groups ready for defense service · in addition to air raid warden enlistment at the clt...

TORRANCE HERALD. To Groups Ready for Defense Service (Continued from 1-A) of water In putting out Incendiaries. These brtnbs must smothered a stream of water only spreads the fire. Spray effective but sand Is better. Law May Enforce Blackout Here In addition to Air Raid Warden enlistment at the clt clerk's office NOT the police sUtlbn another civilian Outlet fo defense is the Auxiliary Civilian Police tinlt, soon to start train Ing. More than 260 local men have signed Up for this latter ser vice sihce Japan launched Its Piclfic attacks last .Sunday. More are being received here dally at the police station. "We should adopt an emergency ordinance enforcing blackout restrictions here as they have done fai Orange county hd some Los Angeles county cities," the police chief told the council. "Eventually we must enforce the regulations to the letter for ears, Hornet and industries." The council approved Stroh's suggestion that when-an ai raid warning one siren blast of three minutes' duration sounds all city employees report to their leaders in all departments, employee is be beyond contact by phdne at any- time. Full auihdrity to use the Civic * Auditorium as a ctmtra headquarters in case of emergency was granted the Torrance Re Cross unit by the council. Other projects meeting the council' endorsement were: _ - _ . Seven-Day Week Plans Being Made That some auxiliary power facilities be set up immediate! to bperrite the new police short-wave radio transmitter; that resl dents be asked to loan sldearrns (.38 calibre revolvers and rifle preferred) to the police department for the duration ,1 equipment to be Used by authorized guards); that City Judg John Shldler Substitute as city attorney for John McCall .whll the latter is at Washington until Dec. 23, and that residents b urged to keep cool heads and willing hands and alert for th duration. < Taking their cue from President Roosevelt's address to the nation Tuesday night, local Industrial firths are reported making plans to Institute a seven-day week schedule of pro- duction as soon as possible, ko definite announcement has been made a* yet as to when the Increased work schedule can be put into effect. At Selective Service headquarters for this district, Clerk Carl Marsteller said no word had been received as to when th next draft call will be dated. The local board sent 30 young men to Los Angeles Monday morning for physical examination by Army medicos. They were a solemn group smlieS were few am far between as they boarded a municipal bus. "they returned later In the day to await further orders. Store Hours Governed by Blackout Monday night's blackout, when enemy planes were re-' -ported raconnolteiing over the feetitral California coast, was only partially successful here. However, the blackness envel- oped Torrance like a blanket Tuesday arid last night. All local stores, with the exception of drug stores and cafes. will «lpse according to whatever blackouts are ordered; other- wise It will be "business M usual" with Christmas gift stores remaining open until 9 o'clock every night. Service stations will also follow blackout prncMtafre, cloning at 1 o'clock whenever advance information Is received from the Fourth Area Interceptor command. It Has been suggested that a movement be started to put the entire West Coast On daylight saving for the duration of the emergency. This will permit the normal number of shopping hours during daylight. First Message From Midway Great was the concern felt here by relatives and friends of men and women on the Pacific 'islands of Hawaii, Philippines, Midway, Ouam and Wake. However, welcome cables began ttick- ling through to the mainland reporting "all's wen." One of the first df these cheering messages arrived at 1:80 a.rii. yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bishop, former Torrance residents now Hying 'in Los Ahgeiesr It was sent by their son, Herbert J. Bishop from Midway Island Tues- day and reported: "AH well. Do not worry." Bishop left May 8 for a year's work do a naval .defense project on Midway in the eng'neerlng department. He Is a civilian. HU parents how reside at 4005 West 88th St. Mrs. Frank H. Clark of 1731 Andreo ave., received the fol- lowing cable Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from' her son, David, who is in Honolulu with Kls wife and infant son: "Island WE'RE OPEN AGAIN ... in a hew home 1334 EL PRADO (Next bo A & P) Discount Drug £ Things aren't quite ready for a Grand Opening, but everything you need in the way of drugs, prescriptions and merchan- dise is on the shelves and waiting your needs. Christmas Gift Stockp are Complete and Remember Discount is Always a Leader with their Complete Gift Selec- tions. DISCOUNT CUT RATE DRUG being bombed. We are Safe. Don't worry." David Clark is in the Quartermaster division under civil service at Pearl Harbor and ihlii home Is located In a suburb 20 miles out of the city. A similar encouraging message was received by Mrs. Charles E. Woodcock of 1925 Gramcrcy ave., about her broth- er, Lestor Inman who Is on Oahu In the Hawaiian Islands engaged In naval construction wprk. The message was de- livered by Tommy Cannon, who phoned the Woodcock resi- dents and stated be hod Just arrived on the mainland via the Anzac clipper plane. He said Inman sent word he was "fine," The war Interrupted plans of the Torrance American Legicdi Auxiliary to gather gifts of greenery for landscaping a camp 'The work will be Indefinitely postponed. Japanese-Americans Stress Loyalty Chief Air Raid Observer Jack Finn of Harbor City ordered his observers to their posts early Monday. The positions are se cret. The station Is under Army command. , No authentic Information could be obtained by The Herald as to even the approximate number of alien Japanese picked up In this area by F. B. I. agents for' questioning. Chief Stroh said local police had assisted but he would give no further Information. Other sources indicated that perhaps a score were taken in cus- tody In this district Sunday and Monday. . The Japanese truck farming: community was quiet and it was pointed out by Robert Ucda, well-known Japanese- American leader and World War I veteran with the U. S. Army, that second-generation men, women and children were Intensely loyal to America and were cooperating bt every respect with the nation's war effort. Japanese-American markets here are owned and operated by American citizens. At local schools there were no unusual absences of Japa- nese-American pupils as the boys and girls of Nipponese parent- age attended classes regularly and cheered the President's war message and declaration by Congress. Police, Firemen On Extra Duty ' For the duration of this enJeVgefley; each shift of officers will report for duty at regular time and will work an additional four hours," ro read a notice placed on the police department Dulletin board Sunday by .Police CHIdf John Stroh. The first "war order" continued: "Bach shift will then stand by their telephones until they re- port on their regular shift igaln. H any officer should eave his home he must stop at he police station and state where and how he can be lo- cated." Similar orders were Issued by Fire Chief J. E. McMaster, who announced all firemen will work 12'hour shifts and there will be no leaves without permission and no days off. McMaster met wfth Spence D. Turner, county fire warden, and other fire chiefs yesterday to consider ci- vilian defence plans. . SHOW COLORS . . . Presi- dent BIB Hempen of the Tor- ranee Business Men's Associ- ation urges all merchants to display the national colors from sunup to sundown all the time. "Let's show oar col- on," he said. Nfavy Mothers Meet Monday At Bader Home All members of the Little Hills Navy Mothers' club are urged to be present Monday at the meeting to be held at 3:30 p,m. at the home of Mrs. Jos. Bader, 26022 BsheJman ave. January. Yufetide Events In Afternoons What proved to be the last "Carol Pilgrimage" and proba- bly the last display of Christ- mas lights in El Pradb Park was last Friday night when the Junior choir from the high school marched and sang. The scries has been cancelled on ac- count of the blackouts. Other changes were made this week In the remaining events on the community Christmas, pro- gram. The Mexican pageant, written by Miss Ada M. P. Chase, high school art director, did not have an evening pre- sentation last night, the per- formance being held yesterday, afternoon. It Is to be regretted that this fine dramatic offering was not witnessed by more resi- dents. The annual Christmas musical program will be presented next Thursday afternoon, Dec. 18, at 2 o'clock instead of in the eve- ning. . - The school choral and instru- mental organizations have plan- ned their offering as a real Christmas gift to the comniunl- ty: The Angel Song' of ''Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men" never had more meaning for us than it has this Yuletlde, the leaders state. . OFFERS SERVICES . "I've only got a couple of fingers on my right hand but one of them Is a trigger-finger and I can certainly use It," an oldster told Police Chief John Stroh Tuesday as he appeared to sign up as a volunteer In the Auxiliary Civilian Police unit. United States'^ stocks of cork are believed adequate to meet all defense requirements for the next two years. Hill Tunnel Raid Shelter Ready-made and lacking onl living and rest facilities, 'a mile long tunnel under the" Falo Verdc'i Hills was reported aval able to the civilian defense I case of need by the Dloalit Company which dug the tunne as a mine years ago. No estimate has been made a to how many hundreds of peo pie could be accommodated I the tunnel which penetrates th hills from a point a few hun dred feet south of the south en of Madison at., In Walteria. Dicallte officials were quote as ftatlng the tunnel would bea a great deal, of shock. It has twin entrances and "a llghte branch tunnel that Is used a storehouse. In case persons I this area are allowed to use I some provision would have to b made for lighting, ventllatio and toilet facilities. EXTRA SERVICE . . . Yon can buy Defense .Bonds and Stamps from 8 a.m. to B p.m. at Postmaster Earl Conner's office in case you want to In- vest In a hurry and there Is no better Investment. Location of at least one de tentlon camp for Japanese na tionals who are being Internet for the duration of the war Is expected to be disclosed this eek, it was learned at the Hal of Records. Reports were current that thj feasibility of using firmer CCC eamp sites was being consider ed, and "another report was tha Alondra Park, near Torrance might be used for a similar pur pose. Buildings at Alondra Park are infested with lice, according to state guard officers, who In spected them recently to see what use could be made of the buildings after the supervisors allowed the use of the park and its facilities for training civilian defense forces recently. The buildings had been occupied by single unattached men, and it appeared that lice became "un attached" from some of the men SHELTER PLANS . . . The County Council for Civilian Defense has prepared suggest- ed specifications for small air raid shelters. A limited num- ber of copies of these recom- mendations for the benefit of private citizens are available for those desiring to provide themselves with this type pit protection. Inquiries shonM be directed to the Sheriff's office. Harbor City Boy is First War Recruit Perhaps the first local boy to enlist after the 'President addressed Congress Monday morning was Russell Blegel, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Bus- sell Blegel, 1518 256tti st, In Harbor City. The regular hunting season is about over but there's ho clos- ed reason on pedestrians. Look jefore you walk! Now on Hand ... ready for immediate Delivery Complete Stoc\ of Building Materials STRUCTURAL STEEL for Earthquake re-construction, in- eluding Chimney rods, etc. As well as Lumber, Mill Work, Prick, Cement, Plaster, Sand, Paint, Varnish, Hardware, Etc. WHY NOT MODERNIZE AS YOU REPAIR? For a little extra cost you can bring your property up-to-date, thus- adding to its' value and usefulness. Now is the opportune time to build-in all the modern conveniences you have always admired in the new type homes. ENTIRE COST OF LABOR AND MATERIALS MAY BE FINANCED OVER 18 MONTHS. Cost of Job Including Labor and Materials $ 50 9 60 $ 70 $ 80 $S|0 9100 If Pa'd in 12 Months Amt. of Note $52.63 $63.16 $73.68 $84.21 594.74 $105.26 Payt. M'thly $4.39 $9:27 $6.14 $702 $790 $8.78 If Paid I" 18 Months Amt. of Note $ 86.15 $ 96-92 $107.69 Payt. M'thly $4.79 $9.39 $5.98 Eveninss by Appointment Torrance Lumber Company 1752 Border Ave. South of Carson Phone 61 H. S. Emergency Plan in Operation Designed to operate .as one well-organized unit, an emcr gency plan has been put Into operation at Torrance high school with students and facul ty members cooperating in ev cry detail of air raid alarm, evacuation, safety, couriers and a radio listening post. As outlined , by Principal Thomas.H. Elson, who sent a copy of the plan to local po lice, the sot-Up is regarded as highly efficient and workable. A system of alarms has been ar- ranged, couriers named to car- ry not only local messages but Information to the superinten- dent's office In Los Angeles and the listening post "logs" all data of vital Interest to this area comlrig over the air. NO TRAIN LIGHTS . Even freights running thru Torrance along Madrid ave., were blacR- ed out this week, only their signal numbers being Illumi- nated. Warden, Service Open to Women Many local women have ex- pressed a desire to give war service. A number are enrolled with the Red Cross but another branch of emergency aid was available to-women today. This is the local Air Raid Warden service. Enrollments are being taken by Jack Hallanger, deputy city clerk, at .the city clerk's office In the city hall. Seven or eight men or women are wanted for three or four hours' duty day and night in districts embracing about 500 persons each. Air Raid Wardens' duties will include aircraft warning, traffic control, directing pedestrians to their homes In case Of attack and rendering other aid to po- lice and firemen. Blackout sup- ervision Is also an important duty of an Air Raid Warden. NO YULE LIGHTS . with- out a qualm Torrance Busi- ness Men,-sponsor of the com- munity Christmas "Carol Pil- grimages1' In El Prado Park called off the singing marches and ordered the Yule lights there cut off for the UuratJon. Western Auto Now Qffe for 3 DAYS Only on CAR RADIOS we WANT YOUR OLD CAR RADIO And, during the next three days we'll give you an EXTRA Allow- ance for It against the pttr- chate of a new MOTOROLA I Come In NOW. Let an authorized factory representative show you how "3-Dimensiort VITA-TONE" adds new Depth, Perception, and Brilliance how it lifts reception above the level of windrUih and car noise. HEAR Come in TODAY for FRtt DEMONSTRATION You'll gat the biggeit musical HirfU of your lift... dnd/fhe (jrftaittt financial ihrlil when you learn how MUCH EXTRA we or* allowing Wr your old radio! J EASY, TERMS AVAILABLE 1273 Sartori Western 4uto Supply Co. Torranbe GIFTS FOR THE "H ARD-TO-PLE ASE! You, can be sure hell iate your gift when he but you'r§ 'man-wise' enoii ... to get his present at EJd" Schwartz Store for Men. SILK OR WOOL ROBES $5.00 to $13.$0 . COMFORTABLE PAJAMAS........ to JEWELRY Ptmnaijnd with initial*. Key chaini, tin guard* collar pln». By Swank and Hick- QCt<. Hlckock and Pioneer BELTS and SUSPENt)- ERS Gift Boxed. v A wide selection of .\4 SPORT '. SHIRTS.. $1.65 to $»£& NECKTIES in the ?; : .Newest patterns.... 50c to $?.&0 INTERWOVEN SGGKfe In every pattern & pl$b. Give a gift order far * pair of NUNN-BU9H SHOES. : Arrow and Qrayoo ' SHIRTS in A Wide Vf»> lety df styles an8 celof*.? 6UITS and TOPCOAt*, i TRAVEL SETS Th« -ulh b vrtulH h»v« buy far hint ( If. Fit».5 Hold iv*r«T travnt n«MJ. Give a Miniature MALLORY HAT in tiny gift box with Mal hat gift order. From $&00 to $10.00 CIGARETTE BOXES ' CLOTHES BRUSHES with GIFT ASH TRAYS NOVEL HOLDERS MILITARY BRUSH SETS TIE RACKS BILLFOLDS ED SCHWARTZ STORE FOR MEN 1505 Cabrillo, Torrance, Around Corner from Torrance

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Page 1: Groups Ready for Defense Service · In addition to Air Raid Warden enlistment at the clt clerk's office NOT the police sUtlbn another civilian Outlet fo defense is the Auxiliary Civilian


Groups Ready for Defense Service(Continued from 1-A)

of water In putting out Incendiaries. These brtnbs must smothered a stream of water only spreads the fire. Spray effective but sand Is better.

Law May Enforce Blackout HereIn addition to Air Raid Warden enlistment at the clt

clerk's office NOT the police sUtlbn another civilian Outlet fo defense is the Auxiliary Civilian Police tinlt, soon to start train Ing. More than 260 local men have signed Up for this latter ser vice sihce Japan launched Its Piclfic attacks last .Sunday. More are being received here dally at the police station.

"We should adopt an emergency ordinance enforcing blackout restrictions here as they have done fai Orange county hd some Los Angeles county cities," the police chief told the council. "Eventually we must enforce the regulations to the letter for ears, Hornet and industries."

The council approved Stroh's suggestion that when-an ai raid warning one siren blast of three minutes' duration sounds all city employees report to their leaders in all departments, employee is be beyond contact by phdne at any- time.

Full auihdrity to use the Civic * Auditorium as a ctmtra headquarters in case of emergency was granted the Torrance Re Cross unit by the council. Other projects meeting the council' endorsement were: _ - _ .

Seven-Day Week Plans Being Made That some auxiliary power facilities be set up immediate!

to bperrite the new police short-wave radio transmitter; that resl dents be asked to loan sldearrns (.38 calibre revolvers and rifle preferred) to the police department for the duration ,1 equipment to be Used by authorized guards); that City Judg John Shldler Substitute as city attorney for John McCall .whll the latter is at Washington until Dec. 23, and that residents b urged to keep cool heads and willing hands and alert for th duration. <

Taking their cue from President Roosevelt's address to the nation Tuesday night, local Industrial firths are reported

making plans to Institute a seven-day week schedule of pro­ duction as soon as possible, ko definite announcement has been made a* yet as to when the Increased work schedule can be put into effect.

At Selective Service headquarters for this district, Clerk Carl Marsteller said no word had been received as to when th next draft call will be dated. The local board sent 30 young men to Los Angeles Monday morning for physical examination by Army medicos. They were a solemn group smlieS were few am far between as they boarded a municipal bus. "they returned later In the day to await further orders.

Store Hours Governed by Blackout Monday night's blackout, when enemy planes were re-'

-ported raconnolteiing over the feetitral California coast, was only partially successful here. However, the blackness envel­ oped Torrance like a blanket Tuesday arid last night. All local stores, with the exception of drug stores and cafes. will «lpse according to whatever blackouts are ordered; other­ wise It will be "business M usual" with Christmas gift stores remaining open until 9 o'clock every night. Service stations will also follow blackout prncMtafre, cloning at 1 o'clock whenever advance information Is received from the Fourth Area Interceptor command.

It Has been suggested that a movement be started to put the entire West Coast On daylight saving for the duration of the emergency. This will permit the normal number of shopping hours during daylight.

First Message From Midway Great was the concern felt here by relatives and friends

of men and women on the Pacific 'islands of Hawaii, Philippines, Midway, Ouam and Wake. However, welcome cables began ttick- ling through to the mainland reporting "all's wen."

One of the first df these cheering messages arrived at 1:80 a.rii. yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bishop, former Torrance residents now Hying 'in Los Ahgeiesr It was sent by their son, Herbert J. Bishop from Midway Island Tues­ day and reported: "AH well. Do not worry." Bishop left May 8 for a year's work do a naval .defense project on Midway in the eng'neerlng department. He Is a civilian. HU parents how reside at 4005 West 88th St.

Mrs. Frank H. Clark of 1731 Andreo ave., received the fol­ lowing cable Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from' her son, David, who is in Honolulu with Kls wife and infant son: "Island


... in a hew home

1334 EL PRADO(Next bo A & P)

Discount Drug£ Things aren't quite ready for a Grand Opening, but everything you need in the way of drugs, prescriptions and merchan­ dise is on the shelves and waiting your needs.

Christmas Gift Stockp are Complete and Remember Discount is Always a Leader with their Complete Gift Selec­ tions.


being bombed. We are Safe. Don't worry." David Clark is in the Quartermaster division under civil service at Pearl Harbor and ihlii home Is located In a suburb 20 miles out of the city.

A similar encouraging message was received by Mrs. Charles E. Woodcock of 1925 Gramcrcy ave., about her broth­ er, Lestor Inman who Is on Oahu In the Hawaiian Islands engaged In naval construction wprk. The message was de­ livered by Tommy Cannon, who phoned the Woodcock resi­ dents and stated be hod Just arrived on the mainland via the Anzac clipper plane. He said Inman sent word he was "fine,"

The war Interrupted plans of the Torrance American Legicdi Auxiliary to gather gifts of greenery for landscaping a camp 'The work will be Indefinitely postponed.

Japanese-Americans Stress LoyaltyChief Air Raid Observer Jack Finn of Harbor City ordered

his observers to their posts early Monday. The positions are se cret. The station Is under Army command.

, No authentic Information could be obtained by The Herald as to even the approximate number of alien Japanese picked up In this area by F. B. I. agents for' questioning. Chief Stroh said local police had assisted but he would give no further Information. Other sources indicated that perhaps a score were taken in cus­ tody In this district Sunday and Monday.

. The Japanese truck farming: community was quiet and it was pointed out by Robert Ucda, well-known Japanese- American leader and World War I veteran with the U. S. Army, that second-generation men, women and children were Intensely loyal to America and were cooperating bt every respect with the nation's war effort. Japanese-American markets here are owned and operated by American citizens.

At local schools there were no unusual absences of Japa­ nese-American pupils as the boys and girls of Nipponese parent­ age attended classes regularly and cheered the President's war message and declaration by Congress.

Police, Firemen On Extra Duty

' For the duration of this enJeVgefley; each shift of officers will report for duty at regular time and will work an additional four hours," ro read a notice placed on the police department Dulletin board Sunday by .Police

CHIdf John Stroh. The first "war order" continued:

"Bach shift will then stand by their telephones until they re­ port on their regular shift igaln. H any officer should eave his home he must stop at he police station and state

where and how he can be lo­ cated."

Similar orders were Issued by Fire Chief J. E. McMaster, who announced all firemen will work 12'hour shifts and there will be no leaves without permission and no days off. McMaster met wfth Spence D. Turner, county fire warden, and other fire chiefs yesterday to consider ci­ vilian defence plans. .

SHOW COLORS . . . Presi­ dent BIB Hempen of the Tor- ranee Business Men's Associ­ ation urges all merchants to display the national colors from sunup to sundown all the time. "Let's show oar col­ on," he said.

Nfavy Mothers Meet Monday At Bader Home

All members of the Little Hills Navy Mothers' club are urged to be present Monday at the meeting to be held at 3:30 p,m. at the home of Mrs. Jos. Bader, 26022 BsheJman ave. January.

Yufetide Events In Afternoons

What proved to be the last "Carol Pilgrimage" and proba­ bly the last display of Christ­ mas lights in El Pradb Park was last Friday night when the Junior choir from the high school marched and sang. The scries has been cancelled on ac­ count of the blackouts.

Other changes were made this week In the remaining events on the community Christmas, pro­ gram. The Mexican pageant, written by Miss Ada M. P. Chase, high school art director, did not have an evening pre­ sentation last night, the per­ formance being held yesterday, afternoon. It Is to be regretted that this fine dramatic offering was not witnessed by more resi­ dents.

The annual Christmas musical program will be presented next Thursday afternoon, Dec. 18, at 2 o'clock instead of in the eve­ ning. . -

The school choral and instru­ mental organizations have plan­ ned their offering as a real Christmas gift to the comniunl- ty: The Angel Song' of ''Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men" never had more meaning for us than it has this Yuletlde, the leaders state. .

OFFERS SERVICES . "I've only got a couple of fingers on my right hand but one of them Is a trigger-finger and I can certainly use It," an oldster told Police Chief John Stroh Tuesday as he appeared to sign up as a volunteer In the Auxiliary Civilian Police unit.

United States'^ stocks of cork are believed adequate to meet all defense requirements for the next two years.

Hill Tunnel Raid Shelter

Ready-made and lacking onl living and rest facilities, 'a mile long tunnel under the" Falo Verdc'i Hills was reported aval able to the civilian defense I case of need by the Dloalit Company which dug the tunne as a mine years ago.

No estimate has been made a to how many hundreds of peo pie could be accommodated I the tunnel which penetrates th hills from a point a few hun dred feet south of the south en of Madison at., In Walteria.

Dicallte officials were quote as ftatlng the tunnel would bea a great deal, of shock. It has twin entrances and "a llghte branch tunnel that Is used a storehouse. In case persons I this area are allowed to use I some provision would have to b made for lighting, ventllatio and toilet facilities.

EXTRA SERVICE . . . Yon can buy Defense .Bonds and Stamps from 8 a.m. to B p.m. at Postmaster Earl Conner's office in case you want to In­ vest In a hurry and there Is no better Investment.

Location of at least one de tentlon camp for Japanese na tionals who are being Internet for the duration of the war Is expected to be disclosed this

eek, it was learned at the Hal of Records.

Reports were current that thj feasibility of using firmer CCC eamp sites was being consider ed, and "another report was tha Alondra Park, near Torrance might be used for a similar pur pose.

Buildings at Alondra Park are infested with lice, according to state guard officers, who In spected them recently to see what use could be made of the buildings after the supervisors allowed the use of the park and its facilities for training civilian defense forces recently. The buildings had been occupied by single unattached men, and it appeared that lice became "un attached" from some of the men

SHELTER PLANS . . . TheCounty Council for Civilian Defense has prepared suggest­ ed specifications for small air raid shelters. A limited num­ ber of copies of these recom­ mendations for the benefit of private citizens are available for those desiring to provide themselves with this type pit protection. Inquiries shonM be directed to the Sheriff's office.

Harbor City Boy is First War Recruit

Perhaps the first local boy to enlist after the 'President addressed Congress Monday morning was Russell Blegel, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Bus- sell Blegel, 1518 256tti st, In Harbor City.

The regular hunting season is about over but there's ho clos­ ed reason on pedestrians. Look jefore you walk!

Now on Hand ...ready for immediate Delivery

Complete Stoc\ of Building Materials STRUCTURAL STEEL for Earthquake re-construction, in- eluding Chimney rods, etc. As well as Lumber, Mill Work, Prick, Cement, Plaster, Sand, Paint, Varnish, Hardware, Etc.

WHY NOT MODERNIZE AS YOU REPAIR?For a little extra cost you can bring your property up-to-date, thus- adding to its' value and usefulness. Now is the opportune time to build-in all the modern conveniences you have always admired in the new type homes.


Cost of Job Including Labor and Materials

$ 50 9 60 $ 70 $ 80$S|0 9100

If Pa'd in 12 Months

Amt. of Note

$52.63 $63.16 $73.68 $84.21 594.74


Payt. M'thly

$4.39 $9:27 $6.14 $702 $790 $8.78

If Paid I" 18 Months

Amt. of Note

$ 86.15 $ 96-92 $107.69

Payt. M'thly

$4.79 $9.39 $5.98

Eveninss by Appointment

Torrance Lumber Company1752 Border Ave. South of Carson Phone 61

H. S. Emergency Plan in Operation

Designed to operate .as one well-organized unit, an emcr gency plan has been put Into operation at Torrance high school with students and facul ty members cooperating in ev cry detail of air raid alarm, evacuation, safety, couriers and a radio listening post.

As outlined , by Principal Thomas.H. Elson, who sent a copy of the plan to local po lice, the sot-Up is regarded as highly efficient and workable. A system of alarms has been ar­ ranged, couriers named to car­ ry not only local messages but Information to the superinten­ dent's office In Los Angeles and the listening post "logs" all data of vital Interest to this area comlrig over the air.

NO TRAIN LIGHTS . Even freights running thru Torrance along Madrid ave., were blacR- ed out this week, only their signal numbers being Illumi­ nated.

Warden, Service Open to Women

Many local women have ex­ pressed a desire to give war service. A number are enrolled with the Red Cross but another branch of emergency aid was available to-women today. This is the local Air Raid Warden service.

Enrollments are being taken by Jack Hallanger, deputy city clerk, at .the city clerk's office In the city hall. Seven or eight men or women are wanted for three or four hours' duty day and night in districts embracing about 500 persons each.

Air Raid Wardens' duties will include aircraft warning, traffic control, directing pedestrians to their homes In case Of attack and rendering other aid to po­ lice and firemen. Blackout sup­ ervision Is also an important duty of an Air Raid Warden.

NO YULE LIGHTS . with­ out a qualm Torrance Busi­ ness Men,-sponsor of the com­ munity Christmas "Carol Pil­ grimages1' In El Prado Park called off the singing marches and ordered the Yule lights there cut off for the UuratJon.

Western AutoNow Qffe

for 3 DAYS Only onCAR

RADIOSwe WANT YOUROLD CAR RADIOAnd, during the next three days we'll give you an EXTRA Allow­ ance for It against the pttr- chate of a new MOTOROLA I

Come In NOW. Let an authorized factory representative show you how "3-Dimensiort VITA-TONE" adds new Depth, Perception, and Brilliance how it lifts reception above the level of windrUih and car noise.


Come in TODAY for FRtt DEMONSTRATIONYou'll gat the biggeit musical HirfU of your lift... dnd/fhe (jrftaittt financial ihrlil when you learn how MUCH EXTRA we or* allowing Wr your old radio! J


1273 Sartori

Western 4uto Supply Co.



You, can be sure hell iate your gift when he but you'r§ 'man-wise' enoii ... to get his present at EJd" Schwartz Store for Men.

SILK OR WOOL ROBES $5.00 to $13.$0 .


JEWELRYPtmnaijnd with initial*. Key chaini, tin guard* collar pln». By Swank and Hick-QCt<.

Hlckock and Pioneer BELTS and SUSPENt)- ERS Gift Boxed. v

A wide selection of .\4 SPORT <£ '. SHIRTS.. $1.65 to $»£&

NECKTIES in the ?; : .Newestpatterns.... 50c to $?.&0

INTERWOVEN SGGKfe In every pattern & pl$b. Give a gift order far * pair of NUNN-BU9H SHOES. :

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