green erath global wrming

Global Warming. Global Warming. Zafar Iqbal.

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Global Warming.

Global Warming.

Zafar Iqbal.

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Global Warming.

Earth Facts:

• Erath was born about 4.5 billion years ago.

• First animal life – about 600 million years

• First human life – about 4.1 million years ago.

• 5th Largest Planet – houses 10 M species of


• 1959 – 1999 Human Population rose 03 to 06

billion. Current 7+ billion.

• Earth atmosphere has Nitrogen 78% Oxygen

21%. Rest 01% trace gases.

• Oceans cover 70% of Earth surface. 97% of

Earth water is salt water.

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Global Warming.

Global Warming:

Global warming is increase in the Earth

average temperature due to certain

environmental reasons and that is causing

changes in earthen climate.

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Global Warming.

Major Factors contributing Global Warming:

• Burning of fossil fuels like Gas, Oil, Coal etc.

• Cutting down of trees and removal of other


• Depletion of Ozone layer in the upper Earth


• Uncontrolled emissions from factories.

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Global Warming.

Results of Global Warming:

• Green house effect that entraps IR radiations in the earthen atmosphere due to certain gases -mainly CO2.

• Raising of the Sea Level (1.8mm every year noticed)

• Increase of average earthen temperature (01 deg C in last century – increase to 02 deg C may result in heavy habitat damage)

• Habitat Damage (if the current trend of global warming continues, 10% of all species will be lost by 2050)

• Melting of glaciers (Glaciers are major stock of sweet water and have global temperature balancing role)

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Global Warming.

• Increase in water vapour in the atmosphere

(water vapour itself is a greenhouse gas)

• Weather becoming more severe and violent.

• Draught.

• Unstable agriculture and economy.

• Outbreak of certain diseases like

Malaria, dengue and Cancer.

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Global Warming.

Heat waves and periods of unusually warm weather

Sea level rise and coastal flooding

Glaciers melting

Arctic and Antarctic warming

Spreading disease

Earlier spring arrival

Plant and animal range shifts and population declines

Coral reef bleaching

Downpours, heavy snowfalls, and flooding

Droughts and fires

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Global Warming

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Global Warming

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Global Warming

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Global Warming.

How to control Global Warming:

• Control population growth.

• Stop / Reduce use of fossil fuels.

• Switchover to alternate energy sources

(solar, wind, hydal, tidal, geothermal etc) and /

or renewable energy resources.

• Reduce or eliminate use of ODCs.

• Stop jungle cutting / start tree plantation.

• Have control on population of livestock as

they are major source of generating methane

– a dangerous greenhouse gas.

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Global Warming.

• Stop factories emissions as far as possible.

• Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Waste.

• Reduce overall energy consumption.

• Buy energy efficient product.

• Use Less Heating and Air Conditioning.

• Use less Meat.

• Use less sweet water.

• Buy Local.

• Replace regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs.

• Fuel efficient cars / drive economically / keep tires at right pressure.

• Encourage Others to Conserve Energy.

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Global Warming.