grow hack athens pt.1: growth hacking for web apps

GROW HACK ATHENS Organised with by GrowthRocks Hosted with at

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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This is the first part of the Grow Hack Athens presentation by GrowthRocks, entitled GrowHackAthens: Growth Hacking For Web Apps.


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Organised with by


Hosted with at

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Part 1: Growth Hacking For Web Apps

Savvas Zortikis Growth Hacker

Part 2: Growth Hacking For Mobile Apps

Theodore Moulos COO at Pinnatta

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Part 1: Growth Hacking For Web Apps

Savvas Zortikis Growth Hacker !Email: [email protected] Skype: savvas.z Twitter: @SavvasZortikis

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For Questions…

1. Tell us to shut up and listen to you

no instructions for that… sorry

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For Questions…

2. Ask us at the event’s landing page

- Go to - Scroll down and leave a Facebook comment - Tag your team mates to read the answer

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For Questions…

3. Ask us at Twitter- Mention @growthrocks - Put the #GrowHackAth hashtag - Mention your team mates to read the answer

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Saaaaavvaas, give people their HACKNOTES!

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What I’m Going To Show You…

• A Quick Introduction

• What Is Growth Hacking?

• What Is A Growth Hacker

• Where Does Growth Hacking Fit?

• Everything Leads To A Funnel

• Distribution Is Everything

• Growth Hacking Tools

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A Quick Introduction

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Common Scenario In Many Tech Accelerators

The original idea gets no traction. Pivot.

New product dev. Launch to same list and channels.

No signups. No paid customers. No traction. Again.

And again… and again…

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Common Scenario In Many Tech Accelerators

They learn about Growth Hacking and start using it.

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Common Scenario In Many Tech Accelerators

After that point, they see that their original idea is “sticky” but their activation and distribution process sucks as well as they haven’t built even a single viral loop.

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What Is Growth Hacking?

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What Is Growth Hacking?

We ran Sniply for 1 week and increased our blog traffic by 6% as well as gathered more than 15 emails in a day.

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What Is Growth Hacking?

Growth Hacking is the mindset behind finding clever, original or inventive ways in order to plant growth in a product or service, through the use of data, technology and sometimes a system’s weakness exploitation.

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What Is A Growth Hacker?

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What Is A Growth Hacker?

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What Is A Growth Hacker?

MarketingAnalytics, A/B Testing, Conversion Optimization, SEO, Copywriting, Email Marketing, Social Media

Data AnalysisSpreadsheets, Statistics, SQL, NoSQL, Pandas

CodingHTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, APIs, Scripting Languages

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Where Does Growth Hacking Fit?

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Growth Hacking At All Stages

The Startup Pyramid

Growth Hacking

Growth Hacking

Growth Hacking

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Product/Market Fit Is The Only Thing That Matters.

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Even For Product / Market Fit…

•Measure everything from the very beginning

•Build your new features using A/B Testing and

keep only those that impact the lowest level of

your funnel

•Prefer open design versus closed design

•Test like crazy your distribution channels

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Facebook is a king of open design

Even For Product / Market Fit…

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Everything Leads To A Funnel

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The Growth Funnel (aka AARRR)






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Common Funnel





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Reverse Funnel





“The goal is to shorten the time to your WOW moment”

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Reverse Funnel

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Reverse Invitation Funnel





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Reverse Invitation Funnel

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It’s Like A Puzzle Game






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Distribution Is Everything

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Distribution is everything.

• Find which channels worked for your competitors

and which not.

• Don’t fall in the product dev trap.

• Test as fast as possible all the worthwhile channels.

• Find one that really works.

• After the growth curve of a channel flattens, move


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Viral Product Marketing

•Build your viral loops early on •Plant them into your product •Continuously track and optimize: •The number of invitations each user sends •The conversion rate •How long it takes a user to start inviting others •How long it takes a user to convert from an invitation

•At which point you ask the user to send an invitation

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Viral Product Marketing

The referrals program encourages inviting friends by giving both the sender and recipient $25 of travel credit at Airbnb when the invited user completes their first trip.

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Viral Product Marketing

In the beginning it wasn’t performing so good, but they decided to optimise it…

Hooray, A/B Testing :)

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Viral Product Marketing

They also launched it on all of their platforms - Not so many do it by the way…

These guys know about personalization! WOW!

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Viral Product Marketing

Airbnb increased overall bookings by 25% in some markets, and signups and bookings from the program itself by 300%.

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Paid Acquisition

If you go for Google Adwords…

• Search first what your competition uses for the Title & Meta-Description

• Target keywords for conferences or events related to your target customers (they will be cheaper)

• Create dedicated landing pages and make sure that your ad’s title is the same with the pages headline.

If you go for Facebook…

• Do not boost your post! Targeting is limited.

• Use the Power Editor and test multiple variations of your ad.

• Leverage retargeting. Facebook retargeting have most of the times lower CPC than normal retargeting.

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Content Hacking

• Promoting your content is everything. • Do not post your best content. Instead let other bigger blogs to post it. • Start targeting small blogs in your niche and find those that

contributing to the big players. • Spend no more than 4 hours for each post. • Copy your competition. • Write longer copy (1,500 - 2,000 words). • Don’t be afraid to share everything that worked for you. • Put a calendar and stick to it. • Niche blogging will decrease your traffic, but increase monetisation. • And yes Infographics, do still outperform.

Give Value For Free

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Content Hacking + Paid FB =

1. Create a high value piece of content

2. Promote it on FB using the Power Editor

3. Put the FB retargeting pixel in your site and let people in

4. Run a new campaign to those that visited your site

5. Send them to a conversion optimised landing page

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Content Hacking + Paid FB =

This is how we increased the signups by 21% through the webinar channel for one of our SaaS clients.

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Growth Hacking Tools

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Google Analytics KISSmetrics

Mixpanel Geckoboard

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Qualitative Analytics

crazyegg (Heatmaps) APPSUMO (Heatmaps)

Qualaroo (VOC)

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A/B Testing

Google Analytics Optimizely

Visual Website Optimizer

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Landing Pages

unbounce Lead Pages

Instapage WordPress

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Onboarding and Customer Engagement

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Live Chat

Olark Chat

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Email Marketing


Mandrill SendGrid


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Content Hacking



APPSUMO (Headlines)

Copywriting Skills for Pitching

Bloggers via Email


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Social Hacking

Twitter Analytics Flutter App

Follower Frenzy buffer

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The #1 most important tool is your creativity.

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Thanks guys, you rock! \m/