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Graph: representation and traversal CISC4080, Computer Algorithms CIS, Fordham Univ. Instructor: X. Zhang

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Page 1: Graph: representation and traversal - Fordham University · Graph: representation and traversal CISC4080, Computer Algorithms CIS, Fordham Univ. Instructor: X. Zhang

Graph: representation and traversal CISC4080, Computer Algorithms

CIS, Fordham Univ.

Instructor: X. Zhang

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Outline• Breath first search/traversal

• review

• Depth first search/traversal

• …


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BFS(V, E, s)1. for each u in V - {s}

2. do color[u] = WHITE

3. d[u] ← ∞

4. pred[u] = NIL

5. color[s] = GRAY

6. d[s] ← 0

7. pred[s] = NIL

8. Q = empty

9. ENQUEUE(Q, s) Q: s

∞ 0 ∞ ∞

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

r s t u

v w x y

∞ ∞ ∞

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

r s t u

v w x y

r s t u

v w x y


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BFS(V, E, s)10. while Q not empty

11. u ← DEQUEUE(Q)

12. for each v in Adj[u]

13. if color[v] = WHITE

14. then color[v] = GRAY

15. d[v] ← d[u] + 1

16. pred[v] = u

17. ENQUEUE(Q, v)

18. color[u] = BLACK

∞ 0 ∞ ∞

∞ 1 ∞ ∞

r s t u

v w x y

Q: w

Q: s∞ 0 ∞ ∞

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

r s t u

v w x y

1 0 ∞ ∞

∞ 1 ∞ ∞

r s t u

v w x y

Q: w, r


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• Breath first traversal:

• Use FIFO queue to stores all grey nodes

• Explore nodes based upon their discovering time:

First-In(Discover) First-Out (Explore)

• Go as wide as possible, discover all nodes at one

hop, two hop, … k-hop away….

• Depth first traversal: • Explore nodes that are most recently discovered, go

as deep as possible

• Guess what data structure is used? 5

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Ideas & Application• Breath first traversal:

• Go as wide as possible, discover all nodes at one hop, two hop,

… k-hop away….

• Find shortest (hop count) path from s to all reachable nodes

• Depth first traversal: • Explore nodes that are most recently discovered, go as deep as

possible and backtrack when stuck

• Used to discover cycle, topological sorting. Similar to puzzle


• Both color nodes, set pred[u] to predecessor node


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Depth-First Traversal

• Input: G = (V, E)

• Idea:

1. Start exploring from a node (arbitrarily chosen)

2. Explore a node by following edge (if directed edge, in the direction of edge) to discover a neighboring node

3. Then explore most recently discovered node


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Depth-First Traversal• Search “deeper” in graph whenever

possible • explore edge of most recently discovered

node v to find a new node

1. Say we start from u

2. explore edges of u, to discover v (now v is mostly recently discovered node)

3. explore edges of v to discover y

4. explore edges of y to discover x


u v w

x y z

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Depth-First Traversal: Backtrack• After all neighbors of v have been

explored, “backtracks” to parent (predecessor) of v

5. explore edges of x, both v and u already discovered

6. x has no other (out-going) edge, backtrack to y (we discover x via y, so y is x’s parent)

7. backtrack to y, explore edges of y, no “white” neighbors

8. backtrack to v, no “white” neighbors

8. backtrack to u, u has another edge, leading to x, already discovered,

9. u has no parent (nowhere to backtrack). All nodes reachable from u has been explored…


u v w

x y z

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Depth-First Traversal: visit all! • Continue until all nodes reachable

from original source have been discovered

• If undiscovered nodes remain, choose one of them as a new source and repeat search from that node

9. u has no parent (no where to backtrack).

10. Choose w (or z) to explore next //any white node

11. Follow edge (w,z) to discover z

12. z has no new neighbor, backtrack to w

13. w has no other edge (turn black), no parent

14. All nodes have been discovered, done!


u v w

x y z

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DFS (G): summary• Start exploration from any src node (randomly selected) • Search “deeper” in graph whenever possible: keep on

following an edge of most recently discovered node v to discover a new neighbor node

• After all neighbors of v have been explored, “backtracks” to parent/predecessor of v

• Continue until all nodes reachable from original src have been discovered

• If undiscovered nodes remain, choose one of them as a new source and repeat search from that vertex


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DFS: data structure• Use Color to denote state of nodes

• white: not discovered, not explored

• gray: discovered, in the process of being explored

• black: discovered, and done exploring • pred[u]: predecessor/parent node of node u

• previous node on the path to u

• i.e., we discover u via pred[u]


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1 ≤ d[u] < f [u]

• d[u]– discovery time (when u turns gray) • f[u] – finish time (when u turns black)

• during (d[u], f[u]), node u is grey • Instead of using wall-clock, we maintain:

• virtual clock: an integer initialized to 0, incremented when something of interests happens, i.e., nodes are discovered/finished

DFS Data Structures



d[u] f[u] d[v] f[v]

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DFS(V, E)1. for each u ∈ V

2. do color[u] ← WHITE 3. pred[u] ← NIL 4. time ← 0 5. for each u ∈ V

6. do if color[u] = WHITE 7. then DFS-VISIT(u) 8. //^^ DFS traversal from node u to 9. // discover all nodes reachable from u

u v w

x y z


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DFS_VISIT(s): initialization

1. {

2. //initialization

3. color[s] = GRAY

4. pred[s] = NIL

5. S = empty //empty stack

6. S.Push(s)

r s t u

v w x y


//discover/explore all white nodes that are reachable from s and in depth first manner DFS_VISIT(s)

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DFS_VISIT(s): cont’d

6. while S not empty

7. u ←

8. if there is a white node v in Adj[u]

9. time++, d[v]=time

10. color[v] = GRAY

11. pred[v] = u //discover v via u

12. S.push(v)

13. else //done with u

14. time++, f[u]=time

15. color[u] = BLACK

16. S.pop() //pop u from stack

17. // stack top element is parent of u

18. } //end of DFS_VISIT16

Use Stack S to backtrack: LIFO allows us to go back to parent/predecessor, and parent’s parent,… (i.e., backtrack)

r s t u

v w x y



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DFS(): tracing


1. all nodes colored white 2. pick a white node arbitrarily, say t as src, 3. DFS_visit(src=t) 4. go back to 2 until no more white nodes

* label node with (d[u], f[u], pred[u]) * shade for color

Time: 0

r s t u

v w x y



Current node u:

New neighbor v:

Stack S:

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DFS_VISIT(s)1. {

2. //initialization

3. color[s] = GRAY

4. time++; d[s] = time

5. S = empty //empty stack

6. S.Push(s)


7. while S not empty

8. u ←

9. if there is a white node v in Adj[u]

10. time++, d[v]=time

11. color[v] = GRAY

12. pred[v] = u //discover v via u

13. S.push(v)

14. else //done with u

15. time++, f[u]=time

16. color[u] = BLACK

17. S.pop() //pop u from stack

18. } //end of DFS_VISIT

Push a node u into a stack: start to explore u’s neighbors, neighbor’s neighbors

Pop a node: done with it, go back to parent

Like recursive calls! calling a function => push to call stack return from a function call => pop call stack

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Recursive DFS-VISIT(u)

1. DFS_VISIT(u) 2. { 3. color[u] = GRAY

4. time++; d[u] = time

5. for each v ∈ Adj[u]

6. if color[v] = WHITE 7. pred[v] ← u 8. DFS-VISIT(v) 9. //end of for loop 10. color[u] ← BLACK //done with u 11. time ← time + 1 12. f[u] ← time 13. } //return means backtrack to caller


1. DFS(G=(V,E)) 2. {

4. time ← 0 5. for each u ∈ V

6. color[u] ← WHITE

7. pred[u] ← NIL 4. 5. for each u ∈ V

6. if color[u] = WHITE 7. DFS-VISIT(u) 8. }

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Recursive DFS tracing

u v w

x y z


a b

Time: 0

1. DFS(G=(V,E))

2. {

4. time ← 0

5. for each u ∈ V

6. color[u] ← WHITE

7. pred[u] ← NIL


5. for each u ∈ V

6. if color[u] = WHITE


8. }

Assume a is picked firt

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Recursive DFS_VISIT(u=a)

u v w

x y z


a b

Time: 0

DFS (u=a)

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• Perform DFS


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Analysis of DFS(V, E)1. for each u ∈ V

2. do color[u] ← WHITE

3. pred[u] ← NIL 4. time ← 0 5. for each u ∈ V

6. do if color[u] = WHITE

7. then DFS-VISIT(u)


Θ(|V|) – without counting the time for DFS-VISIT


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Analysis of DFS-VISIT(u)1. DFS_VISIT(u) 2. { 3. color[u] ← GRAY 4. time ← time+1 5. d[u] ← time 4. for each v ∈ Adj[u]

5. if color[v] = WHITE 6. pred[v] ← u 7. DFS-VISIT(v) 8. color[u] ← BLACK 9. time ← time + 1 10. f[u] ← time

11. }

iterates for |Adj[u]| times

DFS-VISIT is called exactly once for each vertex

Total: Σu∈V |Adj[u]| + Θ(|V|) =

Θ(|E|) = Θ(|V| + |E|)24

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• DFS Forest • Different edges: tree edge, back edge,…

• Application of DFS • cycle detection • topological sorting


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DFS Tree Edge and DFS Forest1. color[u] ← GRAY 2. time ← time+1 3. d[u] ← time 4. for each v ∈ Adj[u]

5. do if color[v] = WHITE 6. then pred[v] ← u 7. DFS-VISIT(v) 8. color[u] ← BLACK //done with u 9. time ← time + 1

10. f[u] ← time


(u,v) is a tree edge.

1/8 2/7 9/12

4/5 3/6 10/11

u v w

x y z



When follow an edge of u to find a white neighbor v, then (u, v) is a tree edge

DFS Forest G’ (V’,E’) is a subgraph of G (V,E) • with V’=V //all nodes are included • E’={all tree edges in DFS} • Roots are the nodes from which we call DFS_VISIT

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Edge Classification• In DFS, when follow an edge of u to

find its neighbor v,

• if v is WHITE : – (u, v) is a tree edge

– if v was first discovered by exploring edge (u, v)

• if v is GRAY: – (u, v) is a back edge, connecting a

vertex u to an ancestor node v in a depth first tree

– Self loops (in directed graphs) are also back edges


u v w

x y z

1/ 2/

4/ 3/

u v w

x y z



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Edge Classification• if v is BLACK, and d[u] < d[v]:

– (u,v) is forward edge, non-tree edge

that connects a vertex u to a descendant v in a depth first tree

• if v is BLACK and d[u] > d[v]:

– (u,v) is cross edge – Can go between vertices in same depth-first

tree (as long as there is no ancestor / descendant relation) or between different depth-first trees

– e.g., (w,y) in example

1/ 2/7

4/5 3/6

u v w

x y z


1/8 2/7 9/

4/5 3/6

u v w

x y z



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Example (cont.)

1/8 2/7

4/5 3/6

u v w

x y z

BF1/8 2/7 9/

4/5 3/6

u v w

x y z

BF1/8 2/7 9/

4/5 3/6

u v w

x y z


1/8 2/7 9/

4/5 3/6 10/

u v w

x y z

BFC 1/8 2/7 9/

4/5 3/6 10/

u v w

x y z



1/8 2/7 9/

4/5 3/6 10/11

u v w

x y z



1/8 2/7 9/12

4/5 3/6 10/11

u v w

x y z



The results of DFS may depend on: • The order in which nodes are explored in procedure DFS • The order in which the neighbors of a vertex are visited in DFS-VISIT


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Predecessor and Descendant• u = pred[v] ⟺ DFS-VISIT(v) was called

during a search of u’s adjacency list

• u is “direct” predecessor of v

• v is “direct” descendant of u

• Vertex v is a descendant of vertex u in depth

first forest ⟺ v is discovered while u is gray

• if we follow predecessor pointers(a back

pointer to predecessor node) from v, we will

reach u

1/ 2/


u v w

x y z


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Other Properties of DFSCorollary

Vertex v is a descendant of u

⟺ d[u] < d[v] < f[v] < f[u]

i.e., v is discovered after u is discovered,

v is finished before u is finished

Verify this using the example

1/8 2/7 9/12

4/5 3/6 10/11






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Parenthesis Theorem*In any DFS of a graph G, for all

u, v, exactly one of the

following holds: 1. [d[u], f[u]] and [d[v], f[v]] are

disjoint, and neither of u and v is a

descendant of the other

2. [d[v], f[v]] is entirely within [d[u],

f[u]] and v is a descendant of u

3. [d[u], f[u]] is entirely within [d[v],

f[v]] and u is a descendant of v

3/6 2/9 1/10

4/5 7/8 12/13uvwx

y z s




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1311 12 14 15 16




v u

y w


(s (z (y (x x) y) (w w) z) s) v)(t (v (u u) t)

Well-formed expression: parenthesis are properly nested 32

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Directed Acyclic Graph• DAG: A directed graph that has

no cycle • often used to represent

precedence of events or processes that have a partial order

• for some pairs, there is a precedence relation, i.e., PutOnSocks and PutOnShoes,

• but for some other pairs of events, there is no precedence relation between them, i.e., PutOnSocks and PutOnWatch

• How to decide whether a directed graph G=(V,E) has cycle or not? 33










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cycle and back edge

• A directed graph is acyclic ⟺ a DFS on G yields no back edges (i.e., when exploring adjacent nodes of node u, we never see a gray node).

• Proof: acyclic ⇒ no back edge by contraposition

Assume back edge ⇒ prove cycle

If there is a back edge (u, v) (v is grey when exploring u) ⇒ v is an ancestor of u, i.e., v=pred[pred[…pred[u]..]

⇒ there is a path from v to u in G: v, …, u

⇒ v, …, u, v is a path (as there is an back edge (u, v)), yield a cycle



(u, v)


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cycle and back edge (cont’d)

• A directed graph is acyclic ⟺ a DFS on G yields no back edges (i.e., when exploring adjacent nodes of node u, we never see a gray node).

• Proof: no back edge => acyclic by contrapositio • show cyclic => back edge • Consider shortest cycle: • Suppose among nodes in the cycle, v is

discovered first, • DFS discover all nodes that are reachable from v,

including u • when exploring u, we will reach v via a back edge (i.e.,

v is still GRAY, not yet finished)



(u, v)


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Using DFS to detect cycle• A directed graph is acyclic ⟺ a DFS on G yields no

back edges (i.e., when exploring adjacent nodes of current node u, we never see a gray node).

• Is there a cycle?


u v w

x y z

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Topological Sort: intro.












• nodes represent various steps in getting dressed

• edge (a,b) means a needs to be done before b

• e.g., need to put on undershorts before putting on pants

• How to get dressed, i.e., what to do first, second, third, … and last?

• Is there only one way?


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Topological Sort












Topological sort of a DAG G = (V, E): is a linear sorting/ordering of nodes such that if there exists an edge (u, v), then u appears before v.

If we consider rearranging all nodes in one line:

the arrows on all edges are pointing to right:

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Topological Sort Algorithm


• Given a DAG G=(V,E):

• Output: Topological ordering of nodes such that if there exists an edge (u, v), then u appears before v.

• Brute force way?










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Topological Sort Algorithm


• Given a DAG G=(V,E):

• Output: Topological ordering of nodes such that for any u, v, if there exists an edge (u, v), then u appears before v.

• Fact: If there is a edge from u to v in a DAG, then during any DFS, u finishes at a later time than v (i.e., f[u]>f[v]) (to be proved)

• Algorithm: Run DFS, and then sort nodes in descending order of their finish time to get topological order

• node finish last is put first, … node finish first is put in last place

• Correctness:

• if there is a edge from u to v, then f[u]>f[v],

• then above algorithms put u before v in topological ordering:

…. u … v ….

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Topological Sort










TOPOLOGICAL-SORT(V, E) 1. Call DFS(V, E), during which

when each node is finished, insert it into front of a linked list

2. Return linked list of nodes as topological order










16 17/18


Running time: Θ(|V| + |E|)


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Topological Sort Algorithm


• Fact: If there is an edge from u to v in a DAG, then during a DFS (regardless of the choice of starting nodes), u always finishes at a later time than v (i.e., f[u]>f[v])

• (Prove by considering two possible cases) • case 1: if d[u]<d[v] (i.e., u is discovered before v is discovered):

• consider recursive version: DFS_VISIT(u) calls DFS_VISIT(v), similarly for non-recursive implementation

• so f[u]>f[v] (u finishes at a later time then v)

• case 2: if d[v]<d[u] (i.e., v is discovered before u is discovered)

• there is no cycle => there is no path from v to u (otherwise cycle exists v…u,v

• => u is not discovered during DFS_VISIT(v)

• =>v will finish before u starts, so f[v]<s[u]<f[u]

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Summary• Graph everywhere: represent binary relation

• Graph Representation

• Adjacent lists, Adjacent matrix

• Path, Cycle, Tree, Connectivity

• Graph Traversal Algorithm: systematic way to explore graph (nodes)

• BFS yields a fat and short tree

• App: find shortest hop path from a node to other nodes

• DFS yields forest made up of lean and tall tree

• App: detect cycles and topological sorting (for DAG)