grygorii koval chitarra - conservatorio...2020/08/08  · mathias duplessy (1972) - cavalcade (2007)...

Grygorii Koval chitarra Recital per il conseguimento del Master of Arts in Music Performance Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana Scuola universitaria di Musica Via Soldino 9 CH-6900 Lugano T +41 (0)91 960 23 62 [email protected] SABATO 08.08.20 Aula Magna ORE 15:00 Entrata libera

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  • Grygorii Kovalchitarra Recital per il conseguimento delMaster of Arts in Music Performance

    Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana Scuola universitaria di Musica Via Soldino 9 CH-6900 Lugano

    T +41 (0)91 960 23 62 [email protected]


    08.08.20 Aula Magna


    15:00Entrata libera

  • Grygorii Koval

    È nato nel novembre del 1991 a Vinnytsia, Ucraina.

    Ha studiato dal 2011 al 2017 presso la Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)

    nella classe del M° Anders Miolin, dove ha conseguito il Bachelor of Arts e il

    Master of Arts in Music Performance. Ha beneficiato di diverse borse di studio di

    diverse fondazioni vicine alla ZHdK. Le esibizioni da solista in Svizzera e nelle

    città dell'Ucraina caratterizzano le sue intense attività concertistiche. Inoltre,

    suona spesso in vari gruppi di musica da camera. Grygorii partecipa

    regolarmente ad alcune delle masterclass più prestigiose d'Europa. Compresa

    la scuola estiva di chitarra con il M°Oscar Ghiglia a Siena (Italia), lezioni con

    Pablo Marquez, Marcin Dylla, Aniello Desiderio. Attualmente frequenta il Master

    of Arts in Music Performance presso il Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana con

    il M°Lorenzo Micheli.

  • Manule Maria Ponce 1882 – 1948

    Variations on "Folia de España" and Fugue Theme



    Sofia Gubaidulina *1931


    Mathias Duplessy *1972


    Classe di chitarra di Lorenzo Micheli

  • Manuel Maria Ponce (1882-1948)

    Variations sur "Folia de España" et Fugue (1932)

    The folia (in literal translation meaning 'mad or empty

    headed') originated from Portugal and featured greatly in

    music of both Spain and Italy during the early 17 century.

    The Variations on the Folia Theme originally written for

    guitar being the largest solo work by Manuel Ponce.

    Theme and variations form proved to be an ideal vehicle

    for Ponce to demonstrate his musical inventiveness, in a

    free exploitation of the theme showing different characters and technical

    possibilities. The Fugue at the and of the piece, as a unique example of Ponce’s

    compositional style, emphasizes the main character of the composition and

    resolves its problematic nature.

    Sofia Gubaidulina (1931) - Serenade (1969)

    The composer Gubaidulina as a profoundly spiritual

    person has her own unique style, which speaks to her

    musical language of expressive mood and often

    mysterious but precise sonorities. The Serenade for

    solo guitar by Gubaidulina shows at times a fascinating

    new sound of the guitar saving its original technique.

    The most eloquent chorales, which play a deeply poetic

    role seem to sound very familiar to the listener while using remarkable effects

    imitating a jaw harp, which appears as a lyrical and intimate instrument in

    Serenade. The piece ends with an unexpected resolution reaching the highest

    tones of the instrument.

  • Mathias Duplessy (1972) - Cavalcade (2007)

    A lover of traditional music, Deplussy learned to play

    instruments from all over the world like percussions of

    all kinds, saz, oud, banjo which made a great influence

    on his musical ideas for his solo compositions,

    orchestrations, and film music. Mathias takes pleasure

    mixing and reinventing the universe of these

    instruments, sometimes far from idea of their original

    way of playing by superimposing their sound. The word Cavalcade means a part

    of ceremony with a line of people, vehicles, horses etc. In this composition

    Duplessy tries to convey the picture of a cavalcade through the music written for

    guitar with recollection of traditional instruments and effects.
