greek for beginners

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Greek For Beginners

Welcome to Greek for Beginners


Tervetuloa kaikille

Kreikaan Aloitelijoiden kurssi

In this class you will need: Notebook and pen, Greek-Finnish dictionary and curiosity!


Hi everyone, my name is Barbara Gerakis. I am a certified TEFL English teacher and I teach Greek Courses here at the Seinjoen kansalaisopisto since 2012. I am of Greek Finn origin, billingual in Greek and English, with a fair knowledge of Suomea. Born in Athens, raised in America, Greece and Finland.

In this course, I will use both Finnish and English, please understand that the Greek language is constructed in a way that alot of the grammatical notions and words are easier understood, if you have basic understanding of English. There are alot of Greek words that have no exact finnish translation, and other words or phrases that lose their meaning in the dictionary.

I will try to make the class as constructive as possible, alternating between fun interactive clips and book activities. Your contribution to the class is very important and any questions are highly encouraged.

Hobbies in my spare time

Archaeology, photography and food, travelling and exploring cultures and places

Music: I play and write, guitar and piano

Studies: I am currently studying pedagogy at the University of Applied Science in Tampere.

In this class we will learn

The Greek Alphabet and phonology

Accents and punctuation

Reading, writing and listening

Some useful words and phrases for travellers

Conversational and speaking practice

Listening and group focused exercises

In this class you can expect

Having practiced and using the language

Some new vocabulary, expressions and phrases.

Error correction and feedback

Knowledge about the Greek culture and way of life

A possible trip organised at the end of the class *

Class Goals

Saying your name in Greek

Learning how to introduce yourself properly in Greek and talking about hobbies.

Writing and reading out clearly, your written introduction paragraph

Learning about Greek foods, holidays, traveling info and talking about yourself comfortably in Greek.

Books to be used

Oriste, Nykykreikan alkeiskurssi (Finn Lectura)

Ellinika A, methodos ekmathisis tis ellinikis os xenis glossas (ekdosis patakis) (

A good Greek-English Dictionary as well as Greek-Finnish Dictionary

Books can be ordered on line as well as, through Suomalainen kirjakauppa

Welcome aboard to our beautiful Greek language learning, journey

Please introduce your self to the class room and express your expectations of this class and or, your interest in the Greek course.

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