graphene veils and sandwiches -...

Published: July 19, 2011 r2011 American Chemical Society 3290 | Nano Lett. 2011, 11, 32903294 LETTER Graphene Veils and Sandwiches Jong Min Yuk, ,,|| Kwanpyo Kim, ,|| Benjamín Alem an, ,|| William Regan, ,|| Ji Hoon Ryu, Jungwon Park, §,|| Peter Ercius, ^ Hyuck Mo Lee, A. Paul Alivisatos, §,|| Michael F. Crommie, ,|| Jeong Yong Lee,* ,and Alex Zettl* ,,|| Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon 305-701, Korea Department of Physics and Center of Integrated Nanomechanical Systems and § Department of Chemistry, University of California at Berkeley, California 94720, United States ) Materials Sciences Division and ^ National Center for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, United States b S Supporting Information T he development of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) 1,2 in the late 1960s and early 1970s heralded a new era in materials synthesis whereby structures unattainable by conventional crystal growth methods could be produced articially, virtually atom-by- atom. Despite the phenomenal scientic success of MBE, the method is technically intensive and has many limitations. Another approach toward tailored layered materials is solution-based self- assembly, 3,4 where appropriate surface chemistry is used to coax desired sequential and easily patterned molecular attachment. Graphite intercalation compounds (GICs), 5,6 produced by allowing selected atoms or molecules to naturally insert themselves between the graphene layers of graphite crystals, might also be viewed as a primitive form of self-assembly. Concepts of these methods can be adapted to combine various functional materials with two-dimen- sional (2D) atomic-thick crystals, such as graphene, boron nitride (BN), several dichalcogenides, and complex oxides, exhibiting dramatically dierent properties with their 3D bulk materials. 7 Our approach to custom engineered layered compounds utilizes thin preformed hostsheets of materials which are sequentially stacked, layer-by-layer. 810 Prior to the placement of each new sheet, however, guestspecies can be deposited on the surface of the previous sheet. The guest deposition can be achieved via evaporation, sputtering methods, or solution de- position. Unlike the case for intercalation approaches, here the guest species are virtually unrestricted. 5,6 In the study reported here, we employ graphene as a proto- typical host material 11,12 and metallic and semiconducting nano- crystals and nanorods as prototypical guest species. Of course, other hosts and guests are possible, including layered dichalco- genides or BN (or combinations) 7 as hosts and alkali metals, organic complexes, and thin metal or dielectric lms as guests. Graphene is a particularly desirable host, since it is atomically thin with few defects 13 and displays extraordinary electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties. 1416 To produce graphene veil or sandwich superstructures, we start with large-area single-layer graphene (SLG) grown by chemical vapor deposition 17 and transfer it to arbitrary rigid substrates such as SiO 2 , Si, or mica (Figure 1a). Quasi-free- standing superstructures are also produced for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) characterization utilizing Quantifoil TEM grids. Guest species selected from Au, Pd, Sn, Co, and PbSe are deposited onto the graphene layer by drop-casting chemically synthesized nanoparticles or by electron (e)-beam evaporation (Figure 1b). A second single-layer graphene (SLG) sheet is transferred onto the rst decorated graphene sheet thus covering the predeposited materials (Figure 1c). To prevent folding or tearing of the second graphene layer, the transfer process requires Received: May 16, 2011 Revised: July 1, 2011 ABSTRACT: We report a new and highly versatile approach to articial layered materials synthesis which borrows concepts of molecular beam epitaxy, self-assembly, and graphite intercala- tion compounds. It readily yields stacks of graphene (or other two-dimensional sheets) separated by virtually any kind of guestspecies. The new material can be sandwich like, for which the guest species are relatively closely spaced and form a near-continuous inner layer of the sandwich, or veil like, where the guest species are widely separated, with each guest individually draped within a close-tting, protective yet atom- ically thin graphene net or veil. The veils and sandwiches can be intermixed and used as a two-dimensional platform to control the movements and chemical interactions of guest species. KEYWORDS: Graphene, stacks of graphene, two-dimensional sheets, articial layered materials, two-dimensional platform

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  • Published: July 19, 2011

    r 2011 American Chemical Society 3290 |Nano Lett. 2011, 11, 3290–3294


    Graphene Veils and SandwichesJong Min Yuk,†,‡,|| Kwanpyo Kim,‡,|| Benjamín Alem�an,‡,|| William Regan,‡,|| Ji Hoon Ryu,† Jungwon Park,§,||

    Peter Ercius,^ Hyuck Mo Lee,† A. Paul Alivisatos,§,|| Michael F. Crommie,‡,|| Jeong Yong Lee,*,† andAlex Zettl*,‡,||

    †Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon 305-701, Korea‡Department of Physics and Center of Integrated Nanomechanical Systems and §Department of Chemistry, University of California atBerkeley, California 94720, United States

    )Materials Sciences Division and ^National Center for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley,California 94720, United States

    bS Supporting Information

    The development of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)1,2 in the

    late 1960s and early 1970s heralded a new era in materialssynthesis whereby structures unattainable by conventional crystalgrowth methods could be produced artificially, virtually atom-by-atom. Despite the phenomenal scientific success of MBE, themethod is technically intensive and has many limitations. Anotherapproach toward tailored layered materials is solution-based self-assembly,3,4 where appropriate surface chemistry is used to coaxdesired sequential and easily patterned molecular attachment.Graphite intercalation compounds (GICs),5,6 produced by allowingselected atoms or molecules to naturally insert themselves betweenthe graphene layers of graphite crystals, might also be viewed as aprimitive form of self-assembly. Concepts of these methods can beadapted to combine various functional materials with two-dimen-sional (2D) atomic-thick crystals, such as graphene, boron nitride(BN), several dichalcogenides, and complex oxides, exhibitingdramatically different properties with their 3D bulk materials.7

    Our approach to custom engineered layered compoundsutilizes thin preformed “host” sheets of materials which aresequentially stacked, layer-by-layer.8�10 Prior to the placementof each new sheet, however, “guest” species can be deposited onthe surface of the previous sheet. The guest deposition can beachieved via evaporation, sputtering methods, or solution de-position. Unlike the case for intercalation approaches, here theguest species are virtually unrestricted.5,6

    In the study reported here, we employ graphene as a proto-typical host material11,12 and metallic and semiconducting nano-crystals and nanorods as prototypical guest species. Of course,other hosts and guests are possible, including layered dichalco-genides or BN (or combinations)7 as hosts and alkali metals,organic complexes, and thin metal or dielectric films as guests.Graphene is a particularly desirable host, since it is atomicallythin with few defects13 and displays extraordinary electrical,mechanical, and thermal properties.14�16

    To produce graphene veil or sandwich superstructures, westart with large-area single-layer graphene (SLG) grown bychemical vapor deposition17 and transfer it to arbitrary rigidsubstrates such as SiO2, Si, or mica (Figure 1a). Quasi-free-standing superstructures are also produced for transmissionelectron microscopy (TEM) characterization utilizing QuantifoilTEM grids. Guest species selected fromAu, Pd, Sn, Co, and PbSeare deposited onto the graphene layer by drop-casting chemicallysynthesized nanoparticles or by electron (e)-beam evaporation(Figure 1b). A second single-layer graphene (SLG) sheet istransferred onto the first decorated graphene sheet thus coveringthe predeposited materials (Figure 1c). To prevent folding ortearing of the second graphene layer, the transfer process requires

    Received: May 16, 2011Revised: July 1, 2011

    ABSTRACT:We report a new and highly versatile approach toartificial layered materials synthesis which borrows concepts ofmolecular beam epitaxy, self-assembly, and graphite intercala-tion compounds. It readily yields stacks of graphene (or othertwo-dimensional sheets) separated by virtually any kind of“guest” species. The new material can be “sandwich like”, forwhich the guest species are relatively closely spaced and form anear-continuous inner layer of the sandwich, or “veil like”,where the guest species are widely separated, with each guestindividually draped within a close-fitting, protective yet atom-ically thin graphene net or veil. The veils and sandwiches can beintermixed and used as a two-dimensional platform to controlthe movements and chemical interactions of guest species.

    KEYWORDS: Graphene, stacks of graphene, two-dimensional sheets, artificial layered materials, two-dimensional platform

  • 3291 |Nano Lett. 2011, 11, 3290–3294

    Nano Letters LETTER

    a rigid support such as the holey amorphous carbon film of aQuantifoil TEM grid or a polymethyl methacrylate polymerbacking. Isopropanol (IPA) is used to wet both graphene layers,and as the IPA evaporates surface tension pulls the graphenelayers together to form a physical seal. If desired, the rigid supportstructure can be removed after the IPA fully evaporates.18,19 Forhigher-layer veil or sandwich structures, the guest deposition andgraphene layer addition processes are repeated (Figure 1d).

    The coupling between graphene layers and encapsulatedmaterials is easily tuned by controlling the density and packingstructure of the guest material during deposition. For highdensities or large sizes of guest species, adjacent graphene layershave little chance to seal together in the region between guests;hence, the possibility exists for guest species motion between thegraphene layers or atom exchange between guests. We term thisstructure a graphene sandwich superstructure (GSS) (Figure 1e).In the case of singular or more isolated guests, the guests areeffectively laminated between adjacent graphene sheets (orbetween graphene and the original substrate, if desired). We

    term this configuration a graphene veil superstructure (GVS)(Figure 1f). The distinct GSS and GVS morphologies can besequentially combined to create hybrid superstructures as shownin Figure 1g.

    We initially examine the structural morphology of a GVScontaining only chemically synthesized Au nanoparticles with∼10�24 nm diameters. Wemeasure the size of the encapsulatedparticles and topography of the superstructure surface by TEMand atomic force microscopy (AFM) (Figure 2a,b). Embeddedparticles induce relatively sharp local protrusions in the hostgraphene layers. We find that individual graphene veils encapsu-lating spherical Au nanoparticles often have a triangular pyrami-dal shape with associated ridges or wrinkles extending from theapex in three directions, which likely reflects the lattice symmetry(C3v) of graphene.

    20 Nanoparticles are encapsulated in the ridgesor along the wrinkles. The deviation angle from the horizontalplane in the graphene veil (∼21�, inset of Figure 2b) is largerthan the deviation angle (∼5�) of normal suspended graphene.21The width (w) of a graphene veil is approximately proportionalto the radius (R) of the encapsulated particle and is larger thanthe diameter of the encapsulated particle (Figure 2c).

    The relation between w and R can be understood by con-sidering the surface tension (T) and attractive van der Waalsenergy (Ev ∼ 0.3 J/m2) between graphene sheets.22 Figure 2dshows a simple two-dimensional model of a graphene veilstructure with the width w around the encapsulated particle.Outside of the veil structure, the double layer graphene is bondedvia the van der Waals interaction. Graphene layers in the veilstructure are decoupled from each other at clamped points withan angle θ, the deviation angle of the graphene from thehorizontal plane. From these geometrical considerations, therelation between w and R can be written as w = 2R/sinθ.By considering the force components in the y-direction at eachclamped point, T in the graphene layer can be estimated asT sinθ ∼ Ev. Therefore, we have the following relation betweenw and R:

    w ∼ 2TEv


    According to our model, w will be proportional to R at acertain constant value of T, which agrees well with our experi-mental data (Figure 2c). The assumption of the constant tensionT in graphene is also reasonable, since T mainly depends on themethod of the graphene veil preparation.23,24 The slope of thefitting line from data in Figure 2c yields θ∼ 21� andT∼ 0.8 N/mfor our graphene veil structures.

    For a given graphene structure encapsulating nanoparticleswith an average size R, the distinct veil structure becomes blurredwhen w(R) is equal to ~d, the average distance between particles.When the average distance between particles is larger than thewidth of the graphene veil (~d > w), individual particles are mainlyisolated from each other resulting in a well-defined GVS. In thecase of ~d < w, open graphene channels are created between guestparticles, resulting in an effective GSS.

    Even if the same host material (graphene) and guest speciesare employed, the physical properties of unveiled, veil, andsandwich structures can be remarkably different. Here weexamine the high temperature behavior of Au nanoparticles onopen (unveiled) SLG, in a GVS, and in a GSS.We perform in situTEM Joule heating experiments25 and examine the evolution ofthe Au particles in real time. Figure 3a shows two frames from a

    Figure 1. Schematic of the process flow for graphene-based super-structure fabrication. (a) Large-area SLG on an arbitrary substrate. (b)Deposition of various materials by either drop-casting chemicallysynthesized materials or e-beam evaporation. (c) A second SLG issuperimposed on the first graphene layer, thus encapsulating thedeposited materials. IPA is used to wet the graphene layers andintercalants to improve graphene�graphene or graphene�intercalantbonding after drying. (d) Repeating steps b and c results in a multilayergraphene-based superstructure encapsulating different materials. (e�g)Schematics of a graphene sandwich superstructure (GSS), graphene veilsuperstructure (GVS), and a hybrid superstructure of GSSs and GVSs.Various types of intercalants are represented by different colorsand sizes.

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    video sequence, acquired 32.9 s apart, of Au nanoparticles at theirmelting temperature of approximately 1300 K.26 In general, theparticles are nearly round and exhibit dark TEM contrastindependent of their orientation and size, which indicates thatthey are molten. During the in situ Joule heating experiment, wetrackmi(t), the mass of the ith particle at Joule heating time t. Weapproximate particles as cylinders with diameters ∼5 times theheight.27 The mass of the particle can be calculated by (19.3g cm�3)(π(D/2)2)(D/5), where the diameter (D) of eachparticle is measured from video frames (Movies S1 and S2 inthe Supporting Information). Figure 3b shows the total mass ofparticles, mT ¼ ∑imiðtÞ on a SLG, in a GVS, and in a GSS as afunction of the Joule heating time. The mT for particles on theSLG decays exponentially with time because Au nanoparticlesevaporate almost immediately upon reaching their meltingtemperature due to their high vapor pressure (2.17 � 10�3Pa)28 relative to the TEM vacuum (

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    beam, in which they coalescence via rupture of the passivatingcarbon shell.31 Although local stretching of the graphe-ne�graphene distance along the out of plane direction occursnear guest particles, other areas without nanoparticles areperfectly coupled and produce Moir�e patterns (Figure S1 inthe Supporting Information).32 The Moir�e pattern depends onthe in-plane rotation between the hexagonal lattices of the upperand lower graphene layers (Figure S2 in the Supporting In-formation). The misalignments observed in our artificial gra-phene superstructures are clearly different from naturallyoccurring bilayer graphene with Bernal (AB) stacking of graphiteand the AAA... stacking of carbon nanofilms.33 In a GSS, themass transfer is approximately 60% of the total mass after 32.9 s,more than 3 times the total mass loss. This behavior is starklydifferent than that for a GVS. Particles in a GSS can migrate andagglomerate together. In the case of Au nanoparticles describedhere, the mass transport is apparently via single-atom migrationin the relatively “open” region between slightly separated gra-phene sheets.34

    In principle, there is no limit to the number of graphenetransfer and deposition steps used in fabrication of a givengraphene superstructure, which allows the fabrication of virtuallyany desirable structure. The number of graphene layers betweendifferent guest species can be also precisely controlled by thenumber of subsequent SLG transfer steps. There are a variety ofmaterials that can be incorporated into the superstructure. Wehave examined conducting guests (for example, Au, Pd, and Sn),semiconducting guests (PbSe), and magnetic guests (Co).

    Figure 4 shows higher-order graphene-based veil, sandwich,and hybrid veil/sandwich structures built up from multipledeposition steps and using a variety of guests. The morphologyof the guests and the number of SLGs separating guests areconfirmed by selected-area electron diffraction patterns (FigureS3 in the Supporting Information). Figure 4a shows multilayerGSS (SLG/Sn/SLG/Au/SLG), fabricated by deposition of Snand Au with nominal thicknesses of ∼3 and ∼5 nm on thegraphene by e-beam evaporation. Graphene is generally chemi-cally inert, causing the guests to form metal islands rather thanwetting the graphene surface.35 In the case of e-beam evaporatednanoparticles, grain boundaries, and some bilayer or multilayerregions of graphene could influence nanoparticle adhesion onSLG.27,36 However, nanoparticle adhesion in GSSs and GVSsseems to be more affected by the ridges or wrinkles of graphene

    sheets, which make nanoparticles array or come together in GSSs(Figure S4 in the Supporting Information). Figure 4b showsmultilayer GVS (SLG/Pd/SLG/PbSe/SLG), fabricated by drop-casting chemically synthesized Pd and PbSe with average dia-meters of ∼15 and ∼20 nm on the graphene. Encapsulation ofparticles can result in GVSs with folded and wrinkled graphenestructures. Figure 4c shows multilayer hybrid superstructure ofGSS and GVS (SLG/Co/SLG/Au/SLG), fabricated by deposi-tion of Co with nominal thickness of ∼4 nm followed by drop-casting chemically synthesized Au particles with average dia-meters of ∼7 nm on the graphene.

    These veil, sandwich, and hybrid superstructures can be usedas nanoscale reaction chambers for alloying and coalescence ofdiverse guest materials. In addition, the veils and sandwiches,which can be intermixed, have implications for chemical sensors,solar cells, batteries, and other optical, magnetic, and structuralapplications.


    bS Supporting Information. Graphene sample preparation,preparation of nanocrystals, graphene sandwich superstructureand graphene veil superstructure fabrication, TEM and AFMimaging processing, supporting Figures S1�S4, and supportingMovies S1�S3. This material is available free of charge via theInternet at


    Corresponding Author*E-mail: [email protected] (J.Y.L.); [email protected] (A.Z.).


    We thank W. Gannett for helpful discussions and M. L. Tangat U.C. Berkeley for helpful discussions and for preparation ofnanoparticles. This research was supported in part by theDirector, Office of Energy Research, Materials Sciences andEngineering Division, of the U.S. Department of Energy underContract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231, which provided for in situTEM experiments; by the National Science Foundation withinthe Center of Integrated Nanomechanical Systems, under GrantEEC-0832819, which provided for CVD graphene synthesis; by

    Figure 4. TEM images of GSS, GVS, and a hybrid of the two superstructures: (a) GSS encapsulating metallic materials (Sn and Au), (b) GVSencapsulating metallic (Pd) and semiconducting (PbSe) materials, (c) hybrid superstructure of GSS and GVS encapsulating magnetic (Co) andmetallic(Au) materials, respectively. Below each image, schematics show cross-sectional views of the corresponding TEM images. Scale bars represent 100 nm.

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    the Physical Chemistry of Semiconductor Nanocrystals Program,KC3105, Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic EnergySciences, of the United States Department of Energy underContract DE-AC02-05CH11231, which provided for nanopar-ticle synthesis; and by the National Science Foundation underGrant No. 0906539, which provided for design of the experi-ment, sample preparation, and analysis of the results. High-resolution imaging of graphene was performed at the NationalCenter for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley NationalLaboratory, which is supported by the U.S. Department ofEnergy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. J.M.Y. andJ.Y.L. acknowledge the financial support from Priority ResearchCenters Program through the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science andTechnology (Grant No. 2009-0094040); W.R. acknowledgessupport through a National Science Foundation Graduate Re-search Fellowship; and B.A. acknowledges support from the UCBerkeley A.J. Macchi Fellowship Fund in the Physical Sciences.


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