greater purpose

Greater, Worldlier Purpose

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Greater, Worldlier Purpose

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What is it for you?

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Business Leader’s Role

make certain we are always headed in the right direction.

Compelling vision in the market (all stakeholders) aka Purpose

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get us thinking about …

• our “Cause”• aka the Why?

• external purpose

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Make your business the best within your or any other industry

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Greater, Worldlier Purpose

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what is a Business’s Purpose?

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Common misconceptions…

Maximizing Profits

Making money

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Red Corpuscles

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Humans need red blood cells to live

The same way a business needs profits to live.

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Purpose of life is more than making red blood cells.

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If life’s purpose is just to make red blood cells then we wouldn’t need to get off the couch other than to check if our wings were done.

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meaning: The purpose of business is more than simply to generate profits

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“Marketing 3.0 is the stage when companies shift from consumer-centricity to human-centricity

and where profitability is balanced with corporate responsibility.”- Philip Kotler

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Rise of Purpose Driven Social Brands

Marketing 1.0 Marketing 2.0 Marketing 3.0Mind Heart Spirit

Product-centered Customer Oriented Values driven

Economic value People value Environment value

Profits Social Progress Human Happiness

Where is your company now?Where do you want it to be?Why?What steps would you take?

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Business Purpose

“It is not what you sell it is what you stand for” - Roy Spence and Haley Rushings.

“It is the reason a company exists.”

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What is the definition?

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Purpose the difference your trying to make in the world

Missioncore strategy that must be undertake to fulfill that purpose

Visionvivid, imaginative conception or view of how the world will look once your purpose has been realized

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Golden Circle – Simon Sinek

Why?“the Cause”

How?“value proposition”


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Identify your purpose first and the rest will come

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Why does Purpose Matters?

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Higher purpose creates…energy and relevance to a company & its brand.

creativity, innovation and organization commitment.

extraordinary engagement among all stakeholders

purposeful decision making

excellence at delivering exceptional financial performance over the long term

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Purposeful firms outperformed the overall stock market…

By ratio of over a fifteen period1

Delivered more total returns. Market was up just 150% for the same period1.


11 : 1

1. Conscious Capitalism

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A greater, worldlier purpose can lead your company to be the best

within your or any other industry

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purposeful companies fall within 4 types

How to identify our greater and worldlier purpose?

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1. The Good

improving health, education, communication, and quality of life. Commonly provided through service to others.

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The Good

Container storeproviding excellent service and quality products that help people better organize their lives. “get organized, be happy.”

Zapposdelivering happiness. It does it through great customer service, high-quality products, competitive prices and fast delivery.

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2. The True

Discovery and furthering human knowledge

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The True

Googleto organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Wikipediaenable people to pursue knowledge quickly and efficiently.

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3. The Beautiful

Excellence and the creation of beauty True excellence expresses beauty in unique and inspiring ways to make our lives more enjoyable

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The Beautiful

Appleinsanely great technology, appearance, value, simplicity and fun of their products

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4. The Heroic

Courage to do what is right and change and improve the world. Make the world better, to solve insolvable problems and do the really courageous things when it is risky and some say impossible.

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The Heroic

Ford Motor CompanyOpening highways to all mankind.

American Red Cross: Enabling Americans to perform extraordinary actions in the face of emergencies

Obama Care

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Examples of Higher PurposeDisney: To use our imaginations to bring happiness to millions.

Walmart: to make quality goods affordable and available to rural USA.

Microsoft: accessible information for all

Whole Foods: helping people to eat well, improve the quality of their lives, and increase their lifespan.

Southwest Airlines: To give people the freedom to fly; make air travel accessible to the average person

REI: inspire, educate, and outfit for a lifetime of outdoor adventure and stewardship.

Charles Schwab: A relentless ally for the individual leader

BMW: To enable people to experience the joy of driving

Humane Society US: Celebrating animals, confronting cruelty

Pedigree: The dog-loving company “put dogs and dogs welfare front and center for every business activity”.

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DisneyTo use our imaginations to bring happiness to millions.

AmazonTo build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.

Microsoftaccessible information for all

Whole Foodshelping people to eat well, improve the quality of their lives, and increase their lifespan.

Southwest AirlinesTo give people the freedom to fly; make air travel accessible to the average person

WalmartTo make quality goods affordable and available to rural USA.

Toys ‘R’ UsPut joy in kids’ hearts and a smile on parents’ faces.

Appleinsanely great technology, appearance, value, simplicity and fun of their products

BMWTo enable people to experience the joy of driving

NikeTo bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. * If you have a body, you are an athlete.

American Red Cross Enabling Americans to perform extraordinary actions in the face of emergencies

Googleto organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

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Higher purpose creates…energy and relevance to a company & its brand.

creativity, innovation and organization commitment.

extraordinary engagement among all stakeholders

purposeful decision making

excellence at delivering exceptional financial performance over the long term

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Greater, Worldlier Purpose Identification

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– Why does our business exist?– What value do we create?– How do we show love and

care to our customers?– Why does it need to exist?

– What core values animate the enterprise and unite all of our


How to identify Purpose?

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Make C/S the best in business within this or any other industry

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Greater, Worldlier Purpose

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How to identify your brand purpose?

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First Interview stakeholders

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The best way to identify your unique brand is to ask the people who interact with you and your company.

interview all of your company’s stakeholders: employees, customers, potential customers, competitors, and community.

You want to know why they like working with you, what value they get from you that they can’t get elsewhere, and why they would recommend you to others. If you can’t, then concentrate on your customers and employees if you have them.

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E x e r c i se T i m e

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1. Complete the questionnaire individually – 10 min2. Share thoughts w/ group – 10 min3. Elect Spokesperson4. Present to Room

– Common themes– Present the table’s C/S Why?

5. Facilitator to collect questionnaires

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use markers and poster boards

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Purpose Identification Questionnaire1. What words come to mind when you think of [Insert Company name]? Circle the favorable words;

square the unfavorable words.2. What word does the [Insert Company name] brand own?3. What do you feel is [Insert Company name]’s biggest asset?4. What is [Insert Company name]’ biggest challenge?5. What do you love/dislike about being part of [Insert Company name]? Circle the likes; square the

dislikes.6. Identify a customer who really understands [Insert Company name]’ brand, products and values.

What is it that they value?7. Identify one of your customers that doesn’t get the [Insert Company name] brand. Why do they

choose the competition over [Insert Company name]?8. What is the one thing that [Insert Company name] does that our customers can’t get anywhere

else?9. What is [Insert Company name]’ “WHY” or in other words what is its purpose above making


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Purpose Identification QuestionnaireEmployees

1. What about working at [Insert Company name] makes you jump out of bed in the morning?2. What words come to mind when you think of [Insert Company name]? Circle the favorable

words; square the unfavorable ones.3. What values does [Insert Company name] exhibit that makes its employees want to be part

of [Insert Company name]?4. What do you feel is [Insert Company name]’ biggest asset?5. What is [Insert Company name]’ biggest challenge?6. How does [Insert Company name] show love and care to our customers?7. Why do some customers sometimes choose the competition over [Insert Company name]?8. What is the one thing that [Insert Company name] does that our customers can’t get

anywhere else?9. What is [Insert Company name]’ “WHY” or in other words what is its purpose above making


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Why/Higher purpose

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Greater, Worldlier Purpose