grammar introduction

Grammar Introduction

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Grammar Introduction. Parts of Speech. There are only eight kinds of words. They are the parts of speech. Nouns Pronouns Verbs Adjectives. Adverbs Conjunctions Interjections Prepositions. Parts of a Sentence. Only five parts of a sentence. Subject Simple/Complete Predicate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Grammar Introduction

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Parts of Speech

There are only eight kinds of words. They are the parts of speech. Nouns Pronouns Verbs Adjectives

Adverbs Conjunctions Interjections Prepositions

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Parts of a Sentence

Only five parts of a sentence. Subject

Simple/Complete Predicate

Simple/Complete Direct Object Indirect Object Subject Complement

Predicate nominative/adjective

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Sentence Structure







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There are three types of phrases. Prepositional Appositive Verbal

Gerund Participle Infinitive

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There are two types of clauses. Independent Dependent

Sentences can be termed as: Simple Compound Complex Compound-Complex

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Clauses - continued

Sentences can also be classified as: Declarative Imperative Interrogative Exclamatory

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Punctuating Clauses


I, cc I I; I

I, I = comma splice IccI = run-on sentence

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adj nn v

Adv vAdv adv v

Prep adj nAdv adj n-x- conj -x-

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Action is the foundational key to all success (Pablo Picasso).

n lv adj adj n prep adj n. S P SC(pn) prep phrase – to all success 1 Independent Clause; 1 simple, declarative


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I couldn’t wait for success, so I went ahead without it (Jonathan Winters). Pron hv adv v prep n, conj Pron v adv prep

n S P S P prep phrase – for success prep phrase –

without it 2 independent clauses; 1 compound,

declarative sentences (I, cc I)

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Practice I don’t know the key to success, but the key

to failure is trying to please everybody (Bill Cosby). Pron hv adv v adj n prep n, conj adj n

prep n hv v n S P DO S P DO prep phrase – to success prep phrase –

to failure infinitive phrase – to please everybody

2 Independent Clause; 1 Compound, Declarative Sentences (I, cc I)

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In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure (Bill Cosby).

Prep n, adj n prep n hv v n conj adj n prep n.

S P DO prep phrase - in order to succeed infinitive

phrase – to succeed, prep phrase – for success prep phrase – of failure

1 independent clause, 2 dependent clauses; 1 complex, declarative sentence (D, I D)

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Practice In order to succeed, you must fail, so that

you know what not to do the next time (Anthony J. D’Angelo). Prep n, pron hv v, conj pron v pron adv n

adj adj n S P, S P DO prep phrase – In order to succeed infinitive

phrase – to succeed, ,infinitve phrase – what not to do the next time

2 independent clauses, 1 dependent clause; 1 compound-complex, declarative sentence (D, I, conj I)

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Success is that old ABC, ability, break, and courage (Charles Luckman).

n lv adj adj n adj(n, n, conj, n) S P SC(pn) Appositive – ability, break, and courage 1 independent clause; 1 simple, declarative


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The thermometer of success is merely the jealousy of the malcontents (Salvador Dali).

Adj n prep n lv adv adj n prep adj n S P SC(pn) prep phrase – of success prep phrase – of the

malcontents 1 independent clause; 1 simple, declarative


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It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well (Rene Descartes).

Pron lv adv adj n; adj adj n lv n S P SC(pa); S P SC(pn) infinitive phrase – to have a good mind,

infinitive phrase – to use it well 2 independent clauses; 1 compound,

declarative sentences (I;I)

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Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic (Arthur C. Clarke).

Adj adv adj n lv adj prep n S P SC(pa) prep phrase – from magic 1 independent clause; 1 simple, declarative


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I love the smell of napalm in the morning (Apocalypse Now).

Pron v adj n prep n prep adj n S P DO prep phrase – of napalm prep phrase – in the

morning 1 independent clause; 1 simple, declarative


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The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force (Star Wars).

N lv adj prep adj n prep adj n S P SC(pa) Infinitive phrase – The ability to destroy a

planet prep phrase – next to the power prep phrase – of the Force

1 independent clause, 1 dependent clause; 1 complex , declarative sentence

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I’ll make him an offer [that] he can’t refuse (The Godfather).

Pron hv v pron adj n [conj] pron hv adv v S P IO DO S P no phrases, appositives, or verbals 2 independent clauses; 1 compound,

declarative sentence (I;I OR I, conj I)

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Either he’s dead, or my watch has stopped (A Day at the Races).

Conj pron lv adj, conj adj n hv v S P SC(pa), S P no phrases, appositives, or verbals 2 independent clause; 1 compound, declarative

sentence (I, c I)

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It just so happens that your friend here is only mostly dead (The Princess Bride).

Pron adv adv av conj adj n adv lv adv adv adj

S P S P SC(pa) no phrases, appositives, or verbals 1 independent clause, 1 dependent clause; 1

complex declarative sentence (I D)

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Well, Princess, it looks like you managed to keep me here a while longer (The Empire Strikes Back).

Interj, n(noun of address), pron lv conj Pron av n

S P, S P DO Infinitive phrase – to keep me here a while

longer 1 independent clause; 1 complex, declarative


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Go ahead, make my day (Sudden Impact). [You] Go ahead; [You] make my day.

V adv, v adj n [S] P, [S] P DO no phrases, appositives, or verbals 2 independent clauses; 1 compound,

imperative sentences (I;I)

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This one goes to eleven (This Is Spinal Tap).

Adj n av prep n S P Prep phrase – to eleven 1 independent clause; 1 simple declarative


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Stupid is, as stupid does (Forrest Gump).

N bv, conj n bv S P S P no phrases, appositives, or verbals 2 independent clauses; 1 compound declarative

sentence (I, conj I)

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Don’t call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease (Star Wars)!

Hv adv av pron adj adj n, pron adj n prep n

[S] P IO DO Noun phrase – you overweight glob of grease

prep phrase – of grease 1 independent clause; 1 simple, exclamatory


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Not one couple in a century has that chance, no matter what the story books say (The Princess Bride).

Adv adj n prep adj n av adj n, conj pron adj adj n av

S P DO, DO S P Prep phrase – in a century 2 independent clause; 1 compound, declarative

sentence (I, conj I)

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Laugh it up, fuzzball (The Empire Strikes Back).

Av pron adv, n(noun of address) [S] P DO no phrases, appositives, or verbals 1 independent clause; 1 simple, imperative


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You got that number to that truck-driving school, Truck Masters (Top Gun)?

Pron v adj n prep adj adj n, n S P DO Prep phrase – to that truck-driving school, Truck

Masters gerund – truck-driving appositive – Truck Masters

1 independent clause; 1 simple interrogative sentence

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You mocked me once, never do it again (The Princess Bride)!

Pron av pron adv, adv av pron adv S P DO, P DO no phrases, appositives, or verbals 1 independent clause; 1 simple, imperative


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Luke, I am your father (The Empire Strikes Back).

n(noun of address), pron lv adj n S P SC(pn) no phrases, appositives, or verbals 1 independent clause; 1 simple, declarative


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She picks our clothes out for us, makes our lunches, cuts the crust off the ends of our bread (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air).

Pron av adj n adv prep pron, av adj n, av adj n prep adj n prep adj n

S P DO, P DO, P DO Prep phrase – for us, prep phrase – off the

ends prep phrase – of our bread 1 independent clause; 1 simple, declarative


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Nurse, if I gave you a direct order to betray him (Star Trek)?

n(noun of address), conj Pron av pron adj adj n n pron

S P IO DO Infinitve phrase – a direct order to betray him [1 independent clause,] 1 dependent clause; 1

simple, interrogative sentence [Would you do it?]

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Snakes, Why’d it have to be snakes (Raiders of the Lost Ark)?

N Adv hv pron av n n S P DO Noun phrase – Snakes Infinitive phrase – to be

snakes 1 independent clause; 1 simple, interrogative


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You’re a beautiful woman, probably (Doctor Who).

Pron lv adj adj n, adv S P SC(pn) no phrases, appositives, or verbals 1 independent clause; 1 simple, declarative


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The Force is with you, young Skywalker, but you are not a Jedi yet (The Empire Strikes Back).

Adj n lv prep pron, n, conj pron lv adv adj n adv

S P, S P SC(pn) Prep phrase – with you appositive – young

Skywalker 2 independent clauses; 1 compound,

declarative sentence

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I always like to do the unexpected, [because] it takes people by surprise (Doctor Who).

Pron adv av n adj n, [conj] pron av n prep n

S P DO, S P DO Infinitve phrase – to do the unexpected prep

phrase – by surprise 2 independent clause; 1 compound, declarative

sentence (I;I OR I, [conj] I)

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You lost today, kid, but that doesn’t mean you have to like it (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade).

Pron av adv, n(noun of address), conj pron hv adv av pron hv n pron

S P, S P DO Infinitive phrase – you have to like it 2 independent clause; 1 compound, declarative


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Give yourself to the Dark Side (Return of the Jedi).

Av pron prep adj adj n [S] P DO Prep phrase – to the Dark Side 1 independent clause; 1 simple, imperative


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It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage (Raiders of the Lost Ark).

Pron lv adv adj n, n(noun of address) pron lv adj n

S P DO, S P DO no phrases, appositives, or verbals 2 independent clause; 1 compound, declarative


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Rest is for the weary; sleep is for the dead (Doctor Who).

N lv prep adj n; n lv prep adj n S P; S P Prep phrase – for the weary Prep phrase – for

the dead 2 independent clauses; 1 compound,

declarative sentence

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It’s curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar (Harry Potter).

Pron lv adj conj pron hv hv av prep adj prep conj adj n av pron adj n

S P SC(pa) S P S P IO DO Prep phrase – for this wand 1 independent clause, 2 dependent clauses; 1

complex, declarative sentence

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Your little girlfriend gave me the stinkeye in art class yesterday (Juno).

Adj adj n av pron adj n prep adj adj adv S P IO DO Prep phrase – in art class 1 independent clause; 1 simple, declarative


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For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi (The Empire Strikes Back).

Prep adj adj n hv pron av n P S P DO Prep phrase – for eight hundred years 1 independent clause; 1 simple, declarative

sentence [I have trained Jedi for eight hundred years.]

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May the Force be with you (Star Wars).

Hv adj n bv prep pron P S P Prep phrase – with you 1 independent clause; 1 simple, declarative

sentence [The Force may be with you.]