ground based sensing systems for autonomous …...computers and electronics in agriculture 25 (2000)...

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 25 (2000) 11–28 Ground based sensing systems for autonomous agricultural vehicles T. Hague *, J.A. Marchant, N.D. Tillett Silsoe Research Institute, Wrest Park, Silsoe NK45 4HS, UK Abstract This paper examines ground based (as opposed to satellite based) sensing methods for vehicle position fixing. Sensors are considered in various categories, motion measurement (odometry, inertial), artificial landmarks (laser positioning, millimetre wave radar), and local feature detection (sonar, machine vision). Particular emphasis is paid to technologies which have proven successful beyond the field of agriculture, and to machine vision because of its topicality. The importance of sensor fusion, using a sound theoretical framework, is emphasised. The most common technique, the Kalman filter, is outlined and practical points are discussed. As an example system, the autonomous vehicle developed at Silsoe Research Institute is described. This vehicle does not use an absolute positioning system, rather it navigates using local features, in this case the crop plants. This vehicle uses a sensor package that includes machine vision, odometers, accelerometers, and a compass, where sensor fusion is accomplished using an extended Kalman filter. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Sensors; Navigation; Localisation; Autonomous vehicles; Data fusion; Kalman filter 1. Introduction 1.1. Background The concept of fully autonomous agricultural vehicles is far from new; examples, dating back to the fifties and sixties, of early ‘driverless tractor’ prototypes using leader cable guidance systems attest to this (Morgan, 1958). Whilst interest in automated agricultural vehicles has endured, it has done so in relative isolation from the field of mobile robotics. * Corresponding author. 0168-1699/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0168-1699(99)00053-8

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Page 1: Ground based sensing systems for autonomous …...Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 25 (2000) 11–28 Ground based sensing systems for autonomous agricultural vehicles T. Hague

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

25 (2000) 11–28

Ground based sensing systems for autonomousagricultural vehicles

T. Hague *, J.A. Marchant, N.D. TillettSilsoe Research Institute, Wrest Park, Silsoe NK45 4HS, UK


This paper examines ground based (as opposed to satellite based) sensing methods forvehicle position fixing. Sensors are considered in various categories, motion measurement(odometry, inertial), artificial landmarks (laser positioning, millimetre wave radar), and localfeature detection (sonar, machine vision). Particular emphasis is paid to technologies whichhave proven successful beyond the field of agriculture, and to machine vision because of itstopicality. The importance of sensor fusion, using a sound theoretical framework, isemphasised. The most common technique, the Kalman filter, is outlined and practical pointsare discussed. As an example system, the autonomous vehicle developed at Silsoe ResearchInstitute is described. This vehicle does not use an absolute positioning system, rather itnavigates using local features, in this case the crop plants. This vehicle uses a sensor packagethat includes machine vision, odometers, accelerometers, and a compass, where sensor fusionis accomplished using an extended Kalman filter. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rightsreserved.

Keywords: Sensors; Navigation; Localisation; Autonomous vehicles; Data fusion; Kalman filter

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

The concept of fully autonomous agricultural vehicles is far from new; examples,dating back to the fifties and sixties, of early ‘driverless tractor’ prototypes usingleader cable guidance systems attest to this (Morgan, 1958). Whilst interest inautomated agricultural vehicles has endured, it has done so in relative isolationfrom the field of mobile robotics.

* Corresponding author.

0168-1699/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII: S0168 -1699 (99 )00053 -8

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Research in mobile robotics also dates back to the sixties, when the robot‘Shakey’ (Nilsson, 1969) at Stanford Research Institute navigated, using machinevision, through a set of carefully prepared rooms. Research has for the large partconcerned itself with small indoor laboratory robots, operating in relatively wellcontrolled environments. In the thirty years which have elapsed since then, thelocalisation or position fixing problem has been an important research topic, andthe Kalrnan filter has emerged as a method for its solution. Despite the differentenvironment and conditions, this approach is equally applicable to the navigationof autonomous agricultural vehicles, as will be illustrated.

1.2. Characteristics of the agricultural localisation problem

The agricultural environment offers a very different set of circumstances to thoseencountered by a laboratory mobile robot. The lack of clutter typically present inthe indoor environment simplifies the problem in one respect; however a number ofadditional complications are raised:� The operating areas are large.� Ground surfaces may be uneven.� Depending on the operation, wheel slippage may be far from negligible.� Cultivation operations may interfere with underground cables, etc.� Environmental conditions (rain, fog, dust, etc.) may affect sensor observations.� Low cost systems are required.

1.3. Sensor systems

Sensors for automated systems can be separated into two categories. In onegroup are those sensors which measure the internal state of the system, e.g.encoders reporting the joint angles of a robot arm. For a vehicle which is freeranging within its environment, such sensors are largely restricted to motion andacceleration measurement.

The second group are those sensors which make external observations; these canfurther be divided by usage into those which give observations of artificial naviga-tional landmarks (beacons), and those which offer observations of local environ-ment features of importance for specific tasks, e.g. crop plant locations for a vehiclewhich follows plant rows.

1.4. Aims and scope of this paper

We begin with a limited review of sensing methods applicable to agriculturalvehicle position fixing. It is not our intention to give a full review of previousresearch on automatic vehicle guidance, for which there are several papers avail-able, e.g. (Warner, 1965; Tillett, 1991a). We give particular attention to technolo-gies which have proven successful beyond the field of agriculture. Some sensingmethods are omitted, namely those which are largely of historical interest, andsatellite based positioning systems, which are described elsewhere in this issue.

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In sections Sections 2–4, various sensing methods are discussed, organisedaccording to the categories set out in Section 1.3. In Section 5, we address thefusion of disparate types of data from multiple sensors to maintain a reliableestimate of the vehicle position or state. Section 6 briefly describes an examplesystem which demonstrates the application of these methods. Our concludingcomments comprise Section 7.

2. Motion measurement

2.1. Odometry

Odometers are a much criticised, although widely used, sensor. The rotation ofone or more ground wheels is used to measure vehicle motion. The appeal ofodometry is that is simple and low cost. The disadvantage is susceptibility to errorsfrom a variety of sources, including wheel slippage and variation in the effectivewheel rolling radius and the track width of the wheels. These errors are cumulative,giving a rapid loss in positional accuracy.

Conventional wisdom suggests that odometric measurement should not be takenfrom driven wheels but from separate odometry wheels to reduce the effects of slip.For hard floor surfaces, thin odometry wheels are ideal to give a close approxima-tion to a point contact. In the agricultural environment, this may be impractical:separate odometry wheels must have a contact point on the ground which iscollinear with that of the driven wheels, or they must be castored, resulting in anawkward or vulnerable mechanical arrangement. Odometric wheels carrying littlevertical load will be adversely affected by the rough soil surface, and mayaccumulate dirt, enlarging the effective radius.

Various measures have been devised to reduce, or compensate for, systematicodometric errors in laboratory robot vehicles (Borenstein, 1996). It is important torealise that the physical processes involved in wheel slippage are different forvehicles on a soil surface, where the slip is largely movement in the soil beneath thewheels; thus models of odometric measurement for agricultural vehicles needfurther attention.

2.2. Inertial sensors

Inertial sensors, i.e. accelerometers and gyroscopes, have been used in a numberof vehicle applications (Schonberg et al., 1996; Nebot et al., 1997b) as an alternativeto odometers for dead reckoning. In addition to avoiding the difficulty of modellingodometric errors, inertial systems have the advantage that they can be produced inan encapsulated and robust package.

Unfortunately, both the zero point and the output scale of these types of sensorare prone to thermal drift (Barshan and Durrant-Whyte, 1993) to a varying degreedepending upon the type of the sensor (and inevitably linked to cost). Moreover,accelerometers are sensitive not only to accelerations of the vehicle, but also to the

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gravitational acceleration; therefore estimation of attitude for the full three rota-tional degrees of freedom is necessitated, even when heading in the horizontal planealone is of interest. Since the accelerations experienced by an autonomous vehicle innormal operation are typically quite small, the effect of bias point drift andinclination errors can be significant. When inertial sensor data are integrated to giveposition and orientation (once for gyros, and twice in the case of accelerometers)these sources of error can lead to rapid positional drift.

2.3. Other sensors for dead reckoning

Grouped together here are a variety of miscellaneous methods for measuringheading and speed of a vehicle, which may be used to provide a short-term stablenavigation capacity.

Rotational motion can be determined by observing distant features (classically,celestial bodies) -a principle exploited in the sun sensor used on vehicles forunmanned planetary observation (Cozman and Krotkov, 1995). Alternatively, acorrelation approach can be used to match topographic features of the horizon(Stein and Medioni, 1995).

The use of a geomagnetic compass is also possible; a three axis fluxgatemagnetometer allows an implementation with no moving parts. The difficulties inusing such a compass are 2-fold; firstly, since the Earth’s magnetic field acts in ahorizontal plane only at the equator, at other locations the vehicle roll and pitchmust be known to obtain an accurate heading angle. Secondly, local magnetic fieldsand magnetic materials (e.g. nearby electric motors and vehicle steel work) ad-versely affect the readings.

Vehicle ground speed is commonly measured using Doppler effect sensors.Signals in the microwave range penetrate crop and stubble to give a true groundspeed. Because the frequency shift is proportional to speed, Doppler effect sensorshave the limitation of low update rate, particularly at low vehicle speeds.

2.4. General properties of dead reckoning systems

In summary, dead reckoning sensors suffer from a common limitation. This isnot so much a failing of the sensors themselves, but in the method; since motioninformation is integrated to give position, any small bias in the sensor output willaccumulate and result in positional drift. However, odometers and inertial systemshave a high bandwidth, and are fairly reliable in the short term.

3. Artificial landmarks

3.1. Laser positioning systems

A variety of laser based positioning systems are possible. A simple configurationuses three or more detectors positioned around the workspace. A vehicle mounted

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laser is swept in a horizontal plane. The time at which the beam was detected iscommunicated to the positioning system, which uses triangulation to find thelocation of the vehicle. This system has the disadvantage of requiring a commu-nication link between the vehicle and the (fixed) detectors.

The GEC/Caterpillar free-ranging industrial AGV uses a horizontally scannedlaser to determine the bearing to a number of reflective beacons, each of whichcarry a bar code for identification. The bearing measurements are used to esti-mate vehicle location.

Systems which rely on a vehicle mounted laser have a significant drawbackwhen used on rough terrain; tilt of the vehicle from the horizontal may causethe laser beam to miss the targets, unless the beam is diverged vertically. Thisdivergence seriously reduces the practical operating range, output power beinglimited by the need for the system to be eye-safe. An alternative is to fix thelaser or lasers in the field, and mount the detector or retroreflective beacon onthe vehicle. Such systems have been used by Shmulevich et al. (1989), Matsuo etal. (1997) have automated a small tractor using a commercially available totalstation surveying tool in this way.

3.2. Millimetre wa6e radar

Millimetre wave radar has been used on a large AGV for cargo handling(Durrant-Whyte, 1996); the radar is scanned horizontally, and measuresrange and bearing to a set of trihedral aluminium reflectors. The reflectorsmay be covered by a polarising grating to enable discrimination from otherobjects.

Conceptually similar to the laser based systems, this radar system has theadvantage that a range of a few hundred metres can be achieved, despite thebeam being diverged vertically to accommodate a small degree of vehicle tilt.Millimetre wave radar is also less susceptible to climatic disruption than opticalsensors. The major disadvantage is that suitable radar systems are not readilyavailable, and require considerable expertise to construct.

3.3. General properties of beacon based methods

Beacon based methods rely upon observations of a set of targets, the locationof which are known a priori. This requires some care in beacon installation. Thesensor observations are a direct function of position, and so are not prone tothe drift that affects dead reckoning systems. Complications arise since a set ofobservations may be ambiguous (if the beacons are not uniquely identifiable),and unreliable because of both false detections and failure to detect obscuredbeacons. The rate at which observations are available is generally low, one scanper second being typical for laser and radar systems.

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4. Local feature detection

4.1. Sonar

The use of sonar for navigation, mapping and obstacle avoidance in indoorenvironments has received much study. Interest has been stimulated by theavailability of the inexpensive Polaroid 6500 ultrasonic ranging unit, originallydevised as a camera auto-focus device. The challenging problem of interpretingsonar data has attracted academic interest, further fuelled by the tantalisingobservation that in nature, bats appear to find little difficulty in navigating bysonar1. Some significant results on sonar interpretation for the indoor environmentare the certainty grid approach (Elfes, 1987) and the method of identifying andtracking geometric features (Leonard and Durrant-Whyte, 1992; Kleeman and Kuc,1995).

The large corpus of literature on sonar data interpretation deals almost exclu-sively with the indoor environment, where features behave as specular reflectors atthe wavelengths in question (around 10 mm). In an outdoor environment mostsurfaces-particularly those of natural objects do not behave in this way. The signalreturned from natural, diffusely reflecting, surfaces is of much smaller amplitudethan that from a smooth reflecting surface such as a laboratory wall. Furtherdifficulties in the outdoor environment include air movement and ambient ultra-sonic noise, a great deal of which may be generated by an agricultural vehicle.

Recently there has been interest in an alternative type of sonar sensor, originallydesigned as an aid for the blind. Rather than directly measuring the time of flightof a burst of ultrasonic sound (as the Polaroid unit does), a constant transmissionfrequency modulated (CTFM) system is used; sound is constantly emitted, at aswept frequency. The frequency difference between detected echoes and the cur-rently emitted sound gives a measure of range-in the blind aid, this is given as anaudio frequency signal to the user. One of the useful properties of this system isthat it gives not only the range to the nearest object, but multiple reflecting surfacescontribute to the frequency spectrum of the output. Using FFT analysis of thereturned signal, and subsequent classification by a neural network, Harper andMcKerrow (1997) claim that four different species of plant may be discriminatedunder laboratory conditions.

4.2. Machine 6ision

Machine vision is now a well established part of engineering research and isfinding its way into practical applications. The principles can be found in a numberof texts, e.g. (Davies, 1990), here we focus on the application of machine vision toagricultural engineering with vehicles particularly in mind.

1 It is worth noting that the bat is one of few creatures which must use sonar because of its nocturnalhabit; the majority of other animals are vision based-there is perhaps an important message here.

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There are a number of mass market applications for imaging technology (forexample personal computing, multimedia, home video, surveillance, digital photog-raphy) all of which drive costs down, making the technology attractive foragriculture. Useful characteristics include:� Sensing is non contact.� A large amount of information is collected quickly.� The potential exists to be both cheap and powerful.

Whereas some difficulties are:� Storing and processing the data.� Extracting usable information from images.� Dealing with natural objects.� Operating under natural lighting conditions.

The advantages are significant where delicate moving objects are involved, e.g.inspection of produce (Yang and Marchant, 1996), monitoring of animals(Schofield and Marchant, 1996) or treatment of crops (Brivot and Marchant, 1996).For guidance of vehicles there is an important advantage over the sensors of theprevious sections:- as well as measuring vehicle position, machine vision canmeasure the positions of objects in the scene. It can also potentially say somethingabout those objects, e.g. whether they are plants or weeds (Brivot and Marchant,1996; Benlloch et al., 1997)

The first problem is diminishing constantly as memory density and processorpower increase and costs reduce. However, expectations in terms of image resolu-tion, frame rate, and modality (monochrome, colour, non-visible bands, etc.) arelikely to increase to absorb the extra capability. The last three problems can beextremely severe (Tillett, 1991b) but may be tractable, e.g. (Pla et al., 1993). Thedifficulty is compounded by the fact that humans and other animals seem to havelittle problem in interpreting scenes, even natural outdoor ones. Thus the layman,and many scientists and engineers outside the field, do not appreciate that there isa problem. This can lead to over expectation for the technology, with potential fordisillusionment and inappropriate dismissal. In short, the integration of machinevision into practical agriculture may take some time to arrive but it will be worththe wait.

Particular problems with machine vision from vehicles include camera (i.e.vehicle) motion. There can be two sources of blurring. Firstly, with a normalanalogue output camera, there may be a gross misregistration between the twofields that make up an interlaced frame. Using typical figures for field rate andvehicle speed this can represent about 30 mm on the ground, a figure that issignificant compared with say the size of a weed. The simple solution is to use onlyone type of field (even or odd) but this reduces the resolution of the system.However, the theoretical resolution may not be usable in practice anyway becauseof camera vibration. With more modern digital output cameras the scan can benon-interlaced, as they are not tied to an existing TV standard, but they areexpensive and may remain so until there is a mass market for them. Secondly,blurring is caused by the motion during the integration time of the sensor. This ismuch smaller and can be significantly reduced at agricultural vehicle speeds by

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using an electronic shutter. Natural lighting provides at least one advantage in thatthere is normally plenty of it. Shutter speeds of one millisecond or less areachievable without special cameras. A further problem is the large range of lightintensities that can be found in an outdoor scene. Temporal changes can occur overa relatively long time scale (cloudy vs. sunny day), or a short one (small cloudscovering the sun on a windy day). Automatic control of the lens aperture or sensorintegration time may be possible but it is not obvious which scene property tomeasure for control. Average or spot intensity measurements, as used in automaticcameras, may not preserve the features in the scene that are important forautomatic image analysis. Spatial intensity changes can be very large (brightsunshine to deep shadow in the same scene) and cannot be accommodated byexposure control. They can also be well outside the range of a CCD image sensor.New sensor technologies having a wider dynamic range may provide a solution tothe contrast problem.

The difficulties of automatic interpretion of natural scenes have been dealt withelsewhere (Tillett, 1991b). Briefly, in addition to natural lighting, problems arisefrom the non-uniform and unpredictable nature of the objects, the difficulty ofcontrolling their presentation to the camera, overlapping objects, and so on. It isextremely difficult to develop a vision algorithm to interpret natural scenes reliably.This means that, despite machine vision being a useful and powerful sensingmethod, it must be combined with other sensors in a proper framework if it is tobe used successfully to guide vehicles.

4.3. General properties of local feature based systems

Navigation on the basis of local features differs from beacon based navigation inthat the feature locations are not known precisely a priori. A possible-thoughcomplex-solution is to estimate vehicle position and incrementally construct a mapof the features at the same time. Later in this paper, we describe an alternativeapproach which relies upon the principle that the absolute position of a vehicle isrelatively unimportant; it is position relative to the objects with which the machineinteracts that is of consequence.

5. Sensor data fusion

5.1. Multi sensor systems

In the absence of an ideal sensor for localisation, it is necessary to use sensors incombination in order to achieve acceptable results. Dead reckoning systems(odometry or inertial) and landmark based sensing systems (whether the landmarksbe natural features, beacons or satellites) have complementary strengths, if the highfrequency response of dead reckoning can be combined with the low frequency, butdrift free, response of landmark based systems.

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5.2. The Kalman filter

The Kalman filter (KF) (Kalman, 1960; Bar-Shalom and Fortmann, 1988)provides a sound theoretical framework for multi-sensor data fusion. Kalman filtershave been widely used in the navigation of missiles (Hostetler and Andreas, 1983),space probes (Campbell et al., 1983) and robot vehicles. The Kalman filter is afundamental part of the positioning systems of both the GEC/Caterpillar industrialAGV, and the cargo handling AGV (Durrant-Whyte, 1996) mentioned earlier;moreover, it is central to GPS receiver operation (Glazer, 1980). The approachrelies upon tracking the position of the vehicle (or more generally, the state of thesystem) over time. Once the filter has been initialised, it is never again necessary tolocate the vehicle from scratch-rather, the vehicle is located with the benefit of anestimate of the last known position.

It is clearest to begin with the case of a linear time invariant system, for whichthe Kalman filter is an optimal state estimator. In reality, the kinematics of mostpractical vehicles are non-linear, and so a modified form, the extended Kalmanfilter or EKF, is used.

Consider a linear system where the dynamics of state x can be modelled by adiscrete time state transition equation of the form:

x(k+1)=Ax(k)+Bu(k)+v(k) (1)

where A and B are constant matrices, and u(k) is a vector of inputs to the systemat time step k. A sensing process which provides observations of some navigationalfeatures can be modelled:

y(k+ l)=Hx(k+ l)+w(k+ l) (2)

here H is another constant matrix. The vector quantities v(k) and w(k) representdisturbance inputs, which are assumed to be Gaussian and white.

In the absence of perfect sensors, the true state x(k) cannot be known exactly; thebest that can be achieved is to maintain an estimate. Let that estimate be denotedby x. Further, let the notation x(k � j ) represent the estimate of state x at time stepk, based upon sensor data up to and including that at time step j.

The filter functions in a predict / correct fashion. At time step k+1, a predictionx(k+1�k) is first made by propagating the old estimate x(k �k) through the processmodel Eq. (1), i.e.

x(k+ l�k)=Ax(k �k)+Bu(k) (3)

In order to represent the reliability of state estimate x, its covariance P is alsomaintained:

P(k+1�k)=AP(k �k)AT+Q (4)

where Q is the covariance of disturbance input v.As a practical example, Eq. (3) ··· Eq. (4) might be used to predict the new

position of a vehicle based upon the last known position and its speed (perhapsfrom odometric measurements). The important point here is that the old state

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estimate is still a valuable source of information a small instant later in time,provided that something is known of the dynamics of the state over the interveningperiod.

This prediction x(k+1�k) can now be improved by incorporating new sensorobservations of the landmark objects, as described in Eq. (2). These observationsmay be incorporated to give corrected estimate x(k+1�k+1) using the followingequations:

P− l(k+ l�k+ l) x(k+1�k+ l)=P− l(k+1�k) x(k �k+ l)+HTR− ly(k+1)(5)

P− l(k+1�k+ l)=P− l(k+1�k)+HTR−1H (6)

Here R is the covariance of w, or the observation noise. This correction processcan be expressed in various (algebraically equivalent) ways; the equations givenabove are the less common inverse covariance form, i.e. expressed in terms of theinverse of the covariance matrix. This is known as the information matrix, andP− l(k+1�k+1) is a measure of the information content, or accuracy, of estimatex(k+1�k+1). Thus Eq. (5) combines the state prediction with the new landmarkobservations by summation, weighted according to the information content of eachsource. As might be expected, the information matrix of the new estimate is the sumof the information provided by the two sources. It should be noted that Eq. (5) ···Eq. (6) are nothing more than the recursive form of the least squares estimator.

5.3. Extensions and practicalities

5.3.1. Validation of obser6ations: the correspondence problemSince the KF tracks the state estimate over time, it is possible to use the prior

estimate of state at time k+1 obtained from Eq. (3) in equation Eq. (2) todetermine the expected sensor observations. This can be used both to resolveambiguities over, say, which of a set of beacons has given rise to a givenobservation, and to test the likelihood of an observation being valid. A x2 test canbe applied to reject outlying observations.

5.3.2. Asynchronous updatesFor many sensing systems, e.g. a rotating laser scanner, the observations arrive

asynchronously, rather than at regular time intervals. There is nothing in theformulation of the KF given above which requires that the predict/correct processbe performed at a fixed time step. For observations which arrive asynchronously, itis possible to make the prediction when an observation has arrived, on the basis ofthe time at which the observation was taken.

5.3.3. Time 6arying and non-linear systemsAlthough the KF has been described for the simple case of a time invariant linear

system, some generalisations are possible. The matrices A, B, H, R and Q may betime varying. Moreover, it is possible to use the KF in an extended form (the EKF)

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to estimate the state of a non-linear system. Consider replacing Eq. (1) with ageneral non-linear model:

x(k+1)=F(x(k), u(k), k)+v(k) (7)

It is simply a matter of applying a Taylor series expansion to Eq. (7), truncatedto first or second order terms, to give a form which can be used in the same wayas a linear model. The filter is no longer optimal, but is sufficient for a very widerange of applications.

The same principle applies also to a non-linear observation model. In au-tonomous vehicle navigation problems, this extended form is almost alwaysnecessary.

5.3.4. Other forms of noiseIn Section 5.2, the disturbance inputs v(k) and w(k) are assumed to be Gaussian

and white. This is a fundamental assumption in the derivation and proof of theKalman filter and its optimality for linear systems. The noise assumption is oftencited as a limitation of the Kalman filter approach.

In reality, of course, Gaussian white noise exists only in mathematical texts.Fortunately there are means of dealing with sensor data corrupted with coloured(temporally correlated) noise. The output of an accelerometer, for example, istypically corrupted by an offset error which is slowly varying with time (because ofthermal drift). For accurate results, it is common to estimate the current value ofthis offset by incorporating it as an extra element to the state vector. In morecomplex cases, frequency domain techniques can be used to separate data fromtemporally correlated noise, for example in the processing of GPS data (Nebot etal., 1997a; van Bergeijk et al., 1998).

6. Example system

6.1. Background

Some of the principles outlined in previous sections have been embodied in anautonomous vehicle developed at Silsoe Research Institute (Fig. 1). A brief accountwill be given here in order to illustrate some of the points already made, full detailscan be found in previous publications (Hague and Tillett, 1996; Brivot andMarchant, 1996; Hague et al., 1997).

The vehicle has been developed in the context of precise treatment of plants, inparticular for crop protection. Chemicals may be significantly reduced in quantityif they can be targeted in the most effective way. It may also be possible to abandonchemicals in some operations if mechanical treatments can be performed accurately.Accurate treatment on a highly localised scale may open up the possibility of (oreven require) a careful application method that could be slower than existingtreatments. In this case, an autonomous vehicle would be advantageous as it wouldremove the need to have a driver on board for long periods. Our vehicle is not

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meant to be in any way a prototype for a commercially viable machine. Rather, itwas developed as a test bed to investigate the control and sensing problemsinvolved in autonomous operation of agricultural field machinery.

We have chosen to start by attempting to treat a transplanted cauliflower crop.Like many other crops, it is grown in well defined rows. To navigate successfully,determination of vehicle position in an absolute reference frame is not necessary. Infact navigation with respect to landmarks in the vehicle’s environment will suffice.In our case the landmarks are the cauliflower rows themselves. Machine vision hasbeen adopted both to locate the crop rows for navigation purposes, and to providedata for treatment targeting.

6.2. Machine 6ision

In order to differentiate between vegetation (plants and weeds) and soil weexploit the fact that vegetation is much more reflective in the near infra red (around800 nm) than soil. CCD cameras are sensitive beyond 1000 nm, and often containfilters to block radiation outside the visible range. If this filter is replaced with afilter that blocks visible light but passes near infra red, images can be obtained withan enhanced contrast between vegetation and soil. We use a Kodak Wratten filter89B.

Fig. 1. The Silsoe experimental autonomous vehicle.

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Fig. 2. Example of row finding: (a) original image; (b) located row structure.

Fig. 2a shows a typical scene, in the near infra red, containing cauliflower. Thefield of view provides only limited information for identifying the row structurewhich will be used for vehicle guidance. This means that any technique must beespecially robust to uncertainty in the data. Uncertainties arise from variability inplanting pattern, different plant sizes, missing plants, presence of weeds, imagenoise because of natural lighting variations and many other causes. To cope withthe low information content we make use of both the data and the prior knowledgethat is available, and use a robust method to find the row structure in the image.Our method (Marchant and Brivot, 1995) makes use of a specially designed Houghtransform (Davies, 1990). The method integrates information over each row andover a number of rows in the image. It also makes use of prior knowledge of rowspacing and camera calibration. Fig. 2b shows the located row structure superim-posed on the original image.

The differentiation of plants from weeds is an area of continuing research. Oneapproach takes advantage of various observed differences in appearance betweenthe two. For example, the weed patches are of a lower intensity than the plants andthe grey levels within the patches are more rapidly varying. A high-pass filter passedover the image gives a higher response in the weed patches compared with theplants, and subtracting the high-pass filtered image from the original thus enhancesthe existing contrast between plants and weeds. In previous work Brivotand Marchant (1996) have combined this basic idea with some morphologicalprocessing (e.g. erosion, dilation, hole filling) to improve the accuracy of plant/weed/soil boundary location. Fig. 3a shows a typical image with the segmentationin Fig. 3b.

An alternative approach (Southall et al., 1998) uses the location of detected plantmaterial for classification; features matching the known planting pattern of the cropare assumed to be crop, other features are identified as weeds. For greatestrobustness, it is expected that a combined algorithm using both feature location andappearance for classification will be needed.

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6.3. Vehicle na6igation

For fully autonomous operation, the vehicle must be capable of following plantbeds using data from the machine vision system, with sufficient robustness totolerate patches of missing crop or heavy weed infestation. When the end of therow is reached, the vehicle needs sufficient navigation capability to reposition itselfat the head of the next bed without manual intervention.

As a consequence of the transient nature of the crop rows, a system whichrequires detailed prior maps of the plant locations would be impractical. To avoidthe problem of mapping the field on-line, a system has been implemented whichdoes not rely upon absolute positioning. Instead, an alternative coordinate systemand means of path description is adopted. The path is composed of a list ofsegments, each defined by their length and a curvature function. The curvaturefunctions used in practice are linear functions of distance, i.e. the path is composedof clothoid curves (which include circular arcs and straight lines). This allows pathsto be constructed where curvature is a piecewise linear function of distance; thesesmooth paths are advantageous in reducing wheel slip. The segments aligned withcrop rows are taken to be nominally straight, and are flagged in the pathdescription as requiring the use of the machine vision system. For vehicle controlpurposes, all segments are augmented with a required forward speed.

Rather than measuring position in a Cartesian coordinate system, the navigationsystem uses an extended Kalman filter to estimate directly the lateral offset andheading errors from the path, as well as forward distance along the path. To do thisrequires a fairly complex process model described elsewhere (Hague and Tillett,1996; Hague et al., 1997).

In addition to the machine vision system already summarised, a number ofsensors are used to provide a dead reckoning capability. This provides the level ofperformance needed to bridge any small areas where the vision system cannotsuccessfully locate the crop rows, and to perform a turn at the end of the row,during which the vision system is not available. The sensor package used includesleft and right wheel odometers, forward and lateral accelerometers and a three axis

Fig. 3. Example segmentation: (a) original image; (b) segmented image-crop shown in white, weeds grey,soil black.

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Fig. 4. Vehicle dead reckoning performance.

fluxgate compass. This package is carefully selected; for the compass data to beaccurately interpreted, the roll and pitch angles of the vehicle must be known. Theaccelerometers are sensitive both to vehicle acceleration proper and gravitationalacceleration as a result of tilt; the odometers register vehicle speed. The processmodel includes the derivative relationship between speed and acceleration, thusallowing the required roll and pitch angles to be estimated. The accuracy achievedby this system can be seen in Fig. 4; this shows the path taken by the vehicle duringa headland turn. The accumulated position error over this turn is only 60 mm.

While travelling down the crop row, the machine vision system provides addi-tional input to the EKF navigator. For greater robustness, the readings provided bythe vision system are validated using a x2 test against predictions made on the basisof dead reckoning; data of less than 95% confidence are discarded. This eliminateserroneous data, typically where the wrong set of plant rows have been located bythe vision system.

The benefit of combined use of dead reckoning and machine vision is illustratedin Fig. 5. The three traces show results from a run of the vehicle over a bed ofcauliflower; the effect of integrating odometric data is shown alongside the rawmachine vision derived offset data. As can be seen, the position estimate derivedfrom odometry alone is subject to unbounded drift, whilst the raw vision data iscorrupted with significant levels of noise. Also shown is the output of a Kalmanfilter combining the two sources of information; the result retains some of the lownoise level of the odometric data whilst eliminating the drift.

7. Conclusions

In conclusion, we have discussed a variety of sensing methods for autonomousvehicle navigation. Advances in autonomous systems in a wide variety of applica-

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Fig. 5. Example of sensor data fusion.

tion areas can be drawn upon to provide valuable input to agricultural automation.Certain aspects of the navigation problem which are unique to, or particularly acutein, the agricultural environment require further research, for example terrain-relatedissues.

In the absence of a navigation sensor which is perfect or even adequate on itsown, a combination of imperfect sensors must suffice. Sensor data fusion tech-niques allow state estimates to be extracted from sensor data which is corrupted bynoise. Careful selection of sensor packages exploiting complementary strengths ofindividual sensors is necessary to allow all the data required to be extracted froman economical sensor suite.

Finally, the need for cost effective systems favours sensor types which are (or willbe) produced in large volume, but it is unlikely that the market for automatedagricultural equipment will be large enough to create sufficient demand alone. Thusdevices which have a mass market in other areas (e.g. multimedia and automotive)are most likely candidates for incorporation into practical systems.


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