create a strategy

Identify the appropriate technology to launch your campaign.

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+And now make your Social Marketing Plan…

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Which one?

Member Page


Fan Page


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+Facebook: Best Practices

Configure your Page's "Settings" to allow more participation.

The ability to build community is essential in order to have a return on your investment (ROI) when using social networking sites, and you can't build community on Facebook if you don't allow your fans to participate on your Page. This will mean that you are going to have check your Page more regularly for rogue comments, but that is a small price to pay for increased community participation and ROI.

To allow maximum participation on your Facebook Page, go to "Settings" on the home view under the "Share" button and:

View Settings:1) Default View for Wall :: Posts by Page and Fans2) Default Landing Tab for Everyone Else :: Wall3) Auto-Expand Comments :: Check

Fan Permissions:Check :: Fans can write on the wallCheck :: Allow fans to post photosCheck :: Allow fans to post videosCheck :: Allow fans to post links

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Use your organization's logo as your Page picture.

Your organization's logo a.k.a. avatar has never had more value than it does in the Era of Web 2.0. People will recognize your logo from Facebook on Twitter, YouTube, MySpace,, Flickr, etc. before they even they even see your profile name. Make sure the use of your logo/avatar is consistent on all your social networking profiles.

Put "http://" before all Web sites in "Updates".

Ask your pre-April 2009 fans to opt-in to receive your "What's on your mind?" Status Updates.

Add and Use the "Links" App to get your organization to show up in "News Feeds".

Ask questions to spark conversation and activity on your Page.

The new Facebook Pages were built to inspire more activity on the part of your fans. A good strategy is to use the "What's on your mind?" function to post questions. People will then reply answers on your Page giving it more dynamic, community-driven look and feel.

Facebook: Best Practices

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Add Twitter to your Page

Add Flickr to your Page

Add Facebook Share to your Web site

Facebook: Best Practices

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+Twitter ON: turns ALL phone notifications on.

OFF: turns ALL phone notifications off.

STOP, QUIT: stops all messages to your phone immediately

ON username: turns on notifications for a specific person on your phone. For example, ON alissa.

OFF username: turns off notifications for a specific person on your phone. For example, OFF blaine.

FOLLOW username: this command allows you to start receiving notifications for a specific person on your phone. Example: follow jeremy

LEAVE username: this command allows you to stop receiving notifications for a specific person on your phone. Example: leave benfu

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+Twitter @username + message

directs a twitter at another person, and causes your twitter to save in their "replies" tab. Example: @meangrape I love that song too!

D username + messagesends a person a private message that goes to their device, and saves in their web archive. Example: d krissy want to pick a Jamba Juice for me while you're there?

WHOIS username retrieves the profile information for any public user on Twitter. Example: whois jack

GET usernameretrieves the latest Twitter update posted by the person. Example: get goldman

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+Twitter NUDGE username

reminds a friend to update by asking what they're doing on your behalf. Example: nudge biz

FAV usernamemarks a person's last twitter as a favorite. (hint: reply to any update with FAV to mark it as a favorite if you're receiving it in real time) Example: fav al3x

STATS this command returns your number of followers, how many people you're following, and which words you're tracking.

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+Tag an Object

What: A user wants to attach their own keywords to an object for organization and later retrieval

Use when you or your users are collecting large amounts of data like tweets or photos

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+Blogs, Wikis & Photo sharing

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+Social Media is …the democratization of information, transforming people from content readers into content publishers. It is the shift from a broadcast mechanism to a many-to-many model, rooted in conversations between authors, people, and peers.

“The key to becoming transparent is developing a culture that’s

dedicated to the thing you do.”

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+Social Media is …

Social media uses the “wisdom of crowds” to connect information in a collaborative manner. Social media can take many different forms, including Internet forums, message boards, weblogs, wikis, podcasts, pictures and video. Technologies such as blogs, picture-sharing, vlogs, wall-postings, email, instant messaging, music-sharing, group creation and voice over IP, to name a few.

Examples of social media applications are Wikis (reference), Myspace and Facebook (social networking), (personal music), YouTube (social networking and video sharing), Second Life (virtual reality), and Flickr (photo sharing)., Ning and CollectiveX (personal social networking)

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+Social Media is …

Social Media and Social Networking tools are multifaceted.  They can be deployed to:

•engender community•broadcast and amplify hype•help with product development•get client feedback•create content•enhance sales•create peer relationships between producer, seller and consumer•foster communication and increase trust

But they can be kind of fickle.  If you go into a social media campaign only to broadcast hype or to sell a product, people will see through that and disregard it - unless it's really cool.

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+Social Media is …

When we set out on a  social media campaign or incorporate its tools, we have to take into account the care and feeding of the social media system.  You need to participate.  Your staff needs to be visible on the site.  Members need to know your little web site is an integral part of your association and not a state or local play-pen.

Most of the benefits you will get from social media are likely going to stem from ongoing relationships and conversations that develop - not from someone sending you a note saying “fix my local.”

Because fix my local has no context.  And context is the foundation for all social media benefits.  How are people benefiting from your BRAND?  How do they talk about it?  Is it as you anticipated?  Are they upset?  At what?  Is it valid?  Can they be calmed easily?  Is the problem systemic?  What makes them happy? 

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+Social Media is …

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+Social Media is …

“People get fired up about Jones because it’s theirs.”  Allowing the consumer to own your brand is not predictive marketing.

As anyone who has truly turned over their marketing to their audience in a social campaign knows, the results are often not predictable, not controllable, and certainly not tidy.

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+Reach me @

[email protected]