graphic · designers to incorporate...

CONFIDENTIAL – FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY © Copyright 2012 Healthgrades, Inc. All Rights Reserved. May not be reproduced or redistributed without the express permission of Healthgrades, Inc. 2013 Reference Guide GRAPHIC STANDARDS

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Page 1: graPhic · designers to incorporate the Healthgrades logo into any of their everyday implementations, including a Photoshop

CONFIDENTIAL – FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY© Copyright 2012 Healthgrades, Inc. All Rights Reserved. May not be reproduced or redistributed without the express permission of Healthgrades, Inc.

2013 Reference Guide

graPhic standards

Page 2: graPhic · designers to incorporate the Healthgrades logo into any of their everyday implementations, including a Photoshop

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Introduction 3

Contact Information 3

The Blue Tone 4

The Panel 5

The Typeface 6

Logo Usage 7

Basics 7

Spacing 8

Registration (®) and Trademark Symbol (TM) 9

Use With Imagery 10

Use in Powerpoint 11

Use on iOS Devices 12

“Bug” Versions & Favicon 12

Line Art (Vector) Versions 13

Use with Tagline 14

Secondary Color Palette 15

List of Associated Files 16

Page 2

Page 3: graPhic · designers to incorporate the Healthgrades logo into any of their everyday implementations, including a Photoshop

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Page 3

The Healthgrades identity is comprised of three conceptual elements, each of which is integral to the representation of the brand:

The blue tone

The panel

The typeface

Excepting instances wherein the application of the brand is extremely small, or when the logo is rendered in black and white, these three elements are expected to remain intact.

Certain circumstances may make the application of all of these elements difficult; in those circumstances one should strive to maintain the logo’s spirit and overall impression to the furthest extent possible.

Each of these individual elements is discussed below.

Contact Information

Designers working with Healthgrades will have questions and comments about the Healthgrades logo. They should be directed to: [email protected]

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the Blue tone


Page 4

Key to the entire branding effort of Healthgrades is the overall blue tone that will be expressed throughout every facet of the corporation. Designers working with Healthgrades should feel free to experiment with using the tone in new and interesting ways, both as background and foreground - and certainly, as demonstrated by the logo - as tone on tone, as long as the specific color remains the same.

The blue is expressed as follows:

RGB: 106 132 170

CMYK: 55 24 0 9

PMS: 645

The blue contained within the panel itself is slightly different, to make it a bit more visually distinctive.

Additionally, the lighter tone that appears within the letters “grades” can be used as a highlight or companion tone when necessary:

RGB: 166 212 255

CMYK: 31 7 0 0

PMS: 291

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the Panel


Page 5

The panel as a conceptual element will become integral to the overall look and feel of the Healthgrades web site as well as other materials and branding components. This floating element was chosen for both its visual distinctiveness as well as its flexibility.

The panel is expressed with the following key attributes:


Drop shadow

Rounded corners

Small bevel

Of these four attributes, the only absolute is the rounded corners; there will be times when the other attributes will be impractical. That said, every effort should be made to express the logo, including the panel, in its intact state - liberties ought not be to be taken.

The drop shadow should be seen as a somewhat flexible element. The logo has default settings for use on either the blue or on white; these should be used as a base standard. However, there will be opportunities to present the panel as floating further above the background field - or closer to it - that might be visually compelling. In those instances the drop shadow may be altered.

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the tyPefaCe


Page 6

The typeface used in the logo itself is Effra Light. Effra in its various weights is a flexible, well-rounded typeface that should be used as the main corporate typeface whenever possible and appropriate.

Effra LightEffra RegularEffra MediumEffra BoldEffra Heavy

The word “health” is in white. The word “grades” is in the lighter blue tone specified above:

RGB: 166 212 255

CMYK: 31 7 0 0

Additionally, the type has a small deboss into the panel.

Page 7: graPhic · designers to incorporate the Healthgrades logo into any of their everyday implementations, including a Photoshop

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loGo usaGe


Page 7


Typically, designers will be using the logo in its standard state. Several files should be included with this document that allow designers to incorporate the Healthgrades logo into any of their everyday implementations, including a Photoshop file with all the individual layers and layer styles intact.

If you are missing any of these files, please contact Tom Gerber.

The logo has been developed with Photoshop effects applied that are difficult to reproduce using vector art. As such, please consider the Photoshop file to be the master logo file. Illustrator and EPS versions are provided for more limited uses and for line art, but the Photoshop version is the total package; please use that version whenever feasible.

Additionally, the Photoshop file has been created using Photoshop vector shapes and layer styles. By resizing the entire image (rather than using the “Transform” command), designers can ensure that the styles scale up or down accurately.

Please be certain to use Image > Image Size rather than the Transform command when resizing the logo to fit your application.

On white, the drop shadow is smaller.

Page 8: graPhic · designers to incorporate the Healthgrades logo into any of their everyday implementations, including a Photoshop

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Page 8

The logo should always have a minimum amount of space between its boundaries and other elements on the screen or page. Some exceptions to this may be made on the web site itself, wherein the logo may be seen floating atop other panels. These instances are few and carefully-considered, however, and without the involvement of the branding team the logo should always appear separated from other elements.

The minimum amount of space is calculated from the edges of the panel, based on the x-height of the letters. See diagram below.

This distance will vary based upon the size of the logo. Designers are advised to use their own judgement and calculations to ensure that the minimum distance is always maintained.

It is always permissible to leave more space than the allowed minimum - in fact, it is recommended that a fairly significant field of blue or white space surround the logo when it is sensible. Examples would be print or television advertising, where the logo is expected to leave a visual imprint on the viewer’s mind.

Page 9: graPhic · designers to incorporate the Healthgrades logo into any of their everyday implementations, including a Photoshop

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ReGistRation (®) anD tRaDemaRk (™) symBols


Page 9

The logo should always appear with its small ® next to the wordmark.

The ® should be as small as possible while remaining legible, although at very small sizes the ® may be more of a visual indication than a truly legible ®, which is acceptable. Whenever possible, however, the ® should be readable.

The ® should be placed such that the bottom of the “T” rests on an imaginary line extending from the edge of the “s”:

The tagline requires a “TM”. Its symbol should rest just to the right and above the “r” of “Doctor”:

Typically, designers should be able to use the files provided with this package and scale them up and down as necessary. If further clarification about the placement of the ® or “TM” is needed, please contact [email protected].

Page 10: graPhic · designers to incorporate the Healthgrades logo into any of their everyday implementations, including a Photoshop

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use with imaGeRy


Page 10

The Healthgrades logo and its minimum surrounding area should be considered “sacred space” - it should not be printed over other images, even if they are faded back. If for some reason the logo must be located atop a photograph, it should be within a blue or white box, and care should be taken that the logo is placed in a reasonably uncluttered area of the photo.

It is preferable that any photography used in Healthgrades materials include doctors - if at all possible, actual Healthgrades doctors. Above all else, imagery associated with Healthgrades must be:






Page 11: graPhic · designers to incorporate the Healthgrades logo into any of their everyday implementations, including a Photoshop

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use in PoweRPoint


Page 11

The logo may “wash out” when projected on a screen using an overhead projector. Therefore, a special version of the logo has been developed specifically for use in projected presentations.

This Powerpoint logo has a darker blue in the panel so it has higher contrast. It can be used on either white or blue.

Both low-resolution and high-resolution versions of the logo are available for use in Powerpoint. If you plan to print a deck of your Powerpoint presentation, please use the high-resolution (220 dpi) version of the image. If you need instructions about how to print high-quality images from Powerpoint, please contact [email protected].

Additionally, large versions of the Powerpoint logo as well as Photoshop files have been provided with the logo package, should designers wish to create new Powerpoint elements involving the logo.

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use on ios DeviCes


Page 12

Please be aware that recent iOS devices (iPad, iPod Touch, and iPhones) have an upgraded display using Retina technology. It is critically important that the logo be displayed at double resolution on these devices, or it will look terrible.

Typically, a Javascript is used to detect if the device accessing the mobile site is an iOS device, and if so, a special, double-size version of the logo is served in place of the normal logo.

For example, if the desktop version of the logo is 200x100 pixels, the mobile version should be 400x200.

“Bug” Versions & Favicon

Several very small versions of the logo have been specially created for use on external websites and for other tiny purposes. If possible, please use the small logo versions that are representative of the standard logo. However, in certain cases that version may not be advisable; in those cases designers may employ the small “healthgrades” wordmark on white.

Also included here is the favicon for use on Healthgrades websites.

« favicon

« small wordmark

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line aRt (veCtoR) veRsions


Page 13

At times, designers will need to use the logo without its attendant effects. For these purposes, we have developed basic line art versions of the logo.

Again, please strive to use the complete logo if at all feasible. Times when you may need to use a line art version include:


One- or two-color printing

Certain kinds of signage

Pins, badges, and other kinds of “swag”

Budget applications

The line art versions have outlined type and are ready for use in your vector application of choice.






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use with taGline


Page 14

The Healthgrades tagline is “How America finds a doctor.” It should be centered beneath the logo at 50% the type size of the main logotype. The top of the x-height of the tagline rests against the bottom of the spacing buffer zone as shown at left.

Thus, if the logo type is 48pt, the tagline should be 24pt, centered beneath the panel. Use the spacing guidelines as illustrated herein for placement.

On the blue version, the tagline is white. On the white version, it is a neutral gray.

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seConDaRy ColoR Palette


Page 15

The Healthgrades web site and other materials and applications use a variety of colors, and designers are encouraged to exercise their own judgment as to the relative applicability of these and other tones. That said, there are five key RGB values for use on the web site and several additional tones that can be considered standard secondary and tertiary colors. You will note that standard acceptable colors could be described as “saturated earth tones.

R: 191 R: 172 R: 114 R: 96 R: 221G: 151 G: 94 G: 139 G: 140 G: 116B: 78 B: 127 B: 313 B: 188 B: 73

R: 138 R: 175 R: 120 R: 159 R: 179G: 108 G: 178 G: 156 G: 162 G: 152B: 139 B: 118 B: 156 B: 200 B: 107

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list of assoCiateD files


Page 16

A variety of files are packaged with this document; mainly files for use by designers (PSD and vector files.) Should you need flattened versions of the logo, please contact [email protected] with the dimensions you require.

Here is a list of the relevant folders and what they contain.

Base_CMYK_PSDsMain logo in CMYK colorspace, blue and white backgrounds

Base_RGB_PSDsMain logo in RGB colorspace, blue and white backgrounds - includes Powerpoint versions

FaviconFilesPSD with layers used to create the favicon, as well as both a PNG and an ICO file of the favicon itself

PPT_JPGsFlat JPGs in several sizes for use in Powerpoint presentations

SmallPSDsPhotoshop files used to create the very small versions of the logo, including the text wordmark

Tagline_CMYK_PSDsLogo with tagline in CMYK colorspace along with spacing grid in a separate layer group, blue and white backgrounds

Tagline_RGB_PSDs Logo with tagline in RGB colorspace along with spacing grid in a separate layer group, blue and white backgrounds

VectorArtFiles used for line art purposes - simple printing or embroidery, for example.