gregorian chant

Gregorian Chant The Origins of Written Music

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Gregorian Chant. The Origins of Written Music. The History of Gregorian Chant. Named for Pope St. Gregory the Great (540-604). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Gregorian Chant

The Origins of Written Music

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The History of Gregorian Chant

• Named for Pope St. Gregory the Great (540-604).

• It is believed that Gregory did not write any chants, but instead organized the many different schools of chant into one coherent form by developing the Antiphonary (written music).

• The Antiphonary is the oldest surviving form of written music.

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What does Gregorian Chant look like?

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Gregorian Chant uses a four line staff - instead of the modern day five line


A Benedictine Monk Named Guido D’Arezzo is believed to

have created this staff, although there is some

debate over whether or not he actually did it.

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The beautiful artwork and decorations found throughout most chants gives them the

name: Illuminated Manuscripts.

Monks often spent months creating one chant. After all, what else was there to do?

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What are all those squiggly bits?

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Those squiggly bits are called NEUMES.

• Neumes are like musical notes without stems. The shape of each neume determines the rhythm and pitch of each note.

• Neumes eventually became modern day notes.

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Where is the key signature, the clef, and

the time signature?

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The Clef is there, but the time signature and key

signature aren’t.• Gregorian Chant uses a clef that looks

like the letter C. The clef actually curls around the line that is middle C.

• Gregorian chant does not use a time signature. It is sung as the words dictate.

• All Gregorian chant is sung in a certain mode, not a key signature.

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What language are they singing in?

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• All of the text is in Latin. The reason for this is that Gregorian Chant is completely based in religion (Christianity).

• The text is directly from the Bible and sung during religious services. Each chant has a specific function, much like Hymns do.

• Today, chant is still used in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.

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Why are there only men singing?

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Women were not allowed to participate in any part of a religious ceremony in

10th Century Europe.

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Let’s look a bit closer atNEUMES…