grammatical errors in students’ abstract translation

Grammatical Errors in Students’ Abstract Translation Syayidatul Ummah Teguh Setiawan Faculty of Post Graduate Faculty of Post Graduate Yogyakarta State University Yogyakarta State University Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia [email protected] [email protected] AbstractTranslation plays an important role in social life. Since translation is not an easy work, the translators should carry out a good amount of knowledge in linguistics, cultural aspect, and other skill related to human life. Occasionally, a faulty in translation causes a violation in the result and is inacceptable in the target text. The aim of this research is to identify the grammatical problems in students’ abstract translation in IAIN Metro. The data was taken from 20 abstract translations of students’ undergraduate theses in IAIN Metro. Observation, documentation, and note taking are the techniques in collecting the data. This research used human instrument to analyze the data. To analyze the data, the researcher applied Miles and Huberman Model that consists of data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion. The result shows that most students make some grammatical errors in translating abstract. The researcher found 182 errors in total from 5 categories that are verb, number, s-v agreement, parallelism, and unnatural structure. Keywordstranslation, error analysis, grammatical error, abstract I. INTRODUCTION Translation activity has become people’s urgent need particularly when they are involved in bilingual communication. Thus, having ability in translation is a necessity for students in learning language, primarily foreign language. The ability in translation is very useful to help students in understanding those materials such as article, journal, essay or even textbook. Moreover, it can also be an asset for students to study linguistic feature and the cultural aspect of language. However, translation is not an easy work and is a combination of art and skill [1]. It needs a comprehension about the structure of both source and target language indeed to make a good translation result. A good translation should also convey meaning as perhaps the readers could understand or interpret the message. One of the language aspects required in a good and readable translation is grammar. Grammar is one of the most important aspects in translation. The use of grammar influences the meaning or message of the translated text since to produce the equivalent message is basic aim of translation activity. Grammar mistakes which appear in translation will deliver the different messages that are unacceptable and incomprehensible to the readership. Moreover, it will be great problem if the errors occur in academic writing. The academic culture of pursuing a degree in Indonesia requires a thing to show the credential fulfillment and knowledge application at the end of the year of the study. It is applied to all degrees of the university levels whether for the undergraduate and graduate students. This matter is under the discussion of the academic writing. It is designed for anyone who is studying in colleges or universities or making writing assignments for a course. For the bachelor’s degree students, writing an undergraduate thesis is one of the fulfillments. An undergraduate thesis consists of several parts, in which one of them is the abstract. Abstract or abstraction is a greatly important part of undergraduate thesis, because it can describe the content of the writing generally. Even, many undergraduate thesis readers only read the writing from its abstract. Although translating abstract has run for about several years in IAIN Metro, some common grammatical errors are still found. If the errors can not be decreased, it will cause not good, especially for the writer and all students who certainly will write academic paper. Thus, studying students’ grammatical errors is very effective way in showing students’ weakness in translation. Abassi and Karimnia in [2], state that analysis of errors in students’ translation revealed significant shortfalls in English grammar. It is also a way to know some problems that the students have and to make the teacher know what he/she still needs to teach in order to improve students’ skill particularly in translation. In addition, the teacher could understand students’ errors and could build the educational techniques and methods to improve the level of their students and to help students avoid most of the interference errors [3]. Several studies have been carried out to identify errors in producing English language. Lecturer of Applied Linguistic in King Khalid University, Al-Badawi in [4] conducted a research towards his students in learning English to identify common phonetic, morphological, and syntactic errors. The finding revealed that the errors made by the students are substitution of the consonants /f/ for /v/ and /p/ for /b/ and the vowels /ə/ for / Ɔ/, /ə/ for /Ʊ/ and /ε/ for /ɪ/; failure to use the plural and third-person singular (-s/es), the comparative (-er), and the progressive (-ing); and lack of subjectverb agreement, erroneous use of prepositions, and erroneous addition and deletion of certain auxiliaries. Usha and Kader in [5], studied morphological and syntactical errors made by secondary school students of Kerala. The result study revealed several major types of International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018) Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 297 411

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Grammatical Errors in Students’ Abstract


Syayidatul Ummah Teguh Setiawan

Faculty of Post Graduate Faculty of Post Graduate Yogyakarta State University Yogyakarta State University

Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—Translation plays an important role in social

life. Since translation is not an easy work, the translators

should carry out a good amount of knowledge in linguistics,

cultural aspect, and other skill related to human life.

Occasionally, a faulty in translation causes a violation in the

result and is inacceptable in the target text. The aim of this

research is to identify the grammatical problems in students’

abstract translation in IAIN Metro. The data was taken from

20 abstract translations of students’ undergraduate theses in

IAIN Metro. Observation, documentation, and note taking are

the techniques in collecting the data. This research used human

instrument to analyze the data. To analyze the data, the

researcher applied Miles and Huberman Model that consists of

data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion.

The result shows that most students make some grammatical

errors in translating abstract. The researcher found 182 errors

in total from 5 categories that are verb, number, s-v

agreement, parallelism, and unnatural structure.

Keywords—translation, error analysis, grammatical error,



Translation activity has become people’s urgent need

particularly when they are involved in bilingual

communication. Thus, having ability in translation is a

necessity for students in learning language, primarily

foreign language. The ability in translation is very useful to

help students in understanding those materials such as

article, journal, essay or even textbook. Moreover, it can

also be an asset for students to study linguistic feature and the cultural aspect of language.

However, translation is not an easy work and is a

combination of art and skill [1]. It needs a comprehension

about the structure of both source and target language

indeed to make a good translation result. A good translation

should also convey meaning as perhaps the readers could

understand or interpret the message. One of the language

aspects required in a good and readable translation is


Grammar is one of the most important aspects in

translation. The use of grammar influences the meaning or

message of the translated text since to produce the equivalent message is basic aim of translation activity.

Grammar mistakes which appear in translation will deliver

the different messages that are unacceptable and

incomprehensible to the readership. Moreover, it will be

great problem if the errors occur in academic writing.

The academic culture of pursuing a degree in Indonesia

requires a thing to show the credential fulfillment and

knowledge application at the end of the year of the study. It

is applied to all degrees of the university levels whether for

the undergraduate and graduate students. This matter is

under the discussion of the academic writing. It is designed for anyone who is studying in colleges or universities or

making writing assignments for a course. For the bachelor’s

degree students, writing an undergraduate thesis is one of

the fulfillments. An undergraduate thesis consists of several

parts, in which one of them is the abstract.

Abstract or abstraction is a greatly important part of

undergraduate thesis, because it can describe the content of

the writing generally. Even, many undergraduate thesis

readers only read the writing from its abstract. Although

translating abstract has run for about several years in IAIN

Metro, some common grammatical errors are still found. If the errors can not be decreased, it will cause not good,

especially for the writer and all students who certainly will

write academic paper.

Thus, studying students’ grammatical errors is very

effective way in showing students’ weakness in translation.

Abassi and Karimnia in [2], state that analysis of errors in

students’ translation revealed significant shortfalls in

English grammar. It is also a way to know some problems

that the students have and to make the teacher know what

he/she still needs to teach in order to improve students’ skill

particularly in translation. In addition, the teacher could

understand students’ errors and could build the educational techniques and methods to improve the level of their

students and to help students avoid most of the interference

errors [3].

Several studies have been carried out to identify errors in

producing English language. Lecturer of Applied Linguistic

in King Khalid University, Al-Badawi in [4] conducted a

research towards his students in learning English to identify

common phonetic, morphological, and syntactic errors. The

finding revealed that the errors made by the students are

substitution of the consonants /f/ for /v/ and /p/ for /b/ and

the vowels /ə/ for / Ɔ/, /ə/ for /Ʊ/ and /ε/ for /ɪ/; failure to use the plural and third-person singular (-s/es), the comparative

(-er), and the progressive (-ing); and lack of subject–verb

agreement, erroneous use of prepositions, and erroneous

addition and deletion of certain auxiliaries.

Usha and Kader in [5], studied morphological and

syntactical errors made by secondary school students of

Kerala. The result study revealed several major types of

International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018)

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 297


syntactic errors that are concord in auxiliaries, SVO pattern,

articles, prepositions and tenses and affixation and

compound related errors, failure to use the marker (-er) and

conversion related errors are major types of morphological

error. Based on the researcher observation, it is true that the

students make errors in their translation. In general, most of

errors are related to the lexical adjustment, grammar, and

cultural terms. The condition becomes worst because the

students have lack of motivation in practicing translation.

The existence of different grammar rules in English and

Bahasa Indonesia is possibly the reason why students often

do the errors. For instance, English has concept of tenses for

verb and subject verb agreement, while grammar in Bahasa

Indonesia does not have any.

Regarding to the existing problem of grammatical aspect

and the need of analysis on the students’ translating work, the researcher analyzed the grammatical errors on the

abstract translation of students’ undergraduate theses of

English Department at IAIN Metro.

The rest of this paper is organized as follow: Section II

describes the literature review. Section III describes the

proposed research method. Section IV describes the

obtained results and following by discussion. Finally,

Section VI concludes this work.


This section presents the literature review.

A. Translation

The term translation generally defines as the process of

changing form of the original language (the source language

or SL) into a different language (the target language or TL).

This type accords with inter-lingual translation or translation

proper which is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of

some other language [6]. Another definition is proposed by

Nida and Taber in [7] that translating consists of

reproducing the closest natural equivalence of a source

language in the receptor language, both in term of meaning

and in term of style.

J.C. Catford explains that translation is the change of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual

material in another language (TL) (Catford: 1978: 20). The

term textual material underlines the fact that it is not the

entirety of SL text which is translated, that is, replaced by

TL equivalents. For example, if we translate the Indonesian

text “Kemana kau pergi?” into English as “Where are you

going?”, there is replacement of SL (Indonesia) grammar

and lexis by equivalent TL (English) grammar and lexis.

In translating the text, several steps are needed to gain

good translation result. Budianto in [8] divides translation

process in three steps: a. Understanding the meaning or message of SL text,

through analyzing its words, phrases, and sentence

structures or grammar used on the sentences;

b. Finding out the equivalent meanings of the text to

transfer the analyzed messages in SL into the TL


c. Reconstructing the equivalent meanings of SL to TL

with equivalent forms or sentence patterns.

In translating, the first step is to study the whole text to

get the general idea or to understand the message of the text,

after obtaining a picture of the message, translator analyses

it into its parts meaning to know how the message is described in the SL sentences; how those sentences related

to another; what kinds of dictions/words are used to bring

message. After that, translator finds out their equivalent to

target language and arranges them in the most natural

patterns in TL. Furthermore, the cultural aspects of SL must

be replaced with the ones in TL. In other words, the analysis

will move in the opposite direction from the fragments to

the whole, from the simpler to the more complex. The

smallest unit of the equivalent should be determined first,

and then combine them into longer unit, next come to the

whole text.

The next step is to reread the whole new text to evaluate equivalent result of the SL message to know whether the

text in TL give the same effect to the reader who reads it as

he reads the SL text or not. Additionally, to achieve a

translation result sounds like original, translator must make

lexical and grammatical adjustment to the TL.

B. Error Analysis

Errors reflect gaps in learners’ knowledge; they occur

because the learner does not know what correct is [9]. It

means that error is caused by lack of knowledge about the target language. Dulay, et al., in [10], describes that errors

are the flawed side of learner speech or writing. They are

those parts of conversation or composition that deviate from

some selected norm of nature language performance. Brown

in [11] defines an error as a noticeable deviation from the

adult grammar of a native speaker, reflecting language

competence of the learner.

The study of learner’s error is called by linguist as error

analysis. Ellis and Barkhuizen in [12], note that error

analysis consists of a set of procedures for identifying,

describing, and explaining learner errors. Furthermore,

Brown in [11], adds that error analysis is the process to observe, analyze, and classify the deviation of the rules of

the second language and then to reveal the systems operated

by learner. In short, these procedures cannot be separated to

analyze the errors made by the learners. It is carried out to

get information on common difficulties faced by learner

which enables to help teachers to correct the students’ errors

and improves the strategies of their teaching method.

Dulay, et al., in [10] propose four descriptive

classifications to analyze errors. They are as follows:

1. Error in linguistic taxonomy Linguistic taxonomy classifies errors according to either

or both the language components and the linguistic

constituent the error affects. Language components include

phonology (pronunciation), syntax and morphology

(grammar), semantic and lexicon (meaning and vocabulary),

and discourse (style). Constituent includes the elements that

comprise each language component. For example, within

syntax one may ask whether the error is in the main or

subordinate clause, which constituent is affected, e.g. the

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 297


noun phrase, the auxiliary, the verb phrase, the preposition,

the adverb, the adjective, and so forth.

2. Surface Strategy Taxonomy

Surface strategy taxonomy shows alteration in surface structure. The surface strategy elements of a language are

altered in specific and systematic ways. The most general

breakdown can be addition, omission, mis formation, and


a. Addition

Addition error is characterized by the presence of an item

which is ungrammatically English. There are three types of

addition error:

1) Double Marking. It occurs when there are two or more items with same feature in a sentence. For example: My

father doesn’t go to the office this morning, because he

is sick (doesn’t and goes are the same feature for simple

present tense). The correct form of that sentence is: My

father doesn’t go to the office this morning, because he

is sick.

2) Regularization. In English, there are exceptions to the

rule for some members of class. For examples, the verb

eats, the past form is not eated, but ate; the noun sheep,

the plural form is sheep, not sheeps. Whenever learners

apply the rules used to produce the regular ones to those that irregular, it results in error of regularization.

3) Simple addition. It is the use of an item which should not

appear in a well-formed utterance, and they are not

double marking or regularization error.

b. Omission

Omission errors are the opponent of additions. It is

characterized by the absence of an item that must appear

correctly according to the rules of grammar. It is found in a

greater variety of morphemes. This error, the learner may omit noun and verb inflections (the –s in plural form of

birds, -ed in looked, the –ing in cooking, etc.). For example:

a) I bought three doll for my daughter two days ago.

(omission –s for plural form – dolls)

b) I study Math last night. (omission –ed for inflectional

verb – studied).

c. Mis formation

Mis formation is characterized using either morpheme or

structure in the wrong form. It occurs when the learner

supplies incorrect item in well-formed utterance. Similar with addition, misformation also has some subtypes;

regularization errors, archi-forms, alternating forms.

Regularization errors are those in which a regular marker

is used in place of an irregular one, as in runned for ran or

gooses for geese. Another subtype is archi-form, it happened

when learners select one member of a class of forms to

represent others in the class. For example, a learner

temporarily selects just one of the English demonstratives

adjectives this, that, these, and those to do the work for

several of them (that dog, that dogs). The last subtypes are

alternating form, it defines as fairly free alternation of

various members of a class with each other, in case of

pronoun, the learners may use masculine for feminine (or

vice versa), as in he for she.

d. Misordering

Incorrect placement of a morpheme or group of morphemes in an utterance is characteristic of misordering.

For example, the learner may say “I don’t know where Rudy

is”. In this sentence there is an incorrect placement. The

correct sentence is “I don’t know where Rudy is”.

3. Comparative Taxonomy

Comparative taxonomy classifies the errors based on

comparisons between the second language learners’ errors

and errors reported by learners acquiring English as a first

language. Types of comparative taxonomy are

developmental errors, interlingual errors, ambiguous errors,

and other errors.

4. Communicative Effect Taxonomy

Communicative effect taxonomy deals with errors from

the perspective of the listener or reader. It is related to errors

that come from misunderstanding of the listener or the

reader to what the speaker says, or the writer writes. Global

error and local error are included in this taxonomy.

C. Source of Error

Errors in learning target language are occurred by many causes. By identifying the cause of errors, we can figure out

why the errors happened, and more understand of how the

process of target language acquisition. Brown’s theory

exposed three main sources of errors; they are interlingual

transfer, intralingual transfer, and context of learning.

1. Interlingual Transfer

Interlingual defined as errors which is the result of

language transfer or translation that caused by the students’

first language. Interlingual transfer can be called mother

tongue interference [13]. It has a great deal in learning target

language directly. Interlingual errors are similar in structure to an

equivalent phrase or sentence in the learners’ native

language [10]. It also be said that this error occurs because

the learners’ native language does not have the same rules of

the target language has, but the learner applies the rules of

their native language into target language.

2. Intralingual Transfer

Intralingual transfer errors result from the faulty or

partial learning. It occurs as a result of learner’s attempt to

build up concepts about the target language from the limited experience with it.

3. Context of learning

Context of learning means that the social situation or the

school that takes place in learning process can lead to the

source of error [13]. In the classroom context for example,

the teacher or the book can lead the learner to make an error

in accepting the concepts.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 297


Another source of errors is mentioned by Norrish quoted

[14]. He classifies causes of error into three types that are:

a. Carelessness

Carelessness is so-called as lack of motivation. The materials, strategies and method of teaching which is not

suitable with the learners’ interest may cause carelessness in

learning, especially language learning. It is not totally

students’ fault.

b. First Language Interference

This source of error is also known as first language

interference. Learning a language either mother tongue or

foreign language is a habitual formation, because when

someone is going to learn new habits the old one will

interfere the new ones.

c. Translation

Translation is one of the sources of error. This happens

because a student translates his first language sentence or

idiomatic expression into the target language word by word


In this research, the researcher used descriptive

qualitative research. According to Creswell in [15]

qualitative research is for exploring and understanding the

meaning individual or group ascribed to social or human

problem. In conducting this research, the researcher

describes the types of grammatical error on morphology and syntax rules based on Linguistic Category Taxonomy. The

data was taken from 20 students’ abstract translation of

IAIN Metro. The data will be gained through several

instruments that are observation and documentation and

note taking technique. To analyze the data, the researcher

used interactive model by Miles and Huberman in [16],

which consists of four steps that are data collection, data

reduction, data display and conclusion.


The data analysis showed that there are five categories of

errors in total included in morphology and syntax errors.

The researcher found two kinds of morphological error that are verb and number. Other three kinds of error are included

in syntactical errors that are Subject Verb Agreement,

Parallelism, and Unnatural Structure. The following table

illustrated the errors which were found in students’ abstract




No Category of Error Numb


1 Morphology Verb 55

Number 10

2 Syntax S-V Agreement 12

Parallelism 37

Unnatural Structure 68

Total 182

The Table I above shows some categories of errors

generally made by the students in translating abstract. The

highest number of errors made by the students in translating

abstract is syntax category that is unnatural structure with 68

errors in total. Error in using verb comes after unnatural

structure with 55 errors made by 20 students in translating

abstract. Parallelism errors are found with 37 error in total and error in using number both singular and plural form is

the lowest error after S-V agreement with 10 numbers and

5.5 percent.

The following presents the discussion from aforementioned


A. Morphological Error

The researcher found 65 morphological errors made by

the students in translating abstract of under graduated theses

in IAIN Metro. These errors can be classified into /two kinds of morphological errors that are verb and number.

Each category will be elaborated in following explanation.

1) Verb: The researcher found 55 errors in total showing the

error of verb. In this case, the categorization of verb error

was in misemployed active-passive voice verb, misuse of

preposition in phrasal verb, omitting suffix –ing after

preposition, and omitting suffix s/es in third singular person.

The following is the data and explanation of verb error

found in students’ abstract translation.

Data 1. Data of Error in using Verb ST: Setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan,

pengamatan, dan refleksi.

TT: Each cycle *consist of planning, acting, observing, and


The data above contain a grammatical error in the use of

verb. The subject of the sentence refers to singular but the

writer used plural verb-consist of. Bahasa Indonesia does

not have any form in the use of singular or plural verb. It is

probably making the students to carry out some errors. This

is kind of interlingual transfer that the students are

influenced by their native language.

Data 2. Data of Error in using Verb

ST: Grice merupakan orang yang pertama kali mempelajari

persoalan-persoalan mengenai …

TT: Grice is the first who *study cases about speaker …

The data show an error in using verb that is plural verb after

pronoun who. The pronoun who, that, and which become

singular or plural according to the noun directly in front of

them, while the data have a singular subject which is

required singular verb. The cause is probably native language interference that Bahasa Indonesia does not have

the same rules as the target language.

2) Number: There were 10 errors in total that the researcher

found in the students’ abstract translation. Error in number

often occurs in English language since the pattern of number

does not exist in Bahasa Indonesia. The researcher gives the

data of number error in students’ abstract translations.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 297


Data 3. Data of Error in using Number

ST: Karena empat strategi menjadi fenomena…

TT: Because the four *strategy become phenomena…

The data above show error in the use of number in English. Bahasa Indonesia does not have form in the use of

plural and singular in number, but English language does. In

the data above, the writer translates “empat strategi” to

“four strategy” which is ungrammatical in English,

especially in written form. It is categorized as error in

number. Suffix “s/es” should be added in the word

“strategy” to adjust target language grammatical form.

Data 4. Data of Error in using Number

ST:… gerund sebagai subjek, gerund sebagai objek,

sebagai pelengkap, gerund setelah kata kerja tertentu…

TT:…gerund as a subject, an object, a complements, after certain verb…

The data show an error in using suffix “s” in singular noun.

The source text required singular noun “pelengkap” but the

students translate it into plural “complements” which is

ungrammatically English.

B. Syntactical Error

The researcher found 117 syntactical errors made by the

students in translating abstract of under graduated theses in

IAIN Metro. These errors can be classified into three kinds of syntactical errors that are S-V agreement, Parallelism,

and Unnatural Structure. Each category will be elaborated in

following explanation.

3) S-V Agreement: Agreement means the state of having

same number, gender, or person. The basic rule in Subject-

Verb Agreement is that the singular subject takes a singular

verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb. There are 12

errors showing S-V agreement in students’ abstract

translation. The following explanation will show kinds of S-

V agreement error in students’ abstract translation.

Data 5. Data of Error in S-V Agreement

ST: penulis mencoba untuk menggunakan Team Based


TT: the writer *try to use Team Based Learning

The data show error in Subject Verb agreement in the

target language. The word “the writer” indicates third

singular person that requires a singular verb, but the writer

omits suffix “es” in translating to target language that is the

characteristic of singular verb in English. Since English has

special form in combining subject and verb, the above example is kinds of error.

4) Parallelism: Parallelism can be understood as a balance of

two or more similar words, phrases, or clauses. In English

language, items in a series should be parallel in that they

must have the same grammatical forms. There are 37 errors

found in students’ abstract translation. Here is the data of

parallelism error:

Data 6. Data of Error in Parallelism

ST: siswa kurang termotivasi dan kurang antusias dalam

belajar kalimat sederhana

TT: students have less motivation and *enthusiastic in

learning simple sentence

A sentence should arrange parallel structure, especially in

word class category. The data shows parallelism error that

occurs in phrase “motivation and enthusiastic” which has

different word class, that is noun for “motivation” and

adjective for “enthusiastic”. It indicates error in the sentence


Data 7. Data of Error in Parallelism

ST: Hal itu berarti bahwa ada hubungan yang positif dan


TT: It means that there was a positive and significant…

The data show the parallelism error of verb. The first clause

uses “means” which indicates present tense verb but the

second uses simple past tense verb “was”.

5) Unnatural Structure: Unnatural structure is the case when

the structure is influenced by structure of native language.

There are 68 errors in total showing unnatural structure.

Those errors mostly influenced by interference. Here are the

data of unnatural structure:

Data 8. Data of Unnatural Structure

ST: Banyak kemampuan yang harus kita kuasai seperti

menyimak, berbicara, membaca dan menulis

TT: Many skills that have to be mastered such as listening,

speaking, reading and writing

The data show that the writer uses “that” to translate

“yang” in English and omits verb that is the main

component in a sentence. It is probably caused by

interference of the source or native language of the writer

which does not have rule of verb form.

Data 9. Data of Unnatural Structure

ST: Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester

tiga jurursan pendidikan bahasa inggris mempunyai

masalah dua kategori

TT: The result of this research the third semester of the

English department of the STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro have

two problems.

The data above sound unnatural since English sentence has

the rules in the use of verb. The sentence sound unnatural

because the main subject is unclear, and it needs a conjunction that is omitted. The best translation should be

“The result of this research is that the third semester of the

English department of the STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro has two



The result based on the analysis of 20 samples of

abstract translation carried out by the undergraduate

students in IAIN Metro revealed that grammatical problems

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 297


common in their translation could be summed up in five

categories. Those are Verb, Number, S-V Agreement,

Parallelism, and Unnatural Structure included in

Morphological and Syntactical Structure. Unnatural

Structure take the highest number of errors proceed from interference of native or source language of the students.


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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 297