grammar and composition words 1 10

Greek and Latin Roots Vocabulary Victory!

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Page 1: Grammar and composition words 1 10

Greek and Latin Roots

Vocabulary Victory!

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Photos—lightPhotograph—(graph –write, draw) - picture drawn by lightTelephoto—(tele—distant) - light from far awayPhotometer—(metron—measure) - a device which measures lightPhototropic—(tropos—turn) turning toward lightPhotophilia—(philia—love) - love of lightPhotophobia—(phobos—fear) - fear or dislike of lightPhotosynthesis—(syn—together, thesis—putting) a process of putting things together by using light

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Graph– to write or drawPhotograph—(photo –light) - picture drawn by lightPhonograph—(phono—sound) machine for writing (or recording) soundTelegraph—(tele—distant) - writing from far awayGraph— pictured informationLithograph— (lithos—stone) - drawing made on a stoneGraphite—black carbon used for drawing or writingAutograph—(autos—self) - to write one’s own namePhonogram—(phono– sound) written symbol for a soundHologram—(holos– complete) a three—dimensional photograph of a whole objectPictograph—(picture (L)painting) a writing form in which there is a pic for each word

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Tele—Far away, distantTelevision—(video, visum (L) - see) - seeing distant thingsTelephone—(phone, sound) - sound from far awayTelegraph—(graph—write) - writing from a distanceTelephoto—(photo—light) light from far awayTelescope—(skopeo - look at) - device for looking at distant objectsTelepathy—(pathos—feeling) - knowing how someone far away is feelingTelethon—(Marathon—a battlefield in ancient Greece) a telephone fund raiser which runs on non-stop, as Phiedippides ran after the battle of Marathon.

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Metron—measureMeter—unit of measure— 39.47 inches longGeometry— (geo-earth) - measurement of the earthOptometry—(opsis—sight) - measure eyesightSymmetry—(sym—same, equal) - measuring the sameBarometer—(baros—weight, pressure) - device to measure air pressureThermometer—(thermos—heat) - measure heatDiameter—(dia—through, across) - measuring acrossCentimeter— (centum—hundred) - one hundredth of a meterAnemometer—(anemos—wind) - measures wind speed

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Tropos—turningTropics—the area of the earth from the equator north to the Tropic of Cancer and south to the Tropic of CapricornTropical—the climate of the earth in the tropicsPhototropic—(photo—light) - turning toward light as leaves and flowers doHeliotrope—(helios – sun) - a flower named for its tendency to turn toward the sunTropophilous—(philia– love) - plants or trees which like a change or turning of seasons—hot and cold, wet and dryThermotropism (thermos—heat) - turning toward heat

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Philia—love, friendshipPhilosopher—(Sophia – wisdom) - one who loves wisdomPhiladelphia—(adelphos—brother) - city of brotherly lovePhilanthropist—(anthropos – man) - one who cares about his/her fellow manPhillumenist— (lumen—light) - one who collects match coversPhilogynist - (gyne—woman) - one who loves womenPhilologist—(logos—word) - one who loves wordsPhilter—love potionAnglophile—(Angli– English) - one who loves England Francophile—(Francus—France) - one who loves France

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Phobos—fearPhobia– irrational fearAgoraphobia—(agora—field) fear of open spaceClaustrophobia—(claustrum (L) - lock or bolt) - fear of closed (locked or bolted) spacesHydrophobia—(hydro—water) - disease which makes it difficult to swallow, thought to be fear of waterPhobophobia—fear of fear itselfZoophobia—(zoon—animal) fear of animalsToxikophobia—(toxikos—poison) - fear of poisonPhobos—a moon of the planet Mars

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Syn—with, togetherSympathy—(pathos—feeling) - to feel with someone elseSymphony—(phone—sound) - sounds that go togetherSynthesis—(thesis—put, place ) - putting togetherSynthetic—material made by putting chemicals togetherPhotosynthesis (photo—light) - process by which lights puts plant nutrients together to make green chlorophyllSynonym—(onoma—name) - two words with the same meaningSynagogue—(ago—bring) - place to bring people togetherSynchronize—(chronos—time) - to do things at the same time.

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Thesis—put, place, positionThesis—a position taken in an argument supported by a set of reasonsTheme—an essay or composition on a certain subject with a statement and supporting reasonsParenthesis—(para—beside) - statement beside (or inside) a main sentenceSynthetic—(syn—together) - elements put together to make a material like a natural one (synthetic wool)Synthesizer—(syn– together) - instrument which puts sounds together like real musical instruments.

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Kinesis—movementKinetic—relating to movement of bodiesKinesiology—(logos—word or study) - study of human movementKinescope—(skopeo—look at) - a machine which shows pictures of movement (old term for TV movies)Cinema— motion pictures (Greeks had no “c”. They used “K”Cinematographer—motion picture photographer

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Works Cited

• Lundquist, Joegil. English from the Roots Up: Help for Reading, Writing, Spelling, and S.A.T. Scores. Bellevue: Literary Unlimited: 1989. ISBN 89-63169