great webinars bellevue college

© 2012 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. 1 Great Webinars Changing the Face of Learning Bellevue College

Post on 13-Sep-2014




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Great WebinarsChanging the Face of Learning

Bellevue College

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Webinar Learning Objectives

• Identify the underpinnings of a solid webinar experience

• Apply five techniques to deliver an effective webinar

• Adopt three practices to reduce the impact of technology snafus

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About Cynthia Clay

• 20+ years of experience• Began delivering web conference training in 2004• Expert on facilitating interactive web training• Author of Great Webinars• Leads the Virtual Facilitator Trainer Certification™

course• Co-authored Peer Power: Transforming

Workplace Relationships

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Send a Chat Message

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Send a Chat Message

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Send a Private Chat Message

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Status Icons

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Opening Poll

What is your primary purpose in attending this webinar today?

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Opening Chat

What question have you brought today?

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What Can Go Wrong?

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Common Errors

Returning to a “talking head” presentation style


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The more you feel like a lecturer, the less effective you will be.

Common Errors

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Common Errors

Not allowing participants to chat with each other


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A stern teacher or parent trying to get people’s attention (and refusing to allow them to talk) is not very effective.

Common Errors

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Common Errors

Designing boring, bullet point slides with no graphics


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If you’re Einstein, perhaps you can hold our interest without interesting slides.

Common Errors

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Transforming the VirtualClassroom

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Adult Learning Principles

Malcolm Knowles(1913 – 1997)

Name one adult learning principle in the chat pod.

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Adult Learning Principles

• Adults need to be involved in the planning and evaluation of their learning.

• Experience (mistakes included) provides the basis for learning activities.

• Adults want to learn subjects that have immediate relevance to their work or personal lives.

• Adult learning is problem-centered not content-oriented.

(Source: Malcolm Knowles)

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1. Allow no more than 3 minutes between participant interaction opportunities.

5 Techniques to Transform

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Rule of Thumb

Engage participants every 3 minutes with a poll, chat, request for feedback, etc.

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2. Mix it up with diverse use of polling.

5 Techniques to Transform

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How many hours of productivity, on average, does each employee lose per day trying to process a change and how it might affect them?

Sample Exercise: Meeting Change with Resilience

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Loss of Productivity

During change, an employee loses, on average, 2 hours of productivity trying to process the change and how it might affect them.

Employee absenteeism typically doubles during times of change.

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Change Evaluation

Recall a recent change that you’ve experienced or led. Consider the evaluation questions on the next several slides.

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Evaluation Poll

1. Were the business reasons driving the change clearly explained?

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Evaluation Poll

2. Were people give the opportunity to celebrate what had been created in the past?

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Evaluation Poll

3. Were people given the opportunity to acknowledge their losses?

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Evaluation Poll

4. Did people receive frequent updates about the change process during the change?

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Final Question

What would you do differently in hindsight?

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3. Build opportunities for participants to exchange ideas and opinions using chat and voice.

5 Techniques to Transform

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The Cycle of Change

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The Cycle of Change

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What support should managers provide at each stage of the change process?

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What choices did you make during a recent cycle of change that helped you be more resilient?

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4. Create learning experiences with real issues and problems

5 Techniques to Transform

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Change Case Study

Kathy has needed to take a lot of time off to deal with her elderly and sick father who lives in another state.

She comes back from these trips exhausted and emotionally drained. Though you value her contributions to the team, you are concerned. At the last staff meeting, when asked to rework her project plan, Kathy began to cry and had to leave the room.

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5. Request learner feedback regularly.

5 Techniques to Transform

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Learner Feedback

• Are you with me?

• What questions do you have?

• Give Bob a round of applause.

• Have you completed the worksheet?

• Do you agree/disagree with this statement?

• How are you feeling about this virtual course?

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1. Allow no more than 3 minutes between participant interaction opportunities.

2. Mix it up with diverse use of polling.3. Build opportunities for participants to

exchange ideas and opinions using chat and audio.

4.Create learning experiences with real issues and problems.

5.Request learner feedback regularly.

5 Techniques to Transform

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Technology Snafus

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Technology Snafus

• Always schedule a dry run• Arrive 30 minutes prior to your

webinar• Use a host/producer to handle

technical issues• Practice breakout rooms with real people• Have a contingency plan (no Internet, no VoIP,

slides won’t advance, etc.)

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The Zen of Delivery

Begin with a centered, calm mind

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Action Planning

• One thing I can do….• One thing my team can do….• One thing my organization can do….• One other thought….

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Great Webinars

Republished in 2012 by Pfeiffer.

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