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HGTC Culinary Department How can we improve the graduation rate for these future culinarians?

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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1. HGTC Culinary Department How can we improve the graduation rate for these future culinarians? 2. How can a technical college that promotes themselves as flexible have such problems as a decline in graduation, year after year in their culinary department? This is what we hope to answer for you.. or at least give our insight 3. What are the students saying the problems could be? According to our research 50% of culinary students wants the class timing to change. Either the classes start too early or they start too late. The classes also last very long therefore hindering the student from taking other class or even working. About 16% of students says the classes last too long. When the classes start interfering with each other and with the students job it starts a scheduling issue. Thats why the graduation rate decline or it is postponed because the student can only take maybe two classes a semester setting their graduation date back or causing them to drop out because they have to work. 4. Research 1. HGTCs graduation and transfer rates. 2. Graduation and transfer rates for Institutions that offer culinary arts programs. 3. Understanding of fellow students attitudes and opinions. 4. Interview with an Instructor to gain a faculty members perspective and insight A look into the analysis 5. HGTC HGTCs graduation rate for 2011-2012 was 94% and the transfer out rate was 21%.The graduation rate of 94% is very impressive rate. Of the 94% of graduating students, only 14% were graduating within the designated time frame for their program.The retention rate for 2011-2012 freshman students was 51%. GRADUATION ANDTRANSFER RATE 6. OTHER CULINARY PROGRAM TridentTechnicalCollege is an institution that also offers a culinary arts program. For the academic year 2011-2012 their graduation rate was 81%. For the 2011-2012 only 8% graduated in the correct time frame.Their transfer out rate was 23% and the retention rate for freshman students returning for the next academic year was 51% GRADUATION ANDTRANSFER RATES 7. THE FELLOW CULINARY STUDENTS OPINION About 40% of the students asked thought that the options for times of the classes could be better About 20% of the students asked thought that the length of classes in some cases were too long About 20% of the students asked thought that times of lecture and non culinary class times could have more options About 20% of students asked thought that better notice could be given for events that culinary students are asked to volunteer for 8. I feel the events should be scheduled ahead of time. In order for the students to work their schedules around the events.The events give students a huge advantage to see different aspects of the culinary world.As a way to market themselves for their future endeavors. I think we should widen our curriculum, as Chef Joe is working on now for our new and improved school. An interview with a Chef InstructorThomas Mullally 9. CONCLUSION