great l store

fi.-?- ' if uast ji'. f v .&. W " . r PTX "U r S JM aB ca -- & lii Ba A x jwaraBwiTarmBmwxnnvTxinnBminjwTOonKi wgoiamwi awriKtfartKnMsxt3ixtaaaTcnewMtajwjwni-TMJWMMrt- r Vol. III. No. G!2. HONOLULU, JL ., THURSDAY, KliJISlUIAllY 21, 1881. OUBSCrilPTION 00 CENTS PEIl MONTH i A ' if' r ri U. fi ii.' i 4.: SH? - s&r 1 tv It V ft. Mft &.' 1 THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM rniNTING OFflCE. Tin; Daily BuiJ.irrt.v is minted mid published ovciy morning and circulated Ihioughtml tho town liy runlets, nnd foi winded to tho other Islands hy every oi)oitunity. Subscription, GO cents per Month. Oil VS. 11 HUCKIAND, Editor. All business rnnuniinlcntlnim to ho .Manager D.iily Bulletin, Post Olllce Bo. No. 1 1. Telephone 250. Olllro quern Street, Uppo'llu Wol' Cirrlngo l'nclory. .T. 0. Cr.uviou, Mnnngcr W. H. PAGE, HONOLULU CAME MANUFACTORY, N0.3. 123 nnd liiO, FORT STREET (opposite Pantheon Stihlcs) HONOLULU, II. 1. Otivriago Manufacturer, Wheelwright and General Blacksmith. , The Manufactory contains n complete Oariiage Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Paint Shop, ami Tiimming Shop. FAMILY CARRIAGES, EXPRESSES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, OMNIBUKSES, DRAYS AND TRUCKS, BREAKING CARTS, PLANTATION WAGONS, HAND CARTS, &C, &C. Made toOrdci nnniostfavoi.ililelc.rms and all woik gimiantecd. Till" Closest Atleutini: ;vien to re- pair work of nil Uimls. Having been in business on the Ma nil for a number of cus employing none but the mot Skillful of Mechanics, nnd using only At Matoiial, I cm sli icily guarantee nil woik leaving my Manu- factory. Give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Don't forget the place. 128 and ISO FORT STREET. orrosui: noun's pi'mills. Page, 501 Oin PROPRIETOR. City Shoeing Siiop. --Mffi0 .-- ?- 110 Four Sriii:rr, Opposite Dotlil's Stable. JF YOU WANT your hoe shod, nnd have no time to bring him to the City Mm sin, Ring Up No. 34. And your horso will he sent lor shod, and letuuiul on shoit notice. 3Iesrs. JIc. Donim) and Hyan' mIio supei intend tliu work nio piaetienl mechanics of yeaisof cpciicncc, and can be leroni-mende- d as leliablo men, ,ih well as Fiiit class Woikmcn at the tinde. Wo mean business. AH woik guniuii. leed and done with pioiuptm'ss. S. I. Shaw, 510 ly Piioi'winon FOR SALE, aXn.2 Warehouse Feed Mill Gilnds from 5 to 10 tons per day. Also, pulleys, bells, etc., all In good older; can be inn by stoani or horse power, just the article for a plantation. ALSO, HAY, OATS, CORN, Wheat, Bran, Hurley, Whole and Ground, Mixed Feed, etc. AS UIIKAI AS THE CHEAPEST 5!) LA INK Co.. 3 1 Fort st. Tourists .Retreat. Honuano, Kau, Hawaii IS NOW OPEN lor 'Haulers, wheio Jl Flihl cliiftH .u'coinodiUlmi an be luid til all Times. Tho Viiiutilo of Hnnimpo 1h recommended foi invalid-,- . houses and uumES Pinvided lor the Volcano. E2?-F- or Terms, etc., See CARDS r.t Hotels nnd Streets, J. W. SMITHIES, 5711 ly Piopilelor. Jtull I'ro'jirniuiiH'H ! DESIGNS, just! received fiom NEW Finncisco. at Tun Daily Uul- - i.ic riM Hillon i i 1 B. li E1LLERS (6 Co.,- - DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Rccoivcd by ovory steamer 770 T?rV RTREEI1 A CHOICE COLLEC1ION OF NEW COODS, CONSISTING OF Laces, Embroideries, Satchels, Fans, Tidies, Children's Drosses, and a Splendid Stock of Flowers, Feathers, Beaver Hats, Ele., c 1c, just lecelved pet 3liulpnsii, nnd now optn for Inspection, at A. M. MELLIS, : : : : : 104 Fort Street. Sioro open till 3 p. m. during the holidays. WILLIAM MILLER Osi 1 ill otisain. lcov And Upholsterer, No. CI! Hotel Estiect, Opposite Interr.alioiinl Hotel, Canes and "Walking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS I5r:iekel, Cornices, Cuitnin Poles, &c, linide ol the Inlcsl designs. G EORGE LUCAS, Couliaetor zMMk and Rullder,' sggas Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Ui.ickets, Window Finmcs, lillniN, Sishes. Doom, and all kinds of Wood- work tlnlsh. Tinning, Seiolland Hand S iwlng. All kinds of Saw ing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Oitlcispromptly attended to and woik guaranteed. Orders from the other solicited A CARD TO THE PU1JL1C. MAX KOHM Reg to intimate to his f i lends and Ihe public gcneially, that he is now pie. pared to execute ouleis foi Plain and Decorative Painting & Paperhanging in the best and newest styles. 185 XOIfc'JL' Opposite Gymnasium. P. O lio, No. 111. .101 ly 1?RITZ WILHBLM, CARPENTER & RUILDEH, Shop on King sticet, In rear of New-Od- Fellow '8 Hull Kingstiect. Telephone 112. 521) Qui 1HR. GERTZ. J No. 80 Foit street, Honolul, Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Chlldien'h bodts, shoes and slippers. HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tohacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor, 507 Fort and Merth mt sticcts. if b s. m. f uuo B. V. UKAII.VM S, M. 0AETER & 00. Rktaii. Ei:m,i:us in Fire "Wood, Coal Jid Feed. JLiny Ji,iii 0:it;, FKXCE J)13rilV13I4V to till pans of ihecity. Itemeniher, SJi King street, 57t ny'Anil 'IVIupliono No. 187. WTLLIAJIS & OO, 120 FOliT STRUCT, Hue heciiiTil the Sri lies of MR. IIASSELMANN, One of the Beet Artists Piom San l'muclsco, Ills Coloiiug ih L'neipiiilled. Views of tlie Volcano, Aim on llniid, ('ome and See Them. fi'll It PIANO TUBiG! MH. JOSEPH TIUSKA, WHO Is in our employ, bus had jeais experience in Piano Faitoiies lu (leiinnny and America , ho ih a holier, icliable in in, and wo Guarantee all of his work. All kinds of .Musical Insliuments and put In peihu nider. 537 Jjycnn .V Co. 200 TWEED piAT $ -- AT I Corner Nuuanu 535 Cm A. ivianposa SCOTCH X L Store Great BENSON, SMITH & CO.. Practical Druggists, 113 & 115 FORT STREET HONOLULU, Depot for Boericke and Schreck's ,J 0 1 1 NSOX. J lonolulu. is, 8.00' THE ami Queen Sis. GAItTENBEKG, Proprietor. Mseeker's Perl'ms .1. II. Ct'G IOTS' Hun JiTrandHoo. HONOLULU. AND THE COMMON SENSE NUJJS1NG BOTTLES. 5!!2 HAMILTON J. II. CONGDON & CO., Beaver Block, Queen Street, Honolulu Importers, Shipping mill General Coniission Mcrcl iiavi: .mist umicii i.Aitui: c'o.vkk;.iii'.t or Barley, Bran, Oats, Onions, Beans, Wheat, etc. Choice table & dried Fruits. Largo Slock of CHOICE POTATOES, which we oiler to the liadeat hi'iX'i.M, lMiitns. PARAGON AXLE GREASE, whkh gives mil. 535 RtlUfactlou. J2rCorieSpondenco solicited. .Tin vtffrnimimi irm r V: C!o. a EMY DESCRIPTION OF JOB PRIITIl EXIX'l TED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH AT THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE, QU1212X STJtEET UNION FEED COMPANY Corner of Queen and Edinburg Streets, '1VIIioii, IVo. 1 T." IyVAi to In foi m tlielr hiends nnd the public genendly Hint they tiro eimlimi. lug ImsluehS at the tibose hlniid, mill hne madet'oiuplele aiiangcmeuts Tor u conilnuousbupply of Fresh Goods of the very Best Quality w lilcli w o w ill oiler for bale AT TJII3 LOWEST JOSSIULE IMiFOEK. AVo Iinpc, by giving our best attention to pleat-- the public, to merit a pint of their p.ilioiiuge, A huge stock of Wheat and Oat, Hay, Whole and aroumlJBarloy, California and Oregon Oats, Bran, Middlings, &c, now on hand, Oideis bollclttd ami fcatifcfuction guuriintud, or uo pay asked. 405 Commission Morclmnts. 0. ijhhwkr (LimltLil) & Company, Ui:ki:iiaii Mimicaxhm: ami Commission Aoums. Msr oi' P. C. .Iom-.s- , ,lr. . . .Piesldent & Manager I. O. CAiirmt. . . ..Tieastircr fc Secietary numerous: Hon. C. R. liisiioi-- . Hon. II. A. P. Cauthii :t'J8 ly Geo.W. Mncfnrlane. II. R. Mncfailanc. Q. W. MAC?ARLANE & Co. DIPORTEHS, C03IMISSION MEH. CHANTS and Sufaf Jfactovs, Firc-Proo- f Huilding, - - 52 Queen sticct, Honolulu. 11. 1. aoiots for Tho Wtiikapu Sugar Plantation, Maul, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The lleeia Sugar Plantation, Onhu, lluelo Sugar Mill, Maul, lluclo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puulo.i Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Poit- - able Tramw ny AVoiks, Leeds, Mirrlees, Watson ifcCo's Sugar Machin cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 183 M. MOSS, L. J. LUVKV. Lyons Si Levey, Auctioueeis and Gcnernl Conmiission Merchants, Heaver Block, Queen St., .- Honolulu. Sales of Fuinituie, Stock, Real Estnte and Gcueial Merchandise piomplly al-- tended to. Sole Agents for Amciican and Euio. pe.m nieiehandibc. 31S TT S. GRINBAUM & Co., -- LYJL. Importers of General Mer- - cliaiidisoiiiid Coinmisaion Meichantt, Hmiolulu, l TVI" S. GRINBAUM & CO , JLtX. Commission Meiclianls, 121 California sheet, 1 Snu Fianeibco, Cnl. Clang SprccUIs. Wm . Irwin. WG. Irwin & Company, Sugar Factois and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 AS. CLEGIIORN & Co. Impoilers and Commission Meiclianls, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kanhumauu bts., Hono- lulu. 78 TIT A. GONSALVES & CO., ItJL. No. 57 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu, lmpoiteisand Healers in Diyand Fancy Good, Inlaid AVoik, Embroidery, 289 Ac., &c., Ac. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Heider in General Meichandiso, Queen St., Honolulu. 1 BROWN & CO., Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, No. 1 1 Meichant St., Honolulu. 30 1 T. LENEHAN & CO., - Iniporteis and Commission Merchants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1 S.X. Cantlc. J. B.Athcrlon. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants. Iniporteis and Dealers in General Mciohandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. 1 T7"ING "WO TAI & CO , TT Iniporteis and Geneial Dealeis in English, American and Chinese Plantation Teas and Geneial Supplies. Also, White it Coloied Con-tiac- t Mailing, all qualities ami prices. No. 21 Nuuiiuu sucet. omiobite Mr. C. A IOIlg b. 5211 Cm "VXTING WO CHAN & CO., TT Iinpoitcrbiiud General Dealers in English, Aineilean and Chinese Pio-lblon- s, Plantation Tea and General Supplies'. Also, white and coloied con- tract matting, all qualities and prices. BgyNo. 11 Nuiiauu Stieet, opposite Mr. Afong's. 81 No. (1 (Juceii stieet Fish Market, Dealer In choicest Heel-- , Vonl, .IIilKon, I'IhIi, &.V., Av. Fiiinilyaml Shipping Ordeiscaiefully atteiidLiI to. Live mock furnished to vi'b.icls at shoit notice, and Yegetables ol all kinds Mippllul lo older. Ulli ly L"D. O. ROWB, 11 HOLSi: AND SIGN PAINTER, Pai'Hu IIamiiiii, elo , No. 107 ICiMiHim.i.r, llo:;oi,ui.u. 5J5 Telephone. 111. ly 1ROWN Si PlIILLIPU, ileal PltunheiH, (Inn Fittois and Coppor-snilth- s, No. 71 King 8t,, I lonolulu. lit" lloiiso mid Whip. lob Work piomplly executed. 17 II. S. TREQLOAN Ss TAILORS, atwater, 201 FORT ST. Itobcrl I.t!orx, UouUu, 1 EWERS Us COOKE, XJ (buccessors to Luueis 8. Dickson,) Importers and Dealers hi J.iiiulii'rimd all kinds ol Huihllng Mnlcilnls, Foil slreet, Hoiioluhi 1 WILDER c CO , Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nulls, Salt and Building Materials of oxoryhlnd, cor. Port and Queen sis., Honolulu. l ?.G. II. HOIJKKTSON, ?A-rTJALvl Drayman best teams lu town. Telephone No. C5, 16 Professionals. DH. M. HAGAN, OFFICE 12 FORT STREET, Urn 552 Telephone No. Ml. DR. THAOHBR, DENTIST, SU11 stands at Hie head of liis piofeson. Restoration and Contour woik a spteinllly. Using colored gold or any other materia known to the profession as the case requires. Fi oin this datejprlccs reduced 25 to 60 per cent, guaranteeing satisfaction and doing llist-clas- s work 25 per cent lower linn anyother dentist In Honolulu. 503 ",r GROSSMAN, l'JL DENTIST, lias opened Ids olllce 111 Hotel St., net to tho Y. 31. O. A. building, where he is pioparcd to perform all opeiations lu dentistry. am 501. DR. EMERSON, Residence and consultation rooms at No. 2 Ifukul St., coiner of Fort. Telephone No. HI). fiO 2m 1VI THOMPSON, 1JL. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chancery, Olllce over Ledorer's O. P. 31. B.i7iiar, S. W. coinei 3Ierchunt and Fort stieets, entrance on 3Icrchanl street. Honolulu, R-I- . 0S0 Unt li ALFRED S. HARTWELL, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Olllce-.ov- er the Bank of Bishop it Co. CS2 3m b Honolulu. JM. DAVIDSON, A'lTORNEY AT LAW, 501 No. 1U Knnhumanu street. A ROSA, . A'lTORNEY AT LAW, And Notary Public, Olllce with the Attorney General, Aliio laid Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly W AUSTIN "WHITING, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Agent to take acknowledgments of instruments. Kaiihiimanii st., Honolulu. 2u. JOHN RUSSELL," " A'lTORNEY AT LAW. Olllce, on Meichant street, (ne.U door to l)i. Stangcnwald.) 4'J5 ly SB. DOLE, Lawj er and Notary Public, 11 No. 15 Kaahmnami Irancis M. Hatch Attorney at Law, 2-- i 1C Kaalumianu st RICHARD F. BlCKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on 3Iortgages of Free, holds. Ofllce, No. 41 31eiehant st. 1 CECIL BROWN, and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgmcnts of Instiuineiits for the Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kanhuinimu Bt Honolulu. l JM. MONSARRAT, A'lTORNEY AT LAW and Notaiy Public. Real Estate m any part of the Kingdom bought, bold and leased, on commission. Loans negotih, ted, Legal Document1) Drawn. No. 27 3Ierchant st. (Gayette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands l'JG WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the. District of Kona, Island of Onhu, at the ofllce of the Honolulu Waterworks, foot of.Nuu. anu street. 180 .1 JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agent to take Acknowledgment to Conducts for Labor. Interior Olllce, Honolulu. T O. AKANA, T T .Chinese and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. '18 King street, Honolulu Translations of either of the abovt languages made with accuracy and dia patch, and on reasonable tei ins. ' 201) A O. BERGER, kaahumanu btkkkt. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Iiibiuance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(liinit'd Mncr-cil- & Urlian Safes, The Celehrattd Springlleld Gas Maehin.i' Gas FiMines of Mllehell, Vance it Co 238 R. W. GRANNIS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates gien for all woik connected with the BUDLDINC TRADE. All OnloM left at the Shop, No. 81! Hotel Stu'U.lIonolulu.orwilh Wilder it Co., will be promptly attended to. 527 Qui LAWRENCE Si FREETH, CONTRACTORS. Plana and Estimates furnished for works of construction. Civil Engineering it Surynying Olllce, cor. llulekauwllu and Kllauea sts., next door to Wldcmuiin's brick waichoiibc. . 300 P. O. Box, 101. ly ' HMEAD it BUILDER, No. 12 King st near the Bridge. All kinds of lee Chests, Itcfiigciutor?, Hath Tubs, Ac,, itc, made and rcpuirui at moderate charges. 3(15 ly Telephone No. 323. ? t 1 ,rtpy. ..

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Page 1: Great L Store

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W" . r PTX"U

r S JM aB ca --& lii Ba A xjwaraBwiTarmBmwxnnvTxinnBminjwTOonKi wgoiamwi awriKtfartKnMsxt3ixtaaaTcnewMtajwjwni-TMJWMMrt- r


i A '





ii.' i


SH? -



tvIt V





Tin; Daily BuiJ.irrt.v is minted midpublished ovciy morning and circulatedIhioughtml tho town liy runlets, nndfoi winded to tho other Islands hy everyoi)oitunity.Subscription, GO cents per Month.

Oil VS. 11 HUCKIAND, Editor.All business rnnuniinlcntlnim to ho

.Manager D.iily Bulletin, PostOlllce Bo. No. 1 1. Telephone 250.

Olllro quern Street,Uppo'llu Wol' Cirrlngo l'nclory.

.T. 0. Cr.uviou, Mnnngcr



N0.3. 123 nnd liiO, FORT STREET

(opposite Pantheon Stihlcs)


Otivriago Manufacturer,Wheelwright and

General Blacksmith. ,

The Manufactory contains n completeOariiage Shop, Blacksmith Shop, PaintShop, ami Tiimming Shop.








Made toOrdci nnniostfavoi.ililelc.rmsand all woik gimiantecd.Till" Closest Atleutini: ;vien to re-

pair work of nil Uimls.Having been in business on the Ma nil

for a number of cus employing nonebut the mot Skillful of Mechanics, nndusing only At Matoiial, I cm sli icilyguarantee nil woik leaving my Manu-factory.

Give me a call before purchasingelsewhere.

Don't forget the place.128 and ISO FORT STREET.

orrosui: noun's pi'mills.

Page,501 Oin PROPRIETOR.

City Shoeing Siiop.

--Mffi0.-- ?-

110 Four Sriii:rr,Opposite Dotlil's Stable.

JF YOU WANT your hoe shod, nndhave no time to bring him to the

City Mm sin,Ring Up No. 34.

And your horso will he sent lor shod,and letuuiul on shoit notice. 3Iesrs.JIc. Donim) and Hyan' mIio supei intendtliu work nio piaetienl mechanics ofyeaisof cpciicncc, and can be leroni-mende- d

as leliablo men, ,ih well as Fiiitclass Woikmcn at the tinde.

Wo mean business. AH woik guniuii.leed and done with pioiuptm'ss.

S. I. Shaw,510 ly Piioi'winon


Warehouse Feed MillGilnds from 5 to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, bells, etc., all In goodolder; can be inn by stoani or horsepower, just the article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Hurley, Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.


Tourists .Retreat.Honuano, Kau, Hawaii

IS NOW OPEN lor 'Haulers, wheioJl Flihl cliiftH .u'coinodiUlmi an be luidtil all Times. Tho Viiiutilo of Hnnimpo1h recommended foi invalid-,- .

houses and uumESPinvided lor the Volcano.

E2?-F-or Terms, etc., See CARDS r.t

Hotels nnd Streets,J. W. SMITHIES,

5711 ly Piopilelor.

Jtull I'ro'jirniuiiH'H !

DESIGNS, just! received fiomNEW Finncisco. at Tun Daily Uul--

i.ic riM Hilloni i


B. li E1LLERS (6 Co.,- -

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Rccoivcd by ovory steamer 770 T?rV RTREEI1


Laces, Embroideries, Satchels, Fans, Tidies,

Children's Drosses, and a Splendid Stock of

Flowers, Feathers, Beaver Hats,Ele., c 1c, just lecelved pet 3liulpnsii, nnd now optn for Inspection, at

A. M. MELLIS, : : : : : 104 Fort Street.Sioro open till 3 p. m. during the holidays.


Osi 1 ill otisain. lcov

And Upholsterer,No. CI! Hotel Estiect,

Opposite Interr.alioiinl Hotel,

Canes and "Walking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSI5r:iekel, Cornices, Cuitnin Poles, &c,

linide ol the Inlcsl designs.

GEORGE LUCAS,Couliaetor zMMk

and Rullder,' sggasHonolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Ui.ickets, Window Finmcs, lillniN,Sishes. Doom, and all kinds of Wood-work tlnlsh. Tinning, Seiolland HandS iwlng. All kinds of Saw ing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Oitlcispromptly attended to and woikguaranteed. Orders from the other



MAX KOHMReg to intimate to his f i lends and Ihe

public gcneially, that he is now pie.pared to execute ouleis foi

Plain and DecorativePainting & Paperhanging

in the best and newest styles.

185 XOIfc'JL'Opposite Gymnasium.

P. O lio, No. 111. .101 ly


Shop on King sticet, In rear of New-Od-

Fellow '8 Hull Kingstiect.Telephone 112. 521) Qui

1HR. GERTZ.J No. 80 Foit street, Honolul,

Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Chlldien'h bodts, shoes and slippers.


Druggists & Tohacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor,507 Fort and Merth mt sticcts. if b

s. m. f uuo B. V. UKAII.VM

S, M. 0AETER & 00.Rktaii. Ei:m,i:us in

Fire "Wood,Coal Jid Feed.

JLiny Ji,iii 0:it;,FKXCE J)13rilV13I4V

to till pans of ihecity.

Itemeniher, SJi King street,57t ny'Anil 'IVIupliono No. 187.


Hue heciiiTil the Sri lies of


One of the Beet ArtistsPiom San l'muclsco, Ills Coloiiug ih


Views of tlie Volcano,Aim on llniid, ('ome and See Them.

fi'll It


WHO Is in our employ, bus hadjeais experience in Piano

Faitoiies lu (leiinnny and America , hoih a holier, icliable in in, and wo

Guarantee all of his work.

All kinds of .Musical Insliumentsand put In peihu nider.

537 Jjycnn .V Co.


piAT $--AT

ICorner Nuuanu

535 Cm A.



X L StoreGreat

BENSON, SMITH & CO..Practical Druggists,


Depot for Boericke and Schreck's

,J 0 1 1 NSOX.J lonolulu.



ami Queen Sis.

GAItTENBEKG, Proprietor.

Mseeker's Perl'ms

.1. II. Ct'G IOTS'Hun JiTrandHoo.





J. II. CONGDON & CO.,Beaver Block, Queen Street, Honolulu

Importers, Shipping mill General Coniission Mcrcl

iiavi: .mist umicii i.Aitui: c'o.vkk;.iii'.t orBarley, Bran, Oats, Onions, Beans, Wheat, etc. Choice table & dried Fruits.

Largo Slock of CHOICE POTATOES, which we oiler to theliadeat hi'iX'i.M, lMiitns. PARAGON AXLE GREASE, whkh gives mil.

535 RtlUfactlou. J2rCorieSpondenco solicited. .Tin

vtffrnimimi irm


V: C!o.





UNION FEED COMPANYCorner of Queen and Edinburg Streets,

'1VIIioii, IVo. 1 T."

IyVAi to In foi m tlielr hiends nnd the public genendly Hint they tiro eimlimi.lug ImsluehS at the tibose hlniid, mill hne madet'oiuplele aiiangcmeuts Tor

u conilnuousbupply of

Fresh Goods of the very Best Qualityw lilcli w o w ill oiler for bale

AT TJII3 LOWEST JOSSIULE IMiFOEK.AVo Iinpc, by giving our best attention to pleat-- the public, to merit a pint oftheir p.ilioiiuge, A huge stock ofWheat and Oat, Hay, Whole and aroumlJBarloy,

California and Oregon Oats, Bran, Middlings, &c,now on hand, Oideis bollclttd ami fcatifcfuction guuriintud, or uo pay asked.


Commission Morclmnts.

0. ijhhwkr(LimltLil)

& Company,

Ui:ki:iiaii Mimicaxhm: amiCommission Aoums.

Msr oi' C. .Iom-.s- , ,lr. . . .Piesldent & ManagerI. O. CAiirmt. . . ..Tieastircr fc Secietary

numerous:Hon. C. R. liisiioi-- . Hon. II. A. P. Cauthii

:t'J8 ly

Geo.W. Mncfnrlane. II. R. Mncfailanc.Q. W. MAC?ARLANE & Co.


Sufaf Jfactovs,Firc-Proo- f Huilding, - - 52 Queen sticct,

Honolulu. 11. 1.

aoiots forTho Wtiikapu Sugar Plantation, Maul,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The lleeia Sugar Plantation, Onhu,lluelo Sugar Mill, Maul,lluclo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puulo.i Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Poit- -

able Tramw ny AVoiks, Leeds,Mirrlees, Watson ifcCo's Sugar Machin

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.



Lyons Si Levey,Auctioueeis and Gcnernl

Conmiission Merchants,Heaver Block, Queen St., . - Honolulu.

Sales of Fuinituie, Stock, Real Estnteand Gcueial Merchandise piomplly al--tended to.

Sole Agents for Amciican and nieiehandibc. 31S

TT S. GRINBAUM & Co.,--LYJL. Importers of General Mer- -cliaiidisoiiiid Coinmisaion Meichantt,Hmiolulu, l

TVI" S. GRINBAUM & CO ,JLtX. Commission Meiclianls,

121 California sheet,1 Snu Fianeibco, Cnl.

Clang SprccUIs. Wm . Irwin.

WG. Irwin & Company,Sugar Factois and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

AS. CLEGIIORN & Co.Impoilers and Commission

Meiclianls, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kanhumauu bts., Hono-lulu. 78

TIT A. GONSALVES & CO.,ItJL. No. 57 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu,lmpoiteisand Healers in Diyand Fancy

Good, Inlaid AVoik, Embroidery,289 Ac., &c., Ac.

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Heider in General

Meichandiso, Queen St., Honolulu. 1

BROWN & CO.,Wholesale Wine and Spirit

Merchants, No. 1 1 Meichant St.,Honolulu. 30

1 T. LENEHAN & CO.,- Iniporteis and Commission

Merchants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1

S.X. Cantlc. J. B.Athcrlon.

CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Iniporteis and Dealers inGeneral Mciohandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1

T7"ING "WO TAI & CO ,TT Iniporteis and Geneial Dealeis

in English, American and ChinesePlantation Teas and Geneial

Supplies. Also, White it Coloied Con-tiac- t

Mailing, all qualities ami prices.No. 21 Nuuiiuu sucet. omiobite Mr. C.

A IOIlg b. 5211 Cm

"VXTING WO CHAN & CO.,TT Iinpoitcrbiiud General Dealers

in English, Aineilean and Chinese Pio-lblon- s,

Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies'. Also, white and coloied con-tract matting, all qualities and prices.

BgyNo. 11 Nuiiauu Stieet, oppositeMr. Afong's. 81

No. (1 (Juceii stieet Fish Market,Dealer In choicest

Heel--, Vonl, .IIilKon, I'IhIi, &.V., Av.

Fiiinilyaml Shipping OrdeiscaiefullyatteiidLiI to. Live mock furnished tovi'b.icls at shoit notice, and Yegetablesol all kinds Mippllul lo older. Ulli ly


Pai'Hu IIamiiiii, elo ,

No. 107 ICiMiHim.i.r, llo:;oi,ui.u.5J5 Telephone. 111. ly

1ROWN Si PlIILLIPU,ileal PltunheiH, (Inn Fittois

and Coppor-snilth- s, No. 71 King 8t,,I lonolulu. lit" lloiiso mid Whip. lobWork piomplly executed. 17



201 FORT ST.

Itobcrl I.t!orx, UouUu,

1 EWERS Us COOKE,XJ (buccessors to Luueis 8. Dickson,)Importers and Dealers hi J.iiiulii'rimd allkinds ol Huihllng Mnlcilnls, Foil slreet,Hoiioluhi 1


Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nulls, Salt and Building Materialsof oxoryhlnd, cor. Port and Queen sis.,Honolulu. l

?.G. II. HOIJKKTSON,?A-rTJALvl Drayman best teams

lu town. Telephone No. C5, 16



Urn 552 Telephone No. Ml.


SU11 stands at Hie head of liis piofeson.Restoration and Contour

woik a spteinllly. Using coloredgold or any other materia known tothe profession as the case requires.Fi oin this datejprlccs reduced 25 to 60per cent, guaranteeing satisfaction anddoing llist-clas- s work 25 per cent lowerlinn anyother dentist In Honolulu.



lias opened Ids olllce 111 Hotel St., netto tho Y. 31. O. A. building, where he ispioparcd to perform all opeiations ludentistry. am 501.

DR. EMERSON,Residence and consultation rooms

at No. 2 Ifukul St., coiner of Fort.Telephone No. HI). fiO 2m


and Solicitor in Chancery,Olllce over Ledorer's O. P. 31. B.i7iiar,S. W. coinei 3Ierchunt and Fort stieets,entrance on 3Icrchanl street. Honolulu,R-I- . 0S0 Unt li


Olllce-.ov- er the Bank of Bishop it Co.CS2 3m b Honolulu.


501 No. 1U Knnhumanu street.


And Notary Public,Olllce with the Attorney General, Aliiolaid Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly

W AUSTIN "WHITING,Attorney and Counsellor at Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments ofinstruments.

Kaiihiimanii st., Honolulu. 2u.


Olllce, on Meichant street, (ne.U doorto l)i. Stangcnwald.) 4'J5 ly

SB. DOLE,Lawj er and Notary Public,

11 No. 15 Kaahmnami

Irancis M. HatchAttorney at Law,

2-- i 1C Kaalumianu st

RICHARD F. BlCKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on 3Iortgages of Free,holds. Ofllce, No. 41 31eiehant st. 1

CECIL BROWN,and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y

Public, and Agent for taking Acknowledgmcnts of Instiuineiits for theIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kanhuinimu BtHonolulu. l


and Notaiy Public. Real Estate m anypart of the Kingdom bought, bold andleased, on commission. Loans negotih,ted, Legal Document1) Drawn. No. 273Ierchant st. (Gayette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands l'JG

WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the. Districtof Kona, Island of Onhu, at the ofllce ofthe Honolulu Waterworks, foot of.Nuu.anu street. 180 .1

JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agent to take Acknowledgment

to Conducts for Labor. Interior Olllce,Honolulu.

T O. AKANA,T T .Chinese and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. '18 King street, Honolulu

Translations of either of the abovtlanguages made with accuracy and diapatch, and on reasonable tei ins. ' 201)


kaahumanu btkkkt.General Agent for

The N. Y. Life Iiibiuance Company,

The City of London Fire In. Co(liinit'dMncr-cil- & Urlian Safes,

The Celehrattd Springlleld Gas Maehin.i'

Gas FiMines of Mllehell, Vance it Co238

R. W. GRANNIS,CONTRACTOR AND BUILDEREstimates gien for all woik connected

with the

BUDLDINC TRADE.All OnloM left at the Shop, No. 81!

Hotel Stu'U.lIonolulu.orwilh Wilderit Co., will be promptly attended to.

527 Qui


Plana and Estimates furnished for worksof construction. Civil Engineering itSurynying Olllce, cor. llulekauwllu andKllauea sts., next door to Wldcmuiin'sbrick waichoiibc. .300 P. O. Box, 101. ly


HMEAD it BUILDER,No. 12 King st near the Bridge.

All kinds of lee Chests, Itcfiigciutor?,Hath Tubs, Ac,, itc, made and rcpuiruiat moderate charges. 3(15 ly

Telephone No. 323.




,rtpy. ..

Page 2: Great L Store


BANK!NGNOTICr,.',TMll" UNDERSIGNED have f tL.(JL iv copartnership undci lb jinn

name of ' SlMlKlKULN & Co." Jot- - Hiepurpose of cm vying on u gcucvnl bank-lii-

ivml buMiii,, ivt Honolulu,and micli other places in the HawaiianKtnudom as may be deemed advisable.

(Signed) OI.AUS SIMtECKKLS.Win (1. 1UWIN.F. F. LOW.

Honolulu, .Inn. Villi, IBS I.

Kcferiing 1 the aboo we beg tollic imslncsf purlin thai we arc

prepaied to make loans, discount approv-ed notes anil ptiu-hiis- exchange al thebest curient inic-- . Our arrangementsfor selling exchange on I he piineipalpoints in tlii- - United Stales, Europe,China, Jnpan ami Austialliv are beingmiuic, anil when perfoctetl, due noticewill be given. We shall also be preparedto leceive deposits on open account,make collections, and conduct a generalbanking and exchange business.(Ill) Unit) (signed) Sl'KECKl'LS it Co.

J Sung 8niui,Pledged to neither Sect nor Forty.Bat established for tho benefit of nil.



Regular Cash Sale, at Sales Roomof Lyons & Levey at 10 o'clock.


Social at Miss Brccse's, ?:tln.


Anyone reading the leading arti-

cle of Tuesday's Advertiser, andnot being otherwise informed, is

qgr liable to form a very incorrect osli- -

male of lion. I Whitakcr, an ex- -

'." Premier of New Zealand. He isV

called a "pseudo-statesman,- " which'& we take to mean a kind of politicalt quack, or a sort of counterfeit

statesman, and not the true metal.But is lie in reality nothing more?

- Bismarck and Gladstone have moreIf" than once been called similar names ;

", but they arc not such fools after all,

IK nor such ignorant, babes in stales- -,,r manship. We do not pretend to say!j. that Whitakcr is in any sense the

' equal of Bismarck or Gladstone ; but1 if they, the great minds of two great

f' countries, arc thought to be pscudo- -

0--1 statesmen by some insignificant


"small try, a leaser miml 111 a

smaller country may also be under-

estimated. Neither do we claim thatMr. Whitakcr is tlic rcalest, oreven one of the greatest, statesmenin the colony in which be has playedan important part for many years.But we do claim that he is a realstatesman, of good ability and aver-

age attainments, and that lie hasfrequently been "thrust into promi-

nent political positions" by his con-

stituents, because of his "aptitude"for those positions. Wc have' noparticular interest in Mr. Whitakcr,oilier than a desire to sec him getfair play, and do not propose lettingour contemporary have all his own

way, like a bull in a China shop,when wc chance to know "some-

thing'.' of the gentleman under dis-



In connection with the recent at-

tempted murder and suicide at IIo-noka- a,

some interesting disclosureshave been made of the method in

which Mr. Sandford, llic DeputySheriff of Ilamakua, conducts hisofllcial business. It appears thatthe man Ilamer, who attempted tomurder a Portuguese, had recentlybeen "left in charge of the jail, andacting as policeman for the last live

or six weeks, although holding nopoliceman's commission. Since his

appointment to the jail he has beendrunk on every available occasion,and engaged in several titrcot lights.The same (by that he shot tho Por-

tuguese, he attacked and beat anotherman. At the time thin ajf'air oc-

curred, all the priionern tl the jailwere tit larye and there wan iiothinyto prevent them from matiny theirescape."

The above information was pub- -

, lished in tho Adcertiner, and, fol- -

.' lowing close upon this case, wo liavoreceived, from a correspondent inIlamakua, tho following statement,

' which, if true, shows that the looseexample, in conducting an inquest,shown recently in Honolulu in

with the death of the lateMivBucklc, is followed by ollleialson the- - other Mauds. Our corre-

spondent says: Apropos of the in Honolulu, perhaps it wouldbe interestingtosoinc of your readersto know how tho thing is conductedin tlio country districts, A recentcaso of manslaughter occurred atKAikuilmclc j a native died about

t m3MvtowmtmitiitimmiitMmAvlcWit63m

seven weeks after receiving an injuryto Iiis spine. No sworn testimonywas taken in litis case, before llioniun'u death, lie (Vied on Fridaysili inst., iiiul was buried on Sntur-da- p

SUb inst. On the follnicinyTuesday the jury men were shown a.

ijrave ;i7 told that 11:11.9 where theiccre hurled."

Mv. 1). Sandford, lite DeputySheriff at llamnkun, is responsiblefor liiu existence of tlio negligenceand laxity of duties in both these.eases. Possibly Ilainaktia is not theonly district in the Kingdom that canboast of such a .Sheriff. Hut whatcan bo expected after the recent ex--

ample set by Mr. Sandford's superiorolllccr in Honolulu at the llucklc in-

quest? Mr. Sandford's aptness forollicial duties is only another proofof the necessity for a wholesale re-

form in the entire police dcpaitmcntof llic Kingdom. Mr. Sandford isanother of the "old school" whoshould bo immediately pensioned offto make room for more competentjuniors. We hope thai the nextLegislature will increase tho salariesof Deputy Sheriffs so that the ser-

vices of good men may be secured.


mi: mrrnioN to tiu: iouuhsnaxi tiii: riiu.Miun's


The following is a copy of theletter sent to each of the ForeignRepresentatives in Honolulu :

The undersigned, subjects and cit-izens of Foreign States, resident inHonolulu, beg leave to represent toyou the great alarm and anxietywhich wc entertain at tho great andrapid increase of the disease of lep-rosy in this Kingdom.

For many years tlio existence ofthis disease lias occasioned more orless solicitude to all classes of for-eigners, and wc have hoped that suchsteps would bo taken as would leadto the suppression of the disease.We regret to state that after I0112

and anxious suspense, wc lind thescourge invading our schools, andthreatening our homes, and we arcconscious of no sutllcicut effortsbeing made to mitigate the evil, oreven to keep it within bounds. Theostensible attempt to isolate, and solimit the disease, appears to be en-tirely inadequate and delusive, andwc believe the course pursued andthe neglect of practical measures arcequally condemned by the medicalgentlemen, whose opinions arc en-titled to our most earnest considera-tion.

The matter has become so seriousand alarming that wc arc compelledto ask you if you can, in your highollicial positions, initiate any stepsthat will reassure us and the inmatesof our homes.

We would protest against any at-tempt to raise party discussion orpolitical or personal questions onsuch an occasion, and wc arc satis-lie- d

that you, gentlemen, would re-fuse to be addressed in such a spirit.Wc take the liberty of this step inthe earnest humble effort to protect'our homes against a scourge, whoseapproach we cannot ignore, and atwhose name every owner of a homemust shudder.

As the Diplomatic Representativesof the natipns from which most ofthe foreign residents have come, wcarc assured that you will regard o in-

action in placing this subject beforeyou as proper on our part.

The intcrcits of foreign as well asnative residents are gravely at stake,and wc hope that by joint conferenceand such joint action as you maydeem it proper to take, those in-

terests may be defended from theravages of this terrible disease.

The petition was signed by sixtygentlemen.

tiii: rui'Mii:u'.s ui:ii.r.Jn reply to the enquiries made bv

ilw, f...... i?..,.:.. i .....liiu imu JkUlHCSUIllIlllves,Mr. Gibson stated that at Molokaiand at Kakaako there were altogetherabout 980 lepers that four hundredhad been drafted from Kakaako toMolokai during the last 1G monthsthat never had greater efforts beenmade, than at tho present time, todeal with and control leprosy; thatsixty more lepers are expected to besent this week to Molokai. That allthe largo appropriation for leprosyhad been spent, and that an indem-nity for $15,000 will be demandedfrom the Legislature for additionalexpenses incurred on behalf oflepers.

With reference to the reports ofthe existence of leprosy in the publicschools, and especially in Fort St.School, which have caused so muchalarm, Mr. Gibson said that ho didnot believe that there was a singlecase of leprosy in those schools j butthat live children, had been sometime ago removed from them on thataccount. However, there would boan examination of Fort St. Schoolprobably al once provided the pa-rents did not make any objection j

and that tho request of the teachersat that school for such examination

lM&L J i ik- - .. ,'',Mi'' V iM

ujilti yiwwnfliinrninnrif nmiinrniim

and investigation, had been sug-gested to them by Mr. Gibson him-

self.All tlio other schools would be

similarly examined by a MedicalBoard, and those parents objectingto llic examination of their childrenby that Board must produce healthccrlillcalcs, from family physicians.

Mr. Gibson assured the ForeignRepresentative'! that lie would, asJ 'resident of the Board of Health,do everything in his power to stopthe spread of leprosy but that hehopes Hie result of the examinationof the schools will prove that thereis no occasion for the anxiety mani-fested.


Cor.vspnndence Is solicited on the to-pic "l llic day, or what may become so.

We e the right to excise purelypciMmal matter.

Wo do not bold ourselves responsiblefor the opinions expressed by our cor.icipondents. Ei.


KniTOit llri.i.ivnx: I have at va-

rious limes of late heard a good dealabout tho Boys' Heading Room, andnaturally expected that when I knowmore about it 1 should lind a regularwell-ordere- d institution with bookspamphlets, etc., for the informationand culture of the young mind. Butone has to look in vain for such tin

institution. The reading matter maybe in the room, but the boys minds,from what 1 could judge the otherevening, seem to be concentrated on

soniclhiuff far different. On thisparticular evening each lad seemedto be vying with another as to whichcould make the greater noise, andwith one or two exceptions, each waspulling away at a cigar.

Whether this was a gala day withthe boys or not, or whether it wasone of their annual dinners I cannotsay, but it seems to me that parentsought to take a little more care asto the whereabouts of their childrenat night, and how they employ theirtime. If such scenes as this ofwhich 1 speak go ou day after day,(I hope they do not) what can beexpected of "Our Boys" as theygrow up into manhood? How canit be expected that they will grow upintelligent and useful men when theyspend their early life thus? Thecase of the present generation ofyoung men in Honolulu is pitiableenough, but let us see if somethingcannot be done for the future.


wr.Dxr.sDAY, ki:h. 20rn 188-1- .

Paanui, drunkenness, lined SJ) andcosts SI.

6 MikcTavcs, J. W. Mitchell andJ. MeFarland, charged with thesame offence, each forfcitsd theirbail of SO.

Kuli, disorderly coudtict, was re-

manded.Manuel, heedless driving, again

remanded.Clms. Molteno and Malika (w),

brought up on remand, on a chargeof disturbing the quiet of the night,were remanded to 2Ctli. The sameparties wcic then charged with adul-

tery, and, on application of Mr. Johnllusscll who appeared for their de-

fence, were remanded to 2Cth Inst.

Auction Sales by Lyons & Levey.

Regular Cash SaleOn Thursday, Feb. 21st,

At 10 a.m. at Sales liuom willbe bold

Dry (roods, Clothing,Purniture, Jewelry,

and Piincy Goods,

Choice Manila Cigars,Darrein Prime Salmon,,Bags ltr11.11 andNo. 1 and !i Sugar,Butter, Luundiy and Com Ktaicli,


One Gent's Fine Road Horsetrots belter than ii miuiile, shown

u CO gait; 8 years old; soundand kind

ONI3 BAY HOKSE,broken to Saddle and Harness, (I years

old and ,


. Lyoxh & Li:v'"Y, Auctioneers.

Wanted,ASUITAHLK giownGirl or Woman

Iloiitu work, or takecaui of a chilli In a binall family.

home and fair wages. Apply atonce to .1. K. W1HKMAN,'HI lw Gcii'l Jlusinosa Agent- -

To Let.S1DK of that beautiful tlfllcoGNU now occupied entire by .1. 1",

Wiseman in tlio Campbell UlocU, Jlcrchant street, witliBclect-nlllc- o Kmniliiic.

Apply to .1 . K. WISKMAN,Oil tf General IJusincss Agent,

mmhtvtwinitmiWWlUmnmWiii& mBTtiWTdttta MWiVJilM


Trogloan & Atwutor,Tailors and Clothiers,

Pout & Ilorr.i. Sts. (ISO !Jm

B00I8, I.

1 4 " AmMKbegs to inform tlio ptiuiicthat be ha- - inst received per

" Mariposa " 11 large assortment of

Ladies', Misses' ami Children's

SHOES AND SLIPPI3HS,Alo, Men's Boots and Shoes, all o

which are or the finest quality, and willbe sold

At tin liowcst possible price.(W2 tin


SmmRing up Telephone No. 202.

YOU WANT a Cheap Job done toIV any part of the City or Suburbs.JL Smith,

Jscxt to Hammer's Haines Shop.(102 Iliii b

lo. 96, King Street,

Telephone, No. 130

l'.OUnilT out the businessHAVING II. Wilkinson, the undersij-ne- d is, prepared to carry on ti- - generalImpress lJiisine.s-.- ; and hopes by piompt-nus- s

and (INpatch lo merit u fair shareof the public pationage.

J I. Einincvsoii.018 iliii


ioKT mti:i:t.Have on band Xew Foreign and

Home Made .lewelry,

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks.

And Ornaments of all kinds

Silver and Gold Plate,Elegant Tea Sets--i- n Solid Silver

Suitable for "Presentation.


Hcpaiiing and mending in allits branches.



GEO. E. SHERMAN.VaJi"" Xo. '12 Kino Stui-i.t- .

Trees and Saddles of all kinds made toolder anil repairing Harness, etc., done

11 sliorl notice, ah outers piompiiy at- -

tended to. 593 ly


and all whom it may concern.p"j--tn,-- 'i'be undersigned having

"rlT!rNg?"lniiulu alteialions, additions,l&!".'aHiN25i-l- l improvements 111 111sill I

BCBPUW fcni SOAP FACTWltY,now prepared to giveThe llig-lies- t Cash Value

for anv quantity of

And will furnish containers for the bamofree of cost to any one who may desire.

TIMW. W. KAWJiTKN,flouolulti Soap Works.

Olllcu in Uriel- - UiiildiniiKing street, Lelco. 183 ly

Kerosene Oil !


Inlnoo mill Vuli-m- i llriuiilH.Kx " Spaitan " and " Henry James,"

rpiIKSK Favorite Oils, equal lo, if notJL Superior lo any In this Market.

For Sale at Lowest RatesKitlier Wholesale or lletail, by

Castle & Cooke,Ti72 !)m And Oilier Dealers.


A Lot of Land300 ft. wide by 300 ft. deep,

Situated on makai side of llcrelaniaSlieet, near the residence of Mr. WongQui. Water laid on.STABLE AND OUT-BUILDIN-

ALSO OK Till: l'llUMIRi:s.Trees and Flowers are now planted and

Giotiuds are woll laid out.SSTApplyto

Jl if g C11UI'A5 tV5 C0,

Job iM-intin-

OF every description executed withncatnesaand dispatch at the Daily

JlUM.l'TlK Olllce,


:OUK OWN PATENTS:ltrenl.luj Plows, Itice Plows f, lo IP. Inch, Culllvatorn mid llor-- c ttaiintvs.

. BUCKEYE MOWERSA.gxiii.l i:iix-ii- l iffinpleiiLeJit

A veiy (omplctc Assortment

Magueso Caicite Fire Proof Safes, abso-


WlieClolb, WiicNelllnij, ltico Clolii, Uiid Cages,

llhicl and Fencing Wile, Pump-- , Windmills, Tanks ,

Hydrauclic Rams, Skidgate Oil in Five Gallon Tins.

Kerosene and Lubricating Oils a specialty, A good Stock on band, and to aiilve.

Call and examine our 2STew Goods.DILLINGHAM & CO.

H0 .


1 can


MELLIShas juit received now lot of


AD IBS'Assorted


Parlor Sets,Bedroom Sets,

Odd Chairs,Dining Tables,

Centre Tables,Mattresses,



Lambrequins, Cornicesok r.vr.nY 1)esci:itiont

1 & 107 Fori Street,C37" Island Orders ivill receive Prompt

Pioneer Carriage Manufactory,

' 7T and SIKing' St.

A. M.a




WHITMAN & WEIGHT,(Late .1. tco:e.)

All orders for 'Wlicel.vchiclcs of every description filled with promptness anddispatch. First-clas- s Mechanics employed all year round.

J36y FINE CAItmAGE WORK SPEOIAITY. -- aNothing too hot or loo be.ivv for us. TIIA.M CA1JS, OMNIB1LSSE3, I'LANTA

TION WAGONS, MUM & OX CA11TS, made to order, altered or lepaired.Our Horse Shoeing: Department

Is under the supervision of 11 practical man a mechanic second to 1101 ". Wchave no use for soaking scalds or rot tubs. All work guaianleed.

mo'ilerale. WHITMAN & WHIGIIT,103 ly 75. 77 and 81 King Sired.


es s

FOIl SALE CHEAP manufacliucd

by the


Manufacturing Co.

No. 70,. Queen Street.

020 Sm

NOTICE.A I ONEY TO LOAN in sunii to suit.

Kor lmrticularp. imply toGEO. CAVENAGII,

lnv Windsor Hoitsiuiniit


A Full Assortmentov

American Groceries !

215 A. B. OLKOUOHN & CO.

Grocery and Feed Store.WTOf-F- & EDWAltDS, corner of

T King and Kiuiami streets,Fresh (Irccciics by every steamer. Or-

der solicited, ami goods dellveied inany part of the city, fidl (Im li

Vyorkiiiftnien's Union.rPHE icgular weekly meeting will boX bebl over DIAS" NEW STOltK,

opposite llcthcl. King Slieot.GEO, CAVENAGII,

0 It) Secretary.

Notice.rruiK third nssesunent of $2.50 per,X share of tho Capital Stock of llicMutual Telephone Co., is duo THISDAY, and payable at my olllco.

A. JAKGEH,Treasurer 31 ulual Telephone Co.

Honolulu, Feb. 1, 1884. 032

- JE .


, y"










and Picture Framesmaui: to ouukii.

Honolulu, IT. I.and Careful Attention GOO 3m b

75, 77 and SI

King St.

Water Notice.Office Sup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 3, 18S2.

ALL persons having Water Privilegesnotilled that their Water Hates

arc payable semi-annuall- in advance,at tlio olllco of tbo Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuuanu' street,upon tho 1st day of January and July ofeach year. CHAS. li. WlLSON,

Sup't "N ater WorksS. K. Kaai. Minister of Interior. 204

Notice.GOVIUIKOH'S Opfick, HON'O- - )

WJi.u, Sept. 21, 188U. fNOTICE is bcieby given tbatnodebls

on behalf of the Ha-waiian band will be recngnl'ed or paidunlesB oidercd by the undesigned.

Jko. O. Dominis,Governor of Oahu.

Notice.ONE found on my premises at

Sloanalua without my permission,will bo piosecuted for trespass.

O KA IMKA 0 loaa ana niiiluna o kii'uivina ma Moanalua, mo ku'u au olo aku0 hoopiiia no oiu no ko komohewn.

H. GEHKE.Jan. lfltb, 1881. uio lm

Notice.ALL HILLS duo to tlio Undersigned

to Sept. !!0th, 1883, if not set.tied on or before February 1st, will boplaced in tbo bauds of a Collector.X2 lm W, E. FOSTER.

- ' T .

Notice."I WILL NOT be responsible for anyX debts contracted in my name afterthis date, without my written order.

HAYMOW) ItKYES.Honolulu, Jan. 21, .1884. 017 !lv'


SIO Itemwl.LOST on Saturday night on Hotel st.

double English Traveling Hug,a dyed bhcen&kln foot rug, and an em.brohlercd dusUwrap. Tim above re.ward will bo niild on returninir saino to400 GW. MACFAHLANE & Co

V&H&ti&kxiM -


Page 3: Great L Store


i ,:


imytf&i1fS&&J4ii6mrAihl j fiMfcwici'WOUW'wJWJWifcwy.

TIWltSDAY, KKH. 21, I.SSt.


mil HAN rilAMTICii.Mariposa . . .IjC'ivrsllBiioliilii, Feb. lothAl.iuit-di- i Leaves Honolulu, Mm1. IJI


1 Oil AUCKl.VNll AND BUlNI'.V:City or Sydney On l.'cli. Siiril

roil sn niANciFco.Australia On Feb. Kill


Diamond Head, Full. til. (i::i() n.iuLight S. 15. wind.Nothing in .sight.


Fob 20Stiiir C It Bishop from llnniakna


Rtmr Iwalani for KauaiSchr Kaukenouli for" KohnlaSchr "Waioli for MalikoSlmr W II Ilccrt for cruise



For windward ports per Kinau.Feb. 19 J Jones, C Afong, W ItSeal, J Costa, O F Shipman, W YHorner, F Brown, T II Davies, F BAucrbach, T Peddler, PSoreza, wifeand child, J W Kalua, J Krcdeford,Misses Beers, Capt llayley, "W IICornwell.

From Ilaniakna per C. It. Bislip,Feb. 20 J Marshdcn, All Clicong,and (i deck.

For Kauai per Iwalani, Feb. 20II 11 II Princess Liliuokalani, IIissSheldon, Mrs Mitchells, J Aelcluhc,J Kulamaini, D Lynch, C Johnsonand 27 deck.


Stinr Planter brought 3810 bags of.sugar, 271 bags of awa, 1 bags ofcoffee, and Ml hides.

Slmr. C. It. llishop brought :10(!7 bagsof sugar.

Stmr. Mokolil brought 'lo;i bags ofpugar, 430 bags of rice, CO bids molassesand 22 bides.

The Ceylon will ail about Mondaynext.

The Anna received sonic freight fromthe Planter yesterday. She will sail to-

day or morning.The Pele has been painted black.Twelve niud-car- s have been built.


Tin; Alameda is due

Miss Brccsc's- - Social will takeplace this evening.

Dn. Trousseau has resigned allhis Government appointments.

Ahout twenty pupils have left theFort Street School this week.

A letter from Dr. Trousseau isunavoidably held over till

Tin: Honolulu Tec "Work Co. liasjust declared a dividend of $2. Notbad for such dull times.

Tiinm: was no session of theSlock and Bond Exchange yester-day.


Tin: Bad Boy's l'a on a Bicycle1

ltules for Itiding, Hardy Ferns, onthe fourth page.

Somu valuable rice land at "Vai-aw- a,

Ewu, is to be sold on Mondaynext by Lyons & Levey.

--.oUit. Henri McGrew is temporarily

performing the duties of Dr. Trous-

seau at the Queen's Hospital.

His Excellency Mr. C. T. Gulickwas appointed a member of the

Board of Health on Tuesday.

Tin: regular monthly meeting of

members of the Y. M. C. A. will be

held this evening at half-pa-st seven.

An appropriation of 8150,000 is

to he asked for by the New SouthWales Government for lecnical edu-


Duuiko tho absenco of Mr. JohnBurrows, Mr. W. C. Peacock has

full power of attorney to act for

him in business matters.

Tin: total quantity of gold received

at the New South Wales Mint, dur-

ing 1883, was 121,777.!18 ounces,

the gross valuo of which was

An International Potato Exhibi-

tion is to bo opened at tho CrystalPalace in September. Could notHawaii start an International PoiExhibition?

Mil. Albert C. Smith, whoso of-ll-

is in the building occupied byMessrs. Smith & Thurston, has been

appointed nu agent to take acknowl-


y-t -TfTts i- -

AVi: arc small fish in the pool, butwe can, and will do Picture Framing,make Coinices, etc., at prices neverheard of in this city before. KingBros, 10!) King St. (W8 lw 2.


It is necessary for those in needof Window Cornices, Picture Framesor Itooni Moulding, at. very reason-

able prices, to call on King Bros.,No. 10!) King St., bet. Fort and Ala-ke- a

Sis. (itlS lw 2.. o- .

A salute of thirty-eig- ht guns will

be tired from the Esplanade at noonin honor of Washington's

birtluhry, and in the evening therewill be a band concert at the hotel.

ffims Buskin says that a coupleshould court seven years ho falls tostate who should pay for the kero-

sene or the gas. J2xch)uc. Theboys say that, in Honolulu, thelights arc generally extinguished.

Mr.ssns. Lyons & Levey hold theirregular cash sale this morning.Salmon, Manila cigars, potatoes,bran, sugar, butler, starch arcspecial lines. At noon a fifty gaitroadster, sound and good, will booffered.

Tin: question now agitating ourminds is how much will the doctors,who examine the school children,give us for publishing all the cor-

respondence on the leprosy topic?They will receive numerous fees, andought they not to "divvy" with us?

Tin: maps, twelve in all, preparedin connection with the proposedWater Woiks improvements, arevery accurate and minute, and re-llc- ct

great credit upon the SurveyDepartment. All other information,required by Major Bender for his in-

vestigation, is promptly supplied.

A mm: match, to be held near theCasino, has been arranged for Satur-day afternoon. The gunists aicMr. Wm. Unger and Mr. JohnTragcser. The conditions arc:Springfield guns, forty rounds each,two hundred yards distance, offhand. A special bus will start fromDodd's at 2 i m.

Tin: medical examination of thepupils of the Itoyal School was comlncnecd on Tuesday afternoon byDr. Parker and Dr. Emerson. Aboutfifteen were examined in lots of liveeach. The first live went quietly,the second five not so quietly andthe last five offered decided objec-

tions. One boy when he ascertainedwhat the doctors were "up to," va-

nished over the fence.

Tin: trustees of the Sailors' Homemet yesterday and passed accounts,for repairs to the building, amount-ing to $1,100, SGOO of which wascollected at the meeting. Dr. Da-

mon announced his departure forChina and tendered his. resignationas chairman of the board of manage-

ment. No action was taken in thematter beyond wishing Dr. Damona pleasant voyage and a speedy re-


A O. SMITH,--rx. Agent to lake Acknowledgmentswith Smith i'iid Thiiistou, Attorneys atLaw, No. 118 Merchant street. (!12 ly

Notice.MY ABSENCE Mr. W. C.DU1UNG will net for mo in all

matters, under full Power of Attorney.04'.! JU J01IXI1UKKOW.


A BLACK BETBIEVEH DOG,answeislo the name of Cuiley.

The Under will bo lowaidedon return-ing the dog to(ill lw CbAHENCE MACFAItLANL.

Notice.DURING my absence Mr. J. Hyinan

act for me under power ofattorney In all matters of business; nilbills against me will be paid by him,uiul all accounts due me aru to be paidto him.008 aw E. PECK.

Lost,SEA.IJEAN LOCKETAIIICD the head of Port bliccl mid

Lucas' .Mill. The Under will lcceive aI ewaul of $2.fl0 on leaving the kuiic atsaid mill, withBIO lit GEOltGE BAUMASTEU.


Watchmaker and Joweler,0!15 No CO Port Stieet.

5.-- ICHWAItlh

the Conviction of the person orJ701t that entered my premiseson tho !Hh of Jan. 1B&I, and lobbed thebouse, and ikslioycd soveinl bags offeed.

NO K.V 1IOPU ANA 1 ka iaeiva manmc:i palm i helo ai ma ku'u ulna ma l;ala a o Ianuari, 1881, a komo lloko o kuhale a hoopolnola he leliuh'hii o na El;oAl(al;aholohohiui).

It. ,...,,Jan. 10th, 1881. 010 lin

Mniin:jii i.inrsTtTCTnwMrrgjtTEIlliMi:rm:s. Hackfcld & Co. have in- -

stiucted Mr. 15. P. Adams to hold a

sale of dry goods, on Thursday next,at their stoic. The sale is intendedto close consignments, and a liberal

credit will be given to the trade.-- -

Tin: Working Men's Union did

not meet on Tuesday evening. Itseems that the president. Mr. Z.

Y. Squires, differs from the opinionof Mr. Crowley on the Chinesequestion, objecting to a paper lately

read by the latter, so that mattersdon't run smooth at present.

A Good Pasture for Horses,

f NKAK TOWN.Inquire to

&K A. A. MONTANO.077 dm

NOTICE.rpiiH Undersigned begs to inform hisX friends and the public generally

that ho has rented the shop and stockfrom Mr. L. Way, and will continuethe business as Carpenter nnd Builder,and hopes by paying stilct attention tothe business to merit a share of publicpatronage.


Having rental my mcinlses on KingStreet, to Mr. Frit. ilhehn, who hasacted as my Foi email for a number ofyears, to the satisfaction of myself andcustomers, and who is thoroughly capa-ble of carrying on the business, I hopemy old customeis will accord him thesame pationago as they gave me.(133 lin L. WAY.

Stove Coal! Stove Coal !

IJx " Simrlnii "Best Anthracite Stove Coal

In casks of about 1200 Pounds

l'on Saw: at Baths uy

527 am Castle & Cooke.


Is the-- Favorite SuburbanResort

It 5s open Every DayANT)

X&oIVosalnaxeii'tsCm always be supplied, as well as

Fresh Air in the Country.

II. J. XOITE,0t4 Tin Proprietor.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1SH8.

IIaiit Bnos., : : Proprietors.

MEALSServed up in tlr.t-clas- s style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipeskc, Ac. Also,


unci: uoitr. to tiii: ruo.NT



The reputation of the above-name- d

establishment for Superior Meals is wellknown, and requires no further com-ment. 01!) lin b

General insurance Company.For Sea, River and Laniltransport of


established an Acency atHonolulu for the Hawaiian

island?, tho undcrhigiied General Agentshid authoil.ed to take

Risks against tho danger of tho Seas attho most Reasonable Rales, and on flic most

Favorablo Terms.


for the Hawaiian Island?.0117 lw b


Tii & Stat-Iro- i WoiteJMjlTZMISItJlS.S,

Hoofers ami Gas Fitters.All kinds of Tin-war- n ready made

or made to order.

No. 54 : : King Street,If Opposite Police Station. 0.).r

For Sale,Q IX Sl'AItS, suitable for bridging orO rolling purpose, or hhlp'H spaia.

Apply at010 lin KYANVS IJOAT HOUSK.

S!lJV2ZZ'ZZZ?lllZKl'r r''""- -

II MIA IV K II T. in I mm i i el ii M'ty line

.i- - niiiiii nl "I



Direct from Belfast, Iroland,



All Sizes of Dinner Tssbles


These Linens are the FinestEver imported to thii Market, and we

invite our Kriend" tcflinipect tliom.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co

012 tf b

Hawaiian Hull Telephone Co.

AT the Meeting of .Stockholders ofthis Company, held on Thursday,

February Mth, the following ollluerswere elected for the ensuing year.E. P. Adam, li csldentGodfrey Itrowu.1. P. 15rown Secretary Si 'Pleasure rCecil Ui own, Auditor

(signed) .1. F. UKOWN,(i 10 lw b Secretary.

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.

jt&J THE MAGNIFICENTrSwji-safane- w and Elegant Steamships

MARIPOSA & ALAMEDA,"Will leave Honolulu and San

Francisco on the1st and 15tli of Each Month.

Passi:xoi:kh may have their namesbooked in advance by applying at theolllee of the agents.

Passengers by this line are herebythat they will lie allowed 250 lb-- of

baggage fiee by the Oveiland Hail-wa-

when traveling East.Excursion Tickets for Mound Trip, $125,

good ty retain by any of the Company'shlcnmcrs within ninety days.

Mr.uciiAXUisr. intended for shipmentby this line will be leceived fiee ofcharge in the Company's New Ware-house and leceipts issued for same.

IxsuiiAXcr. on merchandise, whilst inthe warehouse, will be at ownei's lisk.

Wm. G. Inwix & Co.,Agents, O. S. S. Co.


Steam Navigation Company's


Tho Planter,iati:k, - - - Commander,

Will run regularly for Komi and Ivan

Li:avi:s Honolulu at ! i'.si. oxPriii ay, .Ian. 11 Friday, Feb. 22Tuesday, .Inn. 2i , Mar. !

Piidnv Feb. 1 Friday, Mar. 14Tiii-Mltiy- , Fib. 12 TiieMl'ay, Mar. 2.1

Ai:nm:s at Honolulu at 5 im- -

Friday, Jan. 18 Friday, Feb. Jj:i

Tiiesilay, .Ian. L'i) Tuesday, Mar. IIFiidav, Feb. 8 Fiiday, Mar. atTuesday, Feb. Ill

The Iwalani,camkuo.v, Commander,

Leaves Honolulu every Tuesday

at 5 p.m., for Nawiliwili, IColoa, Eleele,and Wnimea, Kauai, lteturnlug, leavesNawiliwili every Saturday oveniiig.

Tho James Makeo,i'iii:i:man, - - Commander

Leaves Honolulu every Thursdayat !1 p.m. for Kapaa and Kllauca.

leaves Kauai every Tuesday atI and touching at "Wainae, bothways.

The C. It. Bishop,Davis Commander.

Leaves Honolulu every Tuesday

nt-- t p.m. for ICiikiilhaele, Houokaa andPaaiihau. ltctiirnlng m rives at Honoluluevery Siuidtiy morning.


m .Stoamor Kinau,szrrzMkir i.i rt I....tygPfcg.At 'vlllgl I. IIIHIIIIIIIIICI,

IvoavcH lloiiolulii oach TucHilay at4 p.m., touching at Lahaiua, Maa-lac- a

ltay, Malcena, Muliukoiia, e,

Laupalioeliou and HIlo.Hetiirnlng, will touch at all tho

nl ove portn, arriving at lloiioluliieach Satunlay aftprnoon.


m. The Clipper Schooner

JENNIE WALKER,Meisson, - Master,

Will run regularly 'between Honolulu,and Ililo. For freight or passage applyto tho Captain on boiud, or to the

l'ACII'IO N.WKIATION Co.,(Ill !hn Cor. Niiuanii ii Queen bis.


Schoonor Ehukaiwill inn icgiilaily

TO WAIALUA KVKUY MONDAY,Hcturning on Tliiirsday, weather

periuittiug.For freight or passage apply to tho

Captain ou board, or to181 A, P. Cooke, Agent.

iJjMm&A'smMir.i ;f K'i4xh..Jtidfo,L .&J,iiiLj.Ki--

-2-y' -".'. -

ill"h n

T"'j".'f'T'"j' ""Q "l'l"'lL.ii.llj i.'l'L'lSJ1"'.

My Elegant Assortment of Hew GoodsSrlectcl l my elf in Pain, L mdon, anilcvv York,

Are low Open ai Ready for InspectiouV.7S I SA.JLili2, uiul eomprisi;

MANY NOVELTIESNeverloforc itilro literal line, among whieh will Ijejfo

Entirely New Patterns in

Ladies', Misses', id Cliiltfs Boots ai Slues.

tsr .rusTflsnu my -- n

Elegant Paris Made Froncli Kiel Gaiters,Dognot to see

Now Stylos and Colors in Lmlios' ami Misses' Silk,Lisle, suul Bnlbriggun Hose.

NEW STYLES LADIES' PUHSLS, in Peacock, Jllue, Old Gold, andMaroon Plush, iVc, &c,

LADIES' TOILET CASES,Gent's Elegant Dressing Cases,

SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTSIt is not necessary for nie to enumerate tho nnuy new gco Is low

introduced by nie heie, but the

Ladies are invited to call and judge for themselves,

M. MclNERNY.Honolulu, Nov. 22, 1S9:1.

f- -


fail the


Kennedy d Go's Bulletin of New Goods !

To jirrivo by Steamer " Mariposa "Eresh Eallinioie Oysteri in Tins, (fonielhing fine)

Kieli Uallimoie Oysters in shclN, (hrge and luscious,)

Fresh Columbia ltivcr Silinon,A D.unty Krcsh Cslerj', (just the tiling,) ;

THE A1SOVE ALL OX ICEFresh California Apple in Hoxci,

Fresh California roars,

Another lot of those Fine Ilnmljoldt Potatoes.

Coll early and leave iohv ovdprs atKennedy & Go-- ,

Popular Grocery, Piovision and I'ro.luce Store, 07 & (i!) Hotel street.Kr.Xr.IV A Co. ivill pai-- their Fresh ;hiIn iiii ire, no iin to keep

mill Hhij) to any part ulln Islands.Telephone 240. (Ji!) p. n. Box 297.

MACNEALE & URBAN SAFESWith Patent Inside Boltwork and Hinge Cap.





r10 b


Ollleo of llio








XOTMJKH F HOltSK IS SICK or LAME,1 or any way out of order, call on A

T. UAKIO'lt, at dipt. J. C. Cliincy'rt hta-ble- i-

coiner of Queen Punchbowl5THrcakiiig horses or

rlagu a tptclaliy. 420 ly

sX?pl Honolulu ihon works,SfejaaiSlfum en glues, bugar mills, holl.eis, coolers; iron, brass and lend cast'inghi machinery of every descriptioniiiado loonier. Particular attention paid

black smithing. Job work exe-cuted fahort notice. 1

A Large Assortment of these justly Celebrated SsifeB

'Just Arrived.

Over 500 in daily uso on tho Hawaiian Islands.

Safes Sold for Cash, or on the Installment Plan.For Prices, Ciiculaif, etc., apply to

C. O. BEKCEK, General Agent,If

SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINES.This Well-know- n Machine is now used at the llnvnl Palace, Hawaiian Holyf,

.Music Hall, and a number of prhale residences, giving entire satisfaction every,wheie, ' Machine in me, easily inanagnl and automatic in itsoperation.

I can fuiMlsh fiom a 0 lo a 1033 Light Machine, smaller sizes constantlyon hand.

GAS FIXTURES OF MITCHELL, VANCE & CO.For Circulars, Catalogues Pricos, etc, apply lo

O. O. BERG-ER- , Sole Agent,Mil tf b HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.


$13 st Cord.Apply at the


Coiner Nuiianu and Queen




& st?.to baddlu car

to shlp'bat





Page 4: Great L Store

Dfik ..-- - - -. .. . .rap ,c i"""mi ihmwimmii iuimiii iiiiLpwfiwwpmjiwiMiwpMLoiii MiwraiiDwpwwwwvipwTjiaiMWMiMijBMUMiiiiMciww ijwjmhii tjcwwffWCTninPBniMrjntfry iiiii i njiTOTrTmnnn ji.i t "rTrT"TTirnrT'iyrTiVT'n '"-""- ' "" "" v

' ffic. . ."Hi. ing, larirt'lv iirad'sod by vnmir iron! lemon II TlTl LniriJTI 0 rlfl ODEffDAB MflTlPi:m m tei W.U Mf WHNU1. ,Yom the city, is to balaim- - vouiwir on one- - I. h H UV U H N I


K.'. TUUIISOAY, FK15KUAKY 21, 1881.

mt.s i







Tlio Bad Boy's Pa n a Bicycle."I should lliinlc your pa would learn,

al'lfi" a while thai ho is too old to foolaround as ho did when ho was a boy," saidthe grocery man, as he got away i'rom (hoboy for fear ho would be scalped.

"That's what I told him when he wantedto try my bicycle," said the boy, as hebroke out laughing. "He saw me ridingthe bicycle, and said he could do it as wellas 1 if he could only get on ; but ho couldn'tspring up on it quite so spry as He used to,and lie wanted me and my chum to hold itwhile he got on. T told him ho would gethurt, but he said there couldn't no boy tollhim anything about riding, and so we gotthe bicycle up against a tree and be put hisfeet on the treadles, and told us to turn herloose. Well, honest 1 shut my eyes "causeT didn't want to see pa tied up in a knot.But he did. He pushed with one foot andthe bicycle turned sideways, then he pushedwith the other boot and it began to wriggle,and then he pushed with both feet andpulled on the handles, and the front wheelstruck on an iron fence, and as pa went ontop of the fence the hind wheel seemed torear up and kick him, and pa hung to thefence and the bicycle hung to him,. and theyboth went down on the sideAvalk, the bigwheef on pa's stomach, one handle up histrousers' leg, the other handle down hiscoat collar, and the other wheel rollingaround back and forth over his lingers, andhe yelling to us to take it off. I never sawtwo people tangled up the way pa and thebicycle was, and we had to take it apart,and take pa's coat off and roll up his pantsto get him out. And when he got up, andshook himself to see if he was all there, andlooked at it as though he did not know itwas loaded, and at me and then at my chumin a sort of nervous way, and looked aroundand scringed as though he expected theJ)icycle was going to sneak up behind himand kick him again, he wanted me to goand get the axe to break the bicycle upwith, and when I laughed he was going totake me by the neck and maul the bicycle,but I reasoned him out of it, I wasn't tobe blamed for his trying to gallop over an ironpicket fence with a bicycle, 'cause 1 toldbin he better keep off it. I think if menwould take advice from boys oftener theywouldn't be so apt to get their suspenderscaught on an iron picket fence and have tobe picked up in a basket. But there is nouse of us boys telling a grown person any-thing, and by keeping still and letting thembreak their bones, we save getting kicked.It would do some men good to be boys alltheir lives, then they would have to imitate.Tlello, there goes the police patrol waggon,and I am going to see how it rides on theback step," and the boy went out andjumped on the hind end of the waggon,and then picked himself up out of the mud,and felt his head where the policeman'sclub dropped on it. Peck's Sun.

Leaving Cards.All who know French life are aware that

it is in accordance with the laws of societyfor every one to leave cards on the first ofJanuary on all whose acquaintances desiredlor the current year. A French lady ofdistinction last Christmas engaged a footmanfrom the provinces not used to Paris life.She started in her carriage on New Year'sDay on her mission of card-leavin- g, but soondiscovered that she had left behind her casecontaining the necessary pasteboards."Anionic," she said, returned quick'! Ihave forgotten my cards. They are on thetable. Put them in your pocket." This or-

der was obeyed and the visiting round began.Antoinc was enjoined to leave two cards atone house, four at another, and so on ac-

cording to circumstances. The last house onthe list Avas reached, and the faithful II unitywas ordered to leave the w three cards."Alas! inadaine," he cried, "I have dealtout the whole pack except two the deuceof hearts and the king of diamonds. lh-ttmiii-

Rules for Hiding.In mounting, face the near side of the

horse. The near side is the side nearestyourself. If you stand on the right side ofthe horse, which is the wrong side, whenyou mount you will face the crupper. Thenevery body will know that your name isrJolmun (.Jottlieb hjinsigefolger. If youcannot mount from the ground, lead (hehorse to a high fence, climb up on the fence,say "whoa" two or three times, and jumpover the horse's ears. You will light some-where on his neck, and you will have plentyof time to adjust yoursoli' while the horse isrunning away. Another method of mount

i,m m.

on the fence and point the other leg atthe horse, in the general direction of thesaddle, say'ng "whoa" all the time. Thehorse, after this gesture has been repealeda few times, backs away, pulls the allegedrider off the fence and walks up and downthe lane with him at a rapid gallop. Thisgives the rider, in about ten minutes, all theexercise he wants for a week. If by somemiracle you manage to get into the saddle,hold on with both hands and say "whoa."The faster the horse goes the tighter youmust hold on and the louder you must"holler." If you are from "New York orPhiladelphia, you will shorten the stirrupsunt'l you kirtK's arc on a level with your chin.Then as you ride you will rise to you" feetand stand in the altitude of a man peeringover a fence to look for his dog, and thensuddenly fall in the saddle like a man whohas stepped on a banana peel. This is theEnglish school. It is hard on the horse,but is considered very graceful. A man can-not Avear false teeth, however, and ride inthis manner. Burlington Hawceye.

Hardy Ferns.One Frequently hears the remark made

that plants do not succeed in certain gardens,but on inquiry it generally turns out that theplants selected have not been suited to thepositions they occupy. Although some plantsdelight in abundant sunlight, others areequally at home in deep shade, and it is onlyby observation as to what conditions aremost favorable foY e'ertain plants, and select-

ing them accordingly that success can beachieved. In this locality, wherever thesituation is open to sunshine, bright-llo- v. eringplants are the favorites, and thus many ofour gardens are kept gay nearly the Avholoyear round, the latest Chrysanthemums notbeing long removed before early-JloAveri- ug

bulbs and many other plants are in blossom. '

But all gardens cannot have full southaspects, and it is refreshing on bright sum-mer days to find instead of summerbedding plants gardens in shady places.filled with the rei danl foiiago of hardy Fernsand of other plants that dislike sunshine.AYhon well established it is surprising, howeffective even die commonest of our nativefeins are planted in shade, and Iioav beautifulthey make man' an otherwise uniulcveslingcorner look ; eAren little .jorders by hard-pave- d

yards or ground beneath large treeswhere northing else avIH grow may be madecheerful by means of ferns. Get togethera few of the largest and roughest stones thatcan be obtained, and a load or two of goodboil ; make irregular mounds here and there,and on these plant the ferns. IntermixAvith them a few dwiul" trailing plants, keepthem well watered, and they Avill soon pro-duce a striking effect. Ogle County Reporter.

DitlNol Want To Go.The celebrated German organist, Martin

CEsau, while on a visit to England chancedone day to attend Dr. Robbins' church, incompany with a friend and countryman,who was a member of the choir. The char-

acter of the Isitor became known to thesingers, and they were eager to hear theGerman play. The chorister whispered tothe old organist "Winder that he must letCEsau "play the congregation out." Thiswas simply a voluntary Avhich the organistwas in the habit of performing Avhile thecongregation were retiring at the close ofthe service. The old organist turned uphis nose in disdain and disapproval; but thepressure came so hard that he at lengthgave in, and the German good-natured- ly

consented to give a test of his quality.The closing anthem had come to a con-clusion, the benediction was pronounced,and Winder reluciantly arose from his seatand allowed GSsau to take his place. Thepeople had risen in their pewb beloAV, andwere making for the aisles on their way out.But hark ! what new sound was thatV Anew voice had burst from the organ. Aharmony unknoAvn before was in the throb-bing air. The throng slopped where theystood, and listened. Even the good olddoctor, halfway down the pulpit stairs,'stood ab one spellbound. Old Winder sawthe situation. The congregation had beenseemingly petrified, and (lyir powers oflocomotion suspended. ""Pooh." heshouted, "that's what comes of meddling.Let me show you how it's done." Andwith an unceremonious push, he oustedCEsau from his sent, seated himself beforethe keys, and struck into one of his olddoxological voluntaries. Very quickly thepeople dropped their heads and movedonward ; and, when the church was empty,old "Winder rose from the organ triumphant.

A?iu Paper,

Ollbr for Sale tho Cargo of the


Tin, rou


Ox Cm N,Light Epuss 'Wagons,

E Top Oani.igc.

STEARfi COAL.Ciimhciland Coal,

Com. Wood Chillis


Pine Mola'u? Shook1,llosin, Soaii,

lee Chests, Nos, 2, !!, mid fi,Hoe Handles,Lobsters, lib tns j llcnns, Jill) tns

Spiueo Plank.

Hay Cutters, Nos. 1. 2. & 3.Axle Gie.ise,

Pairhank's Scales, Nos. 7,S,10& 11Leather Belling,

(.'entiifugnl Lining, 1 1 Inch;Comp. NnlK, liji, 1.14 inch.

MAMMOTH ROCKERS,Bales Excelsior,

Manila Coidage, Assorted:Excelsior Matti esses,

Galvanized Fence Staple,FARMERS BQILSRS, 20 MB 25 6ALL3,;

Sisal Hope, Assorted,Ash;ilaiik.

Dump Banows,Ames' Shovels,

Y. METAL SHEATHING1, fS, 20, 22, 2-- and 2(1 o.;

Hair SVaattresses X

Grindstone-- , Rubber Hose,Hide Poison, B.n lied

AV'iie, Kellwd lion,

ANNEALED FENCE WIRE.Galvanized Screw- - and Wa-he- r-.

raa i



FACE'S PRIVATE STOCKhas .nisr 3ici:n


r!)7 lm b

o iNo



JUST 11ECEJVE1)j.vti: AiutivAi.s,

Columbia Salmon215 CLEG1IOHN

JOHN NOTT,Tin, Copner Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, G;is Filter, &e.

Stoves and Mangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' fctock metals,

House Furnishing Goods,

7? Lamps,


AND BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook Baker,71 Hotel st. Toleplio..- -

Queon Sti'cot,

Kill HeaiK

lb left.

Hull I'lojrr.iin?

Rlll'inf TulliiK

Rnsini-- s Car K



tCnw'uii I'logi' t


Deliver n.liI'llVeloj


Invoice- -

Ij.Foil St l eel!



A.S. & CO.



Cliandelieis, &c.

andNo. 74.

rpillJ Undesigned 1'iopiielor of the



desiies toinfoini liiipationsimil the publie acncinlly thnt nntwlthilniidins thement DlHASTllOUS FINE, hni circled


On a much inoic EUcnsdve Scale whichis now in Pi 1,1, OrintAiiox, and whichwill he in complete vol king older by miEurly An hid of new Machinery andTools; and is now ag.iin picpaied to



and will always have on hand Ids dell- -

cious 1 ieh Jlade





CREAM CANDIES of gieat vailcty SOIT


Gum Drops, and Gum FruitBoil Boris

Or all descriptions. All tho-- HomoMade Ficsli nnd l'uie Confections, 1 sellat r,0 cents PEH POUND.

RICH WEDDING CAKEOf thu Finest Flavor, in all sires always

on hand and ornamented in themost artistic style.

always rich, as also

Home Made Mince Meatroi s:ilc at CO cents per pound.

Will leceivc per Coiisuclo the balanceol my new machinery of tho newest "de-

signs lorinanufactuiiiiK all dcsciiptionsof plain Candies; thanking the publicfor piovions libeial patiouagc and so-

liciting a continuance of same.Veiy lespcctfully,

F. HOKtf,Piactical Confectioner and Pastry Cook,

nil: oi.i hTAND. 71 Hotel stiectP. O. lio. No. 75; Telephone No. 7--

u?a ;iin


You can (iir 'run nns-- r in town mow

X--2. .J. 2031,3E,THE BEAVER SALOON,


A Cup of Tea or Coffee!AX u.U Ilonr-s- ,


OSCARS;llavanas, Manilas,

Figaio, Flov dc Cuba,Coney Island, etc., etc., etc



DRY GOODS STOREKing Stieet, (Near Castle & Cooke's)

P. A. DIASRegs to infoini the public generally

that he has leceivcd a choice lot of


L'idies' Undeiwenr, Stockings, Muslins,SHUs, Satins, Kid Glove, Worsted,

Ribjioiis, Slippers, Ac, &c,


Stockings, Socks, Shoes, etc.,and a line assoitment of

Gents and Boys Clotliing--

IIat, Boots, Shoes, etc.,All or which will be SOLD CHEAPER

than any other store in town.571 lm






I,;iw Rcpoits

Xoif II nillitjjs

tm t lion l'ooks

I'm phlfl

I'l S . IN

it pOltK

Show Cuds

Shipping I'i'ce'ts


Vh iling Cauls



Plain and Ornamental Printing,Executed with neatness and dispatch.

i). m. cnowixv. it. hash

CROWLEY & CO.78 King Street.




WOODSElegant Coverincfs and Trimmings,

tiii:"KOSTOX" mill "CIIAMjUXdiK''

SPUING BED,Xol to he sin passed in

Durability, Comfort, and Price.

Several PALOK SETS fiom if 50 upwards

Any sized House furnished

On tho installment PlanEASY TERMS.

Ladle Needle woik mounted nndlestuU'ed and rocied in best


New Store,Eemember : 78 King Street

g'Jl Qui


And Sheet lion Woikcr. Tanksand Cooleis niado loonier. I'.uticiilarattention paid to Itcpnlr Work. Oldcrsleft at It. itfooic's Machine Shop, Kingstreet, will bo piomptly attended lo.








MEVEHAGE,Acconling lo the highest and best medi-

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No. 13 Liliha Sill

P. O. Bo.y, 370. Telephone, 281.BSy-Al- l oideis receive prompt attention.


ROPE MARKET!Yes, and we sell

A. Lo-- v svk ilie Lowest I

and don't anybody foiget it.We sell New Bedford Hope, and any

retailer knows how it will hold out innet weight- -

We also have the mo-- t vniied asboit-men- t


kept by any house this side of the KookyMountains, such as

Hump and Manila Conlage, all siyes,Aitesian Well lloring Hopes,Manila HawscM, Who Hope,Cotton add Hemp Duck and Twine,Galvanized Maiinc llnnlwaie,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 mYellow Metal and Nails, 14 to 28 oz.Copper Paint (Tiur & Wonsin's)Whale Hoats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, all kinds nnd siyes,And 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, agents for

Perry Djivih' Pain Itiller,Biand & Pierce's Bomb Guns mid

Bomb Lances, &c., &c,All of which we will sell at tho

lowest Rates.S00 ly A. W. Peirce & Co.

Wilson Brothers,

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Horse Shoeing n specially

A first-cla-ss mini being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and AVngon woik faithfullyattended to.

Shop on tho Esplanade, op. llopper's.201

California Eedwood Oorap'y,(i.iMrrni),)

nniri'M, 1CII Gtorgo Slier!, Edinburgh.

California Redwood Co.,tOO Cnllloiiiiii Ktiucl, . . Sail Francisco,

--MI IIfri;Eureka. Trinidad, Humboldt Co., Oat.rpiIIS Company is prepaied to contractX for cargoes ol California Redwood

to ho shipped diiecl fiom their mills ntcurrent market prices.

The Company will load bhips, sent loSan Francisco or Humboldt Bay, or willfurnish cm goes, cost, freight and Incur.mice.

FALKNEH BELL & CO., Agents.C71 Om San Francisco,

ix4fe; ta&ti& '. 8Hat,)&..&k- - ' s..&isM" SteCJfi ifiMilMm-imjt- W3i ?Kl !&&i&itjfcM i