gratitude ritual kit - brigid's grove · 2018-04-14 · gratitude ritual kit brigid’s grove...

13 Gratitude Ritual Kit Brigid’s Grove Created for the Creative Spirit Circle.

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Page 1: Gratitude Ritual Kit - Brigid's Grove · 2018-04-14 · Gratitude Ritual Kit Brigid’s Grove Created for the Creative Spirit Circle. ... (adapted by Shekhinah Mountainwater

Gratitude Ritual Kit

Brigid’s Grove Created for the Creative Spirit Circle.

Page 2: Gratitude Ritual Kit - Brigid's Grove · 2018-04-14 · Gratitude Ritual Kit Brigid’s Grove Created for the Creative Spirit Circle. ... (adapted by Shekhinah Mountainwater

"Imagine that at every moment we each embraced the world as the gift it is: an apple is a gift; the color pink is a gift; the

blue sky is a gift, the scent of honeysuckle is a gift."

--Rabbi Marcia Prager

Page 3: Gratitude Ritual Kit - Brigid's Grove · 2018-04-14 · Gratitude Ritual Kit Brigid’s Grove Created for the Creative Spirit Circle. ... (adapted by Shekhinah Mountainwater

Ritual Recipe: Gratitude

“You create a path of your own by looking within yourself and listening to your soul, cultivating your own ways of experiencing the sacred and then practicing it. Practicing

until you make it a song that sings you."

--Sue Monk Kidd Dance of the Dissident Daughter


Candle for each participant Symbol from each participant of something you are grateful for from the month (or the year) or

work that you would like to bless or appreciate Simple altar (if desired) Optional: bowl of water or sage for smudging/cleansing

Optional: supplies to create a nature mandala

leaves, stones, acorns, seeds, twigs, feathers, and other items from nature (mindfully collected and ideally found on ground). If a group ritual, ask each person to bring a quantity of something to add to the mandala. If it is a family ritual, go out together before moonrise to collect your items. Note: Depending on size, composition, energy, and patience of the group, you may wish to create the mandala together first before beginning the rest of the ritual and then gather around it for the rest of the ritual itself.

Ritual Outline:

Group hum (see included note below if you are unfamiliar with this) Gratitude Invocation (and/or sing I Am Fire)

Page 4: Gratitude Ritual Kit - Brigid's Grove · 2018-04-14 · Gratitude Ritual Kit Brigid’s Grove Created for the Creative Spirit Circle. ... (adapted by Shekhinah Mountainwater

I stand rooted here on the earth and offer my gratitude.

I turn to the East and offer gratitude for the air I breathe.

I turn to the South and offer gratitude for the fire of my spirit.

I turn to the West and offer gratitude for river, lake, stream, and ocean.

I turn to the North and offer gratitude for stone, tree, and bone.

I touch the earth and offer gratitude for this land I call home.

I reach towards the sky and offer gratitude for sun and stars.

I place my hand on my heart and breathe deep, offering gratitude

for all that I am and all that I have

and for the many blessings of my life.

Thank you.

Optional: recite Charge of the Goddess

Share your gratitude items and write a collaborative gratitude list (optional: leave outside under a special jar of water to charge up under the moonlight and then drink the next morning in appreciation. Thanks to Rooted Rhythms for the neat idea!)

Optional: create a nature mandala and include each gratitude item written on leaves (paper or real). If your ritual involves children, you may wish to set up the nature mandala together before beginning the rest of the ritual.

Sing: Dance in a Circle of Moonlight

Optional additional songs:

Make Yourself a Power Spot

We are Circling

Say a group blessing. You can make this up intuitively and other members of the group can add their own lines or repeat each line after you. For example: May we celebrate each other’s successes. May we communicate with love and compassion. May we see and hear each other. May we work together in harmony. May love be at the center of our choices.

Holding hands, offer thanks for participating and a closing prayer. We usually close with this prayer: “may goddess bless and keep us, may wisdom dwell within us, may we create peace.”

Optional: Drum!

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Song Lyrics

I am fire, I am Fire.

I am burning like the fire, like the fire, I am burning like the fire.

I am air, I am Air.

I am clear like the air, like the air, I am clear like the air.

I am water, I am Water.

I am flowing like the water, like the water, I am flowing like the water.

I am earth, I am Earth.

I am solid like the Earth, like the Earth, I am solid like the Earth.

(From the Women’s Drumming Circle CD As the River We Flow)

Dance in a Circle of Moonlight Make a web of my life

Hold me as I spiral and spin Make a web of my life

(modified from Marie Summerwood’s chant, Dance in a Circle of Women)

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Note regarding humming to cast a circle:

Circle up and place hands on each other’s backs and do a “toning” in which you hum together together to unify your energies and bring you into ritual space. This shared hum quite literally brings you into harmony with one another. We do this at every ritual, red tent, ceremony, and celebration I priestess because it is a very connected way of casting the circle with our own bodies and physical energy. We usually hum in unison three times. With kids, sometimes it is not in unison and my eyes meet my husband’s over their heads in an effort to stifle laughter at the discordant chorus we create. I wrote more about using this process to cast the circle in a past post.

Notes regarding gratitude and abundance leaves:

You may wish to pre-write these if working with children or if a more quickly paced ritual is needed.

Reflect on the bounty of the year (or the month) and write down things you are grateful for on leaves

(dry, fallen leaves or on paper leaves). Read aloud (size permitting—multiple people can speak at same

time) and then scatter the leaves around in the nature mandala.

Page 7: Gratitude Ritual Kit - Brigid's Grove · 2018-04-14 · Gratitude Ritual Kit Brigid’s Grove Created for the Creative Spirit Circle. ... (adapted by Shekhinah Mountainwater

Charge of the Goddess Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess

The dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven

She whose body encircles the universe.

I am the beauty of the green earth

And the white moon amongst the stars

And the mystery of the waters

And the desire in human hearts

Call unto your soul

Arise and come unto me

For I am the soul of nature

Who gives life to the universe

From me all things proceed

And unto me all things must return

Before my face, beloved of all

Let your divine innermost self be enfolded

In the rapture of the infinite

Let my worship be in the heart that rejoices

For behold, all acts of love and pleasure

Are my rituals

And therefore, let there be beauty

And strength and power

And compassion

Honor and pride

Mirth and reverence

Within you

And you who think to seek for me

Know your seeking and yearning

Shall avail you not, lest you know the mystery

That if you seek me and find me not within you

You will never find me without

For behold, I have been with you from the beginning

And I am with you endlessly …

(adapted by Shekhinah Mountainwater from Doreen Valiente)

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The Three Cauldrons

“There is a fire song in the depths of your soul that makes your heart sing. It doesn’t matter if no one else can hear your melody, this is your song, not theirs. So move to your own beat and dance to your

own drum. Follow your light and see where it leads. This is your story; this is your dream.”

–Ara, The Goddess Circle

The concept of the Three Cauldrons of Life are based on Jonathan Fields' "Three Buckets of Life" idea, but with a Womanrunes twist...

In life, we all have three cauldrons. They are Vitality, Contribution, and Connection. Jonathan proposes that, basically, we’re only as good as our lowest cauldron. So if you’re pouring so much time, energy, and effort into a single area, there’s a good chance the one or two of your other cauldrons are getting low — and until you get them back in shape, all your effort in the first area will have limited results.

The Three Cauldrons are:

1. Vitality

This is where most of the physical self-care fits, though would also include good mental health. The number one factor here, according to Jonathan, is getting good sleep And then, certainly, quality nutrition, exercise, meditation, coping skills for stress, and so forth.

The right mix of activities and priorities will look a little different for each person, as is the case for the other two cauldrons

2. Connection

As Bréne Brown says, humans are hard-wired for connection, love, and belonging. Some studies have even demonstrated that this sense of belonging is even more important in some ways than physiological needs.

If you feel a lack of connection with self, family, friends, or community, your Connection cauldron is low, which can lead to feeling depressed, detached, and isolated. Spiritual connection and relationship also fits in this cauldron.

Make sure not to underestimate the importance of that first component: connection with self. Without that, it’s hard to be genuinely connected to others in a way that is authentic and invigorating rather than codependent and draining.

3. Contribution

This cauldron is about the many ways in which we contribute to the world — through vocation, calling, purpose, creative ventures, volunteer work, and so on. The important thing to recognize with this

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cauldron is that it can look very different from person to person, but without something filling it, feelings of emptiness, disconnection, malaise, and dis-ease begin to loom.

Depending on what your paying job is, some people feel a strong sense of contribution through their work. Others may choose a job that may not feel as “fulfilling” but get fulfillment in areas outside their work through contribution with family, friends, and organizations.

Overworking can certainly happen in any field, but people in helping professions often justify this because they view it as “noble” work (hello, martyr moments!). But just remember, if you’re pouring 110% into this part of your life, overworking to the point of sacrificing your Vitality or Connection cauldrons will prevent you from doing your best and most effective work.

Jonathan’s Unbusy Manifesto may be found here.

In ancient Celtic texts, three Cauldrons are also described within each person. These are the Cauldrons of Warming, Motion, and Knowledge (or Wisdom). They are known as the "Cauldrons of Poesy” by the Druids. Connected to three chakras each, we have these three Cauldron energy centers within us and they are connected to the Land, Sea, and Sky of Celtic traditions.

On the following page you will find a Three Cauldrons card activity to use with Womanrunes or any other card system. The cards chosen are meant to indicate reminders, messages, guidance, encouragement, or affirmation on keeping each cauldron tended, rather than as predictive .

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Vitality Contribution

3 Cauldrons Layout

1. Vitality: how is your physical body feeling? How are your body and mind working togeth-

er? Do you feel unified and enlivened? Strong and focused? Choose a card as a reminder,

encouragement, inspiration, or affirmation of what you need to keep this cauldron tended.

2. Connection: how are your relationships? Are you feeling connected to yourself, friends,

partners, family, and community? How do you inspire one another? Do you feel as if you

have somewhere you belong and are you attached to others? Choose a card as a reminder,

encouragement, inspiration, or affirmation of what you need to keep this cauldron tended.

3. Contribution: How do you feel about your work in the world, whether paid or otherwise?

What are your strengths, creative gifts, visions? Where do you find deep meaning? What

lights you up with purpose and passion? Choose a card as a reminder, encouragement, in-

spiration, or affirmation of what you need to keep this cauldron tended.

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Come join the Circle!

Membership in the Creative Spirit Circle is FREE and packed with beautiful, bountiful

resources, including:

a free Womanrunes e-course

Companion online classroom

Goddess Studies and Ritual course

weekly virtual circles in our Facebook group

Red Tent and ritual resources

blessing posters and mandalas

access to Divine Imperfections sculptures

monthly Creative Spirit Circle Journal filled with resources such as ceremony outlines,

articles, book recommendations, sneak peeks, and special freebies.

Claim your place in the Circle:

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Red Tent Initiation Program

Following the spiral path of maiden, mother, and crone…

This online course is both a powerful, personal experience

AND a training in facilitating transformative women’s circles.

You will listen to your deep self, access your inner wisdom

and prepare to step into circle as guardian and guide for

other women who are hungering for depth, connection,

restoration, and renewal in today’s busy world.

Practical Priestessing

Do you feel that divine hum of resonance in your bones when you hear the word Priestess? Do you want to learn tools, resources, and rituals for practical priestessing? This is a comprehensive priestess initiation program for women called to vocational priestess work.

Connect with Brigid’s Grove:






· Creative Spirit Circle Facebook Group:


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About the author:

Molly has been “gathering the women” to circle, sing,

celebrate, and share since 2008. She plans and

facilitates women’s circles, Red Tents, seasonal retreats and rituals, Pink Tent mother-daughter circles, and family ceremonies in rural Missouri and teaches online courses in

Red Tent facilitation and Practical Priestessing.

Molly is a priestess who holds MSW, M.Div, and D.Min degrees. She finished her dissertation about contemporary priestessing in the U.S.

Molly is the author of Womanrunes, Earthprayer, and The Red Tent Resource Kit. She writes about women’s circles, nature, practical priestessing, creativity, family ritual, and the goddess at Brigid’s Grove.

About Brigid’s Grove:

Molly and Mark co-create original Story Godddess, goddess

sculptures, goddess pendants, and ceremony kits at (and etsy!). They publish Womanrunes and

an accompanying oracle deck, based on the work of

Shekhinah Mountainwater.

Brigid's Grove integrates Molly's priestess work and goddess

studies with our family's shared interests in ceremony, art,

gemstones, metalwork, nature, and intentional, creative


Brigid is the Irish triple goddess of smithcraft, poetry, and

midwifery. She is also a Christian saint associated with

midwives, birthing mothers, and infants.