greek mythology

By: Amelia

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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Greek Mythology. By: Amelia. What are the gods names?. Aphrodite Apollo Ares Artemis Athena Demeter Dionysus Hades Hephaestus Hera Hermes Hestia(Gave up her council seat for Dionysus) Poseidon Zeus. What are their powers?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


By: Amelia

Aphrodite Apollo Ares Artemis Athena Demeter Dionysus Hades Hephaestus Hera Hermes Hestia(Gave up her council seat for Dionysus) Poseidon Zeus

Aphrodite: The goddess of love and beauty

Apollo: God of music, healing, plague, prophecies, poetry, and archery; associated with light, truth and the sun.

Ares: God of war, bloodlust, violence, manly courage, and civil order.

Artemis: Virgin goddess of the hunt, wilderness, wild animals, childbirth and plague.

Athena: Goddess of wisdom, warfare, battle strategy, heroic endeavour, handicrafts and reason.

Demeter: Goddess of agriculture, horticulture, grain and harvest. Demeter is a daughter of Kronos and Rhea and sister of Zeus, by whom she bore Persephone.

Dionysus: God of wine, parties and festivals, madness, drunkenness and pleasure at forever young.

Hades: King of the Underworld and god of the dead and the hidden wealth of the Earth.

Hephaestus: Crippled god of fire, metalworking, stonemasonry, sculpture and volcanism.

Hera: Queen of marriage, women, childbirth, heirs, kings and empires.

Hermes: God of travel, messengers, trade, thievery, cunning wiles, language, writing, diplomacy, athletics, and animal husbandry.

Hestia: Virgin goddess of the hearth, home and cooking.

Poseidon: God of the sea, rivers, floods, droughts, earthquakes, and the creator of horses; known as the "Earth Shaker".

Zeus: The king of the gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky, weather, thunder, law, order, and fate.

The gods were created by the Titans, Kronos and Rhea. Kronos is the Father of Time.

The titans were created by Gaia, Mother Earth, and Uranus, the father of the sea. Gaea turned out to be evil, and she created the giants to destroy the gods. Uranus was cut up by Kronos with his signature weapon, the Scythe, and threw him into the sea. Aphrodite was born from Uranus’s sea foam. (In my point of view, she should be a Titan, not a God, but that is just how mythology went.)

Kronos Oceanus Hyperion Crius Lapetus Coeus Mnemosyne Phoebe Rhea Themis Tethys Theia

Eos Helios Selene Leto Asteria Atlas Prometheus Epimethus Menoetius Metis Astreaus Pallus Perses

Aegle: goddess of brightness Aeolus: God of the Wind Boreas: God of the North Wind Chloris: Goddess of Spring flowers Eileithyia: Goddess of childbirth Eris: Goddess of chaos and discord Eros: God of love (a.k.a. Cupid in

Romania) Erythia: goddess of scarlet Hesperethusa: goddess of the sunset


Hypnos: god of sleep Iris: Goddess of rainbow (Another

messenger of the gods as well a Hermes)

Pan: God of shepherds and other minor gods

Persephone: Goddess of plants (Also Hades prisoner/wife in the Underworld)

Yes, the roman gods are very similar to the greek ones. Actually, they are the same people, but with different personalities. See, if you met a grouchy god(dess), like Hera, you would rather meet her in her Hera mood rather than a Juno mood (her roman form). The roman gods are more strategic and fight-y , while roman gods, well, are just the opposite.

Tatarus is the endless pit of death that the Titans were thrown into after the first Titan war. Kronos, was thrown onto the abyss after being chopped up into a million pieces with his own scythe by his son Zeus. The worst monsters are there while they are re-forming (we’ll get to that later), or while they are waiting to be awoken by the worst forces imaginable.

There are many monsters in the greek mythological world. Some, are very famous, like the Minotaur, and others, like the empousa, are not so famous. Some monsters, like Medusa, have special powers. Medusa can turn things to stone by looking at them. Empousa, can turn their hair and other things on their bodies to flame. Harpies, can fly (they are half human nad half bird). Some monsters, are good. Like Hippocampi. They live in the oceans, with their half fish and half hippopotamus friends. Centaurs, are also good, and so are some Cyclopes. Cyclopes have a power to withstand any type of fiercely hot flame. They work at Hephaestus's Forges. A Neman Lion’s coat is like armor; any weapon thrown at it will bounce off.

Some monsters (unless they are hit in certain spots), go to Tartarus, only to re-form. It may take years, weeks, months, or days for a monster to re-form. Quite annoying actually.

Greek Mythology is a confusing world of monsters, gods and demi-gods. I wish these things were real, but they aren’t (as far as the human race knows …).

Thank you for watching my long PowerPoint!!!