graphics design

Graphic Design By James Curran

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Graphics design

Graphic Design

• By James Curran

Page 2: Graphics design

Little White Lies Analysis

Simple Art style, yet very effective. Interesting silhouette effect and a use of a A very small title for the film. Unlike Total film, where the title would be big and bold and there would be lots of other stuff squished onto the front of the mag. The little white lies cover has none of that, which is many ways makes it look far more Professional and trust worthy.

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Film poster Analysis 1

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Film Poster Analysis 2

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Total Film Cover Elements

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My Canabalt Box Art

This is my box art that I made for the indie games ‘Canabalt’I made the Box Art look that similar to a AAA game title and I compare it to a real AAA game.

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App logo Design Ideas

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Game Company Logo

• This was the logo I designed for our company that was making the game.

I made it by simply taking some shapes and seeing how they look combined, or behind each other. I played around until I got the basic shape you see on the left. Then I started adding the glares and the glows and lens flare to make it eye grabbing.

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Feedback on Logo design

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Feedback on logo design 2

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App logo

Based on my feedback I am going to go with this logo for my main app logo, but I am going to make some changes to the logo to make the game looks a bit more professional at first glance when browsing though the app store. First impressions are vital so a games app logo should look good.

I went into the Photoshop and put this red grid over my logo so I could make everything central. I also then turned the logo to grayscale to see what that would look like, I then played around by changing the shape of the eyes and adding 2 slits for nostrils. I thought that making the edges rounded would help improve the lookof the logo because most app store logos have a rounded edge for eachcorner. I then played around with some filter effects foe the main face of my alien.

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App logo shades of gray

I originally changed all my photos to the gray scale for the purpose of seeing them in the gray scale mode, and decided that I actually liked them in there gray scale form more than the colour. I think the colour didn’t go with the texture for the face in the middle picture, but this was my favorite picture so far, so I kept it the same.

I also think, all images on the app store have colour on them, surly the one without the colour would attack most attention for being different out standing out.

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App logo feedback

I really like the graphics in this logo. The distorted face with the beaming eyes give the alien bit of mystery. Almost like a silhouette. Everything in the logo seems a bit ridged.

I think it is good how the aliens face takes up the whole of the logo, so its nearly touching the sides of the logo. Also I think having big eyes on the alien make it seem as if its staring right at you. Attention grabbing. I think even though I like the black and white, I think if the eyes had colour, it would make the eyes even more gripping.



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Final App design

I took my feedback and improved from it. I made my aliens eyes dark green and kept the whole black and white theme.I then decided to make the middle parts of his eyes a slightly greener green to make it look as if he is looking directly into the camera.

I have only made a simple change as the feedback I got was mostly good.

I kept all the layout and design the same but edited the colour for the eyes.



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T-Shirt Draft Ideas

This is my alien design draft 1. I made it by taking some of our aliens and our planet and sticking them on it and then merging them together and changing the mode to multiply.

This is my design draft 2. I kept it simple by just adding the space man character on the front of the picture and changed the mode to multiply so it looks more realistic.

I would prefer to progress with my first design as I think it says more about the game

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T-Shirt Design Feedback

I think the graphics are really fitting for you game and I like how all the aliens are looking in the same direction.I think there needs to be something on the front to make it relatable to alien blast. Also consider chainng the colour of the shirt to black for the space theme

The layout is good and the red alien hiding behind the planet looks really good. I think if you were going to put a title in, you should position it above the aliens and planet and move them all down a bit.



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I decided that my design would suit and look better with a black background T-shirt. My game’s main focuses is in space, so I thought that the black suited better. I also think the green aliens and the planet stand out better on black.

I added a colorful title to the planet, and I kept the same colour scheme as the aliens and planet to keep things consistent.

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Final T-shirt design

I had made some minor changes to the main image on the front. I added a back drop white shadow/glow around the planet, I also added a beval which gives the effect of a shadow on the planet and

The layout is the same and everything is in the same position as previous.



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Add banner Feedback

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Final add banner

From my feedback, I removed the aliens with the low resolution. They made brought the quality of the whole image down.

I gave the title a gradient so both red and green were on both parts of the text. I also added the twitter and moved the location of the Edge productions logo to the center of the screen and also added the Alien Blast Website.

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Compare and ContrastDesign Compare and Contrast Professional products

Comparing the angry birds app logo to my original design for my alien blast app logo, it’s easy to see the the differences between pro and beginners work. My logo doesn’t have the smooth cut rounded corners like the angry birds one, but both logos share a similarity, which is that they both make really goo use of the space in which they have been drawn. The colour palette for the angry birds logo is larger and the colours go well with each other too.

The main difference between the two logos is that the Ubisoft logo also has it’s name under the title, and my Edge Productions logo only has the initials of the company. The Ubisoft logo has more small details than my logo. It has clearly been made in a program like illustrator, where mine has been made in Photoshop using shapes and effects.

Between these two box art covers, there is only one major difference that gives away which one is made by a professional. I think my attempt to make my box art professional was good, but my cover is let down by the Bethesda logo in the bottom right hand corner of the box. It is also on the ‘Fallout 3’ Cover and you can see they have placed it much better than me, which is what is so vital.

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Suggested improvements

Some suggestions that I got from people who I showed my logo too, was that maybe the aliens face was taking up too much of the screen and I had cut too much of his head off.Another bit of feedback was that I should try playing around with the colours and see what other colours go with green eyes and maybe try changing the colour of the eyes. Something else that was said, is should I try to make the face more detailed, giving him nostrils and a mouth, but I was tempted to keep the face simplistic.

For my web banner, the main bit of feedback, was that, when looking at the image, it is really easy to see that a couple of the aliens are very low resolution, which then brings down the quality of the whole image. Also, people thought the placement of the Edge Productions logo should be more central and not randomly on the side of the banner.

My feedback for the T-Shirt design was that I should try to make the image on the T-shirt, look more relatable to the game. People suggest that making the image on A black T-shirt would be more effective, as aliens are usually in space and our games takes place in space. To do this, I will have to play around in after effects with the some effects.Some of the feedback also said that it might be a good idea to put the title of the game on the T-shirt, and to place the title above the planet, but I will try placing it in different places and see how it looks.

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Feedback & Amendments

With my app logo, I choose to see what the alien would look like in all colours, but came to the decision that I liked to look of it best in black and white. Gaining more feedback, I decided to add mild colour to the eyes. The eyes and the corners of the logo are the main changes, I also added nose slits originally but later removed them and then played around with some textures on the face and for the background.

I took on all feedback I got from this shirt and I really think it helped improve the shirt.I made the T-shirt a black T-shirt and also made it a child shirt, as it seemed more fitting to our target audience. I then played with the effects and merged all the sprites together and added backdrop, white shadow and a beval to create a shadow and light effect from behind the planet. I then also played around with the positioning of the title, but decided I wanted to keep the image quite compact, so I placed it over the planet, and I also kept the same colour scheme with the text.

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Equipment/software used

Physical Materials Software Peripherals


I only really used some paper and pens and pencils to sketch out rough ideas, I never did anything fully on paper.

-Adobe Photoshop-Adobe Illustrator

Most of my work with editing was done in photoshop because it’s the program I feel most comfortable with, and therefore I think it’s the quickest and best way I would get good results with my work.I made one piece of work in adobe illustrator, because it’s a really good program for making neat smooth lines

-Graphics Tablet-Mouse-Keybored

I did some drawing with graphics tablet or mouse. The graphics tablet is very useful for doing hand like drawing straight onto the computer, and then you can editing your drawings straight away.

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Fit for purpose/Target Audience

My alien blast banner would be fit perfectly as planned on a app review site. It gives the right sort of message across and would easily target the right kind of audience. Anyone into sci-fi would most defiantly consider clicking on the advert and checking out our game. The only improvement I could think to make, would be putting some text on the advert that says, “Click here to play now!” But then I worry I that makes it look tacky and desperate.

When designing an app logo, you want it to stand out and look professional.I defiantly think my app logo stands out amount many of the logo’s all over the app store. Many of them have got for trying to make fancy looking drawings, but I think they over do it, and they become very common. If you have something that may not be as good, but stands out, it will get more attention and more viewers. So in that case I would say I did a good job of making the logo and making it stand out amount other logo’s.

Target AudienceMy target audience would be older kids/Teenagers. So I think the logo relates to both ages groups.The image looks neither too childish, or to inappropriate, so I think both demographics would be interesting in clicking on the game’s logo and seeing what it is about.

The target audience for the web banner would more likely be aimed at the teenagers as children don’t read reviews and research as much. They prefer the visual graphics.